Simoronsky ritual for the fulfillment of desires “Magic matches. Fulfilling a wish with humor - Simoron rituals for the fulfillment of a wish


The ritual from the Simoron technique “Magic Matches” is great for those who want to make their life easier, make it more joyful and bright. With the help of this Simoron ritual, you can fulfill any of your desires.

Simoron lovers recommend first entrusting their matches with light tasks. So, for example, you can easily influence traffic jams, or make your neighbor stop turning on the grinder at eight in the morning. In other words, with the help of this ritual, you can turn the course of events to your advantage!
Simoronsky ritual for desire
Buy a box of the most common matches. Get rid of the advertising label, as they will be used for a completely different purpose from now on.
Cut out for your matches new etiquette from paper, glue it to the box and write "Magic Matches" on it. On the reverse side, you can attribute your first and last name so that your matches know that they belong to you and that they will fulfill your desires.
In order for the matches to fulfill all your whims, they must be activated. How to do it? Yes, very easy! Take a match from the box and make the simplest wish that can be fulfilled immediately.
For example: "I'll eat ice cream." As soon as the match goes out, go and eat some ice cream. Thus, you fulfill your first wish, which activates all the other matches in your box.
This Simoron ritual for the fulfillment of a wish will help you in the most difficult and difficult situations. Of course, it is best to use it to implement your little whims.
However, there are people who use this ritual to fulfill more global and serious dreams. For example, they ask matches to pass an important interview or return the love of a loved one.

The main secret of this wish ritual is the belief that your dream will certainly come true. Don't forget to keep a positive attitude! Not one of your desires can ever come true if you do not smile and enjoy every day.

08:44pm - Rituals of Simoron
SIMORON (40 technicians)

Simoronsky ritual No. 1.

One of the best Simoron rituals is to hang red shorts on a lamp! For some, panties are constantly weighed on a lamp, if the rest of the household does not mind, but panties can also be weighed to fulfill a certain desire. For example, climb up a chair. Hang red underpants on a chandelier. Make a wish, snap your fingers and jump off the chair with your eyes closed. Most often, such a ritual helps to attract money. But wearing red shorts is better to attract love! By the way, in Turkey, for example, it is customary to wear red shorts on New Year, if anyone was in Turkey for the new year, go shopping underwear- first of all, it is red in the windows!

Simoron ritual No. 2.

How to achieve success, fame, fame, popularity or victory in this or that undertaking? Buy bay leaves and copper wire. Use whole leaves to make yourself a wreath, and use a red or gold fabric, such as a curtain, as a tunic. Dress up and walk around the house as a winner!

Simoron ritual No. 3.

If you can’t find something in the house, it’s enough to jump 2 times, clap your hands and say, for example: “find the second sock”!

Simoronsky ritual No. 4.

Buy a box of matches, write “magic matches” on it, and strike a match when you make a wish. They say it works!

Simoron ritual No. 5.

It is very useful to write a letter to God. The best thing to do is write about your life. For example, "I'm very happy man. I have good husband and nice kids. Thank you so much!" Do not write for nothing. For small desires, it is best to strike matches.

Simoron ritual No. 6.

How to attract good luck? We take a zipper, open it, write desires on one part, possibilities on the other and close it. We enjoy how desires coincide with opportunities!

Simoronsky ritual No. 7.

How to ensure a sweet life? Before you eat another chocolate bar, write on it - "My life in chocolate." Hurray, the main thing is not to be thin, but to be happy!

Simoron ritual No. 8.

If you need to turn to the universe for the fulfillment of this or that desire, build an antenna on your head. How - your imagination will help.

Simoron ritual No. 9.

Again about shorts, but green ones. They say that green shorts help attract money. If you bought, but they do not help, buy others. Gradually, you will learn to choose the attributes you need for rituals by intuition.

Simoronsky ritual No. 10.

How to attract love? To attract love if there are a lot of rituals. Here is one of them - you need to throw potatoes out of the window. Don't forget that you're not just throwing food around. Imagine that you are throwing away your loneliness.

Simoron ritual No. 11.

A ritual to raise something. Need to cheer up? Or something else? We write the word mood on pieces of paper, scatter it around the apartment, walk and pick up the pieces of paper and at the same time our mood.

Simoronsky ritual No. 12.

