Folk tales about Kolobok and Ivan the Fool. Russian folk tale "Ivan the Fool

Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman and they had three sons: two smart ones - Danila and Nikita, and the third, the youngest, Ivan the Fool. Danila and Nikita go to the arable land in the morning and sow, and harrow, and do all kinds of other village work. Their crops are excellent, profits are good. And Ivan the Fool lies on the stove in the morning and only reads books and does not go anywhere. Mother and father say to Ivan:
- Vanechka, you should look at the brothers! I would find a job I like, otherwise you lie all day and do nothing.
“No, I don’t want to,” Ivan the Fool replies. And again - for the book.
And so every day.

One day the sons gathered in the city on business. Danila and Nikita say to Ivan the Fool:
- You will go to help us make purchases in the city, we will buy you a chocolate bar and candies.
- Nope, - replies Ivan the Fool, - reluctance.
- We'll buy you a new red shirt.
- No, - Ivan the Fool answers, - I don’t want to.
- We'll buy you a new book.
- What? Ivan the Fool asks.
- Whatever you want. Just not antique!
- Well, okay, persuaded, - Ivan the Fool answers and got down from the stove.

Everyone got on the cart. Nikita took up the reins. Danila is nearby. And Ivan the Fool is behind him with a book in his hands. Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the brothers got to the city!
Cool, slushy. The roads are bad. The summer has been rainy. We came on business. You need to buy this and that. We went first for agricultural implements, then - to the shop for provisions. We bought what we need, they look at the goods.
“Now we’ll go buy you a book,” Danila says. Nikita was about to turn around, but he couldn't. Something people began to approach from all sides.
The people began to gather thicker and thicker. Washerwomen, and maids, and all service people run. And suddenly a carriage appeared, all shimmering with gold and precious stones.
The people bow, fall on their faces. Danila and Nikita rushed to their knees. And Ivan the Fool sits on a cart and looks with all his eyes. A beauty in a gilded carriage. He also looks at Ivan and smiles.
Before they had time to look back, the carriage disappeared around the corner, and the people behind it. "Marya-tsarevna, Marya-tsarevna," they clamor.

What, Ivan, did you stare at the tsar's daughter? Danila asks, rising from her knees.
- And who is it? Ivan the Fool asks.
- Who-who. You have nothing to know. It's not about us, - said Nikita.
- But-but, went zealous! - Nikita whipped the horse on the back, turned around, and they went to the bookstore. Only Ivan the Fool somehow lost his desire for books. We've arrived. Ivan the Fool looked at the shelves, found some book with an incomprehensible title. And the brothers went home.

How much, how little time has passed, but Ivan the Fool has abandoned his books, does not read anything, and lies thinking for days on end.

Mother and father were completely saddened:
- Vanechka, you should look at the brothers! I would take on something. Why are you lying all day long? Do you even read books?
“I don’t want to,” Ivan the Fool replies. And is silent.
And so every day.

How much, how little time has passed, Ivan the Fool did not think of anything, took a new book and opened it on the first page that came across. And there is nothing written. Ivan the Fool turned and turned the book this way and that. I kept scrolling and there was nothing. When they bought, there was a tricky name, and now - not a single letter in the whole book. Ivan the Fool already got up on the stove. And let's move your finger through the book, as if reading line by line. How so? There is nothing. Suddenly he sees. Where he ran his finger, lines began to appear. He read: "Get off the stove and go to the palace." Ivan the Fool bulged his eyes. What it is? When I was born, I didn’t see this. And the lines, as soon as he read them, disappeared.

Ivan the Fool got down from the stove and began to gather in the palace.
Danila and Nikita came from the field to eat, sat down on a bench and asked Ivan:
- Where are you going?
I'll go around the world looking for happiness! Ivan the Fool answers.
- Is it not in the royal palace? they ask him.
- Maybe in the royal.

No matter how much Ivan the Fool was persuaded, they could not stop him. They gave him food and some money for the journey. He stuffed his new book into his bosom. And went to the city.

How much, how little time passed, but his feet led him to the royal palace. But how do you get in there? The guard won't let him in. Ivan the Fool took out a book. He flipped through it, flipped through it, he couldn’t read anything. Nothing to do. He put it back in his bosom. He found a huge oak not far from the palace, and there was a hollow in it. Ivan the Fool began to hide there at night, and during the day he walked near the royal palace. Yes, so that the guards did not notice him and did not drive him away. And every day in the morning Ivan opens the book, but again there is nothing in it. Not a single letter.

How much, how little time has passed, but Ivan the Fool sees that every day discharged carriages drive up to the royal palace and noble nobles leave from there. And they pass into the palace without hindrance.

One fine day, one such nobleman walked for a long time at the royal doors, thoughtful. So Ivan the Fool met him. And since the nobleman had a difficult task, what to do, he told everything to Ivan the Fool.
“Our king loves to guess riddles,” said the nobleman.
- And I'm an expert at guessing! - says Ivan the Fool.
- Guess. What it is? the nobleman asks:
"Small, hunchbacked.
Searched the whole field
Ran home -
It lay all winter."

Ivan the Fool began to think about what it could be. And the nobleman says:
- I think that the king is hinting at our lazy men. And at the same time on us, that we allow the people to lie down idle. So the answer is: man.

Even though Ivan was a fool, he read a lot of books.
“It’s a sickle,” Ivan the Fool replies.
- And the truth - says the nobleman. - Here's the problem. What did I immediately think of my serfs and myself?
And went to the palace.

As the sun began to set, he comes out of the gates of the royal palace cheerful - and straight to Ivan the Fool. And he tells how he solved the riddle during dinner and thereby greatly pleased the king. He seated Ivan the Fool next to him in the carriage and drove home.

So Ivan the Fool began to live with the nobleman. The grandee hired Ivan the Fool teachers overseas. Ivan the Fool studies diligently, delves into everything. Already learned to speak foreign languages. He really wants to get into the palace and see Princess Marya again. Ivan the Fool does not show his tricky book to anyone, but always carries it with him in his bosom. Only in it for a long time nothing is written.

How much, how little time has passed, but the day has come when, dressed in the latest fashion, together with a noble nobleman, Ivan the Fool went to the palace. For a dinner party. The nobleman introduced Ivan the Fool to Tsar as his kindly friend.

