In what year was Evgeny Petrosyan born. Do Petrosyan and Stepanenko have children - family history

Evgeny Petrosyants

Variety artist, writer-humorist and TV presenter.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (07/25/1985).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (03/04/1991).

From his school years, he began to participate in amateur performances - in Baku clubs and houses of culture.

He graduated from VTMEI, where Rina Zelenaya and A. Alekseev were his teachers and mentors. Since 1962 he began to perform on the professional stage.

From 1964 to 1969 he worked as an entertainer in the State Orchestra of the RSFSR under the direction of Leonid Utyosov, from 1969 to 1989 - in the Mosconcert.

In 1979, the Petrosyan Theater of Variety Miniatures was formed. Under him, he created the Center for Variety Humor, which contains unique materials on the history of variety art of the 19th-20th centuries: magazines, posters, photos.

In 1985 he graduated from the department of stage directors of GITIS.
Since 1988 he has been the leading artist and artistic director of the Moscow Concert Ensemble of Variety Miniatures.

In 1973, together with L. Shimelov and A. Pisarenko, they prepared the program “Three took to the stage”. He staged performances at the Moscow Variety Theater: "Monologues" (1975, authors G. Minnikov, L. Izmailov, A. Khait); “A kind word is also pleasant for a cat” (1980, author A. Haight); "How are you doing?" (1986, authors M. Zadornov, A. Haight, A. Levin); "Inventory-89" (1988, authors M. Zadornov, A. Haight, S. Kondratiev, L. Frantsuzov and others); “We are all fools” (1991, authors A. Khait, G. Terikov, V. Koklyushkin and others); “Benefit performance”, “30 years on the stage”, “Limonia country, Petrosyaniya village” (1995, authors M. Zadornov, S. Kondratiev, L. Frantsuzov); “When finances sing romances” (1997, authors M. Zadornov, L. Frantsuzov, L. Izmailov, G. Terikov, N. Korosteleva, A. Novichenko and others), “Family Joys” (1999, authors M. Zadornov, N Korosteleva, L. Natapov, A. Tsapik, L. Frantsuzov, G. Terikov, G. Bugaev and others).
Among the concert programs: "Passion-Muzzle" (2001) and "Jokes aside" (2011).

In these performances, the artist acted not only as the main performer of monologues, but also as a director.

Since 1994, he has been the host of the weekly Laughter Panorama.

Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan (September 16, 1945, Baku, Azerbaijan) is a Russian pop artist, TV presenter and humorist.

The future humorist was born in the family of mathematician Vagan Petrosyants. From school years he participated in amateur performances (in Baku houses of culture and clubs). He read feuilletons and poems, played in folk theaters, participated in the propaganda team and led concerts. After graduation, he moved to Moscow, dreaming of becoming a famous actor. Studied at VTMEI. Since 1962, he began to perform on the professional stage.

1964-1969 - Worked in the genre of entertainer. In particular, he was an entertainer in the State Orchestra of the RSFSR. During this period, he also began working on television, namely, he led Blue Lights.

1973-1976 - Presenter of the program "Artloto".

1975−1985 - participated in the program "Morning Mail".

1969-1989 - Worked at the Mosconcert.

1973 - Petrosyan, together with Shimelov and Pisarenko, created the program "Three went to the stage." At the Moscow Variety Theater Petrosyan staged such performances as:

  • Monologues (1975);
  • "How are you doing?" (1986);
  • "Inventory-89" (1988);
  • "We are all fools" (1991);
  • "When finances sing romances" (1997);
  • "Family Joys" (1999).

In these performances, Petrosyan acts not only as the main performer of monologues, but also as a stage director. The artist was able to expand the genre framework of the theater of miniatures. Yevgeny Petrosyan used pop clownery, funny genre songs, synchro buffoonery, musical parodies and all kinds of interludes.

1979 - formed the Theater of Variety Miniatures. Here Evgeny Vaganovich organized the Center for Pop Humor, which collected a lot of materials on the history of pop music: magazines, posters and photos.

