Day of Cyril and Methodius in the senior group. Scenario of entertainment "Day of Slavic writing and culture" for children of senior preschool age

On May 23, events dedicated toDay of Slavic writing and culture.
This holiday came to Russia in 1992, when a monument to the brothers-educators Cyril and Methodius was opened in Moscow on Slavyanskaya Square. At the foot of the monument, a lamp was lit - a sign of eternal memory.

During the classes, children of different age groups learned about the creators of Slavic writing - the brothers Cyril and Methodius.

The Day of Slavic Literature and Culture has a lot in common not only with the culture of the Slavs, but also with religion. After all, Cyril and Methodius were Orthodox Christians and monks. Most likely, this way of life allowed them to make such a significant contribution to the history of the formation of Slavic culture.

On May 24 every year the Orthodox Church honors the holy apostles Cyril and Methodius. These monks, during their lives and serving the Lord in a Greek monastery, developed and captured for centuries the Slavic alphabet, which allowed us to pass on knowledge and accumulated experience from generation to generation.

Pupils of senior and preparatory groups learned how the first alphabet appeared, what the words "ABC" and "Alphabet" mean.
The date of birth of the Slavic alphabet is considered to be the 9th century, to be more precise, the date of 862. The alphabet created by Cyril and Methodius was named "Cyrillic" in honor of Cyril, who in the secular world had the name Constantine. Methodius and Cyril reworked the Greek alphabet and significantly modified it in order to perfectly convey the Slavic sound system. And based on their developments, they created two alphabets - Glagolitic and CyrillicThe books translated, compiled and written by Cyril, Methodius and their disciples served as the solid foundation on which the majestic edifice of Slavic culture was built for more than eleven centuries.

Letter to letter - there will be a word.

Word for word - the speech is ready.

And melodious, and slender,

She sounds like music.

So let's glorify these letters!

Let them come to the children

And be famous

Our Slavic alphabet.

And even though they can’t read yet, they already know some letters. There was also talk about the richness of our culture, about the breadth of the soul of the Russian people, and about the importance of honoring elders, studying family archives, and succession of professions. Who to be? Whom to be like? Who to study?

The children also heard instructive poems and stories, and also showed their own "culture" - they read poems by Pushkin, Barto, Marshak.

Poem about Cyril and Methodius

We glorify our holy Rus'! By great names

Orthodox, native to our thoughts and hearts,

How did you get through anxiety, through illiteracy, enmity?

Methodius and Constantine enlightened you by word of mouth!

Rus' was praised by natives of Thessalonica

Revered as a native, outlining letters,

The ancestors of Sophia reigned on Earth

And from May to May we praise your names everywhere.

We have already carved a monument in your honor in Moscow

And immortality inscribed your faces on the canvas!

Cyril and Methodius - two unified brothers who have passed their valiant path,

Found in the Slavs spiritual strength and Orthodoxy shelter!

Also during the events, the pupils got acquainted with the costumes of the Slavs

Celebration of the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture in the senior group of kindergarten

Purpose: to cultivate love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in the country in which we live, respect for folk traditions.


Introduce the Old Slavonic alphabet;

To form a moral and aesthetic attitude to the environment

the world;

The holiday bells are ringing.


In our wide Rus', mother,

The bell ringing is spreading.

Now brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

They are glorified for their work.

They remember Cyril and Methodius,

Brothers of the glorious Equal-to-the-Apostles,

In Belarus, Macedonia,

In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Praise the wise brothers in Bulgaria,

In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

All nations that write in Cyrillic,

What are called from ancient times Slavic,

Praise the feat of the first teachers,

Christian enlighteners.

Today we will talk about our history, about the emergence of Slavic writing. Every year on May 24, Russia celebrates the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. A nation, a people, a state cannot live without culture, literacy, writing.

Volumes in blue cover
familiar volumes,
The pulse of Russia beats in them,
They have eternal life.
Page after page...
You will find an answer for everything.
No, they don't get dusty
And after many years.

Writing is a real treasure that a person has mastered.

