Vanga about money. To get the right amount of money

Wise advice from Vanga for every day

It is worth listening to the advice of the world-famous healer and soothsayer, and happiness will accompany you continuously!

Everyone knows that the wise Vanga lived in harmony with nature, she considered everything around to be alive, which obeys certain cosmic rhythms. To be healthy, happy and successful, it is imperative to maintain mental health.

Vanga's advice for every day must be followed in order to be happy, walking through life. So...

Never eat or drink from broken, cracked dishes, so that luck, prosperity and prosperity do not leave you, and misfortune comes. As the dishes cracked, so life can crack. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately throw away such dishes.

For luck to come to the house, keep coins of other states in the house as a talisman, but only silver ones .

So that a white, happy streak begins in life, V new moon rearrange the furniture in the house. Luck will not keep you waiting.

To bad person and evil could not get into your house, and luck became a frequent guest - hang elderberry branches crosswise over the front door.

Vanga's conspiracy for well-being: you need to pour water into a glass dish and say out loud (you can read from a book) on it:

" How much in my the door will enter- so many helpers. And there is no way for enemies, enemies to go to my door. How many times the door opens - so much goodness will come to the house. And evil, bad weather, evil spirits, grief and trouble do not go here Happiness - to the house, good - to the house, good - to the house! Amen". Then spray the threshold of your house with this water.

For well-being and good luck in everything, in the morning, getting out of bed, put on the right foot first, and then the left. And never look for a second slipper, if the first one is already on your foot, first find both, and then put them on.

Never do not leave half-eaten pieces of bread on the table if you don't want to leave your happiness. Pieces of bread, even dried, spoiled, cannot be thrown away, otherwise wealth will leave the house. Better feed the birds, animals.

To return good luck sprinkle salt on all windowsills in the house. Let the salt lie until luck returns. After that, it will be necessary to carefully sweep away all the salt, without touching it with your hands, put it in some kind of bag and take it away from the house, where to bury it in the ground.

You can’t tell anyone about luck, but if it happened, then knock three times on something wooden and spit three times over your left shoulder so as not to jinx it.

If you stumble with your right foot, this is a harbinger of trouble. To avoid it stomp on the ground three times with your right foot and say: “Go into the ground, trouble, away from me”. If you stumbled with your left foot, then expect good luck and happiness.

If a mirror is broken in the house, in order to avoid trouble wash its fragments with water, and then bury them in the ground. If someone was sick for a long time in the room where the mirror is hanging, or there was a quarrel, or some kind of trouble happened, you need to wipe the mirror with holy water.

Never give money to a beggar that was given to you as change after buying bread or salt. Otherwise, you run the risk of falling into poverty. You can not give away the last little thing that remains in the wallet.

In a new wallet, you must initially put an expensive gold jewelry for a while. After this procedure, there will be big money. Put a mint leaf and a pinch of cinnamon in your wallet, as well as where you keep money. Money will begin to attract you.

So that money is always carried, so as not to incur need, never roll money into a tube, do not count money in a piggy bank until you are going to spend it, and do not put a bag on the floor where a wallet with money lies.

To make money fast, Vanga advised the following ... Take a jug of water and a glass. Pouring water from a jug into a glass, say out loud three times in a row: “Water-water, soon you will pour, and soon I will kind people come in handy, get a job, get some money. Amen". Then drink the water from the glass, and pour the remaining water in the jug onto your feet and hands. For financial affairs to be successful.

Early in the morning, pour water into a glass and whisper to it (you can use the book): “Intercede, Mother of God, help to cope with good deeds. You walked through the mountains and valleys, collected dew, poured it into a golden bowl, and gave me a drink. I take a sip - I don’t know the need. I drink two - I drive away trouble. I drink three - God bless. I drink the whole cup - I invoke wealth. Lord, bless with gold and silver, and with all good things. Amen". Drink water in small sips on an empty stomach.

To find a money job in the morning, take a whole loaf and say it out loud, you can use the book: “Bread-bread, you are the head of everything, everyone reveres you, bows in the belt, joyfully greets you. So where do I go - they meet me with joy, welcome me, invite me to work, reward me with big money, but they say thank you, and even tell me to come. Then cut the bread in half, feed half to the birds, and eat the other half at dinner. To keep growing profits.

