Bogatyr of the Vyatka land. The wrestler and the giant from the suburban peasants World celebrity

Grigory Kashcheev is one of the brightest representatives of the golden era of natural athletes. This good-natured giant, who never dreamed of a sports career, became the embodiment of the mysterious and unpredictable Russian character. He was destined for a brilliant future and worldwide fame, and he chose a modest share of the farmer. We will tell the undeservedly forgotten life story of the Vyatka hero in our article.

Grigory Kashcheev during childhood and adolescence.
The hard part of the truth-seeker

Grigory Kashcheev(real name Kosinsky) was born on November 12, 1873 in the village of Saltyki, Vyatka province. Future from a young age Vyatka hero surprised those around him with incredible strength and gigantic growth, although there had never been such giants in his family. At the age of 12, he plowed the land on an equal footing with adults, and by the age of 15 he was taller than all the men in the entire district. It is authentically known that by the age of 30 the weight of this giant reached 160 kilograms, with an increase of 215 centimeters.

It is not surprising that the big man worked for three. For example, instead of a horse, he harnessed himself to a cart loaded with grain and calmly drove it to the mill. Amusing the villagers, he shouldered a log, which several adults clung to at once, and began to spin an impromptu carousel. Once, the manager of a distillery from the neighboring Sosnovka, who invited the young strong man to his work, became a witness to these amusements.

The movers only groaned in amazement when Grigory Kashcheev alone put on the scales a 30-pound (360 kilogram) barrel of alcohol, which was hardly lifted by four. And the guy just smiled shyly, sincerely wondering what could be special about it. Entertaining his colleagues, he took a two-pound weight and began to baptize himself with it non-stop. This amazing strong man could stop a speeding cart with a trio of horses by grabbing the wheel with his hands.

Vyatka hero was distinguished by a complex unyielding character. Passing by, turning a blind eye to injustice and lawlessness, was not in his spirit. One day, walking along the river bank, he saw a crowd of fighting guys. Shaking his head disapprovingly, Grigory scooped up the excited youths with huge, like bear paws, hands in a heap and with the words: “Come on, cool it down!” - drove everyone into the water.

One day Grigory Kashcheev I bet five rubles with one of the clerks that he would carry a bunch of weights around the warehouse, with a total weight of 400 kilograms. Having shouldered this colossal burden, the big man fulfilled his promise and demanded a well-deserved win. However, the losing debater refused to pay. Then the enraged big man pulled off the hat from the head of the offender, lifted the corner of the warehouse with his mighty shoulder, threw the headdress under the lower log and lowered the wall back. And the next day, the weights, chained, were found hanging on a pole. To get them, the pole had to be cut down. The authorities did not appreciate the joke, and on the same day, the loader who was at fault was fired.

After that case Grigory Kashcheev got a job as a builder on the Kotlas railway. He worked properly, turning over the heavy rails and sleepers alone. However, he did not stay here for a long time, because he could not put up with the greed and arbitrariness of local businessmen. At the first calculation, it turned out that the contractor was openly robbing the workers, appropriating part of the money for himself. Deciding to teach the rogue a lesson, Gregory piled on his sleigh a cast-iron block for driving piles, weighing about half a ton, and covered it with hay on top. Having finished his work, the contractor was about to leave, but found that the wagon seemed to be rooted to the place. He began to whip the horse furiously, but the poor animal only stomped helplessly on the spot.

- Well, lay down! Don't hurt the animal! - suddenly thundered someone's loud voice, and out of the crowd of laughing builders came out Grigory Kashcheev. “First, calculate everyone according to your conscience, and only then go.

The workers hummed approvingly, supporting their comrade. Having estimated the dimensions of the people's protector, the contractor prudently decided not to argue and paid everything to the last penny. It took 20 people to remove the heavy load from the sled. Returning to the office, the dishonest employee immediately complained about Kashcheev. And although all the builders stood up to defend Grigory, the authorities did not keep the obstinate worker, even if he worked for five.