So in ancient times, people exchanged information by sending each other various objects. It turned out cumbersome and not particularly clear. When people realized that exchanging message items is a troublesome business, they began to draw these items.

(Demonstration of rock paintings)

Such images have been found on the walls of caves where ancient people once lived. These are the first steps of man to the creation of writing. Gradually, people began to replace the drawings with symbols.

(Demonstration of rock symbols-letters)

The inscriptions were made on stones, rock, on the board. Of course, it was inconvenient to carry such “letters” over distances, and these signs could be understood in different ways.

Time passed. Gradually, people moved from drawing to signs, which they began to call letters. This is how writing was born.

(Illustration depicting Cyril and Methodius)

You see an image of two brothers in monastic attire. They are Cyril (Konstantin in the world) and Methodius (Michael in the world). Originally from Thessalonica (Thessaloniki), which is located in Greece. Enlighteners of the Slavs, creators of the Slavic alphabet, preachers. They were very educated people. They came from a pious Slavic family, their father was a military leader. Cyril began attending school at the age of 8, mastered Greek, Latin. Cyril and Methodius participated in military campaigns, carried out diplomatic missions, translated books, and were sent on an educational mission to Moravia. But the enlightenment of the Slavs turned out to be impossible without books in their language. Therefore, Cyril and Methodius set about creating the Slavic alphabet. On May 24, 863, the brothers announced the invention of the Slavic alphabet.

(Image: ABC. Glagolitic and Cyrillic)

Glagolitic and Cyrillic are the first Slavic alphabets. The name of the alphabet "Glagolitic" comes from the word VERB, which means "speech". And "Cyrillic" is named after its creator. In Ancient Rus', the Glagolitic alphabet was used to transmit church texts and existed for 3 centuries, while Cyrillic was used in everyday writing. There are 43 letters in Cyrillic, later this alphabet became the basis of the Russian alphabet.

(Image of the first books)

In 988, a palace school of “book teaching” was opened in Kyiv. A new center of book culture arose, the school connected Kievan Rus with European civilization.

Books in Rus' were very expensive. They were made on parchment: the skin of a sheep was soaked in lime, dried, then honey was rubbed.

(Image: Birch bark letters)

In Rus', another material for writing was also used for a long time - birch bark. Signs on birch bark were applied with a bone rod.

Since the 10th century, literature based on the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets has been spreading in the Old Russian language. Most often these were church books, teachings, learned works.

(Image: ABC.)

The appearance of the letters of the Slavic alphabet helps us see the world through the eyes of our ancestors. Each letter is individual, unique and has its own name: lead, people, beeches, az, earth.

The names of the letters were supposed to remind people of such words that should not be forgotten: “good”, “live”, “earth”, “people”, “peace”.

"Az" and "Buki". It turned out the word "AZBUKA".

People say so: “First “az” and “beeches”, then science.” It is from the basics that the path of each of us into the world of knowledge begins.

Guys, listen to the proverbs about the benefits of learning.

  • He who wants to know a lot needs little sleep.
  • To go into science is to endure torment.
  • By God's will, the light stands, people live by science.
  • Without pain, there is no science.
  • To think nothing - to turn sour for a century.

Only 44 sister letters look at us from an old scroll. It was they who became the basis of the modern Russian alphabet.

(Image: Monuments to Cyril and Methodius)

In honor of the enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, a holiday was established - the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. This holiday came to us from Bulgaria, where this tradition is over 100 years old. To this day, on the eve of the holiday, the Bulgarians lay flowers at the monuments to Cyril and Methodius.

In our country, the holiday has been celebrated since 1986. In 1992, the sculptor V. Klykov created a monument to the Slavic enlighteners, Cyril and Methodius, which was installed in Moscow.

Russian language.
I love my mother tongue!
It is clear to everyone
He is melodious
He, like the Russian people, is many-sided,
As our power, mighty.
He is the language of the moon and planets,
Our satellites and rockets
At the round table
Speak it:
unambiguous and direct,
It is like the truth itself.

On May 24, all our people celebrate the Holiday of Slavic Literature and Culture. On this day, a monument to Cyril and Methodius was opened in Moscow on Slavyanskaya Square. At the foot of this monument, there is an Unquenchable Lampada - a sign of eternal memory. Since then, every year on May 24 we honor Cyril and Methodius.

