Comedy woe from the mind. Online reading of the book Woe from Wit Woe from Wit


A. S. Griboyedov is a poet, playwright, diplomat and public figure.

At the age of 11 he became a student at Moscow University. For six and a half years he completed the course of three faculties and prepared for a career as a scientist. He perfectly mastered several European languages, knew ancient and oriental languages.

The war with Napoleon interrupted Griboyedov's studies; in August 1818 he went as secretary of the Russian mission at the Iranian court. In Tehran, Griboyedov successfully completed a number of responsible diplomatic missions: the return of Russian soldiers-prisoners of war to their homeland, the preparation and signing of the Turkmenchay peace treaty (1828).

On January 30, 1829, a huge crowd of Tehrans attacked the house occupied by the Russian embassy. A small convoy of Cossacks, Griboedov himself defended heroically, but the forces were unequal. Griboedov died.

Griboedov took up poetry while still at the university, his literary debuts (1815-1817) are connected with the theater: translations-arrangements from French, original comedies and vaudevilles written in collaboration with the poet P. A. Vyazemsky, playwrights N. I. Khmelnitsky and A. A. Shakhovsky.

The comedy "Woe from Wit" (in the original plan - "Woe to the Wit") Griboedov finished in 1824. He was not successful in publishing the entire text of the comedy due to opposition to censorship, and he was also unable to see it on stage. It was staged only after the death of the author, at first in fragments, in full - on January 26, 1831.

Woe from the mind. Act one


Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, manager in the state
Sofia Pavlovna, his daughter.
Lizanka, maid.
Alexey Stepanovich Molchalin, Famusov's secretary,
living in his house.
Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.
Colonel Skalozub, Sergei Sergeevich.
Natalya Dmitrievna, young lady) - Gorichi
Platon Mikhailovich, her husband)
Prince Tugoukhovsky and the princess, his wife, with six
Countess-grandmother) - Khryumina
Countess granddaughter)
Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky.
Old woman Khlestova, sister-in-law of Famusov.
Parsley and several talking servants.
Many guests of all sorts and their lackeys at the departure.
Waiters Famusova.

Action in Moscow in Famusov's house.


The living room, there is a large clock in it, on the right is the door to Sophia's bedroom,
From where you can hear a piano with a flute, which then fall silent.
Lizanka is sleeping in the middle of the room, hanging from the armchairs. (Morning, a little
the day is breaking.)

L i z a n k a

(suddenly wakes up, gets up from the chair, looks around)
It's getting light!.. Ah! how soon the night passed!
Yesterday I asked to sleep - refusal.
"We are waiting for a friend." - We need an eye and an eye,
Don't sleep until you roll off your chair.
Now I just took a nap
It's day!.. tell them...

(He knocks on Sofia.)
Hey! Sofia Pavlovna, trouble.
Your conversation has gone overnight.
Are you deaf? - Alexey Stepanych!
Madam! .. - And fear does not take them!

(Moves away from the door.)
Well, an uninvited guest,
Perhaps the father will come in!
I ask you to serve the young lady in love!

(Back to the door.)
Let go. Morning.- What?

(H o l o s S o f i i)

What time is it now?

L i z a n k a

Everything in the house went up.

S o f i i (from my room)

What time is it now?

L i z a n k a

Seventh, eighth, ninth.

S o f i i (from there)

Not true.

Lizanka (away from the door)

Oh! damn cupid!
And they hear, do not want to understand
Well, what would they take away the shutters?
I will translate the clock, even though I know: there will be a race,
I'll make them play.

He climbs onto a chair, moves the hand, the clock strikes and plays.


L i z a i F a m u s o v.

Oh! master!

F a m u s o v

Barin, yes.

(stops hour music)
After all, what a minx you are, girl.
I couldn't figure out what the problem was!
Now a flute is heard, then like a piano;
Would it be too early for Sophia?

No, sir, I... just by chance...

F a m u s o v

Here's something by chance, notice you;
Yes, yes, on purpose.

(Cuddles up to her and flirts.)
Oh! potion, bastard.

You are a prankster, these faces suit you!

F a m u s o v

Modest, but nothing else
Leprosy and the wind on my mind.

Let go, windmills yourself,
Remember, you old people...

F a m u s o v

Well, who will come, where are we with you?

F a m u s o v

Who should come here?
Is Sophia asleep?

Now asleep.

F a m u s o v

Now! What about the night?

I read all night.

F a m u s o v

Vish, whims what have got!

All in French, aloud, reading locked up.

F a m u s o v

Tell me that it's not good for her eyes to spoil,
And in reading, the use is not great:
She has no sleep from French books,
And it hurts me to sleep from the Russians.

What will rise, I will report
If you please go, wake me up, I'm afraid.

F a m u s o v

Why wake up? You wind the clock yourself
You thunder the symphony for the whole quarter.

L and s a (as loud as possible)

Yes, completeness!

F a m u s o v (clamps her mouth)

Have mercy on how you scream.
Are you crazy?

I'm afraid it won't come out...

F a m u s o v

It's time, sir, for you to know you're not a child;
In girls, the morning dream is so thin;
You creak the door a little, you whisper a little:
Everyone hears...

F a m u s o v

You are all lying.

(H o l o s S o f i i)

F a m u s o v (hurriedly)

(Sneaks out of the room on tiptoe.)
L and z a (one)

Gone... Ah! away from the masters;
Prepare troubles for themselves at every hour,
Bypass us more than all sorrows
And the lord's anger, and the lord's love.


Liza, Sophia with a candle, followed by M olchalin.
S o f i i

What, Lisa, attacked you?

Of course, it's hard for you to leave?
Closed up to the light, and it seems that everything is not enough?

Ah, it really is dawn!

(Extinguishes the candle.)
And light and sadness. How swift are the nights!

Grieve, know that there is no urine from the side,
Your father came here, I died;
I twirled in front of him, I don’t remember that I was lying;
Well, what have you become? bow, sir, weigh.
Come on, the heart is not in the right place;
Look at the clock, look out the window:
The people have been pouring down the streets for a long time;
And in the house there is a knock, walking, sweeping and cleaning.

Happy hours are not observed.

Don't watch, your power;
And that in return for you, of course, I get there.

S o f i i (Molchalin)

Go; we'll be bored all day long.

God is with you, sir; away take your hand.

Breeds them, Molchalin at the door collides with Famusov.


S o f i ya, L i za, M o l cha l i n, F a m u s o v.
F a m u s o v

What an opportunity! Molchalin, you, brother?

