Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain Complete Walkthrough Complete All Bonus Objectives in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Are you having problems with the evacuation of interpreters? Having trouble capturing blueprints? Or maybe you have problems with the evacuation of prisoners and animals? Or the destruction of mines, heavy infantry and other things? It doesn’t matter, because you can find a guide for completing any task in our site and in this section. If you have any comments or find an error, then write it in the comments, and we will definitely answer you!

Screenshots coming soon! Stay tuned!

Passing tasks for capturing blueprints

Purpose of tasks: In each mission, you need to capture the blueprints of the enemy, which will be useful for the research part of your main base.

1 - Blueprint Capture: "RIOTSMG"

To find this drawing, you first have to get to the village of Vialo. You can see the location of the drawing in the screenshot, which is a little higher. In addition, do not forget that you can always interrogate the soldiers who will gladly tell you where the drawing you need is located.

2 - Drawing capture: "STUNARM"

You can see the location of this drawing in the screenshot above. The plan of the power plant is also indicated there. It is enough for you that you simply rise above. There, having dealt with (at least) three guards, you can easily pick up the drawing.

3 - Drawing capture: "IR-SENSOR"

You can see the location of this drawing if you look at the screenshot above. If you got to the right place from the south side, then you can get to the doors with the least resistance. Along the way, you have to deal with a maximum of three fighters, but on the condition that you do not make a fuss. By the way, do not forget to pull out an audio cassette from a nearby tape recorder.

4 - Blueprint capture: "ANTI-THEFT DEVICE"

In the camp where this drawing is located, there will be a fairly large number of fighters with an A + rating and another A ++. So we recommend that you try to evacuate as many people as possible. If you are not eager to engage in battle, then just make your way carefully inside the desired tent and take the blueprint there. In addition, pay attention to the fact that the location will be patrolled by a large truck, so be careful. To deal with a sniper at a distance, use a tranquilizer. And keep in mind that you need to immediately shoot him in the head so that he falls asleep.

5 - Drawing capture: "GUN-CAM DEFENDER"

The blueprint you need is shown in the screenshot above. So, you have to make your way to the blueprint for the airport. As soon as you get to the right building, enter. If you try to stick to the back of this place, then you have a maximum of three people to kill. In any case, when you find a drawing, quickly take it and leave this place.

6 - Drawing capture: "UA-DRONE"

Having reached the indicated place, you can drop soldiers who will gladly tell you where and how to find the drawing you need. As soon as you receive the information, the location of the blueprint will be marked. Having taken the drawing, you can safely leave this place.

Passage of tasks for the evacuation of translators

1 - Evacuation of an interpreter - Language: Russian

Your aim: Evacuate, which is able to translate the "Russian language".

If you complete this task, then you will get the opportunity to understand all Russian conversations, and during interrogations too. Thanks to this, when interrogating any prisoner, you will be able to find out not only about the hostages, but also about rough diamonds, blueprints, useful specialists and commanders (the situation will be similar when taking / rescuing other translators). That is why the search for translators and their rescue is very useful for passing and the game as a whole.

First of all, get to the marked point. Upon arrival at your destination, you will be able to see a building with red doors. Two soldiers (on the street) will guard this building. The translator, in turn, is inside. From time to time he will go outside to stretch his legs. Remember that the guy with the red beret is not worth killing. The rest can be easily shot. As soon as you look at the translator through binoculars, he will immediately check in as your target. After that, you can get rid of the guards and start capturing the translator. As soon as you get to it, the first thing to do is crack it on the head, and then evacuate it with the help of the Fulton installation. After the evacuation, the task will be considered completed.

2 - Evacuation of an interpreter - Language: Pashto

Your aim: Evacuate a soldier who is able to translate "Pashto language"

Move to the corresponding marker and soon you will be able to notice the hostage, which will roll on the ground, and surrounded by two fighters. The guard post that is located there will accommodate six soldiers, so it is better to deal with those enemies that are patrolling the area first, because they are located farther from the rest and there will be no problems with them. Try to get rid of the enemies so that at the very end there are two soldiers who are standing near the hostage. After killing them, free the hostage and at this stage, the task will be completed.

3 - Evacuation of an interpreter - Language: Afrikaans

Your aim: Evacuate a soldier who can translate "Afrikaans".

On your turntable, land in the indicated place. First of all, keep in mind that, unlike the story mission, here you have to open the map yourself and put the appropriate mark in the area that is marked in blue. The translator you need to capture in this task will be an ordinary fighter, as in the case of capturing a Russian translator. There will also be two soldiers near the translator, so do not shoot the person you need.

Use your binoculars to determine who is who. Once the interpreter is marked, get rid of the two soldiers and capture the interpreter. And by the way, if it so happened that you got caught in rainy weather, and the level of your evacuation squad is low enough, then it’s better not to risk it at all and take out the translator on a turntable.

4 - Evacuation of an interpreter - Language: Kikongo

Your aim: Evacuate a soldier who is capable of translating the "language of Kikongo".

Move to the marked point. The translator you need will be a prisoner. It will be located in one of the tents, which, in turn, are located in the northeastern part of the guard post at the Munko Ya Nyoka station. By the way, in the ward where you find the prisoner, you can also find a drawing. We also recommend that you either neutralize or kill all the soldiers who will be here, but it is better to do this after the evacuation of the translator.

Passage of tasks for the evacuation of experienced fighters

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you need to evacuate a fighter who has valuable skills.

1 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 01

Getting to key point on the map, you will immediately see a bridge in front of you, which is located near a small outpost. Pay attention to the other end, because that's where the small cliff is located. The soldier you need will be at the very top of this cliff. At the same time, keep in mind that two ordinary fighters will still accompany him. To get your target marked, just go out onto the bridge and go forward a little. As soon as the right person notices you, he will shoot and thus remain marked.

Now let's move on to how to get to it. So, the best way is to go down to the ravine below and climb the wall opposite. Next, you need to go around everything on the left side. From there, you can already crawl up the slope above. Soon you will have a beautiful view of all three fighters. You can neutralize with a tranquilizer right person, and then shoot his guards. In any case, as soon as you neutralize unnecessary fighters, and your target is neutralized (not fatal), use the Fulton system, which will take this person to the base. At this stage, the building will be completed.

2 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 02

First of all, you should understand that this fighter will not be that strong and useful in the late stages of the game, but will be extremely effective in the early stages, which is very good. You can find it in a village called "Da Vialo Kallai". He will be surrounded by a whole "pack" of soldiers, so keep that in mind. In addition, he is engaged in patrolling among other fighters. He patrols exclusively the center of the town. To find out its more accurate location, catch some fighter on the outer perimeter and interrogate him. As a partner, it is better to take the "D-Dog", which will allow you to determine all enemy targets from a distance. If you don’t have this partner, then binoculars will help you out. In any case, as soon as you get to the target, stun it and evacuate it with Fulton technology.

During the capture, we recommend that you first neutralize the fighter who will be located the farthest. With your actions, you will be able to alert the soldiers who are near him. As soon as they leave, you will have to deal with that soldier who is not a sniper. In any case, after neutralizing the first soldier, neutralize the sniper with a tranquilizer.

3 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 03

Besides the fact that you will have the main goal, you will be able to neutralize and evacuate other enemies who will have the same skills: "A +" and "A ++". In any case, as soon as you get to the target, neutralize and evacuate it.

4 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 04

You can see the location of the fighter in the screenshot above. Finding this person will be very simple, but as for the evacuation, certain complications may arise there. Your target will be located near the armored vehicles, which will stand still. You have to crawl to the target, and when you get there, neutralize it with a tranquilizer. By the way, you can shoot him in the chest a couple more times, but be careful, because if you hit his head, the task will fail. So, after you have neutralized your target, put "SI-4" on the equipment and evacuate along with the fighter. After that, just run back and blow up the equipment. While they all rush to the technique, you can safely leave this place without paying attention to anyone.

5 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 05

In this task, be extremely careful, because it is in it that it is easiest to shoot the desired target. First of all, mark all the fighters with binoculars, or use a partner (preferably "D-Dog") to mark all the targets. In total, there will be eight fighters and two snipers in this place on one rock. First of all, of course, kill the snipers and only after that start looking for the target you need. In order to put everyone in the camp to sleep, use tranquilizers.

6 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 06

You have to evacuate one of the soldiers in the enemy army. It will be located at the outpost, which is located in the northeastern part (from the enemy's eastern communication point). You will need to get to the blue zone. It is best to take a dog as a partner. The dog will help you not only to identify all the enemies, but also to highlight the desired target. It is better to start your attack from the hill, having previously dealt with the snipers. Try to use a gun that is loaded with tranquilizers. Going down, try to very carefully shoot all the enemies that are left. To complete the mission, you need to evacuate a key target.

7 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 07

The place where you can get a tough fighter with just a lot of combat experience is located in the southwestern part of the guard post near the Munko Ya Nyoka train station. Move to the middle of the blue circle (which will be on the map). There you can find an armored personnel carrier. Soldiers will stand on the sides. One of these fighters will turn out to be that tough fighter with a lot of experience. Mark it through your binoculars, or have a D-Dog partner do it. Once everyone is marked, it will be necessary to deal with the snipers who are in front of one transporter, which in turn is located on a hill. Go around this transport from the side with which there is the very cool fights. Better to put him down. Having done this, start evacuating equipment first, and then neutralize the second fighter. And evacuate two fighters, because the two of them are useful. Two more enemy fighters will be located a little further, but after the evacuation of the target, the task will be completed.

8 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 08

Landing should be on the east side of the Mfinda oil field. And it is better to land there, because you run the risk of facing strong enemies, whose resistance will be almost invincible. In general, having landed in the indicated place, move to the oil field, simultaneously looking for the desired target. Keep in mind that a huge number of enemies await you at the base, so it's better to call a turntable to help. But at the same time, keep in mind that your helicopter can shoot down a key target. So for starters, it's best to evacuate the target and only after that call the turntable to start the total meat grinder.

9 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 09

Your next stop is the Kiziba guard camp (which is located in the southeast). There you again need to evacuate one experienced fighter. Upon arrival to this place, move in a northeasterly direction from the guard camp. Your target will be free to roam the guard post with a soldier holding a shield. So, starting to turn the operation, go around this post along the perimeter and deal with all the snipers along the way. After you neutralize all the snipers, it's time to sneak in from the same side where the enemies are not looking and neutralize each enemy from behind. Remove opponents one by one until you cut down the desired target and evacuate it, after which the task will be completed.

10 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 10

This target will be located in the northeastern part of the abandoned village called "Dithadi". Once you land in the blue area (which is marked on your map), head northwest. Literally after a couple of meters you stumble upon the same guard post where your target lives. In this place, in addition to a bunch of soldiers, there will also be a tank. That is why it will be necessary to be extremely careful here. Don't forget to tag everyone with binoculars. As soon as you evacuate the desired target, the task will be completed and you can leave this place.

11 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 11

The first step is to choose a landing site. The best place will be the western part of the station "Munko Ya Nyoka". If you want to land right at the station itself, then keep in mind that this will be a very dangerous undertaking. In any case, as soon as you land at the indicated place, immediately begin to move in a northeasterly direction. Thus, you will get to the station itself, where you will find the fighter you need. Having captured the target, evacuate it, and then leave this place yourself.

12 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 12

You have to evacuate this soldier already from the guard post of a certain Kungeng mine. And you need that guard post, which is located in the southwestern part. Choose a landing place closer to this place, after which you can safely move to the indicated area. And keep in mind that the fighter you need will be located in the southwestern part of the guard post itself. The natural thing to know is that the target will not walk alone, so for starters, as usual, we look at everyone through binoculars, remove the guards, and only after that take care of the key target. Having evacuated the fighter, the task will be completed.

13 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 13

you in Once again you have to evacuate a soldier from the enemy army. This time it will be necessary to look for him already in Africa, somewhere in the vicinity of the fortress called "Spugmai". By the way, you could already get acquainted with this place, going through the storyline. In the second chapter, you have to look for a container with a film in this place. In any case, it is better to take "D-Dog" with you as a partner.

So, first of all, remember that as soon as you land in this place, they will start shooting at you from all sides, so first of all, neutralize all enemies. There will be a sniper on the nearest hill - he is your target. Having stunned him, quickly evacuate him and bring him down from this hot spot.

14 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 14

Get to the southern part of the base and deal with a small "pack of enemies" there. The soldier who will stand on the roof is exactly the fighter that you need on assignment. Once you get to the top, use the tranquilizer rifle to neutralize the soldier from a distance without killing him. Rising a little higher, turn your attention to two soldiers who are patrolling this building. You can not remove them, but just gently sneak past. And there, having reached the desired target, neutralize it, evacuate it and the task will be completed.

15 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 15

So, your next stop is a certain Lufwa valley. After landing at this place, you have to get to a house called "Toker's Code". The desired fighter will be inside the house. It will be possible to capture it only in two ways: 1 - to lure; 2 - arrange a real meat grinder. As soon as you disable your target and evacuate it, the task will be completed.

16 - Evacuation of an experienced fighter - 16

You can find the last experienced fighter in the camp of the central base, which is located in Afghanistan. You will again have to visit OKB Zero, where you once met the Skull, your main enemy. Upon arrival there, to begin with, you will need to get through a couple of outposts. If you stick to the right side, then no one will be able to see you. Your target is the commander. That is why move continuously towards it. As soon as you get to him, take out a pistol with tranquilizer charges and fire at him. Perhaps another soldier will stand next to him - he can also be neutralized with the help of tranquilizers. In any case, having laid down the desired target, immediately evacuate it. After a successful evacuation, return back to your base.

Passage of tasks for the evacuation of prisoners

Purpose of assignments: In each mission, you need to evacuate a prisoner who has been captured by the enemy. There is evidence that this prisoner has valuable skills.

1 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 01

You can find this prisoner in the territories of the eastern contact point. In order to find out more accurate coordinates, in the place that was indicated earlier, you will need to grab one of the fighters who are on the outside and interrogate. After that, you have to deal with the rest of the enemies. As for the camp itself, inside you will find only one enemy with a shield. Shooting from behind is not recommended. It is better to take a pistol in your hands, which is loaded with tranquilizers, attract attention and shoot some fighter in the face in slow motion. Having done this, you will only have to evacuate it and that's it.

2 - Prisoner Evacuation - 02

It will be quite problematic to evacuate this prisoner. In order to somehow facilitate the passage of this task, we recommend that you first go to the indicated place, but at night. There you will need to interrogate someone, as usual, to find out the key coordinates. Once you receive necessary information, then first determine the location of the enemies. First, deal with the sniper, who will be located at the top. First of all, it should be killed because your balloon is 100% noticed and 100% will raise the alarm because of this. In any case, as soon as you deal with the sniper, take care of the enemies that are located around the entire perimeter and, in the end, evacuate the indicated target.

3 - Prisoner Evacuation - 03

You can find this prisoner only in the very depths of the indicated base. In any case, you have to deal with the lion's share of enemies. So as soon as you get to the specified target, evacuate it, and the task will be completed.

4 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 04

Perhaps one of the easiest evacuations: deal with enemies, evacuate the target and the task is over.

5 - Prisoner Evacuation - 05

The simplicity of this task lies in the fact that you can easily shoot all the enemies with a sniper rifle that is loaded with tranquilizers, after which you can just as easily evacuate the target, and the task will come to an end.

6 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 06

There are as many as six fighters in this area. Two of them will be snipers, and one of them will be located on top of the watchtower - he should be taken out first. As soon as you take out the snipers, you must advance to the tent and kill the rest of the soldiers there. Moreover, if you do not remove the sniper, but immediately move towards the tent, you should remove everyone very quietly so that the sniper will not notice your deeds in any case. And by the way, you can put the sniper to sleep, as he has a very good rating. In the end, evacuate the prisoner, and with him you can grab a sniper.

7 - Prisoner Evacuation - 07

So, you have to look for this hostage in a place already familiar from previous missions. The territory of the search will be the fortress "Spugma". If you have a D-Dog partner, then your target's location will be marked in green. The prisoner, in turn, will be located in the northern part of the ruins of the fortress itself. Once you get there, you have to climb to the hill, which is located between the stones. In general, finding the right place is not so difficult. As soon as you evacuate the specified person, the task will be completed.

8 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 08

You can find another hostage on a plantation called Bampewe. And by the way, in this place it is better to try not to raise the alarm, as more than two dozen soldiers will rush at you. In order to get to the goal, try to keep to the top of this camp. So you can not only get there faster, but also get through most of the soldiers. As soon as you reach the target, immediately evacuate it.

9 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 09

This time, the hostage will be in a place called Aabe Shifap. This place will be ruins. And keep in mind that you can land immediately in the ruins. As soon as you are on the ground, the first thing to do is shoot a couple of snipers, and after that just start looking for a place where you could take cover. You can also call your spinner again to finish off the remaining enemies. In any case, you just have to get to the hostage, evacuate him and fly away from here.

10 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 10

You should land in the northern part of Kabul - this is the southern part of your key point. You have to get into the Lamar Haate Palace. And keep in mind that you will find the hostage you need to save not in the ruins of the palace itself, but in the northern part of this place. There are 3 metal cabins. And in one of these booths the hostage himself will sit. As soon as you get to the target, evacuate it, and the task will be completed.

11 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 11

Having taken a new task, go to the landing point, which is located in the western part of the village called "Masa". As soon as you are near the village, go a little south, because that is where you need to find the hostage. The hostage will be a girl, and it will turn out that she climbed onto the roof of a small house, near which an angry wild dog will run. After neutralizing the dog, climb onto the roof and evacuate your target.

12 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 12

The next place where you have to look for a hostage will be Point 17. This place is an industrial zone "Ngumba". Moving to the place, along the way you have to remove about ten soldiers. By the way, you can use the turntable, which will provide you with fire support. If there is heavy fog outside, then the hostage will have to be dragged to the landing point. You can find the hostage himself under a tarpaulin, so don't miss him.

13 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 13

Your new stop is south- East End guard post at the Bampewe plantation. The hostage, in turn, will be hiding on a hill, on a hill next door (behind the stone). In addition, learn that soldiers will roam this territory, who will mainly move in pairs, which can clearly complicate the passage with an inconspicuous and silent liquidation. As soon as you get to the hostage, evacuate him as usual and return to your base.

14 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 14

You have to get to the southern part, which is located near the Kungeng mine. You can find the hostage there, as in the previous task - under a tarpaulin. If you move to the hostage exactly to the mine, then you will go much closer, but in any case, you have to deal with the enemies and evacuate the hostage, after which the task will be completed.

15 - Prisoner Evacuation - 15

This time, the hostage will have to be pulled out of the airport called Nova Braga. The first step is to decide on the landing point and the most the best place will be the southeastern part of the blue zone. After landing there, move to the main gate, and then go through it. In the main building of the airport, you will need to go up to the second floor, and then go to the right wing. From here you can freely get to the hangar, where your target is being held. As soon as you manage to evacuate the target, immediately dump yourself.

16 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 16

It is better to choose a landing site a little further than the blue zone, because if you fly too close, you will simply be blown to pieces. In any case, once you are on solid ground, move to Munko Ya Nyoka Station. In order to make it easier to deal with the enemy's flying machine, call your own flying machine - a helicopter. As soon as the enemy's turntable is broken, you can safely kill the rest of the fighters. You can find the hostage inside the house, which is located at the opposite end of this camp. And by the way, to replenish supplies, do not forget to evacuate a couple of containers.

17 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 17

You can find the next hostage in the southeastern part of the northeastern post of the Kungeng mines. It is better to choose a landing place somewhere in the eastern part of the coordinates given to you. As soon as you land, head to the blue area, where you will run into enemies. The desired target will be located in one of the buildings near the cliff on the left side (on the plantation). Look for him in one of the buildings. Moreover, it will be possible to evacuate the hostage only after you destroy about a dozen enemy fighters.

18 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 18

Having taken a new task, land in the eastern part of the village of Shahra Ye. Houses will be located along the cliff on the left side. Either in the third or in the fourth house there will be a hostage. Once you evacuate her, you can head back to your helicopter center.

19 - Evacuation of the prisoner - 19

After taking the task, immediately go to the northern part of Kabul. Try to get as close as possible to OKB Zero. In one of the rooms, at the very end, you can find the hostage you need. Moreover, as soon as you find it, it will have to be pulled out and then evacuated. On the right side of this place, near the opposite wall, you can find four extremely useful containers that can be evacuated in the same way. When you evacuate the last container, you can climb on it and fly away with it in order to return to base faster and not drag yourself back to the pinwheel landing site.

20 - Prisoner Evacuation - 20

You have to evacuate one more hostage from Munko Ya Nioka Station. As usual, choose a place for landing (preferably somewhere in the southeastern part of this very station). After landing, get to the station, where be sure to call your helicopter again to help you deal with enemy flying equipment, then get to the target and evacuate it.

Passage of tasks for evacuation from the old GB

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you need to find and evacuate a surviving soldier from the old GB (old main base). Defeated nine years ago, they still walk the battlefield.

Among all other tasks, there are 10 unique missions that are related to the search for soldiers who were in the old team of the game's protagonist - Snake. And keep in mind that until you complete the current task, the next task will not open. And after each successfully completed building, do not forget to go and talk with Paz. After each completed task, you are entitled to a photo. You give the photo to Paz, listen to what they say to you, and leave the infirmary to complete a new task.

As soon as you accept the mission, you are sent to find the target within the specified area. The specified target must not be killed, but quietly sneak up and neutralize. Any weapon that has tranquilizers can be used. Also, it's best to start your search at night, because that's when you're the hardest to spot. Also use a cardboard box more often. At the end of each task you get a photo.

1 - Evacuation from the old GB - 01

Location: Southeastern part of Afghanistan;

Execution conditions: Finish the sixth episode;

30.000 GMP.

The soldier you need to find will be at the very top of the hill, which is located in the northeast side of the contact point.

2 - Evacuation from the old GB - 02

Location: Southwestern part of Afghanistan;

Execution conditions: Finish the eighth episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 60.000 GMP.

You can find this fighter in the southwest side of the village called "Shago Kallai". There is nothing difficult, except that if this fighter notices you, he will use a smoke grenade.

3 - Evacuation from the old hospital - 03

Location: Northern part of Africa;

Execution conditions: Finish the sixteenth episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 80.000 GMP.

4 - Evacuation from the old hospital - 04


Execution conditions: Finish the twentieth episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 90.000 GMP.

So, your new stop is on the west side of the Nova Braga airport. If this soldier already notices you, then he will use a stun grenade.

5 - Evacuation from the old GB - 05

Location: Northeast Africa;

Execution conditions: Finish the twenty-third episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 100.000 GMP.

You can find this soldier in a mine called Kungeng. This fighter will have a shield with him, so putting him to sleep will not be so easy.

6 - Evacuation from the old hospital - 06

Location: Southeast Africa;

Execution conditions:

Reward (except photo): 120.000 GMP.

You can find the next fighter in the eastern part of the station, which is called Munko Ya Nyoka. This unit will have equipment that will allow it to camouflage well. The only advice that will be useful here is to use a night vision device.

7 - Evacuation from the old hospital - 07

Location: West Africa;

Execution conditions: Finish the thirty-first episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 140.000 GMP.

Your new stop is the supply base, which is called "Yaho Obu". Having reached this place, you need to go a little below the bridge in a southerly direction. The soldier you find will have a cloaking device with him.

8 - Evacuation from the old hospital - 08

Location: East Africa;

Execution conditions: Complete the thirty-fifth episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 180.000 GMP.

You need to get to a certain valley "Lufva". The soldier who lives here has the same camouflage equipment as the previous one.

9 - Evacuation from the old hospital - 09

Location: Eastern part of Afghanistan;

Execution conditions:

Reward (except photo): 200.000 GMP.

You can find the soldier at the very top of the hill on the east side of the village called Shahra Ye. This fighter, like the previous couple, will have a cloaking device. In addition, if this soldier spots you, he will use a stun grenade.

10 - Evacuation from the old GB - 10

Location: Northwestern part of Afghanistan;

Execution conditions: Complete the thirty-eighth episode and the previous task (see above);

Reward (except photo): 300.000 GMP.

This soldier will be among the ruins, which are called "Aabe Shifap". Nothing fancy, except that he will have a cloaking device.

Passage of tasks for the evacuation of animals

1 - Evacuation of the lost sheep

Your aim: Evacuate a sheep that has strayed from its flock and is now in the designated area.

The first thing you have to do is to save the unfortunate sheep, which is located on the territory of the village of Vialo. To begin with, you have to deal with enemy fighters and only after that evacuate the sheep.

2 - Catch the legendary bear

Your aim: It is necessary to catch a unique brown bear, about which the locals write legends. Due to its monstrous strength, capture can be difficult.

The first thing to remember is that you can not catch the eye of this animal. The second thing to remember is that you will not be able to put him to sleep with a single shot. Moreover, having fired once, the bear will surely notice you and then you will feel very bad. We recommend that you stay at a long distance, get your sniper rifle with tranquilizers and start firing. By the way, it would be a great idea to call an airstrike with sleeping gas. In any case, as soon as the wild animal falls asleep, immediately evacuate it.

3 - Catch the legendary ibis

Your aim: It is necessary to catch a unique ibis, about which the locals write legends. Its beautiful blue feathers are said to be reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian god Thoth.

As a partner, it is best to take the "D-Dog", as this dog will seriously help you in tracking the monster. You can deal with this animal in the same way as with the bear in the previous task. Shoot as usual with a tranquilizer sniper rifle. Even if the small head of this animal is a tiny target, hitting it is still real. As for the location, the bird will most likely be located on the opposite side of the cliff. You can get there thanks to the bridge, which is located in the north. Getting to this bird will also not be easy. As soon as you cross the bridge, you need to go a little forward and after, go around all the rocks in a clockwise direction (that is, on the right side). As soon as you manage to euthanize this bird, immediately evacuate it.

4 - Catch the legendary jackal

Your aim: It is necessary to catch a unique jackal, about which the locals write legends. Rumor has it that the color of his skin is reminiscent of the ancient Egyptian god Anubis.

As a partner, it is again better to take a dog that will help track the desired target. As soon as you track down the animal, then immediately shoot it with a sniper rifle with tranquilizers. In order for this animal to fall asleep, you will need to shoot about five times in the body, or once in the head. In any case, as soon as you put the jackal to bed, evacuate.

Passage of tasks for the evacuation of the legendary gunsmiths

Evacuation of the first legendary gunsmith

Your aim: It is necessary to evacuate the legendary gunsmith, while traveling through the territories where conflicts occur.