I used to always think that it was not right to pick up money on the street. Because then you will lose more. It turns out it's quite the opposite! These are signs of fate! Be sure to pick up the money and say something like - money is on the way or money is coming to us!

Simoron ritual No. 13.

How to get rid of an obsessive person (girl) whom you no longer love? Take a tomato, put it not in the refrigerator and let it spoil properly mentally remembering the phrase, love has passed, the tomatoes have withered.

Simoron ritual No. 14.

How to use the toilet to your advantage? According to Feng Shui, if such provisions are impossible to keep the toilet lid open so that money does not flow away, and so on. And here is what one simoronka suggested. I wrote a phrase on the toilet bowl - a waste-to-money converter, fantasy can be developed by gluing the word - convert to the flushing function, and next to the trash can - for money. although then it’s better not to throw garbage into it or throw it away?

Simoron ritual No. 15.

How to calm down or calm down another? Put a sedative somewhere in your pocket, for example, but don't drink. Putting and wearing nearby will be enough!

Simoronsky ritual No. 16.

How to build relationships with loved ones? Take an apple, cut it, write or scratch out his name on one half, and your own on the other. Spread with honey, glue and eat. The main thing in Simoronism is to abandon stereotypes and all sorts of signs. For example, everyone knows the phrase - the apple of discord. So here it is just the opposite! No discord, only love!

Simoron ritual No. 17.

Write a problematic word on a piece of paper, for example, “sadness”, wash it in washing machine with things. Sadness is washed away from you!

Simoron ritual No. 18.

If you need to clean someone's brains, or even yourself, take some object and clean it with diligence. At the same time, it is necessary to say something like “I clean, I clean, I clean my husband’s brains” or so on.

Simoron ritual No. 19.

Bayu Bayushki Bayu's phrase is magical. Sing it and sing the right thing - Bai Bayushki Bai, tomorrow I'm going to a new job. As an example.

Simoronsky ritual No. 20.

How to find a job. We write the word work on a piece of paper, put the piece of paper in a box. Ask someone to hide the box. We are looking for a box and we find it. But finding a job is not enough. You still need to get used to it. Let's get comfortable in the box. We are waiting for the results!

SIMORON (40 technicians) - continued

Simoron ritual No. 21.

How to make an appointment? We take soap and soap ourselves a meeting. Depending on the type of soap, fragrance or shower gel, you can soap yourself a meeting with your loved one, business meeting with the client and so on.

Simoronsky ritual No. 22.

When things don't stick, it's time to use glue, but better, like a moment! Stick to health!

Simoron ritual No. 23.

Fulfillment of desires by a genie. If you are not afraid to call a genie, then you can use his services. Find a lamp, a jug, or something similar to them and rub it! Then make a wish and go to bed with a calm conscience. If your desire does not let you sleep and again annoyingly creeps into your head, remind him that now this desire is being fulfilled by the genie. Everything that was needed, you did. Jeans are also suitable for fulfilling a wish. Rub your blue jeans and make a wish!

Simoron ritual No. 24.

Often on the Simoron forums you can find information about rinsing the legs and head in the toilet. The toilet is a magical item. Especially in terms of money. Just remember that excrement dreams of money. But let's not draw the attention of fools to ourselves. Just write the right amount money on paper. And flush down the toilet, she will definitely come!

Simoron ritual No. 25.

How to get married? Nao write the word "married" on paper and stick it to the door. Get out the door more often.

Simoron ritual No. 26.

How to pay off debts? I already wrote about this in my collection on how to attract money. You need to write the word debts in soda and extinguish it with vinegar!

Simoronsky ritual No. 27.

How to get rid of problems? It is very good to get rid of problems with a balloon. We blow all our problems into the ball, and debts are possible. And then bang! we make it burst, and with it all the problems or what we want to get rid of burst!

Simoron ritual No. 28.

How to make a wish come true? Make a wish on an onion, plant it in a jar of water, as soon as it sprouts, eat it without a trace! Can be without peel

Simoron ritual No. 29.

Decoy and decoy lure is also a classic. You can lure money, a man and clients with semolina! If you need to lure clients to trade, you can feed pigeons, ducks and other birds!

Simoron Ritual No. 30.

