Competition of methodological work in a club institution. Priority areas of work with youth of the rural House of Culture with

Nina Cherepanova
Consultation for young preschool specialists on FEMP

to speak at a methodological association for teachers of the Zavyalovsky district in the direction "Cognitive Development"

N. L. Cherepanova St. teacher at MADOU "Tsrr - Oktyabrsky d/s"

Theoretical foundations of the formation and development of mathematical concepts in preschoolers

Slide 3 Kindergarten is the first and very important stage of the general education system. Before teachers preschool institutions and scientists currently have a common task - to improve all educational work and improve the preparation of children for school.

Slide Training preschoolers the principles of mathematics should be given an important place.

This is caused by a whole bunch of reasons: the abundance of information received by the child, increased attention to computerization, the desire to make the learning process more intense, the desire of parents in this regard to teach the child to recognize numbers, count, and solve problems as early as possible.

Home stalked target: to raise children as people who can think, to navigate well in everything that surrounds them, to correctly assess the various situations they encounter in life, to make independent decisions.

Slide Formation of elementary mathematical concepts is a purposeful process of transferring and assimilating knowledge, techniques and methods of mental activity provided for by program requirements. Its main goal is not only preparation for successful mastery of mathematics at school, but also the comprehensive development of children

Slide What general didactic principles underlie teaching methods? FEMP?

Slide The methodology for teaching mathematical knowledge is based on general didactic principles: systematic, consistent, gradual, individual approach, scientific, accessible, corrective focus, continuous repetition of material.

Slide From the point of view of L. S. Vygotsky, the concept "mathematical development preschoolers» is quite complex, complex and multidimensional and consists of interrelated and interdependent ideas about space, form, size, time, quantity, their properties and relationships, which are necessary for the formation of "everyday" And "scientific" concepts.

Slide From how many sections? FEMP What is the program for each age group?

The work of the teacher should ensure that children acquire generalized, systematized knowledge in all sections in the amount programs:

1 Quantity and counting, 2 Size, 3 Shape, 4 Orientation in space, 5 Orientation in time.

Slide (Experimentation) Under mathematical development preschoolers refers to qualitative changes in a child’s cognitive activity that occur as a result of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts and logical operations associated with them.

In the mathematical preparation provided by the program, much attention is paid to operations with visual material, taking measurements using conventional measures, determining the volume of liquid and granular bodies, developing the children's eye, their ideas about geometric figures, about time, and developing an understanding of spatial relationships.

Slide When organizing children's experimentation, there is a new task: Show children the different possibilities of tools that help them understand the world, such as a microscope.

Quite a lot of materials are required for children's experimentation, therefore, if conditions permit, preferably in kindergarten for older preschoolers allocate a separate room for experiments using technical means

Slide In mathematics classes, the teacher carries out not only educational tasks, but also solves educational ones. The teacher introduces preschoolers with rules of behavior, instills in them diligence, organization, the habit of precision, restraint, perseverance, determination, and an active attitude towards their own activities.

Slide List the methods and techniques used in classes FEMP

In mathematics classes, teachers use various methods (verbal, visual, practical, game) And

techniques (story, conversation, description, instructions and explanations, questions for children, children’s answers, sample, showing real objects, paintings, didactic games and exercises, outdoor games).

Modern requirements for the selection of content, means, methods and techniques that stimulate activity and aimed at developing children's independence and initiative.

Slide Developmental teaching methods occupy a large place in working with children of all age groups. This includes the systematization of the knowledge he offers, the use of visual aids

Slide If teachers themselves select visual material, they should strictly comply with the requirements arising from the learning objectives and the age characteristics of the children. These requirements following:

A sufficient number of objects used in the lesson;

Variety of items by size (big and small);

Playing with children of all types of visual aids before class at different periods of time, so that during the lesson they are attracted only by the mathematical side, and not by the gaming side (when playing with gaming material, you need to indicate to the children its purpose);

Dynamism Children act with the object offered to them in accordance with the teacher’s instructions, so the object must be strong, stable, so that it can be rearranged, moved from place to place, or picked up;


Visual material should attract children aesthetically. Beautiful manuals make children want to study with them, contribute to the organized conduct of classes and good assimilation of the material.

Slide Increasing children's independence and cognitive interests determines the wider use of educational literature in the group (children's encyclopedias, workbooks.

Along with fiction, the book corner should contain reference, educational literature, general and thematic encyclopedias for preschoolers.

The teacher shows the children how they can get answers to the most complex and interesting questions from the book. A well-illustrated book becomes a source of new interests preschooler

Slide Teaching mathematics in kindergarten is based on specific images and ideas. These concrete representations prepare the foundation for the formation of mathematical concepts based on them.