The guests entered the dining room, and Ivan the Fool stands neither alive nor dead. Then the tsar appeared with his daughter, Princess Marya. Ivan the Fool saw her, and his heart ached more than ever. How beautiful Mashenka was, as Ivan the Fool called her to himself. The face is not a doll of a discharged, but a serious girl. The eyes are downcast. Light brown braid to the waist. The outfit is modest, despite the fact that the princess. Only a string of scarlet beads is woven into the braid and tied with a satin ribbon. A beauty, and nothing more. Even more than last time, Ivan the Fool liked her.

So the king prayed for the icon, everyone prayed for the king, sat down at the oak tables and began to have dinner.
And as soon as they ate a little, the king began to have fun and guess riddles.

Well, my subjects, how does your ingenuity work? he asks. - Here's a riddle for you!
"They beat me with sticks and hammers,
They keep me in a stone cave
They burn me with fire, they cut me with a knife.
Why are they killing me like this?
For what they love."

Everyone is sitting, a piece stuck in the throat. They don't know what to answer.
The nobleman thinks: “There is a riddle about me. Always under the blow of the royal eye, I live in stone chambers. So the tsar is destroying us all so that they have respect for the tsar ... So the answer is: boyars and nobles. And looks at Ivan the Fool. And Ivan the Fool quietly says to him: "This is bread." The nobleman hit himself on the forehead: “What a misfortune! I thought to myself again! And the truth is bread, how did I not guess!

Your Majesty, do not order to chop off the head, order to say the word, - says the nobleman. - We have a clue.
- Well, - says the king, - I'm listening!
- Bread, - the nobleman answers.
- Here is the answer! And most importantly - quickly given! the king says.

The tsar wiped his lips with a napkin, got up from the table, took the nobleman by the arm and went to talk with him, and Ivan the Fool was walking beside him. They started talking about royal affairs, and about worldly affairs. The nobleman blushed all over from the royal attention. The evening flew by unnoticed. The guests began to leave.

The nobleman and Ivan the Fool came home. The nobleman does not know how to please Ivan the Fool. He became a widower early, and he never had children. And here is a gift. The nobleman fell in love with Ivan the Fool as if he were his own son, and began to call him Vanyusha or Ivanushka.

How much, how little time has passed, and again the nobleman received an invitation to a dinner party with the king. Dressed again, in light boots and silk cloaks, they went to the palace. Again Ivan the Fool saw Princess Marya. This time she was even more beautiful. There is a blush on the cheeks (not blush), eyelashes are long (not glued). Only a thread of turquoise is woven into the braid. All her decorations. If he looks, Ivan the Fool wants to crawl under the table. So his heart stops.

Again the king prayed, everyone also prayed for the icon, bowed and sat down at the table. And after eating a little, the king again undertook to guess riddles.

Well, my subjects, how does your ingenuity work? he asks. - Here's a riddle for you! What is this?
"Puddy forehead,
Oak crutch."

And he looks at the nobleman and Ivan the Fool. The nobleman thinks: “Now it’s definitely a riddle about me: And my forehead is a pood, and my crutch is oak. Now this is exactly what I'm talking about. Answer: I am the best. How can I tell the king? And he looks at Ivan the Fool. And Ivan the Fool answers quietly: "It's a hammer."

Your Majesty, do not order to cut off the head, order to say the word, - says the nobleman. - We have a guess.
- Well, - says the king, - I'm listening!
- A hammer, - the nobleman answers.
- Here is the answer! And most importantly - you always answer quickly! the king says. - Isn't the lad Ivan telling you?
- He, - the nobleman answers. - He is my scientist.

The tsar wiped his lips with a napkin, bowed at the icon, got up from the table, took the nobleman by the arm on one side, and Ivan the Fool on the other, and went to talk with them. And so, all right, conversations flowed about important matters for the state, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described with a pen! The king was pleased with everything, and especially: how Ivan the Fool answered his questions. The king had problems about the war with the neighboring state from the south. Yes, it was necessary to solve this problem through diplomacy so that this war would not happen. Ivan the Fool suggested to the tsar how to organize such a mission and how to prevent a conflict. The evening flew by unnoticed.

At the end of the conversation, the king again gathered all the guests and solemnly announced that he had ordered the nobleman to welcome the land into the kingdom: three regions, together with the people, forests and animals. Those lands were located on the very threshold of the kingdom, on the edge of the neighboring state. And the regions are vast and dense, but wooded and mighty. The nobleman is glad-radechonek. He thanks the king-father, bows low.

They got into the carriage with Ivan the Fool and drove home. They come happy and satisfied. They went to bed early.
And as the morning blushed, the nobleman calls Ivan the Fool and says to him:

And we have joy, and sorrow. I will not be able to control these lands. They are too far away, and I'm already old for this kind of work. And I don't want to part with you. Yes, there is nothing to do. You earned these lands, you will manage them. And I will ask the royal decree. So we need to get ready for the road, if the tsar-father allows. I will give you all the best for a new place of residence. And if you need it, I'll let you know. Well, go with God!

Ivan the Fool heard this news and went to his room. How is he supposed to leave Princess Marya? Yes, where? To unknown lands! He got sad, he squirmed. I sat and thought all day. May he not dare to contradict his benefactor. And then Ivan the Fool remembered that he had not looked into his new book for a long time. He took it out and began to move his hand through the pages, as if he were reading. And the lines began to appear: "Go to rule in new lands." As Ivan the Fool read them, so they disappeared, as if they had never existed at all.

Ivan the Fool became even more twirled. And the same is written in the book, you need to leave! Nothing to do. Will have to go. It became so hard for Ivan the Fool that he could not sleep. He lay there for a long time without closing his eyes. It's already half the night. And he thinks. And he doesn't know how to live on. Everything seems to be fine: he will have land, and his own mansions, and the work he needs. Only the light is not dear to him without Princess Marya! Only in the morning did Ivan the Fool fall asleep. And woke up with even more anxiety.

The next morning, the nobleman received a royal decree on the administration of the regions by Ivan the Fool. The king immediately agreed with the proposal of the nobleman. And Ivan the Fool began to gather on the road. Gathered all day. You need to take both. Where he will go, he does not know.

The next day, Ivan the Fool appeared before the eyes of the nobleman and asked him to allow him to take his relatives with him to the new lands: parents and brothers. He completely forgot about them in the capital.

Well? - the nobleman answers. - If you have relatives, take them with you. Help in management. Yes, take my faithful servants to obey you and help you settle in a new place.

