The scenario of the event in kindergarten on the day of national unity. The scenario of the holiday in the doo for the day of national unity material on the theme of the Mari game "Paradise-paradise"

Today is November 4th!
National Unity Day is celebrated by the whole country!
We congratulate you on this day,
And our holiday begins!

Child 1:
We are small inhabitants of a great country!
We have our whole life ahead of us!
We know that our country is strong!
And Russia will always be like this!

Child 2:
There is no better country in the world
You, Russia, we are all proud of!
Our power is strong and mighty,
And let everyone know about it!

Child 3:
Tell me, dear Russia,
What is your strength?
We all already know the answer:
Strength is in the unity of the country!

4. We celebrate Unity Day
Russian holiday is young,
And we wish everyone
To the country to be faithful with all my heart!

5. In unity, brotherhood, our strength,
And the enemy cannot defeat us!
So let it get better
The country where we happened to live!

6. Strong great power
Sons, daughters...
Russia's glory will fade,
As long as we are together and united!

7. Our Mother Russia
As before, it will become strong.
The holiday is the day of patriotism,
Hail, proud Motherland!

Song "My Russia"

He is white-blue-red,
It's called the tricolor.
Proudly over the country he flutters,
Tell me what it's called?

Children answer: Flag.

Do you know what the flag colors mean?
Let me tell you a little about him.

And the host talks about the flag.

Flag of Russia.

White color - birch. Peace, purity of conscience

Blue is the color of the sky. Loyalty, really.

Red color - Sunny dawn. Fire, courage, love.

The national flag is raised during solemn events, holidays, and at this time the anthem of the Russian Federation is always played.
Today is the holiday of our state and we will listen to the solemn anthem of our Russia while standing!
The anthem of Russia sounds
Next comes the competition. Children are divided into two teams. It is desirable that the number of people in the team is a multiple of three.
Balls of three colors lie on the floor: white, blue, red. Balls according to the number of people in a team (for example, in teams of nine people, which means that there are six white, six red and six white balls on the floor).
On both sides of the balls, there are chairs (if there are nine people in each team, then three chairs in a row should be on different sides).
The task of the teams is to "collect" their flag. Those. children run and take balls of certain colors (it should turn out that in a team of nine people, each person takes a certain ball, and it should turn out three balls of a different color). Further (without prompts), children who have white balls should stand on the chairs. Those who are blue - stand next to them, and those who are red - sit down in front of those who are standing. All children should hold the balloons in front of them with outstretched arms.
The team that completes the task first wins.

Double-headed eagle as a symbol of Russia.
There is great power in it.
The power of unity and the power of victories...
Double-headed eagle - he is Russia ....

So that he could immediately look to the west, to the east.

He is strong, wise and proud. He is the free spirit of Russia.
Now don't be lazy
Divide into teams.
We will play with you
We will collect the coat of arms of the country!

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a coat of arms of the Russian Federation cut into several parts. The task is to be the first to correctly assemble the coat of arms.

Here we listened to the anthem, sang and played,
And what is the most important thing you learned?

Children join hands and all say in chorus:
If we are united
We will be invincible!

On Unity Day we will be near,

Let's be together forever

All nationalities of Russia

In distant villages, cities!

Live, work, build together,

Sow bread, raise children,

Create, love and argue,

Keep the peace of the people

Honor the ancestors, remember their deeds,

Avoid wars and conflicts

To fill life with happiness

To sleep under a peaceful sky.

Tamara Stepanenko


Raising Patriotic feelings: love for the Motherland, native land, tolerance for people of all nationalities living in our country.


Generalize and systematize knowledge children about the holiday« National Unity Day» .

Develop vocabulary ( unity, patriot, imagination, aesthetic taste, interest in the history of Russia, in the history of one's native land;

To consolidate knowledge about the symbols of Russia.

Children enter the hall to the song "Where does the Motherland begin" stand in a semicircle.


Kind day, Dear guests! On November 4, all of Russia celebrates National Unity Day. Motherland and Unity. There is a deep meaning in this holiday. Russia has been tested many times, has experienced difficult, dashing times of wars and enmity more than once. It was a time of trouble for Russia then.

Gone in the history of the year, the kings changed and peoples,

But the time is troubled, Rus' will never forget hardships!

This holiday of patriotism, mutual assistance and unity of all Russian peoples. It is associated with the events of 1612. It was on November 4, 1612 that the militia of Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky rushed into battle with the Poles for Moscow. There were battles on the streets of Moscow, the city was on fire. But the warriors of Minin and Pozharsky fought to win. And they won! We must not forget the lessons stories: Russia is strong only when it one! That is why in our country there is such an important holiday - National Unity Day.

Don't argue with history

Live with history

She brings together.