M o l h a l i n

F a m u s o v

Why is it here? and at this hour?
And Sophia! .. Hello, Sophia, what are you
Got up so early! A? for what concern?
And how did God bring you together at the wrong time?

He has just now entered.

M o l h a l i n

Now from a walk.

F a m u s o v

Friend, is it possible for walks
Away to choose a nook?
And you, madam, just jumped out of bed,
With a man! with the young! - Occupation for the girl!
All night reading fables,
And here are the fruits of these books!
And all the Kuznetsk bridge, and the eternal French,
From there, fashion to us, and authors, and muses:
Destroyers of pockets and hearts!
When the Creator delivers us
From their hats! bonnets! and studs! and pins!
And bookstores and biscuit shops! ..

Excuse me, father, my head is spinning;
I hardly take a breath from fright;
You deigned to run in so quickly,
I got confused...

F a m u s o v

Thank you humbly
I ran into them soon!
I interfered! I scared!
I, Sofya Pavlovna, am upset myself, the whole day
No rest, rushing around like crazy.
By position, by service, trouble,
That sticks, the other, everyone cares about me!
But did I expect new troubles? to be deceived...

S o f i ya (through tears)

Whom, father?

F a m u s o v

Here they will reproach me,
Which I always scold to no avail.
Don't cry, I'm talking
Didn't they care about yours
About education! from the cradle!
Mother died: I knew how to accept
Madame Rosier has a second mother.
He put the old woman-gold in supervision of you:
She was smart, had a quiet disposition, rare rules.
One thing does not serve her well:
For extra five hundred rubles a year
She allowed herself to be seduced by others.
Yes, there is no strength in Madame.
No other pattern needed
When in the eyes of an example of a father.
Look at me: I do not brag about the addition,
However, cheerful and fresh, and lived to gray hair;
Free, widows, I am my master ...
Known for monastic behavior! ..

I dare, sir...

F a m u s o v

Be silent!
Terrible age! Don't know what to start!
All managed beyond their years.
And more than daughters, but the good people themselves,
We were given these languages!
We take the tramps, and into the house, and by tickets,
To teach our daughters everything, everything -
And dancing! and foam! and tenderness! and sigh!
As if we are preparing buffoons for their wives.
What are you, a visitor? you're here, sir, why?
Rootless warmed and introduced into my family,
He gave the rank of assessor and took him to the secretaries;
Transferred to Moscow through my assistance;
And if it wasn't for me, you would smoke in Tver.

I will not explain your anger in any way.
He lives in the house here, a great misfortune!
Went to a room, got into another.

F a m u s o v

Got it or wanted to get it?
Why are you together? It can't be by accident.

Here is what the case is all about:
How long ago you and Liza were here,
Your voice frightened me extremely,
And I rushed here with all my legs ...

F a m u s o v

It will probably put all the turmoil on me.
At the wrong time, my voice made them anxious!

In a vague dream, a trifle disturbs.
To tell you a dream: you will understand then.

F a m u s o v

What's the story?

tell you?

F a m u s o v

(Sits down.)

Let me... you see... first
flowery meadow; and i was looking for
Some, I don't remember.
Suddenly a nice person, one of those we
We will see - as if we have known each other for a century,
Came here with me; and insinuating, and smart,
But timid... You know who was born in poverty...

F a m u s o v

Oh! mother, do not finish the blow!
Who is poor, he is not a couple for you.

Then everything was gone: meadows and skies.-
We are in a dark room. To complete the miracle
The floor opened up - and you are from there
Pale as death, and hair on end!
Here with a thunder the doors were flung open
Some not people and not animals
We were separated - and they tortured the one who sat with me.
He seems to be dearer to me than all treasures,
I want to go to him - you drag with you:
We are escorted by groans, roars, laughter, whistles of monsters!
He screams after him!
I woke up. - Someone says -
Your voice was; what do you think, so early?
I run here - and I find you both.

F a m u s o v

Yes, bad dream; as I look.
Everything is there, if there is no deception:
And devils, and love, and fears, and flowers.
Well, my sir, and you?

F a m u s o v

M o l h a l i n

With papers.

F a m u s o v

Yes! they were missing.
Pardon that it suddenly fell
Diligence in writing!

Well, Sonyushka, I will give you peace:
There are strange dreams, but in reality it is stranger;
You were looking for herbs
I came across a friend rather;
Get the nonsense out of your head;
Where there are miracles, there is little warehouse.
Come on, lie down, sleep again.

We're going to sort out the papers.

M o l h a l i n

I only carried them for the report,
What can not be used without certificates, without others,
There are contradictions, and much is not efficient.

F a m u s o v

I'm afraid, sir, I'm deadly alone,
So that a multitude does not accumulate them;
Give free rein to you, it would have settled down;
And I have what's the matter, what's not the case,
My custom is this:
Signed, so off your shoulders.

Leaves with Molchalin, at the door lets him go ahead.


S o f i i , L i z a.

Well, the holiday is here! Well, here's some fun for you!
But no, now it’s no laughing matter;
It is dark in the eyes, and the soul froze;
Sin is not a problem, rumor is not good.

What is my rumor? Who wants to judge
Yes, the father will force you to think:
Obese, restless, quick,
It's always been like that, but ever since...
You can judge...

I judge, sir, not from stories;
He will ban you; - good is still with me;
And then, God have mercy, as time
Me, Molchalin and everyone out of the yard.

Think how capricious happiness is!
It happens worse, get away with it;
When sad nothing comes to mind,
Forgotten by the music, and time passed so smoothly;
Fate seemed to take care of us;
No worry, no doubt...
And grief awaits around the corner.

That's it, sir, you are my stupid judgment
Never complain:
But here's the trouble.
What is the best prophet for you?
I repeated: in love there will be no use in this
Not forever.
Like all Moscow ones, your father is like this:
He would like a son-in-law with stars and ranks,
And under the stars, not everyone is rich, between us;
Well, of course, besides
And money to live, so that he could give balls;
Here, for example, Colonel Skalozub:
And the golden bag, and marks the generals.

Where is cute! and fun me fear
Hear about the front and rows;
He did not utter a clever word,
I don't care what's for him, what's in the water.

Yes, sir, so to speak, eloquent, but painfully not cunning;
But be a military man, be a civilian,
Who is so sensitive, and cheerful, and sharp,
Like Alexander Andreevich Chatsky!
Not to embarrass you;
It's been a long time, don't turn back
And remember...

What do you remember? He's nice
He knows how to laugh at everyone;
Chatting, joking, it's funny to me;
You can share laughter with everyone.