That's what they decided on. And the next day Ivan the Fool left early in the morning for his mother, father and brothers.

How much, how little time has passed, and Ivan the Fool arrived in a carriage drawn by a trio of bay horses and three carts with all sorts of goods. Stopped at his house. While he was driving, the whole village came running to see what kind of noble person came to them.

Ivan the Fool came into the house. His parents and brothers did not recognize him. They look at the noble gentleman and cannot say anything.

Why don't you recognize me? Ivan the Fool asks.
Vanyusha, is that you? the mother exclaimed.
- I'm the best. Get ready for the road. Let's move to a new location. I was appointed manager of the new lands.
- Where are we going? Yes, what did you think? the brothers ask.
- I'm telling you, get ready. Long talk about everything. You will learn everything along the way. The king himself favors me.
- What about farming?

Finally, everyone got on the road. Nothing is forgotten. They took only what they needed. And they went to distant lands. And on the way, Ivan the Fool told all about his adventures in the capital. The brothers were only amazed.

How much, how little time has passed, but they came to new lands. There are open spaces, the eye is not enough to look around. There are lakes, there are not enough hands to swim across. There are forests, there are not enough legs to get around.

The brothers admired the blue edges. And my mother and father were overjoyed. We drove the whole family to the central region. There is a great city there. And Ivan the Fool is met with honors. The nobleman in front of him sent his servants to the people to enlighten that the manager appointed by the royal decree would come.

How much, how little time has passed, but Ivan the Fool has long forgotten about the stove, he doesn’t read books either. He took control seriously. Every day you need to decide how to work. The brothers also began to work in the new place. Nikita turned out to have the talent of a builder, and Danila had a talent for painting. And they began to build new houses, oak, and stone. And there is nothing better than them! And Ivan the Fool goes everywhere and keeps an eye on. Yes, he collects advice: what and how to build further. And everyone has a job. And they argue. And the people rejoice at such a chief and his relatives, who do not sit on the neck of the manager, but themselves work tirelessly. And the earth began to flourish even more beautifully because of human deeds.

Only Ivan the Fool thinks all about Princess Marya. He does not forget about his love. And things are going well for him, and his subjects do not let him down. And his relatives help him. In the evening, Ivan the Fool will sit down and spin. And nothing can be done. Hoping that everything will resolve itself. After all, there are no new entries in his book yet.

And at that time, the king's dark days came again. The neighboring state, but already from the east: that which adjoined the new lands where Ivan the Fool ruled, gathered an innumerable force and threatened to ruin the kingdom and take away its people in full, and take away all the wealth. And the prince of the neighboring state Toron does not go to any negotiations. And his troops are not measured! The tsar summoned the nobleman and ordered to convey to Ivan the Fool, who manages these lands, the sovereign's will. The nobleman sent his servants with a new royal decree so that Ivan the Fool would gather troops to repel aggression.

The new manager received a decree and went to his room. Ivan the Fool opened his tricky book and began to move his hand along the page, as if he were reading it. And he had the words: "Gather your military strength and after three days and three nights go out into the open field for battle." The lines disappeared immediately after reading them. Well? Nothing to do! Ivan the Fool crossed himself on the icon. Apparently there is no bloodshed. And he began to prepare for war.

For three days and three nights, Ivan the Fool nurtured plans and gathered troops for a military battle. Throughout the state, in all lands, spears, swords, and the best horses, and uniforms were prepared. And as soon as the morning of the third day came, the troops set off into the open field, led by Ivan the Fool.

Meanwhile, Prince Toron was about to come out unexpectedly and destroy the kingdom, which he had long coveted. He really liked the free steppes and green forests, and the hard-working and kind people. I wanted to take everyone in full. And when his soldiers were ready, he crossed the border without declaring war and headed inland, directly towards Ivan the Fool. As the troops of Prince Thoron went out into the open field, they suddenly collided with the enemy.

Prince Toron was angry that the royal troops had anticipated his intentions, and gave the order to retreat. The troops of Prince Toron retreated a little back. They pitched their tents and decided to spend the night before the battle. And Prince Toron possessed the power of miraculous superconsciousness. Visualize your desires; Yes, not as a mere mortal, but with the help of an eccentric force. As soon as he concentrated, imagined something, it just happened what he was thinking about. And he always thought only about how to conquer more countries and become the world ruler. Before going to sleep, Prince Thoron sat down in his tent and began to concentrate. I wanted to imagine how he would win another battle. Yes, it was not there! Nothing works! The forces of superconsciousness left him on the royal land. How to be? In the past, everything was easy for him. "I'll go to bed, tomorrow it will work out," the prince thought and lay down on the carpet.

And Prince Thoron had a strange dream. As if he is galloping in battle, his horse stumbles and falls on the prince himself. Terrible pain pierced Thoron! And then a giant grew up in front of him and said: “If you decide to fight again, you will die a fierce death!” Prince Thoron woke up in a cold sweat. Whether to run him now from the battlefield, or fight. He doesn't know himself. I tried to use my superconscious power, but to no avail! Nothing works for him. Prince Toron became even more angry. He began to build troops, but his legs were trembling. Yes, it's too late to retreat.

Prince Toron ordered the battle to begin immediately. He hid himself in the bushes. He no longer thinks about superconsciousness. And the soldiers of Ivan the Fool are ready. And ahead on a white horse is Ivan the Fool in armor.

The slaughter began. Yes, so terrible that the sky turned cloudy, and the sun disappeared behind the clouds. One wind walks across the field, but tears the clothes of the soldiers. Blood is pouring from all sides, like red rain drizzling. Ivan the Fool fights in the forefront. And all he had was wounds: his leg was pierced by a spear. He spat on the wound, and it healed.

Prince Toron looks: his soldiers trembled and began to scatter. Thoron had never seen anything like it! He fought from a young age. Passed half the world, ruined many countries. And his power of superconsciousness acted everywhere! And then he had a misfire. He remembered his prophetic dream, got scared and fled back to his lands. His warriors are behind him.

Only the army of Ivan the Fool sees that the enemy is already broken and flees. Ivan the Fool ordered to pursue foreign uninvited guests. For several days they rode through foreign lands. And they rode to the capital of a neighboring state.

And Prince Toron conceived evil. He went out with bread and salt to the troops of Ivan the Fool and invites the winners to the palace. As if to sign the world. And he himself decided to destroy Ivan the Fool. He ordered his beautiful daughter to lure Ivan the Fool, and ordered his servants to poison wine and food. And the power of his superconsciousness, it seems, has left him forever.