At dawn, get up, take a ribbon of sufficient length, connect its ends (tie or sew) and lay it in a circle on the floor. Stand in the center, facing east and say out loud three times: “My business is efficient, my business is fine, my business is strong. The work is behind, the work is ahead, the work is on the sides, and I am in the middle - and my profit is always with me in the middle. Amen, amen, amen." Wrap the ribbon tied into a ring around any object that is somehow connected with your business (at least the legs of the table). This will be your talisman, attracting profits. To make the business profitable.

Conspiracy-prayer from Vanga, to succeed in business. Get up at dawn, turn around to the east side and pray out loud or in a whisper like this (you can use the book): “Lord Jesus Christ, let your name! Help me, a sinner, in my affairs. Help to establish a sale and purchase honestly and profitably. In holy name Archangel Michael I exhibit my goods, I offer them to merchants. May my work be holy and pure. Save, save and bless, Lord, I ask that all Your saints, all angels and archangels pray for me so that I can conduct a happy and prosperous trade for the benefit of people and the glory of the Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.”

To increase profits in trade, you should take a coin where there is a number 5. In the morning, say it out loud, as a keepsake: “Money, you are smooth, round, there is no end to my money, so there is no end to buyers for my goods - everyone goes and goes, they don’t know rest , they don’t let me get bored, they force me to sell, they carry all the money, they take my goods and take them. This coin must be carried in a wallet for a month. Then spend and say the same plot on another - with the number 5.

To increase the contribution, before investing, take a coin of any denomination and bury it in the ground (you can in a pot with indoor flower). At the same time, say in a whisper, as a keepsake: “I’m planting - not pulling out, but harvesting. Where there were three, there will be five; where there were ten, there are twenty-five, and twenty-five more, and a hundred times as many, and half as many, and a quarter as many. I fall asleep with earth, I illuminate the earth, I lock it with a lock, I save the keys. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". If you make a new deposit, or the old one has ceased to be profitable, repeat again with another coin.

