The meaning of Russian fairy tales - Ryaba Hen and others. The secret meaning of Lenin's mausoleum The main meaning of the fairy tale

IN last years more and more researchers of the unknown come up with a rather bold assumption that the mausoleum of Vladimir Lenin is not at all a simple historical monument-tomb, but an occult structure that has been affecting Russians for decades.
A lot has already been said about the fact that the very form of the mausoleum is an exact copy of the ancient ziggurats - special ritual buildings of Ancient Babylon. In ancient times, such buildings in the form of a pyramid with a mummy located at their base helped the priests to communicate with parallel worlds and control the minds of the subjects. This occult idol, called a teraphim, was intended to attract wealth and power, and to accumulate magical energy living people worshiping him. In simpler terms, with the help of such a construction knowledgeable people they knew how to accumulate psychic energy, and then direct it in the right direction, using the ziggurat as a satellite dish. Interestingly, the Egyptians were believers, and Lenin's mummy was created by militant atheists. But back to the ancient teraphim.
Each teraphim had an owner. With it, he could command the thoughts of his subjects. The technology looked simple. Ancient occult mummies were placed under the tongue with a golden plate with magical symbols inscribed on it. In order for the teraphim to influence ordinary people, plates with the same symbols were hung around the neck of citizens. So, for example, did the king of Babylon.
Through these tablets, the will of the owner of the teraphim flowed into the person who was in contact with him. It is known from history that most often such magical signs there were circles, stars and triangles, like those that recently hung on the chest of each Soviet man in the form of October and pioneer badges, orders and medals ...
Coincidence or not, but the initials of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - VIL - is the name of one of the Babylonian Gods.
Modern scientists have drawn attention to the strange position of the hands of the mummified leader of the revolution, resting on Red Square. So, his right hand is clenched into a fist, and the left is relaxed, as if open. Historians have wondered: is this an accident or does it carry some kind of secret meaning? It is known that the last years of his life, Lenin was partially paralyzed, his right side of the body did not move. Perhaps this was the reason that his right fist remained clenched. However, there is another version: the position of the hands of Vladimir Ilyich, if you put them together, is nothing more than an ancient gesture of power - the “Shield of Shambhala” mudra. It was used many centuries ago to control subtle energies. This gesture gave a person health and strength, and also protected from the negative impact of other people's thoughts. The fist seems to close the energy passing through the hands and directs it to the head.

Mudra "Shield of Shambhala"

Moreover, independent researchers of the mysteries of the mausoleum saw a special meaning in the fact that there are seven steps in it - and this magic number, symbolizing the mystery of the structure of the world and the power of life. Besides main temple Babylon was also seven-step. The priests claimed that people after death, passing through the seven gates, fall into underworld surrounded by seven walls.
But be that as it may, main riddle of the mausoleum lies in the reason for which it was built and why it is carefully guarded to this day. How did the members of the Politburo in the shortest possible time be able to find architects and develop this particular building project, as well as find the people who invented the recipe for the balm for the body of the leader. After all exact copies There are mausoleums in many countries of the world, from Mexico to China. The recipe for embalming in just three days was invented by a certain professor Zbarsky, and the professor who helped him during the procedure

For thousands of years, parents have been telling fairy tales to their children, because their stories reflected the essence of the centuries-old wisdom of the people, the transfer of heritage and awakened in the child a deep truthful awareness of the world.

In order for information to reach the people, the Slavic-Aryan Priests all the ancient, or as they say now sacrally - Vedic knowledge, gave to the people in the form of fairy tales, where the information was restructured for figurative perception. Fairy tales were transmitted word for word so that information was transmitted without distortion. There were tales, epics, fables, sayings, proverbs, etc. - all this is the ancient Wisdom of all the Slavic-Aryan peoples.

The tale is a lie and there is a hint in it. Who knows, that is a lesson!