To the feat and to work!

One state,

When one people,

When with great power

He moves forward.

He defeats the enemy

United in battle,

And Rus' liberates

And he sacrifices himself.

For the glory of those heroes.

We live with the same fate

Today unity day

We celebrating with you!

IN day reconciliation and harmony

We congratulate all people.

And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you happiness

Holy Rus' for many days.

Ah, my Russia, where to find the words,

So that in my song about you tell:

About daisies, lakes, endless forests,

About fields, about open spaces, about bright dreams!

And about how it was fastened, as long as the trouble,

And about how proud of her sons she has always been.

So sound, my song, sound soon,

About Russia, about my dear Motherland.

I. Song "Serve Russia"


There is a big motherland - Russia. And there is a small Motherland ... This is the land where we were born, where we live. Each person has a place where he was born and which is very dear to him!

Every leaf, every stream,

There is the main thing in the world, there is one's own Motherland.

And where we were born, where we live happily.

We call our native lands homeland.

And how many beautiful poems have been written about this:

1 child:

My homeland is boundless Russia.

And Siberia, and the Volga, and the Urals ...

All places for the Russian saints,

Wherever you are in Russia.

Each birch, each bush,

Fields dozing in the snow -

Everything reminds me of the most important -

Only here is the native land!

And wherever fate takes,

We are not allowed to forget about one:

This beloved Russia -

Eat our only father's house!

2 child:

There are a lot of words in the world, like snowflakes in winter.

But let's take, for example, these: word "I" and word "We".

"I" lonely in the world "I" not very much good.

It is difficult for one or one to cope with adversity.

Word "We" stronger than "I".

We are family and we are friends.

We - people, And we - united.

Together we are invincible!

3 child:

What do we call motherland?

The land where we grow up

And the birches along which

We are walking next to my mother.

What do we call motherland?

A field with a thin spikelet,

Our holidays and songs,

Warm evening outside.

What do we call motherland?

Everything that we keep in our hearts

And under the sky blue - blue

Russian flag over the Kremlin.

II. Dance "Native places"


Guys, you know that each state has its own coat of arms and flag. The Russian flag is tricolor. Each color has its own meaning.

White represents peace and purity of the soul.

Blue represents loyalty and truth.

Red stands for courage, love and beauty.

1 child:

Multi-colored native flag

We are proud of them.

All children recognize him

The best flag in the world!

White color - birches,

Blue is the color of the sky

Red stripe - sunny dawn.

2 child:

Russia has a majestic

On the coat of arms is a double-headed eagle,

To the west, to the east

He could look right away.

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is the free spirit of Russia.


But besides this, each state has the main music of the country, what is it called? (Russian anthem.) We hear the melody of the Anthem on the radio every morning at 6 o'clock. With the sounds of the Anthem begins day of our motherland. This is a solemn song brings together and brings people across the country together. When the hymn is sung, all those present listen to it while standing. By this they express respect and reverence for the country. Let's listen to him standing up.

III. The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds 1 verse (children and guests sing along)


Russia also has other symbols that are characteristic only for our country. This is a Russian birch, Russian folk toy - matryoshka.

mobile game "Collect the Matryoshka"


Russia! This is our home, this is everything that surrounds us. Russia… What a beautiful word! Listen - RUSSIA! Here is dew, and strength, and blue expanses ... Only in our country there is the polar belt, and the tundra, and the taiga, and the steppe, and the tropics.

1 child:

Go beyond the seas - oceans.

It is necessary to fly over the whole earth:

There are different countries in the world

But one like ours is not to be found.

2 child:

There is no more beautiful edge in the world

There is no Motherland brighter in the world.

Russia, Russia, Russia!

What could be dearer to the heart.


There are a lot of big and small towns, villages and villages in our country. All of them are beautiful in their own way. But the largest city is the city of Moscow. Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. The Kremlin is located here, where the most important person in our country, the president, works. He rules the country.

Moscow is Red Square, Moscow is the Kremlin towers,

Moscow is the heart of Russia, which loves you!

I.Y. Dance with flags to the song "Moscow - the bells are ringing!"


People of various nationalities live in Russia (Kazakhs, Kalmyks, Tatars, Chuvashs, Tajiks, Bashkirs, Udmurts and many, many others, but most Russians are Russians.

Russia - unified, mighty, boundless, hospitable - extends a hand of friendship and opens its arms to everyone peoples and neighbors, to all who wish to live peacefully on earth!

1 child:

IN day of unity will be near,

Let's be together forever

All nationalities of Russia

In distant villages, cities.

2 child:

Live, work, build together,

Sow bread, grow children,

Create, love and argue,

Keep people safe.

3 child:

Our friendship, our faith.