So Prince Toron and Ivan the Fool sat down at the table. They are talking. In front of them is a marble fountain. Servants stand with fans. The slaves came out to dance.
And the daughter of Prince Toron does not take her eyes off Ivan the Fool. She sat down next to him and put her hand on his arm. Ivan the Fool removed her hand. And the beauty smiles at him. Eyes black as night, lips as red as dawn.

Drinks were served to them. And Ivan the Fool doesn't drink. They began to serve them different foods. But Ivan the Fool does not eat. The slave girls began to dance, but Ivan the Fool did not look. And he says to Prince Thoron:

Have your servants bring pen and paper. You lost the fight. You will have to answer for your raids on our homeland. We'll have to give away part of the land. And we will write it down in documents sealed with a wax seal and our blood.

Prince Toron answered him:
- Everything will be now! Just wait a little.

And he himself left the hall and left alone with Ivan the Fool his treacherous daughter and servants.

Ivan the Fool is sitting, and the prince's daughter got up and began to dance. Her dress is thin and her hair is long. He waves his hand - the fountain begins to beat with rose water, he leads with his foot - the flowers in the vases bloom, spinning - the candles light up by themselves.

Ivan the Fool looked at the beauty so that he forgot about Princess Marya. And the prince's daughter dances, does not get tired. And he beckons Ivan the Fool behind him. Ivan the Fool got up and followed the princess. And she drags him into another room. And so they passed through the painted doors and entered the room, upholstered with golden brocade. At the end of the room is a bed lined with silks. The prince's daughter threw off her outer clothes and was left in one sleeveless jacket and silk trousers. Gently strokes Ivan the Fool with his hand, looks into his face. So that Ivan the Fool's head was spinning. It was hot for Ivan the Fool. He also took off his shirt. Then his wise book, with which he never parted, fell out of his bosom. It fell to the floor and opened up. Ivan the Fool began to pick up the book, ran his hand over it, and the book says: “Leave the palace immediately, otherwise you will die.” Ivan the Fool picked up the book, slammed it shut, and came to his senses. He put his precious book back in his bosom. He pushed away the beauty - the prince's daughter, flung open the doors and went back into the hall.

And in the hall, Prince Toron and several of his servants rushed at Ivan the Fool with knives. Since it was not possible to take him by deceit, then by force it is necessary to deprive him of his life. Yes, Ivan the Fool deftly scattered everyone. Here his brothers arrived in time. Ivan the Fool drew his saber from its scabbard and cut off Prince Thoron's head.

The prince's daughter ran out of the room, fell on the corpse of her father, sobbed, and then threw herself at the feet of Ivan the Fool.
- Do not ruin me, Ivan, - he says, sobbing. Take me as your wife or concubine. I will serve you faithfully.
- No, I do not need such a wife. Yes, and I don’t need concubines, ”said Ivan the Fool, straightened his belt, sheathed his saber and left the palace.

And the people go towards Ivan the Fool, bow at his feet and ask him to accept the principality. People are tired of wars. They wanted a peaceful life. And they ask Ivan the Fool to rule in their state.

How much, how little time has passed, but Ivan the Fool calmed down the people and appeared before the royal eyes in his kingdom-state.
He bows and says that he fulfilled the royal decree, he defeated the enemy. Prince Toron wanted to seize their lands and lost his own. And he lost his life.

The tsar takes Ivan the Fool under his white arms and leads him to the palace.

Everyone is seated at the table. The king prayed for the image, everyone after the king also prayed and began to have dinner.

And the king says these words, pointing to Ivan the Fool:
- You're the winner today! I never dreamed of dealing with Thoron. He has a formidable army. Ask for whatever you want. I'll give you more land. And whatever you want!

And Princess Marya is also sitting at the table. And she became more beautiful than ever. The eyes are still downcast. The braid is decorated with white pearls. And she is a beauty and nothing more! And Ivan the Fool thought: “How could I forget about my love?”

Here Ivan the Fool would have to say that he is asking for the royal daughter as a wife. Only Ivan the Fool did not turn his tongue:
- I do not know, Your Majesty, what to ask! I have everything! And I don't need anything!

And they began to have fun, as before. And Ivan the Fool to talk about the battle and about the overseas lands.

In the evening, Ivan the Fool went to the nobleman's house. The nobleman is again joyful that Ivan the Fool brings him nothing but honors.
Before going to bed, Ivan the Fool opens his wise book. Ivan the Fool began to move his fingers along the lines and saw: “This book has served you, and now you will serve it. Take it after the wedding to the museum and put it in a conspicuous place.

Ivan the Fool did not understand anything, although he was the most reasonable of all. What other wedding? To the kingdom, right? How can he part with a book he loves? And he still has a lot of problems in life to solve. Well, the lines disappeared by themselves. There is nothing more to read.

The next day, the nobleman and Ivan the Fool went to the royal palace for a dinner party. Again Ivan the Fool saw Princess Marya. Only this time there are no jewelry on the girl. And even more, she loves him. Handwritten beauty! Again his heart skipped a beat. But Princess Marya says nothing. And Ivan the fool does not know what she thinks.

Again the king prayed, everyone also prayed for the icon, bowed and sat down at the table. And as soon as they had eaten a little, the king again undertook to guess riddles, as in the good old days.

Well, my subjects, how does your ingenuity work? he asks. - Here's a riddle for you! What is this? Yes, I just have to ask you. Ivan alone only guesses riddles! But today my riddle will be more difficult:
“A certain entity either stands still, then walks, then runs, does not return back, but does not move from its place?”

The nobleman sits and thinks: “Again, the riddle is not about me. Why not about me? I always run and walk all the time. Yes, no matter what I do, I still don’t move! Answer: I am the best.

And the tsar looks at Ivan the Fool. Ivan the Fool smiled and said:
- Your Majesty, do not order to execute, order to say a word!
- Speak, Vanyushka!
- This, Your Majesty, time.
- Ah, Vanya-Vanya! Well, what should I do with you! Whatever riddle I guess, you all know. What a wise man you are! In the whole kingdom you will not find smarter than you! Yes, and you are not braver! You've saved the state from destruction! And you don't want to take anything from me, no present. So at least, maybe you will marry my daughter, if you like her? And the kingdom will be divided in half. So you will rule the lands that you conquered. And when I die, - and two kingdoms.

