An open lesson on the Day of National Unity: Minin and Pozharsky are role models. "Open lessons" were held throughout the country, timed to coincide with the day of national unity Open lesson for the day of unity



  • The classroom hour is held in the form of a conversation, with elements of intellectual creative interaction between the teacher and students in the form of a dispute, discussion. The work is aimed at activating personal empathy, analyzing and evaluating the concept of the Motherland and everything connected with this concept.


  • formation of ideas about the new Russian holiday, its origins and meaning.


  • acquaintance of students with the attitude of Orthodox people to military duty, with the life of Russian soldiers who became saints;
  • development of a sense of citizenship and patriotism, love for the motherland, interest in the history of the Russian state;
  • fostering a sense of pride and respect for the defenders of the state;
  • activation of the cognitive activity of students through the analysis of the material, as well as the analysis of the symbols of the Russian state.



· have an idea of ​​the complexity and multidimensionality of the history of our Fatherland; about the legitimacy of the existence of different assessments and points of view on the same historical events and phenomena;

· know the main events and periods of national history; about heroic pages and exploits of people;

· talk about the most important historical events, their participants; give a detailed description of historical objects, monuments.







e) QUIZ.



· portraits of K. Minin and D. Pozharsky;

· photo of the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow;

· visual aids;

Epigraph for class hour:

"You need great upheavals, we need Great Russia."

P.A. Stolypin.


· Assembly Hall.



National Unity Day is one of the youngest holidays in our country, which is celebrated in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Days of Military Glory and Commemorative Dates of Russia". The State Duma in 2005 made a truly historic decision.

What does the name of this holiday mean?

Why was there a need to revive this holiday?

What events became the basis of national unity, and who was at the head of national unity?

There is a monument on Red Square in Moscow. On it is the inscription “Grateful Russia to Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky. In the summer of 1818"

On the day of November 4, we honor the memory of the military feat of our ancestors under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, who saved the Russian state from destruction in 1612 and demonstrated a model of heroism and solidarity, regardless of origin, religion and position in society. So it was during the war with Napoleon, in battles with the Nazi invaders. The sons of the fatherland have repeatedly shown examples of self-sacrifice for the sake of their homeland.

We must not forget the simple truth: we are strong when we are united. Only by becoming a single people, it is possible to preserve the freedom and power of the state.

Today we remember those who, in a difficult time for the country, showed selfless love for the Fatherland, the greatest valor and heroism, the ability to endure the most difficult trials and defend their independence.

Don't argue with history
Live with history
She unites
For achievement and work.

One state
When the people are one
When with great power
He moves forward.

He defeats the enemy
United in battle
And Rus' liberates

And he sacrifices himself.
For the glory of those heroes

We live with the same fate
Today is Unity Day
We celebrate with you!


Let's delve into the history of the events of the late 16th century. Historically, this holiday is associated with the end of the Time of Troubles in Russia in the late 16th and early 17th centuries.

v The beginning of troubled times .

In 1584, Tsar Ivan IV, nicknamed the Terrible for his tough temper, died in Moscow. With his death, the Time of Troubles began in Russia, the Moscow throne staggered.

The eldest son of Ivan the Terrible - Dmitry Ivanovich (1552-1553), heir to his father, died in infancy.

The second son, Ivan Ivanovich (1554-1581), according to one version, died during a quarrel with his father, according to another version, he died as a result of an illness.

The third son Fyodor Ivanovich (1557 - 1598), nicknamed the blessed - frail and weak, did not reign for long.

Most historians believe that Fedor was incapable of state activity. According to some reports, he is weak in health and mind; took little part in government, being under the tutelage of the first council of nobles, then his brother-in-law Boris Fyodorovich Godunov, who after the death of Fyodor became his successor.

What happened to the youngest, Dmitry, is unknown. Whether due to illness, died, or because of an accident. And among the people there was a rumor: of course, they killed the royal child! And the killer is the one who became king instead of Dmitry:

Godunov Boris Fyodorovich

Boris Godunov did a lot of good things for the country, he planned even more. But the people never forgave him the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. And then there's crop failure, famine. Who is guilty? Of course, the king-murderer: it is God who is punishing him!

And a terrible time began in the Russian state, which was called the Time of Troubles.

v The kings are impostors.

Unexpectedly, a fugitive monk Grigory Otrepiev appeared in Lithuania and called himself Tsarevich Dmitry, who miraculously escaped! The Polish king recognized him and gave an army - to win back the "father's" throne. Boris Godunov did not have time to restore order in the country: he died. The heart failed. Or did his conscience torture him?.. Without waiting for the approach of the Polish army, the boyars dealt with the children of Boris Godunov: they killed their son Fyodor, and imprisoned their daughter Xenia in a monastery.

The Pretender reigned in Moscow.

This Pretender - he remained in history as False Dmitry I - turned out to be a good sovereign. It prevented the Poles and boyars from ruining Rus'. That's why they killed him.

replacing him with another - insignificant, who also called himself Tsarevich Dmitry.

He became False Dmitry II. This impostor False Dmitry II, having gathered an army, moved to Moscow. On the way, he and his army set up camp in the village of Tushino, which is why he received the nickname "Tushino Thief".

And then he decided to put the Polish prince Vladislav on the Moscow throne. They sent ambassadors to the Polish king Sigismund. And he said: “I myself will sit on the throne in Moscow. Rus' will become part of the Polish kingdom!

Then the patience of the people came to an end.

v National unity .

Ryazan Prokopy Lyapunov gathered a militia and moved to Moscow. The Poles and the boyars-traitors were frightened, they drew up a letter with the order to disband the militia.

And they went to Patriarch Hermogenes: "You are the most important in the Russian church. The people will listen to you. Sign the letter!" The patriarch refused and called on the Russian people to oppose the invaders.

Lyapunov's militia was small and could not take Moscow. It has been defeated. Its leader - Prokopy Lyapunov - died. But the call of Patriarch Hermogenes spread throughout all Russian cities.

Heard it in Nizhny Novgorod.

The local merchant Kozma Minin was the first to give all his wealth to the militia and appealed to the inhabitants of the city.

The inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod gathered a large army.

It was headed by Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. The militia moved to Moscow and on the way grew by leaps and bounds. People flocked from everywhere.

The militia of Minin and Pozharsky stopped in the city of Yaroslavl for replenishment before going to Moscow.And in Moscow, the Poles again demanded from the patriarch: "Order the militia, let them disperse!" - "May the mercy of God and our blessing be upon them!" replied Hermogenes. "The traitors will be damned both in this century and in the future."

v And so it happened!