The desired target will be located surrounded by three opponents. On the head of each opponent will be a helmet. The helmet will not be only on the one you need. We recommend that you use a grenade that will neutralize everyone with electricity. Once you neutralize the entire group, fire the tranquilizer weapon at the target you need for the assignment, after which you can safely get rid of the rest of the fighters.

Evacuation of the second legendary gunsmith

Your aim: So, the gunsmith you found in the village of "Musa" turned out to be just a master's apprentice. You need to continue searching and find his mentor.

You find yourself in Afghanistan, where a new gunsmith is waiting for you, who instructed the previous one. Walk around and jump to where your target is located. Use the tranquilizer gun to take out the guards along with the key target. After that, you can evacuate the gunsmith and a couple of useful soldiers.

Evacuation of the third legendary gunsmith

Your aim: The gunsmith you found at the central base also turned out to be an apprentice. Continue wandering through the conflict zones to find and evacuate the master. For the third time, you will definitely be lucky.

Having received a gunsmith from this task, you will get along with him the ability to customize weapons at your discretion and your taste. You have to go under the fort. Near the first doors there will be two ordinary soldiers, so after getting rid of them, switch to the target and evacuate it.

Container evacuation

Your aim: In this task, you need to evacuate the materials that will be required to develop your main base.

All that is required of you in this task is to find a small house, which is located in the very center of the blue circle. Near this house there will be containers. There will be a couple of guards near the containers, so after neutralizing the soldiers, take care of the evacuation of the containers and the task will be over.

Scout evacuation

Your aim: It is necessary to evacuate a soldier from the reconnaissance detachment, which was captured by the enemy.

So, now you have to find an important scout, who is located somewhere in the northern part of Kabul, somewhere in the territory of the town of Da Gvandai Khar. As partners, it is best to take "D-Dog" as usual. In the city, in one of the houses there will be a prisoner who will be chained to a pipe. When you free this person, it turns out to be Hideo Kojima. After that, you will only have to evacuate it. To do this, simply get out of the territory of the task.

Passage of tasks to save the poor fellows

1 - Poor Man - 01

Your aim: Evacuate a prisoner who has been captured by the enemy. There is evidence that the prisoner has useful skills.

In the first task, you need to get to the Yaho Obou supply base and rescue the prisoner there. This task is interesting because you can get inside the outpost under the walls of the building without any problems. The hole leading inside is located near the wall, which is located in the northeastern part. As for the soldiers, a part will patrol the top floor, and two more will guard the prisoner. Past the soldiers who are guarding the target, you can slip when they are not looking in your direction. In addition, inside the cells you will also not be heard. And yet, there will be a grate in the door, so through it you can shoot at the guards.

2 - Poor fellow - 02

Your aim: The attempt to evacuate the prisoner was unsuccessful, so one of the Diamond Dogs employees was captured. You need to save both the employee and the prisoner.

You can find this person in the same place where you found the "Sting" in the storyline of the game. As for the enemies, you can evacuate almost everyone, because each of them has a high rating. As a partner, as usual, it is better to take a dog. It is useful in that it will not only mark targets, but will also bark, thereby luring enemies out.

3 - Poor fellow - 03

You can find this prisoner on the roof of the longest house, which is located on the other side of the airfield (immediately opposite the central terminal). Once the hostage has been evacuated, you can safely leave this place.

4 - Poor fellow - 04

After selecting a new task, move the marker to the blue circle. From there, move the marker in a slightly southwesterly direction. The place of action will be the Lufwa valley. You have to save two prisoners. First of all, move to the Toker Code house. Move until you find the first prisoner in one of the tents. Before you evacuate him, first neutralize all the guards. In addition, from this prisoner you will learn where and in what place you can find the second hostage. Get to the indicated house, go around the perimeter of the house in a clockwise direction and then climb higher - uphill. In this place, not far from the waterfall, somewhere on the ledge, the second hostage will also sit.

5 - Poor fellow - 05

Having chosen a new task, try to move as close as possible to OKB Zero. You have a difficult task - you need to break through to the very end of the base. In addition, there will also be two hostages. Before the very last gate (on the right side), be careful, because there will be a hostage sitting here. You already know how to evacuate. After evacuating the first hostage, go back to the gate and kill the last enemies. After killing the guards, you can safely evacuate the second hostage. The hostage will be sitting in the building in front on the right side.

Passage of tasks for the destruction of heavy infantry

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you must destroy heavy infantry. The fighters with whom to fight are able to defend themselves very effectively.

1 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 01

So, in the very first task you need to kill two soldiers who will be dressed in heavy armor. Without any difficulty, you can kill them with a rocket launcher, or any other explosive weapon / device. You can also try to sneak up on them from behind. The targets will be located at the guard post of the Lamar Haate Palace, which is located in the north. In addition, keep in mind that there may be a red butterfly near the soldiers. If you shoot this red butterfly, then an explosion will occur that will kill all your enemies.

2 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 02

Land in the northern part of Kabul. You will find yourself in the southeastern part of the guard post of the Yaho Obu supply base. The two key targets you need will move along the left side of this camp. They move on a hill along the road. If you are an excellent shooter, then you can kill two key targets at once with one rocket launcher. Once the kill is successful, you can leave this place.

3 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 03

After choosing the next task, land as close as possible to the marked area on the map. You have to deal with heavy enemy infantry. It is located in the eastern part of the guard post of the Aabe Shifap ruins.

4 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 04

Having taken the next task, move to the indicated place. Your stop is a village called "Shahra Ye". You have to neutralize three soldiers who will be dressed in heavy armor. What to do with them - kill or evacuate - is up to you.

5 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 05

The key objectives of this quest will be at the guard post near the village called "Dithadi" (south side). This time you have to deal with four fighters. As usual, each fighter will be dressed in heavy armor. Do not forget that each of these soldiers will have very good skills, so it will be more useful to evacuate them to the base, but it's up to you.

6 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 06

You have to find a "pack" of heavy infantry, which is located somewhere in the southeast guard post from the airport "Nova Braga". There will be four enemies. One of these tough fighters will sit on the tower - remember. As usual, we use a rocket launcher to eliminate it, or we work quietly and imperceptibly for the sake of evacuation.

7 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 07

After taking this task, you need to go to the western guard post, which belongs to the mountain transit point. As before - you need to destroy four soldiers. Keep in mind that each of them has an A++ rating, so it makes sense to evacuate them.

8 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 08

Having chosen the next task, land in the place that will border on the blue area (where you need to destroy the marked infantrymen). This time, the scene of action will be the guard post of a certain fortress "Smasei". Upon arrival at the specified location, as usual, you need to get to the key targets and kill them. And by the way, learn that this time there will be five enemy targets, so try to be extremely careful.

9 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 09

The key objectives in this mission are conveniently located in the eastern part of the village called "Masa". You also have to land even to the east of the specified area, after which you will only have to go a little forward and deal with enemy soldiers. You can kill them as usual with a rocket launcher, grenades or a grenade launcher. There will be six enemy targets in total, and all six soldiers will strictly roam the hill on the right side.

10 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 10

Your next stop is the southeast guard post of Bumpawe Plantation. This is where your new goals will be. It is best to plant somewhere in the southwest side of the key area. As soon as you disembark, immediately move to the camp. There you will need to kill four infantrymen in heavy armor. And remember that in addition to them there will also be ordinary - ordinary enemies.

11 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 11

This time it will be possible to land directly in the blue area, which will be on your map. You have to find and destroy six heavy infantrymen. So, four of the key targets will move in a group, and the other two will move individually, so they make great targets for your flare gun.

12 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 12

Your next targets will be located at the southwestern guard post, which is located in the Ngumba Industrial Zone. It is best to land in the northeastern part of the marked area. As soon as you disembark, start moving as usual to your destination, where you then start searching for enemy soldiers. In total, you have to destroy six heavy infantrymen.

13 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 13

Having taken the next task to destroy the enemy infantry, go to the indicated place. So, the key targets this time will be located in the northeast guard post of the Nova Braga airport. It is better to land as close to the blue area as possible. As usual, the easiest way to destroy them is with a rocket launcher or a grenade launcher. There will be eight heavy infantrymen in total, and this does not take into account ordinary enemies, which include both snipers and machine gunners.

14 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 14

You can find the following enemies in an abandoned village called Ditadi. There you have to get to the northeast guard post. It is best to choose a landing site somewhere in the southeast side of the key area. As soon as you disembark, move to the very center of the blue area. There you can find eight key targets that you have to destroy. Ordinary - ordinary fighters will not be here, so no one else will bother you.

15 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 15

Location: guard post (in the southeast) of the fortress called "Smasei". As usual, you need to take out the heavy infantry. There will be eight key targets in this post, who will also be assisted by four ordinary soldiers, so be careful.

16 - Destruction of heavy infantry - 16

So, finally, you have to destroy the last squad with heavy infantry. You can find this last detachment in the Kiziba military camp, in the guard post, which is located in the northwestern part. It is best to land somewhere in the northeast side, near the blue zone. As soon as you are on the ground, move immediately to the guard post. In addition to the key objectives, there will also be about three ordinary soldiers, so be careful.

Passage of tasks for the destruction of puppets

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you have to destroy the roaming soldiers who were once puppets of the "Skull". And even though they are out of control, they have lost their mind forever and are dangerous enemies.

1 - Puppet Destruction - 01

In this mission, you can land at a point even with a high threat level, because the Yaho Obu supply base will be literally overwhelmed with only puppet soldiers who will not really pose any threat to you. You have to kill seven puppets in this mission. You can find them in rooms that are located throughout the landing zone area.

2 - Puppet Destruction - 02

Do not be afraid, in this task you can safely land on the territory of the Nova Braga airport. Here you have to kill eight puppet soldiers. They will roam inside the main terminal itself. In addition, remember that brand new containers will have to appear around the perimeter of the airport, which you should try not to miss and evacuate.

3 - Puppet Destruction - 03

Move to the western part from a place called "Da Shago Kallai". A village will be located to the west, and in the village there will be eight puppet soldiers - destroy them.

4 - Puppet Destruction - 04

In this mission, it is best to land in the northeast side of the guard post of the industrial zone "Ngubma", which is located in the west. As soon as you disembark, move to the blue area. Make your way through the gorge from the right side (if you go to the left side, then this task will be considered failed). You need to find the guard post, because that's where there will be eight puppets that you need to kill. And they won't be all in one pile. They will be scattered around the mountain. As a partner, it is better to take the "D-Dog", because only with him it is easiest to determine the location of key targets.

5 - Puppet Destruction - 05

So, land on the territory of the Lamar Haate Palace. After disembarking, make your way inside what is left of the fortress itself. Inside there will be puppets, as before - there are eight in total. They will be located in different rooms, so you have to look for them a little.

6 - Puppet Destruction - 06

As soon as you go down, immediately start clearing the plant called Serak. There will be eight puppets in this factory. They will be located both inside and near the plant. You can find the entrance to the factory on the first floor from the facade.

7 - Puppet Destruction - 07

This time the landing takes place in the town of "Da Gvandai Khar". As usual, the area will be cleared of puppets. If you have not destroyed the radar that is located here before, then it's time to do it. If you do not do this, then your pinwheel will not be able to land on the campus. If the radar has not yet been destroyed, then you have to land on the south side of the city. Your goals this time will be seven in total, and all of them will be located in the very center of the town.

8 - Puppet Destruction - 08

Landing should be in the northern part of the Lufwa valley. After disembarking, you should move to a mansion called Toker's Code. There are eight puppets waiting for you to kill.

9 - Puppet Destruction - 09

The landing site will be the east side of the village called Vialo. As soon as you find yourself in the right place, get down from the turntable and move carefully to the village. Starting with this quest, each puppet will begin to carry an armored suit, so the difficulty level will increase. The easiest way to destroy such enemies is with a rocket launcher, or grenades that can be thrown at your feet. In total, in this mission you need to destroy seven key targets, so go ahead and with a song.

10 - Destruction of puppets - 10

Your new landing point is the eastern part of the Aabe Shifap ruins. There will be a guard post to the east. As soon as you disembark, move to that very guard post and destroy eight puppets there. All of them will be located on the street, so nothing will make it difficult for you to notice them.

11 - Puppet Destruction - 11

In this mission you have to visit the fortress called "Da Smasei Laman". Landing will be at points with a high level of threat - this is the best option. When you are on the ground, enter the cave inside the rock (as in one of the story missions) and make your way to the hall with water. It is here that you have to face key goals, of which there will be eight in total. After their destruction, you can get out of here thanks to the helicopter. And by the way, do not use a rocket launcher, as the corridors here are narrow, so not only your enemies will be hit, but you yourself. A grenade launcher and grenades are more suitable here.

12 - Destruction of puppets - 12

You will land on the territory of a village called "Shahra Yeh". If it so happened that you don’t have an active point there, then get out of the place, which is located on the northwestern side of the village itself. In any case, you will have to face twelve puppets, each of which will have an armored suit. And keep in mind that as before with a grenade, they will not be able to immediately smash them. Hitting with one grenade, you only tear off the helmet. It is better to throw the second grenade at your feet. In addition, some kind of rifle, for example, an assault rifle, will help a lot in this battle. Shoot should be in open parts of the body, and more than once!

13 - Puppet Destruction - 13

The next landing site should be the southeastern part of the northeastern post of the Kungeng mines. Once again, you have to deal with eight puppets that will walk around this territory. The whole group of enemies will wander in the jungle - in the very center of the zone that is highlighted on your map.

14 - Puppet Destruction - 14

It will land, it will have to be in the red zone on the Bampewe plantation. Puppets will roam the territory of this settlement, so it will not be difficult to find them.

15 - Puppet Destruction - 15

Land on the south side of the village called "Masa". On the territory of this village you have to destroy eight puppets. Each puppet will be equipped with an armor suit. And pay attention to the fact that explosive barrels will be located throughout the village, thanks to which you can easily get rid of your targets. But do not forget that some puppets will also be located inside the houses.

Passage of tasks for the destruction of tank units

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you simply need to destroy enemy tank units.

1 - Destruction of the tank unit - 01

2 - Destruction of the tank unit - 02

3 - Destruction of the tank unit - 03

4 - Destruction of the tank unit - 04

5 - Destruction of the tank unit - 05

6 - Destruction of the tank unit - 06

7 - Destruction of the tank unit - 07

8 - Destruction of the tank unit - 08

9 - Destruction of the tank unit - 09

10 - Destruction of a tank unit - 10

11 - The destruction of the tank unit - 11

12 - Destruction of a tank unit - 12

13 - Destruction of a tank unit - 13

14 - Destruction of a tank unit - 14

Passage of tasks for the destruction of armored vehicles

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you need to destroy the specified armored vehicles of the enemy.

1 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 01

After taking the first task, you have to make your way to the Yaho Obu supply base. It is best to land in the southern part, since there you will immediately find yourself next to a soldier who guards an armored vehicle. In general, there will be about four soldiers in the district. All of them will guard only one armored vehicle. You have to either kill everyone and blow up the equipment, or evacuate everything - you choose.

And remember that if the alarm was not raised, then you will have the opportunity to sneak up to the equipment from behind and after, use the Fulton function. As soon as you deal with all the soldiers, the task will be considered completed.

2 - Destruction of an armored car unit - 02

The landing zone will be located inside the blue area, where the unit with enemy vehicles will be located. This time, in addition to vehicles, four soldiers will roam the area, and about six soldiers will guard the armored vehicle. It is better to go around everyone and get to the enemies that are further away, and then quietly neutralize them. And remember, if you're not going to kill the soldiers, then it's better to neutralize them with tranquilizers, because the shock lasts much longer than the stun. In general, in this way you can deal with the rest of the fighters. As soon as you deal with the soldiers who are patrolling the area, switch to the armored car and evacuate it, after which the task will be completed.

3 - Destruction of the armored car unit - 03

Your drop point will be located right in the key zone, so you will end up near the unit that guards the armored vehicles. You have to deal with enemy vehicles (there will be two armored vehicles in total) and kill all the soldiers (there are six in total), or else evacuate everything. Two groups of soldiers, in which there will be two soldiers, are all located on the sides, so take care of them first. You can deal with them however you like, but we recommend using a pistol with a silencer. First, take care of those soldiers who are closest. As soon as you deal with the enemies around the perimeter, then take care of the other two. After that, go back and make your way to the enemy armored vehicles to evacuate them. In the end, you will have to deal with two lone fighters.

4 - Destruction of the armored car unit - 04

You again have to either destroy enemy soldiers along with armored vehicles, or else evacuate. Moving to the indicated goal, try not to miss the patrol, which consists of four soldiers. Having dealt with enemies, make your way to enemy vehicles. Three soldiers will stand beside her. As soon as you deal with them, you can safely evacuate the armored car, and at this stage the task will be completed.

5 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 05

The location of the enemy column: the western part of the guard post in the south, which is located near the village of "Ditadi". You have to deal with one enemy armored vehicle, one tank, two snipers and four soldiers. The equipment will be located close to each other. Sniper firing points are located on two sides. In addition, there will be ordinary soldiers and one mortar. To begin with, it is better to deal with snipers and mortar crew, and then switch to ordinary soldiers and only at the very end evacuate the equipment.

6 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 06

The new location will be a train station called Munko Ya Nyoka. It is best to choose a landing site with a lower level of threat, but also so that this place is within the redistribution zone of the blue color. In any case, as soon as you get to your destination, you will realize that you need to evacuate one turntable and two armored personnel carriers. Two enemy soldiers will guard all the vehicles, so you can either neutralize them or evacuate them. To begin with, we recommend evacuating the helicopter and only after that engage in armored vehicles. If the situation gets worse, then call armored vehicles.

7 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 07

First of all, choose a drop zone. It is better to choose the place that will be closer to the village, to the city, or to the outpost. You have to destroy nine enemy units, among which there will be one turntable and two armored vehicles. Among the enemy soldiers there will be a few snipers, and the rest will be infantry. When you fly up to the enemy base, then it is best to sit down at the machine gun in order to immediately remove the enemy helicopter. When the turntable is shot down, then do not waste time and immediately switch to enemy armored vehicles. In addition, you can also try to shoot a couple of enemy soldiers at this time. In any case, when you land, just finish off the remaining enemies.

8 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 08

In the southern part of the town "Da Gvandai Khar" you have to neutralize or evacuate one enemy armored vehicle and seven enemy fighters, among whom three will be snipers and are generally located in the opposite direction. As soon as you disembark, move along the road to the right side, and cross to the other side, where you will find snipers. After you kill the snipers, take care of the soldiers and, in the end, evacuate the enemy vehicles.

9 - Destruction of the armored car unit - 09

The task is quite simple, because you just need to destroy two enemy armored vehicles, eliminate two snipers and four ordinary soldiers.

10 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 10

Now you have to go to the territory of the airport called "Nova Braga". You need to land in the southeast side. It will be necessary to destroy one turntable, two heavy tanks, neutralize six ordinary fighters and two snipers.

11 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 11

The next landing site will be the ruins of Aabe Shifap. Get ready to be thrown out in the middle of nowhere, because your enemies will notice you right away. As soon as you land, immediately get out of here like crazy. You have to destroy or evacuate one turntable, two enemy armored vehicles, neutralize three snipers and neutralize five ordinary soldiers. As soon as everyone is finished, you can safely call a helicopter and leave this place.

12 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 12

Landing this time should be somewhere in the southeastern part, not far from the Mfinda field. After disembarking, start moving to the blue area. Prepare to be met with strong resistance. In order to somehow facilitate your task, we recommend calling fire support. While the helicopter will fire at the enemies, you will have a great opportunity to mark the enemies and call for shelling. In addition, keep in mind that an enemy helicopter will also fly in this place. The turntable should be destroyed first of all, because it will interfere very much. In addition to her, you will also need to destroy two tanks and six ordinary soldiers, including a couple of snipers, a couple of machine gunners and a couple of grenade launchers.

13 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 13

Landing should be in the southeastern part of the guard post of the abandoned village "Ditadi". There will be two enemy armored vehicles, one assault turntable and six regular soldiers. Through binoculars, try to mark enemy tanks. As soon as you mark them, then immediately destroy them with the help of shelling. After that, you should lure the turntable onto yourself and deal with it. You can hide behind any rocks. Once lured, call your own helicopter, after which the enemy's helicopter will be shot down. Moreover, if your helicopter is poorly pumped, then it is your turntable that will be shot down, keep this in mind. In any case, after that you will only have to deal with enemy fighters.

14 - Destruction of a unit of armored vehicles - 14

The last task will take place on the territory of the Lamar Haate Palace. Landing should be a little south of the key point. This is done so that enemies do not notice you. Get ready in advance for the fact that you have to face a very powerful enemy helicopter, which, at best, will have to be hit about ten times with a rocket launcher. In addition, there will also be enemy armored vehicles, the strength of which is only half that of a turntable. That is why the final battle of these tasks will be much more difficult than the previous ones. Try to use shelling and dropping ammunition as often as possible, and just be extremely careful.

Passage of tasks for demining bombs

Purpose of tasks: In each task you need to neutralize the installed and forgotten mines. Diamond Dogs is involved in this case at the request of a humanitarian organization.

1 - Demining - 01

Try to take a dog for this task, because thanks to it you will be able to find mines, which will be instantly indicated on your map. They will look like a red curved line. You can either blow them up from afar, or carefully sneak up and press the deactivation button.

2 - Demining - 02

You will have to land in the northern part of Kabul, on the east side of the Lamar Haate Palace. After disembarking, move to the area that is marked on your map. Use a dog to clear the mines the easiest way. Two mines will be located on the right side just behind the rocks - the middle of the marked area on your map.

3 - Demining - 03

Having taken a new task, land on a turntable a little south of the place that is indicated on your map. An oil field called Mfinda will be located nearby. Move to the marked marker. Upon arrival, you have to neutralize eight mines. All mines will be scattered throughout the location, so the dog will help you a lot here. Mostly mines will be hidden between barrels and ruins. Moreover, even if you complete this task during the day, we recommend that you still use the night vision device, which will allow you to highlight all the mines. By the way, do not forget that mines can be located near each other, or near a hot substance.

4 - Demining - 04

Go to the next place that you will need to defuse. The new place will turn out to be expensive through the guard post, which is in the west of the Smasei fortress. There you will meet four soldiers - deal with them. After that, turn to the right side and there you will already find a minefield, where eight mines will lie.

5 - Demining - 05

In the southern part of the northeast guard post of the Munko Ya Nyoka station. You should move between the rocks, where the mines will be located. There will be nine minutes in total. The very last mine will be closest to the guard post, right at the wooden barriers. To make it easier to detect mines, use the night vision device.

6 - Demining - 06

Your next stop is the southeast guard post of Nova Braga airport. You should land in the northeastern part of the blue area, which is marked on your map. In total, you have to neutralize nine mines. If you can't find all the mines, then a dog that will mark them all will help you a lot in this matter.

7 - Demining - 07

This time you have to clear the road that goes through the northwestern guard post of the village, which is called "Shahra Ye". You should drive on an asphalt road. When you pass the grass that lies between the rocks, turn into this passage and go straight. Soon you will come across a minefield. There will be eleven mines in total. Before you start neutralizing the mines, it's best to clear the outpost a little further away first, because deactivating the minutes will create a lot of noise and thereby attract the attention of your enemies.

8 - Demining - 08

This time you have to go to the southeastern guard post of the Bampewe plantation. Plant in the southwest side of the key area. After disembarking, make your way to the indicated territory and move to the very center. There will be mines. There will be eleven mines in total. They will be located across the entire slope: from the bottom to the very top. A couple of mines will be located near the barrels that are filled with fuel, so try not to get too close to them.

9 - Demining - 09

10 - Demining - 10

Passage of tasks to search for runaway children

Purpose of tasks: In each task, you have to search for and evacuate children who have escaped from the main base.

1 - Search for runaway children - 01

If you do not have this task, then you need to complete the episode from the second chapter. Move to the base, which is marked on your map. Get down closer from the side of the cliff. There will be a fence near the nearest building - jump over it using containers or boxes. And by the way, Quiet will help you a lot in this task, which will be able to mark all the targets on the territory of this base. When you get to the other side, you have to go around the building in a clockwise direction - remember this.

Near the entrance inside will be a soldier. Do not rush to remove it and move inside. Wait for two more enemies to enter this building. After that, pick up the time and move after the spinner flies over your head. Immediately after the turntable, you need to rush to the soldier who is outside this building and drag him inside some room. After that, you have to take the boy and very carefully get out of this room so that the pilot of the turntable cannot notice you.

A jeep will be parked in the back of the house. It is better to get to him and already dump him from this military base. Once you're behind the wheel, get out of this hotspot. And if a turntable chases you, anyway, the task will be completed soon. So the boy will automatically disappear and everything will be fine.

2 - Finding Runaway Children - 02

Now you have to go to a mansion called the Tolker Code. Inside this mansion, you need to find another child. When you stumble upon the soldiers, wait for the moment when they report the location of the child, and only then kill them. As soon as you recognize the place where the boy is being held, go there and pull him out. And keep in mind that if the soldiers see you with a guy on their shoulders, then with a 100% probability they will start firing at you, so I will kill the boy 100%. That is why we recommend that you first clean up the territory and only after that engage in the evacuation of the boy.

3 - Search for runaway children - 03

You have to be in the same place where you once fought with Quiet. On one of the nearby skyscrapers there will be another child. It is necessary to climb up and in the very corner of the building to find a fault. Having got out upward, evacuate the boy. The evacuation will require a Fulton for children, and for it it will be necessary to raise the level of support to level 24.

4 - Finding Runaway Children - 04

Move to the marked building. Along the way, kill every enemy that will interfere. Near one of the buildings there will be a car with a radar. If you destroy this car, then your enemies lose the ability to call for reinforcements. In any case, make your way inside the building where the radar once stood and move up the stairs. You need to go up to the third floor. There, find a room in which there will be a broken floor. Move along the very narrow ruins until you find the child. As soon as you take it, you have to take it out along the same path that you got here. In addition, if necessary, ask Silent to examine the location carefully so that she marks all enemy targets. By the way, she can also mark the location of the boy.

5 - Finding Runaway Children - 05

Move to the cave. Thanks to Silence, you will be able to find enemy soldiers and generally carefully examine this location. The child you need will be on the right side, slightly above the entrance. In addition, there are a couple of zombies in the same place. You can get there thanks to the room with a pond. As soon as you deal with all the enemies, take care of the evacuation of the boy.


  • Complete the mission without rapid (time slowdown)
  • While escaping with Ocelot, stop the burning Man from attacking us.

We are a real legend! The greatest soldier in history, but for a number of reasons that can be learned from the game metalgearSolidV:GroundZeroes, we crashed and fell into a coma for 9 years! A metalgearSolidV:PhantomPain starts with our awakening.