Vyatka hero again had to return to the distillery, where he was ordered to carry barrels of alcohol to the regional center of Slobodskaya. They did not hire a harsh truth-seeker for any other job.

duel with Fedor Besov.
The beginning of a sports career

The life of a village strongman changed dramatically after meeting a professional athlete Fedor Besov . In November 1905, the famous strongman, along with his booth, arrived in Slobodskaya. For a tiny provincial town, this was a huge event, and therefore the stands were filled to capacity. Besov demonstrated real miracles of strength to the provincial public: he juggled with weighty weights, tore chains and card decks with his bare hands, broke horseshoes, bent coins with his fingers, hammered nails into a board with his fist, and a thick steel beam was bent on his back. The audience enthusiastically applauded, enjoying an unprecedented spectacle. However, everyone was looking forward to the main number.

At the end of his performance, the strongman went to the center of the arena and defiantly shook the gold piece clutched in his hand. According to a long-established circus tradition, he announced that he would give the money to the one who beat him in a fair fight. In the ensuing deathly silence, a bass voice from the gallery boomed like thunder: "I'll try!"

fight Vyatka hero with a visiting artist was not an ordinary coincidence, as it might seem. Glory of remarkable strength Grigory Kashcheev has long spread throughout the province. Once he was summoned under an imaginary pretext by a bailiff (head of the local police) and offered to earn extra money. He explained that a well-known strong man would soon arrive in the city, who needed to be laid on his shoulder blades. The amount offered for the victory over Fedor Besov was more than enticing. Grigory did not earn so much in a year, and therefore, without further thought, he agreed.

He was familiar with the rules of belt wrestling only in theory, but he did not have time to gain the necessary experience. The only worthy opponent met Gregory only once. While working on the railroad, he heard from his comrades about a local strongman Panteley Zhuikove. Zhuikov really possessed considerable strength, and therefore Grigory Kashcheev could not resist the temptation to test himself in a fight with an equal opponent. Eyewitnesses claimed that the fight between the two strongest people in the district lasted several hours, and until the last moment it was impossible to predict who would prevail. Panteleimon had age and experience on his side, but Grigory turned out to be more enduring and stubborn. In the end, the young strong man knocked the opponent to the ground and crushed from above, forcing him to admit defeat.

But this time Vyatka hero he faced an even more formidable opponent - strong, technical, experienced in the intricacies of professional wrestling. However, Fedor Besov very soon I realized that this rustic bumpkin in worn-out bast shoes and a homespun shirt was far from being so simple. He had never encountered a man of such strength before. None of the sophisticated, over the years, tried and tested techniques and tricks did not work. With the same success it was possible to try to topple the mountain.

Both opponents were already pretty tired, their clothes were soaked through with sweat, but neither one nor the other was going to yield. Once the judges had to stop the fight - the strong leather belt of the circus athlete broke, unable to withstand the monstrous load. In the end, Gregory managed to break the resistance of an uncompromising opponent. Having seized the moment, he tore Besov off the ground, lifted him over his head and with a swing pressed his back to the arena. To be sure, he also fell on top, releasing the defeated opponent only upon hearing the cherished: “I give up.” The audience greeted the countryman's victory with an enthusiastic roar.

Reward giant hero paid in full, but the defeated artist did not regret the lost money at all. He knew that with such a strong man as Kashcheev, he would earn hundreds of times more. It remains only to persuade Vyatka hero go with him. This task turned out to be difficult. Gregory could not leave his native land, to which he had become attached with all his heart. But Besov was very persistent and persuasive, outlining the provincial strong man alluring prospects, which he refuses. The good-natured hero, who always dreamed of seeing the world in his soul, agreed. So duel with Fedor Besov served the start of a sports career a new circus star named Grigory Kashcheev.

circus activity .
Acquaintance with Ivan Zaikin

circus activity became for Grigory Kashcheev expensive to glory, but at the same time, and a real test of strength. Constant moving from place to place, exhausting, working on stage for 10-12 hours a day and far from the best conditions of detention - all this did not fit in with the bright prospects that he was promised. In addition, not everywhere circus artists were greeted with enthusiastic applause.