Will be with us forever

Our strength, our will.

Will never die!

4 child:

And while in the white world

The sun shines on us

We wish all Russians

Be united forever!

5 child:

Honor the ancestors, remember their deeds,

Avoid wars and conflicts

To fill life with happiness

To sleep under a peaceful sky.

Y Song "About the World"


Dear friends! Our festive the program has come to an end. We wish you peace, kindness and prosperity. Once again with holiday - Happy National Unity Day. all of us unites Russia and may our love for the Fatherland serve the common good! We wish you all good health, happiness, success in business. WITH holiday!

Day of unity of peoples for children of senior preschool age. Theme: Native land gathers friends

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Music", "Cognition", "Reading fiction".

Target: to form the foundations of citizenship and patriotism through familiarization with the culture of the peoples living on the territory of Russia.

Tasks: to acquaint children with the holiday Day of Unity of Peoples; enrich and develop in children knowledge about the peoples living in Russia; cultivate friendly relations, respect for the culture of different nationalities.

Planned results: owns the basic movements in accordance with age; emotionally subtly feels the experiences of close adults, children, characters of fairy tales and stories, cartoons and feature films, puppet shows; shows sensitivity to the artistic word, aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, interest in art; feels the rhythm and melody of the poetic text; speech becomes the main means of communication; the speech that accompanies the real relationship of children differs from role-playing speech; observes elementary generally accepted norms of behavior in kindergarten, on the street; knows that the Russian Federation (Russia) is a huge multinational country, that Moscow is the capital of our Motherland; has an idea about the flag, the coat of arms, the melody of the anthem.

Content of organized activities


Holiday, holiday! How glad we are

Finally you have arrived.

Our guests sat next to each other

This is very good.

Why do we have fun

What is our holiday here?

Our peoples unity

We celebrate now.

1st child.

My beloved and native land,

I want to sing you!

So that people know everything

I love you so much.

2nd child.

May your land be beautiful

Children laugh and gardens bloom,

It will not be crowded with people of different nations

Under peaceful blue skies.

3rd child.

All for us: and the sun shines,

And flowers bloom in the gardens

After all, he cares about the children

Our Motherland always.

The song "Let there always be sunshine" (music by A. Ostrovsky, lyrics by L. Oshanin).

Leading. People of different nationalities live and work together in our country: Russians, Tatars, Uighurs, Koreans, Ukrainians, Chuvashs and many others. Each nation has its own rich culture. Customs and traditions are passed on from generation to generation. Different nations tell fairy tales in different ways, sing different songs to children in the cradle, but they are united in one thing: they are united by the desire to be happy and live peacefully.

4th child.

We all live in Russia

We love our native land,

It is good in winter and summer

And especially in the spring.

5th child.

So bloom and show off


With his Russian dance

We praise you.

Russian dance.

Leading. Yes, guys, you and I are lucky: we live in a beautiful land. For a long time, different peoples have been living here as a single family. And today we received congratulations from them and beautiful balloons as a gift ... But where are they?

Vovka runs out to the music, grimacing, dancing. He has balloons in his hands.

Leading. Guys, did you know? This is Vovka from the fairy tale "Vovka in Far Far Away", and he has our balloons. Wow, where did you get those balls?

Vovka. What balls?

Leading. The ones you have in your hands.

Vovka. Ah, these... I found them!

Leading. These balloons were sent to us as a gift by friends, please give them back.

Vovka. Will not give it back! I found them first, so the balls are mine.

Leading. If you don't want to give, then let's change.

Vovka. What will you give in return?


Now we are in our song

Let's talk about kindergarten.

Performance of a song about kindergarten (at the discretion of the music director).

Vovka. And I can't sing...

Leading. Because you are too lazy. What, did you like the song?

Vovka. Yes very.

Leading. Then give us back the balls.

Vovka. So be it, I'll give you one. (gives ball)

Leading. I wonder who sent us this ball? (Pierces the ball, there is a note in it)

Accept congratulations

You are from Russian children.

And on a merry holiday

Dance from the heart.

We will show for friends

Russian spoon dance.

Russian dance "Lozhkari".

Vovka. So this balloon was from the Russian guys?


This ball was from Russian friends.

And ask the children

How many different nations

Lives in Russia

In how many languages ​​does he sing his songs?

Vovka. Tell me, guys, what nationalities live in our country? (children's answers)

Leading. In Russia, more than a hundred nationalities and nationalities live as a single family.

Friendship of peoples is not just words.

Friendship of peoples is forever alive,

Friendship of peoples - happy children,

Friendship is the most valuable thing in the world.

The song "Our Russia is beautiful" (music and lyrics 3. Root)

Leading. Vova, but that yellow balloon was sent to us by the Tatar guys.