Original entry and comments on

  • Listen more to the voice of your heart. What is it telling you now?
  • Learn to rest properly. The day is for work and the night is for sleep.
  • Always think carefully before you say anything. Words are material: they can bring happiness, but they can also bring a lot of unhappiness into your life.
  • Some people think that having money can buy love, but this is in vain. Money can't buy love. Or he thinks: I’ll get rich, and I will have complete order, but this is also an empty business. A person works, works, saves money and things, and then he takes it and dies and leaves everything to others. Those who have accumulated a lot are unlikely to use what they have accumulated. Others will get it. Therefore, it is wiser not to save, but to spend money - this is a means, not the goal of life.
  • You have to try to be kind! Look at the tree. Spring comes, and it is covered with flowers, but not all of them give an ovary, many flowers turn out to be empty flowers. It is very sad.
  • From an early age, teach children to work. You are setting a bad example for them, because you yourself have already forgotten how to work. They live on everything ready, you satisfy all their desires and beat off their craving for work, and then your children, in "gratitude", send you to a nursing home.
  • Go to bed early: at 22:00. And get up early: at 5-6 o'clock. It is during these hours that both the body and the brain rest best, nerves calm down, muscle tension weakens.
  • Move more and work harder. Idle pastime is a disease that destroys not only the soul, but also the body.
  • Always, in any situation, be human: don't steal, don't lie, don't kill! Do not dishonor the human name.
  • Never think that you are superior to everyone. Who is higher, who is lower, who is better, who is worse, only God knows.
  • Start the morning with a smile, and then the day will bring joy!
  • Do not think that your health will always be perfect! Years take their toll on each person. If you want to be healthy, not only in your younger years, live right. Resentment, fear, anger take away health no less than the most terrible diseases. Remember this every minute of your life!
  • Do at least one good deed every day! Then in old age you will be able to tell yourself that you have not lived your life in vain.
  • I need to drink more herbal tea. Reduce fat content in food. Those who are healthy should gradually reduce the proportion of meat dishes, and it is better to give up meat altogether. At least once a week you should eat boiled rye and drink clean water. This is what will give a person the strength to cope with various ailments.
  • If you want to have leisure, don't waste your time.
  • I never get tired of advising all people not to live in evil, not to take revenge on anyone, not to hold grudges, to do good deeds. To listen to your heart. Always only the heart, the head is more often mistaken. The heart is connected with the cosmos. But not everyone distinguishes the voice of the heart from the voice of the head.
  • Don't quarrel among yourselves. Love each other. Good causes good, and evil causes evil.
  • First of all, don't overeat. Products are now so spoiled by all sorts chemicals that they can be poisoned. In addition, abundant food is burdensome for all human organs. Probably, the Almighty would give us two stomachs if he could assume that we would eat so much. If I were asked what to sow in the fields, I would say: as much rye as possible. People should eat more rye bread to stay healthy. Today, more than ever, the importance of rye in the diet is great.
  • Cleanliness should become an indispensable condition of your life! Dirt - physical or spiritual - disgusts God's creation, which is always clean and beautiful.
  • Be careful! Soon there will be unfamiliar, unknown diseases to people (recording of 1981). People will fall in the streets, get seriously ill for no apparent reason. Even those people who have never been ill with anything will become seriously ill. But a general disaster can be averted, everything is in your hands.
  • Treat everyone with respect and respect. Learn to listen. Learn to be silent. Then you will see how many wonderful things live in human souls.
  • Do not fight fools - they are not painfully scary, do not try to correct or change them. Much scarier assholes. They are ready to present something that can excite the whole people.
  • Do not set unrealizable tasks, know what you can do and what you can’t, otherwise you will have to blame yourself later.
  • A person must love himself and everything around him. In our hard times this is the most needed. And he should also be grateful to God for help in difficult times, for wisdom, to which he owes his success.
  • Don't think that your whole life is ahead of you! It's a delusion. The gap between the time when a person is still young and the time when he is already old is very small.
  • Drink tea from forest fruits and plants more often - they are clean and a source of health. Eat boiled wheat at least once a week with it clean water. Thus, you will constantly cleanse your body, which means you will maintain vitality.
  • Don't train yourself to put things off until tomorrow. One today is worth two tomorrow.
  • Don't let yourself be lazy! Nature knows no stop in its movement and severely punishes all human inactivity.
  • Always remember: to whom God has given great abilities, much will be required from him. To do something great, you need to direct all the forces of the soul to one point, you must always work, only then will you justify your destiny.
  • Hurry up! But always be smart.
  • Don't be too quick to judge people. Every person has a difficult life in their own way. Do you feel like you would never do the same as the one who is standing in front of you right now? But only life can answer this question with certainty: would you have acted this way or otherwise.
  • When sad days come in your life, accept them with a calm heart. Nothing lasts forever, and sorrows will pass. And if you worry a lot, rush about, exclaim: “What am I doing this for?!”, sorrows will neither become easier nor shorter.
  • If someone offended you, shut up. It is not in vain that people say that of the two who quarrel, the one who is smarter is always to blame.
  • We should neither indulge in regrets about the past, nor complain about changes that are a burden to us! Without change, life is impossible. Change teaches us, helps us become wiser. And we must thank life for the fact that it does not stand still.
  • Treat everyone with kindness, then people will treat you kindly.
  • Don't lie! Even the smallest lie generates great evil and leads to great troubles.

Vanga attached great importance morning dew, believing that plants release many healing substances in the early morning. She recommended that the parents of a child who could not sleep well and beat his head against the wall bathe him in the morning dew. By bathing, she meant the following: to spread a clean sheet in a clearing after the morning dew falls, and then collect adhering grasses and other plants from it. The child must be wrapped in this moisture-soaked cloth. Later, the child's father came and reported that the child had calmed down and was feeling well.

In some Eastern countries to attract good luck or before an important deal, a person must meet with a goat and feed him plenty, since this animal is considered a symbol of gluttony and, in addition, can absorb all the misfortunes of people walking towards it.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what's in store for you in the near future.

Vanga's signs for all occasions

Vanga is a world-famous blind soothsayer. Some consider her a good sorceress, others an evil witch. However, no one will deny that she knew a little more about the world than her contemporaries. She gave people many predictions, some of which have already come true.

She was asked for help famous politicians, scientists and stars of show business. She did not refuse anyone, but she was harsh with people who were unpleasant to her. More than 20 years have passed since the death of the Bulgarian prophetess, and people in all corners of the earth still use her advice.

About the physical world

For everything

All people who came into this world want to live richly and happily, not get sick and, if possible, avoid the blows of fate. According to Vanga, everything positive traits, luck, health and vitality are given to a person by the earth, so it is important not to lose touch with it. To do this, you need to walk barefoot more.

For good health

Herbs help keep you healthy. Vanga believed that God put medicines for all diseases in plants, but humanity is gradually losing knowledge about their properties. Instead of divine medicines, people create synthetic ones that cause addiction and block the path of positive energy.