A curious incident happened to the troupe Fyodor Besov on tour in a remote town. After the performance, a crowd of townsfolk escorted the artists to the outskirts of the city, advising them to leave immediately and never appear in these parts again. As it turned out, the superstitious philistines took Kashcheev seriously for a werewolf, and Besov himself, with his telling surname, for a minion of Satan. The fact is that entrepreneurs often presented Gregory as a “bear man”, which, however, was not difficult to believe. Impressive dimensions and truly inhuman strength " Vyatka hero”, coupled with long black hair and a thick beard, really created an intimidating image.

In 1906, on tour in Kazan, a lucky chance brought our hero to a famous Russian wrestler, the future world champion in weightlifting. The famous "King of Iron", himself coming from a peasant family, reasoned that such a nugget had no place in a cheap booth. He became for Vyatka hero friend and mentor. Under his wise guidance Grigory Kashcheev began to train hard and comprehend the intricacies of modern wrestling.

In 1908 our hero, together with the strongest wrestlers of the Russian Empire, Ivan Poddubny and, went to Paris for the World Championship in French wrestling. At this tournament, he lost only to his titled compatriots, eventually taking one of the prizes and becoming famous throughout the world.

Kashcheev's duel with lasted about six hours. The legendary "Champion of Champions" simply did not know how to deal with this mighty giant-bogatyr, but in the end, the experience and skill of Ivan Maksimovich won, who managed to put a powerful opponent on the shoulder blades.

world celebrity .
last years of life
Grigory Kashcheev

To Petersburg Grigory Kashcheev returned already world celebrity. His photo was published by the largest newspapers and magazines, every influential person in the city considered it an honor to meet him. However, the athlete himself became more gloomy and thoughtful every day. The brilliance of glory was alien to him, and all he really dreamed of was to return to his native land and live a quiet life. Kashcheev told his friends more than once that he was ready to give up everything and continue to plow the land. And so he did.

In 1911 giant hero arrived in Vyatka, where he held several farewell performances and wrestling matches, after which he finally moved to his native village. Here, the former athlete personally built a house and began to manage the household. Soon he got married and became the father of two wonderful children.

In the spring of 1914, fellow athletes visited Grigory and tried to persuade him to return, but he refused, citing the fact that he could not leave his family. However, the arrival of friends unraveled the soul of the former athlete, forcing him to remember the days of former glory. He could not find a place for himself and that very night he suddenly fell ill. The paramedic who arrived in the morning found only his lifeless body. About death Grigory Kashcheev there were many rumors. It was rumored that one of the former rivals poisoned him in order to take revenge, but the autopsy showed that the strong man died from a broken heart.

So, at the age of 41, the life of one of the strongest people of a bygone era was absurdly and tragically cut short. buried Vyatka hero in his native village, today called Kosa. Unfortunately, the grave of the famous athlete has not survived to this day, but his name continues to live in the memory of his descendants.

After the death of Grigory Ilyich in the St. Petersburg magazine " Hercules an obituary was published. Its author, the famous Russian coach, called Vyatka hero one of the most amazing people he had ever met. Possessing the richest natural inclinations, he could become an invincible champion and gain great fame, but he chose to return to peasant life. This, according to Lebedev, is precisely the paradoxical phenomenon of the amazing Russian character.

People like Grigory Kashcheev- these are real unique ones who are born once in a hundred years. However, despite the stubborn genetics, everyone can overcome their own imperfections. For the natural growth of muscle mass and the adaptation of the body to heavy physical exertion, we can recommend the dietary supplement " ". This unique vitamin-mineral complex, created on the basis of natural plant components and bee products, contains the richest set of essential substances that every athlete needs.

In Russia in the middle of the 19th century, in the tsar's office, there was the position of "Chief Supervisor of the physical development of the population." The representatives of the Russian population, who developed under such supervision, still surprise us with this very development.

For example, in weightlifting, those who "pulled" less than 100 kilograms had nothing to do in the Strong Club.