3 days after waking up:

After a long cut-scene, the doctor begins to interrogate us, when he asks to look up, then [tilt forward - LS (Left Stick)].

When he asks for your name, then we drive in the name that you would like, as well as the month and year of birth.

2 weeks after waking up:

After a short cut-scene, we will be offered plastic surgery. We agree, because then our enemies will not recognize us. Choose an avatar, set up facial features and click on the checkmark. ( do not be afraid - we will play for the original Big Bossa)

Then we watch a rather long cut-scene, where we learn about what is happening during the time we spent lying in a coma. But not having time to fully recover, an armed detachment breaks into the hospital, the purpose of which is clearly to kill Big Boss.

As soon as we are given control, we crawl after our savior - Ishmael. When we crawl to the elevator, an explosion will occur. But we do not stop, but we go after Ishmael into the room and lie down on the floor. We crawl to the exit, we approach the wall and bend down [for this press A], quickly turn right and stick to the wall, go further avoiding the spotlight, and at the end we run to the exit [to use sprint, press LS].

We move on and when we get into a room with chambers, we crawl under them, climb to the penultimate chamber and wait for the enemy to leave the next chamber and not go to the next one. We watch the cut-scene and leave the room.

There is an enemy ahead and behind - there is no way out! We lie down and crawl after Ishmael to the corpses. Now we do nothing, so as not to move. After the next video, we set the leg [to do this, press Y]. Now we go down the stairs, get our first gun with a silencer and shoot at the fire extinguishers to put out the flames. Then we take cover behind the wall and kill two opponents [it is much easier to shoot from a weapon in the first person, to go into it, hold LT, and then press the RB button] .

Having reached the hall, we are met by an enemy detachment, Ishmael takes the initiative into his own hands and distracts them from you. We kill the enemy on the stairs, and then, crouching, we shoot the rest or go to the left, go down the hole and kill them from there. For a more comfortable passage of this episode, use the first-person view, and also shoot in the head. After the massacre of the enemy, we go to the exit, shorten ourselves from the wreckage and run away from the burning Volgin to the street.

Soon we are met by our old friend - Revolver Ocelot. We climb on the horse and run away from Volgin, shooting at him when he starts attacking.

Episode 1: Revenge


  • Kazuhira Miller's whereabouts established
  • Kazuhira Miller evacuated
  • Commander evacuated from Wah Sind barracks
  • The task was completed in secret from the "Skulls"
  • Rough diamonds captured from Spugmay Fortress

We open IDroid[click Start] and put a mark on the yellow area. Now open binoculars , inspect the nearest village and put a mark on it . Then we ride a horse [to spur (disperse) it, press X]. As soon as we reach the outpost, Ocelot will warn us about this. We can both clean up the outpost, it is enough just to put all the opponents to sleep, but you can also bypass the outpost, but then we will not receive a reward.

As soon as we get to the first village, Revolver Ocelot invite us to explore the area. We climb to the nearest hill and mark the enemies. We need at the very large building- the one next to the flag USSR. We go in and scan the documents lying on the table. Now we know where they are Kazuhiru Miller.

Once you reach Gvandai, climb onto the rocks and mark the enemies. If you want to complete this task quietly, then it is best to make your way on the right side through the alley. Kaz will be on the second floor. We release him and take him out of the village, as soon as you are sure that no one will notice you, we call the horse and jump to the helicopter.

Once in the helicopter landing zone, fog appears and the helicopter cannot land. We'll have to get to the second platform. Waiting for when Skulls” will descend into the right passage from us and gallop along the bridge, so they will not notice us. We reach the helicopter and sit in it together with Kazuhira.

Episode 2: Diamond Dogs


  • Trained in the use of the Fulton system
  • Thanks to the evacuation of personnel, the level of the research department has been increased
  • Carton box designed; basic course training has been completed.
  • Completed capture briefing
  • Passed the instruction on strikes

Here we are at mother base". We speak with Ocelot and get the evacuation system - " Fulton". Now we will be able to evacuate people and animals from the battlefield directly to our base. We approach one of our soldiers, shoot a tranquilizer in the head and activate Fulton on it.

Now open IDroid and look at the window " Personnel Management» In this window, you can see where the newly arrived fighters are, and you can also redistribute them. Now go back and open " Developments". We are missing a few people for the box. We stun two more of our soldiers and evacuate them.

Attention! Before using the Fulton system, be sure to look at the percentage of successful evacuations. The lower the number, the more likely it is to fail.

Open the development window again, explore " box and call delivery. You can also enter the mission if you do not have enough equipment, including ammo with silencers.

Now open IDroid, go to the task tab, call the helicopter and select the landing site. When you are in the ACC (air control center), you have a lot more options for managing the base, including customization. But for now, it's not available to us. We can listen to all available audio recordings (Highly recommended, they contain a huge layer of the plot and without listening to them, you will not fully understand the plot of the game).

So, after you listened to the audio recordings or didn't. Open IDroid, go to the task tab and select any mission available to us. Then we choose the place of disembarkation, as well as select equipment and disembarkation time. But be careful, during the day it is more difficult for you to maintain stealth, and at night it is easier, but at the same time it is harder for you to find the enemy at night.

Episode 3: The Hero's Journey


  • Special forces commander eliminated
  • Spetsnaz commander eliminated from a long distance (100 m or more)
  • Special forces commander evacuated
  • Collected catfish that grew in the desert between the village of Shago and the fortress of Spugmai
  • Recycled materials from Shago Village captured

Having reached the camp, we mark all the opponents, our goal is the Special Forces Commander. It is located in the central two-story building.

First of all, eliminate the guards on the towers, then turn off the electricity (if it's night in the game) and go to the second floor. There will be your goal, you can both kill him and evacuate - it's up to you!

After completing the task, we call the helicopter and return to Mother Base.

Episode 4: Information War


  • Equipment of the eastern communication point found
  • Equipment of the eastern communication point destroyed
  • Rough diamonds seized near eastern communications post
  • Eastern Relay Transmitter Destroyed
  • 2 prisoners evacuated from Vialo village
  • A container with materials was removed from the eastern communication point

Getting to " Easternitemconnections' and inspect the location. We mark opponents, as well as satellite communications antennas. There are three of them in total, and we need to destroy them, preferably with the help of C4.

Also in this task there is a second option for passing. Enter the building next to the anti-aircraft early warning system and destroy the radio stations on the table, then we run to the helicopter landing zone and fly to our base.

Episode 5: Beyond the Fence


  • Captured engineer evacuated
  • Engineer evacuated by Fulton through hole in basement ceiling
  • Evacuated prisoner who planned escape from Wah Sind barracks
  • The off-road vehicle that was patrolling between outposts was evacuated
  • Blueprints from Wah Sind Barracks Captured

Having reached the base of the USSR, we go to the left towards the lonely standing enemy in the bunker. We pass further, eliminating one enemy and climb onto the rock.

Episode 6: Where Sting Hides

  • Sting system captured
  • "Skulls" eliminated
  • Attack helicopter destroyed
  • Two snipers evacuated from mountain transit point

On the way to the fort, we will have to go through the "Transit Point", there on the bridge on the right side there will be two snipers, we cut them down and go to the base.

  • Evacuated prisoner, unable to speak

As soon as you get to the fort, go into the cave, do not forget to evacuate the prisoner that lies at the entrance. After evacuating it, you will know the exact location of the Sting.

  • Sting system captured
  • Sting system captured along with ammunition

We go through the cave until we come across a pond. There we turn into the left tunnel, pick up the Sting rocket launcher and climb up.

  • "Skulls" eliminated

After the cut-scene, the Skulls will attack us, we wait until they are as close to each other as possible and shoot at them from the Sting, you can also use grenades.

  • Attack helicopter destroyed

As soon as we dealt with the skulls, we call a helicopter and jump to the landing zone, along the way we will meet an enemy Assault Helicopter. You can either shoot him down with Sting or just hide from him.

Episode 7: Blood Copper

  • Three commanders evacuated
  • Eliminated the company commander from the village of Vialo
  • Eliminated platoon commander from Shago village
  • Eliminated platoon commander from Wah Sind barracks

The main task:

We make our way to the village Vialo”, a meeting of three commanders will take place in the central one-story building. We are waiting for the meeting to begin, and we will eliminate the commanders, you can either kill or stun and send them to the base.

The conversation of the three commanders was listened to the end

We go into the building where the meeting takes place, but before we eliminate the commanders, we listen to their conversation.

Commander evacuated along with his soldiers

Before reaching the village, we turn right and jump along the road until we hear a car driving. We put the horse in the middle of the road, climb onto the rocks and wait for the car to stop. We shoot from the tranquilizer at the soldiers and evacuate them. There should be four soldiers in total, as well as a commander, he can be identified by a red beret.

2 prisoners were evacuated from the city of Gvandai

In the village of "Gavndai" there is a cage with two prisoners, we open the cage, take out the prisoners and evacuate them to the base.

Episode 8: Occupation Forces

  • Deployment plans received
  • Colonel eliminated
  • All tanks destroyed
  • Colonel evacuated
  • Colonel and all his tanks eliminated before arriving at Smasei Fortress
  • All tanks evacuated

The main task:

We have two goals. The elimination of the Colonel and the destruction of equipment. You can either get reconnoitered, or simply find enemy troops on your own.

Once you find the enemy, you will have a choice. You can both kill the colonel and evacuate him, how you neutralize him is up to you!

So, after the liquidation of the colonel, it remains for us to deal with the equipment, here we have no choice - at the moment it can only be destroyed, since an improvement is required to evacuate the equipment " Fulton Loads 2”, and at the initial stage it is not available. The very same equipment can be destroyed in different ways: shoot all enemy equipment from an armored personnel carrier (the location of the armored personnel carrier is indicated on the map), destroy it with improvised means (grenade launcher, C4), or you can even call an airstrike on a target.

A prisoner was evacuated from the village of Shahra Ye

In the village, in one of the first buildings, there will be a prisoner, we take him out and evacuate him with the Fulton system.

Deployment plans received

Now we make our way to the second floor of the tallest building and scan the intelligence. Now you know the exact location of the colonel and his vehicles.

Episode 9: Help and departure

  • Armored vehicle destroyed
  • Eliminated several combat vehicles or helicopters
  • Armored vehicle evacuated
  • Evacuated 6 prisoners
  • evacuated 3 tanks

The main task:

Our task is to destroy enemy equipment in 15 minutes. To complete the mission, it is enough to destroy one armored personnel carrier, but then the reward will be small.

We ride a horse to the nearest mark of the enemy and destroy the equipment, they often ride in pairs. For destruction, you can use a grenade launcher and C4, as well as an airstrike, and in the middle of the mission we can take a rocket launcher with homing missiles. To complete the mission, you need to destroy five armored personnel carriers.

All armored vehicles were destroyed without the use of supplies and fire support

To complete this additional task, we will have to go through the mission without support. The easiest way to do this is to upgrade Fulton and evacuate all the equipment to your base.

Trucked weapons seized

After a while, Kazuhira Miller will contact us and mark a truck with a rocket launcher on the map. With the help of this weapon, the passage will become much easier, since only one shot is enough to destroy equipment.

Armored vehicle evacuated

Everything is simple. You need to upgrade Fulton to Cargo 2, run up to the armored vehicles and evacuate them with the help of Fulton.

Evacuated 4 soldiers looking for an escaped prisoner

We are heading to the 12 mark on the map, there will be soldiers nearby looking for an escaped prisoner. We shoot at them from a tranquilizer and send them to our base.

Evacuated 6 prisoners

We make our way to the USSR supply base, there are prisoners who need to be released. The prisoners are not in the same place, therefore, in order to quickly detect them, we use binoculars or simply interrogate opponents.

evacuated 3 tanks

The same as with armored vehicles. Upgrade Fulton to Cargo 2, sneak up on the tank and use Fulton.

Episode 10: Angel with Broken Wings

  • Captured Mujahideen Malak evacuated
  • Escort armored vehicle evacuated
  • 3 prisoners evacuated from Lamar Haate Palace
  • Listened to the last conversation between the driver and Malak

The main task:

We get to the mark on the map, go into the ruined building and evacuate three prisoners, one of them will tell us that Malak was moved to another place.

Once at the Supply Base, we eliminate the guards and go to the right side of the base, at the end of the corridor there will be a door behind which Malak is located. But we cannot evacuate him with the help of Fulton, so we call a helicopter and drag the prisoner, and then we get into it ourselves.

2 prisoners evacuated from Iaho Ob supply base

In the same place where we found Malak, there is another prisoner. You can evacuate him with the help of Fulton, or by dragging him into a helicopter.

Episode 11: Surrounded by Silence

  • Quiet liquidated
  • You have decided how to deal with Quiet

The main task:

After completing the previous mission, the story missions will end. To advance further in the story, you need to run side mission « ContactWithEmmerich". Once you reach the ruins, the side mission will be interrupted and begin Episode 11: Surrounded by silence.

We will be attacked by a Quiet sniper. We need to eliminate her, but it is not necessary to kill her, if we eliminate her in a non-lethal way, then in the future there will be a storyline with her participation, well, you can also take her with you as a partner. We strongly advise you not to kill her.

Quiet is neutralized without the use of lethal weapons against her

In order to neutralize the sniper without killing her, we need a sniper rifle with a modification for non-lethal cartridges. It's also best to take D-dog so that he marks the location of the enemy.

So, we aim at the enemy and shoot in the head, after three hits she will fall asleep. We approach and, when Big Boss aims at Silent, do not press anything, after a while Snake will lower his weapon, and we will be able to deliver her to our base.

Quiet is disabled without using firearms

In order to complete this additional task, you will have to cheat a little. We mark Quiet or wait for DD to mark her, then we cause the equipment to be dropped directly to the place where the sniper is located.

How to continue going through the storyline?

Returning to the base, we again launch a side task: “ ContactWithEmmerich».

We move to the marker and sneak into the power plant. At the end of the location, break open the door and watch the cut-scene. After that, the task " Episode 12: Road to Hell».

Episode 12: Road to Hell

  • Contact with Dr. Emmerich was made
  • Dr. Emmerich evacuated
  • 3 Walker Gear evacuated from central base
  • Dr. Emmerich evacuated unharmed
  • Captured a vertical poster with a fashion model from the central base
  • Blueprints captured from the central base

The main task:

In this task, we need to capture one engineer named Huey Emmerich, who most likely betrayed us 9 years ago, and it was because of him that we lost our arm, as well as the “Main Base”.

As soon as you get to the Central Base of the USSR, we will face a very difficult task - to find and pull out the target. In order to find out the exact location of the doctor, you can interrogate one of the soldiers at the base.

And the difficulty lies not in finding it, but in getting to it. In this location, the opponents are much stronger than those we have seen before. They are equipped with helmets, thermal imagers, and walkers - Gear Walker. In addition, in order to get to the warehouse, we must quietly enter it without raising a combat alarm. The entrance itself is located on the right, it is guarded by two guards, but they can be easily eliminated with the help of a tranquilizer.

After the cut-scene, we get into the walker and pick up Emmerich. We leave through the back gate and make our way to the helicopter landing point on the right side. But almost reaching the helicopter, Metal Gear will attack us. We run from him until he leaves us. Then we get to the helicopter and sit down together at the dock. We shoot the rockets fired at us, and then we destroy Metal Gear itself.

Episode 13: Darkness

  • Oil transfer pump off
  • Oily water separator destroyed
  • Evacuated 4 child soldiers trained in Masa village
  • Leaving the danger zone completed before the blockade of the Mfinda field
  • African eared vulture caught flying into burned village
  • Evacuated 4 Walker Gear blocking the Mfinda field

The main task:

In this mission, a new location becomes available to us - Central Africa.

The purpose of this mission is to destroy the oil refinery. We move forward until we reach the first village, as soon as we reach the barracks, child soldiers will come out of it. You can either bypass them or evacuate them, and complete an additional task.

Having reached the plant, we climb through the sewers and climb to the top floor, there we go through the blue door and activate the computer. Then we get out through the window and make our way to the next marker, go behind the fence, approach the red tank and set the explosives. We retreat to a safe distance and undermine. An alarm is raised at the plant, we leave the territory of the plant and leave for a safe zone. All mission accomplished.

Episode 14: Common Language

  • Afrikaans translator found
  • Viscount Found
  • Viscount evacuated
  • According to intelligence, the whereabouts of 4 captives have been established.
  • 3 prisoners evacuated from the Kiziba camp
  • A container with materials was evacuated from the Kiziba camp
  • Listened to the interrogation of all 4 prisoners

The main task:

We make our way to the marker and mark the opponents, we need a translator. After we find him, we follow him. He will stop to interrogate the prisoners. We are waiting for him to finish and continue moving, and we ourselves evacuate these prisoners and follow him. As a result, the translator, together with the guards, will enter the tent. We can both wait until the prisoner is brought, or simply evacuate the translator and find the Viscount by the marker. After the evacuation of the Viscount, we leave the territory.

Attention! After completing this task, a side mission will open for us (located in the "Side Quests" section and marked in gold), after which we can take a new partner on the mission - Quiet.

Episode 15: Ghost Tracks

  • All Walker Gears destroyed
  • 2 prisoners evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi
  • All Walker Gear evacuated
  • Digitalis collected in the abandoned village of Ditadi (yellow)
  • A truck was evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi

The main task:

We need to eliminate four Walker Gears. The easiest way to find them is from the mountain. Walkers will be on the left and on the right side. If you are discovered, the mission will be much more complicated, as the walkers will be controlled by opponents. It's best to go down the mountain and quietly put the soldiers to sleep, then evacuate four Walker Gears with Fulton, but if you don't have an upgrade on Fulton yet, you can simply plant explosives and blow up the walkers. After completing the task, we leave the danger zone.

Episode 16: Traitor Caravan

  • Escort armored vehicle found
  • Truck found
  • Truck evacuated
  • "Skulls" eliminated
  • Truck driver evacuated
  • According to intelligence, an approximate escort route has been established
  • Listened to all conversations between a truck driver and soldiers at outposts and guard posts
  • Evacuated 3 Zero Risk Security soldiers

We move to the marker and get to the outpost. We eliminate the guards and go into the right tent, there we scan the intelligence. Now we have a route. We put a marker on the airport and move there. There will be two armored vehicles, as well as the right truck. For an unnoticed passage, it is better to wait until they start to go. At the next outpost, they will stop for a few minutes. During this stop, it is easiest to steal a truck. We crawl to the truck on the right side, and as soon as the distance with the truck is small, "Skulls" will jump out of it.

This is where the fun begins, we run up to the truck and evacuate it on Fultogne, then we get into the tank and shoot the Skulls. You can, of course, not kill them, but then we will not be credited with completing an additional task.

Don't worry, killing Skulls doesn't count in the statistics, so feel free to kill them. After that, we leave the place by car, or by calling a helicopter, the landing zone will be very close.

Episode 17: Scout Rescue

  • evacuated
  • A soldier of the reconnaissance detachment was evacuated from the Kiziba camp
  • Evacuated 2 C.F.A.
  • Prisoner evacuated from Kiziba's camp
  • Evacuated 4 soldiers of the search party reinforcements
  • Truck driver evacuated

The main task:

First, let's find the escaped prisoner. We cut down several soldiers in the forest, then we get close to the radio that lies on the stone, and we get intelligence from it. Now we rise carefully to the hillock, and on the right there will be a soldier in heavy armor. We sneak up on him from the back and stun him, the prisoner we are looking for will lie next to him. We evacuate it and get information about the location of the second prisoner.

The second prisoner is in the camp, we carefully select and cut down the guards. There will be a pit covered with boards, but on the right there is an entrance to this pit. We go down and put the prisoner on our shoulders, but since he was tortured a lot, the prisoner simply may not survive the evacuation by Fulton. Therefore, we pull it out on our shoulders from the danger zone or take it out by transport. Once our target is safe, the mission will be completed.

Episode 18: Ties of Blood

  • Former rebel from the Mbele army eliminated
  • 5 captives in the Kungeng mine eliminated
  • Captured child evacuated
  • Former rebel from Mbele army evacuated
  • The mission was completed in such a way that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of 5 child soldiers
  • Attack helicopter destroyed
  • Evacuated 5 snipers near the northeast and southwest guard post of the Kungenga mine
  • 3 armored vehicles evacuated

The main task:

Our task is to eliminate all targets, but, of course, it is not necessary to kill them, because we can simply take them to our base.

To begin with, we move to a small outpost, there we calculate the necessary soldier and eliminate him. After that, we move to the second marker. Now we need to get into the mine. We go around all the opponents, break open the doors to the mine and free the children from the cage. But one child is badly injured, he will have to be dragged on his shoulders.

We leave through the emergency exit and go left. It is desirable at the moment to have a non-lethal sniper rifle with a silencer. As soon as we find the soldiers, we hide the wounded child, and we give the order to the rest of the children to wait. Eliminate the soldiers and move forward. Also, in a secret passage, a partner, Quiet, will greatly help. Just give her orders, and she will eliminate the marked targets. As soon as you get to the helicopter, put all the children in turn in the helicopter, and then fly away yourself.

Episode 19: On the Trail

  • Found a subordinate of the PMC commander, nicknamed "Major"
  • PMC commander nicknamed "Major" discovered
  • The commander of the PMC, nicknamed "Major" eliminated
  • PMC commander nicknamed "Major" evacuated
  • Major's subordinate evacuated
  • A prisoner was evacuated from the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nyoka Station
  • Listened to the conversation between the PMC commander, nicknamed "Major" and his subordinate

The main task:

We get to the marker and mark the target. But we do not touch the marked target, but wait for it to get into the car. The main thing is to follow him and not find yourself at the same time. As a result, a meeting will take place at the crossroads. As soon as the car stops, we go into the rear of the second car, put the two guards to sleep, then put the major himself to sleep, put him on our shoulders and evacuate him to our base. You can also kill him, but for the highest rating it is better not to kill anyone.

Episode 20: Voices

  • Shabani evacuated
  • Burning man's attack repelled
  • According to intelligence, the path to the western guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone has been established
  • A wild dog was caught near the western guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone
  • Listened to conversation about corpses at Munko Ya Nyoka train station

The main task:

We go to the marker until we reach the destroyed bridge. We jump down, the location is in the fog, so it will be very difficult to detect you, but it will also be more difficult for you to notice the enemy, two opponents will stand in front of the waterfall, the rest are baits. These soldiers can be either eliminated or simply crawled along a small river to a waterfall. Then we turn left, at the tent we deal with two guards and go through to the white building. There we go into the left door and move forward through the bloody curtains.

After watching the cut-scene, we are attacked by the fiery Volgin. We run out of the building and run to the tunnel, but it collapses. You have to fight the boss. Don't even think about killing him the usual way. It absorbs explosives and bullets, and if it absorbs enough explosive energy, it can counterattack. To eliminate it, we lure under the water tower, before that we set explosives on it, as soon as the enemy is under the tower, we undermine the tower, and the enemy will temporarily disappear. We have a chance to evacuate, we request a helicopter to the upper left landing zone while the helicopter is flying, we run up to another tower, put an explosive package and lure the enemy, as soon as he is under the tower, we undermine and run into the helicopter. After that, the mission will end.

Episode 21: War Economics

  • Arms dealer discovered
  • C.F.A. employee discovered
  • C.F.A. employee liquidated
  • C.F.A. employee evacuated
  • Arms dealer evacuated
  • Listened to all conversations between the merchant and C.F.A.
  • Attack Helicopter Blueprints Captured
  • A container with materials was evacuated from the hangar at Nova Braga Airport

The main task:

We make our way to the territory of the airport and climb onto the roof of any building. Then we wait for the enemy helicopter to land the merchant we need. We mark it through binoculars, and then we approach the target on the right side. Once you reach the control room, two targets will come out of it. We put them to sleep and evacuate to the base. And now we get out of the territory and fly to our base.

Episode 22: Platform Liberation

  • Enemy commander eliminated

The main task:

During the passage of the previous mission, our base was attacked. We go back and get on one of the platforms. We need to destroy the enemy commander, we can get close to him and put him to sleep, but it will be extremely difficult, besides, they will not give us any bonuses for this. It’s easier to take a sniper rifle on a mission, wait until the desired target enters the stairs, with which we can easily kill it. At the same time, you don’t need to climb anywhere, it will be enough to cross the bridge and take a comfortable position.

Episode 23: White Mamba

  • White mamba evacuated
  • Evacuated a prisoner from the village of Masa
  • White Mamba evacuated, unable to resist
  • Rough diamonds seized near Masa village
  • Evacuated 20 child soldiers

The main task:

In this mission, we need to find and evacuate the commander of the "child soldiers". But everything is not so simple here, because since children will act as our opponent, we, of course, will not be able to kill them. Using lethal weapons will immediately fail the mission. Therefore, for a more comfortable passage, we take Quiet as partners and give her a sniper rifle with a tranquilizer.

As soon as we get to the right village, we give Silent the order “Cover me”, so she will divert all attention to herself, and we will be able to sneak onto the destroyed ship unnoticed. As soon as we are on the second deck, the White Mamba will meet us. Here the battle will begin, the boy will attack, we counterattack him [press R2]. After several successful counterattacks, we watch a cut-scene, and then we fly away in a helicopter along with the White Mamba.

Episode 24: Close Encounter

  • Male engineer evacuated
  • Female engineer evacuated
  • Evacuated 6 Nubian goats near the southwest guard post of the Ngumba industrial area
  • 2 SUVs evacuated
  • 4 containers were evacuated from the northeast guard post of Munko Y Nyoka Station
  • African peach harvested near Munko Ya Nyoka railway station
  • Martial eagle caught near Munko Ya Nyoka train station

The main task:

Having approached the marker, we take out the binoculars and mark the enemies. We need to find one of the prisoners, he is in the car. But now we will not have time to evacuate it, the car will leave for the outpost that we met on the way here. We return to the outpost and evacuate the prisoner. Now we go after the second prisoner, a little to the right of the marker, the second engineer will lie behind the stones. We evacuate him and return to base.

Episode 25: Avenger's Faithful Hand

  • The chief of staff of the militants was evacuated
  • Child Soldier Commander evacuated
  • Evacuated a prisoner who escaped from the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nyoka Station
  • 12 child soldiers evacuated
  • The chief of staff and the commander of the child soldiers were simultaneously evacuated by transport
  • Foxglove (purple) collected at the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nioka Station

The main task:

Now our task is to evacuate two targets: the hostage and the commander of the child soldiers. Both targets are at the same outpost, first we cut out the commander and his guard, we carry the commander into the car, then we get close to the prisoner and also put him in the car. After that, we call a helicopter, manually put the prisoners into the helicopter and return home.