The word "lie" Slavic tradition meant superficial information, going deep into the depths. "Lie" is read in Old Russian as "bed". A bed is a flat surface on which they lay. Hence the image: a lie is superficial, incomplete, distorted information. There is some (hint) of truth in it, but not the whole truth. A lie is placed on top of a fairy tale - that oral information that must be understood in order to dive into the depths of the information space. And there is the core of knowledge.

Reading undistorted texts of Russian fairy tales is very informative! They contain so much curious information that one can only admire the ability of our wise ancestors to convey information about themselves to their descendants in simple, short texts. In many of them, in almost every phrase, more deep meaning than it seems at first glance.

By Slavic calendar from 392 to 2012 humanity lives in the Age of the Fox under the auspices of the Goddess Marena (Mary), which is accompanied by the flourishing of lies, deceit and substitution of values. Since 2012, the era of the Wolf, the orderly of nature, has begun, under the auspices of God Veles. These epochs are a cosmic process and are associated with movement solar system(Yaryls of the Sun) by Milky Way(Svarga the Most Pure).

In the era of the Fox, the most successful people, as a rule, are liars and deceivers, while the conscience and honor of people undergo the most severe test of strength. Russian folk tales clearly describe the Energy of the Age of the Fox in images and allegories. In fairy tales, the Fox acts as a symbol of cunning, lies and deceit. In the Age of the Fox, no written and oral sources can be considered reliable. Notice that people are not shown the originals of the Bible, the Koran, the Mahabharata, the Book of Veles and the Slavic-Aryan Vedas - only copies. Everything must be checked personally, tk. all knowledge is corrupted.

secret meaning Russians folk tales

Most famous fairy tales, who brought up many generations of Slavs, are “Gingerbread Man”, “Wolf and Fox”, “Hare Hut”, “Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”.


A fairy tale familiar to everyone since childhood takes on a completely different meaning and a much deeper essence when we discover the Wisdom of the Ancestors. The Slavic gingerbread man was never a pie or a bun. The thought of the people is much more figurative and sacred than they try to present it. Kolobok is a metaphor, like almost all the images of the heroes of Russian fairy tales. It is not for nothing that the Russian people were everywhere famous for their imaginative thinking.

The tale about the kolobok tells us how the "fox" led the Russian people. The gingerbread man symbolizes the intellect, the human mind - the "kolobok body", a golden shining ball around the head, which everyone saw in churches on icons. "Kolobok" is in every person.

On its Path, Kolobok meets a Hare, a Wolf, a Bear and a Fox, which symbolizes various tests of the Kolobok Body (intelligence).

Kolobok is proud of his intelligence and dexterity, believing that he will cope with all the trials. First, he meets with the Hare. The hare in Russian folk tales acts as a cowardly, but, at the same time, kind-hearted animal (the fairy tale "Hare Hut"). Meeting with the Hare is a test of cowardice, which the Russian people easily passed, and at the same time showed themselves to be kind-hearted and peaceful.

A meeting with a bear, the owner of the forest, is a test of the thirst for power and pride. And our people also passed this test. No one in the Russian people was especially eager for power.

Encounter with a wolf negative traits whose aggression and anger is a test of rejection of any form of slavery. And our people also valiantly passed this test - most of the wars they waged were defensive.

Well last meeting with a fox - this is a test for the ability to distinguish truth from lies, which our people did not pass. The naivety and pride of Kolobok brought him to stupid arrogance, and the fox ate him - the intellect of the Russian people in the Age of the Fox was badly damaged.

wolf and fox

The fairy tale "The Wolf and the Fox" shows how the cunning Fox first deceives the peasant and gets a whole cartload of Fish. Then the Fox deceives the Wolf (the Wolf symbolizes the Will of the People), leaves him with his tail torn off and beaten sides after unsuccessful fishing. Torn Tail is a broken connection with the ancestors. And after that, the Fox rides on a beaten and hungry Wolf and sings a song: “The beaten unbeaten is lucky !!!”. And the Wolf is sure that he is doing a good deed - here it is Slavic naivety!

hare hut

In the fairy tale "The Hare's Hut", the Fox asked to live in the Hare's bast hut, as her ice melted in the spring, and then kicked out the owner. The hare asked for help from the Wolf, the Bear, the Bull, but the Fox scared them to death with her unpretentious song: “As soon as I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets!”