Ivan the Fool looked at Princess Marya. She was full of paint. And Ivan the Fool himself, no less than a girl, was shy.
- Yes, Your Majesty, if Princess Marya ... - and could not continue.
- I know, I know that you have been looking at my daughter for a long time. And she tells me that she will not marry anyone, but only Ivan.
“Ah, father,” exclaimed Princess Marya. And she smiles and lowers her eyes again.

Here Ivan the Fool almost fell off the royal shop. It turns out that Princess Marya fell in love with him too.

What is there to say! On the same day, they decided to play the wedding. Ivan the Fool was so happy! Another mystery solved. That, it turns out, is why he won't need the book now. Princess Marya agrees to become his wife. And the king himself invited him to marry her.

The young people got married according to all the rules. The bride has a white lace dress, the train of the dress is so long that five pairs of chamberlains carry it. And Ivan the Fool in a white camisole embroidered with gold. Such young and handsome bride and groom! Not in a fairy tale to tell, not to describe with a pen!

They left the church and went to the palace. And all the relatives are behind them. Here is the mother and father of Ivan the Fool, and his brothers. And everyone is happy. And the king himself is the greatest!

And the feast went on all over the world. Ivan the Fool and Marya the Tsarevna bowed to each other, prayed to the icons, and everyone also prayed, bowed, and sat down at the table. Everyone congratulates the young, shouting: “Bitter!” And the king did not stop there.

As soon as everyone drank and ate a little, he stood up and said:
- Well, my subjects, and today I have a riddle for you. Yes, the most difficult thing! Ivan today, probably, will not solve the riddles - he is not up to them today! Here is your answer! - and asks:
- The merchant rode through the forest and met him a sorcerer. The sorcerer grabbed the merchant by the skirts of his fur coat and dragged him off the horse. “Have mercy,” the merchant tells him. "Take all my goods." “Very well,” says the sorcerer, “I will spare you. Tell me just one sentence. If it is false, then I will drown you, and if it is true, then I will hang you.” What must the merchant say in order to be saved?
The tsar uttered his riddle and looks at Ivan the Fool.

The nobleman thinks: “Again, the riddle is not about me. But what to say, so that the sorcerer has mercy? And yet, about me. Does the tsar hint at the fact that the nobles and the boyars should give all their lands to the tsar? And don't I have too many good things? Perhaps you should say: "I will give you not only goods, but all my treasures." Then you will be pardoned!”

And Ivan the Fool says:
- Your Majesty, do not order to execute, order to say a word. If no one knows, I will answer.
“Well,” says the king. - And here you are the first! Well, speak!
- The merchant must say: "You will drown me." Then the sorcerer will have to let him go.

The Tsar embraced Ivan the Fool and said:
- As always, you are with me, Ivanushka, the wisest!

They feasted at the wedding for three days and three nights. There were many toasts and congratulations.

And when the wedding was over, Ivan the Fool went to the museum, as he was ordered after the wedding, and demanded that his precious book be placed in the most prominent place. As soon as the book appeared in the museum on the central table, the letters in monogram written on it appeared, and its cover became red, morocco. This book turned out to be old and expensive. And her place is only in the museum. Because it talks about human life and death. And that's all, how to live and how to live!

So Ivan the Fool became first Ivan Tsarevich, then Tsar Ivan, and ten years after the death of the old Tsar, Ivan the Tsar Father over two kingdoms.


In the fairy tale, riddles are used with some changes:'s riddles; Children's riddles; Puzzles.
The sorcerer's riddle is a modification of the liar's paradox.

The fairy tale Ivanushka the Fool is about an awkward and funny character that is often found in Russian folklore. Children are very fond of fairy tales about the good-natured Ivanushka. We recommend a fairy tale for online reading with children.

Fairy tale Ivanushka the Fool read

Who is the author of the story

This is a Russian folk tale, it exists in several versions. She served as the basis for Maxim Gorky to create the fairy tale "About Ivanushka the Fool."

Instructive tale Ivanushka the Fool about stupidity. The old man and the old woman had three sons, the older ones were smart and hardworking, and the younger one was Ivan the Fool. He will help with the housework - from his help more harm than good, they put the sheep to graze - he knocked out the eyes of all the sheep, they sent him to the city for shopping - he killed and spoiled all the goods while he drove home. They scolded him, brought him up - all to no avail. We decided to drown the fool in the hole. They put me in a sack and took me to the river. The brothers went to the hole. The bag was left on the beach. The fool shouts at the top of his voice that he is being taken to be made governor. On a dashing troika, the gentleman drove by, apparently, he did not differ in mind either. Decided to switch places with the fool. The brothers returned, and instead of a fool, the master landed in the hole. The brothers did not have time to return home - their fool drives up in a troika, boasts of beautiful horses. The envious brothers ordered Ivanushka to sew them into bags and drag them to the hole. The fool did as the brothers asked, and went home to drink beer. You can read the story online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Ivanushka the Fool

Although the tale is about a fool, it makes many seriously think about intelligence and stupidity. After all, the fool outwitted the master and his brothers. It turns out that stupidity is different. Blinded by some kind of mania, a person becomes a victim of his own vice, loses his reason and mind, and does stupid things. Barin, lost his sanity because of the desire to become a governor. Clever brothers, because of envy and greed, also lost their minds and fell into the hole. What does the fairy tale Ivanushka the Fool teach? A fairy tale teaches us to live not with emotions, but with the mind, first think, and then act.

Probably, there is not a single Russian-speaking person who could not immediately remember at least one of which - Ivan is a fool. And everyone can also describe this hero: Ivan is the youngest son in the family, unlucky, lazy and good-natured. It’s better not to ask him for anything, otherwise, and even then only after much persuasion, Ivanushka will make everything worse than ever! But why, then, at the end of the fairy tale, it is he who will get all the best and half the kingdom in addition? Let's try to figure this out.

Tales about Ivan the Fool: a list

The best way to help us understand the character of the hero is the tales themselves, or rather, their retelling. Let us take only three of them, so to speak, the most typical.

