Cool predictions for a girl. Comic predictions are short and funny (for children and adults)

Many people believe in horoscope predictions, signs, omens, superstitions. The practice of predictions is several thousand years old. What were the prophecies worth Delphic oracle to which even the kings turned. Witches and prophets were able to "read" the fate of people in the palm of their hand, dreams, natural phenomena, events and omens. Today, for the most part, predictions for the future are perceived as comic, but they also make you think, change behavior and perception.

In the East, there is still a tradition of serving fortune cookies. Allegedly, a person can stretch his fate. Comic predictions short and funny can be great entertainment for cheerful company. The person who prepared such “instructions” for the future for friends aims to cheer up, please the guests, and give a charge of positive emotions.

Comic predictions can be in verse and prose, have direct meaning or carry an allegory. Of course, you should not take the predicted seriously, these are still cool, comic predictions. What can you wish for the future and how interesting to arrange? We offer several original examples.

Comic predictions for the future in verse

From payday to payday, life just keeps getting better!

Quit moping and upset

You need to smile more.

Who goes into the world with a smile,

Tom is lucky in all matters.

Wait another six months, you will find happiness in life!

There are only a couple of moments left before the summer, and there, as expected, a lot of fun!

Tomorrow, do not rush, but do not relax,

Get ready to work, but don't overwork yourself.

Save energy until the evening

To make the party fun.

Look around, you see - people are smiling.

This faithful friends who rely on!

Go with your husband to the store - he received a salary!

Keep your nose to the wind and your tail to the gun.

Let the solution of the question "glass half empty or half full" be the only difficulty in your life!

From next week, every day will feel like Friday to you.

Don't have a hundred roubles, but have a hundred friends with a hundred roubles.

Learning is light, don't forget to take a flashlight.

Smile - it irritates everyone!

Tomorrow there will be a holiday on your street, do not miss the moment!

If life puts spokes in the wheels, it's time to take a walk.

Dreaming of a vacation? Dreams Come True!

Finally, you will receive the minister's salary. The main thing is that the minister should not be against it.

  1. The classic option is shell cookies. Knead the most common lean dough (it will bake faster). Roll out the cake, cut the same circles. Place prepared predictions on small pieces of paper in the center of each circle of dough. Now blind "dumplings" by folding them in the shape of a shell. Place the cookies in the oven for a few minutes to bake the dough.
  2. Place your wishes on long narrow strips of paper. Roll each into a roll. Attach candy to one end. Put it all in a candy bowl, mix.
  3. Wishes themselves can be wrapped in the same sweets under the label.
  4. Roll up rectangular sheets of colored paper (10x10 cm) with wishes into a tube. Tie each bundle with colored ribbon. For a beautiful presentation of wishes, find a beautiful vase.
  5. Decorate cardboard cards 6x8 cm beautifully, in the center of each write what you want. Cover the surface with a thin layer of colorless nail polish (to make it glossy). As the varnish dries, paint over the area with the text with a white clerical proofreader. To read the wish, you need to erase the white layer with a coin. Instead of a corrector, you can take PVA glue by adding a little paint to the solution.
  6. You can prepare miniature fabric bags and place notes with wishes in them. As well as decorated matchboxes, chocolate egg toy cases, plastic spinning balls, decorative perfume bottles with a cork. In general, there is no limit to the design fantasies.

In order to find out what to expect in the new year, there are many fortune-telling. They can be held in a short and playful way during New Year corporate parties, meeting with friends at home or away. Predictions can be presented in prose or poetry written on small pieces of paper that can be placed in cookies, sweets, pies, dumplings and other sweets. As a New Year's fortune-telling, it would be great to hold a lottery, where each item has its own specific meaning. Movie and song titles can be used as predictions.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortuneteller Baba Nina:"There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow..." Read more >>

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      Comic prophecies for a corporate party

      Usually at the end of the year in many firms there are corporate events during which the results of the outgoing year are summed up and plans are made. In order to brighten up the situation, you can offer employees funny comic predictions that will definitely come true in the coming year:

    1. 1. Climbing up career ladder, you should walk carefully and carefully look under your feet so as not to slip on the spitting of envious colleagues.
    2. 2. Next year you should expect a serious increase - your office will be located on a few floors above.
    3. 3. If you smile a lot next year, then you can wait for the signing of a profitable contract. The business partner will be a well-known manufacturer of toothpaste.
    4. 4. If you enter the boss's office on your left foot every time next year, you can get a promotion.
    5. 5. You are very lucky - next year you will be able to get rid of bad habit. True, in return there will be two more.