Episode 26: The Hunt

  • Intelligence reveals slave trader's escape route
  • Slaver eliminated
  • Slaver eliminated before arriving at Kiziba's camp
  • Slave trader evacuated along with 5 soldiers accompanying him
  • 4 prisoners evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi
  • Striped jackal caught near Kiziba camp

The main task:

We move to the first marker and scan the data from the table. Now we have a route for the movement of the slave trader, go to the end of the route, turn on the night vision device and move forward. Somewhere in the middle of the route, we will meet the desired target, but first we cut down the guards, and then the slave trader himself. Now you can evacuate it and take a new task.

Episode 27: Root Cause

  • Reconnaissance squad member evacuated
  • A soldier of the reconnaissance detachment was evacuated before he could get hurt
  • Danger zone abandoned by land

The main task:

Now we need to evacuate the scout. But he will not be at the first outpost, we reach the second marker and climb the hill, our spy will lie there. We put it on our shoulders and carry it to the helicopter, and then we leave the task area.

Episode 28: Code Talker

  • Contact with Code Talker made
  • Code Talker evacuated
  • Code Talker evacuated unharmed
  • "Skulls" eliminated
  • "Skulls" evacuated
  • Evacuated armored vehicle blockading the Lufwa valley

The main task:

As soon as you get to the mansion, we go around it on the left side and cut down the guard, there will be another one behind the door. Now we go down the stairs to the basement, watch the cut-scene and put the old man on our shoulders.

Having risen to the first floor, all the soldiers turn into a kind of "zombie", we eliminate them with a pistol and move towards the helicopter, along the way we will meet units consisting of these "zombies". Quiet can help us in the elimination, you can also lower the old man to the ground and deal with the troops yourself. After you evacuate the target, a how-scene will start, after which you will be allowed to change equipment.

Episode 29: Metal Archaea

  • "Skulls" eliminated
  • Code Talker evacuated
  • Mission accomplished without being captured by a puppet soldier
  • "Skulls" evacuated

The main task:

In this episode, we will not be given the opportunity to deal with the enemy "quietly", so we take the best weapons and armor.

We run away from the old man and begin to attack opponents. First you need to remove their armor, only then their health bar will begin to decrease. But do not even think about calling the technique, it will be destroyed in a matter of moments. Also, if it gets hard for you, run through the buildings and hide from the enemy, and while they are looking for you, you can restore your health. After defeating the enemy, we select the old man and evacuate him in a new helicopter.

Episode 30: Skull

  • Skull made contact
  • Information received from the Skull
  • 4 Walker Gear evacuated
  • An audio cassette was found in OKB Zero
  • 7 red containers evacuated from OKB Zero
  • 3 tanks were evacuated from OKB "Zero"

The main task:

For this task, it is best to take Quiet. We get to the base of the Skull and give the order to the Quiet to attack. While all the enemy forces will be occupied by your partner, take advantage of the moment and sneak into the mine without being noticed. Then we go up to the helipad and watch a very long cut-scene.

Episode 31: Sahelanthropus

  • Sahelanthropus destroyed
  • Sahelanthropus head destroyed
  • Flying boy successfully attacked

The main task:

Here is the last episode in the First Chapter. We run away from Metal Gear down the road, we do not pay attention to the tank, because a much more interesting armored car will be a little further. And after a couple of turns there will be an armored personnel carrier with a missile system on board. We drive closer to Sakhalentrop and shoot rockets at him, try to hit him with all the ammunition. When the boss has a little less than half the strength, he will release a cloud of archaea, which will destroy all the equipment in the location. Now we run away from him down and, as soon as he stops, we call an airstrike on him, we do the same when he jumps up the mountain and starts firing at you from the main caliber. It is also worth noting that if you get too close to the boss, he will try to crush you, at this moment Rapid turns on, at this time you need to shoot at the flying boy. After the destruction of the robot, we watch a long final cut-scene.

It is also worth noting that after passing the episode, the development / disposal of nuclear weapons becomes available to us. But be careful, demonic points are awarded for its development, because of which your horn will increase, and your face will be covered with blood and this blood can no longer be washed off. To return the original appearance of Big Boss, you need to dispose of a nuclear charge or perform a large number of good deeds.

Episode 32: Too Much Knowledge

  • CIA agent evacuated
  • CIA agent evacuated before search party arrives
  • 4 soldiers of the search group were evacuated
  • Evacuated vehicle driver
  • 2 prisoners evacuated from Shago Village and Lamar Haate Palace
  • Evacuated Soviet soldier who planned to assassinate a CIA agent

Upon reaching the mission area, we will meet fighters controlling the Walker Gear. Destroy them or wait for them to leave. Our goal will lie in the grass, we evacuate the hostage and return to the base.

Episode 35: Cursed Legacy

  • evacuated 2 containers
  • The mission was completed by leaving the danger zone on a container being evacuated using the Fulton system
  • The task was completed in such a way that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of containers
  • According to intelligence, the whereabouts of the soldier
  • The commander of the Zero Risk Security squad guarding the mansion was evacuated
  • Rough diamonds found stolen by raven near Lufwa Valley northwest guard post found

To complete this task, we need the Fulton Cargo improvement, you can open it in the Development / Weapons and Items / Items section.

We make our way to the mansion and interrogate any soldier, after which we become aware of the location of the containers. As soon as we evacuate the first container, a timer will start until the XOF helicopters arrive. We run to the second container, evacuate it and return to the base.

Episode 40: An Unusual Phenomenon

  • Film container seized
  • Fortress Spugmay captured
  • Film container captured before reinforcements arrive
  • A prisoner was evacuated from the eastern guard post of the Spugmay fortress
  • Griffon vulture caught near the ruins of Spugmai

We need to find a cache in the ruins of Spugmai. We go around enemy fighters or eliminate them. Next, open iDroid and go to the Tasks section, in the lower right corner there will be a photo with the location of the target. The cache is in the arch on the right side. We pick it up and return to the base.

Episode 41: Proxy War

  • Attack helicopter destroyed
  • 2 tanks destroyed
  • 2 armored vehicles destroyed
  • evacuated 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles
  • The commander of the column of armored vehicles was evacuated
  • A rough diamond was found on the commander of the column
  • Attack Helicopter Blueprints Captured

Attention! This episode becomes available after completing the side quests, which are marked in gold!

In this episode, we need to destroy enemy equipment. We recommend to take a rocket launcher and C4 before starting the mission, it is also recommended to have the upgrade [Fulton - Cargo]

We move to the marked equipment and destroy it or evacuate it to our base. You can also wait until it stops and destroy it with shelling, but then you will have a rating no higher than A. After the destruction of armored vehicles, an enemy helicopter will fly in, shoot it down with a rocket launcher or call a helicopter, and it will destroy it. After that, we leave the zone of action.

Episode 43: Everlasting Light

  • Message sender found
  • Infected eliminated

There's an epidemic at Mother Base again. We leave for Quarantine, after the cut scene we rise to the very top until you get to the survivor. Now, with the help of glasses, we find the infected. We go down and kill everyone in the room, except for what is sitting against the wall. We raise it and drag it to the top floor to the exit, then after the conversation inspect the survivor, then kill him. He is infected. Now we go out through the doors and watch a very touching cut-scene)

Episode 46: The Truth: The Man Who Sold the World

  • The task was completed without the use of Rapid
  • Quest completed so that the burning man was never able to attack after meeting with Ocelot

This is the final episode, to open it you need to go through all the side tasks marked in gold, listen to all the audio recordings, and also have a connection with Quiet - 100%.

The passage does not differ from the "Prologue", with the exception of the cut-scenes, here they are significantly expanded.

Prologue. Awakening
Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain. Walkthrough

After the main character wakes up, follow the doctor's instructions to look around. Enter your name and date of birth to continue playing. When you wake up again, you will find out that the hero has been in a coma for 9 years, lost his arm, his whole body is in pieces. A little later, you will be asked to choose a new face and hairstyle.

Escape from the hospital with Ishmael

We are attacked by a killer girl, but a nearby hospital patient saves us. Follow the instructions to crawl across the floor after Ishmael. Walk along the corridor, approach the elevator. A fiery man appears, the fire-fighting system extinguishes him.

We follow Ishmael into the next room. Once the path is clear, move to the open door ahead. Rise to your feet and go down the corridor again.

On the other side of the door, go down the stairs until you see the light from the lanterns on the walls. Enemies are moving towards you. Turn around and return to Ishmael on the upper platform. Follow through the crowd of hospital workers, and as soon as you get to the next room, then turn into a booth on the left. We move lying, hiding from the military behind the screens. Then quickly move forward before the enemy gets to your position.

pretend to be dead

Follow Ishmael to another corridor. Here you will have to disguise yourself among the corpses scattered on the ground. When the fireman kills the military, deal with your wound, then turn around and follow through the open gate.

Keep moving down the stairs and stop in front of the flames blocking the further path. Wait for Ishmael to open the door nearby, go to another location.

Hide behind the column on the left to avoid the approaching soldier. As soon as the cut-scene is completed, prepare the gun you found for battle.

Leave a burning building

Enter the aiming mode and shoot the fire extinguisher located a little further down the corridor. This is how you deal with fire. Note that you can switch between first person and third person at any time while aiming. After the path is clear, get to your friend. Two soldiers lie in wait for you around the corner. Deal with them by shooting them in the head once. Use cover. Choose the best position to guarantee the highest level of protection possible. Follow the trail of blood in the corridor, and then, as soon as the action resumes, get close to the guard looking the other way and shoot him in the head.

Next, approach the broken railing ahead and eliminate the two guards investigating the area below. There are two more opponents at the location. Find cover quickly and deal with them. Go down the stairs and through the lobby to the main entrance of the hospital. As soon as the action resumes, the flaming creature will try to hunt you down. There is a strange flying boy nearby all the time. Run to the main entrance. After you deal with the enemy, leave the building through the gaping hole in the wall. Finally, deal with the flying creature by aiming and shooting at the right spot. We leave in an ambulance.

fire giant

We leave the wreckage of the car. A stranger comes to the rescue, we sit down with him on a horse. The fiery giant is catching up with us on his flaming horse. Aim your weapon at the approaching enemy and shoot. Keep the creature at a distance. Shoot only when the creature is approaching.

Breaking away from the enemy, we learn that the stranger's name is Ocelot. Together with him on the ship we go to Afghanistan to save our former assistant.

Episode 1. Phantom Limbs
Metal Gear Solid 5. Walkthrough Phantom Limbs

Mission Objectives: Locate and evacuate Kazuhiro Miller.
Reach the commander from Wakh Sind Barracks.
Complete the mission without being detected.
Find hidden diamonds in the camp.
Get to the truck driver.
Find and rescue Kazuhira Miller.

Follow the instructions to activate your iDroid (Tab key). The main target is in the Da Gwandai Khar area in the north of the location. Close the droid, then activate your binoculars (hold F). Find a village located in the distance. It is easy to notice if you pay attention to the sun's rays reflected from the windows. Adjust the zoom (V key). Finally, place a marker on a settlement so you can always see where it is. The marker can be placed both on the map and through binoculars.

Your first task is to explore the village you marked on the map. We need to get more information about Miller's location. You will be introduced to the basics of riding. You will learn how to ride a horse, how to get and hide weapons, aim from them, use binoculars while sitting on a horse. Please note that you can hide behind the horse by sliding to the left or right side.

Capture the outpost

Drive along the dirt road. As a result, a warning will appear about the presence of a sentry post near the current position. Stop, activate your binoculars and study the area. On the left side of the road is a soldier smoking a cigarette. Zoom in and mark the enemy as a target (this function works on both hostages and vehicles). Do the same with the other enemy on the right side of the road. Next, you must deal with these guards without being seen.

Leave your horse and move along the nearby rocks on the left side. It is desirable to move while sitting (key C). Approach the smoking enemy from behind. The last two meters to the enemy you need to sneak up (hold down Ctrl), otherwise he will notice us. By quickly pressing the LMB button, we can neutralize the enemy with a throw through ourselves, by briefly holding the LMB button, we can capture him. When captured, you will be prompted to either interrogate, or stun or kill the enemy. (If you do not have an interpreter at the main base, then interrogate an enemy who does not know in English, you won't be able to).

Deal with the enemy and hide his body. (If we stun the enemy, then in a couple of minutes he will wake up and warn the others that he was attacked). Behind you there is a toilet - there you can hide a neutralized or killed enemy. Move the body to the toilet cubicle. Before you leave this location, take the diamond located under the table near the abandoned building (there is a glowing marker indicating its position).

We also neutralize the second soldier at the post. Perhaps by this time it will be night. Night makes you invisible, but also reduces the visibility of your enemies. After eliminating the second enemy, the guard post will be neutralized. Hide the body of the guard behind the wall nearby, then return to the horse.

Village in the center

We reach the village in the center of the location. You must find a place overlooking the village to get good review area. To your left, just south of the village, there is a large rock. Dismount from your horse, climb up to the ledge and use your binoculars to study the area below. First, find a 2-story building with lights on in the center of the village - there is a parabolic antenna on the roof. Ocelot notes that this is a good place to look for more information about Miller's location. There are many more enemies in the village, but they all walk around the outskirts, and the building with the antenna is guarded by 2 people.

Make sure the guards split up before continuing. First, deal with a lone enemy behind the main entrance to the building. Wait for him to take a short route along the building, then quickly sneak up and disable him. Earlier it was said about the illuminated hut, this is where you can hide the body of a neutralized enemy. There are sandbags around rough diamonds. There will also be a second guard nearby. Take care of him and hide his body there too.

With 2 of the 4 enemies neutralized, you can go inside the main building in search of the necessary information. However, before doing this, it is best to find the 2 remaining enemies. You can spot them inside the building if you point your binoculars at the building itself and eavesdrop on snippets of dialogue.

Find the big blue gate on the left side of the main entrance to the central building and go to the end. There will be a small staircase at the corner on the right. Climb up and collect the fuel resources lying on the box. The information you need is in the lighted room ahead. You can enter the room through the door on the right side of the crates. It doesn't matter if you open the door silently, it will still attract the guards in the room below.

Once you're inside, scan everything on the table for Miller's location. Once you receive the required intelligence, you will need to leave the building very quickly to avoid detection. Go through the door, turn left and walk along the stone ledge. Finally, jump down. Leave the location, whistle to call the horse.

Find and infiltrate Da Gwandai Khar

Now you know Miller's location. Get on your horse and ride to Da Gwandai Khar (yellow marker on the map). It is quite obvious that the best way to enter the village is from the side, and not along the central road, galloping on a horse. Follow the dirt road north of the village and start heading northeast. (Diamonds can be found on the slopes northeast of the village).

When you get to the fork ahead, you will see another guard post. Most likely, it will now be daytime, so you need to move carefully. If you want to get into the outpost, then find a hill and use binoculars to study the place where the opponents are concentrated. If you do not want to deal with opponents, then move to the next target without disarming the outpost. Leave the dirt road, find a ravine in the hills northeast of the post. Climb up the hill and follow the path between the rocks. Once you are on the other side, you will see the perfect vantage point to explore the village of Gwandai Khar.

Gvandai Khar is a mountain village. Open the droid. Move the marker to the large building marked "Miller" (it will be signed if intel is found). Use binoculars to explore the entire location below. You will be able to see several opponents along the road. Several guards patrol the streets of the city. There are searchlights on the tops of the buildings, machine-gun posts along the perimeter.

Jump off your horse and go down the slope towards the city. Along the road there will be a small one-story hut, on the right side, on the outskirts of the city. You can hide behind her. (To the southeast of the village, near a lonely hut, lies a diamond). In addition, tall grass will help you move unnoticed. Sit in the grass for as long as necessary to make the path safe.

After you get behind the small hut, you should approach the hill behind it, heading northwest. Do not forget that you need to move, at least in a half-crouch. Use rocks as cover. At the top of the hill on the easternmost edge of the area is a low-roofed hut on a concrete veranda. Jump to the edge of the hill behind the hut and continue northwest, traveling between rocks and buildings on the outskirts of the village. Soon you will reach an opening between the buildings on the left, which leads to the main road. Make sure the road is safe and quickly make your way through the hole.

(There is a crevice at the northernmost building on the north side, we climb onto the roof along it, we find a diamond. Another diamond lies in ruins in the northwestern part of the village).

Find the blue gate opposite the building you need and go through it. Immediately turn left and move along the passage. Enter the building ahead. (In the central room against the right wall you can find audio cassette). Here we stun the commander of the military and a couple of soldiers. Take a right, go past the table with the radio, and then turn into the second room. Approach the prisoner in a dark cape, chained to the far wall, free Kaz.

Deliver Kazuhira to the meeting point

You must now take Kazuhira east to the landing pad by the shortest route. Throw Kazuhira on the ground, then clear the entire location of any enemies present here. You must remain unnoticed. When the area is cleared, lift Kazuhira on your shoulders and move on. If you take the “half-squat” position, you will significantly increase the chances of going unnoticed. Leave the building, move behind the hut opposite the cliff and go down the slope. All this is done in the direction of the southeast. As soon as you find yourself at the bottom of the hill, then boldly move to the landing site.

When you get to the helicopter, you will be warned about the presence of Skulls - zombie soldiers. Unfortunately, this means that you must leave the location on your own, and not by helicopter. A horse will automatically jump to your position. Put Kahuzir on the horse, then jump into the saddle. Ocelot will arrange a new meeting point, and you will see a marker on the screen.

Cross the bridge at the bottom of the hill and turn left towards the second bridge. From here, jump to the meeting point marked on the map. If you manage to stay out of sight, then you can reach your destination without stopping. By the way, the objectives of the mission said that you must complete it without being discovered by the Skulls.

However, if the Skulls detect you, they will immediately start chasing you with their intimidating speed. If this happens, you will need to zigzag to avoid injury. Eventually, the strange fog will dissipate, allowing you to reach the final point of the episode. When you reach the landing site, jump off your horse, pick up Kazuhira and take him to the helicopter. Once he's inside, jump on board.

Episode 2. Diamond Dogs
Walkthrough Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Mission Objectives: Complete Fulton's training.
Save the staff by leveling up the R&D Team.
Create a cardboard box and complete the preparation.
Complete containment training.
Complete punch training.
Learn how to start the mother base.

Kazuhira has been rescued and you have returned to base on an offshore oil rig. Now it's time to look around Snake's new home. Approach Ocelot, follow his instructions to learn about the mother base. You will receive a Fulton evacuation device (a balloon that carries cargo into the air). Point the tranquilizer gun at one of the soldiers on the platform nearby and shoot him to sleep. Use Fulton on him. The evacuated enemy soldiers soon become your employees.

Open the droid and select the "Personnel Management" section in the menu of the mother base. Go to the development menu, select weapons (items) under development. In order to start developing the cardboard box, you must extract a few more soldiers. Shut down your droid, then get ready to deal with another soldier.

Evacuation practice

Throw the soldier to the ground and then evacuate him as before. As Ocelot explains, the success of the evacuation is affected by the state of human health and weather conditions. An injured person in bad weather can die in such an evacuation. You can see the percentage of success before deploying Fulton's device. In the same way, we evacuate the third soldier.

Open the droid and go to the "Weapons/Items" tab again. Choose a cardboard box to start designing. You must have enough GMP points.

Complete hand-to-hand combat training

Now you can start a new mission, but there are still some interesting things you can learn about at the mother base. Approach Ocelot once more and start the optional hand-to-hand combat training. Approach any of the nearby opponents, grab them and hit them. Follow the instructions to do the same for the other target.

Get into the helicopter and move to the area of ​​operations

(Before you continue, you may want to take a shower and cleanse the dried blood.) Open the droid and go to the "Missions" menu. Select the helicopter to call it to the site, get on board to leave this area. A lot of new projects will appear on the screen, and this mission will be completed. You will receive an "Ocelot's Briefing" and a piece of the "Background: Badge" emblem as a reward.

While in the air, you can choose any mission from Ocelot's list. Open the droid, go back to the "Missions" section and select "Mission List". Three new missions are currently available: The Hero's Journey, C2W, and Over the Fence. We will move in the specified order.

Episode 3. The path of the hero
MGS 5 Walkthrough A Hero's Way

Mission objectives: Eliminate the commander of the special forces.
Neutralize the spetsnaz commander from a long distance (100 meters or more).
Extract the SWAT commander.
Pick up haoma in the desert between Shago and Spugmay Keep.
Save processed materials hidden in Shago Village.
Eliminate the commander of the special forces.

Choose from two drop zones. In this passage, a point was chosen north of Da Shago Callai. Before starting the mission, you can customize the equipment, partner, vehicle, character type. Set the drop-off time to 06:00. Your target - the commander of the special forces - has valuable information. You need to extract data from it, not kill it.

After you land, jump on your trusty horse and move towards the yellow marker. In order to get an additional reward, you will be able to extract information from any wild animal you meet at the location.

Clear the watchtower

Very soon you will see a sentry post to your right. There is a tent, a watchtower and a few guards here. It would be wise to deal with the guards before moving on. As you approach the occupied territory, use binoculars to view the location. Move furtively forward, hiding behind concrete blocks.

When all the guards are done, extract any you like, then collect useful loot and fuel resources. Nearby you can also find medicinal plants that can be used to make medicine or a tranquilizer for your weapons. Jump on the horse and keep moving towards the marker.

Find a target in Shago Village

Once you reach the outskirts of Shago Village, you will need to explore the location. To the northeast there is a high mountain which will give you a great view of the village. Find a good spot and use binoculars to view the location. Mark all guards and all objects of interest. Find a huge ruined building located in a courtyard with two watchtowers on the opposite side. There are wooden steps leading to the second floor. You also need to find the main target, located in the closed part of the building, up the stairs. There is a power generator nearby that can be turned off. With it, you can turn off the lights and security cameras. On the other hand, with these actions you will attract the attention of opponents.

When you're ready, move to the main building where the SWAT commander is located. Use various objects around the location as cover. Deal with any enemies you meet along the way. Pay special attention to the guards patrolling the area from the rooftops. These enemies can spot you at a much greater distance. Therefore, they must be eliminated first. Inside each building there is a useful loot.

After you infiltrate the main courtyard southwest of your starting position, search around and find cassette. Climb up the wooden stairs ahead to get to the top tier. The door on the right will lead you to several rooms with useful loot. Climb up the stairs to the next level. Use the ladder to disable the soldiers by attacking them from above.

Extract the commander and run away

Take cover behind the box on the right side and wait for the commander to appear with his patrol. Knock out the commander (to fulfill a special condition, you need to shoot him with a tranquilizer from afar), then pick him up from the ground and take him outside the buildings. From here, you can evacuate him with the Fulton with a 100% success rate. Pick up resources on the location and run away from here.

After completing the mission, you will find out that new side quests are available. Open the droid to learn the task "Translator's Evacuation (Russian)".

side mission. Evacuation of an interpreter (Russian)
Metal Gear Solid 5 The Phantom Pain walkthrough

This task, although a side one, is very important. If you pass it, you will be able to eavesdrop on the chatter of Russian soldiers, as well as interrogate them to find out the location of enemies, commanders, diamonds, information, armored vehicles, and even mission targets.

After you return to the place, select the task "Translator's Evacuation (Russian)" in the "Side Missions" menu. Set up a landing zone south of the east comm post. Set the time to 06:00. When you land, mount your horse, open the droid and select a mission. This will allow you to place a marker on the map. Return to the game and download to the objective of the mission.

When you are near the small hut where the interpreter is, jump off your horse and fall to the ground. Activate your binoculars and scan the area for hidden enemies. There are 2 soldiers and 1 translator here, he is in a striped T-shirt, after scanning with binoculars, he will be marked with a yellow marker. Move up the hill to the right of the building without being seen. Deal with the non-essential guards first. Sneak up to the translator from the rear and disable. Evacuate him with Fulton's device.

The only way to enter the building is through the window. Inside is a diamond and a couple of resource boxes.

To complete the mission, call the helicopter and climb aboard.

Episode 4. Information war (C2W)
Metal Gear Solid V walkthrough

Mission Objectives: Locate the equipment of the eastern communication point
Destroy the equipment of the eastern communication point
Capture the rough diamonds near the eastern contact point
Destroy the east link transmitter
Evacuate the two prisoners from Vialo Village
Retrieve the container of materials from the eastern contact point

Designate a drop zone north of Spugmai Fortress. Start the task and set the time to 06:00. This time you need to destroy the Soviet communications post, or rather, the equipment of the post.

Secret. After you land, you will immediately learn about a wild dog puppy not far from you. Approach the puppy and evacuate him with the Fulton system.

Reach the East Communications Post

Jump on your horse and move to the communication point in the east. Use the main road heading northeast. Once you're close to the Soviet troops, jump onto the ledge and scan the area with your binoculars. As usual, mark all soldiers. Next, start eliminating them to clear a path for yourself.

Before moving on, you need to make sure you have some C-4 explosives with you. This is very important for the future goals of the mission. First, make sure you have successfully developed the item in the Develop menu. After that, deliver the explosives closer to you and equip them.

While you are moving towards the communication post, you will have a guard post on your way. Leave the main road and climb up the hill on the left side. Examine the location and mark all the guards. Deal with everyone.

Detect and destroy communications equipment

Once in place, scan the location to mark all targets. You must identify not only the enemies, but also the communication equipment - 3 antennas located at different points in the village. 2 antennas are on the roofs of buildings, the 3rd is a little lower, in the foreground. There is a possibility that a sandstorm will appear on the location. At this time, the enemies will not notice you from afar, but you will not be able to notice them in time if you have not scanned them before. If you don't want to fight in a sandstorm, you can wait for it to pass.

Use C-4 explosives to destroy communications equipment

Climb the ladder to get to the top of the building, then place the C-4 on the antenna. Return down and move to the northwest towards the building on which the second antenna is installed. Below, under a canopy, you can find boxes with materials. We take buildings from the outside from the wall soldier poster, inside the room above the bed we take fashion model poster. Climb up the ledges to climb up to the roof, then place C-4 on the second antenna.

Leave your post to avoid enemy air strike

Once the antennas are destroyed, the enemy will try to blow you up with an airstrike. Jump on your trusty horse and race as fast as you can through the hot zone area.

Episode 5
Passage of Metal Gear Solid Five. Over the Fence

Mission objectives: Evacuate the captured engineer
Evacuate the captured engineer using the Fulton system through the hole in the basement floor
Evacuate the prisoner who planned to escape from Wahk Sindh Barracks
Evacuate the SUV that was patrolling between outposts
Capture blueprints from Wahk Sind Barracks

Select a drop zone south of Waqh Sindh Barracks. Drop off time is 06:00.