  1. "Salt". A fairy tale about the merchant's son Ivan, who once set off on a ship with boards and boards, got to an unknown land during a storm and, finding salt there, went to trade it. Having successfully sold everything, he managed to take away the royal daughter as well. But the older brothers did not yawn, they threw Ivan into the ocean, and they themselves divided his prey. Yes, only a good hero was lucky here too: the giant carried him home, right to the festive table. And the father, having learned about the unworthy behavior of the elder brothers, drove them out of sight, and married the youngest to the princess.
  2. "The Tale of Ivan the Fool". In this tale, Ivan the Fool tracks down three horses that trample the grass in the royal garden. The mouse helps him in this, which the good fellow generously fed. Three horses - silver, gold and diamond - become the property of Ivanushka. But! As he was for all the fool behind the stove, he remained: he did not confess his prey to anyone! Later, when it was necessary, by order of the king, to jump to the balcony of the princess, he began to do this in turn, on each horse. And again he returned to the stove: what can you do - a fool ?! Only when they found him and brought him to Ivan the Fool and the princess began to live together. True, not in the wards themselves, but in the goose barn. And only three wars, which Ivan won on his magical horses, proved to the whole kingdom that he was not a fool at all, but simply a very modest and real hero! For this, Ivan became king.
  3. "The Fool and the Birch". In this tale, the fool is real, because he tried to sell the bull he inherited to an old dry birch he met in the forest. And he gave her a loan! And for two days I went for money, all waiting for the return. And only on the third - he could not stand it, he hit the trunk with an ax, and there - a treasure hidden by robbers! Well, fools - happiness!

There are also fairy tales about Ivan the Fool, their names can be continued endlessly: “Horse, tablecloth and horn”, “Ivan Bykovich”, “Humpbacked Horse”, “Sivka-Burka”, “Ivan the peasant son and Miracle Yudo” and etc.

Why did people like the image of Ivan so much?

Why is Ivan the Fool a hero of fairy tales? Why is the Russian people imbued with such love for him? Is it because the Slavs are generally characterized by sympathy for the orphans and the poor, a kind of Christian pity? You can talk about this for a long time.

After all, the people, who lived for many centuries in poverty and hopelessness, probably felt like the same unloved younger son - Ivan the Fool, deceived by fate. Although, in defiance of this, not only a fairy tale, but life itself taught - not the truly fool who, sitting on the stove, measures the ashes with a hat, spits at the ceiling or sells the bull to the birch, but the one who, conceited, does not hear the world around him, is not connected with him together. Pride is a sin and will be punished!

Faith in miracles creates miracles

Ivan in his actions is guided not by logic, but only by intuition. Where can one get intuition for a person who always knows what, where and how much? How to develop it in the narrow framework of decency and canons? The law is not written for a fool, and if it is written, then it is not read, and so on ... This means that our Ivan will choose the most illogical, the most “wild” of all options, but, as it turns out later, leading to good luck. After all, nothing prevents him from listening to intuition, and most importantly, hearing it!

Remember the fairy tale where Ivan worked for three years as a priest, and when he was offered a choice of a bag of coins or a bag of sand for labor, our hero, based only on his understandable logic, chose sand? Fool, and only!

But on the way home, he met a fire in the forest, in which a beautiful girl was burning, and then the sand came in handy! Ivan covered them with fire, saved the girl, and she, being a sorceress, became his devoted wife and assistant.

By the way, why do you think the sorceress chose Ivan for herself? Yes, probably, all for the same reason: this person knows how to act not by the rules, but by listening to the heart. Who, if not a sorceress, can appreciate such a talent!

Features of the character of a fairy-tale hero

Pay attention to the important qualities of the character of our protagonist. All Russian fairy tales about Ivan the Fool describe him not just stupid, but naive. For him, every new day is an opportunity to live anew, that is, not to reproach himself endlessly for voluntary and involuntary previous mistakes (and he doesn’t remember them!), but to start everything from a new leaf. Isn't that what the followers of all kinds of philosophical and religious movements are striving for?

In other words, Ivan the Fool proves every time that very little depends on human knowledge and skills in life, that is, they are secondary and cannot play the main, decisive role in the fate of a person. Remember the saying of the greatest Lao Tzu: "Smart people are not scientists, and scientists are not smart."

And Ivan in fairy tales is always absolutely open to higher knowledge. He, even setting off on a journey, as a rule, "goes where his feet are" or "where his eyes look." Thus, he immediately discards common sense (with which his older brothers do not part until the end of the tale) and from this remains only to gain. It turns out that not everything in our lives obeys this very common sense!

Reflection in the image of Ivan the Fool of pagan traditions

Some researchers closely connected the image of Ivan with pagan traditions preserved in folklore. For example, A. A. Durov in his dissertation emphasized that Ivan the Fool adorns Russian folk tales with himself not only because of his narrow-mindedness, but because the pagans, it turns out, called everyone undergoing the initiation rite that way.

And the essence here was precisely in the peculiarities of the behavior of the neophyte: he had to forget his former life, to abandon rationality in actions. It was this "stupidity" that became the hallmark of a person who wanted to turn from a "baking booby" into a real man.

Remember: in a fairy tale, at the beginning of it, Ivan is a laughingstock who, sitting at the stove, sorry for the quote, “winds snot on his fist.” And in the end - this is a successful, lucky young man. So the initiation is over!

And if you look at it from the other side?

Maybe the image of the simpleton Ivan the Fool reveals only the people's dream of supernatural powers that can help anyone? And some researchers believe that Ivanushka is a poetic dream, reflecting the dream of a carefree, cheerful life, which will still lead to both happiness and wealth.

In the essay “Ivan the Fool. The Roots of the Russian Folk Faith” A. Sinyavsky even grieves about the people who have chosen such a protagonist for themselves. After all, fools in fairy tales are dirty, skinned, unwashed, not having a penny for their souls, and lazy to the point of insanity. But to play the pipe or compose songs - they are much more than that. This total laziness frightens the author of the essay, because it allegedly proves that a Russian person, expecting the blessings of life from above, forgets about his personal responsibility.

Evg. Trubetskoy, in his discussion of the fabulous Fool, claims that the habit of shifting responsibility onto the “broad shoulders of Nikola Ugodnik” is the scourge of the Slavic character, lulling his energy and taking away his will to win.

Attitude in the fairy tale of living creatures to Ivan the Fool

But it should be noted that it is not laziness or narrow-mindedness that has attracted loyal admirers to Ivan for so many centuries, but his kindness, gullibility and straightforwardness. This hero does not skimp on a kind word and deed: he will let go of a living being, saving him from misfortune, will pity the wanderer or the old woman, and all of them will subsequently repay him with the same coin.