1985 - graduated from GITIS, department of stage directors.

1987−2000 - participated in the Full House program.

1988 - became the artistic director and leading artist of the Moscow Ensemble of Variety Miniatures.

During his career, Petrosyan hosted many solo programs:

  • "Engagement of Petrosyan";
  • "Anthology of Petrosyan";
  • "Operation Petrosyan";
  • “Who is this Petrosyan”;
  • "Evgeny Petrosyan invites."

1994 - the author's program of the humorist "Smehopanorama" began to appear on Channel One, in which performances by masters of the conversational genre of various generations were shown. Since 2004, this TV show has been broadcast on the Rossiya TV channel.

2002 - under the leadership of Petrosyan, the program "Crooked Mirror" began to appear.

2013 - took part in the filming of the series "Ordinary Affairs".

Petrosyan's first wife was the sister of the ballerina Victorina Krieger. The humorist has a daughter, Quiz, who now lives in the United States. The second wife of E. Petrosyan was Anna Kozlovskaya, the daughter of the world-famous opera singer I. Kozlovsky. True, this marriage lasted only 1.5 years. Then there was Lyudmila, an art critic from Leningrad. Elena Stepanenko is the fourth wife of Petrosyan. She met Evgeny in 1979, and in 1985 she became his wife.

At the beginning of his career, Evgeny Vaganovich bore the pseudonym Petrov. Just like Petrov, he auditioned for the role of Shurik in the film "Operation" Y "".

Petrosyan has long been the target of ridicule from the so-called "new humor wave." They laughed at him and his humor in the Comedy Club, KVN, Big Difference, OSB Studio and other popular projects. But in the opinion of P. Sadkov, a journalist of Komsomolskaya Pravda, in the person of Petrosyan, the new generation laughs at their own parents and their idea of ​​​​ridiculous.

In the 2000s, Petrosyan was repeatedly accused of stealing jokes from the Internet. The comedian answered that his jokes simply quickly get into the network, and criticism is organized by enemies. At the same time, he admitted that the viewers were simply “overfed” with his performances.

Petrosyan's humor has been repeatedly criticized by the press for being vulgar and base. He has been called "the teller of old jokes" and the king of humorous remakes.

In October 2005, a picket was held on Slavyanskaya Square against some TV programs in which Yevgeny Petrosyan participated. Its participants demanded to replace "Smehopanorama" and "Full House" with other programs. Meanwhile, Petrosyan himself gave a concert in honor of the 60th anniversary in the hall "Russia". About this action, the artist in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda said: “It is not clear where they want me to go? To that world? Don't wait! I know that the picket is organized by my enemies.”

It should be noted that a few days before the described picket, an “action” was held in Kazan to defend Petrosyan. In its course, several hundred people introduced themselves as members of the All-Russian Public Committee for the Preservation of the Creative Heritage of Petrosyan. The demonstrators marched through the streets of the city with banners "Hands off Petrosyan", "Petrosyan - for President!" and "Petrosyan is not a robot". The action was completed by the concert of the singer Dolphin. Later it turned out that this action was organized by the director of a local nightclub in order to draw attention to the concert of the above-mentioned Dolphin.

Due to the controversial quality of his humor, Petrosyan has become something of an internet meme. There is a parody community on LiveJournal known as petrosyan_cult or "The Church of Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan". In 2009, Petrosyan invited thousands of bloggers from LiveJournal: nikolya, kommari, neoguru, cybervantuz, etc. to the round table. The well-known blogger exler was also invited to the meeting, although he refused, because Petrosyan, in his opinion, has nothing to humor the slightest relationship. Nevertheless, after the meeting, many of the bloggers admitted that they "discovered a completely different Petrosyan."

Not so long ago, such neologisms as “petrosyanit” - it’s not funny to joke and “Petrosyanshchina is unfunny humor” entered everyday use, and the name “Petrosyan” is sometimes used in the meaning of “bad joker”.