Find and rescue the captured engineer

Your new goal is to rescue a Soviet biomechanical prosthesis engineer who is being held at the Waqh Sind barracks. After landing, jump to the destination, on the yellow marker. You need to overcome a short section of the road to the north, moving through the mountains. Take your binoculars and scan the location.

Reach the entrance to the barracks

Jump off your horse and go down the slope towards the barracks. At the bottom you will notice a small bridge with a pipe. Climb up the pipe, pick up the Rough Diamonds, then climb up at the other end of the structure. Move onto the rocks and slowly turn right as you begin to climb up the hill. Soon you will see some sandbags. Behind the bags there is a road leading to the entrance to the summit. You will need to figure out or bypass the guard post.

Luckily, the main road leading to the barracks is behind the outpost. You have almost reached your destination. Crawl to the road down the slope. Cling to the mountains on the left side. When you are near the road, look up the hill. You will see a guard. To avoid detection, go around the cliffs across the road to your left. Now you can safely climb the hill, using the rocks as a disguise.

Get to the prisoner who planned the escape and find his location

Before proceeding, open your PDA and take a look at the map. The green triangle will indicate the position of the hostage. Instead of going through the main entrance of the ruined building, take an alternative, safer route. You should be on the right side of the main entrance. Find a path that leads to the rocks behind the sandbags. Climb up the slope and soon you will see the barracks. Crouch down and look to the left. You will see that the road leads to the entrance to the barracks.

Evacuate Engineer

Scan the area on the other side of the entrance and move up the hill to the green marker, hugging the rocks on the right. Ahead you will see a place of detention. Deal with all the guards. Follow the prisoner and use the Fulton system to evacuate him to the base.

Shortly after that, you will receive additional information about the location of the engineer. A new green marker will appear on the map. Move to the west, down the slope, destroying opponents. When you are at the bottom of the hill, slow down your movement. There are several enemies here. Follow the corridor to the left (on the left around the corner, there will be an enemy in the room), go past the small box on the right. When you get to the crossroads, turn right and go through the doorway on the left side. Open the red door and find the engineer.

Lift the engineer onto your shoulders and leave the detention chamber. Turn left into the corridor, then turn right. After walking a little along the corridor, you will find a door on the right side. It leads to a spacious warehouse. Enter there, then find a hole in the ceiling. Put the engineer on the ground and evacuate him with Fulton.

Get out, outside the building, look for a red container. It can be evacuated by Fulton if you have the appropriate development. Approach the wooden tent on the left side, just behind it you will see a small gap between the rocks.

The buildings in the center of the camp can be climbed through the windows. Inside you can find a diamond, audio cassette and several crates of supplies. Outside, there is another diamond on the table.

Climb down the slope, falling from ledge to ledge, until you are safely out of the hot zone.

Episode 6
The fifth part of Metal Gear Solid. Where do the Bees Sleep&

Mission Objectives: Capture the Sting System
Eliminate all Skulls
Capture the Sting system with ammo
Evacuate the prisoner who is unable to speak
Evacuate two snipers from the mountain transit

This time you need to find the "Sting" - a secret American weapon that was handed over to the Mujahideen Hamid. Unfortunately, Soviet soldiers are already on the hunt for weapons. It is very important that it does not fall into their hands. According to the source of the information, the "Sting" is located somewhere inside the fortress of Da Smasei Laman. The exact location is unknown. According to Ocelot, somewhere in the location you can find Hamid, who knows where the weapon is.

Make your way to the fortress

After you land, jump on the horse and move towards the yellow marker on the map. The sheer cliffs between you and the fortress are impassable, so you will have to make a long journey along a winding mountain path. Move southeast. You will see a path leading to a higher ground on the right. If you do not want to capture the guard post, then you can use this route.

Find the prisoner and move across the ravine

On the opposite side of the ravine, there are snipers who can literally kill you with two accurate hits. Staying in a crouched position, head northeast. In this place, you can wait for a dust storm and quietly move to the other side. Or you can order the delivery of a sniper rifle and practice headshots. The two enemy snipers should be left behind and evacuated like good specialists.

Avoid the combat helicopter and reach the fortress

On the hill to the right there will be a small checkpoint with a machine gun. In this place, you can shoot down an enemy helicopter to complete an additional mission condition.

We reach a fork in the road. On the right there is an imperceptible gorge, we pass into it, neutralizing two guards. In a closed canyon we find a secret military base. On the stairs leading to the ancient rock buildings, we see three guards and a captive Hamid.

You shouldn't make noise here, there are two or three dozen military men around. You can get around them by constantly clinging to the walls and hiding in the grass. You can eliminate enemies one by one with the help of a tranquilizer. If the enemies still raise the alarm, then there will be a long firefight.

When you are near the soldiers surrounding the prisoner, they will escort him towards the location of the Sting, inside the cave. You need to keep an eye on them.

Follow Hamid and find the weapon

At the top, you will notice a long corridor leading deeper into the cliff. This route is quite dangerous. Look for a small door in the wall to your left, go through it and look for any guards in the area. Next, turn left and climb the slope on the right, rising to the illuminated place. Deal with the soldiers and then continue up the stairs to the right. From here, you must follow the main route, moving deeper into the cave, keeping a safe distance between you and the imprisoned Hamid. You will have to face several patrolmen. Deal with them quickly. In the rooms of the cave can be found two valuable diamonds 100,000 points each, and several rough diamonds.

In the end, you will go down and find yourself in a cave with water. Stop when the group walks through the doors to a small room ahead. Immediately find the door on the left and go inside. You are now in a room adjacent to your target. Go around the corner on the right to get close to the group undetected. Turn the corner and wait for one of the soldiers to leave the squad. He will soon start searching the small room on the left. Quickly deal with the two remaining enemies using tranquilizer bullets. Then track down and neutralize the third enemy.

When everything is clear, go into the room and pick up the "Sting" lying on the ground. Lift the prisoner on your shoulder and return to the water cave. Throw the prisoner under one of the holes in the ceiling and use Fulton to evacuate. Look at the passage leading southwest from the chamber. Move on it. When you are at the entrance to the cave, a cut-scene will start.

Destroy the Skulls and leave the hotspot

We find ourselves in a large clearing in front of a rock. Here we meet our enemy - Skulls in a mask. He leaves us to fight the Shadow Squad. Thick fog prevents you from determining their location, and the reanimated corpses of fallen soldiers are trying their best to prevent you.

You can easily kill all the Skulls with the Sting Rocket Launcher, but then the extra mission will not be completed. We kill them from the machine gun, we hide behind shelters. When the Skull with a knife runs towards you, wait until the prompt appears on the screen to press the attack key. Press it quickly to counterattack the enemy. Having dealt with the enemies, we leave the canyon on the road, we return to the base.

After this task, you can return to the base and meet a new partner - D-Dog (a fighting dog was trained from a rescued puppy).

Episode 7
How to pass in Metal Gear Solid 5. Red Brass

Mission Objectives: Eliminate 3 company commanders from the villages of Vialo, Shago, Vahk Sind
Evacuate the commander along with his retinue (4 people)
Evacuate three commanders
Eavesdrop on the conversation of the three commanders to the end
Evacuate the two prisoners from the village of Gvandai

A new mission will ask you to eliminate three enemy commanders conferring in the village of Vialo. The meeting point is in the center of the location. At this point at the beginning of the mission there will be only one commander, the other two enemies are slowly moving towards the center from the north and south.

Scout Vialo village and mark all enemies

We ride to the village of Vialo. We scan the area with binoculars, pay special attention to the two soldiers on the roof. It will be easier for you to work if you disable these enemies.

As soon as you hear the sound of the Commander's SUV from the northeast, find a position that will allow you to scan all the vehicle's occupants. The main thing is to scan the commander (a soldier with a red beret). The second truck will arrive some time later from the northeast, scan the second commander.

Come to the meeting point

Soon after, two commanders will join a third inside a small building in the northern part of the village. Unfortunately, their guards will immediately split up and start patrolling the area. It is necessary to eliminate these especially active soldiers running from place to place.

Start eliminating enemies far from the meeting point, and then go over the heads of other opponents to the main building. Here it is better to use a tranquilizer gun. Move quickly from one enemy to another, killing each of them before they raise the alarm. You need to act quickly, if the meeting ends, the commanders will disperse along three different routes, and this is already the failure of part of the mission.

Evacuate three commanders

According to one of the additional objectives, you have to wait until the commanders finish their conversation, while you need to eavesdrop on him. So you need to sit out for a while if you plan to complete this task. After that, you can run inside and shoot everyone with tranquilizer darts, or try to use melee attacks. We take out the stunned commanders from the building, evacuate them with Fulton.

Episode 8
MGS V Walkthrough Occupation Forces

Mission objectives:
- Obtain Colonel's Deployment Plans
- Eliminate the colonel
- Destroy all Soviet tanks
Evacuate the colonel
Eliminate the Colonel and all his tanks before they arrive at Smasei Fortress
Evacuate the prisoner from Shahr Ye
Evacuate all tanks

This mission consists of two parts: first, you must eliminate the colonel occupying the village of Shahra Ye and capture his plans. Secondly, it will be necessary to destroy the Soviet tanks.

Reach the village and infiltrate it

Once you land, Ocelot will mark on the map what you need to develop explosive weapons. Open the PDA and develop the FAKEL-46 grenade launcher, and deliver it to the location.

Take binoculars and look around the whole village, marking enemy targets. Lie down and crawl along the ground to the southwest, towards the village, pressing against the rock on the left side. Keep moving uphill, you should reach the building at the highest point of the village. Continue moving, leaving to the ledge and the wooden path leading around the lower building.

Find plans

The plans lie in the tallest building in the mountain village. You can get inside through the window. Inside we scan the marked documents. (But if the alarm was raised, then it will not work to inspect the documents, first you will need to deal with all the enemies around).

Destroy tanks

If you did not linger in the village, then the tanks and the colonel should be somewhere in the northwest. They move towards your position. If so, then you can complete your mission right here and now. All you have to do is use the FAKEL-46 rocket launcher. Several accurate hits will help you destroy the enemy armored vehicle. Be prepared for retaliatory measures from tank drivers. Two shots and Big Boss is dead. Please note that you need to destroy the tanks before they reach the end point of their route. Use Fulton to evacuate the Colonel and complete two secondary missions.

If you've held out in the village for too long after finding the information, your targets will most likely be on their way to Da Smasei Laman in the southeast. If so, you need to catch up with the tanks and destroy them. You can use the air strike available in the PDA in the "Assignments" section. Also in the village, interrogating the soldiers, we can find out that there is an armored vehicle with a rocket launcher at the lower checkpoint. Get in it and drive after the tanks. Destroying enemy tanks with an armored car is as easy as shelling pears (using the "1" and "2" keys we switch from a machine gun to missiles, and with the "F" key we aim). The main thing now is to catch up with the tanks.

Avoid the guard posts and reach the Smasei Fortress

If you do not destroy the tanks in time, they will come to the fortress in the closed gorge, where you fought with the Skulls earlier. Here you need to find and eliminate the colonel before he can leave the zone through the tunnel to the south. Shoot the colonel with a tranquilizer, then evacuate with the Fulton system. There are several ways to destroy tanks. The most direct of them: break through enemy redoubts and shoot tanks with a rocket launcher.

It's better to make a different decision. Destroy the enemies one at a time before dealing with the tanks. Follow the route clockwise. Eliminate hostile targets as soon as you see them. In the center of the clearing there is a tower with a guard. You should deal with him quickly, just shoot the fuel barrel under the tower.

If Fulton's device is upgraded, then you can evacuate the tank from the area to complete an additional objective.

After completing the mission, you will be informed about the creation of a new combat unit, which allows you to send crew members on external sorties. And Ocelot will talk about a sniper girl nicknamed Quiet.

Episode 9
walkthrough Metal Gear Solid 5. Backup, Back Down

Mission objectives:
Destroy an armored car
Eliminate several combat vehicles and helicopters
Destroy all armored vehicles without using supplies or fire support
Grab a weapon that's being transported on a truck
Evacuate the armored car
Evacuate the four soldiers who were looking for the escaped prisoner
Evacuate six prisoners
Evacuate three tanks

If you upgrade your binoculars to level 2, then it will allow you to scan enemies for special skills that could be useful to you at the main base.

Your goal is to eliminate enemy battle tanks within 15 minutes of the allotted time before the end of the guerrilla operation. Your mission will be completed if at least 1 armored vehicle is destroyed. The more tanks are destroyed, the greater your reward will be.

On the mission you need to take a grenade launcher, rocket launcher, grenades, mines - everything that can destroy armored vehicles.

Eliminate Soviet combat vehicles

After you land, jump on your horse and look for the red markers on the map. They point to enemy vehicles that must be destroyed. Jump to the nearest armored car. Your first objective should be located along the road to the northwest. You will approach the Soviet guard post. Given the time limit for this mission, it's best to ignore the opponents and focus on eliminating the tanks.

Pay attention to the bridge leading to the west. This is where the first tank should be. Take the FAKEL-46 rocket launcher and use it to destroy the armored personnel carrier. If you can't quickly destroy the tank, then most likely soldiers in the nearest area will be alerted to your attack. This will greatly complicate your task.

Head west over the bridge marked earlier. Your second objective should still follow the main road to the south. Get close to it and destroy it.

Soon more and more vehicles will appear on the location. If they manage to leave the mission area, then you will no longer be able to destroy them.

Release the prisoner

Ocelot will soon warn you of the appearance of an SUV carrying a prisoner. Move north along the main road until you spot a guard post ahead. There are several guards here. Sweep past them as fast as you can without paying attention. If you spot an SUV, then use a tranquilizer on the driver and the guard in the front passenger seat to stop the vehicle. Use the Fulton to evacuate the SUV with the hostage, or just the hostage (if the Fulton system is not upgraded). Rescuing the prisoner will let you know the location of the enemy. Go there if you have a free minute.

Get back on your horse and ride to the next target. Destroy her before she leaves the map. If you run out of ammo then remember that you can order it by opening the droid and going to the first section.

When the mission enters the final stage and there are a few minutes left, you will be alerted to the presence of a truck with weapons moving along the main road from the north. Extremely hidden in the truck powerful weapon CGM 25- homing missiles. Use the tranquilizer sniper rifle to shoot the truck driver. When he stops, then come closer and evacuate the installation.

After the elimination of all tanks (or when the time is reset), the mission will be completed. Call the helicopter and jump on board. An additional story mission "Contact with Emmerich" will become available!

Episode 10
Stealth game Metal Gear Solid 5. Angel With Broken Wings

Mission objectives:
Evacuate the captured Mujahideen Malak
Evacuate the escort armored vehicle
Evacuate the three prisoners from Lamar Haate's palace
Evacuate two prisoners from the Yaho Obu supply base
Listen to the last conversation between the driver and Malaca

When you land, hop on your horse and head northwest towards the ruined palace. Ocelot will inform you about an additional reward for each rescued captive.

Find Malak at Lamar Kaate's Palace

There is an SUV in front of the palace, Malak - your target for this mission, is in the back seat of this vehicle. Be sure to check the SUV through binoculars to mark it on the map. Afterwards, listen to the conversation of the guards as they talk about their plans to escort the prisoner to the supply base in the north. There are several other prisoners in the palace that should not be forgotten. Decide if you want to focus on rescuing Malak, or if you want to evacuate other hostages at the same time to get a reward.

An easy way is to chase Malak, who is being transported in an SUV. You need to catch up with him before he gets to the outpost.

If you decide to rescue the other prisoners in the palace, then you will then have to infiltrate the heavily guarded outpost to the north, where Malak has already been transported.

Find and rescue the captives

If you decide to save other hostages, jump off your horse and move towards the ruined building. There is a rock on the left. You can go around the perimeter of the palace along this cliff. There are several guards patrolling the upper levels of the palace, on the third floor there is a sniper sitting on the balcony. Find the nearest window on the ground floor and climb inside the building.

Inside, look for two dark containers shaped like prison cells in the middle of the building. There is a prisoner in the eastern cage. Pick the lock, pull the prisoner out and evacuate with the help of Fulton. In the building on the third floor on the front balcony there is Drawings "Bambetov SV". The building has narrow corridors, you have an advantage, you can attack the guards from around the corner, capture them and stun them.

There are two more prisoners in the palace that you can rescue. Explore the palace and listen to the sounds. Captives will usually beg to be saved. Do not waste time, because after a few minutes one by one the hostages will be executed.

Reach and infiltrate the outpost where Malak is being held

If you rescued all three prisoners in the palace (or were seen before they were rescued), then return to the main road. Jump on your horse and ride north to the main objective of the task. You must reach the supply base where Malak was taken.

The watchtowers of the outpost can be bypassed by moving along the rocks on the left. We can climb the boxes to the walls of the base, further around the corner of the building along the rocks we can enter one of the towers of the outpost. We walk along the roof, imperceptibly eliminate snipers and soldiers from the searchlights.

Locate Malak's prison cell and evacuate him from the supply base

There are several doors along the perimeter of this building (we open the doors by pressing the right mouse button). You need to find Malak's detention cell behind them (if you marked him at the palace, now he will be visible through the walls). Get the hostage to freedom and evacuate with Fulton or a helicopter.

Episode 11
metal gear solid v the phantom pain. Cloaked in Silence

(This mission is not in the list of tasks, you need to find it yourself by entering a specific location on the global map).

Eliminate Quiet
Decide how to deal with Quiet
Disable Quiet without using firearms against her
Disable Quiet without using lethal weapons against her

In the northwest of the global map in the location "Aabe Shifap Ruins" we will be attacked by a sniper nicknamed Quiet. The best weapon in a fight with Quiet is an airstrike. Carefully look out and mark the target with binoculars each time you move. Next, direct an airstrike in her direction, it will take away 2/3 of her health.

After each hit, the girl disappears and instantly appears in a new place. The location is large and sometimes it is problematic to find the target. To do this, run out and see where Quiet is aiming from. Quiet will periodically stop at the location, near the water, and play with the rainbow. This is your chance to attack her unhindered.

Take cover behind pillars and other structures, because literally 1-2 shots and the Big Boss is dead. Run out and hide so Quiet starts shooting. Quickly crawl out and shoot it yourself with a sniper rifle.

To complete all the side objectives, you need not shoot, but sneak up on the girl from behind and capture her. But even if we take away all the health of the sniper, she will still survive. We take her prisoner and take her to the base.

Quiet helps us get rid of the enemy fighter aircraft along the way. And at the base itself, she is imprisoned in the infirmary, where the medical team will study her ability to move, like the Skulls.

(Without this mission, you will not be able to start the story episode #12).

Objective: Travel to the Serac Power Plant and make contact with Dr. Emmerich. There is a suspicion that he participated in the attack on the main base 9 years ago.

We get to the Serak Power Plant, guarded by Soviet soldiers. We can get around all the enemies, clinging to the left rocks and climbing over the fences. We enter the door at the red gate, we find ourselves in an underground complex where Metal Gear walking robots are being developed.

Inside, we imperceptibly follow the Skull and Professor Emmerich, the creator of mechanical legs. The skull takes Emmerich to the military base, and we need to get out of here on our own.

Episode 12
Metal Gear Solid Phantom. hellbound

- Meet Dr. Emmerich
- Evacuate Dr. Emmerich
Evacuate three Walker Gears from the central base
Evacuate Dr. Emmerich unharmed
Grab a fashion model vertical poster on a central base
Capture blueprints at the central base

We start in the underground complex, the gates to the robots are closed, only two guards are patrolling nearby. We stun both enemies, on the second floor of the site we find secret documents.

We leave the complex. Now the power plant is patrolled by a helicopter. We also move along the right rocks, but during the approach of the helicopter we hide in buildings or in the grass.

Having got out, we go along the road, we get to the Central Base Camp of Afghanistan. There are not only ordinary soldiers here, but also riders on small walking robots. Move towards the hangar. If you are discovered, quickly jump back and hide behind the hangars, wait out the alarm. Next, you should sneak towards the drain and overcome it. From there, you will enter a field that will allow you to take a safe route to the base. It's best to avoid the Walker Gear. You can sneak up on enemies on these robots and stun them. You have to get to the far left huge hangar. (There are blueprints for a new weapon in the nearby hangar).

You can enter inside the hangar only if you were not noticed, or when the entire location is cleared after the alarm. Find Emmerich inside and take him. Emmerich will offer to leave the base on a Walker Gear.

Outside the base will appear a huge robot Sahelanthropus, controlled by the Skull. Together with Emmerich, you need to run away from him to the helicopter landing point. Hide from the robot behind the rocks. When he loses sight of you, he will release several flying drones with laser sights, you need to hide from them too. While the robot has turned away, we run away from it along the road. The helicopter landing point can be changed by making it closer to you.

During takeoff, the robot will notice us anyway. We pick up a mounted machine gun, first we shoot at the rockets, and then at the robot's cockpit. Sahelanthropus will explode and fall to the ground.

Episode 13
Metal Gear V Walkthrough in Russian. Mission Pitch Dark

The captured Professor Emmerich revealed that the Cipher organization had developed walking robots with his help, but they have another project in Africa. We carry out the following missions not in Afghanistan, but on the territory of the "Border zone of Angola and Zaire".

Turn off the oil refinery pump
Destroy a huge tank (separator) with oily water
Evacuate the four children of soldiers training in the village of Masa
Leave the danger zone before the blockade of the Mfinda field is implemented
Catch an African long-eared vulture that has flown into a burned village
Evacuate the four Walker Gears blocking the Mfinda field

In total, the task has two stages. In the first stage, you can skip the village. If you want to clean it up, then you should remember that child soldiers can be euthanized as much as possible, but not killed. Also, they cannot be interrogated and grabbed. But the kids themselves will gladly put a clip of a machine gun in you. If all adult opponents are eliminated without raising the alarm, the children will leave the location.

When you pass this village, follow straight to the factory. You need to blow up a huge target, marked with a yellow marker on the map and located closer to you. You must also turn off the refinery pump, it is in the upper room in the central building. Move around the perimeter clockwise until you reach the tank. Install SI-4 explosives on the tank (hold RMB, press LMB - setting explosives; hold RMB, press E - detonate).

There are many opponents on the location, and all of them are located very close to each other. The Fulton system, if you remember, attracts the attention of opponents. After the explosives are planted, you will need to make your way to the back of the building and climb up. Inside the room to which the blue door leads, find the control panel and turn off the pump.

Quickly leave the base before reinforcements on robots arrive. The oil platform can be left via basement. Head east until you are far from the station, then activate SI-4.

Episode 14
Walkthrough Metal Gear Solid 5. Lingua Franca

- Find an African translator
- Find the Viscount
- Evacuate the Viscount
Establish the exact location of the four captives from the intelligence received.
Evacuate the three prisoners from Kiziba's camp.
Evacuate the container of materials from the Kiziba camp
Eavesdrop on the interrogation of four prisoners

We crawl to the nearest checkpoint, there are four soldiers, and one of them is an interpreter. Until we touch and stun the translator, follow him, he will lead us to the Viscount. But first, the interpreter will alternately interrogate the other three hostages. When the detachment of the translator will depart, we release the hostage.

Stun grenade blueprints"Stun Grenade" are located in the southern village in the central house.

Viscount's interrogation will take place in the building east of the fork in the road. Only at this moment we attack, kill the guards, stun and evacuate the translator and the Viscount.

(If we raise the alarm ahead of time or eliminate the translator, then the Viscount will be evacuated from the camp under a canopy in a field in the northeast. He will have to look for himself, and very quickly, otherwise he will be killed).

Episode 15
Download Metal Gear Solid 5. Footprints of Phantoms

- Destroy all Walker Gears
Evacuate the two prisoners from the abandoned village of Ditadi
Evacuate all Walker Gear
Gather foxglove yellow around the abandoned village of Ditadi
Evacuate the truck located in the abandoned village of Ditadi

You must blow up or steal four Walker Gear robots. If you attack at night, then half of the guards will sleep in tents. If you raise the alarm, then the enemies will jump on the robots, and it will be problematic to kidnap them. So it is better to pass the mission silently. (If you don't want to achieve the extra objective of evacuating the Walker Gear, you can simply destroy them by bombarding the base with an airstrike).

The location has records and weapon blueprints "G44". Captives in the northern part of the camp. The necessary yellow foxglove grows on the top of the mountain, above the camp.

Episode 16
MGS 5. Passage. Traitors' Caravan

- Find an armored vehicle from the escort
- Find a truck
- Evacuate the truck
Eliminate Skulls
Evacuate the truck driver
Establish the route of the column according to the received intelligence
Listen to all conversations between the truck driver and soldiers at guard posts and outposts
Evacuate three soldiers from the Zero Risk Security squad

Before embarking on this mission, equip Snake with heavy weapons. Select the max level rocket launcher. It is better to take a horse as a partner, not a dog. Get to the marked point, clear the outpost and look into the tent, where you will find information on the table. Examine the records to find out the route of the truck.

This truck should not be destroyed in any case! Follow him. In one of the villages, the tanks will disperse and you can run up to the truck. Wherever it happens, Skulls will come out of the truck. You must kill them.

Skulls have 4 types of attacks: 1) Skulls throw huge black rocks at you - you must be in constant motion, or you can hide behind covers; 2) firearms - you need to hide; 3) melee weapons - let them get closer and counterattack when a prompt appears on the screen; 4) The skull raises its hands up, dark smoke begins to move along the ground - run away to the side, because stones will appear from the ground, causing serious damage.

The easiest way to defeat the Skulls is to stay out of their sight. Until they notice us, they move slowly like zombies. They always go in our direction, even if they don't know where we are. We are waiting somewhere behind the hill, when the Skulls move away from the truck at least 20 meters, mark them on the map and call in shelling, they will all die immediately from it.

Episode 17
MGS 5. Rescue the Intel Agents

- Evacuate a member of the reconnaissance squad from the Kiziba camp
Evacuate two CFA employees
- Evacuate the prisoner from Kiziba's camp
Evacuate four soldiers from the search party
Evacuate the truck driver

We must free two prisoners. One ran away and hid from the enemy in the jungle, we find him in the grass near a deep quarry in the forest. Enemies are combing the forest, you need to find them all and mark them so as not to accidentally get caught.

The second scout continues to be tortured in the camp. We find it in an underground pit about two cells. The hostage is too weak, so the trip using the Fulton system will not survive. We need to call an evacuation helicopter to the nearest hill.

(If the enemies raise the alarm, armored soldiers will arrive at the camp, which will have to be destroyed with a grenade launcher or machine gun. It is best to avoid this).

There is another prisoner in the northern building on the hill. We also need to evacuate a few enemies for an additional mission.