It is a pity that we started celebrating the Slavic Literature Day very late, because in other Slavic countries this day is celebrated a long time ago, popularly, very colorfully and truly festive.

(38 slide. Saints Cyril and Methodius)

The Thessalonica brothers Cyril and Methodius are the pride of the entire Slavic world. They said: doesn’t the sun shine for everyone, doesn’t it rain for everyone, doesn’t the earth feed everyone? All people are equal, all people are brothers, all are equal before the Lord, and everyone needs literacy. The Orthodox Church canonized the brothers Cyril and Methodius as saints.

Two brothers, Cyril and Methodius,
We want to say thank you
For the letters that we really need
To teach us to read.

Educator 1. In wide Rus', our mother
The bell ringing spills
Today the brothers Cyril and Methodius
They are glorified for their work.
Educator 2. They remember Cyril and Methodius,
Brothers of the glorious Equal-to-the-Apostles
In Belarus, Macedonia,
In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Educator 1. Praise the wise brothers in Bulgaria,
In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.
Educator 2. All peoples that write in Cyrillic,
What are called from ancient times Slavic,
Praise the feat of the first teachers,
Christian enlighteners. Children:
1. 1. Fair-haired, gray-eyed,
Bright in face and glorious in heart,
Drevlyans, Russians, meadows,
Tell me who are we?
We are Slavs! (in chorus)
2. 2. Everyone is handsome with their article,
All relatives and all similar,
We are now called Russians,
Since ancient times, who are we?
We are Slavs! (in chorus)
3. 3. We honor the white-trunked birches,
We love our free songs,
We are called Masha, Yulia, Tanya,
Tell me who are we?
We are Slavs! (in chorus)
The song "Motherland".
Educator 1. Goy, you are our glorious guests, kindly cute kids, I will tell you about Holy Rus', about distant times, Once upon a time there were good fellows, beautiful girls - red girls! They knew how to plow, but to mow, to cut house-towers. But our ancestors did not know letters, they did not know how to read books, but write letters. At the same time, there were two brothers: oh, and they were wise. The elder is Methodius, and the younger is Cyril. They dreamed of writing books understandable to the Slavs, and for this it was necessary to come up with Slavic letters.
1. 1. In a narrow monastery cell,
In four blank walls
About the land of ancient Russian
The story was written by a monk.
2. 2. He wrote in winter and summer,
Illuminated by dim light.
He wrote from year to year
About our great people.
Educator 2. After a while, the brothers created an alphabet, which they called Cyrillic. Each letter had its own name: "Az", "Buki", "Vedi". The names of the letters were supposed to remind people of such words that should not be forgotten: “good”, “live”, “earth”, “people”. (show pictures of letters).
The boy Vanya looks at the Old Slavonic letters, admires them:
— Oh, what marvelous letters!
Looks beautiful and old!
They were once important
Now no one needs them.
Letters run in to the music (children have crowns with Cyrillic letters).
Vanya surprised: - Who are you?
1. I am the letter Izhitsa,
2. I am fita
3. I am xi,
4. I am a psycho
5. I am yat.
Vanya: You are beautiful and old times blow from you,
But our alphabet has changed.
I am very sorry and very sad,
That you disappeared from our letters.
1. What does disappeared mean?
That we are not important?
Do you need old stuff?
2. A kerosene lamp is also junk,
But you didn't throw it away.
Vanya: - This is my grandmother's mother, by the light of this lamp, she wrote letters to her great-grandfather to the front.
3. 1. These things have become rare,
This is the memory of our ancestors.
4. Well, we are the same memory,
We cannot be forgotten and we cannot be abandoned.
Us Pushkin, Lermontov wrote,
And illuminated our path with the light of letters.
5. 2. We live in old books,
And not only beautiful in appearance,
We keep the Orthodox spirit
We will be on guard of our church.
Educator 1. Holy Scripture The Bible is the books of the Old and New Testaments. They indicate how to live, what it means to be an Orthodox Christian.
They leave.
The song "God loves all people."
1. 1. In Russia, Africa and England.
Read the Gospel with joy.
There is no better book in the world -
All children should know about this.