Natalya Sindeeva, the general director of the Dozhd television company, admitted that when Petrosyan was nominated for the Silver Galosh award, Zadornov personally asked her not to award this award to Yevgeny Vaganych, emphasizing: Petrosyan is a very vulnerable person, therefore, because of the presentation of this "award" he might have a heart attack.

Petrosyan wrote the following books:

  • “I want to be an artist!”;
  • "Great Mosaic";
  • "From funny to great";
  • "Petromeshki";
  • "Noted giggles-hahanki".

Yevgeny Petrosyan has been striving for creativity since childhood. Already as an adult, he was always surrounded by people of art, and women too. That is why all the wives of Yevgeny Vaganovich were somehow connected with the theater or television. The brightest wife is undoubtedly Elena Stepanenko.

Petrosyan's fourth wife, Elena Stepanenko, is also an artist of the conversational genre, so with Yevgeny they have not only a family, but also a professional union.

Future conversational actress in 1953 in Volgograd. Her parents were ordinary workers. Like her future husband, Elena Stepanenko strove to be creative from a young age - she sang, danced and took an active part in productions of the musical comedy theater. Elena played the first performance in her life in the 11th grade.

By the way, she got a very strange role - Stepanenko played a prostitute, which was almost unacceptable for a school circle. At the end of the performance, her heroine was supposed to perform a ditty, but due to excitement, she forgot all the words. Not at a loss, the girl herself came up with the lines and performed them in one breath. The audience did not notice the catch, and after the end of the performance, the audience gave a standing ovation.

After 11 classes, Elena entered the art school in Volgograd. After studying in Volgograd for one year, she decides to move to Moscow. The reason for this was the acquaintance with the famous tenor Toboltsev. It was he who, at one of the rehearsals, heard Stepanenko sing and said that with such vocals she definitely needs to go to the capital.

Inspired by the hope of conquering the Moscow theater stage, Elena immediately successfully passed her exams and became a student of Gitis. After graduation, she briefly worked as a conversational actress, after which she became a member of a theater group led by Yevgeny Petrosyan.

Soon the theater troupe became known as the Moscow Variety Theatre. Since the 1980s, fame has come to Elena. Fascinating miniatures and monologues, solo and collective performances appealed to the Soviet audience. Elena begins to travel frequently with tours and perform on the famous concert stages of the capital.

Over time, the Moscow Variety Theater becomes the state theater of miniatures. At this moment, Evgeny Petrosyan, being the head of the theater, notices the talent of the young artist. Their creative union is born. Family relations will begin a little later, since at that time the girl was married to Alexander Vasiliev, a musician from GITIS.

Vasiliev once brought her to the big stage and introduced her to Petrosyan. Due to the fact that Elena was the only one who clearly had a tragicomic talent, she was nominated for almost all productions in the theater. Soon Stepanenko leaves Vasiliev and marries Evgeny.

Since the mid-90s, Elena has been trying her hand as a director of various productions, where not only her acting talent is manifested. One of the performances "Family Joys" brought Stepanenko to the same level with Evgeny. Now they begin to work exclusively in a duet and it is no longer possible to imagine them separately.

The talent of the actors only emphasizes their union. Now they begin joint performances not only within the theater. The family duet is at the peak of popularity, after which Elena is awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Elena has no children from her first marriage. Despite the fact that they have been together with Eugene for more than 30 years, they did not succeed in giving birth to a child. The couple does not want to voice the true reasons. In her interviews, Elena admits with humor that sometimes her husband gives her no less trouble than a small child. However, what is the reason for the absence of heirs?

Perhaps the reason is the middle age of both at the time of marriage or health problems. Eugene, in turn, has an only daughter from a previous marriage, at the moment she lives in the USA. Well, the comedians, apparently, are not expected to have common children.

Interesting Notes:

At one time, Elena abandoned her personal life, putting her career first. Over time, when fame swept over her head, she made a cozy family nest for her small family of two. Eugene often admits that his wife perfectly cooks dishes of various cuisines of the world. It was thanks to this talent that he saw her future wife in her.