The whole Russian land stood up against the invaders and traitors. The battles for Moscow began. Prince Pozharsky turned out to be a talented commander. And Kozma Minin, not sparing his life, fought under the walls of the capital, like a simple warrior.

Pozharsky besieged Moscow for two months. Soon the Poles surrendered, Pozharsky triumphantly entered the city.

November 4 (October 22 old style) 1612 the enemy army surrendered to the mercy of the victors.

When peacetime came, the new tsar generously rewarded Minin and Pozharsky.

But the best reward was the memory of the people. It is not for nothing that a monument to them stands on Red Square - in the very heart of Russia.

"A good monument erected

Two heroes across the country

As a token of being delivered

From dishonor native land "

v National hero.

P truly a national hero of that harshtime was Ivan Osipovich Susanin.

At the beginning of 1613, when Moscow had already been liberated from the Polish invaders, detachments of invaders still roamed the Russian land in the hope of turning the tide of the war.

One of these detachments wanted to capture the newly elected Russian Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, who lived near Kostroma.

It was then that a peasant from the village of Domnino, located near Kostroma, Ivan Osipovich Susanin, accomplished his famous feat. Enemies tried to make him their guide, but he led the invaders into the deep forest, killed them, but died at the same time himself.Proof of the reality of the feat of Ivan Osipovich Susanin is the royal letter of granting Bogdan Sabinin (Susanin's son-in-law) half of the village for the feat of the late father-in-law.

Works of musical, visual and verbal art are dedicated to Ivan Susanin and his feat: the opera by M. I. Glinka "Ivan Susanin" ("Life for the Tsar"), the opera by K. A. Kavos ("Ivan Susanin"), the thought of K. F. Ryleev "Ivan Susanin", drama by N. A. Polevoy "Kocstroma forests", painting by M. I. Scotty "The Feat of Ivan Susanin".


Do you remember that November 4 is celebrated as the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Kazan Cathedral,consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, was built in the 20s of the 17th century at the expense of Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky in gratitude for his help and intercession in the fight against the Polish-Lithuanian invaders.

The wooden Temple was consecrated by the patriarch in the presence of the tsar and Prince Pozharsky himself, who brought the revered icon of the Kazan Mother of God from the Vvedenskaya Church, where it was kept until the construction of the Kazan Cathedral. The Kazan Cathedral in its current form (the wooden temple was seriously damaged during a fire) was built by architects Glebov and Petrov in 1635-1637 by order of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.

The revered icon was found on July 21 (according to the new style) 1579 in Kazan. There is a legend that the nine-year-old girl Matrona saw the Most Holy Theotokos three times in a dream, who pointed out to her the place under the ruins of the house where Her miraculous image was located. The girl told the local priest Yermolai about this vision, and the icon was indeed found in the indicated place.

By its type, it is an icon - the Guide, and indeed, it has repeatedly shown the right path to many of our compatriots. Before the Battle of Poltava, Peter the Great with his army prayed before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. In 1812, the Kazan icon of the Mother of God overshadowed the Russian soldiers who repelled the French invasion. On the terrible days of the autumn of 1812, a prayer service for the salvation of the Fatherland was served in front of the Kazan icon, which was attended by M. I. Kutuzov.

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God enjoys unparalleled veneration in Russia. Usually it is with this icon that the young are blessed to the crown, it is she who is hung by the cribs, so that the meek face of the Mother of God looks with love at young Christians.


Each state has its own symbols, and Russia is no exception in this regard.

The symbolism of the state constantly surrounds us in everyday life.

What applies to her? (Coat of arms, anthem, flag).

Hymn - an officially adopted solemn song in honor of the state. The anthem has changed several times in Russian history, which was associated with the form of government, those who led the country. The music of the anthem is majestic, solemn. The anthem is listened to and sung while standing, taking off their hats.

Flag - tricolor tricolor appeared in the era of Peter I Each color carries a certain semantic load.

White color - holiness, nobility, peace, purity of conscience;

blue - sky, fidelity, faith, truth;

red - power, fire, courage.

During the years of Soviet power, the flag was red with a hammer and sickle.

In 1991 there was a return to the tricolor.

Coat of arms - a symbolic identification symbol of the state, the official emblem, compiled according to certain rules. The coat of arms can be seen on banners, seals, banknotes, official documents, signs of government institutions.


They say that history teaches nothing, and people, no matter how long they live, do notdraw useful lessons from it.

It would seem that there were so many repetitions in the history of Russia, howoften after one, two or three centuries something happened againthe same thing that has happened in the past. For example, after everyFor some reason, after a wave of transformations, after renewal and upsurge, for some reason, dark times were bound to come.

And what about the military victories that came at the cost of so much bloodshed?Why was it far from always that Russia could take advantage of their ladies? Why again and again easily and quickly lost what was so long and so hard won?

Is history really just a series of accidents, a chain of events beyond our control, and humanity is forever destined to go in circles and make the same mistakes?

There are no easy answers to these questions. But there is no single view of the past. There are no identical assessments of what was and was done a long time ago and quite recently. After all, someone is convinced that history will write off both blood and sacrifice, and only great deeds and accomplishments will remain in the memory of descendants. So what if St. Petersburg was built on bones? But what a beautiful city. And there is no need to blame Lenin and Stalin for the fact that millions of ruined lives are on their conscience. After all, they created a mighty and strong state - the Soviet Union.

But, thank God, not everyone thinks like that and not everyone agrees with this approach to history.

There are many bright and glorious pages in our history, but, alas, there are no less dark and mournful ones. We have something and whom to be proud of, whom to thank, but there is something and whom to regret and whom to curse.

But there are events in the history of any state, the assessment of which is beyond doubt, does not change for centuries and will never change.

One of such days in the history of Russia is November 4th.Not a single Russian person will be ashamed of these glorious pages of Russian history. You will say that in our state, in addition to the Orthodox, peoples of other religions also live. But didn’t Russians, Kalmyks, Tatars, Bashkirs, Mordovians and other peoples fight under the banner of Minin and Pozharsky along with the Orthodox. And then, we celebrate D day of national unity , and who will argue that for the freedom and independence of Russia at all times peoples of all religious denominations gave their lives.

Today's Russia is far from prosperity and well-being, but I want to believe that our Fatherland has a happy fate ahead. After all, in Russian history it happened more than once when the difficult years of troubles and hardships were left behind, and life was slowly getting better and getting back into its groove.