Episode 18
Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain. Blood Runs Deep

- Eliminate the ex-rebel from Mbele's army
- Eliminate five prisoners in the Kungeng Mine
- Evacuate the captive child
Evacuate the ex-rebel from Mbele's army
Make it so that the enemy does not detect the evacuation of five children of soldiers
Destroy the attack helicopter
Evacuate five snipers near the northeast and southwest guard posts of the Kungeng Mine
Evacuate three armored vehicles

We find the rebel at the base in the corner of the location. There are many observation towers around, but on the left side there is a dense jungle, through which you can creep unnoticed to the rear. An enemy helicopter flies from above. If we raise the alarm, the enemies will also have a tank.

We get to the entrance to the mine. Behind the fence at the top to the left of the entrance, you can enter the resource depot and use the Fulton to evacuate several containers. Nearby in the house of two rooms there is two new types of posters. You can go down to the quarry, there are diamonds at the bottom and on the shelves.

In the rock we find a lattice door, we go inside the cave. On the left of the cage we release 5 African children, they have a whole mountain of diamonds. One child cannot move, we will have to carry him on our shoulders. The rest of the kids will follow us. We order the children to wait in the cave (hold down "Q", the commands for the children are indicated in the lines on the left). We leave along the right tunnel of the cave, we go along the gorge along the river, we clean the area from enemies. We return to the children and lead them to the helicopter landing site. We throw everyone on board, take them to our base.

Episode 19
Metal Phantom Pain. On the Trail

- Find the subordinate commander of the PMC, whose nickname is Major
- Locate the PMC commander nicknamed Major
- Eliminate the commander of the PMC nicknamed Major
Evacuate the PMC commander nicknamed Major
Evacuate the subordinate Major
Evacuate the prisoner at the northeast guard post near Munko Ya Nyoka Station
Listen to the conversation between the assistant and the Major himself

On a mission, it is better to take a horse or a transport robot in order to keep up with the goal. In the first camp we find the Major's assistant. We follow him to the second camp, in which the assistant will transfer to another car. We follow further.

(If the Major's assistant notices us before he arrives at his commander, this will mean failure - the Major will hide in a helicopter before we arrive).

The assistant will stop at a high cliff in the north. We climb to the top, on the other hand we find a group of military men with two cars, among them is Major himself. Behind a few inconspicuous sentries covering the rear. We eavesdrop on the conversation between the Major and the assistant, and then we stun them all and evacuate. These are very valuable personnel with A+ skills.

Episode 20
Passage of all missions. Metal Gear Solid torrent.Voices

- Evacuate Shabani
Attack the successfully flying boy
Repel the attack of the burning man
Establish a route to the western guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone according to the received intelligence
Capture a wild dog located near Ngumba Industrial Zone West Guard Post
Listen to the conversation about the corpses at Munko Ya Nyoka Station

Stock up on a grenade launcher and C-4 explosives. Follow the jungle killing hyenas and wild dogs. Ahead of you will be waiting for three enemy guard posts in a foggy area. You must clear the first post without fail, you can go around the other two along the edge. In addition to ordinary enemies, there are cardboard dummies here. Approaching the cliff of the waterfall, we go through the thickets on the left, we crawl under the roots of the trees. We pass through the tunnel.

Behind the tunnel we find an empty hangar and a laboratory. Inside the hospital, we examine the infected Africans. The screens between the chambers must be moved with the right mouse button, like ordinary doors. At the end of the building we find the boy Shabani, but he is also infected. We are discovered by the main Skull and sends a burning man at us. We quickly leave the building.

Before calling a helicopter, you need to distract the burning person. (If the helicopter arrives earlier, the fireman will knock it down with one fireball). To kill such a mystical enemy will not work, you need to use water. In the center there is a pool where you can put out if you catch fire, but you can’t lure a fiery enemy there. There are 4 light blue water containers in the empty hangar. We call the helicopter while it is flying, we lure the fiery man closer, we blow up the container with water with a grenade launcher. When extinguished, the fireman will be stunned for a minute, during which time you need to have time to board a helicopter and fly away from the location.

Episode 21
Metal Gear PC download. The War Economy

- Find the arms dealer who arrived by helicopter
- Locate the CFA employee (the salesperson will approach him)
- Eliminate a CFA employee
Evacuate a CFA employee
Evacuate the arms dealer
Listen to absolutely all the dialogues of the trader and the CFA employee
Capture the blueprints with the attack helicopter
Evacuate the material container in the hangar at Braga Nova Airport

You can take Quiet as a partner. (To be able to take it, you must complete optional mission #111: go down to the basement of the medical platform, the ladder is located almost 5-10 meters from the helipad, and listen to Ocelot's words). Make your way to the base avoiding the video cameras.

Behind the rows of low airport buildings is a runway. It is very wide and you cannot run straight to the airport building, there is a sniper on the roof. Wait for the helicopter to land on the roof and identify the target. Then move to the left of the airport building, towards the plane. Go around it and go to the desired building. Here you should find an arms dealer that was marked after getting off the helicopter, next to which there will be a CFA officer.

If we raise the alarm, then a combat helicopter will circle over the airport, it is better to request ammunition and shoot it down with a rocket launcher. The target of the mission in case of an alarm will hide inside the second floor of the main terminal with a tower. There on the table are drawings "UN-AAM". It is better to evacuate a CFA employee, he has A + ratings in combat and communications.

(How to complete this mission without problems. After the helicopter lands, mark the weapon seller with binoculars. That's it, you can leave the base and go far, far away. Open the droid, select the “Armour” section. The same weapon seller is marked with a yellow marker on the map. After a while, the seller and another red dot will start moving to the right side, towards the exit of the building.He walks along with a CFA employee, which you must destroy.When they come to the edge of the building, shoot to the right of these points.You need to get between the large building airport and two small small buildings to the right.If done in time, the projectiles will cover both targets, and you will have to fly away from the scene).

Episode 22
Metal Gear Phantom Pain walkthrough. Retake the Platform

- Eliminate the enemy commander

This is an emergency mission, it will appear right during the execution of episode 21. You need to interrupt the main task and quickly return to the base on the oil rigs. If we do not complete it on time, it will end automatically. If we can’t complete it on the first try, then it will be impossible to replay it, we will lose part of our staff. On subsequent attempts, we won't lose anything.

To complete, you need to neutralize all the enemies that have landed on one of our drilling platforms. The main goal is the commander, we will find him on the next platform on the top floor. Having defeated the enemies, we save our captured employees.

After completing the mission, we create a new defensive unit at the base to prevent such attacks. The fighters do not have special defensive ratings, you need to put people with a high combat rating there.

Episode 23
MGS V walkthrough. The White Mamba

- Evacuate the White Mamba
Evacuate the prisoner from Masa Village
Evacuate the White Mamba without giving it a chance to fight back
Capture Rough Diamonds located near Masa Village
Evacuate twenty child soldiers

We need to capture the leader of the children's squad. Children cannot be killed, you can only stun them or put them to sleep. If you aim a weapon at their head, they will fold their machine guns. You can then stun and evacuate them.

Near the shore in one of the central houses lies a prisoner girl - an elite fighter. She can be found by her muffled voice. Next, you need to get to the deck of the destroyed ship. It is better to stick to the right edge, there are fewer enemies.

On the two upper floors of the ship, you will have to fight with the boy leader White Mamba. Neutralize the children, then it will be easier to fight him. Mamba will quickly run away from us and strike from behind. We can counterattack with blows, but to defeat him, you need to quietly attack him from behind. To search for a hidden boy, you can use the sonar built into a mechanical arm, or call a dog for help. We load the captured leader into a helicopter and fly away.

- Evacuate the male engineer
- Evacuate the female engineer
Evacuate the six Nubians near the southwest guard post of the Ngumba Industrial Area
Evacuate two SUVs
Evacuate four containers from Munko Ya Nyoka's northeast guard post
Harvest an African peach near Nyoka train station
Catch a Martial Eagle near Nyoka Station

A martial eagle sits on a stump just in front of the checkpoint entrance. Peaches can be found on a hill to the left of the checkpoint.

Both engineers are held in the same tent. But while we are going through the checkpoint (Nyoka railway station), the woman will be taken by car in the direction of this checkpoint. You need to have time to intercept this car, evacuate the woman and the SUV itself.

We clear the camp. If we act slowly, the engineer will run away from the enemies on his own and we will have to look for him outside. At the far entrance to the camp is the second SUV.

Episode 25
Metal Gear PC download. Aim True, Ye Vengeful

- Evacuate the Chief of Staff
- Evacuate the commander of the child soldiers
Evacuate the prisoner who escaped from the northeast guard post near Munko Ya Nyoka
Evacuate twelve child soldiers
Simultaneously evacuate the child soldier commander and the chief of staff using the vehicle
Gather foxglove purple near the northeast guard near Nyoka Station

Another task with armed children. We take with us only non-lethal weapons: a pistol and a sniper rifle with tranquilizers. One by one we shoot and put the children to sleep. We do not leave anyone, so that they do not wake up the sleeping enemies.

The commander of the children is in a building near a large shed. The commander is wearing a red beret. Inside the same building, there is a drawing "ISANDO RGL-220" on the table. Having put everyone around to sleep, we take a car, drive up, load both the commander of the children and the captured adult soldier.

We drive north to the helicopter landing point. At the second turn of the road we find another adult escaped prisoner with excellent combat ratings.

After completing the mission, we learn about the epidemic at the main base. A dozen people have been placed in quarantine with signs of a terrible disease, from which mucus appears on the surface of the lungs. We randomly send a few more healthy people to quarantine. Only then can we continue.

Episode 26
Metal Gear Solid 5. Passage of the game. hunting down

- Determine the slave trader's escape route from the intelligence received
- Eliminate the slave trader
Eliminate the slaver before he arrives at the Kiziba camp
Evacuate the slave trader and his five escorts
Evacuate four hostages from the abandoned village of Ditadi
Capture a Striped Jackal near Kiziba's Camp

The mission will begin with a search for information. We approach the village of Ditadi from the side of the mountain, we begin to clear the camp from top to bottom. Each tent contains a hostage. On the table with radios we find a document for decryption.

Having learned the route, we call the horse, quickly jump across. If we make it in time, we can attack the slaver in the swampy field, and not at the base. The slave trader is guarded by one ordinary soldier, but after the attack, four people in chemical protection will jump out, and an elite sniper will shoot us from the side of the camp. We put the stunned merchant on a horse, take it to the helicopter landing site.

Episode 27
Metal Gear walkthrough. root cause

- Evacuate the intelligence officer
Evacuate a scout before they get hurt
Leave the danger zone by land

We need to save our scout who has learned the secret of the epidemic. We take a horse on a mission. We make our way to the enemy base from the mountain road. The scout is in the nearest tent near the tower. You need to get to him as quickly as possible.

If we do not have time to save the hostage right away, he will run away on his own, get into a truck and drive along a mountain road. Seeing this, we drop everything, sit on a horse and catch up with the car. The scout will crash the car, derail it, but he himself will remain lying on the top of the hill. We must defend the hill from advancing enemies. It is better to use a sniper rifle and a grenade launcher. A wounded hostage can only be evacuated by helicopter.

Episode 28
Play Metal Gear Solid 5. Code Talker

- Meet Code Toker
- Evacuate Code Toker
Evacuate Code Toker safe and sound
Eliminate Skulls
Evacuate the Skulls
Evacuate the armored vehicle blockading Lufwa Valley

We went on the trail of a man who knows everything about the epidemic. It remains to penetrate into his mansion. You need to take Quiet as a partner. Halfway to Code Toker's mansion, we will be attacked by 4 Sniper Skulls, like Quiet. You need to hide from the laser sights behind the rocks. We hide in one place, quietly crawl, look out and scan snipers. After that, you can use shelling or order Quiet to shoot at your colleagues. Be careful, as the enemies can come down and move towards us, attacking in close combat. You need to notice this in time and counterattack them.

On the bridges we get to the house in the jungle. We go inside from the back. On the second floor we can find weapon blueprints. But it is not necessary to walk around the house, we only need to go down to the basement. After entering the hallway, turn left and through the library begin to descend into the dungeon, where the Code Toker will be.

We take out the old man from the basement, carry it to the helicopter landing point. Along the way, you need to neutralize the new soldiers and the tank that has arrived. The tank can be destroyed with a couple of shelling, but on an additional task it needs to be evacuated.

Episode 29
metal gear. Metallic Archaea

- Eliminate Skulls
- Evacuate Code Toker
Complete the mission without being captured by the puppet soldier
Evacuate the Skulls

On a mission, we take a rocket launcher or a grenade launcher, a machine gun or a sniper rifle - any weapon with the highest possible damage. We can leave the old man at the crashed helicopter, no one will touch him. We ourselves scan the Skulls in front of us, and then we run away from them at least 100 meters. We are ordering shelling on Cherepov, asking in advance to drop ammunition on the airfield. After our successful attack, the Skulls can quickly approach us, again we run away from them, again we attack from afar. You need to act quickly, because the Skulls can restore their health and stone armor. Seeing the half-finished Skull, we run up to him and finish him off with a machine gun or machine gun.

Episode 30
Walkthrough Metal Gear Solid 5. Skull Face

Once again interrogating the scientist Emmerich, we find out the location of the main weapon of the Skull - the humanoid giant walking robot Sahelanthropus. We return to Afghanistan to the main Soviet base.

- Contact with the Skull must take place
- Get information from Skull
Evacuate four Walker Gears
Find an audio cassette at OKB Zero
Evacuate seven red containers from OKB Zero
Evacuate three tanks from OKB Zero

With a fight we make our way to the base of OKB Zero, where the main Skull took refuge. The base is built in length and consists of three sections. We can bombard the base with air strikes to thoroughly clean it up. There are many enemies, so the measure will not be extreme.

At the end we get to the roof, where the Skull with guards is waiting for us. We are captured by him. Together with him we go to the base behind the power plant, listen to his story. We examine the giant robot, but at this time the control of the flying boy (the spirit of revenge) is intercepted by the White Mamba and he begins to control the robot, destroying everything around.

Episode 31
Metal Gear Solid 5

- Defeat Sahelanthropus
Destroy the head of Sahelanthropus
Successfully activate the flying boy

The last task of the story campaign. You must destroy the Sahelanthropus - a huge mechanized creature. This can be done using armored vehicles scattered around the location. It is best to use not a tank, but an armored vehicle with a rocket launcher. We take the best rocket launcher with us on a mission, we order the delivery of ammunition several times.

After losing 2/3 of his health, the boss will jump onto a hill and fire a blue electric blast. It kills us instantly, so we need to quickly hide behind the rocks. Having hidden, we call shelling on Sahelanthropus.

Chapter 2

Many of the missions in the second chapter are taken from the main storyline and made more difficult. There are three types of such missions: "Invisible", "Autonomy" and "Extreme".

1. The name of the mission contains the word " Invisible» - to perform it, the enemies should not notice you.

2. The word " Extreme" in the name of the mission - the enemies have more advanced artificial intelligence, the inability to use the "chicken cap", which allows you to make you invisible up to three cases of direct contact with the enemy.

3. If the title contains the word " autonomy"- you cannot use the "chicken hat", you do not have weapons and other combat equipment, you do not have a partner. You cannot use helicopter support, shelling, or dropping supplies. On the other hand, in such missions, you can not hide from enemies.

Episode 32
Walkthrough Metal Gear Solid 5. To Know Too Much

- Evacuate the CIA agent.
Evacuate the CIA agent before the search party arrives.
Evacuate four soldiers before the search party arrives.
Evacuate the driver of the vehicle.
Evacuate the two captives located in the Shago Village and Lamar Haate Palace.
Evacuate a Soviet soldier who was planning an assassination attempt on a CIA agent.

The target points to the center of the desert. To the right of the desert there is an outpost, on its territory there are 6 enemy soldiers. We can stun them and interrogate them.

Four Walker Gear robots patrol the desert. In the specified area, we must find the associated CIA agent, who is a hostage and lying near the mountains, in a place where there is a small area with grass. We need to act quickly. If we do not have time to find him, he will be loaded into a car and taken to the ruined palace, surrounded by four robots.

If you want to evacuate the captives in the Shago villages and in the palace, they can be visited after the evacuation of the main target.

After completing episode 32, we are called back to the base.

Goal: Elijah wants revenge. He challenged you to a duel. Teach him a lesson by fighting him one more time at the main base.

The boy Eli, nicknamed "White Mamba", challenges us to a duel. We fight with him on the R&D platform. You need to catch up with the boy or grab him from behind. Snake's mechanical arm with sonar effect can help here to see the boy through walls. Eli will be stunned sooner or later, but he is still full of hatred and vengeance.

Episode 33
Walkthrough Metal Gear Solid 5. C2W

- Look for the communications equipment at the eastern point.
- Destroy the communications equipment at the eastern point.
Grab the rough diamonds at the east point.
Destroy the comm transmitter at the east point.
Evacuate the two prisoners from Vialo Village.
Retrieve the container of materials located at the eastern contact point.

We leave for the village of Vialo to rescue two captives. On the spot, try to stun one or two guards without raising the alarm, and pick up their weapons. It will only come in handy if you make a fuss.

We follow the yellow mark on the map. You can enter the base from above by climbing up the crevice in the rock. There are three satellite dishes on the roofs of the buildings. We mark them with binoculars. Try to clear the village. Kill as many soldiers as you can without making a fuss. Only then will you be able to complete all the remaining tasks.

Interrogate several soldiers to ask one of them about the location of the rough diamonds. In the middle of the eastern contact point is a container with materials that you must evacuate.

Destroy all three satellite dishes with any weapon. In the room where the communication equipment is located, grenades can be found on the table. You can also use an enemy mortar.

After completing the task, we learn that the Battle Gear tank has been completed at our base. It can be used to complete external missions.

Episode 34
Walkthrough MGS 5. Backup, Back Down

- Destroy the armored car.
Eliminate several armored vehicles and helicopters.
Destroy all armored vehicles without using supplies or fire support.
Grab the weapons that are being transported on the truck.
Evacuate the armored car.
Evacuate four soldiers who are looking for an escaped prisoner.
Evacuate six prisoners.
Evacuate three tanks.

As mentioned above, this episode differs from the one in the first thirty chapters, only in that the intelligence level of your enemies is significantly increased, and also in that you do not have the opportunity to use the "chicken hat".

We take a horse and a grenade launcher on a mission. We do not chase after the most distant armored vehicles, but call on them shelling, setting the target on the road in front of the moving target.

To open the following missions 35, 36, 37, you need to complete a couple of additional missions highlighted in yellow:

Episode 35
Walkthrough MGS 5. Cursed Legacy

- Evacuate two containers.
Leave the danger zone by climbing onto one of the containers and evacuating it with the Fulton system.
Evacuate all containers without the enemies noticing.
Use the intelligence to locate the soldier.
Evacuate the commander from the Zero Risk Security squad who will guard the mansion.
Find the rough diamonds that the raven stole near the northwest guard post in Lufwa Valley.

The task is issued by Code Toker, you need to get to his mansion, where you have already visited. But you don't need to enter the mansion itself. The containers are located in the western jungle. After finding the containers, 9 minutes remain before the enemies take them out.

You need to go to the mansion only if you want to complete all the additional tasks of the mission - the commander of the enemy squad is located there. There are several serious opponents inside the mansion, so you should try to act inconspicuously. In addition, some of the enemies are equipped with heavy armored suits. You will not be able to shoot them - you need to use either grenades or grenade launchers.

Episode 36
Metal Gear Solid 5. Footprints of Phantoms

- Destroy all Walker Gears.
Evacuate the two prisoners located in the village of Ditadi.
Evacuate all Walker Gears.
Collect the yellow foxglove near the abandoned village of Ditadi.
Evacuate the truck near the abandoned village of Ditadi.

You must do everything the same as the previous time in the episode of the main storyline, but with the condition that the opponents must not raise the alarm. You may be noticed, but if you quickly kill this enemy, then nothing terrible will happen. But it is better not to kill enemies, but to capture them in hand-to-hand combat.

If you want to complete the mission with less problems, you can position yourself somewhere far away from the village, ask Quiet to inspect it and, after points appear on the map, order several shelling until all the WalkerGears are destroyed. However, you won't be able to complete additional tasks.

Episode 37
Metal Gear Solid 5 Traitors Caravan

- Find an armored escort vehicle.
- Find a truck.
- Evacuate the truck.
Eliminate Skulls.
Evacuate the truck driver.
Establish an approximate escort route based on the intelligence received.
Listen to all conversations between a truck driver and soldiers at outposts and guard posts.
Evacuate three ZeroRiskSecurity soldiers.

Episode 38
Metal Gear Solid 5 Extraordinary

- Grab the film container.
- Capture Spugmai Fortress.
Capture the film container before reinforcements arrive.
Evacuate the prisoner located at the eastern guard post of Spugmai Fortress.
Capture a Griffon Vulture located near Spugmai Fortress Ruins.

Arriving at the fortress, go east, where the outpost is located, and look for the prisoner. Evacuate him to complete one of the side missions.

Return to the fortress and deal with all the opponents located here. Now you need to find a small container with a film.

Where is the container with MetalGearSolid 5 film: PhantomPain

Open the main character's droid and enter the tab with the list of tasks. In the lower right corner, you should see not only the objectives of the mission, but also a smeared image of the ruins of the Spugmai fortress. This image points to the point where the container with the film is stored (in the crevice in the left column of the arch, in the place marked in the screenshot). Find her, pick her up and leave the hot zone.

Episode 39
Metal Gear Solid 5 Over the Fence

- Evacuate the captured engineer.
Evacuate the engineer through the hole in the basement ceiling using the Fulton system.
Evacuate the prisoner who planned to escape from the Wah Sind Barracks.
Evacuate the SUV that is patrolling between the outposts.
Capture the blueprints located in Wah Sind Fortress.

Opponents should not raise the alarm. Quiet can be used to detect all opponents. You can climb the rock from the east side along the crevice, where the enemy mortar is installed. From this height, you can bomb the entire base, the enemies will raise the alarm, but they will not be able to detect us.

The captive engineer is in the basement of a dilapidated building. You must open the red door, grab the engineer and take him to the next room, where there is a hole in the ceiling (ceiling). Put the engineer on the floor and evacuate him with the Fulton.

Episode 40

Eliminate Silent.
Decide what to do with Quiet.
Disable Quiet without using lethal weapons against her.
Disable Quiet without using firearms against her.

On the Extreme level, Quiet kills you with the first shot, so dealing with her without a lethal weapon is difficult. If you just want to complete the mission, then try to identify Quiet with binoculars and order shelling on her position. Four successful hits and Quiet will be in the center of the location (it will be marked with a yellow marker).

If you want to deal with it without the use of lethal and firearms, then you should go on a mission during the day. The location has at least two bodies of water (the water level is low there), located somewhere among the ruins. Periodically, a rainbow will appear there, in the rays of which Quiet will immediately begin to bathe. This is your chance to sneak up on her and try to disable her. Or you can shoot her with a tranquilizer. At the end of the episode, you will have to decide what to do with the girl.

Evacuate 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles.
Evacuate the commander of the armored column.
Find a rough diamond from the commander of the armored column.
Capture all blueprints with the attack helicopter.

We need to deal with the enemy equipment, which will be collected in the central village. It is better to attack the technique on the way to the center, so we take a horse, a grenade launcher and a rocket launcher on a mission.

If you are not going to evacuate the transport, then the task will seem easy to you. Use shelling to destroy vehicles that have arrived at their destination. The assault helicopter appears at the location at the very end of the episode, it can be destroyed by ordering fire support from your helicopter.

After completing the mission, we return to our base. The boy Eli is accused of preparing an uprising, but even after that he manages to carry out his plan. He takes control of Sahelanthropus and leaves the base with the African children.

Episode 42

- Eliminate Skulls.
Evacuate Code Toker.
Complete a mission without being captured by a puppet soldier.
Evacuate the Skulls.

We fight with 4 Skulls on the territory of the airport. This time, the Skulls have become stronger, they cannot be destroyed with one shelling. We can take Quiet on a mission with the most powerful sniper rifle, she will be able to cope with these strongest opponents.

Story mission 43 is initially unavailable in the quest list. You need to complete a few random side missions for it to appear.

Episode 43
Metal Gear Solid 5. Shining Lights, Even in Death

- Find the sender of the message.
- Eliminate infected staff members.

Ocelot informs us of an epidemic outbreak at the main base. We enter the infected compartment. We go along the corridors, examine our employees. You can't kill anyone, otherwise the mission will fail. We climb to the top floor, we find a doctor who figured out how to determine the signs of infection.

We put on ultraviolet glasses. As we go down, we must kill anyone whose throat is glowing. Everyone will be infected. In the basement room we find one healthy soldier in a gas mask, we take him out. Try to get out, but Ocelot will tell you that you should examine the man again. Step back, lower it to the floor and look through the device at the neck area. Unfortunately, he will also have to be killed.

After eliminating the epidemic, Big Boss decides to use the ashes of the dead soldiers to create diamonds to be worn by the living soldiers. The same diamond appears on the chevron of the main character himself.

Episode 44

- Turn off the oil pump.
- Destroy the oil water separator.
Evacuate the four child soldiers being trained in Masa Village.
Leave the danger zone before the enemy sets up a blockade on the Mfinda field.
Catch the African Eared Vulture that has flown into the Burnt Village.
Evacuate the four Walker Gears that have blocked the Mfinda field.

The two mission objectives may seem very contradictory to you. So, you must leave the mine before the blockade, but you also need to evacuate four Walker Gears. After you destroy the separator and turn off the pump, get out of the village. The task should be updated (the item will be marked according to which the Mfinda field had to be left before its blockade). After that, go back and evacuate the four Walker Gears. First you need to deal with the enemies. You can release sleeping gas.

Episode 45
How to open (unlock) episode 45. A Quiet Exit

After episode 44, access to levels 47, 48, 49, 50 is unlocked. But 45 and 46 do not appear in the task list. In order for you to be able to complete this episode related to the Quiet storyline, you need to fulfill several conditions:

How to open (unlock) episode 45:

1) The maximum level of communication with Quiet is 10/10. (At the beginning of each episode, you are allowed to choose a partner and combat equipment. When choosing a partner in the lower left corner of the screen, you see a scale of 10 identical icons. They just indicate the level of communication with the partner. To increase communication, you need to take Quiet with you more often for assignments).

In the next part of MGS, Kozdima's corporate identity was not complete. There are a number of tasks in the game for each story mission, and many of them sometimes simply defy logic. This article describes all the optional objectives of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Completing these tasks will give you the "Perfectionist" achievement.

