Running is almost useless and in many ways even harmful? Benefits of running for women Possible harm to running for the body

Shock loads are a big disadvantage of running. That is why a novice athlete should buy special shoes, which will partly compensate for the load on the joints. It is also important to note that such a load will be more significant if your weight is above the norm.

Note! If you have ever had pain or pain in your back, neck, or any joints, you should definitely consult your doctor and perhaps choose another way to exercise, such as swimming.

Also check if you have flat feet. This problem can also be a contraindication for jogging.

Harm of running for the cardiovascular system

Running is good for the cardiovascular system ordinary person, however, if there are significant problems with the heart or blood vessels, the picture will be completely different. Running will definitely be harmful for those who have had a heart attack, suffer from chronic heart diseases (for example, angina pectoris). It is also difficult to recommend running for those who have arrhythmia, high blood pressure. Before starting to run, those who complain of vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotension should also be examined by a cardiologist.

Tip: run without fanaticism - increase the load gradually, carefully monitor your heart rate.

Harm of running in a big city

It is difficult to talk about the unconditional benefits of jogging if you live in big city. Running through gassed streets and alleyways won't do much good. Also, experts note that running on asphalt will cause more damage to the joints than running on a dirt road.

It is no exaggeration to say that millions of people in our time experience "muscle hunger." And if appropriate measures are not taken, modern comfort slows down and begins to shorten a person's life. Therefore, a person chooses running as the simplest and most accessible physical exercise.

There are a lot of runners in the world. All of them are deeply convinced that only running can help overcome all physical and mental ailments associated with age-related changes and emotional overload.

With a relatively calm run, which is, there is no release of steroid hormones, which are also responsible for the cleanliness of the vessels. This is primarily about the importance of which for men in his program tells

Although, if you run segments of 100-200 meters with maximum speed, then hormones will be released, since there is already a short-term mental stress. Conclusion - the release of hormones is important for the body, especially which is directly related to life expectancy in men. Testosterone deficiency shortens life.

Running for weight loss is a run with maximum effort for short stretches, up to 200 meters.

You should not start running training while your body weight is significantly higher than 70-80 kg (mass = body length -100). In this case, you need to start with walking. Failure to comply with this rule leads to microtrauma in the knee, hip joints, and spine. In order to somehow reduce the load on the legs and joints, it is important to choose the right ones.

How many times to do a running workout per week

The optimal load in running training is 3 times a week for 30-60 minutes, running intensity - heart rate = 100-140 beats / min. In case of excess load, exhaustion of the glands of the endocrine system, a decrease in immunity, overtraining is possible, which, of course, is unacceptable in health training.

Here is what Professor Seluyanov writes about the use of aerobic exercises, which include slow running.

In the training of a normal person, aerobic exercises can be used: - as a means of warming up (increasing body temperature) in a warm-up, - as a means of increasing the metabolic rate, oxidation of carbohydrates or fats in muscle fibers, - as a means of reducing body weight, since to compensate for the spent while exercising fats and carbohydrates, subcutaneous fat reserves can be wasted.

It should be borne in mind that after training a person experiences strong feeling hunger, so usually there is a meal containing carbohydrates and fats. Further, the pancreas secretes insulin into the blood, and this hormone stimulates the synthesis of fat and glycogen in muscle fibers and in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Therefore, weight loss is not to be expected.

Only those who follow a diet can lose weight, namely, after a workout, they will consume low-calorie foods (vegetables, mineral water) for 10-24 hours. With such a diet, you can expect a decrease in muscle mass.

The healing effect of aerobic training is very low, however, if you give up running and choose walking, cycling or swimming as a means, then well-trained athletes can afford to do training exercises 3 times a week lasting 2-4 hours. The fact is that as fatigue develops, mental stress increases, and hence the release of hormones into the blood.

Therefore, preparing amateurs for participation in marathon competitions can have a healing effect, only the following rules must be observed:

- You can not use running as a means of preparing for a marathon distance, as this leads to significant damage to the joints, ligaments and muscles. Instead of running, you need to use fast walking or cycling, or running on skis, or roller skis; - it is not recommended to use a long workout - more than 2 hours, more often 3 times a week.