There is no more sacred feeling than love for the motherland. We know many proverbs and sayings that show the attitude of people towards their Motherland.

What proverbs and sayings do you know?

"A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song",

"In your house and the walls help,"

"To live - to serve the Motherland",

"Do not spare your strength or life for your Motherland,"

"There is no more beautiful than our Motherland in the world."

See how similar the proverbs of different peoples are. All of them speak of love for the Motherland, wealth and friendship.



Imagine you were given a globe for a while.

Attach those drawings, what would you like to see our planet!


· What is this holiday calling us to? The new holiday is intended to remind us that we are Russians, belonging to different social groups, nationalities and religions - a single people with a common historical destiny and a common future.

· What is the essence of National Unity Day? National Unity Day, imbued with the ideas of national harmony, social cohesion, strengthening of Russian statehood, mutual understanding, mercy, care for people. National Unity Day is a testament to the unity of people, service to society.

· Why do we need unity? To build Russia together. When we have trust in each other, when our friendship is strong, we will be able to protect our Motherland from any danger.

· What other names does this holiday have? Day of military glory of Russia. Day of good deeds. On this day, we help the unfortunate and the needy, that is, we do charity work.

November 4is the day salvation of Russia from the greatest danger that ever threatened her;
November 4- This revived holiday with its history;
November 4 is the day real cases and not dubious marches.

On Unity Day we will be near,
Let's be together forever
All nationalities of Russia
In distant villages, cities!
Live, work, build together,
Sow bread, raise children,
Create, love and argue,
Keep the peace of the people
Honor the ancestors, remember their deeds,
Avoid wars and conflicts
To fill life with happiness
To sleep under a peaceful sky!


1. What was the name of the state that interfered in the affairs of Russia during the Time of Troubles?
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

2. Who led the first militia in 1611?
Prokopy Petrovich Lyapunov.

3. What historical event took place on November 4 (October 22, old style), 1612?
The militia led by Minin and Pozharsky took Kitay-gorod.

4. What was the name of the national hero of that time?
Ivan Osipovich Susanin.

5. Name the city where the militia of Minin and Pozharsky stopped for several months to replenish the newly arrived forces before marching on Moscow.

6. Which of the contenders for the Moscow throne was called the "Tushino thief"?
False Dmitry II.

7. In gratitude for the help and intercession, Prince Pozharsky built at his own expense in the 20s of the 17th century a wooden cathedral in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. What Temple are you talking about?
Kazan Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow.

8. What event is associated with the end of the Time of Troubles in Rus'?
With the accession of Mikhail Romanov.

9. In what year was the Celebration in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos on November 4 first established?
in 1649

10. What is the name of the public holiday we celebrate on November 4th?
National Unity Day.

    Land native people's destiny,

    They remember their great husbands

    2 epigraph.

    Unity - proclaimed the oracle of our days -

    Event progress:

    1 student:

    Gone in the history of the year

    Kings have changed and nations

    But the time is troubled, adversity

    Rus' will never forget.

    November 4 - became, at the suggestion of the State Duma, a new Russian holiday - the Day of National Unity. (Slide 2). However, if you look, the holiday is not so new. This is the day of veneration of the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, as well as the day of the liberation of Moscow and Russia by the troops of Minin and Pozharsky from the Polish intervention.

    2 student:

    A line is written in victory,

    And praises the verse of former heroes,

    Defeated the people of outcast enemies,

    Found freedom forever!

    3 student:

    Russia did not begin with a sword,

    But because the Russian shoulder

    Never in my life has anger touched me.

    And arrows ringing battles

    No wonder the horse of the mighty Elijah

    Out of kindness sometimes not immediately

    Retribution was rising. It's true.

View document content
"Day of national unity"

Theme: "Glory to our Motherland to our brave sons"

Purpose: To acquaint students with the history of National Unity Day

    Explain the meaning and significance of the new public holiday introduced in the Russian Federation

    Show the modern idea of ​​National Unity Day

    Cultivate respect for Russian national heroes

    To develop in students patriotic feelings, a sense of unity of a multinational country

Let the descendants of the Orthodox know

Land native people's destiny,

They remember their great husbands

For their heroism, glory, kindness.

2 epigraph.

Unity - proclaimed the oracle of our days -

Perhaps soldered with iron and blood only!

But we will try to solder it with love.

And then we will see that it is stronger. (Tyutchev F.)

Event progress:

1 student:

Gone in the history of the year

Kings have changed and nations

But the time is troubled, adversity

Rus' will never forget.

November 4 - became, at the suggestion of the State Duma, a new Russian holiday - the Day of National Unity. (Slide 2). However, if you look, the holiday is not so new. This is the day of veneration of the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, as well as the day of the liberation of Moscow and Russia by the troops of Minin and Pozharsky from the Polish intervention.

On this day, Russia glorifies the valiant Russian militia, which saved the Fatherland and the Orthodox faith in the difficult time of the Time of Troubles.

This holiday was established under Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov and for several centuries in the Russian Empire was celebrated as the day of liberation. It was canceled after the revolution of 1917. Therefore, to a certain extent, we are not talking about the establishment of a new holiday, but about the revival of the tradition interrupted in 1917. Russia has never been so close to destruction as in the Time of Troubles. The complete disintegration of the state, the struggle of the estates among themselves, the seizure of power by foreign interventionists, the threat of complete annihilation, the threat to the territorial integrity and independence of the country.

2 student:

A line is written in victory,

And praises the verse of former heroes,

Defeated the people of outcast enemies,

Found freedom forever!

Teacher. So, first things first.

3 student:

Russia did not begin with a sword,

It started with a scythe and a plow.

Not because the blood is not hot,

But because the Russian shoulder

Never in my life has anger touched...

And arrows ringing battles

They only interrupted her usual work.

No wonder the horse of the mighty Elijah

Saddled was the master of the arable land.

In hands, cheerful only from labor,

Out of kindness sometimes not immediately

Retribution was rising. It's true.