    It is important to choose such predictions that will not offend colleagues.

    For a party in the circle of a company of employees, short prophecies for the New Year are suitable not only in prose, but also in verse:

    Short Cool
    Do not be in front of the boss - so that there is no risk of getting drunk!

    Urgently you go to the gym,

    To grow in the pocket of cash.

    There is no figure here

    Time to be strong

    Whom the boss kicks out of work - he has less worries in the New Year!

    You wanted a new laptop

    The skiff came to the old one.

    Receive and subscribe

    And say goodbye to money

    What will be deducted from salary

    For device failure

    Whoever drinks champagne will return without a bonus!

    Waiting for you to be promoted.

    Looks like you've been working hard.

    And for the authorities every day

    Not in vain dragged like a shadow.

    Now it's all up to you

    How do you get along with the dream

    Predictions for friends

    To celebrate a fun holiday at home, with friends or family, you can use bolder predictions. As a "packaging" for predictions, you can use cookies, pies, sweets.


    1. 1. Next year, we should expect replenishment in the family - neighboring cockroaches will move to your apartment.
    2. 2. Next year it will be possible to find a treasure. It will look like a husband's stash, which he saved up all year.
    3. 3. In the coming year, one should beware of unexpected attacks. Luck will attack you, which will be difficult to fight off.
    4. 4. It is necessary to beware of cooling the feelings of the second half. Otherwise, you can get sick with love all 12 months.
    5. 5. If you give your beloved a diamond ring as a present for the New Year, then the stars predict you a full life in the next 12 months.
    6. 6. Next year you will be able to get into the cream of society and find yourself a rich and generous sponsor.
    7. 7. In the coming year, gray everyday life will brighten up with a passionate romance with a beautiful lover.
    8. 8. Next year, friends will not be able to forget you. It's hard to forget someone who owes money.
    9. 9. You can expect an unforgettable vacation where everything is inclusive - with relatives.
    10. 10. There are two news. The bad news is that you will put on weight. Good - the addition will occur in the wallet area.
    11. 11. When crossing the road, you should look around. You can meet your destiny.
    12. 12. In the New Year, you can get a gift in the form of a Golden Fish. It will be baked and with vegetables.

    What do the titles of films and songs predict?

    Song and movie titles can be used as predictions. You can write them on separate pieces of paper and place them in magic bag and invite guests to pull out one piece of paper with these words: "Next year awaits me ...".

    Divination for Christmas

    Christmas fortune-telling has its own unique flavor and originality. There are different versions of predictions for Christmas.

    Divination on 12 pieces of paper

    For one of the options, you need to write your most secret dreams on pieces of paper, the size of which is approximately 2x4 cm. You should make no more than 12 wishes, and they should not be repeated. All pieces of paper are rolled into a tube, folded into a magic bag and placed under the pillow. In the morning, you need to get any three leaves and read those desires that should come true throughout the year.

    Competition "Comic predictions"

    This competition is perfect for celebrating Christmas with a circle of friends. For this, it is necessary to prepare cool pictures, which depict what people most often dream of when making a wish. For example:

    • Healthy and happy family.
    • Money.
    • Leader's chair.
    • Wedding ceremony.
    • New big house.
    • Prestigious car.
    • Phone of the latest model.
    • Holidays in an exotic country.
    • Trip around the world.

    Images can be printed or cut from any old magazines. Pictures should be hung on a rope. For this purpose, tape or clothespins are used. Each guest is blindfolded in turn. The participant is untwisted and brought to the rope. The task of the competition is to take a picture and see what awaits him in the beginning of the year.