Vova. How do you know?

Leading. Guess, let's check it out.

Vovka(gives ball). Let's check.

Leading(pierces the balloon, reads the note).

Tatar guys send you all hello

And they want to give advice to everyone:

So as not to be bored at the holiday,

We have to dance.

Well, let's please the guests

Accept Tatar dance from children.

Tatar dance.

Vovka. Can I see what's in the next ball?

Leading. Of course, you can, because our friends gave these balloons to all children.

Vovka(pierces the ball). Here is an Altai fairy tale, friends, do you want to see it?

Children. Yes!

Dramatization of the Altai folk tale.

Leading. That's how many friends we have!

Vovka. You have many friends, so there are many gifts, but no one wants to be friends with me.


True friendship knows no boundaries.

Look how many happy faces

Because now we will show everyone

Like a cowboy polka we dance.

Dance "Cowboy Polka".


Let's make peace guys

I won't be lazy anymore.

you forgive me

And learn to be friends.

Leading. I see, Vova, you have understood that friendship is a great power. No wonder the proverb says: "The strength of a bird is in its wings, the strength of a person is in friendship."

Vovka. And I also realized that real friends are not greedy, and I give this balloon to all of you.

Leading. I wonder what gift this ball carries? (pierces the ball)

Russia is a sea of ​​smiles on people's faces.

Russia is the laughter and fun of our children.

In peace, friendship live here, not knowing trouble,

Your children of all different nations.

We have a song about how we love our home.

Solo song "Native Land" (music and lyrics by E. Gomonova).


Bloom, bloom, my Russia,

Help children grow in friendship.

Let your children be proud

Scenario for National Unity Day.

The hall is festively decorated, the coat of arms and the flag of Russia are on the central wall
The song is about the Motherland.
Two leaders come out.

Presenter 1:
We invite everyone to the concert. Congratulations on your holiday!

Host 2:
This holiday is the most important, state and glorious.

Presenter 1:
Today, each of the guys is happy to congratulate on the holiday.

Host 2:
Well, guys, sing along, congratulate everyone on the holiday!
Children sing a song to the melody of the song "Golden Wedding" muses. R. Pauls.
- A holiday, a holiday is celebrated by the country,
Dad, mom and of course me.
Day of Russia - my homeland,
Every year is like a glorious anniversary.
At school, all the boys, girls,
Sing this song together.
Song about the holiday of the Motherland
We must sing loudly and together!

Happy holiday! Happy National Unity Day! Hooray!

Presenter 1:
Here the fireworks sounded,
The school hall became festive.
Host 2:
And to continue the holiday,
We need to call the dudes.

Pre-gr. children:

1. We celebrate Unity Day
Russian holiday is young,
And we wish everyone
To the country to be faithful with all my heart!

2. In unity, brotherhood, our strength,
And the enemy cannot defeat us!
So let it get better
The country where we happened to live!

3. Strong great power
Sons, daughters...
Russia's glory will fade,
As long as we are together and united!

4. Our Mother Russia
As before, it will become strong.
The holiday is the day of patriotism,
Hail, proud Motherland!

The song "My Russia" - prep.


1. The main thing is together!

The main thing is together!

The main thing - with a burning heart in the chest!

We do not need indifferent in life!

Anger, resentment from the kindergarten drive!

2. Villages, villages, cities

With respect to the Russian people

Celebrate freedom today

And Unity Day forever!

Song about the Motherland (Art. gr.)

Children gr:

  1. 1. Wise men have long known:

Where smart thoughts are cramped

No jealousy, no boredom

Masters of all trades

Sew, cook and draw,

Purely sing and dance

  1. 2. There are a lot of crafts

On the ground in Russian there is

And all crafts to us

Now do not count!

  1. 3. Our Russia is great,

And our people are talented

About artisans

The whole world is talking!

  1. 4. Spoons will start playing

Your feet will dance on their own!

From dawn to dawn

Spoons are having fun!

Orchestra and ditties.


1. There are such states in the world -
sunlit edges,
With the singing of birds
With horns at dawn
This is our country, friends.

2. Russia ... Russia! What a word!
But with a chord of consonant words
Floating, flowing in streams
Light music eternal call.


1 Vedas:

Who's got a frown here?

The music is playing again

Get together kids!

The Russian game is waiting for you!

A game. "Wolves and Hares"

2. Vedas:

Now let's ask the girls here

I will give them these 3 spindles in their hands

Let the beauties delight the people

Who with the work will manage ahead?

The game "Rewind the ball"


What does it mean: my homeland?
You will ask. I will answer:
First, the path of the earth
Runs towards you.
Then the garden will beckon you
Fragrant branch each.
Then you will see a slender line
Multi-storey houses.
Then the wheat fields
From end to end.
All this is your homeland,
Your native land.
The older you get and the stronger
The more in front of you
She enticing ways
Reveal confidently.

