Drawing an Apple Jack. How to draw Apple Jack with a pencil step by step

Good afternoon, not so long ago, the series “My Little Pony” was released on TV screens about a magical country where little fabulous ponies live. And today we Draw Pony Apple Jack, a bright representative of the kind of fabulous ponies with a bright appearance and unforgettable nature.

Apple Jack is an earth pony who lives on an apple farm in Ponyville. Her body is orange and her mane and tail are yellow. The distinctive sign and symbol of this pony are red apples. Apple Jack loves to work, prefers country style and is the most honest and friendly pony in all of Equestria. A faithful friend, an excellent assistant and a straightforward adviser - this is exactly what everyone knows and loves Applejack. together step by step. Let's get started.

Step 1
Let's draw an oval at an angle, and then the auxiliary lines for the nose and eyes.

Step 2
Now draw two curved lines for the neck and an oval for the torso.

Step 3
Then draw the legs.

Step 4
Draw an oval for the tail and draw two curved lines to it.

Step 6
Now let's draw a hat and hair.

Step 7
Draw apples on the body, as shown in the picture.

Step 8
Lesson comes to an end, now we will finish the tail and that's it. Our pony is ready. We hope you enjoyed our lesson. If you want to receive our lessons to your email address, just subscribe by entering your E-mail address in the field on the top right. You can also vote for a particular picture by clicking on the arrows under the main picture of the article on the main page of our site. Good luck.

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We draw a pony Applejack in full growth in stages

  • Step 1

    Start drawing two circles for the torso and head of the pony.

  • Step 2

    Then draw the hair and ear.

  • Step 3

    Now draw the shape of the head, eyes and upper eyebrow, you also need to draw the line of the chest.

  • Step 4

    Then draw the hat and the pupil in the eyes.

  • Step 5
  • Step 6

    Now draw the front legs and torso.

  • Step 7

    Draw the tail and hind legs.

  • Step 8

    It remains to finish the tail and draw the emblem on the thigh.

  • Step 9

    That's how cute Applejack turned out. Thank you for painting on our site.

  • Draw a cheerful Applejack

  • Step 1

    From the beginning you need to draw two circles for Applejack's body.

  • Step 2

    Then draw Applejack's face and hair.

  • Step 3

    Now start drawing her body with legs.

  • Step 4
  • Step 5

    And in the end draw a hat on the head and add a sign on the thigh in the form of apples.

  • Step 6

    That was all that needed to be done. Is it really easy guys?

  • How to draw cute Applejack step by step

  • Step 1
  • Step 2

    Draw Applejack's face with an HB pencil. We draw the eyes with a B6 pencil. Draw the mouth and nose with an HB pencil. We shade the eyes. From the beginning, the light part is shaded, then the dark part. The pupil is drawn.

  • Step 3

    We draw the outline of the character's bangs with an HB pencil.

  • Step 4

    We draw the outline of the front legs with an HB pencil.

  • Step 5

    We draw the outline of the hind legs of the pony with an HB pencil.

  • Step 6

    Finishing Applejack's hair. Outline the outline of the pony with a B6 pencil. The pony drawing is ready.

  • How to draw Applejack's head with a long braid step by step

  • Step 1

    We draw the contour of the nose, eyes and ear with an HB pencil.

  • Step 2

    Draw the outline of Applejack's bangs with an HB pencil.

  • Step 3

    We draw a luxurious braid from the mane of a horse, decorated with flowers, with an HB pencil.

  • Step 4

    We shade the eyes. From the beginning, the light part is shaded, then the dark part. The pupil is drawn. The shadow is drawn with an HB pencil. Outline the outline of the nose with a B6 pencil.

  • Step 5

    We shade the Applejack braid with pencils B (mane) B2 (flowers). Outline the outline of the flowers with a B4 pencil. The drawing is ready.

  • How to draw a portrait of Applejack

  • Step 1

    Draw the outline of the head with an HB pencil. We mark auxiliary lines on the face for constructing the eyes of the character.

  • Step 2

    Draw a pony's face with an HB pencil. We draw the eyes with a B6 pencil. Draw the mouth and nose with an HB pencil.

  • Step 3

    We draw the contour of the character's hair and a hat with an HB pencil.

  • Step 4

    We shade the eyes. From the beginning, the light part is shaded, then the dark part. The pupil is drawn. The shadow is drawn with an HB pencil.

  • Step 5

    We shade the hat with a B2 pencil. Shade Applejack's hair with a B pencil. Outline the outline with a B4 pencil. The drawing is ready.

  • We draw a sleepy pony Applejack with pencils in stages

  • Step 1

    Draw the outline of the head with an HB pencil. We mark auxiliary lines on the face for constructing the eyes, nose and mouth of the character.

  • Step 2

    We draw the body of Applejack with an HB pencil. Draw the eye with a B6 pencil. Draw the mouth and nose with an HB pencil.