    Predictions for the Old New Year

    There are other fun New Year's prediction methods. When everyone gathers at the table for the Old New Year, you can offer guests a treat in the form of dumplings. At the same time, funny and good wishes for the future are not determined by the notes inside the product. Dumplings contain interesting items, each of them has its own secret meaning and hints at what to expect in the coming year:




    Nice surprise from a loved one

    To a pleasant romantic acquaintance

    Much luck and good luck

    Home comfort and tranquility


    Good health

    To receive unexpected profits

    Long and happy life

    Big win

    Wealth and prosperity

    big temptation

    Getting a bonus or salary increase


    New love story


    New position

    Cardinal changes in life

    For the wedding ceremony

    Red pepper

    Obstacles in business

    To happy news

    Bay leaf

    Rapid rise through the ranks

    Good health and well-being

    To big profit

    New acquaintances

    Obstacles in the implementation of the plan

    Welfare and prosperity

    White thread

    Long trip or business trip

    Thread green

    Trip abroad

    Thread with knots

    To unexpected troubles and worries

    Black thread

    short business trip

    Passionate lover

    Two fans at once


    Allspice ground pepper

    To drastic changes in life

    Black peppercorns

    New acquaintances


    To update your wardrobe

    vain hopes

    Well-being in the home

    Easy year

    New creative ideas

    Quarrels, tears

    Bell pepper

    Sex games

    big win

    New acquaintances

    Dough, beans, fish scales

    Replenishment in the family

    Good health

    Good shopping

    Full year

    Strengthening family relations

    Marriage of convenience

    Well-deserved award for work

    New Year's lottery

    In order for the evening to be unforgettable, you can hold an interesting fortune-telling lottery. To do this, each of the guests draws one of the items at random from the bag, and the presenter reads to him the value of the gift:

    Picture Meaning

    All troubles and bad luck

    Dissolve without a doubt.

    Like a soap bubble

    Let all the problems burst

    Toilet paper

    Outside the window, let there be a lot of snow,

    But your path is easy.

    It will be long and bright

    like a roll of this paper


    New interesting year

    Waiting at the gate.

    It will be noisy, colorful,

    Bright - like this cracker


    To wash away all problems

    Gotta get some soap


    In the coming year

    Wait for the beauty

    So as not to let the hair down,

    Here's a cool comb for you

    Wet wipes

    To troubles and sorrows

    You haven't been bothered all year

    Erase them from yourself aptly,

    Here are some wet wipes for you.

All this is written on separate sheets of paper and mixed. Then each spectator pulls out a ticket and reads it into the microphone.

You can also put them in balloons. During the holiday, invite everyone to choose a balloon, burst and read aloud.

You will take off on the career ladder without dizzying consequences!

Your creative success this evening will be noticed by everyone present!
Take seriously... your drink. Don't put it past your mouth!

Your pragmatic interest will develop into a romantic attraction.

Love is waiting for you. Soon very soon.
The second half of the evening is favorable for very close communication with partners of the opposite sex!

Great success awaits you tonight!

This day is conducive to plans for the future, and their discussion with partners of the opposite sex!

Today, emotional understanding and physical contact are more important for you than verbal spending time!

Today, acquaintances and hobbies are likely for you, especially in the second half of the evening!

Tonight, with the help of words and beliefs, we can achieve anything!

Today, the best thing for you is hope for your own strength, especially at the end of the evening!

Avoid cold from a partner of the opposite sex and always be on the alert!

Fruitful work with a spoon and fork at today's table will bring certain results by the evening!

Tonight, chatting with friends will bring you a lot of joy!

Today is a particularly important evening in your life, pay special attention to the neighbors at your table!

At midnight - you can start to lead a calm lifestyle, and now have fun!

Tonight is good for any entertainment!

Be attentive to each poured glass and do not miss it past your mouth!

Today you may have an inclination for solitude with someone!

The evening will turn out to be unusual and mysterious for you, be prepared for anything!

Today you will be especially prone to alcohol, do not get carried away!

Avoid conflict at the table because of a glass that was not drunk on time!

Tonight, it is advisable not to avoid partners of the opposite sex during the dance!

Excessive drinking tonight can lead to loss of orientation in space and time!

Tomorrow you will have an excess of energy, so spend it today!

Independent today's actions on the part of you will allow you to improve your financial situation!

Today, you may have a big win!

Tonight is favorable for intimate acquaintances!