Elena is also a very religious person, she regularly attends church, travels to springs and holy places. There she is charged with energy and vitality. Elena is also proud of the fact that she has never done plastic surgery. Together with Eugene, they are fond of antiques, so their apartment has a lot of unique and interesting things.

In 2018, fans of Yevgeny Petrosyan's wife noticed that Elena Stepanenko had lost weight, and very much.

The thinness of the artist looks somewhat painful. Fans suspect that Elena Stepanenko got sick, although she may have turned to the services of a plastic surgeon.

Evgeny Petrosyan, Soviet and Russian artist, humorist, writer, presenter. More than one generation of people grew up on his humor. Petrosyan and his programs have become the subject of ridicule for modern comedians. And this is due to the fact that for many years, people lived precisely by his jokes, and nothing else existed.

Information began to appear that he steals jokes from the Internet, to which Petrosyan himself replies that his jokes spread very quickly over the network, he himself does not have time to follow this, but he has never stolen and never will.

Height, weight, age. How old is Evgeny Petrosyan

Since Yevgeny Vaganovich was born in 1945, he is currently 71 years old. His personality is often discussed on the Internet. Many are interested in how tall, weight, age, how old is Yevgeny Petrosyan. This information is fairly easy to find.

For example, the artist's height is 168 centimeters, and his weight is 75 kilograms. The person is already in old age, but is very active now. He still often appears on our screens. And judging by his appearance, he is in great shape for his age.

Biography of Evgeny Petrosyan

Despite the fact that Eugene grew up in a mathematical family, he showed a craving for art from childhood, he was always a creative child. He took an active part in various performances from the very school. In his hometown of Baku, where he just did not play. He was very attracted to such a creative and interesting life. He read poems, fables, showed various skits. Often led various events. He really wanted to become an actor, and with this dream, in 1961 he went to conquer Moscow.

An interesting biography of Yevgeny Petrosyan began in the capital. There he studied. He made his first real performance in 1962. After that, he worked for six years under the guidance of Utyosov. Then, for twenty years he worked in the concert hall.

When he received the title in the competition, in 1970, he thought not to stop, he must go further. Having received another higher education, he became a stage director. At the same time, he received the Honored Artist. And six years later they even gave the People's Artist.

In 1973, Petrosyan, with two comrades, created the program "Three went to the stage." And a couple of years later he started staging a play, and they are one better than the other. For example, such as "Monologues", "We are all fools", "Benefit performance" and many others.

In 1999, he created the play, which continues to this day, "Family Joys". In all his creations, he became the main performer and director.

The performances were very popular with the audience, they were very fond of. They were praised, admired, they were written about everywhere.

Over time, Eugene began to expand his position. Only monologues, skits, monoscenes were used. Often he performed musical parodies, sang funny songs. He was not afraid to make fun of himself, which made him truly great.

In 1979, he created a theater of variety miniatures. And under him, a center for humor was created. It contained unique and rare items of the old stage. Vintage posters, magazines and photos.

Since 1988, Eugene has become the leading artist, as well as the head of the ensemble.

In 2005, they staged a protest against Petrosyan's programs, asking them to remove them from the screens. They say that people are not left with a choice of what to watch.

And in Kazan, in the same year, there was a picket for Petrosyan. Yes Petrosyan is a fairly well-known person, which makes him even more famous.

Evgeny Petrosyan's personal life

The personal life of Yevgeny Petrosyan is very active and eventful. The first love and wife was the sister of the then-famous ballerina Quiz Krieger. In 1964, their daughter Victorina was born. He loved and cared for the family very much until he fell in love again.

The second wife of the artist was the girl Anya, the daughter of an opera singer. Unfortunately, their marriage lasted only six months, she died in 2007.

The third darling of Eugene was a completely unknown person. Her name was Lyudmila, she was an art critic in Leningrad.