And for those who love the word of God,

The Lord will always help in everything.


Instead of "bun" - it turned out "beech",

Instead of "Murka" - it turned out "flour".

Here is torment so torment!

Teaching is not given to me.

I'm not crying, I'm holding on

Often I pray to the Lord.

The song "Put Your Stone"

1. 1. Mother of God! Holy Virgin!

You taught the baby Christ

Inspire us to do good

The sounds of letters came to our lips.

2. 2. Enlighten, Mother of God, peoples,

Who don't have books yet

Give them faith, love and freedom

And the teachings of the Christian light.

3. 3. (Prayer "Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice")

Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice, Gracious Mary, the Lord is with you: blessed are you in women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if you gave birth to our souls the Savior.

Educator 2. Rus' is rich in talents.

Rus' is strong with talents.

If the boys sing

So she will live.

Song "Spring".

Riddles: Not a bush, but with leaves.

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but tells (book).

Black Ivashka,

Wooden shirt.

Where to go -

There remains a trace (pencil).

On the alphabet page

Thirty-three heroes.

Wise men - heroes

Knows every literate (alphabet).

Black, beautiful, all mute from birth.

They will stand in a row - now they will speak. (letters)

Song "Vesnyanka"

Educator 1. Now meet the modern alphabet (Two guys take out a poster with the alphabet).

1. 1. Everyone needs letters,

Letters are important to everyone

We form a word from them,

And from the word there will be speech!

People would not be able

If there were no letters

There would be no communication.

3. 3. Two brothers Cyril and Methodius,

We want to say thank you

For the letters that we really need

Program tasks: to acquaint children with the holiday of Slavic writing, with Saints Cyril and Methodius. To expand children's understanding of the cultural heritage of our people. Develop creativity, imagination, attention, memory. To promote the development of interest, love for the book.

Materials: photos of Cyril and Methodius, slides depicting Latin letters, the Old Slavonic alphabet, the modern alphabet.

The course of educational activities.


Not everyone knows that today

We celebrate the day of Cyril and Methodius.

For those who hear their names for the first time,

Let's start this long story...

In our wide Rus', mother,

The bell ringing is spreading.

Now brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

They are glorified for their work.

They remember Cyril and Methodius,

Brothers of the glorious Equal-to-the-Apostles,

In Belarus, Macedonia,

In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Praise the wise brothers in Bulgaria,

In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

All nations that write in Cyrillic,

What are called from ancient times Slavic,

Praise the feat of the first teachers,

Christian enlighteners.

Today we will talk about our history, about the emergence of Slavic writing. Every year on May 24, Russia celebrates the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. A nation, a people, a state cannot live without culture, literacy, writing.

Writing is a real treasure that a person has mastered.

So in ancient times, people exchanged information by sending each other various objects. It turned out cumbersome and not particularly clear. When people realized that exchanging message items is a troublesome business, they began to draw these items.

Such images have been found on the walls of caves where ancient people once lived. These are the first steps of man to the creation of writing. Gradually, people began to replace the drawings with symbols.

Then Tsar Michael called two learned brothers - Cyril and Methodius, and the Tsar persuaded them and sent them to the Slavic Land.

The brothers were famous for their scholarship, knew many languages, so they were entrusted with such a difficult task - the creation of the alphabet. This is how the Slavic alphabet appeared, which later became known as the Cyrillic alphabet (in honor of Constantine, who, having taken monasticism, received the name Cyril). It has 43 letters.

Think, guys, on what they could write in Rus'. This material is from a tree - a symbol of Russia. That's right, this is birch bark, which is called "birch bark" (showing birch bark). To prepare the birch bark, it is necessary to clean the future page from the hard bark, straighten it, and dry it. The pointed end of the stick (showing sticks) - it is called “wrote”, letters are scratched, and a random mistake can be erased with a blunt end. Such a letter was called - a birch bark letter. During excavations, archaeologists find letters or letters written on birch bark, which are more than 800 years old. Literacy has always and at all times been needed by people. What is written is preserved forever. The light birch seemed to remind people:

- Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Birch is the favorite tree of the Slavs.