Fireworks of bright events await you in the new year. Start preparing immediately.

Expecting a bad event, do not twist the button: it will definitely come off.

When crossing the road, look around - there is a chance to meet your fate.

Come to the boss from the left foot - and you will be promoted.

If you wear clothes inside out on January 1, then many people of the opposite sex will pay attention to you. Maybe you will meet love!

Smile always! And no one will call you a gloomy person. Be quiet! And no one will call you a bore.

Your life is an endless road, so choose a reliable means of transportation along it - a car.

Today is the best day for you! As the others!

If in new year's eve in the salad you will come across a foreign body, know - this is for luck!

Run for president in March - that's where you belong.

Your old dream will come true - a cottage by the sea.

Your place next to the director is where you look better.

The car is not for you, here's a helicopter - yes.

January 1 little head bo-bo, money bye-bye. Go visit - improve your health, save money.

Sing songs more often - there will be a fun life.

Live for as long as you want and with whom you want.

Drink a can of beer every day, you will live happily all year.

To make every tooth shine in the sun - eat a whole tube of pasta.

You will find many incidents and interesting trips.

You will continue to burn with creative work.

You will enter the cream of society, perhaps you will find a sponsor.

And you have a lot of household chores, household chores waiting for you.

You will find many adventures and many thrills.

Love will brighten your days and make them bright.

Fate will gild your pen, send you a solid paycheck.

Your health will become stronger, the second youth will come.

You are a minion of fate, which means that success and good luck await you.

You are used to living in the thick of things, work is your main destiny.

You have friends who know the sea, and everyone will come to visit soon.

For the heart awaits you delight - a big increase in salary.

You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore all a year will pass Great.

You are destined to live up to a hundred years without any storms and troubles.

Fate will throw a wallet, and this is all in the near future.

Your whole life in winter and summer will be magically illuminated with light.

Wings you do not burn, take care of your health.

From now on, you will continue to be prettier and younger.

Your good luck, noting, stock up more tea.

In the family and personal life, everything will turn out fine for you.

The coming year is preparing for you a meeting with an ardent admirer (fan), but it seems that this hobby will be short-lived. Do not worry: now is not the best time for tender feelings.
Do not rush in the coming year to drastically change your destiny, now is not the time and place for sharp turns.
Be content with what you have - you are already in a more advantageous position than many.
Easy flirting, waiting for you in the middle of the year, will blossom life with new colors.
It is better to postpone the solution of financial problems until the end of autumn, and you should completely abandon expensive purchases until summer.

The coming year brings new interesting acquaintances and meetings with old friends.
Now the key to your success is cooperation.
Be extremely attentive to those who help you.
You are on the threshold of a stormy romance.
Do not forget that it is winter outside, take care of your throat and airways, because a cold is not the most successful companion of love.

The New Year will please you not only with financial stability, but also with new pleasant acquaintances.
Be careful, do not hesitate to refuse risky offers and dubious intrigues - they will bring nothing but trouble.
When starting a new business, do not forget about reliable, time-tested friends.
In the coming year, you will find many surprises and gifts, useful and important meetings.
Everything related to production activities, information and training will bring you success.
Your family and friends will delight you.
Thanks to your charm and natural instinct, you will be able to avoid many problems and successfully get out of unpleasant situations.
The second half of the year is good for heart affairs, travel and entertainment. You will not lack them.

The coming year will not let you forget about domestic problems associated with loved ones, but it will also be full of tempting offers to relax and unwind.
You will meet your happiness where you do not expect.
The second half of the year will bring love.
Financial difficulties do not threaten you, but you will have to deal more seriously with matters related to partners from afar.
January is the beginning of your creative flowering.

Next year you will improve your financial situation and acquire a different status in society.
In relations with those who are far from you, changes for the better are planned.
Be patient with those around you. You are waiting for gratitude, but you will not always hear warm words addressed to you.
Success in the work will require patience and the ability to compromise.
In the spring you will meet a person who can change a lot in your life.

