Not alive, but walking, motionless, but walking. Riddles about the sky, earth and celestial bodies

No beginning, no end
No back of the head, no face.
Everyone knows, both young and old,
That she is a huge ball.

No matter how much you drive, or walk,
You won't find the end here.

Cut - I endure
They break - I endure
I cry for everything.


Blue sheet
The whole world dresses.

Above the forest, above the mountains
The carpet unfolds.
He is always, always scattered
Above you and above me
He's gray, he's blue
He is bright blue.

sky and snow

Large sieve, blue sieve
Sows-breathes white fluff
To forests, houses, meadows.


What is higher than the fly
What is more beautiful than the world?

One morning slowly
Inflate a red balloon
And how to get out of hand
- It will suddenly become light around.

Not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,
And not a baker, but bakes?

good, good
Looks at all people
And people on themselves
Doesn't tell you to look.

blue handkerchief,
scarlet gingerbread man
Riding on a scarf
Smiling at people.

Walks across the sky
Painter without brushes
brown paint
Colors people.

Sun rays

Who enters the window
And doesn't break it?

sun bunny

I am always friendly with the world.
If the sun is in the window
I am from a mirror, from a puddle
I run up the wall.

Stars and sky

The carpet is spread
Scattered peas;
Do not lift the carpet
No peas to collect.

On blue ice
Silver grains are scattered.

On a black scarf
Millet is spilled
The rooster came
And pecking is not easy.

Stars and moon

Behind the countless flock
A tired shepherd walked at night.
And when the rooster crowed
The sheep and the shepherd fled.


Above grandma's hut
Hanging loaf of bread.
The dogs are barking
They can't get it.

Behind the house by the path
Hanging half a cake.

bagel, bagel,
Golden horns!
Cloud sat on his shoulders,
He dangled his legs from the cloud.

Now he is a pancake, then he is a wedge,
Alone in the sky at night.
Growing up, growing up
Was horned - became round.
Only suddenly a miracle circle
He suddenly became horny again.


In the blue station
Round girl.
She can't sleep at night
Looks in the mirror.

Decorated the night blue
silver orange,
And it's only been a week...
There was a piece left of him.

Milky Way

If you go out on a clear night,
Above you you will see
That road.
By day she
Not visible.


Sparks burn the sky
And they don't reach us.


Passes through the nose to the chest
And the way back keeps going
He is invisible and yet
We cannot live without it.


Run, run - do not run,
Fly, fly - do not fly.

He is both summer and winter -
Between heaven and earth.
At least go to him all your life -
He will be ahead.
The edge is visible
Don't come.


She's not too lazy to wander
By your side all day long.
It's worth the sun to set
How can you not find it.

You walk - lies ahead.
You look around - running home.

Where she runs, she does not know.
In the steppe - smooth,
In the forest - wandering,
Stumbles at the threshold.
What is this?..

Not alive, but walking
Motionless, but moving.

You go, you go
You won't find the end.

She walks between villages and fields,
And people keep following it.

Grandma wears a snow hat.
stone sides
Wrapped up in clouds.

In the hot summer I stand, I take out the winter with a hat.


It is both yellow and fluffy.
Heaped in the yard.
If you want, you can take
And play.


Leave - there will be more
You add - it will be less.

“inanimate - but it goes, motionless - but it leads” (riddle)

Alternative descriptions

highway, roadway

If I got up, I would reach the sky

A strip of land intended for movement

A ring would be more reliable than your hands, shorter ... probably, I lay down

Traveler's Guide

Travel, stay on the road

Synonym for path

A thread is stretching - you can’t wind it on a ball (riddle)

Communication path

Film by Alexei Fedorchenko "Iron..."

Film by Sam Mendes "... changes"

She will be mastered by the walking

If she is Russian, then she has "seven bends a mile"

Erskine Caldwell's novel Tobacco...

The novel by American writer Danielle Steel "... fate"

The novel by the Russian writer M. Prishvin "Osudarev ..."

Jan Frid's film "... the truth"

Alexander Surin's film "... home"

The story of the Russian writer I. A. Efremov "... the winds"

The story of the Russian writer P.I. Zamoysky "Pillar..."

The poem of the Russian poet V. A. Lugovsky "... to the mountains"

The novel by the Italian writer G. Deledda "... evil"

Collection of poems by the Russian poet Ya. V. Smelyakov

Collection of Russian poet S. I. Kirsanov "... over the rainbow"

Painting by French artist Camille Pissarro

Painting by French artist J. Seurat “Empty...”