Round dance training.

Music. Carlson entrance.
Carlson: Hello guys! Girls and boys!
There are so many of you! What are you doing here? Will there be jam? What about candy? I was so out of breath when I flew to you!
Host: Hello, hello, dear Carlson! You seem to have flown from afar. You must be very tired?
Carlson: Of course, you still ask! I live very far, in another country, in a very big city, on the highest roof!
Host: Dear Carlson, what is the name of the country in which you live? What is the main city of your country?
Carlson: But I don’t know the name of the country and the city! Why should I know? I live on the roof, from there you can see everything and everyone. I fly wherever I want. Do you know the name of your country?!
Host: Of course, Carlson, our guys know both the name of our country and the name of the main city of the country! Really guys?
Carlson: (asks the children) Something I don’t really believe! Well, tell me what country do you live in?! (children's answers)
Host: You see, I told you that our guys know everything! Russia is the biggest country in the world! It occupies the largest and most extensive territory from Europe to Asia. Only in our country there is the polar belt, and the tundra, and the taiga, and the steppe, and the tropics. A lot of peoples live in our country, and each people has its own songs, music, culture, customs and rituals. For example, we live in a fertile land, in Buryatia! Guys, what do you know about Buryatia, about our region? (children's answers) And all this is our Russia!
Russia... Motherland... This is the land where you were born, where we live. This is our home, this is everything that surrounds us. Russia... What a beautiful word! Listen - RUSSIA! Here is dew, and strength, and blue expanses ...
And the guys of the senior group will tell poems about Russia. Get out guys.
Poems about Russia.
- Russia ... Like a word from a song,
birch young foliage
Around forests, fields and rivers
Expanse is the Russian soul.

I love you my Russia
For the clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the deeds of the saints,
For the voice is sonorous, like a stream.

I love, I deeply understand
Steppe pensive sadness
I love everything that I call
In one broad word - Rus'!

2. Host:
By the way, dear Carlson, our country has a birthday tomorrow! This holiday is called the National Unity Day of Russia. It is celebrated on November 4th.
Like all countries of the world, all states that exist on earth, Russia has its own flags and coat of arms. (shows)

Flag of Russia.

White color - birch.

Blue is the color of the sky.

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

Coat of arms of Russia

Russia has a majestic

Double-headed eagle on the coat of arms

To the west, to the east

He could look right away.

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is the free spirit of Russia.

The national flag is raised during solemn events, holidays, and at this time the anthem of the Russian Federation is always played.
Today is a holiday of our state, let's listen to the solemn anthem of our Russia while standing!
Sounds "Anthem of the Russian Federation"
A man has one mother, and he has one homeland. The people love her dearly.
He wrote a lot of proverbs and sayings about her. Listen, Carlson, what proverbs and sayings about the Motherland do the guys know!
Pre-gr. children:
Beloved motherland is like a dear mother.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
To live is to serve the Motherland.
For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.
Motherland, know how to stand up for her.
A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

Well done! The Russian people took care of their native land, sang songs about it, worked for the glory of the wealth of the Motherland, defended it at all times. From time immemorial, the Russian people have been famous for their strength, prowess, and valiant dexterity. And there were always heroes in Rus' - a kind of strong men with a good heart and a pure soul.
Guys, let's show Carlson what strong, strong, dexterous and daring children live in Russia!
Dear Carlson, don't you want to compete with us, play, show your strength, prowess?
Carlson: Of course I do. After all, I am a man in the prime of life, I can do everything, I am stronger than everyone, faster than everyone, more dexterous than everyone, ....
Wait, wait, Carlson, don't boast in advance. Guys, I suggest to start testing yourself for speed. Come out and line up in two teams. (10 people each).
Our first task is called "The fastest". You will need to pick up the ball at the signal of the whistle, run the snake to the landmark and return to the team.
Get ready! Reade set Go. (music)
Carlson: It cannot be that everyone coped with the task so easily. You guys give a very easy task. I just came up with such a difficult test, your children will definitely not cope with it! Like this!
Guys, let's show Carlson that we can handle all, even the most difficult tasks. Let him see the fastest, dexterous and skillful children in our kindergarten. Do you agree? Carlson, ask your task!
Carlson: Now, now! My task is the most difficult, even I can't handle it! You will need to take the ball on a signal, hold it between your knees and jump with it to the landmark, and then take the ball in your hands, run to your team and pass the baton to the next participant. We will need two teams of 10 people. Who is ready for the test? Come out!
Get ready! Reade set Go. (music)