Sergei Eliseev (1876 - 1938). Light Weightlifter

Sergei Eliseev and Georg Hakkenshmit

The world record holder, a hereditary hero of small stature, he accidentally became famous at a city festival in Ufa - he won a belt wrestling tournament against a multiple champion. The next day, three rams were brought to Eliseev's house as a generous act of recognition from the defeated ex-champion.

Trick. He took a kettlebell weighing 62 kg in his right hand, lifted it up, then slowly lowered it to the side on a straight arm and held the arm with the kettlebell in a horizontal position for several seconds. Three times in a row he pulled out two unbound two-pound weights with one hand. In the bench press with two hands, he lifted 145 kg and pushed 160.2 kg.

Ivan Zaikin (1880 - 1949). Chaliapin Russian Muscles

World wrestling champion, weight lifting champion, circus artist, one of the first Russian aviators.

Foreign newspapers called him "Chaliapin of Russian muscles."

His athletic numbers became a sensation. In 1908 Zaikin toured in Paris. After the performance of the athlete, the chains torn by Zaikin, an iron beam bent on his shoulders, "bracelets" and "ties" tied by him from strip iron were exhibited in front of the circus. Some of these exhibits were acquired by the Parisian Cabinet of Curiosities and were displayed along with other curiosities.

Trick. Zaikin carried a 25-pound anchor on his shoulders, lifted a long barbell onto his shoulders, on which ten people sat, and began to rotate it ("live carousel").

Georg Hackenschmidt (1878 - 1968). Russian lion

World wrestling champion and world record holder in weightlifting. From childhood, Gaak trained: he jumped 4.9 meters in length, 1.4 meters in height from a place, ran 180 meters in 26 seconds. To strengthen his legs, he practiced climbing a spiral staircase to the spire of the Olivest church with two-pound weights.

Haak got into sports by accident: Dr. Kraevsky, “the father of Russian athletics,” convinced him that “he can easily become the strongest man in the world.” In 1897, Haak broke into St. Petersburg, where he smashed the capital's heavyweights to smithereens. Training with Kraevsky, Gaak quickly takes all the first places in Russia (by the way, he ate everything he wanted, but drank only milk), and goes to Vienna. Further - Paris, London, Australia, Canada, America - and the title of the Russian Lion and the Strongest Man of the late XIX - early XX centuries.

Trick. With one hand, he squeezed a barbell weighing 122 kg. He took 41 kg dumbbells in each hand and spread his straight arms horizontally to the sides. I squeezed a barbell weighing 145 kg on the wrestling bridge. With his arms crossed on his back, Gaak lifted 86 kg from a deep squat. With a 50-kilogram barbell, I squatted 50 times. Today the trick is called "gaak-exercise" or simply "gaak".

Grigory Kashcheev (real - Kosinsky, 1863 - 1914). Giant Downshifter

A hero from the village with an advantage in height - 2.18 m. At the village fair, he defeated the visiting circus performer Besov, who immediately convinced him to go with him - "show strength."

“We are coming with Grisha to a deaf, deaf town. We didn't see people like us there. Kashcheev (pseudonym of Kosinsky) is shaggy like a beast, and my surname is Besov. We don't have a human form. They decided that we were werewolves ... Without saying a bad word, they lassoed us, took us out of the city and said: “If you don’t leave our city with good, then blame yourself!” Besov recalled.

In 1906, Grigory Kashcheev met world-class wrestlers for the first time and became friends with Zaikin, who helped him enter the big arena. Soon Kashcheev put all eminent strongmen on the shoulder blades, and in 1908, together with Poddubny and Zaikin, he went to Paris for the World Championship, from where they brought victory.

Trick. It would seem that now the real wrestling career of Kashcheev has begun, but, refusing the most profitable offers, he abandoned everything and went to his village to plow the land.

