Hermitage jewelry gallery diamond pantry. The gold and diamond pantries of the Hermitage

Friends, hello!

If you decide to visit the Hermitage St. Petersburg for the first time, this article will tell you everything about this attraction of the northern capital, help you plan your visit correctly and not miss important details.

I tried to collect all the useful information for those who decide to see famous works of art with their own eyes. In addition, coupled with a map-scheme that you need to get "blood from the nose" at the entrance, you can find exit from the "cultural trap" , when the voice of reason in your head treacherously creaks "Enough!".

Undoubtedly, the museum is worth visiting at least once. After all, you have to test your nervous system for strength. Will she be able to withstand two days of culture shock and emotional euphoria?

Many will ask why exactly two days?

Everything is simple. It is impossible to go around all the halls and see all the masterpieces in one tour! You can get real pleasure only by slowly wandering through the endless rooms of huge palaces. However, two lives will not be enough for this, because the museum contains more than 3,000,000 exhibits .

The history of the Hermitage begins in 1764, when Catherine II ruled the country. The Empress collected paintings by great artists, and at first the museum was considered her private collection. In 1852, a new building was allocated to the museum and opened to the public.

Today, the expositions are located in five buildings (!) located near the Neva River. Agree, in such a vast territory it is difficult not to get lost for the layman.

The appearance of the Hermitage alone is already breathtaking. By the way, entering this temple of art, it is difficult not to experience a culture shock. The interior of the museum itself is admirable for its luxury. Still, these buildings served as residences for the kings, where balls and receptions were held, so they spared no expense for the construction.

What will we watch

The Hermitage is a huge complex of buildings. Here are not only unique works of famous artists and sculptors. Objects of applied art, ancient medals, coins, furniture, ancient artifacts - all this is located in a real palace-museum.

The museum consists of:

  • Winter Palace;
  • Small Hermitage;
  • the Great Hermitage;
  • the Hermitage Theatre;
  • New Hermitage.

Buy a floor plan you can at the checkout. For beginners, I advise you not to be stingy and join the excursion group. Guides will tell the fascinating story of the creation of the museum. In addition, this way you definitely won’t get lost in the maze of halls, and you will find a way out of the “artistic” trap.

Tour of the Hermitage

Since it will not be possible to pay due attention to all the exhibits of the museum, tourists usually plan what they want to see even before a trip to the Hermitage. I will tell you about those halls that you must see.

Jordan stairs. Standard tour of the museum begins with her. Made of white marble, the staircase is decorated with gold. Previously, it was intended for distinguished guests and ambassadors from other countries. Even in the photo, the staircase looks amazing, royally majestic.

Portraits of the Romanov dynasty. A gallery of paintings depicting the famous imperial family can be found on the second floor of the Winter Palace (rooms 151 and 153).

Egyptian Hall (#100) is very popular with tourists. Here visitors will see mummies, sarcophagi, ancient amulets.

Impressionist collection. Fans of Monet and Renoir will enjoy paintings by great artists located on the 3rd floor (rooms 316 to 350). Here are the works of famous post-impressionists (Gauguin, Van Gogh, Cezanne).

Works by Leonardo Da Vinci. Two paintings by the famous artist, scientist and writer are located in the building of the Old Hermitage on the 2nd floor (room No. 214). Each painting is a priceless treasure.

Rembrandt Hall. Since there are a huge number of people who want to see the paintings of the famous artist, the best time to visit this hall is an hour before the closing of the museum. At this hour, all tours end, and you can safely wander among the paintings. The hall is located in the New Hermitage on the 2nd floor (room No. 254).

Gold and diamond pantries of the Hermitage

To visit the jewelry gallery, a tourist needs to buy two tickets at the box office. One for visiting the museum, the other for visiting the pantries. Entrance here is strictly with an excursion group and on schedule.

I advise you not to delay buying a ticket, the gallery is in great demand among tourists. The schedule of the remaining excursions to the pantries is indicated on the stands. The tour lasts about two hours.

Visitor reviews

There are countless rave reviews about visiting the Hermitage. Many say that with its splendor the Winter Palace eclipsed even the famous Louvre in Paris . Of course, many did not have time to admire all the exhibits of this temple of art. Among the shortcomings, visitors noted long queues both at the box office and at the cloakroom, especially during the tourist season.