To sell something, you have to walk around and knock on the subject like at an auction and say sold. 100 percent result according to reviews on many forums. I, too, this ritual has always helped in the sale of the car. But here is what is important to know with such a ritual. You have to realize that you really want to sell it. Here's an example for you. We recently had to sell a car. Well, it's not for sale, that's all. And she knocked already and put a cross on the photo and wrote sold. Well, not in any. But in the end, after a few days, everything turned out so that it was no longer necessary to sell the car, and even impossible, otherwise some events would have hurt us a lot! That's how! If something doesn't work for you. Sit down, think about it, maybe this will lead to bad consequences? Maybe there are options that will help you avoid a sale that you don’t really want, but sell only because you really need money?

Simoron ritual No. 31.

Put a photo with your loved one on the screen of your phone, it's passionate. When you charge your phone, your love will automatically be recharged.

Simoron ritual No. 32.

How to win the lottery? Buy lottery ticket and green candles in an amount equal to the numbers you need to guess. Light candles and peer into the flames. Choose the numbers that you see in the flame. Blow out the candles for 3 days do not touch.

Simoron ritual No. 33.

You need to write the word “Holy place” on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet. As you can imagine, the place will start to fill up with money.

Simoron ritual No. 34.

How to get something material. Find something that spins, spin it and say: I spin it - I'll spin you on new shoes! I'm spinning - I'll get new shoes soon!

Simoron ritual No. 35.

Make a universal accelerator (you can use it from your favorite shoe box). Put there photos and pictures of what you want to achieve. Such a universal accelerator will speed up the fulfillment of all your desires.

Simoron ritual No. 36.

How to get rid of dandruff? Getting rid of dandruff is easy. Take a piece of paper and write - The order is such and such. Dandruff is expelled from school for doing very well. Now she doesn't have to go to school and can go wherever she wants.

Simoron ritual No. 37.

How to get rid of hair on the legs or at least reduce their amount? We all know about such a cosmetic procedure as photoepilation. We take a cell phone or a camera or take pictures of our beautiful legs! The result will take time, but it will be!

Simoron ritual No. 38.

How to get rid of acne? Mix cocoa powder with water to the consistency of a mask. Pimples will start to disappear after the 4th treatment. In general, chocolate in simoronism is also a classic. Probably because most of us have a sweet tooth and love chocolate very much. Chocolate is a symbol sweet life, and chocolate is very good to lure money and love!

Simoron ritual No. 39.

Happy flower. We have all heard about Money Tree, fat girl, and now it's time to get a happy flower. It will be a violet or a ficus, or maybe even a cactus, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that when buying a flower you take your time, choose the one that you liked, purred, became your pet. At home, the flower will have to be looked after and loved. But how will he reciprocate! He will establish a good atmosphere in the family, attract love and prosperity! After all, even the words flower and prosperity are so similar! By the way, you need to water the flower periodically with 27 drops of water. It is also advisable to rename and water yourself by saying, for example, such a phrase, I am the one who waters the flower of love!

Simoronsky ritual No. 40.

How to enlarge breasts? It has already been proven that breasts can be enlarged by the power of thought. You need to close your eyes and imagine how your breasts grow, how your skin becomes elastic, how you like it new form. The problem is where to find time for such classes, because 5 minutes is not enough? You can do this on the bus, subway, or just while waiting for someone or something for a long time. For example, you sit in line to the doctor.

Literally until the magic match burns. But where can I get these wish-fulfilling matches? This is a new article by the psychologist of happiness.

How to make magic matches.

As in the case of any magic item, you need to take this item and charge it with magic.

Magic matches are ordinary matches charged with your belief in magic and magic.

Take an ordinary matchbox and turn it into a box filled with magic matches that you need to complete quickly.

Make 1 wish and light 1 match.

Magic burning technique and your desires.

So, we are preparing a magic box:

  • We paste over the boxes of matches from 2 sides with colored paper.

  • On each piece of colored paper we write “Magic Matches” or “Matches fast execution desires."
  • Sprinkle the boxes with sparkles or paste over with sequins.
  • We make a list of 100 short wishes. This is where it will be difficult for many.
  • We select 1 wish from the list and take 1 match out of the box.
  • We set fire to a magic match, and while it burns, mentally imagine ourselves rejoicing at the result of magic.

Methods for using magic matches.

I will list the methods for using magic matches, since you now have a whole box of them!

Fulfillment of short desires. This method is described in detail above. I will give only examples of such desires.