“I had to fully see the original people in my time as the director of the wrestling, but nevertheless, the most interesting in terms of character, I must imagine the giant Grigory Kashcheev. In fact, it is hard to imagine that a gentleman who has made a European name for himself within 3-4 years, voluntarily leaves the arena back to his village, and again takes up the plow and harrow. That gentleman was of enormous strength. Almost a sazhen in height, Kashcheev, if he were a foreigner, would earn big capital, because he surpassed all foreign giants in strength ”(Hercules Magazine, No. 2, 1915).

Pyotr Krylov (1871 - 1933). Kettlebell King

A Muscovite who, having changed his profession as a navigator of the merchant fleet to the craft of an athlete, went all the way from fairs and "booths of living miracles" to major circuses and French wrestling championships. He (attention!) was the permanent winner of competitions for the best athletic figure, taking as a child an example from the athlete Emil Foss, who entered the arena in silk tights and leopard skin. He began his first workouts at home with irons that he tied to a broom.

Trick. Krylov set several world records. In the “wrestling bridge” position, he squeezed 134 kg with both hands, and 114.6 kg with his left hand. Press in the "soldier's stance": with his left hand he lifted a two-pound weight 86 times in a row. The ancestor of spectacular tricks that other athletes then repeated, and today paratroopers: bending a rail on their shoulders, driving a car over the body, raising a platform with a horse and a rider. Performing athletic numbers, Krylov commented on them cheerfully. His remarks have always been persuasive. For example, when he broke stones with his fist, he invariably addressed the audience with these words:

“Gentlemen, if you think that there is a falsehood in this number, then I can break this stone with my fist on the head of any interested person from the public.”

From practice, Krylov could easily switch to theory and give a lecture on physical culture.

Alexander Zass (1888 - 1962). Russian Samson

The father of Alexander Zass was just the kind of person who could go out in the circus against a visiting strongman and win the fight. It is not surprising that Alexander got into the circus and took up everything at once: aerial gymnastics, horse riding, wrestling. In 1914, a world war broke out, and Alexander was drafted into the army in the 180th Vindava Cavalry Regiment. Once he was returning from reconnaissance and suddenly, already close to the Russian positions, the enemy noticed him and opened fire. The bullet went through the horse's leg. The Austrian soldiers, seeing that the horse with the rider had fallen, did not pursue the cavalryman and turned back. And Alexander, making sure that the danger had passed, did not want to leave the wounded horse in no man's land. True, there was still half a kilometer to the location of the regiment, but this did not bother him. Throwing a horse on his shoulders, Alexander brought it to his camp. In the future, Alexander will include in his repertoire wearing on the shoulders of a horse. Once in Austrian captivity, the strong man escapes on the third attempt, since he knew how to unbend the bars and break the chains. Once in Europe, he defeated all the strong men of Europe and became the "Russian Samson".

Trick. For several decades, his name, or rather his pseudonym, Samson, did not leave the circus posters of many countries. The repertoire of his power numbers was amazing: he carried a horse or a piano around the arena with a pianist and dancer located on the lid, caught with his hands a 90-kilogram cannonball, which was fired from a circus cannon from a distance of 8 meters. "Russian Samson" tore off the floor and held in his teeth a metal beam with assistants sitting at its ends. Having threaded the shin of one leg into a loop of a rope fixed under the very dome, he held in his teeth a platform with a piano and a pianist. Lying with his bare back on a board studded with nails, Zaas held a stone weighing 500 kilograms on his chest, which those who wished (from the public) beat with sledgehammers. In the famous attraction "Projectile Man", he caught with his hands an assistant flying out of the muzzle of a circus cannon and describing a 12-meter trajectory over the arena. In 1938, in Sheffield, in front of an assembled crowd, he was run over by a truck loaded with coal. Samson stood up and, smiling, bowed to the audience.

Frederick Müller (1867–1925). Eugene Sandow

Few people know that the weightlifting record holder and the “magician of the pose” Eugene Sandow is Frederic Muller. Not only the strongest athlete, but also a savvy businessman, Mueller realized that a career in strength sports would go faster if he took a Russian name. The newly minted Sandow differed from the frail Muller in his outstanding strength, achieved through training and physical education.