So with loud cries and cries, the Power of the Fox (tsars, oligarchs, bankers, etc.) frightened the Russian people, and neither will, nor strength, nor pride helped him to throw off the Power of deceivers and covetous men, although he could demolish them "with one left" , but the "bun" is damaged.

And only the Rooster, which symbolizes spiritual awakening, was able to drive the Fox out of the dishonestly occupied hut: “Ku-ka-re-ku! I walk on my heels, I carry a scythe on my shoulders, I want to cut a fox, Get down, fox, from the stove, Go, fox, get out! (and the fox warmed up at the warm feeder).


Each hero has his own hidden image. The turnip symbolizes the heritage of the Family, its roots. It seems to unite the earthly, underground and aboveground. It was planted by the Ancestor, the most ancient and wise. Without him, there would be no Turnip, and joint, joyful work for the Benefit of the Family. Grandfather symbolizes Ancient Wisdom. The grandmother symbolizes the traditions of the house, housekeeping. The father (removed from the "modern" fairy tale along with the figurative meaning) symbolizes protection and support. Mother (removed from the tale) symbolizes love and care. The granddaughter symbolizes offspring. The bug symbolizes prosperity in the Family (a dog was brought in to protect wealth). The cat symbolizes a benevolent situation in the Family (cats are harmonizers of human energy). The mouse symbolizes the well-being of the family (it was believed that the mouse lives where there is a surplus of food).

Hen Ryaba

It seems, well, what nonsense: they beat, they beat, and then a mouse, bang - and the fairy tale is over. What is this all for? Indeed, only to tell unintelligent children... This tale is about the Image of the Universal Wisdom contained in the Golden Egg. Not everyone and not at every time is given to know this Wisdom. Not everyone is “too tough”. Sometimes you have to settle for the simple wisdom contained in the Simple Egg. When you tell this or that fairy tale to your child, knowing its hidden meaning, the Ancient Wisdom contained in this fairy tale is absorbed “with mother's milk”, on a subtle plane at a subconscious level. Such a child will understand many things without unnecessary explanations and logical confirmations - figuratively, with the right hemisphere, as modern psychologists say. Not every person is able to understand the Ancient Wisdom in its original interpretation, because it must be perceived with the heart, Soul. This is well said figuratively in the fairy tale about the hen Ryaba. She laid a golden egg, which grandfather beat - did not break, grandmother beat - did not break, and the mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke. When the grandfather and grandmother began to grieve, the hen told them that she would not lay a golden egg for them, but a simple one. Here, the golden egg carries the image of the secret Tribal Wisdom, concerning the Soul, which you cannot take in a hurry - no matter how hard you hit it. At the same time, by accidentally touching this system, it can be destroyed, broken into fragments, destroying the integrity. Therefore, if people have not reached the level that would allow them to understand the innermost (golden egg), then they first need simple information (a simple egg).

Taken from articles by G. Levshunov

Pushkin was a fighter for the truth, incl. and in the History of Russia. The detection of falsification is mortally dangerous for the champion of truth, since this can cause a loss of power. Within the framework of the hypothesis put forward, the death of the poet becomes understandable and logical, stubbornly interpreted by the memory of the people, as a contract murder ...

At Lukomorye ...

January 29 old style, February 10 new 180th anniversary of the death of one of the greatest figures in the world and Russian cultures- Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Numerous researchers of his biography have established that it was a contract killing. But here is the customer and the motives for this the greatest crime is still in question. Let us formulate a new and unexpected hypothesis that puts many known facts. Let's start with the unexpected and the unknown.

Near the seaside, the oak is green;

Golden chain on an oak tree:

And day and night the cat is a scientist

Everything goes round and round in a chain;

Goes to the right - the song starts,

Left - tells a fairy tale.