You and I, guys, are Russian people, Slavs. The Slavic alphabet is called Cyrillic after the name of St. Cyril Equal to the Apostles, who compiled this alphabet and created writing for the Slavic peoples. Saint Cyril and his holy brother Methodius are called teachers of the Slavs. Now there are 33 letters in Russian.

Let us glorify these letters!

Let them come to the children.

And be famous

Our Slavic alphabet!


1. Black, crooked, all mute from birth,

They will stand in a row - now they will speak. (Letters)

2. I know everything, I teach everyone,

But I am always silent.

To make friends with me

We must learn to read and write. (Book)

3. Wooden Ivashka

All my life in one shirt

On the white field will pass -

Every trace will understand him. (Pencil).

4.Steel skate
Runs across the white field
Leaves black marks behind it. (Pen, wrote).

5. There is a house.

Whoever enters it will acquire the mind. (School).

6. Black birds
On every page.
Silent, waiting
Who will read them. Letters.

7. Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.

Feel free to write on them!

You can also. draw.

What am I? .... (Notebook)

Wise thoughts are preserved in Russian proverbs.

* Primer - a step to wisdom.

*Gold is mined from the earth, and knowledge from the book.

* A book is to the mind what warm rain is to seedlings.

*A mind without a book is like a bird without wings.

* An illiterate person is like a blind man, but a book opens his eyes.

Thanks to the creators of the Slavic alphabet, Cyril and Methodius, the Slavic peoples became literate, learned to read and write. And now on this day, May 24, we are celebrating the “Day of Slavic Writing.” Do you think it is difficult to write such letters? Do you want to try writing Old Church Slavonic letters?

Didactic game "Collect the word"

Grinko Alla Vasilievna
Educational institution: MKDOU kindergarten №5 "Sun"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2019-12-08 Project “Week of Slavic Literature and Culture” Grinko Alla Vasilievna MKDOU kindergarten №5 "Sun" To instill in children a love for their native word, native language, national history

Project “Week of Slavic Literature and Culture”

Explanatory note

Culture is what justifies the existence of the people and the nation, it is the sacred thing of the nation, which it collects and preserves.

Knowledge of native culture will inevitably lead to love for it, teach you to appreciate it. In our time, when there is massive propaganda of an alien culture, it is especially important to remember and know your Russian culture and its history.

Therefore, we turn to the origins of our culture, paying tribute to the first teachers of the Slovenian Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius, who brought writing to the Slavic land and introduced millions of Slavic peoples to world civilization, world culture.

The works of these great enlighteners became the common property of all Slavs, laid the foundation for their moral and mental development. So great is the merit of the brothers Cyril and Methodius in the history of enlightenment and raising the common culture of the Slavic peoples.

Relevance work is that knowledge of the native culture, its origins, factors influencing it, is necessary for every educated person. In addition, knowledge of culture is necessary for the formation of a full-fledged personality, broadening one's horizons, and forming a respectful attitude towards other cultural forms.

The culture of any nation is part of its history. Its formation, subsequent development is closely connected with the same historical factors that influence the formation and development of the country's economy, its statehood, political and spiritual life of society. Naturally, the concept of culture includes everything that is created by the mind, talent, needlework of the people, everything that expresses its spiritual essence, a view of the world, nature, human existence, and human relations.

The basis of any culture is writing. It is difficult to imagine our culture without The Tale of Igor's Campaign, the Moscow Kremlin, St. Basil's Cathedral, the treasures of the Armory and much more. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since that distant time. Having lost a lot of valuable things along the way, people finally become wiser and more economical. Many Russian traditions and rituals are being revived from oblivion. There is a growing interest in folk culture and life. I would like to hope that this is not a temporary hobby, not a tribute to a fleeting fashion, but a serious desire to restore the interrupted connection of times. A person who looks to the future with hope cannot live only in the present. Pushkin also noted that respect for the past is a feature that distinguishes education from savagery.