Information for visitors

Opening hours of the Hermitage:
Tuesday - Sunday 10.30 - 18.00 (Wednesday, Friday until 21.00)
Day off - Monday and public holidays
Museum address: St. Petersburg, Palace Square, 2
Ticket price :

  • 700 rubles(680 if online) - entrance ticket to the Main Museum Complex and the General Headquarters, the Winter Palace of Peter I, the Menshikov Palace, the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory
  • 400 rubles– entrance ticket to the Main Museum Complex and the General Headquarters, the Winter Palace of Peter I, the Menshikov Palace, the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory for citizens of the Russian Federation and Belarus
  • 1020 rubles– entrance ticket to the Main Museum Complex and the General Headquarters, the Winter Palace of Peter I, the Menshikov Palace, the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory, operating during two days . The best offer on the market)) Sold only online here hermitageshop.ru/tickets/
  • On the ball- for preschoolers, schoolchildren, students, pensioners of Russia and all-all-all on the 1st Thursday of the month (required to receive a free ticket)

Official site: hermitagemuseum.org

How to find the museum

The buildings of the Hermitage are located on the Palace Embankment. If you are going to take the subway, then you need to get off at the station "Nevsky Avenue" . From any point of the avenue you can see the spire of the Admiralty. He will be the guide.

At the intersection of Nevsky Prospekt and Bolshaya Morskaya Street, you need to turn right, passing under the huge arch of the General Staff Building. Thus, you will find yourself on the Palace Square. Then you need to find the main entrance to the Winter Palace (and it's hard not to find it).

Pass through the arches, decorated with openwork gates, into the courtyard. On the stands there is a schedule of excursions, prices are indicated. There is also an electronic scoreboard. Cash registers are located inside.

Bus travelers are also concerned about how to get to the museum. They must get off at the bus stop. "State Hermitage" , buses No. 7,10,24, 19 follow here. From Gostiny Dvor to the destination can be reached by bus No. 49. You can also get there by trolley bus (No. 1,7,10 and 11).

This is useful to know

With food and drinks, the entrance to the museum is strictly prohibited. You can't even take water with you. . If you have a large handbag or briefcase, you will have to hand over the accessory to the wardrobe. Ladies, it’s better to leave high-heeled shoes at home, they can scratch the parquet made of valuable wood species. Take care of the beauty, do not touch the exhibits with your hands! This is especially true of vases, gilded interior items and antique furniture.

And further. In my next article, I will definitely tell you why buying tickets online for 2 days at once, I think is the ideal option, but if you have only 1 day and you need to do everything quickly, then on this site share great information on how to avoid queues:


St. Petersburg is a unique city. There is always something to see and do here. We managed a lot during our 6 days of visit, but, of course, not all. Don't want to miss anything? Do not want to spend your entire visit on non-essential things and leave the Northern capital with nothing?

Then you need to plan your visit correctly!

    1. Order yourself St. Petersburg guide Here) in advance. This will help you start exploring the capital immediately upon arrival, and not waste time acclimatizing and looking for a bookstore.
    2. Decide on a program and book at least one tour of St. Petersburg from professionals in their field. After that, independent sightseeing in St. Petersburg will be more fun and productive)). If you came in a group, then watch the tours here.
    3. About how we famously saved 50% at the band's concert "Bricks" , visiting a restaurant Mangal House and boating on the Neva with the help of the service biglion read in my articles about our stay in St. Petersburg.

So act!

That's all for me! I offer you subscribe to my blog . So you will be the first to know all the useful travel information!

See you soon!

Particularly valuable works of art made of precious stones and gold are presented in the Gold and Diamond storerooms of the Hermitage. These storerooms can only be visited with a guided tour. To do this, you need to purchase two tickets:

  1. Entrance ticket to the Hermitage: 400 rub. for citizens of the Russian Federation and Belarus, for all others 700 rubles. Free admission for children and students (regardless of citizenship) and for pensioners of the Russian Federation. (cost for 2020)
  2. Ticket for an excursion to the Diamond Treasury 350 rub. no benefits for children, students and pensioners..

Both tickets are purchased at the Hermitage ticket office at the entrance. In the high tourist season, you need to come to the opening so that you definitely get tickets, their number is limited. The high tourist season is the period of white nights, New Year holidays and May holidays. In the days of the autumn and spring school holidays, I went personally, I did not observe much excitement.

Is it profitable to buy tickets online

It is possible to purchase tickets on the Internet on the official website of the Hermitage at a price of 730 rubles, but these will only be tickets for the entrance to the Hermitage, for an excursion to the Diamond Storeroom it is now also possible to purchase tickets on the Internet, these will be tickets for a specific time and date - cost 430 rub. The entrance to the museum with electronic tickets is through Shuvalovsky passage.

