Biography. Wild American Glam Rock: "Lizzy Borden"

After Lizzie Borden ( Lizzy Borden) spent about four years hanging out in a variety of club groups in Los Angeles, he decides in the spring of 1983, together with his brother, drummer Joe Scott Hardzhesom (Joey Scott Marges) to establish their own group. It was supposed to be the most unbridled band of all time, so this name was chosen - the name of the bad memory of the murderous woman Lizzy Borden, who cracked down on her victims with an ax. Guitarist Tony Matuzak was found through a newspaper ad. Although Lizzy himself did not know him, he guessed from information from competitors what this guy was like. The position of bassist remained vacant. When the situation began to become almost dramatic, second guitarist Gene Allen (Gene Alien) came to the group from one of the many garage bands. So Lizzy was back in business and his band debuted with the track "Rod Of Iron" on Brian Slagel's "Metal Massacre IV" compilation. Almost simultaneously, Lizzy found the missing link in the chain - bassist Mike Davis. And since Metal Blade boss Slagel was very positive about LIZZY BORDEN's chances of success, he no longer let the young band out of sight and in April 1984 released their debut EP "Give "Em The Axe". In addition to three of their own compositions, the group covered RAINBOW "Long Live Rock "n" Roll", and not particularly successful, like the entire EP. Almost immediately, a full-fledged debut was released" love you That Pieces", which convincingly let everyone know that this group can write much more than a couple of pretty metal songs. Lizzy himself had excellent taste in the choice of melodic material, and it was worth looking for such vocal abilities that he possessed. The twin guitars vaguely resembled IRON MAIDEN, but compared to them, the group was much more melodic and already found an excellent balance between melody and harshness on the first album.Tony leaves the group, who is replaced by Alex Nelson.On Friday, December 13, 1985, the group recorded their show in full in Country Club in Los Angeles: The legendary double live album, appropriately titled "The Murderess Metal Roadshow" is released simultaneously with a video that tells the bloody and exciting show in the spirit of the old ALICE COOPER and KISS. mores, becomes the title of the next album. musically this album continued the line chosen on previous records and became the most successful in the history of LIZZY BORDEN, hitting the local charts at 141 places. At the same time, the release of this album put an end to the bloodthirsty show, the group wanted to try something else. LIZZY BORDEN failed to seize the opportunity - a European tour with SAXON was cancelled, and the 1987 mini-album "Terror Rising" was dedicated to the theme of a fantastic future. It featured ARMORED SAINT bassist Joey Vera and BITCH singer Betsy as guests. The audience began to wonder if Lizzie had exhausted her creative potential? Double live album, mini-album with JEFFERSON AIRPLANE , TUBES cover versions and only two own songs! In addition, Alex Nelson left the group, but he was quickly replaced by Jay. Holmes (J.Holmes). To record the best-selling album "Visual Lies", released in September 1997, was invited famous producer Max Norman (Max Norman), which greatly influenced the sound of the record. Loyal fans did not really like such a commercial album, but the group was finally able to win a wider audience. "When we got into the studio, we had 13 songs ready, of which we had to choose 9 for the record, and a couple more for the single. Max worked on each song so much that any one could become a single. The initial versions were 10 times heavier and more aggressive, but we worked so hard in the studio that the class of each song became an order of magnitude higher." In early 1988, Jean and Jay Holmes, who founded TERRIF, were fired from the group, followed by Mike. Lizzy expressed his point of view in this way: "I am the leader of this group, each of its members must perform certain duties. Therefore, line-up changes are so frequent." While Mr. Lizzy looked for himself new musicians, he managed to record with the help of studio musicians solo album"Master Of Disguise" (August 1989). By this point, "Visual Lies" had reached the peak of popularity in the States, and the group had to go on a big tour, which Lizzy had dreamed of all her life. He quickly put together a new team: guitarist Paul Lidel (Paul Lidel), ex-DIRTY LOOKS, former employee Billboard magazine guitarist Ron Cerrito, bassist Brian Perry. After the tour, the band made a short trip to Europe, and in 1993 the chief finally decided to leave LIZZY BORDEN, founding DIAMOND DOGS. But after 4 years, this group also bored him - he could not keep the musicians under such control as before. He decides to revive LIZZY BORDEN. It was the right move, as confirmed by the successful performances at European festivals in 1999. In addition to Lizzy and his brother, the team included veteran guitarist Alex Nelson and rookie bassist Marten Andersson (Marten Andersson). Released in August 2000, the album "Deal With The Devil" combined best features LIZZY BORDEN with new trends and unusual for the group rigidity.