Your authority will invariably grow, desires will come true as if by magic.
A door opens before you, leading to a fuller and more enjoyable existence, in which there is more room for privacy.
Your life will gain that stability and stability, which in Lately You missed so much.
You will find that your energy reserves are not unlimited, and you need to spend it prudently - namely, where it will bring more benefit.
In the coming year, you are entering a streak of good luck. Fortune will be your companion.
The authority you have earned in the past will work for you.
Your virtues and shortcomings are discussed, but as a result, you will be made a fantastic business proposal.
You will be affected by important changes in the personal lives of others.
In the near future, perhaps you will become the reason major scandal but it will do you good.
Try to rest and do not let yourself become limp for any reason!

Say goodbye to the past. It will no longer have an impact on you in the coming new year.
The changes taking place in the near future will be so noticeable that you will believe in success and improvement in your status.
A sense of duty and responsibility, the ability to direct efforts in the right direction - this is the key to success. And most importantly, you will still be loved.
Everything that has developed throughout this year can be implemented in the coming.
Together with a partner you can earn good money.
You will be interested in renewing relations with an old acquaintance, because you have decided that you need this person more than others.
Love will enter your life.
In the coming year, your attractiveness is irresistible. You are loved, although you hide it, and you are waiting for new miracles and transformations.
Take care of yourself in the New Year and try to have a good rest.

In the coming year, the problems will recede. New plans you can boldly bring to life, relying on like-minded people and ... the Lord God.
What is happening will suit you in almost everything. Only those who are dear to your heart can cause nagging pain, but you know that all this is temporary.

Please note: now is not the best time to change jobs. It is better to go on vacation and relax.
Use the opportunity for entertainment and love joys - there will be a lot of them. But at the beginning of the year, be guided by the motto "silence is golden."

In the coming year, success and new opportunities await you. Everything is changing around, new people, attachments, plans will enter your life.
A good year for dating, and new circle communication will inspire you to new ideas!

The coming year brings pleasant events, you will feel happy, you will not get tired of declaring your love.
You will reap the benefits of success. How often do these moments happen?
The New Year will be a turning point - real and very successful changes in business and love await you.
This year will be full of events, you will remember it for a long time!

Success at work is possible, but to achieve it, you have to make great efforts. Take care of your strength - you will need it at the end of winter.

At the beginning of the year, you will need to be careful in everything.
Be economical, do not enter into disputes and do not sort things out with anyone - you can lose a lot.
Take an “inventory” of the wardrobe, rearrange, put in order what was once done.

The coming year is full of changes. Boldly stepping towards them, you can solve a bunch of problems.
Your charm will not save you, try to prove yourself as a serious business partner.
Friends will support your endeavors. Don't expect help from women.
Your outlook on life will change in many ways thanks to a long trip - incredible success awaits you there, new patrons will appear and at the same time everything will seem familiar.

In the coming year, you are more popular and attractive than ever, and you will have influential friends.
A special success awaits you away from home - go on a trip without hesitation.
Your past merits will return you to the unfulfilled plans of the past, there will be an opportunity to take revenge.
You can dramatically change your life, start new job. Just show maximum patience.
In the coming year, you will have to fulfill your duty both in your personal life and in your service.
You will have to devote yourself entirely to your family, colleagues and business partners.
The coming year is full of changes. You will be lucky, but be careful and prudent in matters, especially personal ones.
The coming year will bring you good news from afar, tempting business and personal offers.

This year will give you a chance to get out of problems without loss, but in order to succeed, you will have to work hard.

The second half of the year promises love adventures. It seems that happiness is not far off.

In the coming year, perhaps you will receive new lesson in personal life.
If financial problems push you to dubious earnings and contacts, it’s better not to take risks.

Now you will not achieve success alone, your luck depends on close and business partners.

Summer travel and communication with close friends will give you a lot of pleasure.

The changes that began this year will bring joy next. But at the beginning of the year you have to work under the strict control of the authorities.

New projects will appear, wait for interesting offers. It is possible that your plans will begin to be implemented already in the second half of winter.

Keep in mind: your boss will play a decisive role in the coming changes. The second half of the year promises the support of true friends and patrons, but be careful not to miss important events.

Your attractiveness knows no bounds, especially in the first half of the coming year. This is the time of surprises and gifts of fate.

Winter is full of meetings, entertainment and new acquaintances. You are interested.