What is here unexpected and unknown? This question will be condescendingly asked by anyone who had a decent grade in the Soviet school. The knowledge of today's schoolchildren, listening to the answers of students of prestigious universities in my time, to the most simple questions I can't guarantee. So, there is really nothing unexpected in the fact that these are the opening lines of the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". But the fact that Lukomorye is real geographical feature and is indicated on foreign maps and globes of the Middle Ages?

Well, in order not to strain the heads of those reading by conjugation foreign words on old atlases and globes, we will also link Lukomorye to modern geography.

By the way, as the poem says, there is no golden chain on the ancient maps. But a certain "Golden Woman" is present. And this is not the name of an “unknown” artifact, a well-known legendary idol, an object of worship not only for the population of North-Western Siberia, in exact accordance with the indicated object on the maps, but also for North-Eastern Europe. The first mention of the golden idol of the North is contained in the Scandinavian "Saga of Olaf the Saint" (XIII century). Interestingly, in Siberia, the Golden Baba is otherwise called the “Siberian Pharaoh”. In general, the plot is worthy of an adventure film, which, for this intriguing material, I personally saw two similar scenarios: one with the same title as the "idol", and the other - one of the series of adventures of "Piranha".

But this is a topic that requires separate coverage and analysis, since the information that has come down to us is extensive and extremely contradictory. Let's get back to our investigation.

Timed to coincide with the next anniversary of the death of the great poet, a few years ago, a series dedicated to his family life. In it, a married couple competes in hanging branched horns to each other. However, this version of the origins of the duel has long been featured as official.

No one will be able to deny that this, indeed, was the REASON for the murder, disguised as a duel. This is evidenced by the versions of why the poet’s EXACT shot did not even wound Dantes (a cuirass worn under outerwear, not a full charge of pistols), since official version with a button deflecting a bullet - ridiculous. The facts of participation in the preparation of this murder are not explained: a foreign diplomat; the absence of severe sanctions that were applied to the duel participant with fatal from the authorities; fast career and the reasons for the quick enrichment of Dantes.

They do not explain such a radical attitude of the Russian authorities towards the poet in order to commit murder, and the analysis of numerous "Pushkinists". Yes, in his youth, the poet, like most young men, was infected with the idea of ​​liberalism. But, in maturity, he not only began to treat the authorities with respect, but the authorities responded to him in return, which was manifested even in his court status, and hence his financial situation.

As confirmation of the above. Pushkin has a devastatingly sharp characterization of American, still considered a model of liberalism, state structure in his later work "John Turner": “We saw with amazement democracy in its disgusting cynicism, in its cruel prejudices, in its intolerant tyranny. Everything noble, disinterested, everything that elevates the human soul - suppressed by inexorable egoism and passion for contentment (comfort) ... ". Aren't his words relevant to today's reality?

So what was the REAL CAUSE FOR THE MURDER? Once again, despite the fact that his work has been studied, it would seem, far and wide, we will try to find the roots of what happened in his creative heritage.

Naturally, they could not be stated in plain text, otherwise numerous researchers of the poet's legacy would have long ago chewed everything up and put it in our mouths. Usually "Aesopian" language is traditional in the symbolism of fables. But Pushkin, having tried his talent in all literary genres(an epigram, a poem, a play, a poem, a story, a story, a novel), oddly enough, HE DID NOT WRITE A SINGLE FABLE. Therefore, the numerous fabulous heritage of the poet is most suitable for hiding. "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."

Let's try to highlight the essence of these works. For example, in "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", the plot of which is very simple and known to us since childhood. The caught Goldfish promised and fulfilled the desires of the family couple: a trough, a hut, pillared nobility, the royal throne. And only the last wish, put yourself goldfish into service, leads to the fact that those suffering from excessive ambitions remain with a “broken trough”. At first glance, nothing special. If you do not know the well-known symbols of that time.