The founder and frontman of the gang was a guy who took the same name, Lizzy Borden. His first assistant in the creation of the team was his brother Joey Scott Harges, who took the place for drum set. Other members of the band were guitarists Tony Matuzak and Gene Allen. Worst of all was the bassist, who could not be found.

A suitable candidate (Mike Davis) was discovered only when "Lizzy Borden" were going to record a track for "Metal Massacre IV". The band released their first release on "Metal blade" in 1984 - it was the EP "Give "em the axe". In addition to the band's own material, there was also a cover of "Rainbow", "Long live rock" n "roll".

The mini-album was followed by the full-length "Love you to pieces". It has already crystallized the style of "Lizzy Borden" - melodic heavy metal with a clear influence of "Iron Maiden" and "Judas priest". After the release of "Love you to pieces", Tony Matuzak left the band to make way for Alex Nelson. New guitarist debuted on the live album "The murderess metal roadshow", recorded on Friday, December 13, 1985. This performance by "Lizzy Borden", which was also released on video, caused viewers to associate with the show "Kiss" and Alice Cooper. At the same time, Lizzie Borden's signature feature was a microphone made in the form of a bloody axe.

After the album "Menace to society", Alex Nelson left the band, and the next EP, "Terror rising", was recorded by the band as a four-piece. Several covers were included on this release, including a version of the cult song "Jefferson Airplane", "White rabbit". "Terror Rising" featured Joey Vera ("Armored saint") and Betsy ("Bitch") as guests.

Special development in the work of "Lizzy Borden" was not observed, and Lizzy tried to solve the problem through personnel changes. So, on the disc "Visual lies", recorded with producer Max Norman, Gene Allen was replaced by Joe Holmes, and on the 1989 album "Master of disguise" there were guitarists David Michael Philips and Ronnie Jude. This work received the greatest recognition from listeners and reached number 133 on the Billboard (previous releases, although they were on the charts, hung somewhere at the end of the second hundred). In the early 90s, Lizzy Borden, as well as many other heavy bands, fell on hard times, and the band was content with club concerts.

In the end, the activity of the group practically disappeared, and its return took place only at the end of the millennium. The composition of "Lizzy Borden" sample of 2000 looked like this: Borden (vocals), Nelson (guitar), Harges (drums) and Marten Andersson (bass). The team released new album and began touring, but after the death of Alex Nelson, who died in a car accident on May 17, 2004, was again disbanded. Her former members formed new project called Starwood.

endowed by nature beautiful voice American vocalist, composer and instrumentalist Lizzy Borden(real name - Darrell Van Horn) grew up in an aristocratic musical environment, became interested in Anglo-Saxon hard-n-heavy, creativity " Iron Maiden"," Raven "," Savage ". In 1984, he picked up fellow hobbies for the accompanying line-up: Gene Allen (guitar), Tony Mutuzak (guitar), Mike Davis (bass) and Joey Scott Harges (drums). Playing as dressed in leather and growing hair, the musicians appeared before the public.They received their first real applause only a year later, when the debut LP of the aspiring rockers "Give" em The Axe "went through the hands of the fans.

After recording debut giant" Love You to Pieces"(1985) the departed Mutuzak was replaced by Alex Nelson. The group continued to gain momentum, and in 1986 broke out with a double live album" The Murdress Metal Road Show", and a year later released a giant" Menace to Society". Both works were recognized by music lovers and critics as original and modern. Only the Roadrunner firm objected, which believed that the group's hard image did not match its music. Businessmen wanted Lizzy Borden to look, for example, like " Guns'n'Roses"or "Dokken". As an experiment, the guys invited the vocalist of the group "Bitch" ("Whore") Betsy Weiss, and Lizzy sang the old thing "The Tubes" with her duet - "Don" t Touch Me There ", but not to say to make Betsy happy with the results.