New Year is a special holiday, which is not customary to be sad. If you take care of an interesting holiday program for the company with which you are planning to spend New Year's Eve, then, for sure, many of you will remember this beginning of the year. One of the most popular and exciting entertainment on the night of December 31 to January 1 is fortune telling. However, we emphasize that we are talking about entertainment, and it should not be taken too seriously. All predictions should be comic and amuse the company gathered at the table. If you pay attention to some of the ideas below, then, for sure, this will make your holiday truly bright and special.

Having fun on New Year's Eve is not at all difficult if you take the time to prepare it in advance and approach compiling fortune-telling with humor and imagination. Remember that all predictions on this holiday should cheer up and set guests in an optimistic mood, so pay special attention to writing them! Let each member of your company feel the atmosphere of good magic in the New Year and try to believe that a miracle still exists and will soon burst into his life!

Comic New Year's divination

Let's take a closer look at a few simple, but at the same time quite interesting fortune-telling!

Divination for love

For this fortune-telling, you need to prepare pictures of the same size (about the size of a fortune-telling card). The pictures should show famous and successful personalities. Now the picture needs to be cut into two parts figuratively. Hang one half of the picture on the Christmas tree, put the other half on the table with the “pattern” down. Of course, we are not talking about one picture, but several at once. Now invite everyone to tell fortunes about his prospects, which will be waiting in the new year. The fortuneteller must choose one of the fragments on the table, and find the missing part on the tree - it is important that the first fragment does not make it clear which famous person in question. As a result, in the next 12 months, the life of a fortuneteller will be similar to the one that was prepared for the celebrity from the picture in the past year. Write down in advance on a separate sheet the achievements of certain stars.

Offer guests a fairly simple and exciting fortune-telling. They need to ask a question, writing it down on paper. For example, the question is written like this: “Will my salary be raised in the new year?”. Now you should carry out a simple mathematical operation - count the letters in each of the words and add them together. In the variant shown in the example, it will look like this: 8+2+3+1+5+4+5=28. Since the number turned out to be two-digit, you should add its digits together (2 + 8 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1).

Now we look at how this or that result is interpreted:
1 - You don't need to know the answer to this question.
2 - Everything will turn out the way you want.
3 - Dream less, act more!
4 - The Universe will help you!
5 - You can't be sure of anything.
6 - Something can interfere with the desire to be fulfilled, be vigilant!
7 - Keep hope.
8 - Do not doubt anything, and luck will smile at you.
9 - Try to influence the situation.

Comic predictions

Perhaps the easiest way is to write comic predictions on small pieces of paper in advance. Put them in a bag or a regular hat, and invite each guest to get their prediction.

Possible variants of such prophecies:

  • Joyfully look ahead - a bag of money is waiting for you!
  • Forget about crying - good luck awaits you!
  • It will be hot year- and with him a tour to the island!
  • Only joy ahead and bathing in love!
  • Well, catch luck by the tail - the keys to the cottage are waiting for you!
  • There will be a lot of impressions with a jar of sweet jam!
  • Do not be depressed, do not be upset - a lot of happiness is on the way!
  • It's time to smile - wealth is running towards you!

Gypsy comic fortune-telling for the New Year

Gypsies have long been known for their well-aimed divination, so why don't you take advantage of their secrets on New Year's Eve?

Despite the fact that this fortune-telling is considered comic, it often easily sets the fortune-telling company in an optimistic mood. So, first you need to stock up on a deck of simple playing cards. Let the child sit on the deck, and you tell the guests that this way the cards will predict more accurately. Then mention, for example, the following: “Whoever gets more hearts, the whole next year will be successful in business. After that, distribute cards to all participants in fortune-telling, as for a game - now they must look at them and say whether luck smiled at them or not. The trick is that you buy several decks in advance and make one of them - one in which all 36 cards will consist of only the suit of hearts. Surely, this result will make everyone present smile.