Carlson: Look, they all can, everyone can! And let's be strong! Who will pull whom. Come out the strongest guys. I will defeat you in an instant, I will quickly draw you to me. Well, let's get started! Get ready! Reade set Go. (Tug of war, Carlson loses) Something is wrong here. You probably showed me your strongest heroes, they probably have been going to school for a long time. It's not fair, let the younger guys come out, then we'll see who is stronger! Tug of war, Carlson loses) Yes, what is it. You again put schoolchildren to me. Where are your little ones? Let them measure their strength with me. Tug of war, Carlson loses).
Host: Carlson, don't be so upset! You just fly to visit us in Russia more often. In every kindergarten, in every school, children go in for physical education and that's why they are so strong and healthy! You fly to our classes, work out with the guys, then you will become strong, agile, fast!
Carlson: Yes! This is how strong and fast your dads and moms should be, if little preschoolers do the most difficult tasks so well! Probably, in Russia the people are the most athletic, the strongest! Really guys?
But still we wanted to know what country you live in. After all, today we told you about our country - Russia, and we ask you to find out all the most interesting things about your country and tell us about your homeland next time.
I want to give you a present. At first I thought to give you a jar of raspberry jam, but I saw how healthy and seasoned they were and decided to give you juice, because it only adds health to all children and adults! (distributing juice to children).
Moderator: Thank you, Carlson!
And now it's time for me to go home. I promise to learn everything about my country and tell you about my homeland next time. Agreed? Goodbye, guys. (flies away)

1. Vedas:

On Unity Day we will be near,
Let's be together forever
All nationalities of Russia
In distant villages, cities!
Live, work, build together,
Sow bread, raise children,
Create, love and argue,
Keep the peace of the people
Honor the ancestors, remember their deeds,
Avoid wars and conflicts
To fill life with happiness
To sleep under a peaceful sky.

Vedas. once again congratulates the children on the holiday, the children leave .

Matinee in honor of National Unity Day for children of the preparatory group "We are strong in our friendship and proud of our Motherland"

Salikhova Elena Nikolaevna, musical director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the City of Sevastopol "Kindergarten No. 89 of a compensating type."
About the event: National Unity Day is a relatively young national holiday, although it has roots that go far enough into the historical past of our state. The importance of this holiday is not questioned by anyone for whom the integrity of our country and the well-being of all peoples living on its territory is not an empty phrase. We considered that holding an event dedicated to the Day of National Unity in our preschool institution could be an important contribution to the patriotic education of preschool children. At the same time, it was necessary to place the accents correctly, to select material accessible to the age of our pupils. Therefore, the scenario was based not on historical events, although the children were introduced to them in an accessible form during the preliminary work, but on such concepts as “friendship”, “mutual assistance”, “united Motherland”, “Russian language”.
The script might be interesting music directors, educators, teachers of elementary grades, teachers - organizers.
Purpose of the holiday: education in preschoolers of love for our united Motherland - Russia!
Tutorials: to form in older preschoolers an understanding of belonging to the Russian people and Russia as a single Motherland for all people living on its territory. Arouse interest in the historical past and cultural heritage of our country.
Developing: create conditions for the active participation and artistic expression of children in a joyful atmosphere of a national holiday.
Educational: cultivate respect for the flag of the Russian Federation. Continue to form feelings of friendship and mutual assistance as the basis of fraternal relations among all people inhabiting our country.
Preliminary work: listening and learning songs about Russia, about friendship. Learning Russian folk songs, dances, games and round dances; dance composition "United Russia". Conducting discussions on the content of the studied works. Acquaintance with Russian folk instruments and their sound; learning different ways to play them. Acquaintance with Khokhloma painting.
Attributes: Multi-colored "Pavloposad" shawls for a dance composition. Swords, shields and helmets for "Bogatyrs". Wooden spoons - two for each child, two rattles, a whistle. For the composition "United Russia": medium-sized flags for boys and artificial bouquets of autumn flowers for girls. Gingerbread for children.

The course of the holiday
The host enters the festively decorated hall.
Presenter: Hello dear guests. Today we want to celebrate with you one of the most important holidays of our country - National Unity Day. The phonogram of the Russian folk song “In the field stood a birch” performed by the orchestra of the State Choreographic Ensemble “Birch” sounds.
Presenter: A familiar melody flows from heart to heart. Let the guys come in here and our holiday will begin. Children in Russian folk costumes enter the hall to the music in two "brooks", stand in a semicircle.
Song "Russian Side" music and lyrics by S. Kozhukhovskaya

We all call the Motherland the land where we live together; white-trunked birch near the kindergarten outside the window.
We all call Motherland everything we love, we protect: our songs, our fairy tales, our beloved city, home.
We all call the Motherland the flag that flies over the Kremlin, our people of the great country: friendly, many-sided. Presenter: Different peoples have been living in Russia for a long time. One - the taiga to their liking, others - the steppe expanse. Each nation has its own language and attire. But together all the peoples speak Russian. After all, Russian, Tatar, Bashkir and Yakut live in a single family in Russia.