Prologue: Awakening

1. The task was completed without the use of Rapid

Here it is better to turn off rapid in the menu than to load a checkpoint every time in hysterics.

2. The quest was completed so that the burning man was never able to attack you

The tactics here are very simple. Just keep Volgin as far away from you as possible. If you do not miss, then you will have enough ammunition. He can deal damage when he is preparing to shoot fire arrows.

Mission 1. Phantom Limbs

1. Kazuhira Miller's whereabouts established

2. Kazuhira Miller evacuated

3. Commander evacuated from Wah Sind barracks

The commander is different from the soldiers and is not that hard to find. If you do not want to look for him among the soldiers, then you can simply evacuate the entire staff.

4. Quest completed in secret from the Skulls

There are so many ways to get around the Skulls by using clips and active decoys. But there is an even easier way - just don't get to the landing point and change it with your iDroid and the Skulls just won't appear.

5. Rough diamonds captured from Spugmay Fortress

The diamond is here, they are easily overlooked.

6. Truck driver evacuated

The driver moves between three locations, it will be enough to wait for him at one of them or take a horse and ride along the main road connecting the three outposts.

Mission 3. The path of the hero

1. Special forces commander eliminated

2. Spetsnaz commander eliminated from a long distance (100 meters or more)

3. Special forces commander evacuated

4. Collected catfish growing in the desert between the village of "Shago" and the fortress of Spugmay.

This plant grows in the desert plain. It is easy to find if you take a dog with you as a partner.

Attention! If you collected this plant in open world mode, then it will not be in the task and you will have to wait a long time until it spawns again.

5. Recycled materials from Shago village are captured.

Mission 4. Information war

1. The equipment of the eastern communication point has been found.

2. The equipment of the eastern communication point has been destroyed.

3. Rough diamonds have been seized from the eastern contact point.

The diamonds are on the cliff right behind the east point. Their exact location can be found by interrogating Soviet soldiers.

4. The transmitter of the eastern communication point has been destroyed.

It is in one of the buildings. It is best to destroy the transmitter using a water gun

5. 2 prisoners have been evacuated from Vialo village.

Their location is easy to find out by interrogating Soviet soldiers.

Mission 5. Behind the fence

1. The captured engineer has been evacuated.

2. The engineer is evacuated by Fulton through a hole in the basement.

The hole isn't that hard to find. It is in the next room. Just put the engineer under the hole and evacuate with a Fulton.

3. Evacuated a prisoner who was planning to escape from the Wah Sind barracks.

It will be very difficult for inattentive players to find this prisoner, as he took a place that any sane person would not even have guessed.

4. The SUV carrying out patrol was evacuated.

It is better not to hesitate with this, as he can simply leave the map and not return. He will make his stop near the Wah Sind barracks.

5. Blueprints from Wah Sind Barracks captured.

To find out where the drawings are, it is better to interrogate the soldiers. They lie in one of the small houses in the barracks.

Mission 6. Where is the sting hiding?

1. Captured system "Sting".

2. The skulls have been removed.

For this task, it is better to take Quiet as a partner and equip her with Sinful Butterfly. Just divert attention to yourself, and the silent will destroy all targets. You don't even have to spend Sting ammo.

3. The Sting system was captured along with ammunition.

Will be completed provided that you have never fired at the Sting launchers

4. A prisoner is evacuated, unable to speak.

Pretty difficult task. You need to quietly cross the bridge and evacuate the Mujahideen before he is taken away in a jeep, otherwise he will simply be killed.

5. Two snipers were evacuated from the transit point.

It's best to wait during the day. You won't be able to find them at night. One sniper will sit on the tower, the other on the scaffolding at the other end of the bridge.


Here it is better to use the Javelin installation. If it shoots from a conventional gun, then the helicopter will have time to fly away before you destroy it.

Mission 7. Blood Copper

1. The company commander from the village of Vialo was eliminated.

2. The platoon commander from the village of Shago was eliminated.

3. The platoon commander from the Wah Sind barracks was eliminated.

4. The commander was evacuated along with his soldiers (4 in total).

In order not to frantically disassemble which soldiers arrived with the commanders, it is proposed to simply call a helicopter and destroy everyone who was in the village or evacuate. This will work with the previous three problems as well.

5. Three commanders were evacuated.

Commanders will look different than regular soldiers. So there is no confusion here.

6. The conversation of the three commanders is obeyed to the end.

Keep in mind that any alarm call will break the script and you will have to reload to the savepoint. The conversation will be short, so you won't have to wait long.

7. 2 prisoners were evacuated from the city of Gvandai.

Standard task, coordinates can be found by interrogating the soldiers.

Mission 8. Occupation forces

In this mission, all tasks can be completed in one run, except for the release of the prisoner. Just block the road to the column and evacuate all the equipment from the rear one by one.

1. Deployment plans received.

2. The colonel has been eliminated.

3. All tanks are destroyed.

4. The Colonel has been evacuated.

5. The Colonel and all his tanks were liquidated before they arrived at the Spugmai fortress.

6. A prisoner was evacuated from the village of Shahra Ye.

7. All tanks have been evacuated.

Mission 9. Help and withdrawal

1. The armored vehicle has been destroyed.

2. Several combat vehicles and helicopters have been eliminated.

3. All armored vehicles were destroyed without the use of supplies and fire support.

Here it is best to block the road in this place and evacuate all the equipment. There will be more than enough time.

All cars drive along this road, so be careful, run up behind the armored cars and "fullton" them before they run out of patience and they destroy the truck.

4. A weapon was seized, transported on a truck.

5. The armored vehicle has been evacuated.

6. Evacuated 4 soldiers looking for an escaped prisoner.

The soldiers are in this canyon, where you will find one of the captives.

7. Evacuated 6 prisoners.

Drop off at the point closest to Lamar Khaate Palace.

Near the landing point, literally ten meters away, there will be the first prisoner.

Next, very quickly move forward to the prisoner at number two. If you did not spend a lot of time looking for the first prisoner, then you will have time to save the second, as a punitive detachment is following him, which you also need to evacuate to complete another task.

I advise you to release the third prisoner, who is located directly in Lamar Khaate Palace, in one of the punishment cells.

By the time you finish releasing the third one, the 4th one should appear on the map. He will be transported in a jeep. His route can be tracked on iDroid.

The fifth is hidden in the subway in Wakh Sind Barracks.

The latter lies near the river, below the rocks.

8. 3 tanks evacuated.

The tanks will appear as soon as you steal the secret weapon from the truck. Here it is best to use decoys to distract the attention of the tanks while you evacuate them.

Mission 10. Aangel with broken wings

1. The captive Mujahideen Malok was evacuated.

2. The escort armored vehicle was evacuated.

It is best to do this at a fork. When the convoy is established and the crew of the armored vehicles say goodbye to the driver, you will have time until the transport leaves and does not notice how you fulton the armored vehicle.

3. 3 prisoners were evacuated from Lomar Haate Palace.

Here you should hurry up and not listen to the driver's conversation. The captives are about to be executed and you will have very little time to save them. Their location can be found by interrogating the soldier.

4. 2 prisoners have been evacuated from Yaho Obu Supply Base.

They can also be found by interrogating a soldier.

5. Listened to the last conversation between the driver and Malak.

Any call to the alarm will break the chains of the script. The last conversation will take place in the interrogation room at the base. You can mark the targets and wait for them already at the base, hiding under the bed.

Mission 11. Surrounded by silence

All four tasks can be completed in one run. Just mark the silence and cause the ammo drop on it through iDroid. When there is a little more than 10 meters left before the load is dropped, look out and provoke her to shoot. By the time she shoots and reloads the bolt, the box will have time to fall on her head.

1. Silence has been eliminated.

2. You have decided how to deal with Quiet.

3. Quiet is neutralized without the use of lethal weapons against her.

4. Quiet is neutralized without the use of firearms.

Mission 12. Road to Hell

The main problem lies in the task of rescuing Emmerich. The fact is that no matter how well you hide it, it will still take damage. Even if he, at first glance, did not receive it. Considering that you will learn about the completion of the task only after completing the mission, further replay turns into hell. For this task, it is better to take a D-Horse with you.

1. Contact was made with Dr. Emmerich.

2. Dr. Emmerich has been evacuated.

3. 3 (three) evacuated from the central basewalkergear.

4. Dr. Emmerich is evacuated unharmed.

To guarantee the completion of the task, you must first neutralize all the guards at the base. Then carry Emmerich to the checkpoint. After the cutscene, press and reload to the checkpoint so that Emmerich is already on your shoulders. Then immediately put him on a horse and order her to move away, and run towards Sahelanthropus himself. Then hide and call the helicopter to the far point of the landing. When Sahelanthrom runs towards the landing, change to the nearest landing point and run there. As soon as you arrive at the place, call the horse on which you put Emmerich and evacuate him by helicopter.

5. Captured a vertical poster with a fashion model from the central base.

6. Blueprints captured from the central base.

The blueprints are in a nearby bunker.

Mission 13. Impenetrable darkness

1. The oil refinery pump is disabled.

2. The oily water separator has been destroyed.

3. Evacuated four child soldiers trained in the village of Masa.

You can't evacuate the kids without the Fulton baby. You will receive it when you defeat Eli at your base.

4. The exit from the danger zone is completed before the blockade of the Mfinda field.

After you blow up the tank, run to the container, which is located nearby, climb onto it and Fulton yourself.

5. An eared vulture that flew into a burnt village was caught.

6. Evacuated 4walkerGear blocking the Mfinda field.

Mission 14. Common language

1. Afrikaans translator found.

2. Viscount found.

3. The Viscount has been evacuated.

4. According to intelligence, the whereabouts of 4 prisoners were established.

5. 3 prisoners were evacuated from the Kiziba camp.

6. A container with materials has been evacuated from the Kiziba camp.

It is located next to the main building, where you will also find reconnoitered ones. The container may not appear if you evacuate it in the open world. In this case, you have to wait until she spawns. .

7. Listened to the interrogation of all 4 prisoners.

The problem is that any alarm will break the script and you will not be able to listen to all conversations. The first three interrogations will not be difficult, just follow the commander and interpreter and eavesdrop on conversations. The last interrogation will take place at night in the house.

Mission 15. Traces of ghosts

1. AllwalkerGear destroyed.

2. 2 prisoners are evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi.

3. AllWalker Gear evacuated.

4. Foxglove (yellow) collected in the abandoned village of Ditadi.

5. A truck was evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi.

The truck will be parked at the edge of the camp near the road .

Mission 16. Caravan of traitors

1. Escort armored vehicle found.

2. Truck found.

3. The truck has been evacuated.

4. The skulls have been removed.

For this, it is best to use Quiet with Sinful Butterfly. Just go out into the open and let her shoot all the skulls.


6. According to the explored, an approximate escort route has been established.

7. Listened to all conversations between the truck driver and soldiers at outposts and guard posts.

There will be three conversations. The first one will be near the truck when a column of armored vehicles approaches it. The last one will take place in the Kiziba camp. To perform, it is best to use Emmerich's stealth disguise.

8. 3 soldiers evacuatedZerorisksecurity.

Just evacuate any three soldiers of this group, the task will be counted at the end of the mission.

Mission 17. Rescue of scouts

1. A member of the reconnaissance squad has been evacuated, who fled to the forest north of the Kiziba camp!

2. A soldier of the reconnaissance detachment was evacuated from the Kiziba camp.

3. 2 employees evacuatedC.F.A.

4. A prisoner is evacuated from Kiziba's camp.

5. Evacuated 4 reinforcement soldiers of the search group.

Reinforcement soldiers of the search party will quickly find the second prisoner, who is hiding in the forest near the Kiziba camp.

6. The truck driver has been evacuated.

Mission 18. Blood Ties

1. Former rebel of their Mbele army eliminated.

2. 5 captives in Kungeng's mine are liquidated.

3. The captive child has been evacuated.

4. A former rebel from the Mbele army is evacuated.

5. The task was completed in such a way that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of 5 children.

The best way to complete this task is to use the baby Fulton, which you will receive from Eli in the second duel.

6. The attack helicopter has been destroyed.

7. Evacuated 5 snipers near the northeast and southwest guard post of the Kungenga mine.

There is no point in arguing for a long time, the problem is not in the destruction of snipers, but in finding them.

8. 3 armored vehicles were evacuated.

Mission 19. On the trail

1. A subordinate of the PMC commander nicknamed "Major" was found.

2. PMC commander, nicknamed "Major" found.

3. The commander of the PMC, nicknamed "Major liquidated.

4. The commander of the PMC, nicknamed "Major", was evacuated.

5. Major's subordinate evacuated.

6. A prisoner has been evacuated from the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nyoka Station.

7. Listened to the conversation between the commander of the PMC, nicknamed "Major" and his subordinates.

Just follow the commander and he will lead you to the last meeting point .

Mission 20. VOICES

1. Shabani has been evacuated.


To successfully complete the task, you will need a C4 charge.

Upon completion of all the cut-scenes, we run up to any remaining intact water tower. We attach a C4 charge to it and wait until "Man on Fire" comes at a sufficient distance so that it is doused with water.

We approach him as soon as he goes out. And who would know how in a sober mind one can guess such a thing - we cause the dumping of ammunition on ourselves.

Ideally, Psycho Mantis is spinning over "Man on Fire" counterclockwise, and the supply drop in this particular mission has no delay (literally 3-4 seconds) of time. If you did everything right, the container will fall exactly on the head of the flying boy.

3. The attack of the burning man is repulsed.

4. According to intelligence, a path has been established to the western guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone.

Intelligence is located here, it is also easy to find out by interrogating one of the soldiers.

5. A wild dog was caught near the western guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone.

The dog is located near the post across the river. Just walk along the river to the waterfall and turn right, there you will stumble upon a dog.

6. Listened to a conversation about corpses at Munko Ya Nyoka train station.

The goal of the task is slightly different from its name, so you can fight in hysterics for a very long time, trying to eavesdrop on a conversation between local soldiers from the station. But everything turns out to be much more prosaic ...

Almost at the very beginning of the mission, about 200 meters from the starting point, there is the Munko Ya Nioka station. The most important thing in this additional task is not to raise the alarm, because the target movement script may break, which will require you to complete the mission again.

In the far (from us) part of the station, behind the fence, there is a truck. But he won't stay for long. Therefore, from the very beginning, we find the way to the car and lie down in the body.

Our first stop will be near the camp, where the driver will talk to the guard. You can overhear this conversation without getting out of the body, since the truck will be parked very conveniently for this event. After the end of the conversation, the black man will go to look for some documents, so you can lie further and wait for the next departure.

The second stop will be the last on the trip, but not the last on the task. We drive up to the second outpost, which is guarded by three mercenaries. A second dialogue will take place with one of them, after which the driver will slowly leave for a break. He will descend into a foggy area, which the locals call "the abode of evil spirits." Follow him to the end of his route, and near the stone tunnel there will be the last conversation that you need to listen to.

Mission 21. War economy

1. The arms dealer has been found.

2. EmployeeC.F.A. discovered.

3. EmployeeC.F.A. liquidated.

4. EmployeeC.F.A. evacuated.

5. Arms dealer evacuated.

6. Listened to all conversations between the arms dealer and the employeeC.F.A.

Task with broken scripts. This means that any distraction of scripted targets from their task may break the script, and you will not be able to complete this additional target!

The mission is long and boring. Listening with binoculars does not count towards completing this task.

After the first conversation in the office, they will go to the nearby hangar. So follow them, but don't go down to the street. Lie down on the floor and look through binoculars. This conversation can be listened to while lying on your belly.

After the second short conversation in the hangar, the targets will get into the truck and drive to the second hangar across the airport. We turn back and go through the entire office through and through and exit on the other side. You need to walk carefully so as not to attract attention, since the slightest suspicion can lead to a breakdown of the script. We lay down and eavesdrop on the third, longest, dialogue.

After three dialogues, they will go back to the office, so we return to the position described in the second paragraph and wait for the last dialogue.


To get blueprints, you need to shoot down a helicopter and there will be blueprints at the site of its fall.

8. A container with materials was evacuated from the hangar at the Nova Braga airport.

The catch is that the containers are located under the bunker and the roof prevents them from evacuating. This quest cannot be completed without examining the Portal of Retribution. Simply put, you need to pump the Fulton to the teleport, then the containers can be evacuated without hindrance.

Mission 23. White mamba

1. White Mamba evacuated.

2. Evacuated a prisoner from Masa village.

3. The White Mamba is evacuated, unable to resist.

There are two options for how to accomplish this task:

Execution at night: Shoot all the children without raising the alarm or being seen by any means, preferably with a sniper rifle with tranquilizers. Sneak up to a sleeping Eli and carefully shoot him in the head with a tranquilizer. It is advisable not to hesitate when approaching, it happened that he woke up from a simple aiming.

Execution at any time of the day: Climb to a convenient place from which the porthole of the ship will be visible, where Eli's head sticks out. He will sit, leaning back in his chair, propping his head on his hands. With long aiming, it can raise the alarm.

Use a silencer and choose as far away as possible so as not to startle the White Mamba with the sound of a gunshot.

4. Rough diamonds were seized near the village of Masa.

Interrogate one of the children and he will point you to the place where the diamonds are hidden.

5. Evacuated 20 child soldiers.


1. The male engineer has been evacuated.

2. The female engineer has been evacuated.

3. Evacuated 6 Nubians near the southwestern guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone.

4. 2 SUVs were evacuated.

5. 4 containers have been evacuated from the northeast guard post of the Munko Ya Nioka station.

6. An African peach is harvested near the Munko Ya Nyoka railway station.

The location of the peach can be easily found with the help of a dog.

7. Martial eagle caught near Munko Ya Nioka station.

The task is quite simple, since the eagle is not alone, there are many of them flying at the station. To complete the task, it will be enough to euthanize only one and pick it up.

Mission 25. the faithful hand of the avenger

1. The chief of staff of the militants was evacuated.

2. The commander of the child soldiers has been evacuated.

3. Evacuated a prisoner who escaped from the northeast guard post.

The prisoner is here.

4. Evacuated 12 child soldiers.

5. The chief of staff and the commander of the child soldiers were simultaneously evacuated by transport.

Don't even try to evacuate both targets with a Fulton, no matter how hard you try, the wounded prisoner will fall out even from the van with the doors closed. So grab the child and the commander and go overland in transport.

6. A foxglove (purple) has been collected at the northeast guard post of the Munch Ja Nioka station.

The foxglove is here.

Mission 26. Hunting

1. Intelligence has determined the slave trader's escape route.

2. The slave trader has been eliminated.

3. The slave trader is eliminated before arriving at Kiziba's camp.

4. The slave trader is evacuated along with 5 soldiers accompanying him.

5. 4 prisoners are evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi.

6. A striped jackal was caught near Kiziba's camp.

Looking for a pretty jackal difficult task, it will be easiest to find him using a dog as a partner.

Mission 27. Root Cause

1. A soldier of the reconnaissance detachment was evacuated.

2. A member of the reconnaissance squad was evacuated before he could be harmed.

It would be best to take a horse and run towards the road along which the prisoner will ride. You don't have to stop him, when he sees you, he will automatically fall out of the truck cab and will not be hurt.

3. The danger zone has been abandoned by land.

Mission 28

1. Contact withCodeTalker took place.

2. CodeTalker evacuated.

3. CodeTalker is evacuated unharmed.

4. The skulls have been removed.

5. The skulls have been evacuated.

6. The armored vehicle blockading the valley was evacuated.

The armored car will be behind the bridge. Here it is necessary to take into account, if you avoid the battle with the skulls, then the armored car will not appear. To complete this task, it is imperative to destroy the skulls here.

Mission 29

1. The skulls have been removed.

2. Code Talker has been evacuated.

3. Mission accomplished without being captured by a puppet soldier.

You need to complete the mission so that the puppets do not damage you .

4. The skulls have been evacuated.

It should be remembered here that when you kill all the skulls you will not have time to pick them all up, because they will disappear very quickly. It is recommended to first kill three and evacuate them, and then take on the last one.

Mission 30. Skull

1. Contact with the Skull has been made.

2. Information received from the Skull.

3. Evacuated 4Walker gear.

All four are located on the territory of the base, it will not be difficult to find them.

4. An audio cassette was found in OKB Zero.

The cassette is in the elevator that the Skull and the Boss will take down. Due to the complexity of the heliport design, this tape is very easy to miss.

5. 7 red containers were evacuated to OKB Zero.

6. 3 tanks were evacuated to OKB Zero.

Location of all tanks

Mission 31. Sahelanthropus

1. Sahelanthropus destroyed.

2. Sahelanthropus head destroyed.

3. The flying boy is successfully attacked.

Mission 32. Too Much Knowledge

1. CIA agent evacuated.

2. CIA agent evacuated before search party arrives.

3. 4 soldiers of the search group were evacuated.

All 4 soldiers are searching, but sooner or later they will find an agent, so you can just wait until they all arrive at a certain place.

4. The driver of the vehicle was evacuated.

5. 2 captives evacuated from Shago Village and Lamar Haate Palace.

The location of the captives is best known by interrogating the soldiers.

6. Evacuated Soviet soldier who was planning an assassination attempt on a CIA agent.

Rather, this is not an attempt, but a deliberate execution. At the beginning of the mission, the CIA agent will lie in the desert. If it is evacuated immediately, then the task will not work. As with eavesdropping missions, the soldier movement script can be broken. Once enough time has passed, 4 D-Walkers will find the CIA agent and call for help in the form of a motorist - the agent will be taken to Lamar Khaate Palace. As soon as you get closer to Lamar Khaate Palace, Miller will report on the radio that an unknown vehicle is approaching you. A masked soldier will come out of there. He must be evacuated.

Mission 35

1. 2 containers were evacuated.

2. The mission is completed by leaving the danger zone on a container being evacuated using the Fulton.

You need to climb on the container, press the Fulton button and then hold E (button for action) to evacuate.

You need to leave after capturing all the containers.

3. The task was completed in such a way that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of the container.

It's best to neutralize the guards around the container. If there is no protection, then no one will notice the loss.

4. According to intelligence, the location of the soldier was established.

5. Squad leader evacuatedZeroriskSecurity guarding the mansion.

The commander moves inside the mansion, the best way to find him is to interrogate other soldiers.

6. Rough diamonds were found stolen by a raven near the northwest guard post of the Lufra Valley.

It is easy to find out by interrogating the soldiers.

Mission 38. An unusual phenomenon

1. Film container seized.

The translation doesn't sound right. The film is in a jar in the ruins.

2. The fortress of Spugmai is captured.

You just need to neutralize all the fighters in the area.

3. The film container was captured before reinforcements arrived.

Reinforcements will arrive fairly quickly, so it's best not to delay here. As soon as you disembark, take your horse and ride to the fortress, and use the camouflage device to grab the film.

4. A prisoner was evacuated from the eastern guard post of the Spugmay fortress.

It's easy to get confused here, as there are two eastern outposts on the map. The prisoner is located at the northeast point (at the top of the map).

5. A griffon vulture has been caught near the ruins of Spugmai.

Here you need to catch a bird. The task is one very simple, because you don’t even have to look for a bird, they will circle in the sky in ruins.

Mission 41. Proxy war

1. The attack helicopter has been destroyed.

2. 2 tanks destroyed.

3. 2 armored vehicles destroyed.

4. The commander of the armored column was evacuated.

Columns of military equipment are coming from all directions. Don't waste your time destroying them. From the very beginning of the mission, we go to the Nova Braga airport. After some time, the entire military convoy will arrive there, and this event will be closed by a helicopter landing in the middle of the airport. The commander himself will get out of the helicopter. There you can take it.

5. A rough diamond was found at the head of the column.

To find out the location of the diamond, it is enough to find it and interrogate the commander. During the first interrogation, he will indicate the location of the diamond.

6. Blueprints captured from attack helicopter.

To capture the blueprints, you need to shoot down the helicopter, at the place of its fall there will be a box with blueprints.

Mission 45. Silent Exit

1. Contact with Quiet has been made.

2. Soviet mechanized unit destroyed.

3. Quiet audio cassette received.

4. Seven tanks and 7 armored vehicles were evacuated.

The tactics are simple. At the very beginning of the mission, it will be unrealistic to hide from the enemy, since the combat alarm is already turned on:

5. Quest completed without prejudice to Quiet.

Mission 46

1. Eliminated 6 soldiers at the entrance to the hospital.

All 6 soldiers will be in the main hall.

2. 20 or more hits on a burning person.

Here it is simply enough to shoot him when he is in the front hall.

Complete all missions with an S rank.

It is better to take a dog on a mission that will mark an enemy / hostage for you and this will save you a lot of time. To reach S rank, you need to get 130,000 points or more. What rank S consists of: 1) speed of execution - the most important 2) injuries received - they should not be at all 3) the use of rapid is allowed, but when used you will not get the missing 10k points, and in some cases it can be a critical decision ( get for example 126000 and you will have to replay again) 4) no kills and no anxiety - an ideal to strive for (you can kill, but it will knock your rating down and you will not receive a bonus at the end of the mission) 5) it is forbidden to use shelling and other helicopter chips except for ammunition 6) BE SURE TO SKIP THE ROLLERS - they go to the overall score of the mission. Be sure to get a portal fulton and a jahuti hand. 1) Nobody can interrupt your Fulton. 2) you can grab fully armored soldiers in a capture from a distance of 10 meters. Once portals are developed, missions can be exited through them. For example, in the mission to rescue the scientist who developed the prosthesis for Venom, there is a container if you go from the side of the crevice. We save the scientist, get out of the basements, climb onto the container, stand near the center, open the portal, after the portal opens it becomes possible to open it again - open it, voila - we leave an order of magnitude faster.

Walkthrough "Prologue: Awakening" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 1: Phantom Limbs" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 2: Diamond Dogs" with an "S" rank

Passage of "Mission 3: A Hero" s Way "with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 4: C2W" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 5: Over the Fence" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 7: Red Brass" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 8: Occupation Forces" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 9: Backup, Back Down" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 10: Angel With Broken Wings" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 11: Cloaked in Silence" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 12: Hellbound" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 13: Pitch Dark" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 14: Lingua Franca" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 15: Footprints of Phantoms" with an "S" rank

Passage of "Mission 16: Traitor's Caravan" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 17: Rescue The Intel Agents" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 18: Blood Runs Deep" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 19: On The Trail" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 20: Voices (Man on Fire Boss)" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 21: The War Economy" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 22: Retake The Platform" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 23: The White Mamba" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 24: Close Contact" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 25: Aim True, Ye Vengeful" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 26: Hunting Down" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 27: Root Cause" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 28: Code Talker" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 29: Metallic Archaea" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 30: Skull Face" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 31: Sahelanthropus (Boss Fight)" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 33: C2W" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 34: Backup, Back Down" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 35: Cursed Legacy" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 36: Total Footprints of Phantoms" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 37: Traitors" Caravan" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 38: Extraordinary" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 39: Total Stealth Over the Fence" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 40: Cloaked in Silence" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 41: Proxy War Without End" with rank "S"

Walkthrough "Mission 42: Metallic Archaea" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 43: Shining Lights Even in Death" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 44: Pitch Dark" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 45: A Quiet Exit" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 46: The Man Who Sold The World" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 47: War Economy" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 48: Code Talker" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 49: Subsistence Occupation Force" with an "S" rank

Walkthrough "Mission 50: Sahelanthropus" with an "S" rank

Full arsenal

Design 300 or more items.

