Ricky Martin: “I'm gay, but I also like beautiful women. Love adventures of the hottest gay ricky martin Where does ricky martin live with children

Ricky Martin

Zodiac sign:

Place of Birth:
Puerto Rico

singer, musician, actor

75 kg

188 cm

Biography of Ricky Martin

Ricky was born into the family of a psychologist and an accountant. The parents of the future celebrity divorced as soon as the son was two years old. After that, Martin had four half-brothers Daniel and Eric, Fernando and Angel, as well as a sister, Vanessa. Ricky himself grew up as a novice in a Catholic home, attended Sunday school, where he began performing with the Menudo team.
underage star
Ricky (and then still Enrique) launched his musical career in 1984. He was then only 13 years old. As part of the popular Latin American group Menudo, he went on stage. Until 1990, he was in the team, after which he began solo career and left the boy band. After school, the young artist moved to New York, where luck was already waiting for him. Ricky Martin was invited to a Mexican series called Reach for the Star, and a continuation of the series followed a little later. After the role, the actor took the pseudonym Ricky Martin and signed a contract with Sony Discos. The first album was not long in coming. " Ricky Martin"was recorded on Spanish. From the record, the artist released the single "Fuego Contra Fuego". It has been named gold with Argentina, Puerto Rico and Mexico. And later, in support of the album, the singer went on a tour of South America.
Will you love me
The artist released his second studio album "Me Amarás" ("You will love me") in 1993. The album sold around the world with a circulation of about a million copies. A year later, Ricky himself moved to California and began to play in the American TV series General Hospital. Not surprisingly, the artist was offered the role of a singer and bartender.
European success
In 1995, Ricky changed the idea of Latin American music, he released the disc "A Medio Vivir". And the single "Maria" proved that the songs are not based on ballads.

Charming Ricky Martin The composition was heard in Europe. However, the residents also liked the ballad called “Te Extraño, Te Olvido, Te Amo”.
Further, Ricky Martin took part in the production of Les Misérables. He was entrusted with one of the main roles. It is noteworthy that the artists performed on Broadway. After the performances, Ricky sat down in the studio and recorded the fourth album in Spanish "Vuelve". The record went platinum and sold 8 million copies. At the same time, the artist recorded the anthem of the 1998 World Cup.
English speaking
After several years of success in Spanish-speaking countries, Ricky sang in English. "Ricky Martin" was translated and released in 1999. The disc also featured duets with Madonna and Mea. In addition, Riki recorded the hit "Private Emotion" with the Turkish artist Sertab Erener.
The first commercially successful hit "Livin" La Vida Loca" took first positions in the USA, Britain, Australia, as well as in several other countries. "She's All I Ever Had" was released next. He reached the second line of the popular and prestigious Billboard Hot 100. The record became platinum 7 times, it was bought by 22 million listeners.
The second English-language album arrived in time by the end of 2000. "Sound Loaded" debuted at number three in the US, but never reached number one. Singles from the album are "She Bangs", "Nobody Wants To Be Lonely" (a duet with Christina Aguilera) and "Loaded".
Ricky Martin on video
In early 2001, the artist released a collection of songs in Spanish "La Historia", which conquered the Latin American charts, and a little later a collection of English-language compositions "The Best Of Ricky Martin" appeared. The latter sold 1 million copies. There wasn't one here new song but only remixes.
Back to the past
In 2003, the singer released another album in Spanish. It was named "Almas Del Silencio". Ricky himself said that he really wanted to return with this album back to his former self. He was looking for emotions and adrenaline, which he simply lived a couple of years ago.
Minus popularity
In 2005, the next English-language album "Life" arrived. Ricky Martin co-wrote almost all of the songs. Here, according to the artist, he finally connected with his emotions. According to Ricky, the record turned out to be polyphonic, like life itself. The album started at number 6 on the Billboard 200. The first single "I Don't Car" was recorded with Ameri and Fat Joe. But the second "Drop It On Me" did not appear on the air. After the tour, "It's" was released in support of the album. Alright.
The Ricky Martin Diaries
In the fall of 2006, the reality show "MTV Diaries: Ricky Martin" appeared on TV screens. It showed behind-the-scenes footage, interviews and the performances themselves. And then the album from the MTV Unplugged concert came out. He was the first in Latin America, but 39 on the Billboard 200.
Who is cooler?
In mid-2009, it became known that Ricky was working on his next album. He became the 9th in a row. Then the release was scheduled for early 2010.
Personal life
Ricky Martin made the list of the 50 most beautiful people world, which was compiled in 2000 and 2006 by People magazine.
The artist claimed that he was in love with Mexican TV presenter Rebecca de Alba. He broke up with her, and after 14 years he resumed relations. They planned to get married, but never got married.
In 1999, the singer's personal life became the subject of numerous rumors. Then the question of Ricky Martin's sexual orientation was raised. The artist admitted that he lives a full life, enjoys women and sex with them. He has openly stated that he is not gay. A little later, Martin admitted that he was fine with homosexuals and even had experience with men himself.
In the summer of 2008, Ricky Martin became the father of two twin boys. The babies were born by a surrogate mother. Then the artist's manager said that Ricky was absolutely happy and opened new page his life as a father.
A year later, on the air of a Spanish television company, Ricky hinted that he was bisexual. He said that his heart could belong to both a man and a woman. But after that he denied it, saying that such an answer was a PR move of the television company. And in the spring of 2010, on his official website, Martin admitted his homosexuality. A little later, he expressed a desire to marry (or marry) his boyfriend Carlos Gonzalez Abell.
The artist founded the Ricky Martin Foundation. He is engaged charitable activities. In particular, the organization organized summer camp for the poor, and Ricky himself participated in organizing communication with children. The Foundation has received numerous awards.