In addition to herbs, health will help to strengthen the following signs Wangi:

  • the use of boiled wheat and rye;
  • reducing the proportion of meat and fat in the diet;
  • bathing in the morning dew;
  • use of shampoos and soaps of own production;
  • eating from wooden utensils.

For good luck

The blind prophetess advised to attract good luck into her life with salt scattered on the windowsills and a horseshoe nailed over the door. And so that the bright streak in life does not end, you should not leave food on a plate and pieces of half-eaten bread. You can’t brag about your successes and keep cracked dishes in the house.

For money

In order to have money, Vanga advised spending it more often, and not saving up indefinitely. It should be forbidden to discuss one's own income with strangers and to count money after sunset. Wealth in the house attracts moss, placed under the carpet.

About the soul

Vanga warned more than once that all words and thoughts are material. She advised to start the day with a smile. The prophetess said that the earth is a school for the soul, which, after the death of the physical body, will again incarnate on this planet to pass the next lesson. This will continue until the soul reaches top level development.

The world-famous prophetess and clairvoyant Vanga helped many people with her advice. Her recommendations apply to all areas of life, including home improvement.

Great Vanga always advised people to focus on living their lives right, not wasting energy on unnecessary grievances, hoarding and achieving deliberately false goals. She always recommended maintaining your home and the atmosphere in it in order to feel not only under reliable protection, but also to use your home to recharge positive energy. To do this, she advised to have objects of power in the house that can attract well-being and scare away negativity.

Objects of power in the house

1. Horseshoe has the ability to attract positive energy. As you know, luck is always on horseback, so Vanga recommended hanging a horseshoe at the entrance to the house so that luck can always freely enter your home.

2. Garlic- one of the most effective amulets that scare away evil spirit. It must be hung in the attic under the roof, placed in the underground or in the corner front door. Where there is garlic, there is no room for negativity.

3. Honey- a symbol of prosperity and wealth in the house. It is necessary for everyone who wants to have a house-full bowl. In addition, honey is the first means to make friends with brownies. His presence in the house suggests that the owners are under reliable protection.

4. Apples needed in the kitchen. Vanga said that prosperity in the house begins with ripe apples. In addition, these fruits have the ability to recognize the negative energy of the house. An apple left overnight in the morning will “tell” you about the energy of your home. If it has deteriorated, then it's time for you to clean the house of negativity.

5. Pins and bells- protect from evil thoughts, evil eye and damage. They "absorb" negative energy, protecting your family. They must be hung and stuck near the entrance to the house and replaced if they become rusty.

6. Boots- a symbol of comfort, health and longevity. Fate is favorable to houses in which there is always a pair of boots for her. Vanga said that Fate would definitely give gifts to generous household members for their care.

7. Staff- a symbol of change and readiness to always start the journey. It accumulates the energy of the family and helps with new beginnings, travel, long trips and moving. The staff helps to strengthen the strength of the spirit.

8. Soap- a necessary thing in any home. Always keep ready a bar of the most ordinary soap without fragrances and dyes. It will not only help wash away ailments and diseases, but also scare away evil spirits. Pieces of remnants can be laid out in the darkest corners so that evil spirits do not take it into their heads to settle there.

9. Church candles and icons- the ultimate defense. Every Orthodox Christian having an iconostasis in the house and lighting candles, protects both himself and his house from any evil.

10. Mirror should be round and yours. Vanga said that the owner who has a mirror in his house is happy. However, it should not reflect the negative: deaths, scandals, quarrels - all this contributes to the accumulation of heavy energy.

11. wind toy able to help the owner learn to speak with the wind and use its power to free their own home from evil.

12. A ball of woolen threads- a symbol of comfort and peace. Each hostess who has such a ball in the house will contribute to attracting happiness and prosperity to the house.

13. Amber serves as a guard not only Money but also a symbol of longevity and health. Everyone who has amber at home is immensely happy.

14. Sharpener for knives, according to Vanga, is a symbol of renewal and purification. With such an object of power in your house, a weapon against evil spirits will always be at hand.

15. Hourglass is not just a decoration in your home, but also a way to save time. “If you tame time, frozen in glass and turned into sand, you can manage it and use it for your own good.”

16. Living plants- a sign of well-being in the house. Vanga said that in any house there should be at least one living plant that has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house. An indicator of success is its growth and flowering.