Trick. Weighing less than 80 kg, he set a world record by pressing 101.5 kg with one arm. He did a back flip, holding 1.5 pounds in each hand. Within four minutes, he could do 200 push-ups on his hands.

Business trick. In 1930, under his Russian name, he published the book "Bodybuilding", giving the name to this sport in all English-speaking countries and also giving reason to believe that the Russians came up with bodybuilding.

Once, in the city of Slobodskoy, in the Vyatka province, a popular strongman Fyodor Besov arrived. He demonstrated mind-blowing tricks: he tore chains, juggled blindfolded three-pound weights, tore a pack of cards, bent copper nickels with his fingers, bent a metal beam on his shoulders, smashed a cobblestone with his fist ...

And in general, he plunged the local inhabitants into an indescribable ecstasy. At the end of the performance, Besov, as he constantly practiced, turned to the audience: “Maybe someone wants to compete with me on belts?” The hall is silent. There were no applicants. Then the athlete called an assistant and took ten rubles from him, raised his hand up, and again turned to the audience with a smile: “And this is for the one who will last ten minutes against me!” And once again silence in the hall. And like a devil from a snuffbox, from somewhere in the gallery, someone's bass rumbled: "Let's try."

To the delight of the audience, a bearded man in bast shoes and a canvas shirt entered the arena. He turned out to be a sazhen in height - more than two meters, his shoulders could hardly crawl through the gate. It was Grigory Kosinsky, a strong man-peasant from the village of Saltyki, known throughout the province. There were legends about him. Grisha could, in particular, tie twelve two-pound weights, put them on his shoulders and walk around with this colossal load. They say that once he put in a sledge, in which a contractor who short-changed workers rode, a forty-pound woman for driving piles.

The battle has begun. Neither knowledge of techniques, nor tremendous skill could save Besov from defeat. The audience gasped with delight when the bearded giant pinned a visiting athlete to the carpet.

Besov realized that he had met a nugget. After the performance, he took Grisha backstage and for a long time urged him to go with him - "show strength." Besov enthusiastically told about Grisha's future career, about what glory awaits him. He eventually agreed. A new life began, but, of course, not as sweet as Besov had painted for him. Performances were held in the provinces, most of all in the open air, with great physical exertion.
There were also curious cases in these tour wanderings. Here is what Besov told about one of the cases, the one that happened to them. “We are coming with Grisha to a deaf, deaf town. We have never seen people like us there.
Kashcheev (pseudonym of Kosinsky) is shaggy like a beast, and my surname is Besov ... We do not have a human appearance. They decided that we were werewolves ... Without saying a bad word, they lassoed us, took us out of the city and said: “If you don’t leave our city with good, then blame yourself.” So Grisha and I - God bless your legs ...

Kashcheev's performances were a huge success, but more and more often he said: “No, I'll leave the circus. I will return home, I will plow the land.
In 1906, he faced world-class wrestlers for the first time. Befriended Ivan Zaikin. He helped him enter the big arena. Soon Kashcheev puts many eminent strongmen on the shoulder blades, and in 1908, together with Ivan Poddubny and Ivan Zaikin, he goes to the world championship in Paris.
Our heroes returned home with victory. Kashcheev took a prize position. It would seem that now the real wrestling career of Kashcheev began, but he nevertheless left everything and went to his village to plow the land.

The best description of the Russian hero-giant Grigory Kashcheev is the words of the famous organizer of the French wrestling championships, editor-in-chief of the Hercules sports magazine Ivan Vladimirovich Lebedev:

I fully had to see the original people in my time as the director of the wrestling, but still the most interesting in terms of character, I must think of the giant Grigory Kashcheev. In fact, it is hard to imagine that a gentleman who has made a European name for himself within 3-4 years, voluntarily leaves the arena back to his village, and again takes up the plow and harrow. That gentleman was of enormous strength. Almost a sazhen in height, Kashcheev, if he were a foreigner, would earn big capital, because he surpassed all foreign giants in strength.

(Journal "Hercules", No. 2, 1915).