young father
This Foundation took part in the action "Report and Survive". She pursued the goal - the prevention of child trafficking, as well as the prosecution of slave traders.
Ricky was invited to the inauguration of George W. Bush in 2001. During the performance, the artist called the president to dance on stage. The footage became public knowledge around the world. And Martin expressed his attitude towards Bush with the song "Asignatura Pendiente". A little later, the attitude was changed, the artist even showed middle finger when he sang the line "photo with Bush" in this song. The gesture caused a lot of applause in the hall.

Ricky Martin

Singer Date of birth December 24 (Capricorn) 1971 (47) Place of birth San Juan Instagram @ricky_martin

Ricky Martin is a Puerto Rican singer and actor who has become widely known as a performer of Latin American compositions. His popularity is high all over the world, but his work is especially loved in America. In total for your creative career the singer released 10 solo albums, each has compositions that have become real hits. Ricky attracts increased interest in his person not only with excellent vocal abilities: he created his own charitable foundation, opposes slavery and discrimination, and also admits that he belongs to homosexuals.

Biography of Ricky Martin

The real name of the singer is Enrique Martin Morales. He was born in Puerto Rican San Jawn on December 24, 1971. His father was a psychologist, and his mother worked as an accountant. When Enrique was 2 years old, his parents separated. Both mom and dad Ricky soon met other lovers, so now he has 4 brothers and 1 sister.

Little Enrique was raised by her mother, and in strict Catholic traditions. The boy studied with the local priest and also attended church school on Sundays. Despite the fact that Catholics are very strict in their upbringing, little Ricky was allowed to show his talents from childhood. Having barely learned to walk, he danced at the mirror, hummed something, holding a comb instead of a microphone.

When the boy turned 9, his father brought him to a casting, where actors were selected to participate in an advertising shoot. Then he starred in commercials for lemonade, toothpaste and hamburgers for several years.

Enrique was musically gifted, so he repeatedly tried to break into the Menudo group, which required a member to replace the departed Ricky Melendz. Due to his small stature, he was twice denied audition. However, the persistence of the young singer prevailed - on the third audition, he cast aside fear, surrendered to music and demonstrated all his talent, so he soon became a member of this group.

Ricky performed with the band from 1984 until 1989. In total, this group with the participation of Ricky Martin recorded songs for 11 albums. And at the age of 17, the young man decided to leave the band to start a solo career. Such a decision was given to the singer very hard, his soul “became attached” to the team too much. But Ricky was always oppressed by the terms of the contract, which did not allow his talent to be fully revealed. Through participation in the group, he learned a lot about the world of show business and learned a lot. Therefore, having terminated the contract with the group, Ricky resumed his studies at the school, where he "hit" 18.

Upon reaching adulthood, he was able to open a bank account and went to live in New York, looking forward to many opportunities for himself.