The line-up replaced Nelson with a new guitarist, Jess Holmes. With him and with the new studio work - the album " Visual Lies"The musicians pinned their hopes on a serious commercial success. However, their expectations were not destined to come true. The release of the mini-album did not help either. Terror rising", and performances with Alice Cooper, and participation in the festival in Reading. People began to leave Borden. In 1988, Holmes and Allen left him, then bassist Mike Davis dropped out. There was only one replacement for everyone in the face of a guitarist and bassist Ron Cerrito.

In fact, Lizzy had long dreamed of solo work and was indifferent to the loss of colleagues. After dispersing the rest, he spent all the money earned from the sale of "Visual Lies" on his personal album " Master of Disguise"(1989). The name of the disc speaks of its social orientation. We are talking about the art of surviving among the brilliant "cinema" world of the rich and the aristocracy. In general, the album is not conceptual, the songs are arranged spontaneously, unpredictably, which is quite in the nature of the author. Guitarists for records were selected so that they did not meet during the recording period, but worked with separate tracks. The result exceeded all expectations: the guitarists played such parts that Lizzie had never been able to get before, passing their compositions for interpretation.

Satisfying the need for independent activity, Lizzy announced the recruitment of a new line-up of musicians in the group "Lizzy Borden". He quickly put together a new team: guitarist Ron Kerrito, second guitarist Paul Lidel (Paul Lidel) and bassist Brian Perry (Brian Perry). After the tour, the group briefly visited Europe, and in 1993 the chef finally decided to quit Lizzy Borden, founding Diamond Dogs. But after four years, he was bored with this group as well - he could not keep the musicians under such control as before. He decides to revive "Lizzy Borden". It was the right move, which was confirmed by successful performances at European festivals in 1999. In addition to Lizzy and his brother, the team included veteran guitarist Alex Nelson and rookie bassist Marten Andersson.

Album released in August 2000 Deal With The Devil"combined the best features of "Lizzy Borden" with new trends and is characterized by unusual rigidity for the group. It was recorded in the group's own studio in Los Angeles, produced by Elliot Soloman, and designed famous artist Todd McFarlane. Borden himself described the work as " musical journey to Hell" and compared its significance in music with Dante's work in literature. A massive American tour began. In April 2001 at three in the morning, after a concert in North Carolina, guitar tech Ulrik Zander received three gunshot wounds while trying to rob. The incident was witnessed by Borden himself, who left after Zander and miraculously did not fall at the hands of an armed robber.

The band's touring activity lasts for several years, but after the death of Alex Nelson, who died in a car accident on May 17, 2004, it was again disbanded. Its former members formed a new project called "Starwood" and released the LP "If It Ain" t Broke, Break It!

In 2007, the group reconvenes under the same name, but c - Ira Black (Ira Black). In this composition, the group recorded the album " Appointment With Death"(2007). and again touring, and again preparing for the recording of the album, which, however, did not appear at the scheduled time.

Lizzy Borden for a while completely put an end to studio activities, switching all her efforts to touring performances. This period was too long, however, the musicians of the group (the composition of which has changed somewhat) continued to work on the next studio album. And now, 11 years after the last release, on June 15, 2018, another creation of "Lizzy Borden" finally came out - " My Midnight Things". He immediately hit the Billboard Top 200 charts, though only at number 148. On the Canadian "Top Hard Music Charts" the performance was better - 84th position.

The band continues to tour extensively to this day.

Studio albums by Lizzy Borden

Give "Em the Ax (1984) MD - EP
Love You to Pieces (1985)
Menace to Society (1986)
Visual Lies (1987)
Terror Rising (1987) MD - EP
Master of Disguise (as Lizzy Borden solo album) (1989)
Deal with the Devil (2000)
If It Ain "t Broke, Break It!" (as the Starwood group) (2004)
Appointment with Death (2007)
My Midnight Things (2018)

"and" Kiss ", then in terms of music it was influenced by" Iron Maiden "," Judas Priest "and" Black Sabbath". "Lizzy Borden" got its name in honor of a female killer who lived in the 19th century. Corresponding The band's frontman took the name for himself, and one of his signature attributes was a microphone in the form of a bloodied ax.The band's history began in 1983, when Borden and his associates recorded an eight-track cassette.With the help of this demo, the team managed to interest the Metal Blade company , and the label first included one "Lizzy" piece on the "Metal Massacre IV" compilation, and in 1984 released the "Give "Em The Axe" EP. The band's line-up at that time had stabilized and, in addition to Lizzy, included vocalist Joey's brother Scott Hughes (drums), Tony Matuzak (guitar), Gene Allen (guitar) and Mike Davis (bass).