  • Step 3

    We draw the outline of the character's hair with an HB pencil. Also, don't forget the hat.

  • Step 4

    Shade the pony's hair with a B4 pencil. Outline the hair with a B6 pencil.

  • Step 5

    Shading the body of Applejack with a B and B2 pencil. Outline the outline with a B4 pencil. The drawing is ready.

Video: how to draw pony Applejack

The cartoon "Pony: Friendship is Magic" was created by American animators. This interesting cartoon has already consisted of several seasons and is rapidly gaining popularity among young viewers around the world. His characters are different ponies, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, pony Sparkle and others (we already wrote about how to draw some of them in our lessons, to go to these lessons just click on the image on the right). Today we will draw one of the heroines of this cartoon - a little horse pony Applejack. This pony loves to wear a cowboy hat and her home is Apple Alley Farm. She grows apples for the whole town of Ponyville and supplies all the inhabitants with delicious apples, from which they prepare various dishes.

Stage 1. We draw the main auxiliary lines of the body of the Applejack pony. The circle is the head (you can circle any round object of a suitable size). Further, an elongated oval - this will be the body itself, from it we draw two curves down - with these legs the pony stands firmly on the ground, in front of the oval we denote the forelimb, raised in the air, as if in a jump.

Stage 2. We make out the head of Apple Jack. At the top we draw a pointed ear, in front of the circle - an elongated muzzle. On the head you need to draw a beautiful silky pony mane. She has a bang at the top, falling on her forehead, and a thick ponytail tied into a knot with an elastic band or ribbon will descend on her torso.

Stage 3. In the circle just above the dividing line, we highlight the large eyes of a little pony with a somewhat surprised expression. We draw her oval eyes with huge pupils and thick eyelashes. Also here, at the elongated end of the muzzle, draw a small curve - a nose and just below another curve - a mouth.

Stage 4. And now it’s not at all a difficult stage - the design of the body and two legs of Applejack, with which she rests on the ground. We outline the auxiliary lines with smooth curves, giving the pony features that are pleasant to the eye.

Step 5. Let's show the back leg of the pony, it is slightly hidden behind the front leg. As if hidden behind her. With smooth curves we circle the auxiliary leg, raised above the ground in a jump.

Stage 6. On the pony's head, draw her favorite accessory - a dashing cowboy hat with brim. The hat is on top of the ear and mane.

Stage 7. It remains to draw a thick silky tail, tied at the bottom with an elastic band. We will decorate the pony's face with three small ovals, draw apples on the body, because our pony is Apple Jack.

Stage 8. Let's paint the pony in bright colors. Usually the horse itself is red in color, the mane and tail are yellow, and the hat is brown. In general, the hat can be made in any color. We painted the eyes green with black pupils and thick cilia. Here we have such a lovely pony Applejack! And we hope your pony will turn out even more beautiful! Well done boys!

How to draw Apple Jack with a pencil step by step

Earlier, one of our readers, known by the nickname Mr Kreker sent a lesson about My Little Pony. Check it out, it's interesting too. And here I will show how to draw Apple Jack with a pencil step by step:

Apple Jack is a red horse with a hat who lives on a farm and grows apples. Everyone knows that she is a faithful pony, ready to come to the aid of all those in need. But not everyone knows that Apple Jack is also the name of a strong alcoholic drink (apple vodka). And absolutely no one knew until today that if you draw this pony in your notebook, then they will give good grades all year. This secret is transmitted only to true fans of the cartoon Friendship is a miracle.

How to draw Apple Jack with a pencil step by step

Step one. We depict a scarecrow, which will then turn into a real horse. Each shape represents the main part of the torso.

Step two. Let's outline the outlines of the hat, head, muzzle, tail and torso.

Step three. Let's start drawing a pony.

Step four. We erase unnecessary lines.

Earlier, one of our readers, known by the nickname Mr Kreker, sent a lesson about. Check it out, it's interesting too. And here I will show how to draw Apple Jack with a pencil step by step: Apple Jack is a red horse in a hat who lives on a farm and grows apples. Everyone knows that she is a faithful pony, ready to come to the aid of all those in need. But not everyone knows that Apple Jack is also the name of a strong alcoholic drink (apple vodka). And absolutely no one knew until today that if you draw this pony in your notebook, then they will give good grades all year. This secret is transmitted only to true fans of the cartoon Friendship is a miracle.

How to draw Apple Jack with a pencil step by step

Step one. We depict a scarecrow, which will then turn into a real horse. Each shape represents the main part of the torso.
Step two. Let's outline the outlines of the hat, head, muzzle, tail and torso.
Step three. Let's start drawing a pony.
Step four. We erase unnecessary lines.
Step five. You can color with colored pencils, or follow my example and add shading. Ready:
Do you want me to make drawing lessons for other pony characters for you? Just write me which ones you want on this page: . I look forward to your comments! And you can also try to go through ready-made lessons about your favorite cartoon characters.