“A call from a friend with whom we have not communicated for a long time”,

"Unexpected profit"

"Courage for some important things that you have been putting off."

Lapel-turn. Occasionally, you may have the desire to do the opposite.

"So that the authorities do not notice at work",

"For the annoying admirer to fade away",

"Deploy the cold into a flu epidemic."

The magic of everyday reality. This magical rituals for you and your loved ones.

"For everyone to be healthy"

"Clear the way for big desires"

"Burn the envy of neighbors or colleagues."

Write in the comments, what desires and rituals do you use magic matches for?

Read the best materials of the psychologist of happiness on this topic!

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The ritual from the Simoron technique “Magic Matches” is great for those who want to make their life easier, make it more joyful and bright. With the help of this Simoron ritual, you can fulfill any of your desires.

Simoron lovers recommend first entrusting their matches with light tasks. So, for example, you can easily influence traffic jams, or make your neighbor stop turning on the grinder at eight in the morning. In other words, with the help of this ritual, you can turn the course of events to your advantage!

Simoronsky ritual for desire

Buy a box of the most common matches. Get rid of the advertising label, as they will be used for a completely different purpose from now on.

You will be interested:

Cut out a new paper label for your matches, glue it to the box, and write "Magic Matches" on it. On the reverse side, you can attribute your first and last name so that your matches know that they belong to you and that they will fulfill your desires.

In order for the matches to fulfill all your whims, they must be activated. How to do it? Yes, very easy! Take a match from the box and make the simplest wish that can be fulfilled immediately.

For example: "I'll eat ice cream." As soon as the match goes out, go and eat some ice cream. Thus, you fulfill your first wish, which activates all the other matches in your box.

This Simoron ritual for the fulfillment of a wish will help you in the most difficult and difficult situations. Of course, it is best to use it to implement your little whims.

However, there are people who use this ritual to fulfill more global and serious dreams. For example, they ask matches to pass an important interview or return the love of a loved one.

The main secret of this wish ritual is the belief that your dream will certainly come true. Don't forget to keep a positive attitude! Not one of your desires can ever come true if you do not smile and enjoy every day.

All desires, correctly conceived and supported by rituals for fulfillment, sooner or later come true! But on one condition - if they are really yours, and not imposed from outside. , coming from the needs of your soul, are simply doomed to fulfillment.

I have selected for you the 7 most effective magical rituals for the fulfillment of desires that I myself use. All of them are easy to perform, tested in action by a huge number of people and have super-effectiveness.

1. Ritual "Magic Matches"

This miraculous ritual is designed to fulfill both minor and larger goals and intentions.

Get a new matchbox. Glue a cut piece of white paper of the same size on top of the label in its place. Do the same with reverse side. With a red marker or felt-tip pen, write “Magic Matches” on the front side, and your first and last name on the back. Done? Great, congratulations! Now you have in your hands a magical tool for fulfilling desires! It remains only to activate it. To do this, make a simple wish that is very easy to materialize. For example: "I'm drinking a cup of my favorite mint tea!". After that, you take out one match, light it, let it burn out and immediately fulfill your wish. Now your Magic Matches are charged to fulfill any of your desires. Tip - it is better to start with small goals and gradually “enlarge” them.

2. Ritual "Magnet of Desires"

We are all magnets and ourselves, without knowing it, with our thoughts “magnetize” certain things, people and events into our lives. But if you do it consciously, then you can begin to manage these events.

This is a very simple ritual, but its simplicity does not affect its effectiveness in any way. For execution, you will need an ordinary magnet in a larger size. Find a place where no one will distract you, hold the magnet in your right hand, press it to your chest and imagine your desire has already been fulfilled. Try to “see” on the inner screen what will happen after your goal is realized. Then 3 times loudly and aloud say the following words: “The power of the magnet, pass through the body, fulfill the desire on time!”. Carry the charmed magnet with you on the right side.