Painting by French artist Paul Gauguin "Cool ... in Osny"

. “a beam lies in all of Rus', and when it becomes - it will reach the sky” (riddle)

. “Glorious is lunch for eaters, and ... for riders” (last)

For a Russian, this is the place where he is going to pass

Iron or country

The novel by the Russian writer A. Grin "... nowhere"

Each one that leads to Rome

. “You walk - lies ahead, look back - runs home” (riddle)

Film "Long ... in the Dunes"

. "tablecloth..."

. "There he and ..."

Young she is everywhere with us

Phantasmagoria of the 19th century Russian poetess K. Pavlova

B. Pasternak's poem

Winding in zigzags

Gray tape in headlights


Winter road or path

One of the troubles of Russia

Stay on the road

tract, highway

One of all leading to Rome

Place for travel

Urban canvas for "zebras"

Couple to the fool in Russian troubles

Path in extra large sizes

path, path

Path to follow


One of the two troubles in Russia

Russian trouble, in which the vacation calls

Communication path

path, a strip of land intended for movement

Travel, stay on the road

. "There he and ..."


Urban canvas for "zebras"

Primer, freeway

Roads, paths, belt, milky way

J. driving lane; a stretch that has been rolled up or purposely prepared in various ways, for driving, for passing or passing; path, path; direction and distance from place to place: driving or walking, driving, traveling. There are: 6 large roads, that is, general postal and commercial roads; small, district, from town to town, aside from large ones; country, from village to village, away from small ones. Railroad, iron or cast iron; highway, heater or gravel; simple, or beaten, torn, rolling. Horse-drawn road, horse-drawn, where they ride horses; riding and walking or trail. To go on the road, to be on the road, on the way, at the crossing. Stoltovaya road, measured, with versts. Planted or gray-haired, lined with trees. Road with elbows, teeth, frequent turns, for example. on a steep climb. The road is layered, straight and beaten. The road was swept, skidded, covered with snow, not to know her. Eastern lips. Own road. Siberian way, and in Sib. street, in some places an abandoned riverbed, dry river, old. The middle strip of the oven hearth, in front of the forehead, where the shovel goes; on the sides of the road. fishermen, big oud, esp. with a lure, for catching pike, perch; placed at night; zakidnaya, noticeable, standing ud, zherlitsa, but this one is profitable. Road, also a way in figuratively. value a means, a way to achieve what; kind of life, way of thinking, deeds and deeds of a person, etc. Go somewhere along the road, along the way, by the way, in the vicinity. There he is dear! there is nothing to feel sorry for him, the best is not worth it. To be on a good road, to rise in service, honors, or strive for good. There you have no way, no way, no trail to go. The road to us sunk into him, it is no longer possible to walk, to be in the house. Everyone has his own way, his own path, field. Cut off someone's path, do not give way, run. Happy road! wishes to the departing. Peace on the way! hello fellow. Without praying to God, do not go on the road. Nikola on the road, Christ on the path! One to plow, and the road is long. Not a horse rides (lucky), but a road (feed). Do not be afraid of the road, if the horses were healthy. On a good horse on the road, but on a thin one to the side. The spring way is not a road, and a drunken speech is not a conversation. Path together, and tobacco in half. Good in the track pie with peas. The road is red by riders, and lunch by pies. The road is not worth it. dear father to son comrade. The road, even head over heels, is smooth. Night is like day, the road is like a tablecloth, sit down and roll! Then the road was paved with gold to eat iron, the highway. You can't put a road to a hut. On the road to live, you can’t treat everyone. With a high road, the herd grazes, everyone has a profit. Which road do they drive for six months, but walk for six months? down the river. The bull is in the yard, and the horns are on the river? road from the yard. You can’t hold Father’s horse, can’t you roll up Mother’s hem? wind and road. The road of the roen, the horse is wooden, is it lucky not to feed, but only turns? boat. The path ran through the yurka. Cossacks in zaporizhakh, that stumps along the roads, whoever goes by, will be hooked on that (he). Grass doesn't grow on this road (and it does, yes, knotweed). It stands on the road, but it asks the way. Stand up to someone, kill, cut, cross the road. Show someone the way. Lay (blaze) a path. Death will find the way. The road, but no one walked along it, did not respect anyone for themselves? to that world. Famously (difficult) to dea, and there is only one road! He confuses him so much that he won’t find the way home, he’s lying. The impure will find its way, from the belly. Money paves the way! Big big road. Baba is dear from the stove to the threshold. Path to you! "Look, more beautiful than us", a track game. One under the barn, and two under the road, about the theft of sheaves. Vilna has seven roads for a Jew, and three for a Pole. If the patient raves about the road (or about horses), then he will die. If women pave the way to the house where the patient lies, then he will die. Road, esp. in song. Roads, reproachfully, bad. The path will diminish. trail, footpath, path; trace, traces of what; stripe, stripe, line, furrow, groove. Stockings with tracks. On the white earth (field) blue paths. Stripes. A path, a narrow and long carpeted rug laid down the aisle. Path, road, big ud, bait or baubles. Roads pl. Milky Way. Roads, paths, stripes, stripes in fabric, in a pattern; longitudinal cutting, grooves. Roads and roads are old. Silk, b. h. striped fabric, sometimes with gold. and silver. herbs. Road, to the road, related to the way, belonging; track. A road cab driver, not a policeman, going on a long journey. Travelers, that is, people, strangers, travelers. The traveler does not carry an overnight stay with him. Treasure what, conduct paths. Road tes, furrowed in two rows, for water drainage. To catch fish by a path, by a standing milking. -Xia, to be dearer, furrowed. Road Wed. duration action on verb. Road (sch) aty, with tracks; furrowed, striped. Road builder m. traveler; travel notes, travel diary; book for travellers, painting roads, places, distances, sometimes with descriptions. Cookies for the road, plantain; bread brought from the road to the hotel, kalachi and saiki from another place. Plotnich. plow, planer, planer, similar to a sherhebel, for the road of boards and cornices. konopatchikkov kind of chisels, for clearing grooves. Dorozhnyaki m. pl. perm. sib. empty horses in front of the wagon train to clear the snow