Thus, aerobic exercises are a low-effective means of health-improving training and can be used as an additional tool for health-improving physical culture.

This is the very first thing that comes to mind. Indeed, the load on the joints during running is quite strong, especially if you are "running away" from excess weight and you're doing it very poorly. The idea that running is easy is actually a delusion. Running needs to be learned like any other discipline. If you do not know how to place your feet correctly, at what moment it is supposed to take your legs off the ground and how to properly lower them back to the ground, you can do great harm to your joints.

The same goes for the spine. If you do not follow your posture, swing your body while running in different directions, no spine will be able to withstand this. So, running is harmful? In this case, yes, but with a caveat - only the wrong run is harmful. Master the right technique and you can not be afraid of anything.

Harm of running for women

Here, emphasis is usually placed on the deterioration of the shape of the breast and cellulite. Let's consider in order.
It is very harmful for the chest to run if you add the lack of suitable underwear to the wrong technique. From the concussion, the mammary glands gradually stretch and sag, chest pains may appear. Thankfully now in sports shops you can find special bras in all sizes, so this cause can be eliminated very simply.

But that is not all. It turns out that not so long ago it was found that running can lead to the formation of cellulite. How so? After all, we are used to thinking that morning jogging, on the contrary, relieves us of the orange peel. In fact, it is not necessary to understand this statement so directly. The fact is that cellulite is formed as a result of the accumulation of free radicals, which, in turn, are formed during long exhausting workouts.

From this it is logical to conclude: run in moderation, do not overstrain.

Harm of running for muscles

Also a very frightening statement, if you do not go into details. Some experts claim that running leads to a decrease in muscle mass, and even worse, to a decrease in the heart. This phenomenon is explained simply: a small muscle expends less energy with greater feedback. Also, the body tries to get rid of other muscle, and instead accumulate fat for greater endurance.

However, do not be afraid and stop jogging. This statement applies to marathon running, when you need to overcome enough long distance. Again, no official studies by scientists that would confirm this theory are known to date.

The dangers of running for longevity

There is also such a theory. Studies have revealed a reduction in the life of athletes by 3-5 years from the average norm. This is explained by the rapid wear of the body due to strong and constant loads.

But, I think, if you run for your own pleasure, and do not train daily, as in Olympic Games, reducing the life span does not threaten you.

Harm of running in the morning and evening

It is argued that morning jogging does more harm to the body than good. The fact is that an early rise with subsequent physical activity, while still sleeping, is a great stress for the cardiovascular system. She does not cope with the required pace, which can lead to heart attacks and other troubles.

But here there is a way out: you need to run not too early, it is desirable that 4 hours have passed after waking up. In the evening, this is the best time to practice so that you have at least a couple of hours to calm down after a workout.

Harm of running: injuries

It makes no sense to argue that running, like any other sport, can lead to injury. But this, in my opinion, is the easiest to deal with. As already mentioned, you need to master the technique of running, choose comfortable clothes, as well as a suitable place and time for jogging.

If you go running to the construction site at midnight, wearing stiletto sandals, then it is better to refuse such a sport. Subject to the same elementary rules, running, I think, is no more traumatic than playing chess.

There is also no need to take risks if you feel unwell. Moreover, you should not start jogging on your own, having any chronic diseases. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor, and begin classes under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Well, that's probably all that can be said about the dangers of running. As you can see, if you wish, it is quite possible to avoid the risk. So run healthy and have fun.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

An active lifestyle allows a person to stay healthy physically and mentally. Some people simply torture the body with various diets that can cause harm. Instead, it is better to go jogging, but not exhausting, “up to a seventh sweat”, a light jog in the morning is quite enough.

Why is running in the morning useful and why should they be done at this particular time?

  • The benefits of morning jogging have been experimentally proven. In one study, a group of people was divided into two parts. Both teams were jogging, but one group ran in the morning and the other in evening time.
  • At the end of the experiment, it turned out that the group that trained in the morning got used to running, and the group that trained in the evening refused to run, as people had to force themselves to do it.
  • There are many benefits of running only in the morning. It gives incredible energy for the whole day! The person feels happier, the colors of the world will appear deeper, the sun will shine brighter, and the birds will sing louder.
  • Morning running speeds up metabolism, so during this workout you can lose extra pounds.
  • What is the benefit of running in the morning for people who find it difficult to fall asleep? It helps to sleep better at night and be fresh and alert in the morning. It can even help avoid insomnia for those who suffer from it. Additionally, you can use the beneficial properties of mint tea, which promotes relaxation.