But only? as if? - Shedding tears,
I remember, poor he, how he parted with you.-
"What, sir, are you crying? Live while laughing ..."
And he answered: “No wonder, Lisa, I’m crying:
Who knows what I will find when I return?
And how much, perhaps, I will lose!
The poor thing seemed to know that in three years ...

Listen, don't take too many liberties.
I'm very windy, maybe I did,
And I know, and I'm sorry; but where did you change?
To whom? so that they could reproach with infidelity.
Yes, with Chatsky, it’s true, we were brought up, we grew up;
The habit of being together every day is inseparable
She connected us with childhood friendship; but after
He moved out, he seemed bored with us,
And rarely visited our house;
Then he pretended to be in love again,
Demanding and distressed!!..
Sharp, smart, eloquent,
Especially happy in friends
That's what he thought about himself...
The desire to wander attacked him,
Oh! if someone loves someone
Why look for the mind and drive so far?

Where is it worn? in what regions?
He was treated, they say, on acidic waters,
Not from illness, tea, from boredom - take it easy.

And, of course, happy where people are funnier.
Who I love is not like this:
Molchalin is ready to forget himself for others,
The enemy of insolence is always shy, timid,
A whole night with whom you can spend like this!
We sit, and the yard has long turned white,
What do you think? what are you busy with?

God knows
Ma'am, is it my business?

He takes his hand, shakes his heart,
Breathe from the depths of your soul
Not a free word, and so the whole night passes,
Hand with hand, and his eyes do not take his eyes off me.-
Laugh! is it possible! gave a reason
To you I to laughter such?

Me, sir? .. your aunt has now come to mind,
How a young Frenchman ran away from her house,
Dove! wanted to bury
I failed my annoyance:
I forgot to blacken my hair
And three days later she turned gray.

(Continues to laugh.)
S o f i i (with chagrin)

That's how they talk about me later.

Excuse me, right, how holy is God,
I wanted this stupid laugh
Helped to cheer you up a bit.


Sophia, Lisa, Servant, followed by Chatsky.

To you Alexander Andreevich Chatsky.


S o f i i , L i z a, C a ts k i y.
H a c k i y

A little light on my feet! and I am at your feet.

(He kisses his hand passionately.)
Well, kiss the same, did not wait? speak!
Well, for? No? Look at my face.
Surprised? but only? here's the welcome!
As if a week had not passed;
Like yesterday together
We are tired of each other;
Not on the hair of love! how good!
And meanwhile, I don’t remember, without a soul,
I'm forty-five hours, my eyes do not screw up in a moment,
More than seven hundred miles swept - wind, storm;
And he was confused all over, and how many times he fell -
And here is the reward for the feats!

Oh! Chatsky, I am very glad to see you.

H a c k i y

Are you for? at a good hour.
But sincerely who rejoices that way?
I think it's the last
Chilling people and horses,
I only amuse myself.

Here, sir, if you were at the door,
By God, there are no five minutes,
How we remember you here.
Madame, tell yourself.-

Always, not just now.-
You cannot reproach me.
Who will flash, open the door,
Passage, by chance, from a stranger, from afar -
With a question I, at least be a sailor:
Didn't I meet you somewhere in the mail coach?

H a c k i y

Let's assume it is.
Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world! -
Oh! My God! Am I here again
In Moscow! you! how can you know!
Where is the time? where is that innocent age,
When it used to be a long evening
You and I will appear, disappear here and there,
We play and make noise on chairs and tables.
And here is your father with madam, behind the picket;
We are in a dark corner, and it seems that in this!
Do you remember? shudder that the table creaks,


H a c k i y

Yes, and now
At seventeen you blossomed beautifully,
Incredible and you know it
And therefore modest, do not look at the light.
Are you in love? please give me an answer
Without thought, fullness to be embarrassed.

Yes, at least someone is embarrassed
Quick questions and a curious look...

H a c k i y

Pardon, not you, why be surprised?
What new will Moscow show me?
Yesterday there was a ball, and tomorrow there will be two.
He got married - he managed, but he gave a miss.
All the same sense, and the same verses in the albums.

Persecution of Moscow. What does it mean to see the light!
Where is better?

H a c k i y

Where we are not.
Well, what about your father? all English club
Old, faithful member to the grave?
Did your uncle jump back his eyelid?
And this one, like him, is he a Turk or a Greek?
That black man, on the legs of cranes,
I don't know what his name is
Wherever you go: here, as here,
In dining rooms and living rooms.
And three of the tabloid faces,
Who have been young for half a century?
They have a million relatives, and with the help of sisters
They will intermarry with all of Europe.
What about our sun? our treasure?
On the forehead is written: Theater and Masquerade;
The house is painted with greenery in the form of a grove,
He himself is fat, his artists are skinny.
At the ball, remember, we opened together
Behind the screens, in one of the more secret rooms,
A man was hidden and the nightingale clicked,
Singer winter summer weather.
And that consumptive, relative to you, enemy of books,
In the scientific committee that settled
And with a cry demanded an oath,
So that no one knew and did not study literacy?
I am destined to see them again!
You will get tired of living with them, and in whom can you not find spots?
When you wander, you return home,
And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us!

Here I would bring you to my aunt,
To count all the acquaintances.

H a c k i y

And auntie? all a girl, Minerva?
All the maid of honor of Catherine the First?
Is the house full of pupils and moseks?
Oh! Let's move on to education.
What is now, just as of old,
Trouble recruiting teachers regiments,
More in number, cheaper price?
Not that they are far in science;
In Russia, under a great fine,
We are told to recognize each
Historian and geographer!
Our mentor, remember his cap, bathrobe,
Index finger, all signs of learning
How our timid minds disturbed,
As we used to believe from an early age,
That there is no salvation for us without the Germans!
And Guillaume, the Frenchman, knocked out by the breeze?
Is he not married yet?

H a c k i y

At least on some princess,
Pulcheria Andreevna, for example?

Dancemaster! is it possible!

H a c k i y

Well? he is a cavalier.
We will be required to be with an estate and in rank,
And Guillaume! ..- What is the tone here today
At conventions, at big ones, on parish holidays?
There is still a mixture of languages:
French with Nizhny Novgorod? -

Mix of languages?

H a c k i y

Yes, two, without this it is impossible.

But it is tricky to tailor one of them, like yours.

H a c k i y

At least not inflated.
Here's the news! - I take a minute,
Enlivened by a date with you,
And talkative; is there no time
That I'm dumber than Molchalin? Where is he, by the way?
Have you yet broken the silence of the press?
It used to be songs where brand new notebooks
He sees, sticks: please write off.
And yet, he will reach certain degrees,
After all, today they love the dumb.