Without enriching sensory cognitive experience, full mastery of mathematical knowledge and skills is impossible

Slide Mathematical abilities are cognitive skills (32) and are closely related to cognitive processes: sensory and intellectual.

Sensory abilities determine the direct perception of the surrounding world.

Intellectual - determine its comprehension.

Slide Photo The basis of sensory cognitive abilities is a cognitive process such as perception, and the basis of intellectual cognitive abilities is thinking.

At the same time, other cognitive processes (attention, memory, imagination) act in this hierarchy as conditions for the active and successful implementation of both the first and the second.

Slide Forms of organizing children's activities for the development of mathematical concepts

Collective forms:

Math matinee,

Holidays, entertainment,


Meetings with interesting people


Customized forms:




Club work,

Differentiated learning,

Role-playing games

Design of exhibitions, etc.

Slide During the joint mathematical activity of the teacher and children

assistance and pedagogical support are provided to children who have difficulty mastering mathematical material, as well as to children who show increased interest in mathematics;

didactic games, computer games, collecting, plot-based didactic games, experimentation and project activities are used.

During independent activities, children study in an intellectual and mathematical environment created in a group;

the teacher fills the environment with games and gaming materials in accordance with the requests of the children;

The teacher creates conditions for independent experimentation and development of cognitive and research activities of children.

Slide Conclusion

The teacher’s skill to excite, strengthen and develop the child’s cognitive interests in the process of his development consists of the ability to make the content of his subject rich, deep, attractive, and the methods of cognitive activity varied, creative, productive.

Let the children not see that they are being taught something. Let them think that they are only playing. But unnoticed by yourself, during the game, preschoolers count, add, subtract, and, moreover, solve various kinds of logical problems that form certain logical operations. This is interesting for children because they love to play.

Information resources used

Beloshistaya A. V. Formation and development of mathematical abilities preschoolers: Questions of theory and practices: Course of lectures for students. doshk. higher faculties textbook establishments. – M.: Humanite. ed. VLADOS center, 2003. – 400 p.

Shcherbakova E. N. Theory and methodology of mathematical development preschoolers. – M.: Publishing house of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: NPO Publishing House "MODEK", - 2005.-392 p.

V. F. PETROVA Methods of mathematical education for children preschool age h


Control of cultural and leisure activities by federal level mechanisms, new tasks for the heads of club institutions

Today, there are practically no legal documents in the legislation that would regulate the cultural and leisure activities of club-type cultural institutions. In this regard, some difficulties arise in determining the mission of these organizations operating in many localities of the Russian Federation.

Problems of regulation of cultural and leisure activities

As is known, cultural and leisure activities is not included in the list of powers at the federal level. Currently, this is the preemptive right of regional and municipal authorities. Therefore, all federal legislative acts are only advisory in nature.

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Therefore, collecting and analyzing information regarding the cultural and leisure activities of clubs is quite problematic. As a result, centralized statistics are almost completely absent.

If we talk about regulating the activities of clubs at the regional level, then in this case there are also a lot of shortcomings.

  • After all, the regional authorities have not yet approved the Regulations on cultural and leisure activities, thanks to which it would be possible to resolve any issues related to the activities of such organizations.
  • Among the many problems of club organizations, it is worth highlighting the problem that concerns the work of clubs and studios. Today, both of them operate outside the system, that is, they exist, as it were, in a separate vacuum. Many of them experience a significant decline in skill level over time.

But at the same time, it is worth noting the activity of some leaders of creative teams, who are real enthusiasts and masters of their craft. For many years they have been working to develop potential and attract new members of the creative team.

  • As a result, it turns out that the same conditions have been created for both enthusiasts and laggards, in which for some there are no opportunities for development, and for others there is no opportunity to close a practically inactive team. This can be explained by the lack of legislation that would regulate not only programs, but also the use of space.

Public participation, as well as monitoring, are mechanisms that are being introduced at the federal level and pose new tasks for the heads of club institutions. To do this, of course, a lot of work will need to be done.

  • However, resolving these issues will be problematic. And the main problem is the lack of quality standards in relation to cultural and leisure activities.
  • Also a big obstacle is the lack of specific activity goals and tasks for achieving them when organizing leisure time.

Conclusions on the issues of cultural and leisure activities

Types of club-type institutions

Cultural and leisure institutions include:

  • palaces of culture;
  • youth palaces;
  • cultural and sports complexes;
  • craft centers;
  • houses of folk art;
  • social and cultural centers;
  • information and methodological centers and others.

Advantages of cultural and leisure institutions

But, despite this, these institutions have some advantages compared to museums, libraries and theaters:

  1. They are not burdened with obligations related to the preservation of museum values;
  2. For them there is no mandatory framework for staging performances;
  3. Their activities are not limited to certain formats.
  4. They operate not only in large and medium-sized cities, but also in small urban and rural settlements.

Multifunctional cultural center

Thanks to the performance of a huge number of functions, the club institution will be able to acquire a new status - the status of a multifunctional cultural center. After all, it is this form of institutional activity that today occupies a leading position on a global scale.

Today, club institutions remain the only organizations of cultural and leisure activities in many settlements. Therefore, they have a real prospect of acting as multifunctional cultural centers that help attract the population to cultural life.

Today it is worth paying great attention to carefully developing standards for the activities of cultural centers. This will allow each user to understand their significance, become familiar with their activities, and become an active participant.

Modern cultural centers differ significantly from each other. Some of them are impressive complexes with huge concert halls. Others are located on just a few tens of square meters and have limited opportunities for development.

Despite the different scale and different operating conditions, all club organizations have common approaches to providing the most relevant services.

Organization of the guest area of ​​the club establishment

The main task of any leisure organization is to attract and retain visitors. Houses of culture, acting as interdisciplinary platforms, host various events and activities for users of different age categories. Therefore, it is necessary to organize your activities in such a way that the visitor wants not only to come, but also to become an active participant in the events.

It is sometimes very difficult for a user visiting an institution of social and cultural leisure activities for the first time to navigate the variety of services that the center provides. The advertisements presented are often chaotic and multidirectional, and sometimes there is simply no one to consult with.

Therefore, adult visitors often stay away from useful and no less interesting “adult” events, and young people are embarrassed or lazy to look for additional information about the work of the institution. At the same time, the pricing policy remains a secret for most consumers. The way out of this situation is to organize a “guest” zone.

Guest area of ​​a club-type establishment

Following the advice of experts, it is worth including the following components in the reception area:

Duty administrator's place

It is necessary to install a table at which the employee on duty at the institution can advise the visitor on issues of interest.

The administrator's responsibilities include:

  • issuing a booklet;
  • solving the “first visit” problem;
  • ensuring communication with club leaders and event organizers;
  • providing new information and so on.

Also, the administrator must be well aware of the cost of all services provided by the institution and have information about the number of free places in clubs and sections.

Cash register

The best option is to locate the ticket office in the guest area, which operates at the same time as the cultural center itself. After all, most users do not want to go to the bank to pay a fee for a particular service. A positive point in this case is the ability to pay using a bank card.

Especially if this institution is located in an urban area. The lack of such opportunities, as a rule, causes indignation among visitors, especially those who are solvent.


In the reception area you need to install navigation:

  • building diagram;
  • signs;
  • signs on offices and so on.

All navigation elements must be made in the same style. This contributes to the formation of a unified aesthetic space institutions of cultural and leisure activities.

Place to rest and wait

For example, the club has a choreography club and parents often have to wait for their children. In the absence of a waiting place, they crowd on the street, which is quite inconvenient, especially in cold weather.

Therefore, the equipment of such a corner is simply necessary. Some club-type establishments are installed in the recreation area:

  • chairs;
  • tables;
  • sofas and banquettes;
  • provide wi-fi.

Additional services

For example, in recreation areas you can place:

  • Board games;
  • install computer devices;
  • provide the opportunity to drink coffee.

In the hygiene room you can install:

  • baby changing table;
  • a special stand so that the child can reach the washbasin.

Since modern consumers are already accustomed to the fact that almost all establishments, be it an airport, a shopping center or a school, provide such household services as:

  • availability of soap;
  • toilet paper;
  • well-functioning drying in hygiene rooms.

Therefore, the lack of such services in club establishments often causes indignation and creates a not entirely positive opinion about it.

Many cultural and leisure establishments had the opportunity to verify in practice that the presence of a comfortable area increases the interest of visitors. It was parents, not grandparents, who began to bring their children to classes more often. They spend their waiting time having a pleasant conversation, drinking a cup of coffee, viewing an exhibition or reading a book.

Implementation of new programs in cultural centers

Today, large cultural centers act as centers of creative initiatives of the population. Therefore, in order to intensify their activities, they can provide their sites for the implementation of various projects.

  • It is worth noting that at present, in club-type institutions, the undeservedly forgotten work of scientific and technical creativity circles has begun to resume. This has a big advantage, since it attracts the participation of teenage and boy audiences who do not always express a desire to engage in singing, music or choreography.

Older generation users are very interested in the activities of such institutions. Therefore, they are the most numerous and permanent target audience. Most often they are participants in folklore and choral studios. They take part in free events with great pleasure.

Current changes require the implementation of new initiatives in the activities of cultural centers. And since the older generation is the main audience, it is necessary to include them in these initiatives.

  • A fairly popular area today is the organization of computer literacy courses. Although this area is actively pursued by libraries, club institutions should not stand aside.

An excellent solution that is of particular interest to visitors of the older age category is:

  • staging documentary performances based on the memories of older people;
  • organization of exhibitions of archival materials;
  • holding meetings of generations and so on.

A very important point in this case is the development of programs for the older generation, which must be carefully thought out and no less carefully prepared for implementation.

Prospects for the development of club institutions

Those club-type institutions that claim to be a modern cultural center will have to solve a huge number of different problems. After all, as you know, today the regulatory framework requires improvement, there are practically no standards, there are no guidelines for the future development of these institutions.

Currently, one of the main resources of cities and other territories is creative capital. And it is the activities of cultural and leisure institutions that will allow the population, regardless of age and occupation, to realize their potential.

The interdisciplinary capabilities of cultural centers make it possible to comprehensively and systematically solve problems related to the development of cities and other territories.

Material verified by Aktion Culture experts

On the website "People's Expertise".

Rural clubs began to appear on a large scale in Russian villages and villages in the post-war period. At that time, the organization of the club premises corresponded to the basic needs of the population for leisure activities: a large dance floor, a stage for performances, a cinema booth for watching films and a large number of folding chairs assembled in rows - on days of dancing and mass celebrations, these chairs were placed around the perimeter of the room, and at times concerts, film screenings or party and people's meetings, they were lined up in orderly rows so that everyone present could watch the performances on stage. This purpose also resulted in the typical architecture of the building - a one-story rectangular house with an entrance in the center.

In this form, most rural clubs existed until the collapse of the Soviet Union, and in the next twenty years they did not undergo any fundamental changes. The author of these lines went to one of these clubs as a child, and this was already in the 2000s. The cinema booth, however, was no longer working at that time; on Saturdays, the sounds of music were heard from a half-dead tape recorder, designed to organize a “disco,” and rural youth used the club as a “transit point” - all the main “movement” took place behind the club building, and was characterized by it is in one succinct word: " Get drunk".

Modern realities

Most rural clubs still exist in almost the same form today. For the most part, they have the status of a “bureaucratic unsubscribe”: since there is a club in the village, it means that it has “social and cultural facilities for the population.” Accordingly, the participation of the state in the lives of modern rural residents (and primarily young people) takes place. But is this true in practice?

Yes, clubs operate in villages and villages. The employees of these cultural centers receive salaries, and with them the obligation to conduct cultural events for the population. Let's not pretend and deceive ourselves - to a large extent this is done for show, but not for a real contribution to the cultural development of the population. Young people are now passionate about completely different interests, and you can’t drag them into a room with a wooden floor and a music center, even if it has undergone “European-quality renovation,” which is what the heads of districts and rural settlements love to flaunt. The older generation is also sitting at home - concerts and film screenings have long moved from movie booths to TV screens. Neither the young nor the old have any interest or motivation to “go to a club in the evening.” The only regulars at these “houses of culture” are tipsy villagers, for whom the club is a place to warm up (in winter).

Meanwhile, the rural club still remains practically the only option for cultural and mass leisure in rural areas. Moreover, it can and should be a platform not just for cultural and modern recreation, but also a basis for the formation of self-awareness of the local population. It is simply necessary to radically reconsider the format of presenting and organizing leisure time. And now, when the Governor of the Belgorod region talks about the “course of de-urbanization” and attracting young people to rural areas, the issue of organizing cultural and leisure recreation in rural settlements should be one of the key priorities, along with providing rural youth with housing and jobs.

Requests from rural youth

What do rural youth want? The answer may seem strange - but she wants the same thing as the city girl. And the primary desire is communication with peers. Through dancing, playing together, or drinking alcoholic beverages and fighting, these communications take place - this is precisely a socio-cultural issue. It depends on the environment and what this environment gives to the youth. If urban youth have options for evening leisure such as going to the cinema or sitting with friends in a pizzeria cafe, then for rural people the options are less prosaic - staying at home or going “to the club”.

The task of “reviving” the socio-cultural role of a rural club is to transfer, as much as possible, the realities of urban leisure to the body of a rural club. Cross out from the program what is an atavism, a relic of the past. For example - discos. A disco in a rural club is attended by at most ten people, nine of whom are drunk. Considering the current population size in villages and hamlets, the very idea of ​​rural discos has become obsolete. Young people need as many peers as possible around them. Now discos are concentrated in regional centers. Again, the realities of the 21st century - a significant number of young people have cars. There is at least one for a company of 3-4 people. Even if it's his father's. And this company would rather travel 10-15 kilometers to the regional center, where a hundred people have gathered for a disco, than remain sitting in a rural club, where there are hardly a dozen people. There is no need for discos in rural clubs.

What is needed? I already noted above about watching movies together - firstly, almost everyone has televisions, secondly, not every club has equipment for watching movies and, thirdly, in the era of copyrights, collective viewing of new films can cost a pretty penny for establishments. That is, we reject dances and films. What remains?

It remains to return to the original meaning of the English word “club” - a meeting place for people with common interests (business, educational, developmental, entertainment), cultural and entertainment in nature. An ideal modern example of such an organization of the population are the “anti-cafes” that are gaining popularity among young people, where the space is organized in such a way that a person (company) is provided with a wide choice of options for conducting cultural leisure in a pleasant environment.

Why are coffee shops so popular in Belgorod? Is it really because a whole generation of “gourmets and connoisseurs” of the real taste of coffee has grown up? Not at all. Coffee shops and anti-cafes have become interesting and popular places for joint cultural leisure; these are the “clubs” of the 21st century. Therefore - yes, if it is exaggerated - a rural club should take the model of modern “anti-cafes” as the basis for its structure.

Organization of the club space

So, the main goal that we set for the premises of a “modern club” is comfortable accommodation of the population for leisure activities. What problem should this room solve? The club's opening hours are evening. By this time, schoolchildren are finishing their studies at school, adults are returning from work. The very first target audience is young people. The club must offer this category of the population a worthy alternative to languishing in front of TV screens or aimlessly wandering through gateways.

The main hall of our club should accommodate armchairs (sofas) with coffee tables between them. Up to six people can gather around one such table. Here a group can play board games ("Mafia", "Elias", "Activity", "Svintus", "Monopoly", even classical chess - now there are a thousand of them, and they are a worthy replacement for an alcoholic feast - tested from our own experience many times! ), read books and magazines, watch videos from a laptop - I’m telling you everything that young people do in city institutions of this format.

Next to the main hall there is a children's playroom. It can be separated from the main hall by a transparent partition similar to plastic windows - on the one hand, children's noise and squealing does not penetrate into the main room and does not distract adults, on the other hand, parents always see what their children are doing.

The club must have a toilet (yes, now in the vast majority of cases there are none). First of all, children are children. Secondly... hmm, is it really necessary to make arguments in favor of having a toilet in a public institution in 2014?!

Next to the children's room and toilet there should be a small room - a “kitchen”, as I called it. Here, again, the principle is “anti-cafe” - anyone can pour themselves a cup of tea and snack on cookies. People can bring tea bags from home and something sweet here. I agree that at first it will be something outlandish and partly unthinkable - but people’s consciousness is capable of changing under the influence of the example of others (changing both for the good and for the bad). People need to be shown that this is real, that it is as natural as receiving guests in your home, like drinking tea in your kitchen. In the villages, almost everyone knows each other - it’s just that, due to the lack of consolidating moments, everyone is used to living separately, according to the principle “my house is on the edge.” Spending leisure time together, buying tea together for evening gatherings - isn't this a step towards the formation of a “solidary society”?

The club premises should have an office for the manager. After all, the manager’s job is not only “open a club, turn on the music, turn off the music, close the club.” These are also reports (where would we be without them!), work planning, etc., etc.

The technical room is a communications room. Water and light meters. Heating system. In terms of area (and also in structure), the premises of a rural club should be similar to a large and comfortable residential building - all communications should be provided in accordance with this.

I called another room in the diagram below “conference room”. Behind the loud foreign word there is a room, the essence of which is a large table and chairs around. Here you can gather in a large group for a discussion, presentation, meeting, or just an intimate conversation over a cup of tea. During the day, master classes (or, in the native language, “creative circles”) can be held here, and in the evening, companies of the older age category can gather here. Play dominoes or discuss the latest village news over gatherings - and not be distracted by the noise from the next room.

Schematically, all of the above looks like this:

The main motive of the “new rural club” is to gather people under one roof, provide them with a comfortable place to communicate and spend leisure time, and let them feel “at home.” This is a platform designed to return to people in villages what has been lost for decades - a sense of unity and community. This is not a formal “subscription” about the successful work of a socio-cultural cluster in the countryside - it is a source of culture and an environment for the comfortable development of society.

Organization of leisure time for the population

The basis for the successful functioning of such an establishment, especially at first, when it will be “a novelty” for most visitors, is a clear regulation of the rules of behavior and awareness of the responsibility of each visitor for the premises. There is no longer the principle “Everything around is collective farm - everything around is mine,” and if you break or steal something, you will bear the corresponding financial or criminal liability. Came to the establishment with a passport, sign with the manager that “I am familiar with the rules of conduct, I am aware of the level of responsibility”- and then use the entire “infrastructure” for your health.

Now let’s look at the functioning scheme of a “new rural club” using a specific, albeit hypothetical, example.

I am a young professional who moved to the countryside with my family. In terms of housing, there are now several good programs for young families in the Belgorod region, so we will assume that we are provided with housing. In terms of employment in rural areas, there are also a number of regional programs; as a last resort, we consider that my wife works in the social sector, and I am developing my own business under the small business support program. On the territory of the rural settlement there is a kindergarten and a school - while the parents are working, the children are also busy.

Evening. The work is finished. Household chores are also allowed. The question of leisure arises. Arriving at the village club, we meet with friends - say, the family of my classmate, who also lives in this village. Adults, that is, we, sit at one of the tables and talk about topics that interest us, and small children can be sent to have fun in the children's room. I clearly know that a child here has entertainment no worse than in Belgorod establishments like Lukomorye or the play area in some Mega-Grinn. There is Wi-Fi in the room (Rostelecom, as far as I know, currently provides high-speed Internet to all populated areas of the region - at least in my village the Internet has been around for about a year and a half), and out of habit, I update the news feed at some point. something from social networks. And maybe I’ll even write a blog post.

I can get up and make myself a cup of tea (of course I brought a whole packet with me, and biscuits too!). At the next table, older boys are sitting and drawing something in their coloring books. In the next “conference room,” a school bus driver is having a heated discussion with a group of friends. However, I can be calm about the ears of the surrounding children - the club clearly enforces the rule of three NOTs: do not drink, do not smoke and do not swear.

And, most importantly, we all do not feel inferior in the fact that this is a rural club. In the era of globalization, borders simply must be erased, and in a good way it should not make a difference whether we are sitting in a rural club or some institution in the regional center.

Yes, I do not consider all of the above to be a utopia. This could all be reality. The main thing is to want it.

Price issue

According to my rough calculations, even if you build such a club “from scratch,” the total cost will not exceed seven million rubles. Construction of a one-story “box” with an area of ​​up to 250 square meters. m will cost up to 4 million, about three more will need to be invested in the “internal maintenance” of the club. This room can comfortably accommodate up to 50 people at a time.

From a commercial point of view, it will be impossible to “recapture” this money. However, the social sphere is not the field in which money grows. Here grows a much more important grain from a strategic point of view - the culture of society, its consolidating idea, the potential for realizing the growth and development of people.

As a realist, I do not see any immediate implementation of the project I described above in the very near future. However, I considered it my duty to present my vision of the situation. Who knows, maybe not now, but in five or ten years the sphere of socio-cultural life in rural settlements will reach a qualitatively new level, which is required by the changing realities of our world. I believe that someday the system will move from words to deeds, and the declared process of “de-urbanization” in our region will affect not only the financial and material aspects of life, but also the spiritual and moral ones. Someday we will build it.

Rural House of Culture Eilig-Khem was put into operation in 1987 and is located in the village. Eilig-hem on Naiyral street 3. There are 5 specialists working at the village House of Culture, 2 of them are specialists with higher professional education in culture.

The number of residents of the village of Eilig-Khem is 627 people, of which 150 are young people aged 15 to 24 years, i.e., youth make up 23.9% of the total population.

The main directions in working with youth were activities of patriotic, moral, environmental education, introducing the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle. One of the main tasks is the mass involvement of young people in useful and cultural leisure time. From year to year, the main forms of work remain various competitions and shows, game programs, quizzes, games with elements of sports competitions, hikes, themed discos, and recreational evenings. For example, discos with the game program “Oh, do you know who?”, “Cleanliness is the key to health”, “You did great!”, “The best dancers of the evening”. Every year, in the House of Culture, together with the youth department, KVN is held among youth teams. This year it was held under the title “We are young.” The idea was to identify and develop the abilities and talents of young people, communication and mutual relations between young people in the process of creative activity.

The priority areas of activity of the rural House of Culture of Ulug-Khem kozhuun in 2012 are:

  • 1. Modernization of the material and technical base of the rural House of Culture. Eilig-Hem. Since a club in a rural area should be a local intellectual base, a leisure center, technically equipped with modern computer and electronic means. For only a well-technically equipped club can be a center of culture;
  • 2. Modernization of youth leisure;
  • 3. Advanced training for specialists from the rural House of Culture and leaders of amateur groups. In Kozhuun, 19 specialists from rural clubs have only specialized secondary education, 9 specialists have specialized secondary education not in culture, which is 52%, so there is a problem of specialists capable of solving complex problems of cultural and leisure institutions in new conditions, and hence the problem of improving the qualifications of these specialists - one of the main ones. It is being solved in accordance with the plan for advanced training of specialists in rural cultural and leisure institutions;
  • 4. Active participation in the development of Grants from the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, social and creative orders, federal targeted programs.

Currently, the demand of the population, especially young people, for high-quality and meaningful events has increased significantly. Indeed, would a person want to spend his leisure time in a cultural center that is not technically equipped, if other institutions are much better in this regard? Will he go to a disco in a club with poor sound quality and without appropriate lighting effects, whereas in the city of Kyzyl, for example, there are many high-quality recreational places? This question now faces village cultural workers in all its severity. The point is not only that the club may lose its authority in the eyes of people. If the technical equipment is poorly equipped, the club will cease to be precisely a center of culture, a place of recreation.

Intending to keep up with the times, you need to firmly understand that the normal functioning of any, even a small club, both in the city and in the countryside, is unthinkable today without the use of new technologies and without skillful leadership. There is no area of ​​cultural work where there is not an urgent need for technical workers. Is it possible to do without technical assistants who can make every event more emotional, colorful, and intelligible? And the development of paid services provided by the club to the population cannot be solved without a good material and technical base.

Realizing the great role of new technologies, in our House of Culture we are trying to constantly improve the material and technical base, taking into account modern requirements, which undoubtedly affects the level of events held. Compared to 2000, the number of club formations, cultural and leisure events, and financial revenues from various types of statutory services has increased sharply.

Several sets of computer, office equipment, and communications equipment were purchased using funds raised from the provision of statutory paid services, as well as, to a large extent, from sponsorship proceeds. A SANYO video projector was purchased and successfully used, the use of which has significantly improved the quality and level of events.

It has become possible to hold colorful show-video discos for young people with the simultaneous projection of video clips, which, we believe, significantly raises the level of discos to a whole new level. What is new when holding events is the broadcast of events on the screen, the display of slides, videos, and captions.

New technologies are being actively introduced into self-sustaining circles, interest clubs and amateur associations. In the House of Culture there are 13 groups, where 125 people are trained, of which there are 5 groups for young people from 15 to 24 years old, where 80 people are trained.

Since 2011, our House of Culture has 2 paid self-sustaining clubs and a video recording studio, where young people aged 15 to 24 years old study, 50 people in total.

This is a computer circle “My Computer World” (directed by A.A. Mongush). The purpose of this circle is to teach basic skills in working on a personal computer. The training program includes familiarization with the structure of a computer and peripheral devices, work with graphics, text, and the World Wide Web.

From the proceeds of tuition fees in the circle, we purchase all consumables: printer cartridges, paper, copier refills, laminating film, etc.

Club of future videographers. The class is held weekly. Theory, basic methods of shooting, skills in using light and a microphone are taught. Thanks to the members of the circle, all events are recorded using a video camera on cassette and stored in a separate fund. There is a recording studio. The center has its own recording studio with the possibility of computer pre-mastering and production of laser CDs, where 10 people are passionate about the work. (aged 14 to 24 years).

In the future, it is planned to open a cinema lovers club at the cultural center, which will hopefully bring together young, like-minded film lovers. The level and number of rural leisure activities are not comparable to those in the capital, and this determines the low attendance of youth at events. The lifestyle of villagers is more monotonous than that of city dwellers; they watch more TV, visit discos more often, and walk more.

Thus, the problem of youth satisfaction with their leisure time is relevant today. This problem has both objective and subjective content. On the one hand, the passivity of young people, the attitude towards consumerism, on the other hand, restrictions of a financial nature. The House of Culture, for example, considers the way out of this situation, as a financial limitation, to be the provision of paid services, discos, clubs, rental of premises and equipment. Introduction of paid, interesting clubs for young people and the population in the House of Culture. We believe that then the mechanism of self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency will work.