Pisces is a sign of Christianity. The Golden Lamb was the name given to Jesus Christ. In order to completely eliminate misunderstanding, Pushkin repeats the formula "thirty years and three years" several times. This is how, according to tradition, the age of Christ was given. Thirty years before the beginning of the ministry and three years of ministry before the crucifixion. So who paid for the desire to put Vera at his service? The algorithm of God-fulfilled desires given in the fairy tale is very similar to the path of the Romanovs to the throne, since their ancestors were from the “unborn”. And under the attempt to "stand above God" the church reform carried out by the Romanovs is very suitable, as well as the distortion of "God of this history" in their own interests.

In the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" the plot is very reminiscent of the legend of baptism Kievan Rus, only "upside down". I wonder if there were in our country, before the release of this poem, such proper names? The “bride” (Lyudmila, Lyud dear, i.e. the people) chooses a “groom” from several religions (Ruslan, Ratmir, Rogdai, Chernomor). So in the original Romanov's version of the story. In a fairy tale, a foreign scientist warlock steals these people from traditional religions for Russia, drives a wedge of enmity between them. In order not to be too familiar with the intricacies of symbolism, the reader does not miss, the binding to the ruler of the time of the events taking place, Vladimir, is clearly given. Twelve virgins - symbolize the 12 apostles of the beginning of Christianity.

Analysis of the "Tale of Tsar Saltan" already allows us to correlate the fairy tale plot with the real geography of real historical events. Already in the title itself is the recognition of one of the places of the story. The king, who is also the Sultan, is Tsar-grad-Konstatinopol-Istanbul.

Translating the fairy tale plot into an ordinary one, we get that as a result of palace intrigues (judging by the presence of rivals, it could be a showdown of wives in the harem - who is the most beloved OLDER), the wife of the Tsar / Sultan was forced to flee, because, in the absence of her husband, she and the child were threatened danger. A barrel is a means of escape, it is an allegory (in a hermetically sealed space, a person can not live long). At the same time, mother and child are in the same CLOSED SPACE, in her womb.

It turns out that while traveling by sea, she was still pregnant. And he was already born on land:

He rested his head on the bottom,

Struggled a little:

“As if there is a window on the yard

Should we do it?" he said

Kick the bottom out and get out.

Where the fabulous "Buyan Island" is located is not difficult to understand. Here, not only the geography of Tsar-grad tells you, but "uncle Chernomor" will not let you miss. And where is such an island in the Black Sea, which you can’t swim past without noticing? This is Crimea, although it is a peninsula, but connected to the mainland by such a narrow isthmus, and completely invisible to sailors, that it is not surprising to mistake it for an island.

Here's what's even more amazing. EXPERIENCED CAPTAINS SAY THAT IF YOU EXIT ISTANBUL AND GO TO THE POLAR STAR, THE SHIP WILL COME STRICTLY TO CAPE FIOLENT IN THE CRIMEA. And Fiolent used to sound and be written as Bethlehem, where both the cave and the Church of the Nativity have existed since ancient times.

Here is the continuation for you, with details of the gospel events. Again, 33 heroes are a vivid symbol of the age of Christ. But this is not only the author's speculation, the history of the Crimea still holds many undisclosed secrets. Even in official history Christianity in Rus', the peninsula is considered HIS CRADLE. This is the still confirmed baptism there of the baptist ancient Rus'- Vladimir. Here is the forgotten beginning of the path of Andrew the First-Called, one of the 12 apostles, which is confirmed not only by domestic, but also by FOREIGN historical documents.

The inscription present on the crucifixion of Christ and even mentioned in the Gospels: "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." How can one explain the blindness of the researchers, because here you can see the real KHAZARIA, and not the mythical town of Nazareth. It is enough to read the Russian N, how latin letter. And if we take into account that very old texts were written with only consonants and the vowels SHOULD NOT be TRUSTED, then the information that the mother of Jesus was from TiViRiDia says that she was from Taurida - the territory that included the current Crimea back in Romanov Russia. And more ancient times - it was part of Khazaria.

was the FIRST capital of Crimea, old City Chufut-Kale, translated from Turkic - JUDEA FORTRESS. He is much older than Bakhchisaray and was always surrounded by great reverence. It's vintage sacred place, RECOGNIZED SECOND AFTER JERUSALEM. It is shrouded in numerous "legends".