But there was never a thirst for blood. (Slide 3)

(The song “Russia” sounds. Lyrics: S. Bekhteev in Spanish: Zhanna Bichevskaya)

15 years in the history of Russia (from 1598 to 1613), later called the Time of Troubles, included so many events that in the history of any other state they would be more than enough for a good hundred years. Judge for yourself: (Slide 4)

Student. The Time of Troubles is an interdynastic period, when 6 rulers changed in the struggle for power, the Civil War of the masses for the “good king” broke out, a Polish-Swedish intervention arose, which was opposed by the people’s militias, who expelled the invaders. The most severe disasters that befell the country in the first two decades of the 17th century were called turmoil. (Slide 5)

Student. In 1584 Ivan the Terrible died. His eldest son Ivan was killed by his father in a fit of rage in 1581; his youngest son Dmitry was only two years old. The middle son of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ivanovich (1584-1598), came to the throne. The brother-in-law of the tsar, the boyar Boris Fedorovich Godunov, became the de facto ruler of the state. With the death of the childless Fyodor Ivanovich in 1598, the old Rurik dynasty ceased. The Zemsky Sobor elects Boris Godunov as the new tsar. (Slide 6)

Teacher. The reign of Boris Godunov was successful until 1601. In 1601-1603. Russia was hit by crop failure. According to contemporaries, this year a comet of extraordinary brightness was seen in the sky, three suns stood in the sky. During the summer, 10 weeks did not stop raining, and in August 1601 frost hit. The cold was such that they rode sledges along the Black Sea to Constantinople. Famine followed, exacerbated by the lack of supplies in the devastated country.

The entire population appreciated this natural cataclysm as God's punishment for the "illegal" king. Boris forbade selling bread more than a certain limit, even resorting to the persecution of those who inflated prices, but he did not achieve success. In an effort to help the starving, he spared no expense, widely distributing money to the poor. But bread became more expensive, and money lost its value. Boris ordered the royal barns to be opened for the starving. However, even their supplies were not enough for all the hungry.

Godunov turned out to be an unsuccessful tsar, and therefore illegal.

4 student:

“I am not happy. I thought my people
In contentment, in glory to calm,
To win his love with generosity -
But put aside the empty cookie:
They only know how to love the dead...
God sent gladness to our land,
The people howled, dying in agony;
I opened granaries for them, I am gold
I scattered them, I found work for them -
They cursed me, raging!” (Slide 7)

Teacher. Back in 1591, under unclear circumstances in Uglich, the last of the direct heirs to the throne, Tsarevich Dmitry, died, allegedly having run into a knife in a fit of epilepsy. Popular rumor attributed to Boris Godunov the organization of this murder in order to seize power. (Slide 8)

In an atmosphere of general dissatisfaction with Boris Godunov, rumors spread widely that Tsarevich Dmitry was alive. In 1602, a man pretending to be him showed up in Lithuania. The search showed that this was a Galician nobleman who had fled to Poland, a former monk Grigory Otrepiev. He secretly converted to the Catholic faith, promised to introduce Catholicism in Russia, give Chernigov lands to King Sigismund III, and Pskov, Novgorod, and other lands to governor Mnishek. (Slide 9)

In 1604, False Dmitry, with the help of Polish magnates, having recruited two thousand mercenaries and using the discontent of the Cossacks, undertook a campaign against Moscow. On the part of the Commonwealth, this was a covert intervention against Russia. June 20, 1605 On April 13, 1605, Boris Godunov died suddenly (according to rumors, he was poisoned). His 16-year-old son Fyodor was proclaimed king. He became the second king of the Time of Troubles. At the request of the impostor, Fedor was killed by the nobles.

False Dmitry was proclaimed king. (Slide 10)

5 student:

"Unfortunately, impostor,
Wherever you come from
This gave us a dance
That Tsar Boris died.
And, on Boris's place
Climbing up, this impudent
From joy with the bride
He hurt his legs.
Even though he was a good guy
And not even a fool
But under his dominion
The Pole began to rebel.
And that is not to our hearts;
And then one night
We gave them pepper
And everyone was driven away." (Slide 11)

Teacher. In May 1606, a conspiracy arose against False Dmitry, while trying to escape from the conspirators, he was killed. At the Zemsky Sobor, the boyar tsar Vasily Shuisky was elected tsar. Rumors again arose among the people that Dmitry had escaped and was hiding in Poland. Shuisky's authority is falling, as a result of a conspiracy led by Zakhar Lyapunov, he was overthrown from the throne. (Slide 12)

In the summer of 1607, the Poles sent another impostor to Russia - False Dmitry II, whose origin is unknown. The Tushino camp became the center of an alternative state with a separate government, church hierarchy, and administrative government bodies - orders.
Large Polish-Lithuanian troops came to the new "king", and Shuisky turned to the Swedish king Charles IX for military assistance. Poland, being at war with Sweden, begins an open intervention against Russia. (Slide 13)

After the overthrow of Shuisky, power passes to the seven Moscow boyars (seven boyars). In 1610 Vasily Shuisky was forcibly tonsured a monk. The boyars invited the Polish prince Vladislav to the kingdom and in September secretly let the Polish troops into Moscow.

The Russian people rise to fight the invaders. (Slide 14)

The independence and territorial integrity of the country were threatened.

Student. In the north, the Swedes began intervention, in Moscow - the Poles. The first militia against the interventionists was led by Lyapunov, but was killed. The militia broke up. By this time, the Swedes captured Novgorod, and the Poles - Smolensk. The Polish king announced that Russia would enter the Commonwealth, and he himself would become the Russian Tsar. (Slide 15)

Student. On October 1, 1611, at the market square of Nizhny Novgorod, at the call of the headman Minin, thousands of Nizhny Novgorod residents and residents of the surrounding villages gathered. He calls them to the new militia: “Let us rise with one mind with the whole world and fall in bulk on the enemies!” Carried away by his speech, people donate money, rings, earrings, expensive furs, weapons and clothes to the common cause. Here, on the square, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was elected governor of the militia. His assistant was "an elected person from all over the world" - Kuzma Minin. Minin and Pozharsky addressed with letters to all Russian cities. They called for unity in the struggle for the liberation of their native land from foreigners. (Slides 16-18)

1 student:

Who in Rus' will take up arms for the truth?

Who is pure before God? Only the pure can

To do a holy deed honestly.

The people suffer, the blood asks for vengeance,

Cries out to heaven. And who will raise

Who will lead the people? He is without a leader

Like a timid herd, scattered scattered.

(Two students represent the leaders of the militia - K. Minin and D. Pozharsky)

Teacher. The militia set out from Nizhny Novgorod at the end of February 1612. On the way, new units poured into it. They stayed in Yaroslavl for almost four months to build up strength. From here, Minin and Pozharsky continued to call the Russians to fight, from here they went to liberate Russian cities and villages from the invaders. In Yaroslavl, they formed the “Council of the whole earth” and introduced the “5th money” tax. (Slide 20)

On October 22, on the day of finding the icon of Our Lady of Kazan, which accompanied the militia, the troops stormed Kitay-Gorod, and on October 26 (November 4), the invaders opened the gates of the Kremlin and surrendered.