He has the longest marriage with his current wife Elena Stepanenko. They got married in the 80s and are still together to this day. They don't have children.

Here is such a very rich personal life of the artist. Despite so many women in his life, he is still considered an exemplary family man.

Family of Evgeny Petrosyan

At the moment, the family of Evgeny Petrosyan is his wife Elena, daughter Quiz and two grandchildren. He does not have a soul in them, this is his joy and pride. He always speaks of his family with awe and respect. His love for them is boundless and sincere.

Unfortunately, they do not have children with Elena, but they both love their daughter Eugene, and they do not share either her or their grandchildren, they have everything in common. In general, in their world they are considered an ideal and exemplary couple. Everyone is trying to look up to their family. Although there are rumors about the adventures of Eugene, few people believe in it. They try not to take quarrels out of the house.

Children of Evgeny Petrosyan

Despite so many women, the artist has only one daughter. On the Internet, you can see many headlines of this type as the children of Yevgeny Petrosyan, and various children are attributed to him, illegitimate, abandoned, but this is not true.

At least the artist himself denies all this. He says he wouldn't do that for no reason. For him, children are everything. He is offended that he has only one child, but also insanely happy about it. But he has two wonderful grandchildren, and he hopes to babysit great-grandchildren as well.

Daughter of Evgeny Petrosyan - Quiz

One only child Eugene, daughter from the first marriage Quiz. The girl graduated from the Faculty of History. At the moment, the daughter of Evgeny Petrosyanam - Quiz, manages her company. Her company produces serial documentaries.

For example, such as: “Broadway. History in faces and dances”, “School in the New World”. Quiz good art critic. The father is very proud of his daughter, she has achieved a lot. She has two sons, Mark and Andrei, whom her grandfather also loves very much, and they love him too.

Evgeny Petrosyan's wife - Elena Stepanenko

Eugene met his wife at performances. Soon she began to show herself as a director, which puts her and Eugene almost on the same level. They were indivisible, and not only on the stage, but also outside the theater. But, in spite of everything, Evgeny Petrosyan's wife, Elena Stepanenko, did a good job solo. The couple soon got married. Despite the fame of her husband, Elena also does not lag behind him.

Unfortunately, they do not have common children. Despite this, the couple have been together for many years. Together they participated in the upbringing of their daughter Eugene, and now they help with their grandchildren. They consider themselves a fully loving family. Although some evil tongues talk about Eugene's betrayals, few people believe in this.

Plastic surgery has become very popular among the stars. Now almost every artist uses this service. Both women and men are obsessed with plastic in an attempt to stop aging. Photos of Evgeny Petrosyan before and after plastic surgery can be seen on the Internet. The artist himself does not comment on this, but many do not believe that he could take such a step.

Soviet people treat plastic with disdain, not all, but many. They believe that naturalness is much better, and Eugene is of the same opinion. Previously, these types of services were only medical. And now it is a cosmetic procedure, very expensive, not everyone can afford it. Evgeny Petrosyan for naturalness.

Instagram and Wikipedia Evgeny Petrosyan

Eugene is a supporter of social networks. This is evidenced by the fact that he started a page on instagram. The artist himself says that he decided to register and maintain his own website due to the fact that there are a lot of scammers on the network who maintain a page on his behalf, Eugene really does not like this. Instagram and Wikipedia Yevgeny Petrosyan exists. The artist himself speaks about this. Of course, the page is mainly run by its administrator, but he is also actively involved in this.

Posts personal photos with family and colleagues. Various videos from concerts. He enjoys interacting with his fans and friends. He is a very modern man. It is very important for him to be close to the people. What he is trying to do. A lot of negative and negative information began to spread on the Internet. For example, such words as “Petrosyanshchina” have already firmly entrenched, which means primitive, not funny humor. His surname began to be used in the address of bad comedians, which offends the artist himself. And this is understandable. Yevgeny Petrosyan is a very worthy and good comedian, it is not clear why such negative rumors went. But as they say, the taste, and the color of a friend is not, and this is true. There are people who make an idol out of him, and some pour mud on him. Which is very annoying, and I don't know why. Most likely jealousy.