Project passport

1. Grinko Alla Vasilievna

2. Project participants: educators, children of the Fidget group, parents

3. Program areas: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development

4. Project type: educational, short term

5. Project relevance:

6. Objective of the project:to instill in children a love for their native word, native language, national history.

7. Project objectives:

· to give knowledge about Cyril and Methodius, as the founders of Slavic writing.

· introduce the Old Slavonic alphabet;

· to form in children ideas about the similarities and differences between the modern and Slavic alphabets;

· to form a moral and aesthetic attitude to the world around.

Action plan for project implementation

"Week of Slavic Literature and Culture"

in the senior group "Fidgets"

MKDOU kindergarten No. 5 "Sun" Novopavlovsk

Target:To instill in children a love for their native word, native language, national history.

Topic: "Opening of the week of Slavic writing and culture"

1. The teacher's story about the upcoming holiday, reading fairy tales, proverbs.

Target: broaden one's horizons,with the origins of Russian writing.

2. Demonstration of the presentation "Virtual excursion into the history of book publishing in Rus'".

Target:to form in children an idea of ​​the role of a book in human life, the history of the creation of a book, printing.

3. Making a thematic book exhibition in a group: joint work of educators - children - parents.

Purpose: to involve parents in joint activities with children, to cultivate patriotic qualities, love for the Motherland, to develop interest in the book and its history.

1. Work in the book corner:

· acquaintance with the exhibition "The old man has resurrected in fairy tales",

· reviewing books (design, subject matter, purpose, focus),

Reading fairy tales

Target:arouse interest in the exhibition, in books with unusual letters.

Problem situation: what would happen if all the books disappeared?

2. Class

Target:acquaintance with the names of Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, the first written sources, the interpretation of letters and their spelling.

1. Visiting the exhibition in the regional children's library. Romanko "Az, Buki, Lead"

Target:to acquaint children with the great work of Cyril and Methodius,how the first letters appeared, without which we would not have a single book today, encourage children to learn to read.

2. Draw and decorate the letter.

Target: to form and develop children's creative and individual abilities, to expand knowledge in the field of history and spiritual and moral culture.

3. Making handwritten books - homemade (joint creativity of children and parents, children and teachers);

Target:h to strengthen children's ideas about the diversity of the content of books, they represent the richness of the whole picture of the world: the world of animals and people, the world of things, the world of animate and inanimate nature. Develop manual skills, teach careful attitude to the book.

1. "The origins of writing" meeting with the priest of the Orthodox Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God (together with the pupils of the Sunday school)

2. Reading "How a church clerk taught children in the old days"

Target: to acquaint children with the mores and customs in Rus', to give knowledge about who taught children to read and write in the old days.

3. "Ring and sing, golden Rus'!" performance of the folklore ensemble "Stanichniki" led by Kovalchuk I.F.

Target:cultivate love for folklore, arouse interest, desire to perform folk songs.

4. Drawing competition "I love you, my Russia"

Target: introduce children to the history of Russia, preserve and transmit cultural and historical experience.

1. "Journey of the ABC in Russia"

Target: education of a socially active personality, patriotism and citizenship in children.

2. Summing up the week « Slavic writing and culture"

Activities with parents:

Visual information: folder - moving "Day of Slavic writing and culture"

Consultation "From time immemorial, a book raises a person"

The result of the project implementation:

· Children will get acquainted with the ancient Russian alphabet, with its creators;

· Interest in Russian history will increase; desire to learn as much as possible about the origin of the book.

Teacher's story about "Day of Slavic Literature and Culture"

Today we will talk about our history, about the emergence of Slavic writing. Every year on May 24, Russia celebrates the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. A nation, a people, a state cannot live without culture, literacy, writing.

Volumes in blue cover
familiar volumes,
The pulse of Russia beats in them,
They have eternal life.
Page after page...
You will find an answer for everything.
No, they don't get dusty
And after many years.

Writing is a real treasure that a person has mastered.

So in ancient times, people exchanged information by sending each other various objects. It turned out cumbersome and not particularly clear. When people realized that exchanging message items is a troublesome business, they began to draw these items.