Kashcheev died in 1914. Many legends circulated about his death, but here is what is reported in an obituary published in the June issue of Hercules magazine for 1914:
“On May 25, in his fifth decade, the eminent wrestler-giant Grigory Kashcheev, who left the circus arena and was engaged in agriculture in his native village of Saltyki, died of a heart attack. The name of Kashcheev not so long ago thundered not only in Russia, but also abroad. If there had been another, more greedy for money and fame uncle in his place, then he could have made himself a worldwide career. But Grisha was a Russian farmer at heart, and he was irresistibly drawn from the most profitable engagements - home, to the land.

The great was a hero. But how many people currently know about it?

Nikolai Polikarpov, Alexander Veprikov and Dmitry Sennikov are united by
much. All of them were born, lived, worked and still work on the Vyatka land,
devoted their work to her, became experienced professionals, received the title of "Honored Artist of Russia" and pass on the secrets of their skills to young people.

All three of them have recently passed over sixty-five, and, apparently, they are connected not only by a shop partnership, but also by simple human friendship. 25 years ago they already had a joint exhibition. And now, after a quarter of a century, they show the audience their works created over the past ten years.

First, I must say that all three are excellent landscape painters.

Nikolai Polikarpov is faithful to the theme of the Russian village with its difficult fate, he loves to paint the work and life of ordinary people, paints their portraits. For the last five years he has been working in his small homeland, in the Vyatka hinterland - the village of Ozhiganovy, Orlovsky district, and created many new works there. Many of his works (“My Motherland”, “Istobensk”, “The Village of Polom on Vyatka”) can be called monumental epic canvases, although his studies are no less interesting and exciting.

Alexander Veprikov also paid tribute to his small homeland - the city of Urzhum. Veprikov is a master of the lyrical landscape, a romantic at heart, he often creates landscape paintings, whether it is a city or a village. In his work, as well as in the work of Sennikov, Vasnetsov's places occupy a special place. Both of them are laureates of the prize of the government of the Kirov region named after br. Vasnetsov. By the way, Sennikov has been a participant in all Vasnetsov plein airs since 2006.

Dmitry Sennikov, as you know, has already entered the history of Vyatka painting as an artist who created a holistic image of the old Vyatka, first of all, he is a master of the urban landscape. For a long time there are no in reality those houses, streets and alleys that he forever captured with his brush.

But, of course, each of them has other favorite topics. So Sennikov can be called an animal painter: he likes to depict animals, birds and other living creatures. At the same time, he shows not only observation, but also humor, and sometimes, as it were, humanizes animals. Not so long ago, his personal exhibition was dedicated to the world of animals.

Alexander Veprikov can surprise the audience with a "nudity", made very tactfully and elegantly, or with an original female portrait. His still lifes are remembered, in which one feels the love of life and the joy of being. His still lifes can exist not only in the house on the table, but also in the garden, in the clearing or on the edge of the forest.

All three artists work within the framework of traditional art, but they also try to master new techniques. So Alexander Veprikov, for example, presented a picture-collage "In Memory of Relatives" for the exhibition, which uses small picturesque landscapes, photographs, poems, real household items and natural materials.

In the photo from left to right: N. Polikarpov, D. Sennikov, A. Veprikov.

Isn't this son of the Sloboda land the next candidate for posthumous recognition and glorification throughout Russia (in the same vein as it happens today with the merchant Anfilatov, the Standard-bearer Bulatov and the gunner of the Varyag cruiser Semyon Kataev)?

City Library website named after Green, the 28-page "Calendar of significant dates of the city of Slobodsky for 2018" is available for download. (The download link is in the news feed of the library website, in the post of December 5, 2017).

Among other things, the calendar reminds to the reader that the coming 2018 is the year of the 145th anniversary of the birth of Grisha Kosinsky. This legendary peasant from the village of Saltyki, by chance, became a famous wrestler - first with Russian, and then with European fame. However, at the peak of his wrestling career, he left the arena and returned to be a peasant in his native village (where his days ended in 1914).