17. Black Roadside Stone, picked up by you after a long journey, will protect your home. Its strength lies in the fact that it drives away bad dreams from the household.

These items, according to Vanga, are sources of not only strength, but also wisdom. They are able to attract all the blessings to your home and save you from bad luck and a black streak in life. However, the person himself must understand that happiness lives where there is love and mutual understanding. We wish you good luck and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

The most famous healer and soothsayer of our time, Vanga, has always lived in harmony with nature, she believed that there is no inanimate nature, everything is alive. And everything obeys certain cosmic rhythms. In order to be healthy, happy and prosperous, first of all, you need to maintain mental health.

Vanga's tips for good luck and money carry a special meaning, and today we will tell you about them.

Virtues and Power Items

People always crowded around the house of Vangelia, everyone went to her for healing and help. They said about her that even if she doesn’t help physically in any way, you can always ask and get Vanga’s advice for every day, because “she reads the book of life.”

Eyewitnesses said that the blind Vanga saw everything with her inner eye, could describe to the smallest detail what the visitor was wearing, his expression.

Sometimes parishioners wanted to hear Vanga's advice on money, but the healer herself never put money at the forefront, she believed that for a start a person should be filled from the inside, develop the main virtues in himself - modesty, patience, harmony, kindness.

To gain and maintain happiness, she advised to have objects of power at home. The seer said that these little things help to attract good luck, wealth, destroy evil thoughts and drive away all bad things. This is very important, because people are always to blame for their troubles and misfortunes.

They drink and eat a lot, swear and quarrel with relatives and friends, and then they are surprised that misfortunes happen to them. It is not enough to do good deeds, it is also important to speak and think only positively, because thoughts are material.

The items that we will discuss below must be real, if wood, then natural, if stone, then natural. Items stolen or bought on the cheap will not bring good luck, but those donated or inherited, on the contrary, will become an excellent trap for fortune that can grab her by the tail.

Items of power for luck and money


You need to place a horseshoe at the entrance so that happiness and good luck find it easier to find the entrance to your house. A horseshoe is combined with any keys, if you hang the keys on it, its strength will increase. You can tie a red and green ribbon to it, for health and good luck. But the horseshoe does not combine with plastic and plastic, make sure that it does not come into contact with objects made of these materials.


In the main room in the house, it is desirable to place garlic under the ceiling. IN modern conditions you can carefully tie the head of garlic to the ceiling cornice. The seer said that garlic is able to ward off evil spirits from the house.

That in a dwelling where there is garlic, evil spirits will never penetrate, and if they penetrate, they will quickly leave it.


This is a favorite dish of the brownie. And if you feed the brownie, then it will protect your house perfectly.

Here is Vanga's advice: heat fresh honey and pour it into a saucer, leave this saucer for the brownie near the stove, where food is being cooked. And yet, once a week you can leave a glass of vodka or sweet wine, bread or sweets on the table for the brownie. Only in the morning it is necessary to throw it away, it is strictly forbidden to eat up after the brownie. But the brownie does not like salty, spicy and sour foods.


Vanga believed that there should always be apples in the kitchen, they are able to attract good luck. They are recommended to be placed near the stove. One or more, only odd number, tie a red ribbon to the tail and tell everyone at home that it is not advisable to eat apples with ribbons. And when the lucky apple goes bad or starts to rot, go outside and tie it to any tree.

Only you can’t store an apple of luck in the same vase with other fruits, then the talisman loses its magical power. An analogue of this object of power can be an apple tree, which you can grow from a seed, you need to water it every three days.


The pin is able to protect against the evil eye, damage and bad thoughts. You need to attach a pin to the clothes to the seam. Only here there are rules:

  • you can wear a pin only on clothes made of natural fabric;
  • it must be attached with the head down;
  • you can’t rearrange it, then it’s better to attach several pins to different things from your wardrobe.
  • to protect the home, attach the pin to the curtain as low as possible to the floor, you do not need to fasten it, let it look down with the tip.


Vanga believed that all representatives of evil spirits are very cowardly and timid. They especially do not like sonorous, often repeated sounds, so every house must have had a bell. It is better to take silver or steel. It is recommended to hang it where it will ring at ease: on the window, window or door, on a thread seven centimeters long.

Bell ringing has a powerful cleansing effect.

If it is not possible to hang a bell in a place where it will often ring, do it by hand, walk around your home with a bell and ring in every room.