In total, there are much more than 300 items for development. So you don’t have to worry. First we develop what you need, and then everything else. Those who farm resources in mission 12 - sell excess recycled resources - get more GMP for development. This is especially true for diamonds, where 1000 pieces give one GMP lemon. And if you earn honestly - just go through the game, and GMP will gradually increase from different tasks. You can get especially good from base defenses in FOB / Forward Bases.

Skull (Secret)

Complete the "SAHELANTROP" mission.

Option 1 - before the rusty fog appears, you can use the equipment from the nearest roadblocks. - if you go down, there will be a tank and an armored personnel carrier next to it. In general, there is nothing complicated in the battle, the most pumped Thunder normally hits the colossus, the main thing is that he does not kill with his railgun in 1 hit. Use either the landscape or shoot, a couple of missiles and he will change his mind to shoot you. Option 2 - as soon as the battle starts, immediately deliver ammunition wherever you go down the road, so as not to be distracted in the future - shoot at the torso only when he draws his sword, at this moment orange sparks are visible on the torso from some opening mechanisms, these however, sparks periodically appear at a time when a support helicopter is hammering at him, in other situations (when he just walks, hammering from a machine gun) shots from a grenade launcher will cause very little damage - 4 tanks or tanks must be destroyed on his back, x.z. what is it, near the head, their destruction will cause him a lot of damage - when he jumps up the mountain and starts aiming from the railgun (somewhere at 10-15% HP), you just need to run or hide behind the terrain, the main thing is that you don’t see gray under you circle (pointing weapons) and shoot him a couple of times with a grenade launcher - when the boss has 10% HP, make sure you have shells for the grenade launcher in stock, periodically he makes a jump on you, at this moment a rapid mode appears and you need to shoot into it, otherwise it will kill, but this attack does not always happen. P.S.: In the last phase of the battle, when Sahelanthropus starts jumping on you, there is no need to panic. Wait until the "third child" appears - psycho mantis and shoot him. When the boy takes damage, he will temporarily stop controlling Sahelanthropus and you will have a free few seconds, the metal gear will stand still.

Disappearance (Secret)

Complete the "SILENT EXIT" mission.

To open this mission, you need to have maximum communication with Quiet. To do this, play missions in which she is your partner. You also need to go through about 45 main missions and, after that, go through the additional mission "Protect Quiet". Now you can complete the mission you need for the trophy.

Do not rush to complete this mission. It is better to leave this trophy closer to the final, because the consequences of it are irreversible and most of them will not please. To prevent this mission from automatically starting, you need to open the emblem for cooperation with Quaet. To do this, she must stun more people on missions 3 times than Snake. After that, this emblem must be installed in your sign (Looks like a butterfly), until the emblem is with you - the mission will not start. Who wants details and is not afraid of spoilers - here is a screen from the official manual in English, everything is clear and clear there.

When Side Ops #150 opens, we go to it in full armor, with a bandana, a grenade launcher and a rocket launcher. It is desirable that everything be pumped to the maximum, since after it the mission is activated, it will not be possible to exit. If you reached the 45th mission with a weak weapon and read the hint too late, do not despair. If you have a portal fullton, then you can return to the base through the container and dial powerful weapon and start the mission again already ready.

Truth (Secret)


Complete all the main tasks and all the side tasks marked in yellow, then mission 46 will open for you, which will answer all your questions. An approximate algorithm is as follows: 1) you need to complete tasks 1-45, 47-50 2) listen / scroll through all the cassettes with a yellow icon 3) complete all side tasks marked with a yellow icon 4) constantly return to the base to activate "events" Some key missions ( everything after the 40th and further) open only after a while. THIS IS FINE. Just complete 3-4 side missions, return to the base and voila.



Achieve all goals of all tasks.

In the PROLOGUE, it is necessary that the Burning Man does not hit you, Ocelot, or the horse during his shots. The very fact of shooting at you is not important. Also, the damage from flaming trees during the jump does not count. The goal of the mission may be buggy, because it may not work the first time or the second time.

The White Mamba mission has the goal of capturing Eli without giving him a chance to fight back. To successfully do this, do not step on the stairs on the ship, as it activates a cutscene with it that precedes the fight. You have to go in from the back.

The trophy is a bit buggy. If you didn’t get it after the last goal, press pause, go out into the helicopter, then land on the base and sit back in the helicopter and the trophy will fall out.

Mission 0: Prologue
1. The task was completed without the use of rapid
2. The task is completed so that the burning person will never be able to attack after meeting with Ocelot

Mission 1: Phantom Limbs
1. The location of Kazuhira Miller is established
2. Kazuhira Miller evacuated
3. Commander evacuated from Wah Sind barracks
4. The task was completed in secret from the "Skulls"

The easiest way - on the second passage, we call the helicopter to another point

5. Rough diamonds from the fortress of Spugmay were captured

On the rock, to the left, if deployed immediately at the beginning of the mission

There are no additional targets.

Mission 3: The Hero's Journey
1. Commander of the special forces eliminated
2. Spetsnaz commander eliminated from a long distance (100m or more)
3. Spetsnaz commander evacuated
4. Collected catfish that grew in the desert between the village of Shago and the fortress of Spugmay

5. Captured Recycled Materials from Shago Village

Mission 4: Information war

5. 2 prisoners evacuated from Vialo village

Mission 5: Behind the fence

Mission 6: Where is the sting hiding?
1. Sting system captured
2. Skulls eliminated
3. Sting system captured along with ammunition
4 Evacuated Prisoner Unable To Speak
5. Two snipers evacuated from a mountain transit point
6. Attack helicopter destroyed

Mission 7: Blood Copper
1. Eliminated the company commander from the village of Vialo
2. Eliminated the platoon commander from the village of Shago
3. Eliminated the platoon commander from the Wah Sind barracks
4. The commander was evacuated along with his soldiers (total 4)

It is enough to knock out everyone who guards the house in which the commanders are talking and tie them to balloons (well, the commanders at the same time).

5. Three commanders evacuated
6. The conversation of the three commanders was listened to to the end

There is a garbage container near the house where the commanders gather, you can climb into it and listen to their conversation in silence.

7. 2 prisoners were evacuated from the city of Gvandai

Mission 8(49): Occupation forces
1. Deployment plans received
2. Colonel eliminated
3. All tanks destroyed
4. Colonel evacuated
5. The Colonel and all his tanks are eliminated before arriving at the Smasei fortress
6. A prisoner was evacuated from the village of Shahra Ye
7. All tanks evacuated

Mission 9: Help and rest
1. Armored vehicle destroyed

5. Armored car evacuated
6. Evacuated 4 soldiers looking for a runaway prisoner
7. Evacuated 6 prisoners

Two in the bases at the bottom of Lamar Khaate Palace and Wakh Sind Barracks, one in each base. The third one is being taken in a jeep from Aabe Shifap Ruins, Miller will give you a tip on him. The fourth is located on a hidden path in the mountains between Palace and Barracks, it is desirable to save him faster, a detachment of 4 soldiers was sent to search for him, they kill him after a certain time. If, by the way, they are interrogated, they say where the remaining two prisoners are. The fifth walks in the sands at the Palace, and the sixth hides in the stones at the very beginning of the river, between the Palace and the Supply Outpost, there is also a stone bridge over the river.

8. Evacuated 3 tanks

Mission 10: An Angel with Broken Wings
1. Captured Mujahideen Malak evacuated
2. The escort armored vehicle was evacuated
3. 3 prisoners evacuated from Lamar Haate Palace
4. 2 prisoners were evacuated from the Yaho Ob supply base
5. Listened to the last conversation between the driver and Malak

You need to eavesdrop on their conversation on yakho oboo suply avanpost.

Mission 11: Surrounded by Silence
1. Quiet liquidated

3. Quiet is neutralized, without the use of lethal weapons against her

Mission 12: Road to Hell
1. Contact with Dr. Emmerich was made
2. Dr. Emmerich evacuated
3. 3 Walker Gear evacuated from the central base
4. Dr. Emmerich evacuated unharmed
5. Captured a vertical poster with a fashion model from the central base
6. Captured blueprints from the central base

Perfectionist - 2

Mission 13: Impenetrable Darkness

A little southwest of the destination on the map there is a designation of a lone building on the road. There is a burned village. The desired bird flies over it. The easiest way to find with a dog in partners.

Mission 14: Common language
1. Afrikaans translator found
2 Viscount Found
3. Viscount evacuated
4. According to intelligence, the whereabouts of 4 captives are established
5. 3 prisoners evacuated from the Kiziba camp
6. A container with materials was evacuated from the Kiziba camp

7. Listened to the interrogation of all 4 prisoners

1) If you start the mission at night, the translator will not interrogate anyone and will immediately go to the main goal. 2) If the mission starts at 16:00 game time, the interpreter will stop interrogating as night falls. The mission must be started in the morning so that iDriod shows a maximum of 10-11 am. Then we listen calmly to the interrogation of all the prisoners, go to a safe place and smoke a cigar until 22-23 at night and go to listen to the last interrogation. He will interrogate our main goal in the house.

Mission 15: Traces of Ghosts
1. All Walker Gears are destroyed

Mission 16(37): Traitor caravan

2. Truck found
3. Truck evacuated
4. "Skulls" eliminated

Mission 17: Rescue of scouts
1. Evacuated
2. A soldier of the reconnaissance detachment was evacuated from the Kiziba camp
3. Evacuated 2 C.F.A.
4. A prisoner was evacuated from the Kiziba camp
5. Evacuated 4 reinforcement soldiers of the search group
6. Truck driver evacuated

Mission 18: Blood Ties
1. Former rebel from the Mbele army eliminated
2. 5 captives in the Kungeng mine eliminated
3. The captive child is evacuated
4. Former Mbele Army Rebel Evacuated
5. The task was completed in such a way that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of 5 child soldiers
6. Attack helicopter destroyed
7. Evacuated 5 snipers near the northeast and southwest guard post of the Kungenga mine

8. Evacuated 3 armored vehicles

Mission 19: On the Trail
1. Found a subordinate of the PMC commander, nicknamed "Major"
2. The commander of the PMC, nicknamed "Major" discovered
3. The commander of the PMC, nicknamed "Major" eliminated
4. The commander of the PMC, nicknamed "Major" evacuated
5. Major's subordinate evacuated
6. A prisoner was evacuated from the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nyoka Station
7. Listened to the conversation between the commander of the PMC, nicknamed "Major" and his subordinate

The main thing is not to shoot the little one - otherwise he will move

3. Attack of the burning man repelled
4. According to intelligence, the path to the western guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone has been established
5. A wild dog was caught near the western guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone.
6. Listened to the conversation about the corpses at the station Munko Ya Nyoka

The name of the target can be misleading. The task is better to start at night. we penetrate the station and hear the truck pulling away. we try to quickly cross the territory and run to the next checkpoint. we listen to the conversation of the truck driver with the guards. The driver returns to the truck and drives on to the next post. We listen to the conversation again, then he walks down into the fog and goes to the very last tent in front of the tunnel - here the last dialogue will take place that will fulfill the goal.

M session 21(47) : War economy
1 Arms Dealer Spotted
2. C.F.A. employee discovered
3. C.F.A. employee liquidated
4. C.F.A. employee evacuated
5. Arms Dealer Evacuated
6. Listened to all conversations between the merchant and C.F.A.

We shoot down the helicopter and the drawings will lie at the crash site.

8. A container with materials was evacuated from the hangar at the Nova Braga airport

Mission 22: Liberation of the platform
1. Enemy commander eliminated

Mission 23: White Mamba
1. White Mamba evacuated
2. Evacuated a prisoner from Masa village
3. White Mamba evacuated, unable to resist

From afar, from a hill, we shoot from a sniper with a tranquilizer in his head.

4 Rough Diamonds Seized Near Masa Village

5. Evacuated 20 child soldiers

Mission 24: Close Encounter
1. Male engineer evacuated
2. Female engineer evacuated
3. Evacuated 6 Nubians near the southwest guard post of the Ngumba industrial zone

The translators translated. Near one of the posts 6 goats graze, they need to be evacuated.

4. Evacuated 2 SUVs
5. 4 containers were evacuated from the northeast guard post of Munko Y Nyoka Station
6. African peach harvested near Munko Ya Nyoka Station
7 Martial Eagle Caught Near Munko Ya Nyoka Station

Mission 25: Avenger's Faithful Hand
1. The chief of staff of the militants was evacuated
2. Child Soldier Commander Evacuated

3. Evacuated a prisoner who escaped from the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nyoka Station
4. Evacuated 12 child soldiers

Take out by car outside the danger zone

5. The chief of staff and the commander of the child soldiers were simultaneously evacuated by transport
6. Foxglove (purple) collected at the northeast guard post of Munko Ya Nioka Station

Perfectionist - 3

Mission 26: Hunting
1. According to intelligence, the route of the escape of the slave trader is determined
2. Slaver eliminated
3. Slaver eliminated before arriving at the Kiziba camp
4. The slave trader is evacuated along with 5 soldiers accompanying him
5. 4 prisoners were evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi
6. A striped jackal was caught near the Kiziba camp.

Mission 27: Root Cause
1. Soldier of the reconnaissance squad evacuated
2. Recon squad member evacuated before he could get hurt
3. Danger zone abandoned by land

Mission 28(48) : Code Talker
1. Contact with Code Talker made
2. Code Talker evacuated
3. Code Talker evacuated unharmed
4. "Skulls" eliminated
5. "Skulls" evacuated
6. Evacuated armored vehicle that blocked the Lufwa Valley

Mission 29: Metal Archaea
1. "Skulls" eliminated
2. Code Talker evacuated

4. "Skulls" evacuated

Mission 30: Skull
1. Contact with the Skull was made
2. Information received from Skull
3. Evacuated 4 Walker Gear
4. An audio cassette was found in OKB Zero

We make our way through the entire base. Climb up the big stairs to the roof. There will be an elevator shaft on the left. Now we run along the roof and here is a choice: to the right, climb the small stairs to the helipad, where the skull is waiting for you, and to the left down the stairs you need to return towards the same elevator shaft (the tape recorder can be seen when you run along the roof)

5. 7 red containers were evacuated from OKB Zero
6. 3 tanks were evacuated from OKB Zero

Mission 31: Sahelanthropus
1. Sahelanthropus Destroyed
2. Head of Sahelanthropus destroyed
3. Flying boy successfully attacked

You need to leave Salehantrop 10% of life and wait until he jumps to you himself. The slowdown will turn on and the boy will get out. You shoot from a rocket launcher directly at Salekhantrop's head, thereby doing two additional tasks at once.

Mission 32: Too Much Knowledge
1. CIA agent evacuated
2. CIA agent evacuated before the arrival of the search party
3. Evacuated 4 soldiers of the search group
4. The driver of the vehicle was evacuated
5. From the village of Shago and the palace of Lamar Haate, 2 prisoners were evacuated
6. Evacuated Soviet soldier who was planning an assassination attempt on a CIA agent

Mission 33: Information war (Autonomy)
1. The equipment of the eastern communication point was found
2. Eastern communication point equipment destroyed
3. Rough diamonds seized near eastern contact point
4. The transmitter of the eastern point of contact is destroyed
5. 2 prisoners evacuated from Vialo village
6. A container with materials was removed from the eastern contact point

Mission 34: Help and retreat (extreme)
1. Armored vehicle destroyed
2. Eliminated several combat vehicles or helicopters
3. All armored vehicles were destroyed without the use of supplies and fire support
4. Weapons seized from a truck
5. Armored car evacuated
6. Evacuated 4 soldiers looking for a runaway prisoner
7. Evacuated 6 prisoners
8. Evacuated 3 tanks

Mission 35: Cursed Legacy
1. evacuated 2 containers
2. The mission was completed by leaving the danger zone on the container being evacuated using the Fulton system

We climb onto the container, hook the Fulton, the "hook" icon appears.

3. The task was completed in such a way that the enemy did not notice the evacuation of containers
4. According to intelligence, the whereabouts of a soldier
5. The commander of the Zero Risk Security detachment guarding the mansion was evacuated
6. Rough diamonds found stolen by a raven near the northwest guard post of the Lufwa Valley

Mission 36: Ghost Tracks (Invisible)
1. All Walker Gears are destroyed
2. 2 prisoners evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi
3. All Walker Gear Evacuated
4. Foxglove (yellow) collected in the abandoned village of Ditadi
5. A truck was evacuated from the abandoned village of Ditadi

Mission 37: Traitor Caravan (Extreme)
1. Escort armored vehicle found

The armored car will drive up to the truck in a couple of minutes to the airport.

2. Truck found
3. Truck evacuated
4. "Skulls" eliminated
5. Truck driver evacuated
6. According to intelligence, an approximate escort route has been established

The intelligence lies in the tent where the arrow points at the beginning of the mission.

7. Listened to all conversations of a truck driver with soldiers at outposts and guard posts

There are 3 conversations in total. The first one starts even before they leave. Just jump straight to the airport and turn on the osprey and wait. When an armored personnel carrier arrives at the airport, the driver will first be called by radio and then one of the escort soldiers will approach him.

8. Evacuated 3 Zero Risk Security Soldiers

It is easier to evacuate the air defense system of soldiers by running the script for the appearance of skulls at the airport itself. The main thing is to take them to the other end or even take them out of the airport so that they are not hurt when you kill the skulls.

Mission 38: Unusual Phenomenon (Extreme)
1. Film container seized
2. Fortress Spugmay captured
3. The film container was captured before reinforcements arrived.
4. A prisoner was evacuated from the eastern guard post of the Spugmai fortress
5. Griffon Vulture Caught Near Ruins of Spugmai

Mission 39: Behind the fence (Invisible)
1. Captured engineer evacuated
2. The engineer is evacuated with the help of the Fulton through a hole in the basement ceiling
3. Evacuated a prisoner who planned to escape from the Wah Sind barracks
4. An SUV was evacuated while patrolling between outposts.
5. Wah Sind Barracks Blueprints Captured

Mission 40: Surrounded by Silence (Extreme)

Quiet can go through all the goals on the move without any costumes and sophistication. using the tactics from the previous version of the task with one BUT: when the supply drop is 15 meters away from the silent one, you need to start looming in her sight so that she does not jump away.

It is very easy to win for the simultaneous completion of all tasks, but for the mission you will receive a maximum rank of A. To do this, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bher position in the support section, select Sleep Gas and from the plane the area will be covered with gas, she will fall asleep.

1. Quiet liquidated
2. You decide what to do with Quiet
3. Quiet is neutralized without the use of lethal weapons against her
4. Quiet is neutralized without the use of firearms

You run in disguise and plant sleep mines in places where she usually sits. Then hide and wait.

Perfectionist - 4

Mission 41: Proxy War
1. Attack helicopter destroyed
2. 2 tanks destroyed
3. 2 armored vehicles destroyed
4. Evacuated 2 tanks and 2 armored vehicles
5. The commander of the column of armored vehicles was evacuated
6. The commander of the column found a rough diamond

When the helicopter reaches the airport, the commander will get out of it, interrogate him several times and find out the place with the diamond.

7. Attack Helicopter Blueprints Captured

Mission 42: Metal Archaea (Extreme)
1. "Skulls" eliminated
2. Code Talker evacuated
3. Mission accomplished without being captured by a puppet soldier
4. "Skulls" evacuated

With Quiet

Without Quiet

Mission 43: Everlasting Light
1. Message sender found
2. Infected eliminated

Mission 44: Impenetrable Darkness (Invisible)
1. Oil transfer pump off
2. Oily water separator destroyed
3. Evacuated 4 child soldiers trained in the village of Masa
4. Leaving the danger zone completed before the blockade of the Mfinda field
Source 5An African eared vulture caught flying into a burned village
6. Evacuated 4 Walker Gear blocking the Mfinda field

Mission 45:
1. Contact with the silent woman took place

We run along the arrow to the palace and find Quiet.

2. Soviet mechanized unit destroyed
3. Received the Silent Audio Cassette

The cassette will be at the very end of the mission after the cut scenes. (we climb the hill and the player hangs on a tree)

4. Evacuated 7 tanks and 7 armored vehicles

5. Quest completed without silence damage

Mission 46: The Truth: The Man Who Sold the World
1. Eliminated 6 soldiers at the entrance to the hospital
2. Hit a burning person with 20 or more hits

Episode 8(49) : Occupation Forces

Episode 50: Sahelanthropus

side income


Complete all key external tasks.

After Huey builds a super tank at your base during the game, a mission to send personnel with this tank will appear in the "External Missions" menu (it will be marked with a yellow dot). After completing several of these tasks, you will receive a trophy.

Reach level 50 on all units.

An army of this level is assembled in the later stages of the game, when more professional soldiers begin to appear. It is unlikely that it will be possible to speed up the process, because you need to develop your Base along the way, expanding the contingent of units. We play the plot, build the Base. If all units of 50+ have already been assembled, except for the "sentry" unit (because it is formed according to the residual principle), we try to manually shuffle soldiers from the more advanced units of the Base into it. Constant raids for soldiers of the level "A ++" and "S" are mandatory. Unfortunately, the base defense squad, which is added in the middle of the game, must also be pumped up to lvl 50, the main skill for this squad is the skill of the combat squad (the one with two crossed swords), so there are a lot of these opponents to fulton, and do external tasks in which you can get recruits with the same type of skill.

Soldiers of "high quality" can be obtained on mission 16 "Convoy", we run to the airport, defeat the skulls, but do not evacuate the jeep, after defeating the skulls all soldiers in the mission area will be stunned, it is better to take a Raiden or Gray Fox suit, they increase the running speed , and as partners d-dog, so that it would be easier to look for soldiers. So I advise you to "farm" after the end of the plot, so that the soldiers are a +, a ++, s 29 mission - there, without preludes, the battle with skulls immediately begins, there will also be plenty of stunned opponents of high quality.




Collector (Secret)

Collect all blueprints and key items.



Location of invoices [Afghanistan]:

Location of invoices [Africa]:

Hero (Secret)

Get the call sign "Hero".

The trophy arrives at 180000+ heroism. Complete side missions, especially with the destruction of tank units and armored vehicle units - they give a lot of heroism for them. Constantly send fighters to external missions, they also receive experience.


phantom limb

Complete the mission "PHANTOM LIMB".

In order not to meet with skulls, you need to call a helicopter to another point. You can sit under the bridge for a while, the skulls will start to go down, you can climb back up and go across the bridge unnoticed....


Complete the task "WHERE DOES THE STING HIDE?".

Find a silent hostage, he will tell you that the sting is inside the caves. As you take it, there will be a fight with skulls. They are killed quite simply from the Sting itself. The hostage can be killed if you are discovered, then for some time there is still a chance to save him, but it is very minimal, no matter how the mission fails on this, just in this case, hide somewhere and wait for the enemies to lose sight of you and slowly move into the depth of the temple "Sting" is located at the very end of the location ... You don't have to fight with the skulls, just go around along the cliff to the exit and the fog will dissipate.

Turn gears

Complete "ROAD TO HELL".

With SAHELONTROP, hide behind the rocks (don't forget Huey), as you get to the helicopter landing site, wait until he turns away. You can't call a helicopter in case of an alarm.

Caravan (Secret)

Complete the task "CARAVAN OF TRAITORS".

When approaching the truck, skulls will pop out. Kill them by sitting in a Tank or an APC. Quiet is a good helper. You can use the D-Walker and fire from a machine gun. Don't forget to evacuate all soldiers, complete 2 additional objectives. As an option: The easiest way is to soak the skulls with Artillery fire! You need to lure them a little to a safe distance from the truck, for this, as soon as the skulls appear, just hide behind any building (the main thing is that they don’t find you) and then the skulls will slowly creep up on you, then call the shelling! He will cover them all! Another option: Actually, there is an even easier way to defeat the skulls. You need C4 and bait. 1) destroy the armored vehicles before arriving at the meeting point with the truck at the airport. 2) not far from the airport there is an SUV at the crossroads, waiting for a truck to join the convoy, put these guys to sleep (this is an additional task to evacuate 3 soldiers, and there are 4 of them) put the bait (inflatable Snake) and three C4. 4) after the destruction of the armored personnel carrier, the truck starts to leave the airport if you come closer - the driver says that the armored vehicles did not arrive and leaves. Seeing the bait (do not forget our C4 on it), he stops 30 meters away and goes to check it, put the carrier to sleep (an additional task to evacuate the driver). The main thing is that the bait does not burst or we put a new one. 5) creep up slowly to the truck, skulls come out, immediately crawl back !!! - they will not see you in this case and will go to the bait one at a time. We blow up the first one. Then the second one will go in that direction, put 2-3 C4 bait on them, blow up the second one, etc. Thus, we kill them so that they don’t even see who killed them .... You can also give the Quiet command to shoot at the skulls. She is enough for one, she is fully capable of filling him with commands. But for two skulls - no, she is wounded and she is evacuated.

Immortal (Secret)

Complete the mission "METAL ARCHEI".

Option 1. After the cutscene, we run sharply to the right, behind the containers and further between the fence and the long hangar. Skulls lose sight of the character. We return to the take-off and carefully shoot the "ordinary" ones from a sniper with a silencer. We return to the house with doors near the hangar, call shelling on the skulls standing on the corner, again give a circle along the take-off, to the plane, to the helicopter and again along the long way to the house, another shelling, only one skull remained, pretty shabby, quickly with it straighten out. Option 2. You can use the D-Walker with Gatling guns, or sit on the roof of the hangar with a sniper, or pass-shoot the skulls on the tank (the tank rusts and breaks from their impact).

Complete a mission as a member of a combat squad.

You won't get a trophy for the side quest. It is necessary to choose any soldier for Snake's place before the start of any mission and completely complete the mission.

part time job

Complete all side missions of the "Demining" type.

D-Dog as a partner marks the mines on the map. You need to approach from the back side of the mine, so that the fan of the mine's rays does not fall under the character. The easiest way is to blow up mines from a machine gun. There is no special profit to collect them