About that fateful event who brought him to fame, you can read the following on the Internet:

- The popular strongman Fyodor Besov arrived in the city of Slobodskoy. He demonstrated mind-blowing tricks: he tore chains, juggled blindfolded three-pound weights, tore a pack of cards, bent copper nickels with his fingers, bent a metal beam on his shoulders, smashed a cobblestone with his fist ...

At the end of the performance, Besov, as he constantly practiced, turned to the audience: “Maybe someone wants to compete with me on belts?” The hall is silent. There were no applicants. Then the athlete called an assistant and, taking ten rubles from him, raised his hand up, and again turned to the audience with a smile: “And this is for the one who can hold out against me for ten minutes!” And once again silence in the room. And like a devil from a snuffbox, from somewhere in the gallery, someone's bass rumbled: "Let's try."

To the delight of the audience, a bearded man in bast shoes and a canvas shirt entered the arena. He turned out to be a sazhen tall - more than two meters, his shoulders would hardly fit through the gate. It was Grigory Kosinsky, a strong man-peasant from the village of Saltyki, eminent throughout the province. There were legends about him. Grisha could, in particular, tie twelve two-pound weights, put them on his shoulders and walk around with this colossal load. They say that once he put in a sledge, in which a contractor who was calculating workers, a forty-pound "woman" for driving piles rode.

The battle has begun. Neither knowledge of techniques, nor tremendous skill could save Besov from defeat. The audience gasped with delight when the bearded giant pinned a visiting athlete to the carpet.

Besov realized that he had met a nugget. After the performance, he took Grisha backstage and for a long time urged him to go with him - "show strength." Besov enthusiastically told about Grisha's future career, about what glory awaits him. He eventually agreed...

Kashcheev's speeches(wrestling pseudonym of Kosinsky) were a huge success. In 1906, he first met world-class wrestlers and became friends with Ivan Zaikin, who helped him enter the big arena. Soon Kashcheev put all eminent strongmen on the shoulder blades, and in 1908, together with Poddubny and Zaikin, he went to Paris for the World Championship, from where he returned with a victory.

However, more and more often Grigory expressed a desire to give up his career and fame: “No, I will leave the circus. I will return home, I will plow the land. So he did, being at the peak of popularity.

He was gone in 1914, and the June issue of Hercules for that year reported:

- On May 25, in his fifth decade, the eminent giant wrestler Grigory Kashcheev, who left the circus arena and was engaged in agriculture in his close village of Saltyki, died of a heart attack. The name of Kashcheev not so long ago thundered not only in Russia, but also abroad. If there had been another, more greedy for money and fame uncle in his place, then he could have made himself a worldwide career. But Grisha was a Russian farmer at heart, and he was irresistibly drawn to the most profitable engagements - home, to the land ...

In the tour everyday life of Fedor Besov and his partner Grisha Kashcheev, anecdotal situations also happened. Here is how Besov himself recalled one of them:

- We arrive with Grisha in a deaf, deaf town. We never saw people like us there ... Kashcheev (Kosinsky's pseudonym) is shaggy like a beast, and my surname is Besov ... We have no human appearance. They decided that we were werewolves ... Without saying a bad word, they lassoed us, took us out of the city and said: “If you don’t leave our city with good, then blame yourself.”

So Grisha and I - God bless your legs ...

One of the characteristics of Grigory Kashcheev was given by Ivan Lebedev (wrestler, organizer of French wrestling championships and editor-in-chief of the Hercules sports magazine):

- I had to fully see the original people in my time as the director of the wrestling, but still the most interesting in terms of character, I must imagine the giant Grigory Kashcheev. In fact, it is hard to imagine that a gentleman who has made a European name for himself within 3-4 years, voluntarily leaves the arena back to his village, and again takes up the plow and harrow. That same gentleman was of enormous strength ... Kashcheev, if he were a foreigner, would have earned large capitals, because he surpassed all foreign giants in strength.

(Journal "Hercules", No. 2, 1915).

Publication preparation – Vladislav Nikonov