On this biblical stories in the Crimea are just beginning. THE TAURS WORSHIPED THE DIVINE VIRGIN. Strabo wrote that on Cape Partenit near Ayudag there was a temple of the Virgin. Taurus sanctuaries of the Virgin were discovered in the Yeni-Sala II cave near the village of Chaikovskoye, in the Kizil-Koba caves, in the Selim-Bek tract near Yalta. The cult of the Virgin was also widespread in the Greek colonial cities on the peninsula. It is now believed that this cult belongs to paganism.

And why then the temple of the Virgin near Ayudag was located on a cape, which was called PARTENIT? After all, the Virgin Mary was called PARTHENOS, that is, Immaculate. We see that the "ancient" names retained a direct indication that the Crimean Tauro-Scythians worshiped the Immaculate Virgin, that is, the Virgin Mary.

From this point of view, it becomes clear why the Orthodox center of the Gotha diocese (in Crimea) was first located in PARTENITES, and later it became the USPENSKY MONASTERY, dedicated to the Assumption of Mary the Mother of God, that is, the Assumption of the Immaculate Virgin = PARTENOS.

If this is all fiction, then how to explain that it is close to Chufut-Kale, the capital Crimean Khanate, ARE THE GORGE OF MARY, THE CITY OF MARY, THE CHRISTIAN NECROPOLIS AND THE TRAILS OF THE CHRISTIAN TEMPLE?

That Russian emperors and members of their families came to Chufut-Kale, the Assumption Monastery and Bakhchisarai to worship? There were also foreign rulers. Now we're starting to understand what's going on. The most august persons arrived here in order to honor the places where Mary the Mother of God lived and reposed. At the same time, none of the Russian crowned bearers went to worship in Palestinian Jerusalem. Probably, they well understood that there was nothing to worship there.

Cape Fiolent was also a place of pilgrimage for many royal and noble persons. On both sides of the entrance to the Georgievsky Monastery, marble slabs with texts are placed, which list royalty who visited the monastery.

There is also a stable legend about the long-term presence in the Crimea of ​​a certain shrine - the GOLDEN CRADLE. And in the book "Legends and Traditions of the Crimean Karaites" it is directly stated that the Savior of the World grew up in this Cradle. That is Christ. After all, the Karaites (a Turkic-speaking people who professed Judaism) have not lost their spiritual connection with Jerusalem since ancient times. Some scholars have long adhered to the hypothesis of the Karaite origin of the Virgin Mary.

It is interesting that the Golden Baba, which is indicated on the maps next to Lukomorye, was described by contemporaries as a sculpture of a pregnant woman or a woman with a child in her arms. This object of religious worship was widespread, not only in Siberia, but throughout the Russian North. Doesn't the second option repeat the plot of the Virgin on the icons? So why does official science stubbornly consider him a pagan idol, and not a sculpture of the Virgin Mary, so common in Catholicism?

Pushkin also gives a symbol of this mystery of religion, in the form of a swan-maiden bewitched by an evil sorcerer:

The moon shines under the scythe,

And in the forehead a star burns ...

The crescent with a star is the old symbol of Tsar-Grad - Constantinople. This is known to Byzantine historians. Only later did it become a symbol of Islam. And today it is perceived EXCLUSIVELY as a Muslim symbol, it was WIDELY DISTRIBUTION IN THE RELIGIOUS AND STATE SYMBOLS OF EUROPE. This is explained by the fact that, they say, once the Europeans defeated the Ottomans. And in memory of the victory, they included a crescent moon in their coats of arms and state symbols. But what are these victories? Vienna, at least twice managed to withstand the siege of the Turks. Incidentally, up to late XVII centuries, a crescent with a star, and not a cross, adorned, for example, the huge CHRISTIAN CATHEDRAL OF ST. STEPHAN IN VIENNA. The crescent was removed from the spire of the cathedral ONLY IN 1685. Today it is exhibited as a relic in the Vienna City Museum.