Painting by French artist J. Seurat "Empty ..."

Painting by French artist Paul Gauguin "Cool ... in Osny"

The story of the Russian writer I. A. Efremov "... the winds"

The story of the Russian writer P.I. Zamoysky "Pillar..."

Poem of the Russian poet V. A. Lugovsky "... to the mountains"

The folksy milky way, roads. Jerusalem tears, wine, vodka. nobleman, kike, jew

Erskine Caldwell's novel Tobacco...

Novel by American writer Danielle Steel "... fate"

The novel by the Italian writer G. Deledda "... of evil"

The novel by the Russian writer A. Grin "... nowhere"

The novel by the Russian writer M. Prishvin "Osudarev ..."

Collection of Russian poet S. I. Kirsanov "... over the rainbow"


Tamb. Batyeva, Moiseev or the Milky Way

Tamb. tul. moses road, milky way

Film "Long ... in the Dunes"

Film by Alexander Surin "... home"

Film by Alexei Fedorchenko "Iron..."

Sam Mendes film "... changes"

Jan Frid's film "... the truth"

Iron or country

The page contains a large number of riddles on traffic rules. By guessing them, children will consolidate their knowledge of road safety, and perhaps learn something new.

Going out into the street
Prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint
And most importantly - attention.

Riddles about traffic light

I have three different eyes.
I follow traffic.
Silent, but still not silent -
I talk to people with my eyes.
(traffic light)

Got up from the edge of the street
In a long boot
Three-eyed scarecrow
On one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converged
Helps the street
People go.
(traffic light)

Three colored circles
They flash one after another.
Glowing, blinking -
They help people.
(traffic light)

Here is a three-eyed fellow.
How clever he is!
Who will go from anywhere
Winks at both this and that.
Knows how to settle a dispute
(traffic light)

Stop! Cars are moving!
Where the paths converged
Who will help the street
People go?
(traffic light)

There are no police (police) caps,
And in the eyes of a glassy light,
But any machine will say:
You can go or not.
(traffic light)

At the transition strip
On the side of the road
Beast three-eyed, one-legged,
An unknown breed
With multicolored eyes
Talks to us.
The red eye looks at us:
- Stop! says his order.
The yellow eye looks at us:
- Carefully! Stop now!
And green: well, go ahead,
Pedestrian, cross!
This is how he talks
(traffic light)

He has three eyes
Three on each side
And although never
He did not look at all at once -
He needs all the eyes.
It has been hanging here for a long time.
What is this? …
(traffic light)

Three eyes - three orders
Red is the most dangerous.
(traffic light)

Vigilantly looks guard
Beyond the wide pavement.
How to look with a red eye -
They all stop at once.
(traffic light)

perched above the road
And blinks a lot
Changing every time
The color of their round eyes.
(traffic light)

I blink my eyes
Relentless day and night.
And I help cars
And I want to help you.
(traffic light)

Riddles about traffic light color (green, red, yellow) What light tells us:
"Come on - the way is open."