Fortune telling "Magic bag"

When the celebration moves towards its end, then offer the guests another interesting comic fortune-telling that will indicate to them what year awaits them ahead. For this entertainment, you will need some kind of fabric bag or an opaque cellophane bag, in which you should put various items of approximately the same price category (souvenirs, sweets). Now the guests need to get an item for themselves - it will not only remain for them as a gift, but will also act as a kind of prediction. Write in advance on a piece of paper what this or that object will mean, and what prospects it promises to its new owner. For example: a bar of dark chocolate - "In the new year you will have everything" in chocolate "", milk chocolate - "In the coming months everything will be sweet and sweet", a keychain in the form of a dog - "Friendship will play a big role in your life", a flashlight - "Soon you will make an incredible discovery" and so on.

Merry Christmas divination

You will need to prepare for this fortune-telling in advance - stock up on leaflets with predictions twisted into a tube. Each tube, for a festive mood, should be tied with a ribbon. On all the pieces of paper, write funny prophecies for the coming year.

Prediction examples:

  • All sorrows are behind, happiness awaits you ahead!
  • You will smile soon - a ticket to the sea is waiting for you!
  • Great luck awaits you - at the foot of the mountain there is a cottage!
  • Delicious dinners are waiting for you and only victories in love!
  • Fate will decide wisely - send you on vacation abroad!
  • Wait for a ticket to the islands - neither to the cinema, nor to the ballet!
  • Do not get away from fate - you have long been in love with you!

Place leaflets with predictions on a beautiful dish, and invite guests to take one of them for themselves. After that, each of the fortunetellers can read the prediction aloud.

Sometimes, when celebrating an anniversary or any other holiday, you begin to notice that some of the guests stop being active and just sit and relax. And here it is necessary to take measures, otherwise the rest and fun party at risk of going into a drowsiness stage. What measures will help? Try to play a game called - comic predictions! Short and funny predictions in verse, suitable for any holiday. For example, for an anniversary or New Year, on February 23 and even on March 8! And all because the predictions are universal, and even for teenagers and children at school, you can use them with a little editing. Well, let's not torment you, but let's move on to the game and poetry.

Verse predictions.

1. In the first decade of January,
Your dream will come true.
Get ready for this event
Have a drink and calm down!

2. If you wake up at four in the morning on Saturday,
That weekend is going to be a blast!
You will do everything,
After all, you will have plenty of time!

3. Summer, autumn and spring,
Everything will be fine with you.
Just get through the winter
Sit in a warm house.

4. Different color you wear socks
And everything will be ok.
And if others laugh
You can just smile back.

5. In the summer you will fly to the sea,
And when you return, you will surprise your friends.
You will have a little belly
Well, about two months or so.

6. And luck will soon smile on you,
And your life will turn around again.
The main thing is not to oversleep luck
You have to sit and wait for her.

7. Put money in the bank,
And say three times - so!
And then just wait
And live beautifully on interest.

8. New car will appear to you
But something is missing from you.
Once you get the car
You will find a hole in the family budget!

9. At the end of the week you
There will be a lot of things.
These batteries are for you
So that you can do it all!

10. Always in your house,
There will be delicious food.
Just go to the store more often
Yes, leave with full bags.

11. You will be incredibly lucky!
Soon you will be the opposite.
All your dreams will come true soon
The main thing is to believe, and just wait.

12. If you try,
Then everything will work out for you.
And if everything works out for you,
That and all desires will be fulfilled.

13. You went to this for a long time,
And finally you have arrived.
Friends are waiting for a big feast,
You will have your own apartment!

14. And you need to try a little,
And you don't have to be ashamed of it.
Literally a bit of luck
And soon you will have an addition to your family!

Do you know how to play such predictions? Everything is simple here - you have all the predictions by numbers written on a piece of paper, and the guests take out tickets with numbers from the bag. When taken out, they show or call the ticket number, and you read out the prediction under this number.

By the way!
We have beautiful templates with numbers for any such game.
You can view them and download them for free for your needs.

A variant of comic predictions with movie titles.

This version of the game is interesting in that you can interpret the names of films in different ways. And so the game turns out to be lively, and all the guests take part in the discussion. The game is played according to the following rules:
- the guest says the future is waiting for me ... and takes out one card on which the name of the film is written. And reads it. It may turn out like this: in the future I am waiting for ... Carnival Night! Or maybe so: in the future I am waiting for ... an office romance!
In general, this option turns out to be funny when guests or the presenter comment on what is happening.
Below is a list of movies that are suitable for the game:
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