If you need Vanga's advice to attract good luck and money, if you want wealth and gifts from fate, give her a felt boot, and she will pour it into it with her generous hand. Every home should have a pair of felt boots, and then prosperity and abundance will surely come to you.

And it is also useful to wear these felt boots at least once a season. For example, we went to visit or to the forest on a snowy winter day, be sure to put on felt boots and lie in them properly in the snow, all your sorrows and hardships will remain there.


Every home should have a staff to keep the energy of good. Instead of a staff, you can make a cross from willow branches and tie it with a willow branch. In addition to saving the energy of good, this cross will help you in long road, before the trip you need to attach it to your heart.


It is clear that in the house everyone has soap. But Vanga said that modern man so vain that he does not have time to think about the spiritual essence of things. Washing our body with soap, we do not think about spiritual cleansing. But soap is a symbol of purity. Purchase two natural soap bars without fragrance or artificial ingredients. Put one piece in the bathroom and the other in the toilet.


Every home must have candles. Different colors except black.

  • If you are in a bad mood, you are alarmed - light a yellow church candle and watch it burn for three minutes. You will feel much better.
  • If someone is sick in the house, light a white candle at night and walk with it around the room where the patient lies.
  • If you want to improve relations with your family, you need a red candle. To clear the room, walk around with a lit church candle around the house, go around all the corners.

If the flame crackles and sparks in different directions, then the negative energy in it burns out, wait until it becomes even and calm, then you can stop the ritual.


Make sure that your home has a mirror in a round wooden frame. Also, the frame can be oval or rectangular with rounded edges. It is able to attract good luck and store its energy. And, if the frame is square, then negative can accumulate in the corners.

wind turbine

The wind is a symbol of freedom. Vanga said that those who want to attract good luck must certainly make friends with the wind. Until twelve o'clock, such a windmill will catch the wind, you can attach it to open window or window, only to the one that faces east. After twelve hours, you need to remove it. Since it is believed that before twelve o'clock she launches happiness into the house along with the wind, and after twelve she releases it.

Dried fish scales

On the advice of Vanga, it must be kept in order to attract good luck and money. Just keep it away from prying eyes. It is not for nothing that fish scales are like coins, one is attracted to the other. As you already understood, this object of power, in addition to luck, is able to attract money to your home. Just do not need to hang poor dried fish as a talisman. Scales will be enough.

And here is an excellent ritual for money using fish scales:

Lay an odd number of white alloy coins on a flat surface. Place seven fish scales on top of each coin. Carefully cover the top with a black cloth. Whisper these words:

“Before, you protected the fish from various ailments, and now you have new friends, comrades - coins. Love them, be friends with them, protect them and invite them as often as possible.

Leave the scales and coins together overnight. In the morning, put the scales in a bag made of natural material and put them in the kitchen in a box or jar. Just do not close the bag so that the scales can invite money to visit.

All coins must be spent on the same day. Every time you make a big profit, put three coins to the scales at night, and take it in the morning and spend it. You will see, your money affairs will go well with the advent of such a talisman.

Steel crochet hook

On the advice of Vanga, if you start a steel crochet hook at home, then you can easily catch fish of happiness and good luck on it, which will fulfill all your desires.

ball of wool


This is a symbol of weapons against evil spirits. In addition, Vanga claims that it can bring good luck and money to the house.


Let the “sun frozen in resin” be kept in your home, look at the stone every day and touch it so that clarity comes to your destiny and thoughts.


They are needed in order to make friends with time, not to waste it in vain. They will help to ensure that time works for you, and not you for time. Choose a glass, rounded clock. The sand should be natural in color, not dyed.

Date palm and willow

Plant a date palm from a stone and in your house forever (and the date palm lives for one hundred and fifty years) happiness, good luck and wealth. On Palm Sunday bring a sprig of willow into the house and dry it. Let it be kept up next year. She protects from adversity and problems.

The Bird of Happiness

If there are children in the house, then you will not find a better amulet. Hang a wooden bird on a red or green silk ribbon above the baby's bed or anywhere else, let it soar freely and drive away all troubles and misfortunes.


To choose an icon - an assistant in life, Vanga advises to go to the church shop and buy the one that you like the most, which inspires joy and hope.

Black stone

It may be the most inconspicuous black roadside stone. Vanga said that if there is a black stone in the house, its inhabitants will never know problems.