In this regard, it can be concluded that it is not at all profitable for citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus to buy tickets on the Internet. You can go for such expenses only in the case of giant queues in the high tourist season, the overpayment will eliminate the need to stand at the box office for tickets. Or, again, if you really want to get into the Diamond Pantry, and tickets at the box office during the high season may not be enough for everyone.

This practice is common in the tourist centers of the world, for example, tickets to the Vatican at the box office cost 16€, and on the Internet 20€. But at the box office of the Vatican Museums, you can easily stand for 2-3 hours even in the low season, so most people prefer to overpay for buying tickets online. So everything in St. Petersburg is like in Europe.

In honor of the spring break, we decided to go to the Hermitage with my son (10 years old) and were pleasantly surprised by the innovations. Turns out the tickets Diamond and you can buy directly at the box office along with the main ticket and immediately go on a tour.

I have never been to these pantries, because earlier (in the years of Soviet power) it was necessary to buy a ticket in advance, i.e. to go to the box office in the city center, excursions were carried out only on Saturdays early enough in the morning. Now everything is much simpler. On Saturday morning, around 11-30, the queue for entry took no more than 15 minutes, along with the purchase of tickets. At 2:00 pm, when we were leaving, the queues and crowding at the box office increased, but not by much.

The tour lasts 1.5 hours. Everything is organized very well, buy a ticket, undress in the cloakroom and go to the museum, the group gathers under a large sign in the lobby of the museum, if something is not clear to you, then numerous museum employees will be happy to help you find the right place.

On the Internet, travel agencies offer excursions to these pantries at inflated prices, there is no need for intermediaries, everything can be organized independently, very simply. In any case, the tour will be conducted by the Hermitage employees, intermediaries only help with the purchase of tickets and charge a commission for this.

Exhibits in the Hermitage's Diamond Storeroom

It is forbidden to take pictures in the pantry at all, using any device, including a phone. All the following photographs are taken from the Hermitage's official website.

The exposition includes gold jewelry found in the Maykop burial mound. These are the earliest exhibits of the pantry, dating back to the fourth century BC. The craftsmanship of the ancient masters is truly admirable. All the decorations presented previously belonged to the leader of the nomads and his wives, who were buried in the Maikop barrow.

Goby from the Maykop mound of the 4th century. BC, about 10-15 cm

Further, the exhibition presents many works of ancient Greek masters found in the south of Russia and in the Crimea. The products of the Scythians are very complex and intricate, full of symbolism, in vain they are considered barbarians, the ancient Greeks called them barbarians, look at the amphora below, is this barbaric art?

Amphora from the Scythian collection

The amphora is large, probably about 70 cm in height; on top, the stages of taming a horse, IV century BC, are very vividly and realistically depicted. BC.

Works of Western European art were mainly presented to the imperial family as diplomatic gifts, some were bought to replenish the collection.

Reliquary, Western Europe, they kept the relics of saints

Small jewelry, rings and earrings did not make a strong impression on me, if you do not know that these stones are diamonds, then it is difficult to find them very attractive. An uncut 10 carat diamond inserted in a ring looks unimportant.

The largest and most luxurious showcase contains two horse harnesses, including blankets for horses, bridles, tail decorations, sabers. All these items are richly decorated with precious stones, lots of diamonds, sparkle and shimmer before the eyes of the surprised public. It was for this showcase that they called the pantry Diamond. There are no photos of her on the Internet; you can see this impressive spectacle only by visiting the exposition in person.

In addition to such chic things as these blankets, there are other things that are valuable because they belonged to famous people. I remember the Gospel that belonged to Peter I. It is quite small, the cover is skillfully embroidered with freshwater pearls of various sizes, most of the pearls are more like beads, it probably took a lot of time to make the cover for the Gospel, because each pearl must first be drilled, and then sewn on, and this is a titanic work.

The toilet set of Anna Ioannovna, the Empress of Russia, also impresses. There is no photo of the device on the Internet either. The Empress devoted 6-8 hours to her toilet, a fair question arises, but when did she manage to govern the state? It took more than 65 kg of gold to make all the items - a mirror in a massive frame, a toilet bag, a teapot, a coffee pot, etc., in total, about 60 items. The most surprising thing is that the set included a special stick for scratching the head. In those years, they wore very magnificent hairstyles, but they did not like to wash, and everyone had lice, including the Empress.

The display in the pantry includes many toilet bags - richly decorated with precious stones, cases for manicure sets and perfumes - very beautiful things.