Such a hero as Ivan the Fool, and the gray wolf will help, and the pike, and the dog, and the cat. Before him, all barriers make way - because he is not afraid that this may not happen!

Remember the path to success indicated in the movie "Magicians": "I see the goal - I see no obstacles"? This is exactly what happens to Ivanushka in every fairy tale. He sees no obstacles to chopping off the twelve heads of the Serpent Gorynych or turning into a beautiful prince by dipping into a vessel with rejuvenating water. He trusts in God and receives according to his faith!

There are more options for the origin of the offensive nickname Ivan

Or maybe Ivan was known as a fool not because of the peculiarities of his mind? The guy was just unlucky - he was born the third in the family, which means that all the inheritance left from the father will be taken by the eldest sons, and the youngest will be left with nothing. Is it because Ivan is a fool that he has already been bypassed from a young age?

There is another option as to why Ivanushka bears such an offensive nickname. The fact is that in Ancient Rus' children were given two names. One, received at baptism, was kept secret (remember the proverb: “they call it a name, but they call it a duck”?), And the second was deliberately unsightly, even frightening, so that evil spirits would not want to take the child or do something bad to him: after all, and so the baby is no longer good! And there lived in Russian villages children who had strange names up to 13 years old: Strashko, Ailment, Gnilozub, Chernorot, etc.

Often children were named in order of birth: Pervak ​​(or First), Drugak (Second, Other), Tretyak, Chetvertak and so on, according to the number of heirs. So, some researchers believe that the Fool is a transformed, modified name Drugak. Well, perhaps the Fools were such only in the order of birth ...

The image of Ivan the Fool in child psychology

Speaking about such an ambiguous image in Russian culture, it is important to note that fairy tales about Ivan the Fool are also an effective method of child psychotherapy. After all, a child naturally feels timid before the future: how will he fit into adulthood? After all, he knows and can do so little! And the fairy tale reassures him: “Do not be afraid, and they turned out to be not like that at the top!” The tale says: “The main thing is to take the first step, trusting the inner voice, and then you will get even more than you expect!”

And the child, pushed by the success of such a hero as Ivan the Fool, goes, no longer afraid, into adulthood, equipped with important experience: there is no such bottom from which it would not be possible to rise, there is no such misfortune that could not be overcome.

By the way, every child and the fabulous Ivan are always open to a miracle. Maybe that's why miracles happen to them all the time? And the tale about the Fool, in fact, is also about how to forget excessive "cleverness" if you strive to win.

So who is this lover

Researchers believe that the tales about Ivan the Fool carry a certain strategy that does not come from standard postulates that call for always acting wisely, but, on the contrary, is based on the search for original, illogical and unexpected solutions. But they are successful!

An ideal person is hidden in Ivan the Fool - true to his word, honest and devoid of personal interest. After all, he has a negative attitude towards wealth (received as an addition to his wife), despite the fact that at the end of the tale he always owns it.

This state of affairs is quite explainable by the fact that the desire for wealth is, from the point of view of the Russian people, always a sign of self-interest, greed, and therefore cannot be a quality of a positive person. And since Ivanushka is the embodiment of something ideal, then he simply must be unmercenary, who does not know the value of money and does not seek to earn it.

Why does God love fools?

Although the statement given in the subheading seems illogical at first glance, there is still logic in it. Judge for yourself: after all, the Fool has no one else to rely on! No one else can help him! And he won't help himself either. All that remains is the hope of God's providence.

In addition, Ivan the Fool, in which fairy tales he would not appear, is always full of extraordinary confidence only in this. He does not listen to human advice and does not learn anything from his own experience, but he is absolutely open to Providence - and it never fails such a hero!

And not only Fools, but also quite reasonable heroes of fairy tales, the Lord brings them out of a difficult situation for them, as soon as they find themselves at a crossroads - they don’t know where to go. That is, behind each of them there is an invisibly image of Ivan the Fool, his passive, open to perception state, which helps to make the only right choice and win in the struggle for life.

The image of the Fool in literature and cinema

Ivan the Fool, capable of “breaking” with himself all the limits and decency that so closely surrounded the ordinary person, took deep roots in Russian literature and cinema. F. M. Dostoevsky, and A. N. Ostrovsky, and N. S. Leskov, and M. Gorky, and many other famous writers and poets used this image in their time.

Indeed, in his mouth you can put something that the “noble” hero would never say, and his actions make the viewer be in constant tension and continuously follow the development of the plot.

Art proves to us: it is Fools who are truly free people. They are not bound by conventions, their actions defy logic, and everything that they do is the right path to the Miracle.

And thank God that Fools are indestructible! Otherwise, miracles would simply leave us, and the world, accordingly, would dry up through the efforts of "wise men" and pragmatists.

If in order for there to be a place for Magic in the world, they are necessary, then each of us can and should from time to time put on the cap of the protagonist of the fairy tale about Ivan the Fool. The names that we give to this action are always the same - this is life!

About the fairy tale

Russian folk tale "Ivan the Fool"

The very first books that a child gets acquainted with in childhood are fairy tales. It is from them that the kids learn about the world around them, about how, somewhere far, far away, far away, there are wonderful gardens and outlandish animals.

Russian folk tales are not only amazing stories about miracles and magic. Characters play an important role in these stories. One of the favorite heroes of Russian folk tales is Ivan, nicknamed the Fool.

"Why fool"? children may ask. Many attempts have been made to explain this circumstance from the point of view of different positions. They looked for consonant words in the words of other peoples. Or they explained that in fairy tales Ivan the Fool is usually the youngest son.

And the word "fool" can be interpreted as "stupid", "inexperienced", "unintelligent". But be that as it may, this fairy-tale hero won both love and sympathy from the storytellers themselves, and from those who read or listen to them.

In one of these stories, the parents of their youngest son Ivan were sent to plow the field. And the silly kid did not have enough strength for this, and his mind was not enough. He was fed up with mosquitoes and midges that hovered around. He took a whip, and killed forty insects in one fell swoop.

Ivan the Fool was struck by this event. He imagined himself to be a mighty hero. Well, if so, then he decided to try his strength together with other heroes. And so it happened that with Ilya Muromets, and Fyodor Lyzhnikov, the fool went to look for adventures.

And the heroes had to fight with Dobrynya himself. Yes, but neither Ilya Muromets nor Fedor Lyzhnikov coped with it. And Vanka the Fool accidentally won. And for this he was granted royal favor. They gave him the royal daughter in marriage and half the kingdom in addition.