Children: The peoples are like one family, although their language is different. All are daughters and sons of their beautiful country.
We are children, and as adults, we are friendly with each other. Words: "Russia", "Motherland", and are important for children!
Russian word, Russian fairy tale, Russian song, Russian dance. They took hands. And so the round dance began!

Children perform a round dance "On the mountain, viburnum", to the soundtrack of the Russian folk song of the same name performed by singer Igor Filatov.
Children: Wherever you live, but you and I are relatives in the same Motherland. Relatives - in the sun and in the sky, in grasses, groves and bread. On the rivers that run ringing, on our flag - relatives! How lucky you and me! We were born in a country where people are all one family!
Wherever you look, you are surrounded by friends!
We firmly shake hands with each other. Let's sing our song about friendship.

Children sing the song "True Friend" music by B. Savelyev.
If a friend feels good, then we sing songs. If the holiday has come to us, we have fun together.
Well, if my friend is upset for some reason, I will turn my shoulder to him in difficult times.
Children perform a pair dance "We divide everything in half", to the phonogram of the song of the same name by composer Vladimir Shainsky performed by the junior group of the Great Children's Choir under the direction of Popov.
Presenter: Friendship and brotherhood are stronger than wealth! Many tried to conquer Rus'. Her bright soul to break and trample. But people stood up to defend everything, so that Russia would live in all its glory. Russian lyrical melody sounds. Vasilisa the Wise enters - the host in a Russian costume.

Vasilisa the Wise:
Russia! Rus! Save yourself! Save! Live country, united power! Let the fires of the Fatherland burn! Let not glory fade over you! In all ages, Russian people have defended their land from those who wanted to take it away. They also taught their children to selflessly love their Motherland.
Child: We know that every Russian is happy to stand up for his country, just like Pozharsky, Minin many years ago.

Vasilisa the Wise: Many fairy tales, epics, Russian folk songs speak of the exploits of Russian heroes. The phonogram "Bogatyr Gates" by Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky sounds. To the music, to the words of the presenter, “Three Heroes” come out in turn.
Here comes a young hero to us. He will grow up and stand up for the Motherland as a mountain. And another hero is crammed into his buddies. He tries to be useful for the Fatherland. And here the third hero is in a hurry. His conscience won't let him sleep on the stove.

The helmet is on my head. I hold a shield and a sword in my hand. Today I have become a Russian hero!
I know that only a good warrior is worthy of being a hero. You need to be strong, strong to protect the weak.
I don’t cry from a scratch and I’m not afraid of vaccinations. And it cannot be otherwise. I am proud of the title of "Bogatyr"!
The three of them perform the "Bogatyr song":
Before the dark force, we will not be at a loss. Even though we don't brag (raise sword) by its strength (lower sword).
Nightingale - Robber (jump forward) we are not afraid (starting position).
Beware, uninvited guest, Heroes (take a step forward).

The middle hero takes a step forward, the other two take a side step towards each other. To the soundtrack of the combatant song of the Don Cossacks "From behind the forest, a copy of swords" performed by the ensemble
"Cossack circle" go around the hall, go behind the side wings: Oh, because of the forest, behind the forest is a copy of swords. Rides a hundred Cossacks - reckless, Hey-hey-hey, lively, do not be shy! Hundreds of reckless Cossacks ride.
Oh, before a hundred Yesaul, oh, young. He commanded: "Guys, all behind me!".
Hey-hey-hey, lively, don't be shy! He commanded: "Guys, everyone is behind me!" …

Vasilisa the Wise: I wish good luck to our "Three heroes". Let them grow, do not cry, to the delight of mothers and all of us.
The boys who played the roles of Bogatyrs come out, bow, sit down.
Vasilisa the Wise:
And here they are red - the girls are coming, they will sing a Russian song.
The girls perform the "Russian folk song" From the yard, from the yard, dance:
From the courtyard, from the courtyard, (small side steps to the right - to the left), from the wide courtyard (spread their arms to the sides), the Clear Falcon flew out, took the gold bridle.
He took a golden bridle (right hand, clenched into a fist - forward). He saddled a good horse (left hand, clenched into a fist - forward).