There are a lot of pocket watches, all these watches look luxurious and were intended mainly to demonstrate the status of the owner, and not to find out the time. Some mods hung on themselves for several hours.

Since the era of Peter the Great, snuffing has come into fashion and the collection contains many snuff boxes made in different styles.

But there are no Faberge eggs in the Diamond Pantry at all, they were all sold during the era of revolution and civil war. From Faberge, the collection contains only reduced copies of imperial crowns, scepters and orbs. More recently, it opened in St. Petersburg, where you can see Faberge Easter eggs and many other pieces of jewelry. The Faberge Museum is located near the Anichkov Bridge on the Fontanka embankment.

Reduced copies of imperial crowns, scepters and orbs.

The most luxurious things are not presented in the photographs that can be found on the Internet. It is impossible to estimate the real size of things in the photographs, so viewing photos cannot replace visiting the museum ..

Particularly valuable works of art made of precious stones and gold are presented in the Gold and Diamond storerooms of the Hermitage. These storerooms can only be visited with a guided tour. To do this, you need to purchase two tickets:

  1. Entrance ticket to the Hermitage: 400 rub. for citizens of the Russian Federation and Belarus, for all others 600 rubles. Free admission for children and students (regardless of citizenship) and for pensioners of the Russian Federation. (value for 2016)
  2. Ticket for an excursion to the Golden Treasury 300 rub. no benefits for children, students and pensioners..

Both tickets are purchased at the Hermitage ticket office at the entrance. In the high tourist season, you need to come in the morning so that you definitely get tickets, their number is limited. The high tourist season is the period of white nights, New Year holidays and May holidays. In the days of the autumn and spring school holidays, I went personally, I did not observe much excitement.

It is possible to purchase tickets online on the official website of the Hermitage at a price of 580 rubles, but these will only be tickets for the entrance to the Hermitage, for an excursion to the Golden Storerooms you still need to purchase tickets at the box office.

During the autumn school holidays of 2014, we decided to visit the Hermitage once again and this time to get acquainted with the exposition “The Hermitage's Golden Pantry”.

This time we arrived at 12-20 on Saturday, and we got tickets for an excursion to the Golden Pantry only at 14-45. The Hermitage is a very large museum and spending 2-3 hours there before the tour is not a problem. There was almost no queue at the entrance and for tickets, although the weather outside was the most museum-like, for the third day in a row it rained with snow.

In addition to excursions to the pantries, a sightseeing tour of the royal chambers is also offered for 200 rubles. You can also take an audio guide and make an independent tour of the Hermitage exposition. The cost of using the audio guide is 300 rubles. Individual guides around the Hermitage are also on duty in the foyer, we did not find out the cost of an individual tour.

With the collection point for excursions to the Golden Pantry, not everything is so simple. The meeting point is located on the opposite side of the main lobby. If you have poor orientation, immediately ask the servants of the Hermitage or at the information desk how you can get to the collection point for the excursion to the Golden Pantry without passing through the turnstile in the main lobby. In any case, there will be no problems, ask for help.

It is not allowed to take pictures in the storerooms, all photos are taken from the Hermitage's official website.

Exposition of the Hermitage's Golden Treasury

The biggest discovery of the Golden Pantry for me was the Siberian collection of Peter I. I knew that the Scythian gold was stored in the pantry.

The Siberian collection consists of gold objects found on the territory of Western Siberia at the beginning of the 18th century. All items of the Siberian collection were found, as we would say now by black diggers, there were no archaeologists in Russia at that time. The Siberian collection is the earliest archaeological collection in our country; it has no analogues in the world.

Golden belt plaque from the Siberian collection of Peter I

Some items of the collection date back to the seventh century BC, just think how old they are, and they were found in Siberia, the culture of the peoples of Siberia is clearly not sufficiently studied. In total, the Siberian collection of Peter I has 250 items. Previously, items from this collection were kept in the Kunskammer.

A badge in the form of a rolled-up panther. 7th-6th centuries BC.

The people who made these magnificent decorations belong to the group of Iranian-speaking peoples, they were called Saks.

Scythian gold

A photograph of this Scythian deer, probably many have seen, I remember it from a photograph in a school history textbook. In fact, the deer is quite large, about 30 cm. A pendant in the form of such a deer can be purchased at the Hermitage souvenir shop.

But from the point of view of history, these are all unique things that allow us in St. Petersburg to touch the culture of the countries of the East.

Naturally, this is just a quick overview of the collection, there are much more items presented there.