The inscriptions were made on stones, rock, on the board. Time passed. Gradually, people moved from drawing to signs, which they began to call letters. This is how writing was born.

Cyril and Methodius are the enlighteners of the Slavs, the creators of the Slavic alphabet.

In honor of the enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, a holiday was established - the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. This holiday came to us from Bulgaria, where this tradition is over 100 years old. To this day, on the eve of the holiday, the Bulgarians lay flowers at the monuments to Cyril and Methodius.

In our country, the holiday has been celebrated since 1986. In 1992, the sculptor V. Klykov created a monument to the Slavic enlighteners, Cyril and Methodius, which was installed in Moscow.

Two brothers, Cyril and Methodius,
We want to say thank you
For the letters that we really need
To teach us to read.

On May 24, all our people will celebrate the Holiday of Slavic Literature and Culture. On this day, a monument to Cyril and Methodius was opened in Moscow on Slavyanskaya Square. At the foot of this monument, there is an Unquenchable Lampada - a sign of eternal memory. Since then, every year on May 24 we honor Cyril and Methodius.

It is a pity that we started celebrating the Slavic Literature Day very late, because in other Slavic countries this day is celebrated a long time ago, popularly, very colorfully and truly festive.

Across wide Rus' - our mother -

The bell ringing is spreading.

Now brothers Saints Cyril and Methodius

Glorified for their labors

They remember Cyril and Methodius -

Glorious Brothers Equal to the Apostles

In Belarus, Macedonia,

In Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Praise the wise brothers in Bulgaria,

In Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia.

All nations that write in Cyrillic,

What are called from ancient times Slavic,

Praise the feat of the first teachers,

Christian enlighteners.

Fair-haired and gray-eyed,

All bright in face and glorious in heart,

Drevlyans, Russians, meadows,

Tell me who are you?


Everyone is handsome with their article,

All different and all similar

You are now called - Russians,

Since ancient times, who are you?


In our city, as well as throughout Russia, the Memorial Day of Saints Cyril and Methodius is a church and state holiday - the Day of Slavic Culture and Writing

"Journey of the ABC in Russia"

organizational and educational activities

Educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Program content:

Education of a socially active personality, patriotism and citizenship in children.

Expansion of historical knowledge and ideas among preschoolers. To develop in children fantasy, creativity, imagination and the ability to choose visual material.

demo material:

reproduction of the icon of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius;

sheets depicting the letters of the Slavic alphabet;

headbands with Slavic letters;

crossword puzzle with the keyword - Motherland,

audio recording of the song "We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands" music. M. Starokadomsky, sl. S. Mikhalkov.

Fine activity material: white paper for each child, a set of colored paper, colored cardboard, simple pencils, regular colored pencils, gouache and watercolor paints, plasticine, modeling board, stack, scissors, glue, oilcloth, brushes: thin, medium and bristly, jars of water , napkins for drawing and application.

Course progress.

Educator.What is the name of the country we live in?

Children. Russia.

Educator.Name, in one word, what is depicted on the easel?

Children.State symbols of our country.

Educator.What do you see on this easel?

Children. Crossword.

Educator.This crossword will help us find out how do you know the symbols of the Russian Federation?

1. An ancient symbol - the emblem of any state. (Coat of arms).

2. What bird is depicted on the coat of arms? (Eagle).

3. Paternal shelter of any citizen of our country? (House) .

4. The main solemn song of any state. (Hymn).

5. People living in any country? (People).

6. State symbol made of fabric. (Flag).

Educator.Read the keyword that turned out in red cells.

Children. Motherland.

Educator.Who among you knows a poem about the Motherland?


Here the warm field is filled with rye.

Here the dawns splash in the palms of the meadows.

Here golden-winged angels of God

Beams of light descended from the clouds.

And the earth was sprinkled with holy water,

And the blue expanse was overshadowed with a cross.

And we have no Motherland, except for Russia -

Here is mother, here is the temple, here is the father's house.


Educator.What is the keyword?

Children.The word is made up of letters.