The people's militia solemnly, to the sound of bells, entered the Kremlin. The inspirers and organizers of the militia Minin and Pozharsky rode ahead on horseback, followed by detachments of fighters with waving banners. Cheering crowds greeted the winners. Our people saved their homeland, saved faith and statehood. (Slide 21-22)

The icon of Our Lady of Kazan accompanied the militia on their march to the capital, performing "many miracles." (Slide 23)

(Student's speech "The Icon of Our Lady of Kazan - Protector of the Russian Land")

Teacher. After the liberation of the Kremlin, Prince. Pozharsky installed the icon in the Church of the Presentation of the Mother of God, and in the summer of 1613 he reported the miraculous works of the icon to Tsar Michael and his mother. On the solemn days of the wedding of the new Russian sovereign Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov (February 22, 1613), both great husbands - Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin - were rewarded for their feat for the glory of the Fatherland: the first was granted to the boyars, the second - to the Duma nobles ( patronymic - Minin - has now become a surname).

In 1613, a new tsar was elected at the Zemsky Sobor. They became Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. In 1613, the Zemsky Sobor elected a new tsar, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov. Formally, the Romanovs had the right to the throne as relatives of the former dynasty: Mikhail's grandfather, N. R. Zakharyin-Yuriev, was the brother of Ivan the Terrible's first wife, Anastasia Romanovna. In fact, their election suited everyone. (Slides 24 25)

In memory of such a miraculous intercession, the tsar ordered twice a year (July 8 and October 22) to celebrate and arrange a procession with the icon of Our Lady of Kazan. In 1632, at the expense of Dmitry Pozharsky, a separate stone cathedral was built for the icon on Red Square.

The Kazan Cathedral was built at the expense of Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky in the 1620s and named Kazan Cathedral in honor of the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the main military shrine of the Minin and Pozharsky militia. (Slide 26)

(Student's speech "History of the Kazan Cathedral")

Teacher: So two holidays in Rus' merged into one. And today in Russia the celebration of these events has been restored.

Day November 4 - Day of National Unity, Day of Glory of Russian weapons and Day of the revival of Russian statehood (Slide 27)

In 1818, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected on Red Square. Author - Martos Ivan Petrovich (1750-1835), sculptor, professor at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. (Slide 28)

(Student's speech "History of the monument")

Initially, the monument was planned to be erected in 1812, on the 200th anniversary of the heroic events, but this was prevented by a new invasion, this time by Napoleon's army. Finally, in 1818, with money raised by subscription in Nizhny Novgorod, Minin's homeland, a monument by the sculptor I. Martos was erected in front of the main entrance to the Upper Trading Rows.
The monument to the tradesman Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was designed by the artist I.P. Martos and cast in bronze by the foundry master of the Academy of Arts V.P. Ekimov, opened on February 20, 1818. (Slide 29-30)

Teacher. The monument to Minin and Pozharsky was the first monument in Moscow erected not in honor of the sovereign, but in honor of the people's heroes.

The militia of Minin and Pozharsky is a vivid example in Russian history, when the fate of the country and the state was decided by the people. This test helped Russia realize its national unity and evaluate the forces it had at its disposal to defend it.

This will be repeated many times in Russian history. Ordinary Russian people, realizing that the country is threatened by a mortal enemy, selflessly stand up for its defense.

The symbol of loyalty to the Motherland is forever the feat of the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin, who sacrificed his own life in the fight against the Polish interventionists, who led the enemies into the dense forest, into the swamp. According to legend, in this way he saved Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, who was then elected to the kingdom, who was then living in Kostroma. (Slide 31)

The finale of the opera "Ivan Susanin" sounds with the famous choir "Glory!" and ringing bells)


Russia, you are a great power,
Your expanse is infinitely great.
For all ages you have crowned yourself with glory.
And there is no other way for you.

In the date of November 4, the sacrifice of the Russian multinational and multi-confessional people, its various layers, is important. Association regardless of nationality, religion.

The modern idea of ​​National Unity Day is to unite people for the development of their country. Russia is strong not only due to its economic successes and prestige in the world, but, above all, thanks to the unity of the people and, of course, thanks to the huge intellectual and creative potential of people - talented, qualified and sincerely wanting to benefit their people. (Slide 32)

Quiz questions:

1. Who took the place of Tsar Ivan the Terrible? (his son Fedor)

2. Why does Tsar Boris see bloody boys everywhere in the opera Boris Godunov? (it is assumed that on the orders of Boris, Tsarevich Dmitry, the heir to Tsar Fedor, was killed)

3. Who was the monk Filaret really? (nephew of the wife of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Romanov, candidate for the throne after the end of the Rurik dynasty)

4. What was the last name of Ivan the Terrible's wife? (Romanova)

5. In what century did the events that are called the "Time of Troubles" take place? (late 16th - early 17th century)

6. Who was Kuzma Minin? (Zemsky headman)

7. What role did Prince Pozharsky play in the militia (he commanded the people's militia)

8. What enemies did Russia have in the "Time of Troubles"? (Poles and Swedes)

9. What cities did the enemies manage to capture?

11. Whom was it decided to put on the throne in order to stop the unrest in the country? (Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, son of Fyodor Romanov, who at that time was 16 years old)

12. What event is M.I. Glinka "Life for the Tsar"

(Mikhail did not know that he was elected king. He lived with his mother near Kostroma. He had to be searched for by a special embassy. At the same time, the Poles were also looking for him to kill. Not far from the village of Domnino, the Poles met the peasant Ivan Susanin and demanded to show them the way. Susanin agreed, but he led them into a swamp. The Poles understood the peasant's cunning and brutally dealt with him. Glinka's opera is dedicated to this feat, as well as poems by K.F. Ryleev)

Touching the three great oceans,

She lies, spreading the cities,

Covered by a wall of meridians,

Invincible, wide, proud.

But at the hour when the last grenade

Already in your hand

And briefly remember

All that we have left in the distance,
You remember not a big country,
What you traveled and learned, You remember the homeland - such,

How did you see her as a child?

A piece of land, crouched against three birches,

A long road behind the woods
A river with a creaky ferry,

Sand birch with low willow.
This is where we were lucky to be born,

Where for life, until death we found

That handful of earth that is good,

To see in it signs of the whole earth.

Yes, you can survive in the heat, in a thunderstorm, frost,

Yes, you can be hungry and cold

Go to death .. But these three birches

You can't give it to anyone while you're alive.