Why did all the fame, honors and wealth go to a fool? Or maybe the storyteller wanted to use this example to show that the rustic Ivan, personifying the Russian people, is only stupid and unprepossessing in appearance? And in a difficult situation, he will be able to show both ingenuity and skill. He will be able to stand up for himself and for his friends. Why not a hero of the Russian land?

Read the Russian folk tale "Ivan the Fool" online for free and without registration.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man with an old woman. They had three sons, the third was named Ivan the Fool. The first two are married, and Ivan the Fool is single; two brothers did business, managed the house, plowed and sowed, the third did nothing. Once, his father and daughter-in-law began to send Ivan to the field to plow some more arable land. The guy went, came to the arable land, harnessed his horse, rode with a plow once or twice, he sees: there are no mosquitoes and midges in the account; he grabbed a whip, lashed the horse's side, killed them without a quote; hit on another, killed forty pauts and thinks: “After all, I killed forty heroes in one swing, but there is no estimate for a small fry!” He took them all, put them in a heap and covered them with horse feces; he did not plow himself, unharnessed his horse, went home. He comes home and says to his daughters-in-law and mother: “Give me a canopy and a saddle, and you, father, give me the saber that you have hanging - it has rusted on the wall. What kind of a man am I! I have nothing".

They laughed at him and gave him some kind of split tyurik instead of a saddle; our guy attached girths to it and put it on a thin mare. Instead of a canopy, the mother gave some old dubas; he took even that, but took the saber from his father, went, turned it, got ready and went. He reaches the Rosstans - and he was still a little literate - wrote on a pillar: strong heroes Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov would come to such and such a state to a strong and powerful hero who killed forty heroes at one swing, but there is no small fry estimate, and rolled them all down with a stone.

Precisely, after him, the hero Ilya Muromets arrives, sees the inscription on the pillar: “Bah,” he says, “a strong, mighty hero drove by: it’s not good to disobey.” I went, they would catch up with Vanyukha; I didn’t get far, took off my hat and bowed: “Hello, strong, mighty hero!” And Vanyukha does not break his hat, he says: “Great, Ilyukha!” Let's go together. Not long after, Fyodor Lyzhnikov came to the same pole, he sees that it is written on the pole, it is not good to disobey: Ilya Muromets has passed! - and he went there too; I didn’t get far to Vanyukha either - they take off their hats and say: “Hello, strong, mighty hero!” But Vanyukha does not break his hats. “Great,” he says, “Fedyunka!”

All three went together; come to one state, stopped at the royal meadows. The bogatyrs set up tents for themselves, and Vanyukha unrolled his club; the two heroes tangled the horses with silk fetters, and Vanyukha plucked a rod from a tree, twisted it and confused his mare. Here they live. The king saw from his tower that some people were poisoning his beloved meadows, they would immediately send off his neighbor to ask what kind of people? He came to the meadows, approached Ilya Muromets, they asked what kind of people they were and how they dared to trample the royal meadows without asking? Ilya Muromets replied: “None of our business! Ask out the eldest - a strong, mighty hero.

The ambassador approached Vanyukha. He shouted at him, did not give the word to say: “Get out, while you’re still alive, and tell the king that a strong, mighty hero came to his meadows, who killed forty heroes at one swing, but there was no estimate for a small fry, and rolled him down with a stone, yes Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov are with him, and demand that the tsar's daughter be married. He told this to the king. The tsar had enough according to the records: Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov are there, and the third one, who kills forty heroes at one swing, is not in the records. Then the king ordered to gather an army, capture three heroes and bring to him. Where to grab? Vanyukha saw how the army began to approach closer; he shouted: “Ilyukha! Go and drive them away, what kind of people? - he lies, stretched out and look like an owl.

Ilya Muromets, at that word, jumped on his horse, drove, not so much beat with his hands, but trampled with his horse; nailed them all, leaving only the pagans to the king. The king heard this misfortune, gathered more strength and sent to catch the heroes. Ivan the Fool shouted: “Fedyunka! Go get that bastard off!" He jumped on a horse, nailed everyone, leaving only the pagans.

What is the king to do? Things are bad, the heroes beat the strength; the tsar became thoughtful and remembered that a strong hero Dobrynya lives in his kingdom. He sends a letter to him, asking him to come and defeat the three heroes. Dobrynya has arrived; the tsar met him on the third balcony, and Dobrynya rode up to the balcony on a level with the tsar: that's what he was like! Hello, we talked. He went to the royal meadows. Ilya Muromets and Fyodor Lyzhnikov saw that Dobrynya was coming towards them, got scared, jumped off their horses and get out of there - they stole it. But Vanyukha did not have time. While he was having his mare, Dobrynya rode up to him, and he laughs, what kind of strong, mighty hero is this? Small, skinny! He bent his head to Vanyukha himself, looking at him, and admiring him. Vanyukha, somehow, did not become timid, drew his saber, and cut off his head.

The king saw this, got scared: “Oh,” he says, “the hero killed Dobrynya; trouble now! Go quickly, call the hero to the palace. For Vanyukha came such an honor that the priests forbid! The carriages are the best, the people are all complaining. Planted and brought to the king. The king treated him and gave his daughter; they got married, and now they live, they chew bread.

I was here, I drank honey; flowed down the mustache, did not get into the mouth. They gave me a cap, and they began to push; they gave me a caftan, I go home, and the titmouse flies and says: “Yes blue is good!” I thought: “Throw it off and put it down!” I took it off, and put it down. This is not a fairy tale, but a saying, a fairy tale ahead!

Ivan the Fool- a folk tale that will tell young readers that luck loves fools. The main character of this tale is Ivanushka, the youngest son in the family. He had a good heart, but he was not very intelligent. That's why everyone called him a fool. Ivanushka the Fool endured insults and beatings from his brothers. They decided somehow to drown the foolish brother. But then luck smiled at Ivanushka: instead of him, the master went like a stone under the water, and after him two evil brothers. You know, he wasn't that stupid after all! Read the fairy tale Ivanushka the Fool online can be found here.

Who is great to live in Rus'?

In the old days, it was believed that weak-minded people have an open heart and good intuition. Some kind of divine force leads them through life, protecting them from accidents. Moreover, they are always lucky, which did not turn away from the hero of the fairy tale and saved his life in difficult times. So think, and guess, remember Nekrasov: who is great to live in Rus' - a learned cat or Ivanushka the Fool?