Another issue is getting used to running. Most people don't run in the morning because it's hard for them to get up early.

There are a few tips to help with waking up early.

  • First of all, it is advisable to go to bed early. If you want to be healthy, you just need to skip your nightly TV show or movie.
  • You need to put the alarm clock out of reach so as not to turn it off in order to sleep one more hour.

They say that 21 days is enough time to make running in the morning a habit. Before jogging, it is recommended to eat a light breakfast (this can be some kind of cereal or fruits, such as dates, since the benefits of dates for men are that they support the development of muscle mass) and drink some water.

It is desirable to divide the run into several 10-minute intervals. That is, run for 10 minutes, then walk for 10 minutes, so it will be easier to control your breathing.

Don't stop or rest while running because the movement will keep your body and mind in good shape.

Benefits of running for men and women

It is important to keep in mind that the benefits of running can only be obtained by exercising on a regular basis. Some even consider running one of the best workouts for men, as it not only improves the body's muscle tone, but also increases endurance. Half an hour of running is equivalent to two hours of aerobics.

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What are the benefits of running for men and women?

Jogging: its benefit or harm

The difference between regular running and jogging is the intensity. Regular running is fast, uses more kilojoules, and requires more effort from the heart, lungs, and muscles than jogging. That is, it requires more high level general physical fitness than jogging.

Jogging is one of the most inexpensive ways to maintain health and stimulate the release of hormones of joy - endorphins. However, he is not useful view sport for people with severe back pain.

Let’s first look at the health benefits of jogging:

  • Increases the overall endurance of the body.
  • Burns fat and helps to lose weight.
  • Strengthens muscles.

Harm of jogging:

How to reduce risk negative consequences jogging:

  • See your doctor for a health assessment before you start running.
  • Warming up before a run is a must. Jogging should be preceded by a walk of at least 10 minutes.
  • Avoid main roads during rush hours. Prefer them playgrounds or jogging tracks in parks.
  • Wear loose cotton clothing that absorbs sweat quickly and easily.
  • A healthy, well-balanced diet is a must for all runners.
  • Choose shoes with cushioning soles.
  • Don't run right after eating.
  • Drink a sip of water before, during and after your run.

The controversy about is running bad for the body, probably will never end. All those who run will argue that running is good because it trains the muscles and the cardiovascular system, and also improves mood due to the production of endorphins (it is called the "hormone of happiness"). However, there are quite logical justifications that running is harmful to the body, and the benefits obtained could be much higher if other types of training were used. Moreover, sports communication at the level of running friends always contains talk that running is good for weight loss, which is an absolute myth, but first things first.

Consider the effect of a long run, more than 1 km. in a monotonous mode, this is how most people train when they go out for a morning or evening run in the park or at the stadium. The pace of a novice runner, as a rule, is in the range of 6-8 min / km, over time it can reach 5 min / km or less. It is important to cancel the following: what determines the speed of running over a long distance, and what limits an athlete to run, say, 3.30 min / km? Each person has their own comfortable pace, after 3-5 runs you will definitely know yours. A comfortable pace is the speed that a runner can maintain for 2..3..5 kilometers, while breathing normally (not out of breath) and without feeling discomfort in the form of pain in the legs and torso. If you run like this, then you use only oxidative muscle fibers (OMF), when running they never get tired (do not acidify). What happens when the pace starts to rise? The power of the OMV is no longer enough to develop greater speed, so new muscle fibers are included in the work, they are called glycolytic (GMF). The GMV in an amateur athlete can work no more than 1 minute, then pain in the muscles begins, this is due to the appearance of lactic acid. Breathing becomes more frequent to remove lactic acid from the muscles, but the body cannot cope and the power drops. If you endure, say, 2-3 minutes and run through a strong acidification of the muscles, myofibrils in the cells of muscle fibers begin to die. Myofibrils are responsible for muscle contraction, it turns out that by such training we destroy our own muscles.