S o f i i (aside)

Not a man, a snake!

(Loudly and forcefully.)

I want to ask you:
Have you ever laughed? or in sadness?
Mistake? did you say good things about someone?
Though not now, but in childhood, maybe.

H a c k i y

When everything is so soft? both tender and immature?
Why so long ago? here's a good deed for you:
Calls just rattling
And day and night in the snowy desert,
I'm head over heels for you.
And how do I find you? in some strict order!
I endure coldness for half an hour!
The face of the most holy pilgrimage!..
And yet I love you without memory.-

(Momentary silence.)
Listen, are my words all the pegs?
And tend to someone's harm?
But if so: mind and heart are not in harmony.
I'm in weirdo to another miracle
Once I laugh, then I forget:
Tell me to go into the fire: I'll go to dinner.

Yes, well - burn, if not?


S o f i ya, L i za, C h a t k i y, F a m u s o v.
F a m u s o v

Here's another one!

Ah, father, sleep in hand.

F a m u s o v (after her in an undertone)

Damn dream.


FAMUSOV, CHATSKY (looks at the door through which Sophia went out).
F a m u s o v

Well, you threw out a thing!
Three years did not write two words!
And suddenly, as from the clouds, it burst.

(They embrace.)
Great, friend, great, brother, great.
Tell me, tea, you're ready
Collection of important news?
Sit down, tell me quickly.

(Sit down)
CH and ts to and y (absently)

How beautiful Sofya Pavlovna has become!

F a m u s o v

You people are young, there is no other business,
How to notice girlish beauty:
She said something in passing, and you,
I'm tea, I'm filled with hopes, I'm bewitched.

H a c k i y

Oh! No, I'm not spoiled for hope.

F a m u s o v

"Dream in hand," she deigned to whisper to me.
Here's what you thought...

H a c k i y

Me? - Nothing!

F a m u s o v

What did she dream about? what's happened?

H a c k i y

I am not a dream reader.

F a m u s o v

Don't trust her, everything is empty.

H a c k i y

I believe my own eyes;
Century did not meet, I will give a subscription.
To be at least a little like her!

F a m u s o v

He is all his own. Yes, tell me in detail
Where was? been wandering for so many years!
From where now?

H a c k i y

Now I'm up to it!
Wanted to travel around the world
And did not go round a hundredth.

(Gets up hastily.)
Sorry; I was in a hurry to see you,
Didn't go home. Farewell! In one hour
I will appear, I will not forget the slightest detail;
You first, then you tell everywhere.

(In the door.)
How good!

F a m u s o v (one)

Which of the two?
"Ah! father, sleep in your hand!"
And he says it out loud to me!
Well, guilty! What a hook I gave!
Molchalin daviche put me in doubt.
Now ... yes, halfway out of the fire:
That beggar, that dandy friend;
Notorious wasted, tomboy;
What a commission, creator,
To be an adult daughter's father!

With the help of the maid Lisa, Sofya and Molchalin arrange dates at night. They pass quite innocently: at love meetings, the cautious secretary only presses the girl’s hands to his heart and sighs silently. But Sophia really likes such romantic tenderness.

Action 2

Soon Chatsky reappears at the Famusovs. Sophia's father is not too happy about the arrival of this disorderly young man, considering him a frivolous and undignified dreamer. Famusov advises Chatsky to enter the service, but he replies: “I would be glad to serve, it’s sickening to serve.”

Famusov reproaches the youth for their pride. He sets as an example to Chatsky his dead uncle Maxim Petrovich, who once managed to make Queen Catherine II laugh by falling in front of her three times at one reception - and went into favor. Chatsky, in response, utters an angry monologue condemning the obsequious "past century", when those whose "neck bent more often" towered. Famusov is horrified by Chatsky's words. He seems to him a dangerous freethinker, almost a conspirator who should be brought to justice.

Colonel Skalozub is just arriving, for whom Famusov will read Sophia. Famusov accepts him with frank flattery. From Skalozub's story about his military career, it becomes clear that this stupid soldier does not have any military exploits - he received titles and awards mainly for participating in solemn reviews. Famusov transparently hints that Skalozub should get married.

Chatsky, even under Skalozub, starts talking about Moscow prejudices. The frightened Famusov hurries to notice that Chatsky's views should be condemned, but he answers this with a new long monologue - "Who are the judges?" In it, he draws images of noble villains-serfs who sold like cattle, “from mothers, fathers of rejected children”, exchanged faithful servants for dogs. It is precisely such people who are inclined to declare any independent, educated and selfless person a "dangerous dreamer".

Lisa and Sophia appear. Sofya goes to the window - and falls unconscious: she saw Molchalin fall from his horse on the street. It quickly turns out that the fall of Molchalin is not dangerous: he only slightly bruised his hand. Chatsky is surprised by the extraordinary excitement of Sophia, and for the first time he has the idea that this girl, whom he has loved for a long time, may prefer Molchalin to him.

Chatsky leaves in deep thought. Everyone else leaves, leaving Lisa and Molchalin alone. Molchalin immediately starts a playful conversation with this maid, tries to look after her, hug her, as if forgetting about his connection with Sophia.

Action 3

Tormented by jealousy for Sophia, Chatsky asks her how she relates to Molchalin. Sofya says that she does not love Molchalin, but simply sympathizes with this meek, quiet young man, whom Chatsky ridicules too evilly. Sophia leaves. Having met Molchalin, Chatsky asks how he is doing. Molchalin boasts that he was recently promoted: the authorities appreciated his two talents - moderation and accuracy. "Wonderful two! and are worthy of all of us,” notes Chatsky. Molchalin, in response, hints that Chatsky is simply jealous of him. Chatsky asks Molchalin's opinion about the bosses. He gets off with the phrase: "In my years, one should not dare to have one's own judgment." Chatsky comes to the conclusion that Sophia really cannot love such a nonentity.

In the evening, they are preparing for the ball in Famusov's house. The whole Famus society gathers for it. Chatsky sees guests he knows drive up to the porch. Platon Gorich, a recently brave military officer, who has now married the beautiful Natalya Dmitrievna, gets out of the carriage, fell under the heel of his wife, pampered, lost his will. The Tugoukhovsky family appears: a deaf prince and an elderly princess, preoccupied only with finding suitors for her six daughters. Upon learning that Chatsky is single, the princess immediately sends her husband to call him for dinner, but, having heard later that he is not rich, she orders her husband to go back faster. The grouchy Countess Khryumina enters - grandmother and granddaughter. A fussy liar, a cheat and a swindler Zagoretsky runs in. Skalozub arrives, and then Famusov's sister-in-law, the old woman Khlestova. Helpful Molchalin, fawning, strokes the dog Khlestova and admires her fur.