It stood up for us on patrol
Bubble-eyed...? Traffic light!
He blinks his yellow eye.
Strictly warns us:
To be a happy path.
Be more careful!
And don't run, don't play
Where is the bus and tram!
Be, baby, always smart
And step into the light...?

What light tells us:
"Wait a minute - the path is closed!"

But look who is
He tells us: “Wait a minute!”?
And the signal: "The path is dangerous!"
Stop and wait until I...?

Riddles about road signs

Tell the driver everything
The correct speed will indicate.
By the road like a lighthouse
Good friend-...
(road sign)

You tell me buddy
What is the pointer called?
What's on the road,
Does it tell me to slow down?
(road sign)
White triangle, red border.
Wonderful train
With smoke at the window.
This locomotive is ruled by an eccentric grandfather.
Which one of you will tell
What is this sign?
(Railway crossing without barrier)

The train is going fast!
So that misfortune does not happen
Closing the move
No cars allowed!
Moving ahead -
Stop and wait:
It is lowered - slow down,
And if they pick it up, go ahead.

The sign was hung at dawn
For everyone to know about it:
The road is being repaired here.
Take care of your feet!
(Men at work)

What is a dark hole?
Here, perhaps, a hole?
A fox lives in that hole.
What miracles!
Not a ravine here and not a forest,
Here the road cuts through!
There is a sign on the road
But what is he talking about?

What kind of miracle Yudo is this,
Two humps, like a camel?
Triangular this sign
What is it called?
(Rough road)

This sign warns
That the road has a zigzag here,
And ahead of the car is waiting
(Dangerous bend)

I'm an expert on the rules of the road
I parked my car here
Parking near the fence
She also needs to rest.
(Parking place)

Red circle, and in it is my friend,
A fast friend is a bicycle.
The sign reads: here and around
There is no bike ride.
(Biking is prohibited)

Riddles about road

Close, wide
from afar - narrow.

Not alive, but walking
Motionless - but leads.

Tall trees are longer
Small blades of grass below.
With her, the distances get closer
And we open the world with her.

A thread stretches, winding among the fields,
Forest, copses
Without end and end.
Don't break it
Not to roll into a ball.

You will find my first syllable among the notes,
The elk will show the second and third.
Wherever you go from home
You will immediately notice the WHOLE.

Riddles about street

There are houses in two rows -
10, 20, 100 in a row.
And square eyes
Everyone is looking at each other.

Riddles about sidewalk

The bus does not roll here.
Trams will not pass here.
Pedestrians are calm here
They walk along the street.
For cars and trams
There is another path.

Before bills and letters
drawing, reading,
All the boys need to know
ABC of movement!
What are those tracks called?
on which the legs walk.
Learn to distinguish them accurately
Do not fly like a fire.
Footpaths -
It's just …?

Lyosha and Lyuba go in pairs.
Where are they going? By …

Riddles about underground crossing

Where the steps lead down
Get down, don't be lazy.
Pedestrian must know:
Here …?
(Underground crossing)

Cars rush ominously,
Like an iron river!
So that you don't get crushed
Like a fragile bug,
Under the road, like a grotto,
(Underground crossing)

Riddles about crosswalk

There is a place to go
Pedestrians know this.
We got it lined
Where to go - all indicated.

striped horse,
Her name is "zebra".
But not the one in the zoo
People are walking along it.

What is a zebra without hooves?
Not under it the dust flies,
And above it a blizzard of dust
And cars fly.

striped horses
They lay down across the roads -
All cars stopped
If we pass here.

Well, what if a pedestrian
Pavement out of the way?
If possible, a pedestrian
Cross the bridge?
Immediately looking for a pedestrian
Road sign...?
(pedestrian crossing)

On the road sign
The man is walking.
Striped tracks
They put it under our feet.
So that we do not know worries
And they walked forward.

If you are in a hurry on your way
Walk across the street
Go where all the people
Where the sign is...

Riddles about zebra (walking)

What animal helps us
cross the street?

From Africa, a beast came to the city.
The beast was completely stunned with fright.
Lies like she fell asleep, wake up, don't wake up,
Even ride on it, even walk with your feet.

What a horse, all in stripes,
Does it light up on the road?
People go and go
And she doesn't run away.

Riddles about radar

That device detects
Those who exceed the speed.
The locator says strict:
- Intruder on the road!

Riddles about speedometer

My first syllable tells me to sleep,
Medium - sounds in music
And the latter knows the measure;
WHOLE speed is measured.

