Federal Center for Poison Control. Toxic resuscitation department

The market of legal bookmaker offices is growing steadily. Now the legal right to accept bets is in 16 companies. Many players are wondering how and by what criteria to choose a bookmaker.

Why is it important to bet at reliable bookmakers?

The reliability of a betting shop is the main criterion for choosing, but do not forget that it is subjective. Someone can play on the online platform for several years, and someone has disagreements immediately after the first bet.

Reliable companies are those that pay out all the winnings without any problems, and most importantly, they follow the rules of calculation. They are listed on the website of the online bookmaker.

IMPORTANT! Before uploading money to a bet, you must familiarize yourself with the rules. This will allow avoiding disagreements between the player and the bookmaker on many issues.

  1. Nationality - popularity among players;
  2. Reliability - honesty in payments, etc.;
  3. Objectivity of coefficients;
  4. Selection of rates;
  5. Live and eSports.

Top bookmakers – mini-reviews of the following bookmakers

All companies are TsUPIS bookmakers. Each has a license to conduct a gambling business. These online companies are reliable and satisfy users at amateur level rates.

How to choose the best bookmaker - a small guide for the user on choosing a bookmaker

To choose the best betting company, you must first take into account the number of complaints, the ratio of disputes, the popularity of the company among the players.

The size of the coefficient also plays an important role for both experienced and novice players. Everyone wants to bet at a higher odds, since the size of the winnings depends on this.

The size of the coefficient depends on the bookmaker's margin (percentage of guaranteed profit). The lower the margin, the higher the coefficient for the player. In order to determine this indicator, it is necessary to compare quotes for one event in different companies.

Also important is such a criterion as the choice of rates. It is already interesting for more experienced players. Many want to try their hand at less popular horizontal bars. The criteria take into account the variability of bets on totals, odds, wins.

The higher the bookmaker line, the higher the odds error on non-standard events, however these bets will still be settled at the average odds.

Many people want to bet directly on the match, and they need live bets. IMPORTANT! The service should be convenient and intuitive.

There are bonuses for new players and players love to take advantage of them. Companies issue funds for the first bet or give a deposit. However, it should be understood that the accrual of bonuses is always an obligation for the player. To avoid questions and misunderstandings, you should refer to the terms and conditions and read them carefully. Only after that you need to participate in the bonus program.

The Sverdlovsk Regional Center for Acute Poisoning was established in 1988. Over the years of his work, he has accumulated vast experience in the treatment of patients with "chemical" diseases.

The staff of the Center includes doctors and candidates of medical sciences, doctors of the highest category. The center is the base of the Department of Toxicology of the Ural State Medical University. Thanks to the joint work of the department and the Center, dozens of new diagnostic and treatment methods have been introduced, hundreds of doctors from the Sverdlovsk region and other regions of Russia have been trained. The staff of the center actively participates in the work of international associations of clinical toxicologists and toxicological centers, annually makes presentations at Russian and international congresses.

Diagnostic methods:

  • laboratory biochemical study of the functions of the liver and kidneys,
  • laboratory study of blood clotting,
  • laboratory chemical-toxicological examination for the presence of toxic substances in the blood and urine,
  • functional diagnostics in cardiology: ECG, Doppler echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart),
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs and kidneys,
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy.

The main types of inpatient care:

  • treatment of patients with acute poisoning with drugs, chemical compounds and other poisons,
  • treatment of patients with alcohol, drug and drug addiction in the acute stage of the withdrawal syndrome,
  • treatment of patients with acute renal and renal-hepatic insufficiency,
  • treatment of patients using modern methods of surgical detoxification.

Benefits of treatment at the Center for Acute Poisoning:

  • intensive courses of treatment using the latest technologies,
  • quick examination,
  • high efficiency with minimal duration of treatment,
  • the ability to perform outpatient procedures at a convenient time for the patient.