I saddled the faithful horse (perform springy movements with the legs). Collected faithful friends! Collected faithful friends! He gathered in a squad (hold hands). He collected in a squad (let go of his hands). Rus' - Mother defended (bring their hands to their chest, bow, leave).
Vasilisa the Wise: On this wonderful holiday, I want to wish our “red girls and good fellows” to grow up as beautiful, healthy, happy people, live joyfully and together, and love their Motherland. And I also want to give you this bright colorful scarf as a gift. (Gives the handkerchief to the first presenter).
I myself will leave now, I will invite new guests to you. Leaves.
presenter (looking at the handkerchief)
What a beautiful Pavloposad scarf Vasilisa the Wise gave us! The country of Russia is great, and our people are talented. There is a rumor going around the world about Russian craftsmen - craftsmen.

What a miracle - the patterns on the scarf have blossomed? As if the colors of the inflorescence started their dance.
Like wings, the arms opened in the dance, beckoning the world with a picturesque pattern.
They shot up over free Russia, giving her colors of juicy beauty.
A group of girls perform a dance with Russian headscarves, trained in choreography

The Russian people always knew how to work, knew how to have fun. Come visit us soon. The holiday will be more fun!
"Naughty Dance" to the soundtrack of the Russian folk melody "Swan". The dance is performed by children of a parallel group of the same age who came to the holiday as guests.

Presenter: I see that new guests are in a hurry to please the guys.
Under the phonogram of the Russian folk melody "Polyanka" are Matryoshka and Yermoshka. They dance, Yermoshka plays along on the whistle.

Scene Matryoshka and Yermoshka.
Matryoshka: Hello guys! Yermoshka: Hello dear adults! Presenter: Hello dear guests. You are so elegant.
Yermoshka: We were going to the holiday, so we tried to get dressed.
Matryoshka: I brought Yermoshka to you. Yermoshka: No, I brought Matryoshka. Matryoshka: In general, together we came. They brought you riddles.
Yermoshka: I know, I know in advance, you are a smart people. Here, guess. What a cure for longing from an oak board. It does not play, but crackles, which amuses everyone. (Ratchet)

Matryoshka: My riddle is more difficult. She feeds everyone willingly, but she herself is without a mouth. I'll scoop up potatoes and feed Yermoshka. If you want, slurp soup with it, but if you want, play music. (Wooden spoon)
Presenter: We also have carved spoons. Voiced, painted! From dawn to dawn our spoons would play.

My spoon on the palm of your hand, as if knocking on a log.
And then suddenly freezes and quietly silent.
We will play spoons for you. We invite everyone to listen.
Children perform the Russian folk song "Oh, you canopy, my canopy", dancing and playing along on the spoons. Matryoshka and Yermoshka play rattles.

Matryoshka: And now, children, it's time to amuse you.
Yermoshka: We love the game "Wattle". It would be played all day long.
Matryoshka: We will quickly assemble our "Wattle"! Yermoshka: We'll see. Who is friendlier, he will be faster!
Playing the game "Wattle" using phonograms of Russian folk melodies "From under the oak, from under the elm" and "Komarochka".
Presenter: Matryoshka's wattle is good, Yermoshka's is also good.
Yermoshka: We played together, had fun, so we weren't late. Such friendly guys, I will be happy to treat. Matryoshka: And what we have prepared for a treat, we ask you to guess for yourself: not a cake and not cookies, not sweets, not jam ... Yermoshka: Sweet, honey, tasty and minty. For tea, a fragrant treat is notable. What is this? Children: Gingerbread. Matryoshka: Right. Accept the treat. Yermoshka: Yes, don't forget about us.

They give the host a basket of gingerbread and leave.
Presenter: What fun guests we had. Laughter and fun from many troubles salvation. Russian folk saying says: know how to do business, know how to have fun. Come to us with a song, and with a game, and with a mischievous Russian dance!
To the cheerful music, the Maiden - Beauty appears, dancing, inviting the children to join.
A Russian dance is performed - a game with a handkerchief.

Presenter: Thank you, Beauty Girl. She's cute and good at dancing! The girl bows and leaves. Presenter: There is already a reason, mighty Rus', to love you, to call you Mother. Our Motherland Russia is immense and beautiful! Children: White daisies, white snow. White clouds melt in the sky.
Blue lakes, blue mountains. A carpet spread out in a field of cornflowers.
The girl is walking in a red sundress. Under the window, a red mountain ash grows.
Our country is so beautiful! We all shine like a clear star! The song "Russia - you are my star" sounds from the repertoire of the group "Fidgets" performed by the music director. Presenter: reads an excerpt from a poem by I. Utkin: “What is loved, what is breathed, what our heart is full of, then it will be heard in the voice, then it will be remembered in the song.” Children sing "Song about Russia" authors V. Miryasova and N. Skvortsova.
Child: The Russian flag flies proudly over the beautiful country. From childhood we know that it is white-blue-red!