3. Ritual "Wish Ribbon"

The purpose of this ritual is the fulfillment of small and medium-sized "material" desires associated with receiving any things or desired events of a small scale (a call or news)

To perform this ritual, you need green candle. It should not be too thick, it is better to choose a longer and medium thickness. Cut out a ribbon 1-2 cm wide from white paper and write with a red felt-tip pen your desire that you want to materialize. With a short green thread, tie one end of the ribbon to the middle of the candle and wrap it with a ribbon in a spiral from the bottom up. So that the second end is closer to the top of the candle. The paper ribbon must be necessarily the words inside. Place the candle on a metal candlestick where the ashes can fall safely. Everything is ready for the ritual, you can begin. Remove unnecessary thoughts from your head and concentrate only on your desire. For a few minutes, think about it as if it had already been done and be filled with emotions of joy from its implementation. Now light the candle and watch the flame slowly but surely approach your desire. It is a symbol of its realization. At some point, a piece of "wish tape" will be released and hang freely on the candle. At this very moment, you need to “strengthen” your desire as much as possible, that is, to want it very, very much! Fill it with your energy of intention! After that, extinguish the candle, and scatter the ashes in the air. And now try to forget about your desire and let go, thereby transferring the right to realize it to the almighty Universe.

4. Ritual "Magic Spiral"

This wonderful ritual is used when you are striving for the fulfillment of an "urgent" desire, which is directly "burning" and is needed very urgently.

On an ordinary piece of paper of a small size with a red marker, write down your desire in capital letters in the present tense without a particle of “not” and the word “I want”. For example: "I'm getting a promotion!" Take a soft candle in your hands and twist it 7 times so that you get a spiral with seven turns. Insert it into the candlestick and place a leaf with your desire under it. Concentrate on what you want, light a candle, look at the flame, think of your goal as having been achieved, without taking your eyes off the fire. Immerse yourself in your thoughts until the wick from the candle reaches the first turn of the spiral. After that, leave the candle to burn further and go about your business, but do not miss the moment when it burns out to the last, seventh coil. Pull out a leaf with a desire and burn it in the flame of this magical coil, then thank the Universe for helping to fulfill it.

5. Ritual "Magic Ice"

You need to use this ritual of "ice magic" to fulfill material desires, one way or another related to finances.

Put 7 coins of different denominations in a small glass on a leg, fill to the brim with water and put in the freezer. Wait for the water to turn into ice, take an "ice glass" with coins in left hand, bring it to your lips so close that your breath touches the ice and say the following words 7 times in a whisper: “The coin will not roll away, but it will remain with me, the money will not go away and it will bring me wealth! Water turns to ice, my wish comes true!” Leave the charged glass in the refrigerator and make sure that the ice does not melt in it.

This ritual is very powerful, in addition to the fulfillment of desire, it attracts money energy, enhances and expands cash flow.

6. Ritual "Magic bag"

The power of this ancient and very powerful ritual is to attract the energy of abundance and the fulfillment of monetary desires.

Sew yourself or buy a small red bag made of natural fabric. Wait for the eighth lunar day of the growing moon and put 108 pre-prepared coins of any denomination in it and tie it with a green ribbon. Holding a bag of coins in your hands, look at the Moon and say: “Grow up, the Moon is big, inviting wealth to me! Every day your strength is growing, money will be attracted to my house! Then hide the “charged” bag in a secluded place and, starting from the first day after the full moon, take out the coins and start spending them. While the moon is waning, they must all be fully spent. With the correct execution of this ritual for the fulfillment of desires, very soon your financial situation will change in better side and new sources of income will open for you, which you did not even suspect before.

7. Ritual "Candle of Desires"

This is a very powerful rite that fulfills any desire of any complexity. But it will take you 7 days to complete it. It is impossible to interrupt the ritual, from this it loses its magical power, so it is better to move its start to a later date than to stop halfway.

To fulfill it, you will need a church wax candle. With a red felt-tip pen or marker, apply 6 dash marks on it, breaking the candle into 7 equal parts - one for each day of the ritual. On a small piece of paper, use the same marker to write your cherished desire in the present tense and put a candle on top of it in a candlestick. Light the wick, and without looking up from the flame of the candle, think about what you want as brightly as possible, feeling the emotions from its fulfillment. Completely immerse yourself in pleasant experiences until the candle burns out to the first division and then extinguish it. Leave everything as it is and repeat the ritual for the next 6 days. On the last, seventh day, at the moment when the candle is almost burnt out, pull out the leaf with the desire and set it on fire from the flame of the happy seventh part. Wait until it burns out completely and spread the ashes through the air by throwing them out the window.

Friends, choose any ritual you like for yourself or spend them all and very soon you will see how your dreams one after another will begin to come true!

Happy magic!

Alena Golovina