In the structure of the Center:

  1. Medical (inpatient) departments:
  • – Department of resuscitation and intensive care (with an operating room for extracorporeal detoxification) for 12 beds, including an on-site emergency detoxification service;
  • – department of acute poisoning with a somato-psychiatric unit and an information and advisory service (toxicological) for 35 beds, incl. 30 beds - acute poisoning (toxicology), 5 - somato-psychiatric and 2 day hospital beds for renal replacement therapy by hemodialysis.

Since 2015, the Center has been headed by Chekmarev Andrey Vladimirovich, Chief Freelance Toxicologist of the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region.

The Institute of Toxicology is a medical scientific institution engaged in fundamental research in the field of toxicology, pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacology, as well as the creation on this basis of new means and methods for the prevention and treatment of poisoning.

At present, the main task of the Institute of Toxicology is to obtain new scientific knowledge in the field of natural sciences and use them in the interests of public health, ensuring the defense and security of the state, as well as protecting the environment.

Toxicology of xenobiotics remains one of the main directions of scientific research of the Institute.

This traditional direction is associated with the study of the mechanisms of toxic action, the identification of molecular receptor and physiological targets for the action of poisons, as well as the assessment of the severity of intoxication manifestations and the toxicometric parameters of a wide range of chemical compounds.

Another important area is the development and implementation of special means of medical protection and pharmacotherapy of poisoning. The solution to this problem includes two main approaches. The first one is experimental therapy of intoxications using available pharmacological preparations, including the development of schemes and evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy, as well as the creation of combined dosage forms. The second approach is the creation of original antidotes and poisoning therapy, which includes the whole process from the idea of ​​chemical synthesis to the industrial production of a drug.

One of the few centers in Russia for the creation and implementation of effective means of medical protection (antidotes and pathogenetic therapy) against poisoning by highly toxic chemicals based on the study of the laws of chemical and biological interaction and the study of the mechanisms of toxic action.

The employees of the Institute developed 13 preparations. In practical healthcare, such drugs as pyrroxane, an alpha-blocker, have been used, which received 5 foreign patents (England, USA, France, Germany and Switzerland) and licenses for production in the USA and Spain; butiroxan - a drug for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome; chlorazil is an anticholinergic agent. For the development of antidotes for highly toxic substances, the employees of the Institute were awarded State Prizes three times (1951, 1967 and 1981).

In recent years, the Institute of Toxicology has developed research related to solving the problems of practical health care to ensure the chemical safety of certain contingents of workers in hazardous industries and the population of Russia. This includes substantiation of the principles and methods for early diagnosis of the toxic effects of heavy metals and organic compounds - environmental pollutants.

The result of the research of the Institute, devoted to the study of the toxic effects of environmental pollutants on various groups of the population, was the scientific substantiation and development of a new organizational form of medical care for the population with chemical pathology - outpatient toxicology. As part of the Institute since 1997, a consultative and diagnostic polyclinic has been operating - the only specialized toxicological outpatient institution in Russia. The staff of the polyclinic is involved in providing medical and scientific advice in areas of environmental risk.

The great contribution of the Institute to the development of domestic toxicology was awarded with government awards. The works of the Institute were awarded with 3 State Prizes, the Prize of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, and jubilee scientific medals. 2 employees of the Institute have high titles of "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation", more than 40 people were awarded orders and medals.

The Institute of Toxicology is included in the list of organizations and institutions that carry out preclinical studies of medicines (Information letter of Roszdravnadzor No. 01I-344/05 of 07/14/2005). Leading specialists have state certificates and international certificates (Helm global group company Ireland and Bioindustry initiative program of State department USA), confirming qualifications in the field of preclinical studies according to the GLP system.

The testing center for preclinical studies of the Institute of Toxicology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia complies with the principles of good laboratory practice of the OECD (GLP OECD). Entry in the register of Rosaccreditation No. 2.

A unique cluster for the development and implementation of new technologies for clinical and chemical-analytical diagnostics and treatment of the adverse effects of environmental chemical factors.