It remains to wish him less such negative energy, and more sincere joyful emotions from his fans. Which is very important for every artist.

And because of this, he began to maintain his page in order to show what kind of sparks he really is and a simple person who achieved everything himself. He is a worthy representative of his profession. He brought up and brought to light more than one generation of comedians, and very good and talented ones at that. His program "Crooked Mirror" has become a haven for more than one talented artist. And still pleases people with their concerts.

We wish this talented person and his family creative success and advancement. So that for everything that they undertake, they succeed. Despite all the scandals around this family, they are talented, and they are loved and watched by many generations. They are humor creators. Yes, now there are many humorous programs, but there are few worthy ones, sincere, cheerful and kind, such as Petrosyan's. We hope that he will please us with novelties, and not alone. The main thing is health and patience to him, and his talent will last for many more years.

More recently, the name of Tatyana Brukhunova was known only to a narrow circle of people. Today, the 29-year-old personal assistant of Petrosyan has become a real star of the scandalous gossip column. It is she who is credited with an affair with 72-year-old Yevgeny Vaganovich, who allegedly caused a divorce from Elena Stepanenko. Who is she, this pretty young woman with glasses who managed to win the heart of a famous humorist? Mistress of a humorist, his future young wife or a victim of rumors?

Biography and personal life of Tatyana Brukhunova to Petrosyan

Many are interested in where Tatyana Brukhunova comes from? A girl was born in the city of Tula in 1989. After graduating from the University of Culture and Art, Tatyana received the specialty "art director".

Where did the girl meet Petrosyan? By the will of fate, the graduate practiced at the Theater of Variety Miniatures, which was led by a humorist. The meter drew attention to her during practice and offered her a permanent job in the theater. Those who worked with her at that time characterized Tatyana as a purposeful, punchy and energetic employee.

For a long time, Brukhunova was an assistant to director Petrosyan. After his death, the woman began to lead the theater. She always spoke very warmly about Yevgeny Vaganovich, admiring his hard work and talent. In an interview, Tatyana calls him a unique person.

The last two years, the comedian often appears in public with his assistant. Fans began to notice that the artist began to look younger, give preference to youth things in the wardrobe, started an Instagram page to expand the audience. So Tatyana undoubtedly influenced him.

Until recently, Brukhunova's personal life was not very remarkable. The girl has never been married, although she has several short novels with ordinary young people not from show business. Tatyana always dreamed of a good career, but her personal life was in second place.

Tatyana Brukhunova and Petrosyan: latest news

Petrosyan's fans managed to pay attention to the striking similarity between Tatyana and the young Stepanenko. Only the lazy did not discuss this fact. Indeed, if you carefully consider the photos of the "early" Stepanenko and compare them with the current photographs of Brukhunova, then it is simply impossible not to notice a clear similarity. Hairstyle, facial features, appetizing forms - the similarities between the two women are very clear. Perhaps Petrosyan is from that breed of men who do not even consciously prefer a certain type of women.

Elena Stepanenko in her youth and Tatyana Brukhunova

The artist regularly posts interesting photos from his holidays, visits to exhibitions, restaurants and cafes on his Instagram pages. Sometimes his young passion is also present in the photo. The couple looks pretty happy.

The opinions of the fans were divided: some are happy for their idol, saying that “the old horse will not spoil the furrow”, while others ask Yevgeny Vaganovich to change his mind and return to the family. The comedian himself, it seems, is not going to change anything and enjoys life in the company of a young assistant.

What is the age difference between Petrosyan and his new love? As many as 43 years separate Brukhunova and Yevgeny Vaganovich. But today, fewer people pay attention to these figures, because, as you know, all ages are submissive to love. The latest news feeds are full of photographs of the young comedian's passion, who, apparently, did not expect such a flurry of attention to her person.