In 1985, the debut LP "Love You To Pieces" was released, which, due to the low budget, was distinguished by the low quality of the sound producer. Shortly after the release, Matuzak disappeared somewhere, and Alex Nelson took his place. At the end of 1985 (namely on Friday, December 13th) the live album "The Murderess Metal Road Show" was recorded, published both on audio and on video.

The record "Menace To Society" brought the team the first hit on the "Billboard" lists. And although the album ended up only at the end of the second hundred, "Lizzy Borden" consolidated its position with the help of a national tour in the company of "Motorhead". The first release of 1987 was the EP "Terror Rising", which, in addition to two of its own numbers, included covers of "Jefferson Airplane" ("White Rabbit") and "The Tubes" ("Don" t Touch Me There"). In pursuit of this minion was the LP "Visual Lies" was released, on which the name of Joe Holmes flaunted in the column "credits" instead of Nelson. The album was produced by the notorious Max Norman, who made every effort to polish the sound to a shine. And indeed, "Visual Lies" was a serious achievement " Lizzy Borden" - the disc took 146th line "Billboard" and brought fame to the team in European territories.

By the way, in the same 1987, the group first got to the Old World and, as part of that visit, performed at the festival in Reading. In 1988, "Lizzy Borden" became one of the heroes documentary film"The Decline Of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years", and a little earlier their song "Me Against The World" sounded on the soundtrack of the cult horror metal film "Black Roses".

By the end of the 80s, the team actually turned into a solo project of Lizzy Borden, and the vocalist left only his brother from the original configuration. In 1989, the album "Master Of Disguise" was released, which could be described as a semi-conceptual rock opera. Although the release was up 13 points from its predecessor, Lizzy Borden (as well as many other metal figures) fell into dark grunge days, and after the European tour with Tigertailz, the band curtailed activities. The return of the Borden gang took place in 1999, when the group performed at the German festival "Bang Your Head". After that, Lizzy, along with Scott, returned Nelson and bass player Marten Andersson, sat down in the studio, resulting in the fall of 2000, the album "Deal With The Devil" was born. In the tradition of eighties heavy metal, this release, in addition to the original material, contained a couple of covers from "

Like many other LA metal bands of the mid-80s, LIZZY BORDEN began its career by appearing on the Metal Massacre compilation. The group got its name in honor of a female killer who cracked down on her victims with an ax. The founder and frontman of the gang was a guy who took the same name, Lizzy Borden. His first assistant in the creation of the team was his brother Joey Scott Hardzhes (Joey Scott), who took a place behind the drum kit. Other members of the band were guitarists Tony Matuzak and Gene Allen. Worst of all was the bassist, who could not be found.

A suitable candidate, Mike Davis, showed up only when LIZZY BORDEN were about to record a track for Metal Massacre IV. The team released their first release on Metal Blade in 1984 - it was the EP "Give "Em The Axe". In addition to the group's own material, a cover version of the song "Long Live Rock" n "Roll" by the group "RAINBOW" got there.

The mini-album was followed by the full-length "Love You To Pieces". It has already crystallized the style of "LIZZY BORDEN" - melodic heavy metal with a clear influence of "IRON MAIDEN" and "JUDAS PRIEST". After the release of the album, Tony Matuzak left the band, replaced by Alex Nelson. The new guitarist made his debut on the live album The Murderess Metal Roadshow, recorded on Friday, December 13, 1985. This LIZZY BORDEN performance, which was also released on video, caused viewers to associate with the KISS show and Alice Cooper. At the same time, Lizzie Borden's signature feature was a microphone made in the form of a bloody axe.

According to materials:
