Interesting relay races for children. Children's sports relay races

This game contains many surprises and various surprises. The kids just love them. Therefore, if you need to hold relay races for children in the camp, then this game will be a great solution. It can be carried out on fresh air. But if the day turned out to be rainy, then such a competition will be great indoors.

The game is suitable only for children school age. After all, they must be able to read quickly.

For the relay, stock up:

  • 2 paper bags (it is better that they are opaque, in which case the tasks will not be visible to the children);
  • chalk;
  • pencils;
  • paper.

You need to prepare for the relay race in advance. For this:

  1. The start line is set. It can be drawn on the pavement with chalk, marked with a flag in the grass.
  2. Members of two teams are determined. A prerequisite is an equal number of players in each group.
  3. It is necessary to prepare and write tasks on strips of paper. All notes must be printed in duplicate. Each team receives a package with the same nested set of tasks. But be sure to ensure that all the kids have time to participate in the game.

You can come up with tasks yourself or use the following:

  1. Jump to the tree. Touch the stem. Jump back.
  2. Run to the wall. Touch her. Run back.
  3. Squatting, jump towards the leader. Shake his hand. Jump back up.
  4. Walk backwards to the asphalt path. Write the name of the team in chalk. Also come back.

The rules are extremely simple. The first participants pull out the task from the packages. Having completed it, they pass the baton on. The team that does it faster wins.

Such relay races for children will become a real holiday and will surely cause a lot of positive emotions.

The kids will love this relay. For children 5 years old, this game will be an interesting and fun event.

You will need:

  • potatoes - 2 pcs;
  • regular tablespoons 2 pcs.

Be sure to mark the start and finish lines. For each team, mark out the appropriate treadmills. It is desirable that they be at least 10-12 m wide and not exceed 30 m in length.

The first player, on a signal, must run the distance, holding a spoon in which the potatoes lie. At the finish line, he turns around and comes back. It is important not to drop the potatoes. If the burden has fallen, it must be picked up. But at the same time, it is forbidden to pick up potatoes. You can only lift with a spoon. After completing the task, the first player passes his burden to the next. The relay continues.

The team that completes the task first wins.

You can complicate the relay race scenario for children somewhat. For example, at the finish line, holding potatoes in a spoon, sit down 5 times. And only then come back.

Big leg competition

If you organize relay races for children in the camp, then this game may come in handy. She will need 2 shoe boxes. Glue the lids on with tape. Cut a hole in the boxes 10 cm long and 2.5 cm wide.

The essence of such a relay race is as follows. The player must put their feet through the openings of the boxes. At the whistle the run begins. When he returns, he must carefully remove the boxes from his feet and pass them to the next player.

Contest "Blind Pedestrian"

You can come up with a variety of relay races for children on the street. In the summer, the game "Blind Pedestrian" will become quite interesting and original. To prepare for the relay, you need to create a route with various obstacles on the selected section of the street.

Give the participants time to carefully examine the situation. After that, blindfold the players one by one. The child must blindly follow the route.

During the competition, use the timer. This will determine which of the participants completed the route the fastest.

It is necessary to remember about physical development. Therefore, it is recommended to choose sports relay races for children. A popular and favorite game is the following.

All players must split into pairs. For the relay you need a ball. You can use volleyball or basketball.

The first pair of each team stands in front of the starting line. The players turn their backs to each other. At the level of their waist, a ball is put between them. The guys should hold it with their elbows, folding their hands on their stomachs. In this position, you need to run a few meters. Run around the obstacle planned in advance, and then return back. In this case, the ball should not fall. If this happens, then the pair has to start its movement all over again.

After successfully completing the task and returning to their team, the players help place the ball between the backs of the next two people. The relay continues.

If the team has an odd number of children, then one child can run twice.

Relay "Funny kangaroos"

Children always like outdoor sports games. With this in mind, be sure to plan fun relay races for the kids. This competition will allow them not only to run and jump, but also bring a lot of joyful impressions.

To play, you need to divide the children into teams. Each group will need one small item. It can be matchboxes or small balls.

The first player of each team stands in front of the start and holds the chosen object between his knees. On a signal, he must jump with the ball (box) to the mark, and then return back in the same way. The item passes to the next participant. The competition continues.

If the ball or box fell to the ground, then you need to start your journey all over again.

Every team should give their members a warm welcome.

What other relay races can be held for children on the street in the summer? The kids really like the "Tractor" competition.

For the relay it is necessary to divide all the children into two teams. One of them will be "Cargo", and the other "Tractor". In each team, one of the strongest players is selected. These children will play the role of "Rope".

The guys should become as follows. The two players who are "Rope" in the competition join hands. The rest of the children line up in a "train" on either side of them. Each player holds the waist of the one in front.

The essence of the competition is as follows. The "Tractor" team must, with the help of the "Cable", pull the "Cargo" to its side, which in every possible way resists this. The group that completes the task most successfully wins. If the "Cable" broke, then the victory is assigned to the "Cargo" team.

Children should change roles from time to time.

Fairy relay races are most suitable for children 7 years old. If you diversify the competition with characters from your favorite stories, then the kids will join the game with great pleasure.

In such a relay race, 2 teams consisting of 6 people participate. The rest of the children temporarily become fans. Each team consists of grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bugs, cats, mice. 2 stools are placed at a certain distance. Repka sits on them. This is a child who can wear a hat with the image of a root crop.

On a signal, the grandfather starts the game. He runs to the stool with Turnip. Runs around him and returns to the team. An old woman clings to him like a "train". The next round they run together. Then the granddaughter joins them. This is how the competition continues. The mouse joins last. When the whole company runs up to Repka, she must join the mouse. The group returns to the starting position.

The one who first "pulls out the Turnip" wins.

Game "Fold letters"

Remember that not only sports relay races for children on the street are in demand. The guys really like the competition for ingenuity, logic, thinking.

This game will require a large group of children. It must be divided into teams. Choose a leader. He must climb higher above the players. To do this, you can use the elevation on the playground. He will need to look down on the players.

The competition is as follows. The host calls any letter. Each team must lay it out by themselves. At the same time, players strive to complete the task as quickly as possible.

The winner is the team whose letter has developed in a short time and with high quality.

Competition "Gardeners"

So that the guys do not get bored with the same games, periodically change relay races for children. In the summer, you can interest children in the Gardeners competition.

Children are divided into 2 groups. They stand behind the start line in columns. Instead of a finish line, 5 laps are drawn. Each team is given a bucket. It contains 5 vegetables.

On a signal, the first player runs with a bucket to the drawn circles. Here he "plants" vegetables. In each circle you need to place one product. The player returns with an empty bucket and passes it to the next player. The second participant must "harvest". He passes the full bucket to the third player. The competition continues.

The team that finishes the game first wins.

When choosing relay races for children, one can recall those competitions that have been popular for a long time. It's about about competitions in bags.

To do this, 2 teams of players line up in a column. The distance between them must be at least three steps. Start and finish lines are marked.

The first player gets into the bag. Supporting him at waist level with his hands, he must, on a signal, run to the finish line, run around the obstacle placed there and return to the team. Here he gets out of the bag and passes it to the next participant. The competition lasts until all players have run the distance in bags.

The first participants to complete the task are the winners.

Team Tournament

The relay game for children, consisting of several competitions, will bring great pleasure. It is suitable for kids of all ages.

To determine the winner, you can use the following method. For teams, 1 potato tuber is allocated. After each tournament, the winner is determined. One match is stuck in his potatoes. After all the relay races, the “needles” are counted. The team that will have potatoes in largest number matches, wins.

Tasks for tournaments:

  1. Use matches to lay out the given phrase. Children are given a certain amount of time for this.
  2. Carry the box, holding it on top of your head. For such a tournament, it is necessary to designate the start and finish lines. If the matchbox falls to the ground, then the child needs to stop. Picking it up, he again puts it on top of his head and continues his movement.
  3. Two matchboxes are placed on the shoulders, like shoulder straps. Each player must overcome the distance with them from start to finish and return back.
  4. The box is placed upside down on the fist. With such a burden, you need to get to the finish line and return to your team.
  5. For team members, 3-5 boxes of matches are scattered in designated places. They need to be collected quickly. In this case, the matches must be assembled correctly. All gray heads face the same direction.
  6. From matches it is necessary to build a "well". You have 2 minutes for this task. The winner is the team that builds the highest "well".
  7. For the next task, you will only need the outer part of the box. Such a "cover" must be fastened on the nose. Participants must cover the distance with it from start to finish, and then pass it to the next player. In this case, the hands should not be involved.

Relay races for children are great way diversify the children's leisure. In addition, not only kids enjoy such competitions, but also adults who take part in or watch the competitions.

Relay is a team competition during which players take turns running the distance. Often, the participants pass each other an object. Children love these competitions. They teach children to follow the rules, work in a team, improve their health, and develop motor skills. Funny relay races for children can be held at a physical education lesson, on a walk or during celebratory event. More detailed information presented in the article.

Sports games for kids

You can link the relay to any topic. For example, invite teams to participate in Olympic Games. To conduct competitions, you will need simple equipment: balls, baskets, rackets. Organize the following sports games for children:

  1. "Jumping". The first child jumps in length, the second stands at the place of his landing and does the same. The team whose members end up farthest wins.
  2. "Walking" Participants walk the distance, putting the heel to the toe of the leg standing behind. They come back running.
  3. "Shooting". Children take turns throwing cones or other objects into the basket. The most accurate team wins.
  4. "Tennis". The ball must be put on the racket and run the distance without dropping it.
  5. "Basketball". Players make a run by dribbling the ball in front of them. At the end of the distance, you need to throw it into the basket held by the team captain. They return back running, holding the ball in their hands. The team with the most scoring shots wins.
  6. "Night orientation". With a blindfold, you need to reach the start, listening to the advice of your team. The children return with their eyes open.

Summer relays

If it's a sunny day outside, arrange fun competitions on the street. Relay races for children may include the following tasks:

  1. "Artists". At the end of the distance, a circle is drawn on the ground with a stick - the sun. The participant takes a twig, runs to the drawing and depicts a ray. The team that finishes the painting first wins.
  2. "Diving". A bucket of water is placed in front of the participants, at the end of the distance - empty. The player puts on flippers, fills a glass with water and carries it over his head, trying not to spill it. The team with the most liquid wins.
  3. "Jump rope". Players take turns jumping rope, overcoming the distance.
  4. "Waters". On a stool is a bottle of lemonade and a straw. Players take turns drinking sparkling water until the host's whistle, which is served exactly after 5 seconds. Who will empty the bottle faster?
  5. "Fisherman". Matches float in a bucket of water. With a spoon, you need to catch as many "fish" as possible and put them on a plate. Each player is given one attempt. The team with the richest catch wins.

Winter relay races for children

Snowdrifts and frost are no reason for sadness. Outdoor games will help the kids warm up, recharge their batteries and good mood. Invite them to participate in the following relay races for children:

  1. "Sniper". It is necessary to run a distance and shoot down a target with a snowball, which can be an empty plastic bottle.
  2. "Ice Run". Circles are drawn on the snow, along which you need to jump to the finish line and back. Who missed - "drowns in the Arctic Ocean" and begins to pass the distance again.
  3. "Horse and rider". One player runs the distance, carrying the second on a sled. Then the one sitting on the sled becomes the "horse", and carries the next member of the team.
  4. "Racing on the hands." Participants lie on their stomachs on the sled. They need to overcome the distance, pushing only with their hands. On the way back, the children run back, carrying a sled.
  5. "Pull-push". Two players sit on the sled with their backs to each other, in this position they move to the finish line and back.

Zoological relay races

Children love to imitate animals. Arrange relay races for children, during which they will have to transform into various animals and birds. For example, these:

  1. "Kangaroo". You need to jump, holding the ball between your knees.
  2. "Penguin". The ball is still clamped between the knees, but now we have to waddle.
  3. "Snake". The team squats down, holding each other by the shoulders. You need to go the whole distance without unhooking.
  4. "Cancer". Children run backwards.
  5. "Monkey". Narrow, wavy "lianas" are drawn on the ground, along which one must go the distance without stepping over the line.
  6. "Spider". Two children turn their backs to each other, lock their elbows and run to the finish line, and then back.
  7. "Cuttlefish". One player walks on his hands, the second holds his legs.

If you are going to run relay races for children, think in advance about the prizes for the winners. They can be paper medals, sweets, toys, stationery, stickers or badges.

Tatyana Karimova
Relay entertainment for children and parents "Together friendly family!"

Types of children's activities: motor, game, communicative, musical and artistic; perception of literature.

Integration educational areas : "Physical education", "Health", "Socialization", "Safety", "Cognition", "Communication", "Music", "Reading fiction".

The goals of the teacher: exercise in running at speed, performing additional tasks; develop coordination of movements; exercise in the ability to perform jumps on the ball, moving forward; improve the ability to roll the ball with two hands with a hit on the object; develop an eye, the ability to run at speed; continue to improve the ability to perform exercises in pairs; improve ball batting skills different ways; exercise in catching the ball; instill a desire to participate in sports games with elements of competition, relay races; to form in children the need for a healthy lifestyle, to continue to open up opportunities healthy person; instill interest in physical culture and desire to play sports; cultivate a sense of love for the family; improve physical qualities in various forms of motor activity; continue to form the correct posture, the ability to consciously perform movements; develop speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, agility; continue to form the ability to perform tasks in a team; to teach adults to help prepare physical education equipment for relay races and exercises, to put it away.

Planned results of the development of integrative qualities: the child has formed the basic physical qualities and the need for physical activity; active; emotionally responsive, responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends; mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers; the child is able to plan his actions aimed at achieving a specific goal; physically developed; has primary ideas about himself, family, society; the child knows how to work according to the rule and model, listens to the adult and follows his instructions; reacts emotionally to music.

Equipment: balls; 2 baskets; 2 big balls; Balloons; cones or cubes; 10 pins; diplomas of participants in the competition "Together friendly family!"; diplomas of the winners of the competition "Together friendly family!"; medals for the winners (can be chocolate); 2 drawn on cardboard and attached to the wall of the house; little men cut out of cardboard and painted in different colors; narrow tape; colored crayons.

Relay entertainment progress


Leading. I greet you, athletes, at the opening of the competition "Together a friendly family!". And today, indeed, the most athletic families have gathered in this hall. Real Olympic reserves! They will show not only their strength, agility and endurance, but also real family unity and friendship. And in order to tune in the right way, I suggest everyone to warm up a little.

Main part.

Warm up.

Rhythmic music sounds (at the choice of the teacher). All participants stand scattered so as not to interfere with each other.

Leading. So, today's competition is called "Together friendly family!". Both children and adults will take part in it. And in order to start our competition, we have to split into two teams. Stand in one column!

After the children lined up in a column, calculated on the "first-second", the leader divides them into two teams. The first numbers together with their family members will represent one team, the second numbers - another team.

Leading. So, all participants are divided into two teams. And now it's time to get a little creative. Within five minutes, you will have to appoint captains, come up with a team name and a welcome word.

The teams complete the task.

Leading. Exactly five minutes have passed, and now the teams have to introduce their captains to us, pronounce their name and greeting.

Introduction and greeting of the teams.

Leading. Well, well, the teams came up with great names. Let's see which one will lead them to victory. And now it's time to introduce our strict but fair judges.

Judges presentation.

The composition of the jury: the head of the kindergarten, methodologist and educators.

Leading. The preparations are finished. We start the competition "Together friendly family!". You have interesting and difficult relay races ahead of you, for which the jury will award points. How many points the team earns, so many little funny men will settle in their house. The more people, the friendlier your family will be. After all, as you remember, today's competitions are called "Together friendly family!".

Relays "Carry the ball".

Equipment: balls; cubes or cones that define the beginning and end of the site.

"Take the ball in the boat".

The relay is held in pairs. Starting position of the couples: arms "in the boat" - extended to the sides, the palms of the hands of both participants are connected; the ball is sandwiched between the stomachs.

Rules: “take” the ball “in the boat” to the landmark, go around it, run back, pass the ball to the next pair. The first team to finish the relay wins and gets 1 point.


The relay is held in pairs. Starting position of the couples: the ball is sandwiched between the foreheads.

Rules: carry the ball, holding it between the foreheads, to the landmark, go around it, run back, pass the ball to the next pair. The first team to finish the relay wins and gets 1 point,

"Keep the Harvest".

The relay is held in pairs. Starting position of couples: facing each other, holding 3 balls.

Rules: carry all three balls to the Landmark, go around it, run back, pass the balls to the next pair. The first team to finish the relay wins and gets 1 point.

Leading. The first three relay races have passed, and the time has come to take stock, which will be announced by the jury.

The jury calculates the points and gives the captains the appropriate number of colorful people cut out of cardboard. Team captains attach multi-colored people with tape to their houses.

Leading. So, the first inhabitants appeared in your houses. I hope there will be many more. And for this we will continue the relay races.

Relays with balls.

Equipment: balls; landmarks - cubes or cones.

"Crocodiles and Monkeys".

The relay is held in triplets. Starting position in the top three: one participant - "crocodile" (preferably one of the parents) - lies on three balls, the second and third participants - "monkeys". The second stands in front of the "crocodile", the third - behind him.

Rules: at the command of the leader, the "crocodile" crawls forward, moving on the balls. The third participant takes the released ball and quickly passes it to the first participant. He must quickly put the ball under the "crocodile". In this way, the troika gets to the landmark, the “crocodile” gets to its feet, with the balls in its hands, the troika runs back, passes the balls to the next troika. The first team to finish the relay wins and gets 1 point.


Starting position: sitting on the ball.

Rules: jump on the ball to the landmark, run back, pass the ball to the next participant. The first team to finish the relay wins and gets 1 point.

Leading. Two more relay races behind. Let's find out how many new little men will appear in our friendly families. Let's hear what the jury has to say.

The jury counts the points. Team captains attach multi-colored people with tape to their houses.

Leading. Before continuing our competition, let's remember the fairy tale for the smallest "Turnip". What are the characters in this fairy tale?

The children are called.

Leading. That's right. It's not just that I remembered this fairy tale today. The fact is that the next relay race is somewhat similar to the plot of this fairy tale and is very close to the theme of the competition, because it is also about a friendly family. Instead of the turnip that they tried to pull out fairy-tale heroes, you will have balls. Our grandfathers will be team captains. And they will distribute the rest of the roles in their teams themselves.

Relay "Turnip".

Rules: the captain of the team - "grandfather" - starts the baton. With the ball ("turnip") in your hands, you need to run to the landmark and run back to the team. Taking the next participant with you, follow the same path. Thus, each time returning, the captain takes one participant with him. As a result, the whole team, holding on to the turnip, must pass the baton. The first team to finish the relay wins and gets 1 point.

Leading. So, now the jury will announce the overall result. A new resident will appear in one of the houses. And we will find out how many little people live in each friendly family.

The jury announces the result. The captain of the winning team in the last relay adds one man to his house.

Leading. Competitions are always a holiday. What's a party without dancing? Even at the Olympics there are cheerleaders. Since it's time for a break, I propose to take a break and watch the wonderful dance of the Impulse support group.

Sports dance performed by a support group (dance movements are made by a teacher).

Leading. The break is over, and we continue the competition "Together a friendly family!". I think each of you is familiar with the game of bowling. Even if you've never played it, you've probably seen how it's done. It is necessary to knock down the standing skittles with the ball. Why am I telling you all this now, you ask? And then, that the next game is very similar to bowling, so we will call it the same.

bowling game.

Equipment: 10 pins; 2 big balls.

Draw three stripes parallel to each other: two along the edges of the site and one in the middle.

Starting position of the players: the game is played in pairs (a member of one team will compete with a member of the other team). Members of one team will play on one side of the court, and the other team will play on the opposite side. Line up 10 pins in the middle of the lane.

Rules: participants roll the ball to each other, trying to knock down the pins. Knocked down skittles are placed in front of the next participants again. During the game, counting total knocked down pins. The team that knocked down the most pins wins and gets 1 point.

Leading. The competition is drawing to a close. But it is still very, very early to relax, because the most difficult tests are ahead - tests for accuracy and coherence of the entire team. After all, it is on how friendly and attentive you show yourself now in competitions that their outcome will depend on. The team that won the last game starts the competition.

Relay "Catch the ball!".

Equipment: 2 baskets; 2 balls.

The competition is held in pairs: adult - child. An adult participant has a basket in his hands, with which he will catch the ball. On the floor are two parallel lines, defining the distance between participants.

Rules: the child throws the ball, and the adult participant catches.

The relay is held in several stages:

the child throws the ball, the adult catches it in the basket;

the child throws the ball in such a way that it hits the floor once and then hits the basket;

the same, but the ball must hit the floor twice;

the same, but the ball must hit the floor three times.

Each hit adds 1 point to the team.

Leading. The competition has come to an end, all tasks are completed. The most exciting moment has come, it's time to find out the winner of the competition "Together a friendly family!". I ask the teams to line up. The floor is given to the chairman of the jury.

The chairman of the jury announces the results of the last game, and then the overall result of the competition.

Leading. So, in the competition "Together friendly family!" team won. (Specifically, the name of the team is indicated) \ Congratulations to the captain and all his friendly team!

The jury awards diplomas and "gold" medals to the winners.

Leading. I think it would be unfair to ignore the second team, which also worthily achieved victory, demonstrating its strength and unity to us. That is why it is worthy of diplomas of participants in the competition “Together a friendly family!”.

The jury awards diplomas and "silver" medals to the second team.

Leading. And the performance of the support group "Impulse" completes our competition. Dance for all participants of our games!

Performance of a dance (or any other number) by a support group. All participants also dance.

sports holiday « Merry relay race» for senior preschool age

Physical culture instructor Kozyr N.V.


Educational. Strengthening the ability to overcome obstacles in running. Strengthening the ability to roll a big ball. Improve the ability to move by jumping on two legs.

Developing. The development of strong-willed qualities, the desire to complete the task quickly and accurately.

Educational. Cultivating a “healthy spirit of competition”. Cultivate a sense of collectivism, sports solidarity

Equipment: tape recorder; fun music for relay races; hoops - 10 pcs.; balls of large diameter - 2 pcs.; cones - 2 pcs.; helium ball - 2 pcs.; cubes - 12 pcs.; arc - 2 pcs.; bags for balance - 2 pcs.; fitball balls - 2 pcs.

A soundtrack of a cheerful melody on a sports theme sounds. Children enter the hall


Good afternoon dear friends!
Without you on this holiday
We can't get by.
Without you, the whole hall is worried

And he will ask: “Where is the laughter? ”
Where are the feats, where are the contests?
Who will be successful?
Where are the games, where are the tasks,

We've been waiting for you for an hour
Don't panic, comrades,
We have all this!

Dear Guys! We are very glad to welcome you to our sports program "Merry Relay Race". It will be attended by those who wish to show dexterity, dexterity, resourcefulness, intelligence, in a word, those who claim the high title of “athlete”. Before you start our program, you need to take part in the warm-up.

Rebuilding through the center in a column of four

Warm up

Rebuilding in a column one at a time

Changeover by command (8-10 people in each team).

Host: Well done guys! Now, I see it's time to go for victory. To begin with, I invite the participants to announce the name of their team.

Host: Well, all the formalities are over, you can start. So, participants, get ready for the relay races. Competition start! For each correctly and quickly completed task, the team will receive such a flag.

Flags are placed on a special stand. The facilitator announces the task to the participants. before each task, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that not only the speed of execution, but also the quality will be evaluated

Relay races for senior groups

1 relay. "Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop" .

Each team has 5 hoops. It is necessary to jump from hoop to hoop as quickly as possible, without hitting them. The speed and accuracy of the child is evaluated.

2 relay. "Roll the ball" .

Roll the ball with both hands to the rack, then pick it up and run back to your team. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next one.

3 relay. "Jumping on two legs with the ball clamped by the legs" .

Each child on the team holds the ball between their knees and jumps to the finish line, being careful not to drop the ball. He comes back running. At the start line, passes the baton to the next with a touch of the hand.

Attention game "Naughty Mouse" (performed with all children)

Children move in a scattered stomping step to the music. As soon as the music stops, the children fall on their backs.

4 relay. "Snake walking between objects" .

Each child in the team needs to snake between the cubes without hitting them. The speed and accuracy of the children in each team is evaluated. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next one.

5 relay. "Climb, Jump, Deliver the Pouch" .

Each child has a bag of sand in his hand. The participant needs to crawl under the arc, jump over the hoop and put the bag in the basket. Whose basket fills up faster, that team gets a point.

Relay races for pre-school groups

1 relay. "Jumping on two legs through a hoop" .

The guys of each team need to jump through all 5 hoops as quickly as possible, without hitting them. The speed and accuracy of the children in each team is evaluated.

2 relay. "Hit the ball in the hoop" .

Each child in the team has a ball and 5 hoops in front. It is necessary to go to the finish line, stopping at each hoop and hitting the ball into it. The hit of each child in the hoop is evaluated and the total number of points is summed up.

3 relay. "Jumps" .

Jumping on one right foot forward. Back - on the other left leg. Hands on the belt. At the start line, passes the baton to the next with a touch of the hand.

4 relay. "Bring - do not drop" .

The children of each team take turns carrying a bag of sand on their heads to the turning point and running back. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next touch of the hand.

5 relay. "Passing the Ball" .

Children line up in a chain in each team and, on a signal, begin to pass the ball forward to each other. The captain, who is first given the ball, raises it up.

6 relay. "Jumping Hops" .

The children of each team, on a signal, jump on the hop ball to the turning point and back. At the start line, the baton is passed to the next one.

Rebuilding in one column

Host: So our “Merry relay race” has ended.

And now we will sum up the results of our competitions

Results are being calculated

And the reward awaits you at the end of the week of sports and health.


Before I say goodbye to you
We want to wish you!


good health,
smile more often
And never lose heart!

Together: Bye! See you again.

Goals and objectives:

Strengthen the health of children during team championships;

To teach children to show their individual abilities, to instill in them the desire for physical self-improvement;

To accustom children in a game sports form to healthy lifestyle life;

To develop in children observation, ingenuity, resourcefulness and dexterity.

Time spending: 40 minutes.

Location: football field.

Props: relay baton, soccer and basketball balls, tennis rackets, balls, skipping ropes, bags.

For the relay race, each squad needs to form a team of 12 people (6 boys, 5 girls, 1 counselor). All children must be medically cleared to participate in the relay. The dress code is sportswear.

The host portrays the master of sports.

Transferring the baton

The player runs with the baton to the chair and back.

Ball stroke

The player must circle all the chips with a soccer ball, reach the chair. Take the ball in your hands and return to the team.

Kicking the ball

A team member takes a tennis racket and, stuffing a tennis ball, reaches the chair and back.

Running backwards

The player runs backwards to the chair.


The team is divided into pairs. Two participants, leaning back, hold the ball and go to the chair and back with side steps.


The player dribbles the basketball to the chair and back.

Rope running

The first participant takes the rope and jumps on it to the chair and back.

Running in bags

The player jumps in the bag to the chair, returns back by running.


1. What country is the birthplace of checkers? (Ancient Egypt.)

2. What competitions will never take place if there is no wind? (Sailing regatta.)

3. What is the game called with wooden skittles? (Bowling.)

4. What is the fastest type of swimming? (Crawl.)

5. What is the name of a boat with an outboard motor in powerboating? (Scooter.)

6. Homeland of sambo? (Russia.)

7. What kind of sport did the ancient Greeks consider the most valuable for maintaining health? (Swimming.)

8. Where was the first motorsport competition held? (France.)

9. What are referees called in boxing? (Referee.)

10. The birthplace of badminton? (Japan.)

11. What does the Olympic emblem mean? (Five rings symbolize the unity of athletes from all continents: Europe is a blue ring, Africa is black, America is red, Asia is yellow, Australia is green.)

12. Name the motto of the Olympians. ("Faster, higher, stronger!")

13. Marathon running is a distance, but how many kilometers? (42 km 192 m.)

14. The swimming style invented by the frog. (Breaststroke.)

Jumping with balls

A team player takes 2 balls and jumps on 2 legs to the chair and back.

Running in pairs

The team is divided into pairs (boy and girl). The first couple, holding hands, runs to the chair and back. Then the next couple.

Running with balls

A team member takes 3 balls and runs with them to the chair and back.

After summing up the results, the presenter awards the winners.