Chatsky approaches Sofya, again mocking Molchalin's flattering antics. She goes berserk. When Chatsky leaves, Mr. N approaches Sofya with a question about him. Sofya angrily says that Chatsky is out of his mind. Mr. N takes this phrase spoken in the hearts literally, and Sophia, noticing this, is in no hurry with explanations and refutations.

Mr. N tells about "Chatsky's madness" to another gentleman, and soon this news spreads among all those present at the ball. It is passed to each other with additions. Gossip Zagoretsky even assures that Chatsky was recently chained in a lunatic asylum. Secular society does not like the smart, ironic Chatsky and gloats about his "madness". Famusov says that the cause of madness was excessive scholarship, advising "to take away all the books and burn them." Skalozub recommends introducing army discipline in schools and gymnasiums.

While not knowing anything about these gossip at his own expense, Chatsky is trying to start a conversation about the servility of Muscovites to foreign customs and fashions, but the guests of the ball shy away from him in fear.

Action 4

The guests are leaving. Chatsky, who is standing at the carriage, is rushed by Mr. Repetilov, who was late for the ball, and begins to excitedly talk about the "secret union", from the "smartest members of the English Club", in which he is a member. However, from Repetilov's story it is clear that the meetings of the "union" come down to drinking champagne together, composing vaudeville, singing Italian love arias. The main "genius" of the union, Ippolit Udushyev (apparently, the famous Pyotr Chaadaev served as his prototype) writes thoughtful essays, but so far he has not published anything, besides, he is "strongly unclean".

Having seized a convenient moment, Chatsky hides from the annoying Repetilov in the Swiss. From there, he hears how Zagoretsky, who approached, tells Repetilov: "Chatsky is crazy." These words are immediately confirmed by Tugoukhovsky and Khlestov.

When they all leave, Chatsky leaves the Swiss and wonders in shock where such a lie about him could come from. Above, on the stairs of the deserted house, Sofya appears with a candle in her hand. Not recognizing Chatsky in the dark, she asks: “Molchalin, is that you?”, But then she realizes her mistake and hides in her room.

Chatsky hides behind a pillar, deciding to watch what happens next. He sees Liza approaching Molchalin's room and calling him to Sophia. Sophia herself reappears at the top, starting to quietly descend the stairs. Molchalin, not noticing her, again flirts with Lisa. She shames him for betraying the young lady, but Molchalin frankly admits: he is courting Sophia only because she is the daughter of his boss.

Sophia comes out of the darkness and stands in front of Molchalin. He throws himself on his knees before her, begs for forgiveness, crawls at her feet. Chatsky appears from behind the column with the words: “Here I am donated to whom! .. Ah! how to comprehend the game of fate? A persecutor of people with a soul, a scourge! “The Silent Ones are blissful in the world!”

Famusov comes running to the noise with a crowd of servants. Molchalin manages to escape in time, and Famusov decides that he caught Chatsky on a love date with Sophia. In anger, he refuses Chatsky from the house, and threatens to send his daughter "to the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov."

Chatsky bitterly delivers his final monologue, reproaching Sophia for "luring him with hope" by not confessing her love for another. He prophesies: Sophia will still make peace with Molchalin (“husband-boy, husband-servant, from the wife’s pages - the high ideal of all Moscow men”), and exclaims:

Who was he with? Where did fate take me?
Everyone is racing! everyone curse! crowd of tormentors,
In the love of traitors, in the enmity of the tireless,
Indomitable storytellers,
Clumsy wise men, crafty simpletons,
Sinister old women, old men,
decrepit over fiction, nonsense, -
Insane you glorified me with all the chorus.
You are right: he will come out of the fire unharmed,
Who will have time to spend the day with you,
Breathe the air alone
And his mind will survive.
Get out of Moscow! I don't come here anymore.
I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,
Where there is a corner for the offended feeling! ..
Carriage for me, carriage!

Chatsky leaves. Famusov sees in his last words only “nonsense of a madman”, most of all worrying that the rumors about the incident in his house did not reach Princess Marya Aleksevna.

Today comedy A.S. Griboedov's "Woe from Wit" would rather be called a tragicomedy, since there is no more sadness in it than funny. The incident that prompted the writer to create this work also makes you laugh sadly. Being young and ardent, having returned from abroad and having traveled a lot, Alexander Sergeevich saw how obsequiously the St. Petersburg high society treats a foreign guest, was indignant at this and expressed his indignation aloud. But society did not want to hear the truth, it was easier for them to declare the young man crazy. On that day, the future protagonist of the work, Alexander Alexandrovich Chatsky, was born. At that time, the traditions of classicism still dominated in Russian literature, but if you read Woe from Wit from a modern point of view, you can notice the features of realism in the comedy, which were already beginning to come into their own. On the one hand, there are speaking surnames, a love conflict, the unity of time and place of action, on the other hand, a living language and a complete reflection of the then historical realities, coupled with well-written characters. Griboedov wrote "Woe from Wit" as a bitter satire on Moscow society, and not only of his historical period. He himself noted that the basis of the work was a fairly long period of time, when ranks and honors were given not to those who were worthy of them, but to those who knew how to curry favor better than others. And therefore, for the local nobility, one who does not want ranks and honors was insane. Unfortunately, the comedy "Woe from Wit" is largely understandable even today: the realities have changed, but people have not.

In addition to the main character - Chatsky, there are other important characters in it - the Famusov family, Skalozub, the careerist Molchanov and the whole society that is pre-configured to condemn dissidents. The love one is connected with Sophia, who once loved Chatsky, and now she is cold with him, since an unworthy, but quite understandable person has taken a place in her heart, and the social one is built on the confrontation of two centuries - the present and the past, which are embodied in the images of Chatsky and Famusova. If the first person has progressive views, then the second believes that it is quite normal to make those in power laugh in order to get the coveted place. Today you can download Woe from Wit for free to see the two conflicts on which the development of the action of this simple and clear dramaturgical structure of the play is based.

Read the full text of the comedy "Woe from Wit" online or pick up a book - in any case, you need to know that the four acts of the play include exposition (the first act to the sixth phenomenon), the plot (only one phenomenon - the seventh of the first act) , the development of the action (from the end of the first phenomenon to the end of the third) and the culmination (the fourth action). Such a composition allows you to fully demonstrate the characters' characters and unfold the storyline. The lesson of literature dedicated to "Woe from Wit" will be of interest to everyone - the topic of confrontation between the old and the new is still relevant, and that is why Griboedov's play belongs to the Russian classics.

Action IV

Famusov has a grand entrance hall in his house; a large staircase from the second dwelling, to which many side mezzanines adjoin; below to the right (from the characters) exit to the porch and the Swiss box; on the left, on the same plan, Molchalin's room.

Night. Weak lighting. Some lackeys fuss, others sleep in anticipation of their masters.

Phenomenon 1

Countess grandmother, Countess granddaughter , in front of them Lake th .

Lake th

Countess Khryumina's carriage.

Countess granddaughter

(as long as she is wrapped up)

Well ball! Well Famusov! knew how to call guests!

Some freaks from the other world

And there is no one to talk to, and no one to dance with.

Countess grandmother

We sing, mother, I can’t do it right,

Someday I'll take a bed to the grave.

(Both leave.)

Phenomenon 2

Platon Mikhailovich And Natalya Dmitrievna. One Lake is busy around them, the other is shouting at the entrance:

Gorich's carriage.

Natalya Dmitrievna

My angel, my life

Priceless, darling, Poposh, why is it so sad?

(Kisses her husband on the forehead.)

Admit it, the Famusovs had fun.

Platon Mikhailovich

Mother Natasha, I doze off at the balls,

Before them, a mortal reluctant,

But I do not resist, your worker,

I'm on duty after midnight, sometimes

You are pleased, no matter how sad,

I start to dance on command.

Natalya Dmitrievna

You pretend, and very unskillfully;

Hunt mortal to pass for an old man.

(Exit with footman.)

Platon Mikhailovich (coldly)

Ball is a good thing, captivity is bitter;

And who will not marry us!

After all, it is said, of a different kind ...

Lake th (from the porch)

There is a lady in the carriage, and she will be angry.

Platon Mikhailovich (with a sigh)


Phenomenon 3

Chatsky and Lake are ahead of him.


Shout for it to be served soon.

The footman leaves.

Well, the day has passed, and with it

All the ghosts, all the smoke and smoke

The hopes that filled my soul.

What was I waiting for? what did you think you would find here?

Where is the charm of this meeting? participation in whom is alive?

Scream! joy! hugged! - Empty.

In a wagon so-and-so on the way

Boundless plain, sitting idly,

Everything is visible ahead.

Light, blue, varied;

And you go for an hour, and two, a whole day; here is briskly

Drove to rest; lodging for the night: wherever you look,

All the same expanse and steppe, both empty and dead...

Annoyingly, there is no urine, the more you think.

The footman is back.

Lake th

The coachman is nowhere to be found, you see.


I went, look, do not spend the night here.

Lakey leaves again.

Phenomenon 4

Chatsky, Repetilov (runs in from the porch, at the very entrance falls from all legs and hastily recovers).


Ugh! blundered. Ah, my creator!

Let me rub my eyes; from where? buddy!..

Heart friend! Dear friend! Mon Cher! My dear. - Red.

Here are farces to me how often they were pets,

That I am idle, that I am stupid, that I am superstitious,

What do I have for all premonitions, signs;

Now ... please explain,

As if I knew, I'm in a hurry here,

Grab it, I hit it with my foot on the threshold

And stretched out to his full height.

Maybe laugh at me

That Repetilov is lying, that Repetilov is simple,

And I have an attraction to you, a kind of illness,

Some kind of love and passion

I'm ready to slay my soul

That in the world you will not find such a friend,

So true, she-she;

Let me lose my wife, children,

I will be left with the whole world,

Let me die in this place

And the Lord will destroy me...


Yes, it's full of nonsense to grind.


You don't love me, it's natural

With others, I am this way and that,

I'm talking to you shyly

I'm pathetic, I'm ridiculous, I'm ignorant, I'm a fool.


Here is a strange humiliation!


Scold me, I myself curse my birth,

When I think about how I killed time!

Tell me what time is it?


An hour to go to bed to go to bed;

When you came to the ball

So you can turn back.


What's the ball? brother, where are we all night until broad daylight,

We are shackled in decencies, we will not break out of the yoke,

Have you read? there is a book...


Did you read? task for me

Are you Repetilov?


Call me vandal

I deserve this name.

I valued empty people!

He himself raved for a century at dinner or at a ball!

I forgot about the kids! cheated on his wife!

Played! lost! taken under guardianship by decree!

He kept the dancer! and not just one:

Three at once!

Drinking dead! did not sleep for nine nights!

He rejected everything: laws! conscience! faith!


Listen! lie, but know the measure;

There is something to be desperate about.


Congratulate me, now I know people

With the smartest!! - All night long I do not roam.


Now, for example?


That there is only one night, it does not count,

But ask, where have you been?


And I guess myself.

Tea, in the club?


In English. To start confession:

From a noisy meeting.

Please, be silent, I gave my word to be silent;

We have society and secret meetings

On Thursdays. Secret alliance...


Oh! I'm scared brother.

How? in club?



These are emergency measures.

To drive away both you and your secrets.


In vain fear takes you

We speak loudly, no one will understand.

I myself, how they grab about the cameras, the jury,

About Byron, well, about important mothers,

I often listen without opening my lips;

I can't do it, brother, and I feel stupid.

Oh! Alexandre! we missed you;

Listen, my dear, amuse me at least a little;

Let's go now; we, fortunately, are on the move;

What will I take you to

People !!! .. they don’t look like me at all,

What kind of people, mon cher! Juice of smart youth!


God be with them and with you. Where will I jump?

For what? in the dead of night? Home, I want to sleep.


E! drop it! who is sleeping now? Well, complete, without preludes,

Make up your mind, and we! .. we have ... decisive people,

Hot dozen heads!


What are you so mad about?


Noise, brother, noise.


Are you making noise? but only?


No place to explain now and lack of time,

But the state business

It, you see, is not ripe,

You can't suddenly.

What kind of people! mon cher! Without distant stories

I'll tell you: firstly, Prince Gregory!!

The only weirdo! makes us laugh!

A century with the English, the whole English fold,

And he says through his teeth,

And also cut short for order.

Are you not familiar? O! get to know him.

The other is Vorkulov Evdokim;

Have you heard how he sings? O! wonder!

Listen, dear, especially

He has a favorite:

"A! non lashyar mi, but, but, But". "A! non lasciar mi, no, no, no" - "Ah, don't leave me, no, no, no!" - Ed.

We also have two brothers:

Levon and Borinka, wonderful guys!

You don't know what to say about them;

But if you order a genius to name:

Udushiev Ippolit Markelych!!!

You are writing it

Did you read anything? even a trifle?