If you have never visited the Hermitage Treasury, it is better to go to the Diamond Storeroom, it is more luxurious and leaves a lasting impression on visitors. The Golden Treasury presents items found in burial mounds and oriental, rather specific jewelry. I would say that the Golden Pantry is for more advanced users.

A tour of the Golden Pantry lasts an hour and a half and is certainly worthy of your attention. Alas, you can’t take tickets via the Internet to the pantries. You can’t even see the schedule of excursions - these are obvious shortcomings of the museum administration, let's hope that in the future they will correct this annoying nuisance. But on the other hand, we came twice at random, without prior preparation, during school holidays and got on an excursion. Everything is not so bad.

I go on subscription tours to the Golden Pantry in the Hermitage. Only three excursions on Saturdays. The exposition in the Golden Pantry is built chronologically - immediately from the entrance there is a room-corridor, on the right is the Siberian collection of Peter I (Southern Siberia), on the left are golden exhibits from barrows, starting from the most ancient ones (from the 7th century BC). Mound Litoy, Kelermes barrows. The first large hall - Royal Scythians - Solokha, Chertomlyk. Carmatians.

I did not set the task of retelling - I specifically added many links to sources where you can read or watch the history of the Scythians and their art. Just for my own pleasure, I go to look at all this beauty in detail and listen to the exhibits themselves. Once again, the level of skill of jewelers who create masterpieces in order to immediately bury them in the ground is surprising)) The beauty of the symbolism, which speaks of a single worldview that has reigned over a large territory for many centuries)) In a word, once again I follow the lead own today's mood and questions. Therefore, today there are no swords and gorits - the main exhibits of the warlike Scythian world. Terribly cruel and terrible) barbarians ...

Panther curled up. The idea of ​​perpetual motion of the universe. Siberian collection

This symbol has a lot in common with the Ouroboro. Ouroboros (translated from ancient Greek = tail - food - a snake curled up in a ring, biting its own tail. One of the oldest symbols with many meanings. Eternity and infinity, especially the cyclical nature of life: the alternation of creation and destruction, life and death, constant rebirth and death.The symbol was used in religion, magic, alchemy, mythology and psychology.Another of its analogues is the swastika, which also means the movement of the cosmos.

It is believed that it came to Western culture from Egypt, where the first images of a coiled snake are dated between 1600 and 1100 BC, where they personified eternity and the universe, as well as the cycle of death of rebirth. From there, the ouroboros migrated to Ancient Greece, where it began to be used to denote processes that have no beginning and end)) Its close analogues are also found in the cultures of Scandinavia, India, China and Greece. The symbol of a coiled snake is found among the Aztecs.

Also, this symbol plays a big role in the teachings of the Gnostics, among the alchemists it symbolizes the transformation of elements into a philosopher's stone to turn metals into gold. In Jung's analytical asichology, o symbolizes darkness and self-destruction at the same time as fertility and creativity. Erich Neumann, a follower of Jung, refers to the ouroboros as an early stage of personality development.

D. Beaupri, describing the appearance of images of the ouroboros in ancient Egypt, claims that this symbol was applied to the walls of the tombs and denoted the guardian of the underworld, as well as the threshold moment between death and rebirth. The first appearance of the ouroboros sign in ancient Egypt dates back to about 1600 BC. e. (according to other sources - 1100

R. Robertson and A. Cribs note in ancient China the urobor called "Zhulong”And was depicted as a creature that combines a pig and a dragon biting its own tail. Over time, the image was transformed into a traditional Chinese dragon, symbolizing good luck. One of the first mentions of ouroboros as a symbol dates back to 4200 BC. The first finds of figurines of dragons curled up in a ring are attributed to the Hongshan culture. (4700-2900 BC). One of them, in the form of a full circle, was on the chest of the deceased. This is an excerpt from Wikipedia, there are many more)) I wrote about the Chinese character

On the legs and tail of the panther, the symbol of the panther curled up in a ring is repeated many times, reinforcing the symbol of the panther from here the Kelermes Kurgan

It is not allowed to take pictures in the Golden Pantry, which is a pity, so I took the photos on the Hermitage website.

Decoration is on fire. "Kostroma deer" - a deer with tucked-in legs (beaks) from a mound near the village of Kostroma. Previously, it was interpreted as a running deer, now as a victim.