Let's take another example, let's say you always run at your own pace and the GMV is not included in the work, you run only at the expense of the OMV and you feel great. Is there any benefit to the muscles in such a run? Only OMVs work, and they do not progress in the process of dynamic training. Running is a dynamic workout. To train OMV, special static-dynamic exercises are needed. By OMV training, I mean the creation of new myofibrils. What an amazing thing! Without slight acidification of any type of muscle fiber, there will be no growth of myofibrils., while prolonged acidification destroys already created myofibrils. The problem with training OMF is that they have a lot of mitochondria, which remove lactic acid very quickly. All due to the fact that OMVs use oxygen, but GMVs do not. In order to deprive OMV of oxygen, statodynamic exercises were invented, more about them in.

When we do accelerations while running, the GMV is included in the work and if we do not allow the muscles to accumulate lactic acid for a long time, for example: we accelerate for 10-20 seconds, acidification begins (muscles begin to burn), we endure another 10-20 seconds and reduce the pace to a minimum, you can even walk. Then it takes time for the lactic acid to "leave" the GMF, usually a couple of minutes is enough, after which you can do another acceleration. Such cycles in training can be done 5-10-20, depending on the preparation, the main thing is not to overtrain. As a result of such training, the number of mitochondria in the GMF will increase and they will begin to degenerate into OMF. The GMF differs from the OMF only in that the OMF has mitochondria, while the GMF does not. Therefore, OMF can work for a long time, mitochondria remove lactic acid. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that running at a comfortable pace without short-term acidification is useless for muscles, GMF are not included in the work at all, and OMF must be trained differently.

Now let's talk about impact of running on the cardiovascular system. Exercises related to the development of the cardiovascular system are called -. The main task of any cardio training is to increase the volume (not to be confused with an increase in muscle mass!) of the left atrium. The problem is solved very simply: long time keep the pulse at the level of 110-130 beats / min., thus, the heart stretches and pumps more blood in one contraction. In sports, this is useful, because. Muscles are supplied with oxygen through the blood. A well-stretched heart allows you to impose heavy loads on the body, while not overestimating the pulse to dangerous values ​​​​of 190 and above. The process of stretching the heart is not fast, leading role here plays the duration of the workout. While running, you can easily keep the pulse 110-130, for healthy person without a lot of excess weight is jogging. But how far will you run? Half an hour, an hour? — this is very little. If you seriously decide to increase the volume of the heart, then the duration of cardio training should be at least 2 hours, which is problematic for running. Do not forget that running carries a large shock load on the joints and spine, with each step we hit ourselves on the foot under the weight of the whole body. The ideal cardio machine is a bicycle. Firstly, it is very easy to keep the set pace, and secondly, you can drive for hours, even from morning to evening, which means that the effect of stretching the heart will be higher.

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the assumptions of those people who believe that running allows you to lose weight. Mostly, weight loss is related to the ratio of calories consumed and expended. It was calculated that a woman weighing 60 kg spends about 600 kcal for 1 hour of running at a pace of 6 min / km, a man weighing 80 kg. - approximately 850 kcal. Most often they run for about half an hour, which means that a woman spends ~ 300 kcal., A man ~ 400 kcal. Now consider the calorie content of some products in relation to the energy expended when running.
For example, 100 grams. cookies after running for a man, completely neutralize the effect of running for weight loss, because. contain a little more than 400 kcal., And for a woman, 50 grams is enough. chocolate. I will not continue, everyone can independently look at the calorie content of any products on the Internet. Therefore, do not count on weight loss by running, a much greater effect can be achieved by slightly reducing your diet, mostly high-calorie.

Despite the fact that I criticize the effect of running, it is still useful if you build your workout correctly. On the flat, you need to run with acceleration close to the maximum - this develops muscles, about 10 seconds, then rest and repeat the acceleration. But even better - run uphill. When we climb a good mountain, the shock load almost disappears, and the muscles automatically begin to work in high intensity mode, connecting the HMW. The stride speed is much lower, which means that the muscles have more time to remove lactic acid, the training becomes more effective. As for training the heart and losing weight, I repeat, running is far from the best. The best way to progress in these directions, more often it is useless.