Read, brother, but he does not write anything;

Here are some people to flog

And sentence: write, write, write;

In magazines you can, however, find

His passage, look and something.

What do you mean something? - about everything;

He knows everything, we graze him for a rainy day.

But we have a head, which is not in Russia,

No need to name, you will recognize by the portrait:

Night thief, duelist,

He was exiled to Kamchatka, returned as an Aleut

And firmly on the hand unclean;

Yes, a smart person cannot but be a rogue.

When he speaks of high honesty,

We inspire with some kind of demon:

Bloody eyes, burning face

He is crying, and we are all crying.

Here are the people, are there any like them? Hardly…

Well, between them, of course, I'm mediocre,

A little behind, lazy, think horror!

However, when, with my mind, I strained,

I'll sit down, I don't sit for an hour,

And somehow by chance, suddenly I face a pun.

Others in my mind will pick up the same thought,

And six of us, look, they blind the vaudeville,

The other six set to music,

Others clap when it's given.

Brother, laugh, but whatever, whatever:

God did not give me abilities

I gave a good heart, that's what I'm nice to people,

I’m lying - forgive me ...

Lake th (at the entrance)

Carriage Skalozub.


Phenomenon 5

The same Skalozub going down the stairs.

Repetilov (to meet him)

Oh! Skalozub, my soul,

Wait, where are you going? make friendship.

(She strangles him in her arms.)


Where can I go from them!

(Included in the Swiss.)

Repetilov (Skalozub)

The rumor about you has long ceased,

They said that you went to the regiment to serve,

Are you familiar?

(Searching for Chatsky with his eyes.)

Stubborn! rode off!

There is no need, I accidentally found you,

And please come with me, now, without excuses:

Prince Gregory now has darkness for the people,

You will see us forty people,

Ugh! how much, brother, there is mind!

They talk all night, they don't get bored,

First, they will give you champagne to drink,

And secondly, they will teach such things,

Which, of course, we can not invent with you.


Deliver. Don't fool me with learning

Call others, and if you want,

I am Prince Gregory and you

Sergeant major in Walters ladies,

He will build you in three lines,

And squeak, it will instantly calm you down.


All service is on your mind! Mon cher, look here:

And I would climb into the ranks, but I met failures,

Like maybe no one ever;

I served as a civilian, then

Baron von Klotz to ministers methyl,

To him as a son-in-law.

Went straight ahead without further thought,

With his wife and with him he went into reversi,

Him and her what amounts

Dropped, God forbid!

He lived on the Fontanka, I built a house near,

With columns! huge! how much did it cost!

Finally married his daughter

I took a dowry - shish, in the service - nothing.

Father-in-law is German, but what's the use? -

I was afraid, you see, he reproached

For weakness, as if to relatives!

I was afraid, take his ashes, but is it easier for me?

His secretaries are all boors, all corrupt,

People, writing creature,

Everyone went out to know, everyone is important now,

Look at the address-calendar.

Ugh! service and ranks, crosses - the souls of ordeal,

Lakhmotiev Alexey says wonderfully,

That radical drugs are needed here,

The stomach does not boil longer.

(Stops when he sees that Zagoretsky has taken the place of Skalozub, who has left for a while.)

Phenomenon 6

Repetilov, Zagoretsky.


Please continue, I sincerely confess to you

I am just like you, a terrible liberal!

And from the fact that I speak straight and boldly,

How much have you lost!

Repetilov (with annoyance)

All apart, not saying a word;

Just out of sight one, look no more.

There was Chatsky, suddenly disappeared, then Skalozub.


What do you think about Chatsky?


He's not stupid

Now we collided, there are all sorts of turuses,

And a practical conversation turned to vaudeville.

Yes! vaudeville is a thing, and everything else is nothing.

He and I…we have…the same tastes.


Did you notice that he

Seriously damaged in mind?


What nonsense!


About him all this faith.



Ask everyone.



And by the way, here is Prince Pyotr Ilyich,

Princess and with princesses.


Phenomenon 7

Repetilov, Zagoretsky, Prince and Princess with six daughters and, a little later, Khlestova descends from the front stairs, Molchalin leads her by the arm. Lackeys in the bustle.


Princesses, please tell me your opinion,

Crazy Chatsky or not?

1st princess

What is the doubt about this?

2nd princess

The whole world knows about it.

3rd princess

Dryansky, Khvorov, Varlyansky, Skachkov.

4th princess

Oh! lead the old ones, to whom are they new?

5th princess

Who doubts?


Yeah, I don't believe...

6th princess


Monsieur Repetilov! You! Monsieur Repetilov! what do you!

How are you! Is it possible against everyone!

Why are you? shame and laughter.

Repetilov (plugs his ears)

I'm sorry, I didn't know that was too loud.


It would not be public yet, it is dangerous to talk with him,

It's time to lock up

Listen, so his little finger

Smarter than everyone, and even Prince Peter!

I think he's just a Jacobin

Your Chatsky!!!.. Let's go. Prince, you could carry

Roll or Zizi, we'll sit in a six-seater.

Khlestova (from the stairs)

Princess, card debt.


Follow me, mother.

Everyone (to each other)


The princely family leaves and Zagoretsky too.

Phenomenon 8

Repetilov, Khlestova, Molchalin.


Heavenly king!

Amfisa Nilovna! Oh! Chatsky! poor! Here!

What is our high mind! and a thousand worries!

Tell me what in the world we are busy with!


So God judged him; however,

They will treat, cure maybe;

And you, my father, are incurable, come on.

Made me show up on time! -

Molchalin, there is your closet,

Wires are not needed, go, the Lord is with you.

Molchalin goes to his room.

Farewell, father; it's time to freak out.


Phenomenon 9

Repetilov with his lackey.


Where is the path to go now?

And things are about to dawn.

Come on, put me in the carriage,

Take it somewhere.


Event 10

The last lamp goes out.

Chatsky (leaving the Swiss)

What is this? did I hear with my ears!

Not laughter, but clearly anger. What miracles

Through what sorcery

And for others, like a celebration,

Others seem to sympathize ...

ABOUT! if someone penetrated people:

What's worse about them? soul or language?

Whose essay is this!

Fools believed, they pass it on to others,

Old women instantly sound the alarm -

And here is the public opinion!

And that homeland ... No, on the current visit,

I see that she will soon tire of me.

Does Sophia know? - Of course, they said

She's not exactly to my detriment

I had fun, and it's true or not -

She doesn't care if I'm different or I

In her conscience, she does not value anyone.

But this swoon, unconsciousness from where?? -

Nerve spoiled, whim, -

A little will excite them, and a little will calm them down, -

I took it as a sign of living passions. - Not a crumb:

She, of course, would have lost the same strength,

Whenever someone stepped

On the tail of a dog or cat.


(above the stairs on the second floor, with a candle)

Molchalin, is that you?

(He hastily closes the door again.)


She! she herself!

Oh! my head is on fire, all my blood is in agitation.

Appeared! no it! is it in a vision?

Have I really lost my mind?

I am definitely prepared for the extraordinary;

But there is no vision here, the hour of goodbye is arranged.

Why should I deceive myself?

She called Molchalin, here is his room.

Footman him (from the porch)


(Pushes him out.)

(Hides behind a pillar.)

Event 11

Chatsky is hidden, Lisa with a candle.


(looks around.)

Yes! how! he wants to wander around the hallway!

He, tea, has long been outside the gate,

Save love for tomorrow

Home and went to bed.

However, it is ordered to push to the heart.

(He knocks on Molchalin.)

Listen, sir. Please wake up.

The young lady is calling you, the young lady is calling you.

Yes, hurry up, so as not to be caught.

Event 12

Chatsky behind the column, Lisa, Molchalin (stretches and yawns), Sofia (sneaks from above).


You, sir, are stone, sir, ice.


Oh! Lizanka, are you on your own?


From the young lady, s.


Who would have guessed

What's in these cheeks, in these veins

Love has not yet played a blush!

Do you want to be only on parcels?


And you, the bride-seekers,

Do not bask and do not yawn;

Pretty and sweet, who does not eat

And do not sleep until the wedding.


What wedding? with whom?


And with the young lady?


There is much hope ahead

Let's pass the time without a wedding.


What are you, sir! yes we are someone

To yourself as another's husband?


Don't know. And I'm so shaking,

And at one thought I crush,

That Pavel Afanasich once

Someday will catch us

Disperse, curse! .. What? open your soul?

I don't see anything in Sofia Pavlovna

Enviable. God grant her a century to live richly,

Loved Chatsky once,

He will stop loving me like him.

My angel, I would like half

To feel the same for her that I feel for you;

No, no matter how I tell myself

I'm getting ready to be gentle, but I'm getting wet - and I'll lay a sheet.

Sofia (aside)

What baseness!

Chatsky (behind the column)


And you are not ashamed?


My father bequeathed to me:

First, to please all people without exception -

The owner, where he happens to live,

The boss with whom I will serve,

To his servant who cleans dresses,

Doorman, janitor, to avoid evil,

The janitor's dog, so that it was affectionate.


Say, sir, you have a huge guardianship!


And here's the lover I assume

To please the daughter of such a person ...


Who feeds and waters

And sometimes give a rank?

Come on, enough talk.


Let's go love to share our deplorable stolen.

Let me hug you from the heart of fullness.

Lisa is not given.

Why is she not you!

(Wants to go, Sophia won't let her.)


Horrible man! I'm ashamed of myself, I'm ashamed of the walls.


How! Sofia Pavlovna...


Not a word, for God's sake

Shut up, I'll take care of everything.


(drops to her knees, Sofia pushes him away), except for Molchalin.,

Made a lazy grouse into doormen,

He doesn't know anything, he doesn't feel anything.

Where was? where did you go?

Senya did not lock for what?

And how did you overlook it? and how did you miss it?

To work you, to settle you:

They are ready to sell me for a penny.

You, quick-eyed, everything from your pranks;

Here it is, the Kuznetsk bridge, outfits and updates;

There you learned how to make lovers,

Wait, I'll fix you

If you please, go to the hut, march, follow the birds;

Yes, and you, my friend, I, daughter, will not leave,

Take two more days of patience;

You should not be in Moscow, you should not live with people;

To the village, to my aunt, to the wilderness, to Saratov,

There you will grieve

Sitting at the hoop, yawning at the saints.

And you, sir, I ask plainly

Do not favor either directly or by country road;

And yours is the last line,

What, tea, to everyone the door will be locked:

I will try, I, I will strike the alarm,

I'll make trouble around the city

And I will announce to all the people:

I will submit to the Senate, to the ministers, to the sovereign.


(after some silence)

I will not come to my senses ... guilty,

And I listen, I don't understand

As if they still want to explain to me,

Confused by thoughts… expecting something.

(With heat.)

Blind! in whom I was looking for the reward of all labors!

Hurry! .. flew! trembled! happiness, I thought

Before whom I just now so passionately and so low

There was a waster of tender words!

And you! Oh my God! who did you choose?

When I think about who you preferred!

Why am I lured into hope?

Why didn't they tell me directly

What did you turn all the past into laughter?!

That memory even hates you

Those feelings, in both of us the movements of the hearts of those

Which in me have not cooled the distance,

No entertainment, no changing places.

Breathed, and lived by them, was constantly busy!

They would say that my sudden arrival to you,

My appearance, my words, actions - everything is disgusting,

I would immediately cut off relations with you,

And before we leave forever

Wouldn't get very far

Who is this kind person?


You will make peace with him, on mature reflection.

To destroy yourself, and for what!

Think you can always

Protect, and swaddle, and send for business.

Husband-boy, husband-servant, from the wife's pages -

The lofty ideal of all Moscow men. -

Enough! .. with you I am proud of my break.

And you, sir father, you passionate for ranks:

I wish you to slumber in ignorance happy,

I do not threaten you with my marriage.

There will be another well-behaved,

Low worshiper and businessman,

Virtues at last

He is equal to the future father-in-law.

So! I sobered up completely

Dreaming out of sight - and the veil fell;

Now it would not be bad in a row

For daughter and father

And for a fool's lover

And pour out all the bile and all the annoyance on the whole world.

Who was he with? Where did fate take me?

Everyone is racing! everyone curse! crowd of tormentors,

In the love of traitors, in the enmity of the tireless,

Indomitable storytellers,

Clumsy wise men, crafty simpletons,

Sinister old women, old men,

decrepit over fiction, nonsense, -

Insane you glorified me with all the chorus.

You are right: he will come out of the fire unharmed,

Who will have time to spend the day with you,

Breathe the air alone

And his mind will survive.

Get out of Moscow! I don't come here anymore.

I'm running, I won't look back, I'll go looking around the world,

Where there is a corner for the offended feeling! ..

Carriage for me, carriage!


Event 15

Except Chatsky


Well? Can't you see he's crazy?

Say seriously:

Insane! what the hell is he talking about here!

Worshiper! father-in-law! and about Moscow so menacingly!

And you decided to kill me?

Is my fate still not deplorable?

Oh! My God! what will he say

Princess Marya Alexevna!