(K. Simonov)


The Kazan Cathedral was built at the expense of Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky in the 1620s and named Kazan Cathedral in honor of the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the main military shrine of the Minin and Pozharsky militia. After a fire in 1635, instead of a wooden cathedral, the masters Semyon Glebov and Naum Petrov (according to another version, the royal master Abrosim Maximov) built a stone one at the expense of Sovereign Mikhail Fedorovich and consecrated by Patriarch Joseph on October 15, 1636.

From the time of construction, the temple became one of the most important Moscow churches, its rector occupied one of the first places in the Moscow clergy. In 1650, a new porch and a bell tower were built in front of the cathedral, and at the end of the 17th century, a front porch was built. After the construction of the cathedral was completed, a smooth wooden pavement was made from it to the Execution Ground, which was first called the Red Bridge, and near the temple - Red Square.

In 1925-1930, under the leadership of the architect Pyotr Baranovsky, a major reconstruction and restoration of the church was carried out at the expense of the Renovation parish, during which it was returned to its original appearance, drawings and measurements were taken.

Soon the Kazan Cathedral was closed. There was a canteen, a warehouse, and in the summer of 1936 it was demolished. A year later, a temporary pavilion of the Third International appeared in its place. Later, a summer cafe was opened here, and a public lavatory was arranged on the site of the altar.

The Kazan Cathedral in Moscow was restored in 1990-1993 on the initiative of the Moscow city branch of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. The author of the project was the architect Oleg Zhurin, one of the students of Pyotr Baranovsky. The main funds for the construction (in addition to public donations) were provided by the Moscow government.

On November 4, 1990, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II laid the foundation stone for the cathedral, and exactly three years later he consecrated the newly erected church. The main throne of the cathedral was consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

View presentation content

"Glory to our Motherland to our brave sons"

National Unity Day

extracurricular activity

Teacher Strebko T.P.

Minin Kuzma (? - 1616)

Nizhny Novgorod townsman. Participated in battles against False Dmitry II as part of the Nizhny Novgorod militia. From 1611 - zemstvo headman. The initiator of the convocation of the Second Militia, together with D. M. Pozharsky, headed the "Council of the whole earth" in Yaroslavl. Participated in the battles of the militia with the Poles near Moscow. Since 1613 - Duma nobleman.

Pozharsky Dmitry Mikhailovich


Prince, commander. Member of the First Militia of 1611, military leader of the Second Militia of 1612. Together with K. Minin, he headed the "Council of the Whole Land" in Yaroslavl. From 1613 - boyar. He led military operations against the Poles in 1612–1618. Headed a number of orders.

Dmitry Pozharsky

Minin's Appeal

Kuzma Minin

Kazan Cathedral

This cathedral was built to commemorate the liberation of Moscow from the Poles. But with the money of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.

Monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky in Moscow

Sculptor I. Martos

  • Ivan Osipovich Susanin, a peasant of the Kostroma district, became famous for the fact that in the winter of 1613, saving Tsar Mikhail Romanov, he led a detachment of Polish interventionists into an impenetrable forest swamp, for which he was tortured to death by the Poles. M.I. Glinka dedicated the opera A Life for the Tsar to the feat of Susanin.

Scenario of the holiday "Russia-My Motherland" for primary school students on National Unity Day

Scenario of a festive event dedicated to the Day of National Unity for children of primary school age

Fimina Ekaterina Borisovna, teacher of the GPA MOU-SOSH p. Lebedevka, Krasnokutsky district of the Saratov region
Description of work: Civil-patriotic education today is one of the most important links in the system of educational work. It is very important to start instilling in a child love for the Motherland, country, and people from early childhood. The material will be useful to preschool teachers, primary school teachers, GPA educators. The script is intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age. Application in educational work.
Target: Education of a humane, spiritual and moral personality, worthy future citizens of Russia, patriots of their Fatherland
Tasks: Contribute to the formation of the right attitude of children to their country. To cultivate respect for the cultural past of Russia. To consolidate in children knowledge of the state symbols of the country.

Event progress:

Hello dear guests! We are very glad to see you. Today we have a holiday dedicated to our Motherland. Very soon, on November 4, all of Russia celebrates the Day of National Unity.

This holiday is very young, it is only 9 years old. But this is not a newly invented, but a restored holiday. It has a very ancient history.
Listen to one story. It all started 400 years ago, in the 17th century. Then a terrible time began in Rus', which was called the Time of Troubles (everything was mixed up, nothing could be understood). There was no king in the country, the laws were not respected. Traitors-boyars (noble rich people) took advantage of this. They wanted to become even richer by selling their homeland to enemies (Poles). The Poles wanted to seize our country, make it part of their state.
At that time, the merchant Minin lived in Nizhny Novgorod. He was an honest and respectable man, and the people chose him as the mayor of the city. Minin urged the people to "stand for the faith, for the Fatherland." The inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod began to gather together and decided where to get people and means to fight the enemies. On the advice of Minin, people began to give "third money", i.e. a third of the property, for equipping the troops. On his own advice, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was chosen as the leader of the troops.

Soon other cities joined the Novgorodians. The whole Russian land stood up against the invaders and traitors, and in October 1612. Moscow was cleared of the Poles. The people restored state power, elected a king and handed power over to him.

In Moscow, on Red Square, in honor of the victory over the Poles, a bronze monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected so that people do not forget and honor the heroes of their country

It is in honor of this event that the Day of National Unity is celebrated.
400 years have passed, during this time many times different countries tried to seize Russia, but they did not succeed, all people stood up to defend their country.
Our country is multinational, more than 180 nationalities live in Russia and each has its own customs, fairy tales and songs. But we all have one big, united Motherland Russia!

People, nation, people -
Holiday bright at the gate!
Congratulations on Unity Day
And with all our hearts we wish
At the same time be strong
One, indivisible
Holy revere history
And spacious meadows
Rivers, villages, cities -
We are a great country!

They don't argue with history, they live with history.
It unites for a feat and for work.
One state when one people
When with great strength he moves forward
He defeats the enemy by uniting in battle,
And Rus' liberates and sacrifices itself.
For the glory of those heroes we live by one destiny,
Today we celebrate Unity Day with you!
The song "My Russia" is performed by the choir.

A man has one mother, and he has one homeland. The people love her dearly. “What is the Motherland? And the guys will tell us about this in their poems.