And the cathedral itself, like other churches in Vienna, until the middle of the XVIII century. were built with two towers, equipped at the very top with circular balconies, as is still done with MINARETS.

Even such a superficial analysis of the creative heritage of the great poet shows that he possessed historical information, apparently obtained by him while working on a book on the Pugachev uprising.

In many other fairy tales, Alexander Sergeevich's interest in national history. His attitude to its official version was purely negative, which is quite easy to read in the symbolism he adopted. The well-known duel, as it becomes clear from the legacy of the poet, was preceded by his duel with another famous writer, founder female romance, and concurrently - the official court historiographer Karamzin. And this duel on the pages of published books is still little known. But this is a separate research topic.

In this interpretation, the interest in creative heritage Pushkin, which has not weakened for two centuries. Every thoughtful reader seeks and finds hidden meaning in it. Often it is not obvious at the level of the plot. But it is revealed after understanding the system of symbols used by the poet. Perhaps it was precisely this circumstance that aroused the open hostility of some contemporaries to the poet, especially high-ranking and foreign ones.

After all, the story told by the poet interprets the contribution of Russian culture and statehood to world civilization in a completely different way. You begin to perceive John of Kronstadt in a new way: “The Russian people have ceased to understand what Rus' is: it is the foot of the Throne of the Lord.”

“But the tsar is not real,” - oddly enough, this phrase of the famous movie hero determines the whole meaning of the falsification of world and Russian history. In this comedy, Ivan the Terrible is replaced by his duplicate from the present. In real history, the replacement of genuine historical figures with phantoms generates tragedy in the future for the entire Russian people.

The detection of falsification is mortally dangerous for the champion of truth, since this can cause a loss of power. Within the framework of the hypothesis put forward, the death of the poet becomes understandable and logical, stubbornly interpreted by the memory of the people, as a contract killing.

Sergei OCHKIVSKY Expert of the Committee on Economics. politics, investment development and entrepreneurship Duma of the Russian Federation. Member of the Council for the Promotion of Entrepreneurial (Investment) Activities and the Development of Competition in the Northwestern Federal District


Articles by Sergei Ochkivsky on the Midgard-EDEM website

THE SECRET MEANING OF FAIRY TALES. At Lukomorye ... Real story Rus', or why they killed Pushkin

END OF THE OLD WORLD. The Second Coming and the New Ark of the Covenant

GREAT SECRETS OF THE WORLD. “There is a Russian Spirit…”, or Europe, whose history is saturated with Russia

The ecology of Society and Man depends on the ecology of the soul


Every religious act is an initiation, an initiation, a magical procedure. What is the occult essence of Christian baptism? When you read the text to the end, you will be horrified, but, nevertheless, it is worth reading.

A child born in a family is connected by invisible threads with his Family, his life force and wisdom, thanks to which he receives the support and patronage of his Ancestors and native Gods throughout his life. The energy of Tribal love fills the whole life of a person with deep meaning and content, the joy of creating for the benefit of the Family.

But what happens when a still unintelligent baby is carried to church for a baptismal ritual? There is an overlap of natural channels of communication with the Genus and the child is forcibly connected to the Christian egregore. Violent because no one asks the child whether he wants to be baptized or not. The mere fact that, according to existing rules, a child’s mother, the closest person to him, is not allowed to be baptized, speaks volumes and should at least make you think. Incomprehension by the parents of the hidden component of this ritual leads to cutting off the child from the strength and wisdom of the Family, and also makes it possible to redirect part of his life energy to the Christian egregor. That is why during baptism children cry and scream, because this is the only opportunity for them to express their protest in this way.