The body of a deer is a symbolic zoomorphic image of the model of the world, close to the image of the World Tree. In the Scythian tradition, a deer (or other herbivore) was usually depicted lying with its legs tucked under itself, which symbolized in the world model the main cosmogonic processes - the dynamics of the top (life), with the static bottom (death). Sometimes the herbivore's body was depicted as twisted, while the same phases were preserved: the front of the animal - life (summer); back - death (winter)

The main dynamic plot of the animal style for many centuries remained the scene of the tormenting of a herbivore by a predator. In the opposition of these two types of animals and the violence of one over the other, a whole series of basic cosmogonic mythologemes of the Scythian consciousness is manifested. In the sacred scenes of torment, two worlds converge - a predator, as the personification of the chthonic power of death, the underworld, darkness, and a herbivore, as an image of the power of life, the World Tree, light. The symbolism of torment in a certain context develops into a scene of an erotic act. In this situation, the predator personifies the masculine principle of the world - "up", the Father-heaven, and the herbivore - the feminine principle, the earth, its maternal, generative function.

The ancients believed that each death causes a new birth, fertilizing it. The image of a predator was ideologically associated with the Scythian akinak sword, which brought into its symbolism the bloody color of inseminating death, without which a new life cannot be born. In fact, this ideology is familiar to all peoples in the traditional rites of initiation. That is why the Scythian sword - akinak - in the structure of the Scythian stone statues was identified with the phallus, symbolizing the sexual, generative power of a man - the head of the clan and the warrior. The tormenting of a herbivore by a predator is both an act of cosmic sacrifice, and an act of the primordial generation of the cosmos from chaos, and, in fact, an image of the Sacred Marriage, through which Mother Earth gives birth to new life, the young energy of the world. This is also the source of the rigid canonization of figurative symbolism, which assigned to the consciousness of ancient man a certain, adequate to the mythological idea, sacred reading.

Multi-turn hryvnia - a symbol of nobility. Siberian collection of Peter I

Diadem, Litoy barrow, Melgunov treasure. 3 braided cord chains, although there are holes for 4.

A plaque in the form of a bird of prey, the Litoy kurgan. There were 17 such round golden eagles in total, but 16 eagles were transferred to the Kharkov Museum, where they died during the evacuation. Most likely decoration of a leather belt.

The mirror from the Kelermes mound was probably also used for its intended purpose, but it had magical properties. On the one hand, the edge, on the other - a loop or a small handle in the center. The main character of the mirror in the upper left segment is the Asia Minor goddess Cybele, here identical to the Scythian fertility goddess Argimpas. For many peoples, the mirror was associated with the sun, fertility and life. It reflected the existing, guessed the past, foresaw the future. The magical properties of the mirror were enhanced by the images printed on its back. It was believed that the mirrors had a protective power, they saw the true essence of evil demons when they took on a different guise. All members of the family had mirrors; they served during life and after death. During their lives, many rituals were performed with them, they played a big role during the wedding ceremony. From here

A plaque from the Kul-Oba burial mound depicting a goddess with a mirror

Cauldron from the Kelermes barrows.

Animal meat was boiled in large bronze cauldrons. Such a cauldron on a leg stands firmly in a fire. Gathering around him as a large family, tribe, the Scythians felt their unity. Any cauldron had a sacred character and was reminiscent of the cauldron that the legendary king Ariant made from arrowheads brought by each Scythian

Comb from a male burial, Solokha barrow. It symbolizes the tripartite division of the world, the battle scene - a warrior who has lost his horse is doomed. An almost round sculpture - a detailed relief on both sides.

Horse forehead and bridle jewelry. Mound big Cymbalka. Horse harness throughout the Scythian world was the same, differing only in decor. Here is an image of the Scythian snake-footed goddess

In different periods of Scythian art was influenced by other cultures. After the defeat of Assyria in the 7th century, for example, the Scythians took Assyrian jewelers with them. Later, Scytho-Greek art reigned in the Northern Black Sea region. Greek jewelers, creating jewelry for the Scythians, use Scythian mythology and epic. The center of trade relations between the Greeks and the Scythians was located in the Kamensky settlement, which appeared in the 5th century BC (not far from modern Nikopol). The settlement was a metallurgical center that supplied the Scythians with weapons. There, apparently, were the residences of the Scythian kings, the wealth and power of which are evidenced by the famous royal burial mounds of the 5th-4th centuries BC.

Earring with a pendant in the shape of a negro's head. Chertomlyk

In this documentary film "Scythians" an interesting interpretation of the images of Scythian art from the point of view of mythology

Ghosts of distant epochs. Khakass-Minusinsk basin. Siberian Scythians