And so today, 8 most important factors have been identified for attracting the population, youth to the rural House of Culture and development of the club institution: interest in their work and the creative level of the manager, specialists working in this House of Culture, well-thought-out work tactics, active implementation of statutory paid services at the request of the population , constant improvement of the material and technical base, active introduction of new technologies in work, the Internet, communications and constant improvement of aesthetics, design of the external facade of the building, landscaping of its territory: landscaping, lighting, etc.

In order to intensify the consistent work of socio-cultural institutions on the prevention of socially dangerous diseases, introducing the younger generation to a healthy lifestyle, together with the Education Department of the Ulug-Khem kozhuun administration, a series of preventive programs was carried out such as “No to tuberculosis!”, “We are for a healthy lifestyle”, “ Life Strip”, on the prevention of crime, personality degradation and simply to the fact that a person does not grow up to be a full member of society.

This means that the problem of a creative approach to organizing leisure time for young people is a task at the state level. And its decision has national significance. Therefore, it needs to be given great attention at all levels.

But still, it is most effectively solved at the individual, personal level.

Therefore, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the harmonious development of the individual, stimulate the desire of young people to actively spend leisure time, and minimize the idle free time of young people. And everyone will benefit from this. After all, youth are not only an active, living part of society, but also its foundation in the future. Thus, in conclusion, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Leisure is an activity in free time outside the sphere of social and everyday work, thanks to which an individual restores his ability to work and develops in himself mainly those skills and abilities that cannot be improved in the sphere of work. This activity is carried out in line with certain interests and goals that a person sets for himself.

Leisure is a part of the social time of an individual, group, or society as a whole, which is used to preserve and restore the development of a person’s physical and spiritual health, and his intellectual improvement. The culture of youth leisure is characterized by those activities that are preferred in free time.

The social well-being of a young man and his satisfaction with free time largely depend on the ability to direct his activities during leisure hours to achieve generally significant goals, implement his life program, develop and improve his essential powers. When considering sociocultural technologies for organizing youth leisure, the following was revealed...

The sphere of youth leisure has its own characteristics. The leisure of young people differs significantly from the leisure of other age groups due to its specific spiritual and physical needs and its inherent social and psychological characteristics. Such features include increased emotional and physical mobility, dynamic mood swings, visual and intellectual sensitivity. Young people are attracted to everything new and unknown.

Specific features of youth include the predominance of search activity. Thus, the task of cultural and leisure centers is the maximum implementation of developmental leisure programs for youth, which are based on the principle of simplicity of organization, mass participation, inclusion of uninvolved groups of youth. Improving the organization of cultural forms of youth leisure will provide them with the opportunity for informal communication, creative self-realization, spiritual development, and will contribute to the educational impact on large groups of youth.

It is important for cultural and leisure institutions to be able to organize such work and such leisure programs that could captivate any young person, therefore it is necessary:

  • - constant improvement of the material and technical base of cultural and leisure institutions;
  • - increase the quality level of leisure activities by introducing new, non-traditional forms of entertainment, education and communication and a wide selection of them;
  • - creation of a comfortable cultural and leisure environment in which various segments of the population would feel comfortable;
  • - creation of a bank of ideas and a center for young initiatives, taking into account the requests, interests and needs of young people in their activities;
  • - creation and organization of new interest clubs, living rooms and amateur associations;
  • - participation in various competitions, festivals and support of groups and amateur artists;
  • - creation on the basis of a cultural and leisure institution of social lounges, communication groups, psychological consultations, centers for socio-psychological rehabilitation for those in need of communication, care, and kindness.

Based on the above as a proposal, we have developed a draft municipal target program for organizing leisure time for youth.

We hope that the practical significance of this work in the future will be associated with the possibility of its use by specialists in cultural and leisure institutions, as well as teacher organizers in educational institutions as methodological recommendations for organizing youth activities.


In the course of the study, we studied the current state of the activities of cultural institutions in organizing leisure time for rural youth, as a special category of the population. The transition to market relations necessitates the constant enrichment of the content of the activities of a cultural institution, methods of its implementation and search, and new leisure technologies. One of the pressing problems in the activities of cultural and leisure institutions on the way to solving this problem is the organization of leisure for young people. leisure youth sociocultural

Optimal use of the socio-cultural potential of young people is achieved through the use of socio-cultural technologies, namely the development and implementation of socio-cultural projects and programs. For this purpose, we have developed a draft settlement target program “Youth of the village of Eilig-Khem for 2013-2015,” which was approved by the Head of Administration and funds for the implementation of the program were allocated to the budget of the Ulug-Khem kozhuun for 2013.

We hope that our target program will be implemented successfully, since it is practically significant.