Educator.Do you guys know that there was a time when the Slavic peoples, to which we Russians belong, did not know letters, letters. Couldn't read and write? They did not even have an alphabet, letters that could be used when writing. Those who came up with the alphabet for the Slavs are called teachers of the Slavs. Because these people, who compiled the alphabet, worked hard to ensure that entire Slavic peoples learned to read and write.

The saints, who are called the Enlighteners of the Slavs, were brothers. Here they are on the icon. Their names are Cyril and Methodius. On May 24, the holiday of Slavic culture and writing is celebrated, on the day of memory of the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, the enlighteners of the Slavs.

The brothers Cyril and Methodius invented the Slavic alphabet, laid the foundation for the Slavic book culture and the enlightenment of peoples. Cyril and Methodius tried to make the letters of the alphabet beautiful, so that it would be easy for the hand to write them. The words of many wise books were written with these letters. As the creator of writing, St. Cyril is usually depicted with a scroll of the alphabet in his hands.

Look at the letters of the Slavic alphabet. How beautiful are these letters! Each letter in Slavic writing is special. The letters reflect the spirit of the people: wisdom, strength and beauty. A deep meaning is already in the name of each Slavic letter.

caregiver. Guys, do you hear, someone is in a hurry to us?

Music sounds an audio recording of the song “We eat, we go, we go, to distant lands” muses. M. Starokadomsky, sl. S. Mikhalkov. The group includes children who have been prepared in advance by the educator on their heads wearing cardboard headbands (one of the letters of the Slavic alphabet is written on each cap).

These letters of the Slavic alphabet travel around our country. Let's hear what they tell us.

Letter "Az". Hello, I'm the letter Az. I ABC start. By the name of the first letter of the alphabet, the beginning of a letter (and the beginning of any business) was called "the basics". In the old days they said: "Wisdom begins with the knowledge of the basics."

Letter "Buki". My name is Buki. People say: First, az and beeches, then science.

Letter "Rtsy". Hello, I am the letter Rtsy.

No wonder I'm proud of myself

because I am the beginning of the word "Rus".

Rus' is rich in talents,

Rus' is strong with talents.

If the boys dance

So she will live.

The round dance "There was a birch in the field" is performed.

Letter "Lead". My name is the letter Vedi. I know everything, I know everything.

Letter "Verb". Hello! I am the letter Verb. To verb means to speak, to speak. There is a saying: “You say a word - you don’t turn back, and you would give dearly for a word, but you won’t redeem it.”

caregiver. So, in order to say, you must first think. Now our children will think and name proverbs about literacy and study.


Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.

What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.

Whoever wants to know a lot needs less sleep.

The bird is red with the feather, and the man with the mind.

Learning to read and write is always useful.

Live and learn.

Educator.The letter "Verb" teaches us to be wise, to own our word.

Letter "Good". Good afternoon My name is Dobro.

Kindness makes people happy

And in return does not require a reward.

Kindness never gets old

Kindness will warm you from the cold.

If kindness, like the sun shines,

Adults and children rejoice!

caregiver. The Russian people also composed many proverbs about goodness.

Children (alternately call proverbs about goodness).

You will spend an hour in goodness - you will forget all grief.

Sow good, sprinkle good, reap good, make good.

In whom there is no good, there is little truth in that.

Good is not dashing - it walks quietly in the world.

caregiver. And here is another letter - "People"

Letter "People". Hello children! I am the letter "People".

You people live well

Bring affection and love!

The radiant sun is not divided into parts,

And the eternal land cannot be divided,

But a spark of happiness

You can, you must

You just have to give to friends.

All letters:

Let us glorify these letters!

Let them come to the children.

And be famous

Our Slavic alphabet!

To the music of the song “We are going, we are going, we are going, to distant lands”, the letters leave.

Educator.The letters went on a long journey across our country. Today we will depict this journey with you. Imagine what letters can travel around our country on. Think about what kind of visual material you will do your work with. Who came up with the plot, knows what material, will do their job, can start the task.

Children independently take the material and begin practical activities.

At the end of the entertainment, all works are exhibited at the exhibition, and each child tells how the letters travel to his image and what pictorial material he used.

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