Riddles about speed bump

He has a severe temper -
Long, thick, like a boar,
He lay down at the crossing
Protecting the pedestrian.
(speed bump)

Riddles about traffic controller
Look, what a strong man:
On the go with one hand
stop used to
Five ton truck.

Where there is a difficult intersection,
He is a machine leader.
Wherever he is, it's easy and simple,
He is a guide for everyone.

Commanding the rod, he guides all,
And one controls the entire intersection.
He is like a magician, a machine trainer,
And his name is...

Riddles about wand

striped pointer,
Like a wand from a fairy tale.

The rules of the road must be explained to children almost from birth. And it is very important to stick to the rules yourself and show the children the right example. Do not run across the road with your child. He copies the behavior of adults and will soon run across in the wrong and dangerous places. Therefore, it is better to spend a few minutes reaching a traffic light or a pedestrian crossing, but to protect the child from danger.

Much attention is paid to traffic rules in preschool and school institutions. In a playful way, children are introduced to the rules of the road - contests, riddles, quizzes, dedication to other pedestrians. On the corridors, in the classrooms, in groups there are posters with the rules of the road.

Teach your child as early as possible the rules of crossing the streets, and set the right example yourself. By forming the right habit, you save a little life.

Riddles about the road will help your baby get acquainted with such concepts as: sidewalk, road, street, etc., and they will do it easily and naturally.

Close, wide
from afar - narrow.

Not alive, but walking
Motionless - but leads.

If I got up
I would reach the sky.

The bus does not roll here.
Trams will not pass here.
Pedestrians are calm here
They walk along the street.
For cars and trams
There is another path.

Starts from home
At home it ends.

There are two rows of houses -
10, 20, 100 in a row.
And square eyes
Everyone is looking at each other.

Where she runs, she does not know.
In the steppe is flat,
Wandering in the forest
Stumbles at the threshold.
What is this?

Lyosha and Lyuba go in pairs.
Where are they going? By…


Everyone knows her for a long time -
Waiting obediently near the house,
Just go out the gate -
Wherever you want to lead.

Before bills and letters
drawing, reading,
All the boys need to know
ABC of movement!
What are those tracks called?
On which legs do they walk?
Learn to distinguish them accurately
Do not fly like a fire.
Footpaths -
It's just…

You walk - lies ahead,
You look around - running home.

You will find my first syllable among the notes,
The elk will show the second and third.
Wherever you go from home
You will immediately notice the WHOLE.

Tall trees are longer
Small blades of grass below.
With her, the distances get closer
And we open the world with her.

Under the windows lies
And don't hit the wall.

A thread stretches, winding among the fields,
Forest, copses
Without end and end.
Don't break it
Not to roll into a ball.

Longer than tall trees
Below roadside grass.

Riddles about the road - when should they be asked to a child? There is no definite binding to the place and time, but the child, of course, will be more interested in finding answers to them while traveling or walking, because then all the descriptions can be transferred to real objects and the solution will be more obvious.

This online section contains the best and most interesting children's riddles about the road. Many of them will be feasible even for kids.

With all this, it is extremely important not to forget the goal itself - teaching behavior on the road, so keep track of the relevance and consistency of what you are teaching, what the riddle is talking about, with what you are doing. Here are just a few of the main rules.

  • When you go out on the road, stop absolutely all conversations. So you teach the child to be extremely attentive and concentrated on it.
  • When driving on the sidewalk, you should keep to its right side. At the same time, the child must hold the adult's hand and be as far away from the roadway as possible, that is, occupy the maximum right position.
  • Carry strollers and sleds on the sidewalk: do not instill your bad habits in children!
  • When crossing an unregulated intersection, teach your child to carefully monitor the start of traffic, paying attention to the acceleration / deceleration of cars, their turns, etc.
  • Cross the carriageway only at the green light of the traffic light and only at the pedestrian crossing, even if there are no cars at all.
  • Get out of the vehicle first. By these actions, you will ensure that the child, ahead of you, will not jump out onto the road, and also, if necessary, secure the child in case of a fall.
  • Prohibit all games near the carriageway, as well as yard roads. Teach him to see the potential danger in every road user, because only increased vigilance is the key to the absence of child road traffic injuries

Remember: too much depends on what culture of behavior on the road you instill in your child to rely on chance, forgetfulness, etc. Therefore, pay as much attention as possible to the road, its components and participants: watch thematic cartoons, tell fairy tales, read poetry and, of course, ask riddles about the road. After all, only all of the above together (not without the support of a personal example) can make learning interesting, and therefore accessible and easy to remember for a child.