Motherland is a big, big word!
Let there be no miracles in the world,
If you say this word with soul,
It is deeper than the seas, higher than the heavens!
It fits exactly half the world:
Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.
Dear city, native apartment,
Grandma, school, kitten... and me.
Sunny bunny in the palm
Lilac bush outside the window
And on the cheek a mole -
This is also homeland.

Let's continue the conversation about our Motherland. Our country is called Russia, the Russian Federation. How is one country different from another? They differ in the language spoken by the people, in their symbols, history, customs, traditions, geographical location. Country symbols are distinctive signs with which you can understand belonging to a country. What are the main symbols of our country (children call) (coat of arms, flag, anthem).
The coat of arms is the emblem of the state, it is depicted on seals, passports, banknotes, documents. Our Russian emblem depicts a double-headed golden eagle against the background of the Russian flag. The eagle is a symbol of the sun, heavenly power, fire and immortality. This is a very ancient coat of arms. It appeared 500 years ago.

Coat of arms of Russia
Russia has a majestic
Double-headed eagle on the coat of arms
To the west and east
He could look right away.
He is strong, wise and proud.
He is the free spirit of Russia.
(Alexander Trifonov)

Guys, what is depicted on the coins? What is the name of the coins that depict the rider? Why are they called that?

The spear of St. George the Victorious gave the name to the coin - a penny. The Moscow princes, and then the Russian tsars, used seals, minted coins with the image of a horseman slaying a snake with a spear.

The Russian flag is a tricolor with white, blue and red stripes.
What does the white, blue, red colors of the Russian flag symbolize? There are different versions.
Version 1 is the unity of the sea, earth and sky.
Version 2 is a community of three Slavic peoples.
3rd version - white - faith, purity; blue - the sky, nobility, fidelity; red - heroism, courage, courage.
Version 4 - white is faith, blue is hope, and red is love.

About the Flag of the Russian Federation
Red - blue - white flag,
You are the native banner of the country.
Proudly blowing up to the sky
What do we know about you?
The power of life is red
The color of battles and victories.
Spilled red
The blood of grandfathers who died in wars.
Blue color - inspires confidence
To the Fatherland, to the right thing.
In it is the constancy of the people,
Friendship, inseparability, brotherhood.
The top one is white
Sky pure hello.
Let it be clear above us!
Every day will be great!

The anthem of the Russian Federation is a symbol of our state. And who is the author of words and music?
The music of the anthem was invented by the composer Aleksandrov, and the words by the poet Sergei Mikhalkov.
And Sergey Mikhalkov wrote a lot of poems for children, you know them well (children remember the works of S.V. Mikhalkov: “Uncle Styopa”, “And you?”, “Foma”, “My friend and I”, etc.) .
People have long loved proud and bold songs. Already the ancient peoples had solemn chants. They were famous for the beauty of their native land, its wealth, the exploits of heroes. - When does the anthem sound? (When meeting distinguished guests, at solemn meetings, in honor of athletes - winners in competitions).
And now we will listen to the Anthem - the solemn song of our Motherland. Remember that the national anthem must be listened to while standing.
An excerpt from the anthem sounds.

Anthem of Russia and me
I love the National Anthem.
I was born and raised with him.
It is my pride, my strength,
I'm on guard with him.

I survey the country with him,
Its open spaces, beauty,
And the heart fills with pride:
I was born and raised here.

I like forests and rivers
Fields, lakes and meadows.
I'm with them forever
I love Russia so much.

I will not change to abroad
Nature is our purity.
Flocks of birds will support me -
I was born and raised here.
(Rudolf Doronov)

Each country has, in addition to symbols, a main capital city. Name the capital of Russia (Moscow).

Russia is an immense country.
But you, the capital, she has one.
Although I have never been to Moscow,
But I know a lot about you.
A star is burning on the tower near the Kremlin,
Which never goes out.
The beautiful Moscow River flows,
And a bridge over it, like a rainbow-arc.
You, Moscow, I love with all my heart,
You conquered everyone with your beauty!

In every country there is a chief man - the president. Name our Russian President.

There are many different beautiful countries in the world and every nation loves its Motherland most of all. We were born in Russia, we are Russians. But each of us has another homeland, a small one, the place (city, village) where each of us was born.

Motherland is sacred
Small and big.
Motherland in a child's heart -
Why the house has a porch.
Homeland - the smell of chamomile,
Blots on a blotter.
Homeland - expanse songs,
Motherland - a grain field,
Motherland - mother's hands,
And lullabies.
Homeland where he was born -
There, they say, it came in handy.

A lot of works have been written about our Motherland, poems, songs have been composed, pictures have been drawn. And you and I, too, as best we can, draw our homeland.

In my drawing, a field with spikelets,
Church on a hill next to the clouds.
In my drawing Mom and friends,
In my drawing, my Motherland.

In my drawing, the rays of dawn,
Grove and river, sun and summer.

In my drawing, my Motherland.

Daisies grew in my drawing,
A rider on a horse gallops along the path,
In my drawing, a rainbow and me,
In my drawing, my Motherland.

In my drawing, mom and friends,
In my drawing the song of the stream,
In my drawing, a rainbow and me,
In my drawing, my Motherland.
(P. Sinyavsky)

Yes, the Russians did not joke with a sword or a roll. They did not look for enemies, they valued their friends. They took care of the Russian lands, sang the beauty of the Motherland in songs and legends. At the festive festivities, games and dances were started.
Dance in Russian costumes "The moon shines, the clear one shines"

Theme "Day of National Unity"

Target: the formation in students of the qualities of citizenship, patriotism, the development of a sense of belonging with the fate of their country, their people, the upbringing of responsibility for themselves, their loved ones, friends, the fate of their homeland.


* Explain the meaning and significance of the new public holiday introduced in the Russian Federation

* Development of a critical attitude to reality

Unity - proclaimed the oracle of our days,

Perhaps soldered with iron and blood only.

But we will try to solder it with love,

And then we'll see what's stronger ...

F.I. Tyutchev

1. Dear children, today we are dedicating our lesson to the national holiday National Unity Day. Guys, do you know what historical events this holiday is associated with?