Formally, based on dogmatic theology, baptism is interpreted as a birth for “spiritual life”, they say, having been born from the womb, a person was born only for physical life, in order to become a Christian and have a chance to “enter the kingdom of heaven”, baptism is necessary. From the point of view of the Christian Church, both Catholic and "Orthodox", which is actually Left Orthodox, an unbaptized baby is "bad".

What a word! Just born, and already - "poor"! From the point of view of Christian theologians, everything that “opens the bed”, everyone who is conceived and born in a natural biological way, all this is initially vicious, dirty, disgusting, vile, in full accordance with the doctrine of the “immaculate conception”, for if only one conception for the whole history of mankind was immaculate, therefore, all other conceptions are vicious! That is, everything that is born must perish, since death entered life through the "fall", and the only chance to be saved and "gain eternal life" is baptism.

In fact, such procedures existed in many cultures, and in Hinduism, and in various kinds of esoteric orders, ancient mysteries, secret societies, they still exist in traditional communities, the so-called "cradle of civilizations". In Hinduism, the past rite of passage was called "twice-born" and received the right to study the Vedas and participate in the ritual.

Not everyone is given
Find your way
righteous path,
Maybe even a saint
Not everyone is given
risk fate,
live up to the destined
We have dates!

have a secret meaning
For centuries, words!
In the absurdity of living days
Severely sour
Descended from the trees
In consumption foliage
By the decree of autumn
No risk.

Cold wind
Whipping in the face
Without malicious intent
Tears the stars from the sky
Throws handfuls
Glory to the scoundrel
And honest cracker
Rye bread.

I'll reveal a little secret to you,
That we ourselves hold the keys to health,
After all, we are a vessel sculpted by the Almighty,
And it is not superfluous for us to know His laws:
Do not lie,
don't steal
and this good
Evil person sow only evil,
it, like rust, will gnaw it inside
And he who sows evil will impose on himself
And weakness, and decay, and destruction.
Not deserving forgiveness on earth, -
his ashes will not disturb the memory,
No one will remember his deeds.
No wonder the Lord bequeathed love to us,
He knew the secret meaning and power of it,
After all...

Love has a million meanings
They interpret it however they want.
Shrouded in a mass of delusions
And they slide past her.

Love can't be freed from distortion
Without cleansing from the usual lies,
From alien, outward expressions
The one that stays with her forever.

After all, love is not desire,
As experts used to think.
Sex, pleasure, possession -
Too low-grade and small.

And duty, responsibility, care, -
They impose on us as a model.
Worship or work -
Became lifeless...

The secret of the riddle of gray and fast shadows,
Infinity of forbidden desires.
The smile of the face of the moon in the purple haze.

Game of yellow stars and fiery meteors,
That famously fall from the black skies,
What is covered with a gloomy fog, like a haze.

In the secret of the black night there are no prohibitions on desires,
There is no barrier to insane passions.
In secret starry night fears dissolve
That breathe obstinate and frisky sin.

Night, with insane deceit, removes prohibitions,
Letting go, with a scarlet dawn, the sinfulness of desires.


The meaning of life is enclosed
In harmony with yourself!
After all, in every world,
As reflected in a drop of the ocean.

With my life
we are HIM.
Actions, feelings, thoughts
We give meaning.

Some deliberately go
With meaning to the goal,
Others in idle

Life has meaning
In every moment
He is not subject
time and change.

And if suddenly over
life, death feast,
Is there a third entity?
In the vastness of the millennium?

One day, a mighty warrior came to a gray-haired old man -
"Tell me, sage, they say, you know everything, to me the Secret of Great Victories."
And the elder said in response: "What are you striving for in battle?"
- "I strive to strike enemies, O Magus, gray-haired and wise."
- "And what will you do when those are gone, in whom you plunge your sword?"
- the warrior thought, and the elder laid -
"If you strive for peace, then be Peaceful in Spirit,
then any warrior, whatever he may be,
will not be able to get, in front of you, from his scabbard ...