In the 17th century, 4 centuries ago, the Time of Troubles began in Russia. Tsar Ivan the Terrible died. The eldest son was unable to reign, and the youngest, Dmitry, died under mysterious circumstances while playing with a knife. Without a king, as without a master in the house, disorder immediately began. And as the people say: trouble has come, open the gate. Immediately 2 years in a row there were lean years, and famine began. Many wanted to take the Russian throne in these difficult years for everyone. And even foreigners, Poles and Swedes, fraudulently wanted to put false kings on the throne. That's what they were called: False Dmitry-I and False Dmitry-II. Robberies and robberies began in Russia, and there was no one to put things in order. So our country was ruined, and the Poles captured it. The impostor False Dmitry I reigned for a whole year, but he failed to deceive the Russian people, he was exposed and killed. But order in the country was never established, which is why there was no unity in the country. Soon another impostor, False Dmitry II, appeared. And people did not know what to do and whom to believe. Enemies continued to seize Russian lands, devastate the country, and humiliate people.

But always, when the Motherland is in danger, there are heroic people to save it.

The merchant Kozma Minin and the governor Dmitry Pozharsky gathered the people's militia. (The teacher shows an illustration of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky) The Monk Irinarch the Recluse Borisoglebsky blessed Minin and Pozharsky for the holy cause - the expulsion of the invaders. The people's militia had to go a long way to Moscow; for a whole year they liberated the Russian lands captured by the Poles and Swedes. Everyone helped as much as they could, they also joined the ranks of the militias.

They liberated Moscow from the interventionists in 1612. They defeated the enemy because they were together, because they defended their homeland, they did not want to lose it.

They won thanks to the intercession of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

In Russia, they chose a new tsar, Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. And there was peace and tranquility in the country. A monument was erected to the heroes-liberators Minin and Pozharsky with the money collected by the people.

The history of Russia teaches us: apart, one by one you cannot do what can be done together.

So it happens in life: one plant a tree, and all together - a garden; one will have time to lay only a brick, and for those who set to work together, the house is already ready!

Friendship unites people and nations. Together they live happily.

We must not forget the lessons of history: Russia is strong only when it is united!

That is why our country has such an important holiday - National Unity Day. Motherland and unity... Such a deep meaning lies in this holiday.

Russia has been tested many times, experienced times of chaos, hostility and anarchy more than once. When the country weakened, neighbors attacked it, trying to conquer the lands and enslave our people. We called these times troubled, and also bloody. But the country rose again and again from the ashes. After each tragedy, she only became stronger at the envy of her enemies.

2. r Holiday dedicated to the Day of National Unity. This is not only a celebration of the expulsion of interventionists who carry values ​​alien to us, it is a celebration of friendship and unification, a celebration of love and harmony, faith that God is in truth, and not in power. Remember the slogan of the winners: stick together, love and help each other, be able to sincerely forgive the offender.

2. Let's all stand up, join hands and together say this chant:

The main thing is together!

The main thing is together!

The main thing - with a burning heart in the chest!

We do not need indifference!

Anger, resentment drive away!

3. The guys prepared poems about the Motherland. Let's listen to them.

1st reader: What is the Motherland? Tell me now, To listen to the whole school And your favorite class.

2nd reader: Motherland - my friends, I believe them, I love them. We study together, we play, we score goals. We share joy and misfortune, Where else can I find such?

3rd reader: Homeland - relatives, friends, family Mom, dad, grandmother and, of course, me!

It's good for us to live together in the same house, To share and love about everything.

4. Presentation of the creative work "How did my last name" (Kosinova A.)

5. Teacher: The Russian people remember and honor their heroes. Guys, do you know the names of the heroes of Russia? Today we will remember with you the soldiers of Rus',
After all, we, who live now, have a particle of their blood!

6. Pupils talk about the heroes of Russia

1st student

Prince Alexander Nevsky played an exceptional role in Russian history. In 1240, he defeated the Swedes on the Neva River, for which he received this nickname. And after 2 years he defeated the German knights. For his deeds, the church canonized him among the saints. Enemies for a long time remembered his words “Whoever comes to Russian land with a sword will die by the sword! And it always has been! And it always will be!” Prince Alexander Nevsky did not lose a single battle.

An open lesson dedicated to the youngest state holiday in Russia - the Day of National Unity, took place on Saturday, October 25, in secondary school No. 63 (Kraulya Street, 82 "a").

Oleg Skvortsov, rector of the Institute of International Relations, member of the Public Chamber of Yekaterinburg, became the guests of honor of the educational lesson.

The lesson was taught by history teacher Viktor Yakushev. In an accessible form, using a video presentation, schoolchildren got acquainted with the events of the beginning of the 17th century, with the end of the Time of Troubles in Russia.

High school students spoke about the terrible trials that befell the people and about the saving power in the person of the militia heroes. Excerpts from the message of one of the guys: “All those terrible trials that befell the people led to the need to unite and jointly expel foreign invaders from the state. At this moment, when it seemed that there was no one to wait for salvation, the formation of the Second People's Militia began in Nizhny Novgorod. The initiative for its creation came from the zemstvo headman Kuzma Minin. It was he who turned to the inhabitants of Nizhny Novgorod with an appeal to sacrifice their property for the sake of saving the Fatherland. Kuzma Minin himself set an example. However, the emerging militia needed not only money and food, but also a leader with serious combat experience. The military leadership of the emerging militia was offered to Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.

Schoolchildren emphasized that thanks to the militia soldiers led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, the Time of Troubles in Rus' was put to an end. “In July 1612, the militia of Minin and Pozharsky came out to liberate Moscow with an oath: “We will die for Holy Rus'.” The militias fought bravely. In these words, all the hearts and souls of our people merged together. But the outcome of the battle was not clear. Minin helped out, throwing 300 soldiers at the enemy from the rear, into the thick of the Poles. This maneuver divided the opponents and we were able to win the first victory over the Polish invaders. On August 24, 1612, parts of the Polish garrison were still sitting within the walls of the Kremlin. For two months, the militia waged a severe siege of the fortress. On October 22, old style - November 4, according to the new style, the Kremlin was liberated, the Poles fled from Moscow. The Russian state was not allowed to die,” schoolchildren participating in the open lesson said with particular pride.

The historical events of the beginning of the 17th century became the basis for the establishment in 2005 of a new holiday - National Unity Day, which is a tribute to the memory and respect for the ancestors who defended the independence of the country.

During the open lesson, the guys read poems on the theme of the upcoming holiday, and also answered, perhaps, the most important question: what helped Russian soldiers win over many battles? “Courage, courage, strong faith, unity,” the schoolchildren answered with confidence.

The open lesson ended with a performance by the Health Palette creative team.

It should be noted that the teaching staff of school No. 63 pays special attention to the patriotic education of children. In particular, the educational institution has a museum of military glory, and on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, children who have distinguished themselves receive the “Patriot of the School” badge.

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