In New York, Ricky wanted to go to art school, but fate decreed otherwise. He was invited to the musical "Mommy Loves Rock". On stage, the singer was noticed by a Mexican television producer who chose him for a role in the soap opera Reach for the Star. In 1990, Ricky began to sing solo, signing a contract with Sony Discos. After that, he immediately revealed his debut album to the world, calling it "Ricky Martin".

When signing the contract, he did not carefully read all the conditions, so he received only 1 cent from the sale of one album. The artist's first album was released in 500,000 copies, so he earned only $ 5,000 from it. But this did not at all embarrass or sadden the singer, but forced him to work with renewed vigor. His first single "Fuego Contra Fuego" was recognized as gold and was greeted with loud applause everywhere.

The singer's second album was released in 1993. Although the songs from it were warmly received by the audience, the album was not particularly popular. Simultaneously with the release of the record, Ricky starred in two seasons of the series "Getting By" and one "soap opera", which was later recognized as the longest of all known television series. In the same period, the performer knew an intimate relationship with a man, but at first he hid his unconventional orientation.

In 1995 he presented to the world new album, which radically turned the view of the English-speaking world about Latin American music. Of the 3,000,000 copies of albums, almost half were bought by listeners from Europe. Many people liked the song "Maria" very much. Then came the recognition of Ricky as an actor - he played in the Broadway play "Les Misérables" leading role. 11 weeks after the performance, Ricky released the fourth album, released in 8,000,000 copies.

In 1999, he sang in English for the first time, releasing another disc. It featured the composition "Livin" La Vida Loca, which later became calling card performer. By the end of 2000, another Ricky album was released in English. In 2001 he released a songbook in Spanish. A little later - a collection of remixes greatest hits in English.

The next album was presented to the audience in 2003. The singer noted that thanks to this album, he wanted to remind himself of his former, emotional self. A couple of years later, the singer revealed to the world the next album “Life”, but this disc of his was received coldly and he stopped recording compositions for a while.

In 2006, the Ricky Martin Diaries show appeared on the screens, where footage from the backstage life of the singer was presented. And after 6 years, the performer again released a new album, carefully selecting songs from the songs that he had accumulated during his downtime.

Eva Longoria's dress shortened her legs and expanded her already rather big hips.

You recognize him from a thousand: how to identify a gay man

Ricky Martin was born on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1971, in Puerto Rico. He was already expecting big family- his mother, Nereida Morales, had 11 cousins. Ricky was named after his father, Enrique Martin Morales.

When Ricky was only three months old, he had already won the baby competition. Later, as soon as he grew up a little, he became interested in the world of show business. This attraction was so strong that his mother arranged for him to work as a model. At school, the boy's remarkable acting talent appeared, the main roles in school performances brought him constant success. Family future star was not too rich (his mother worked as an accountant, his father worked as a psychologist), but caring parents made sure that their gifted child could develop his abilities. So Ricky started taking singing and acting lessons.

By the age of 10, mom and dad tried to place their child in a wide famous band boys "Menudo". It was a group, which included young Puerto Rican singers no older than 16 years old. The group, which has existed since 1977, gave a start to life to a considerable number of popular performers in the country. In June 1984, in musical group Menudo. a place is vacated and the producers are looking for a new member. Enrique really liked this group, its songs, behavior on stage. For him, participation in the casting was a cherished, and almost unrealizable dream - he knew that in addition to him, 500 more teenagers were fighting for a place. During his performance, Ricky managed to overcome fear and completely surrender to the rhythm of the music. After that, he clearly felt that something had happened, the organizers were excitedly talking among themselves ... Two days later he was informed that he had won the casting.

It was one of the most happy days in his life. Ricky participated in the third generation of the Menudo group (which was very popular throughout Latin America), he remained in its composition until 1986. He gained invaluable experience traveling all over America, from Mexico to Argentina. In Argentina, the group enjoyed such success that they had to stay in this country for 6 months. At this time, the series "Por siempre amigos" (Friends forever) was filmed there - this allowed Ricky to prove himself as an actor.

During this period, Ricky had many brides, he especially remembered one girl from Puerto Rico, Marcela. "We traveled to different countries with concerts - said Ricky - and I always called her and reminded her that she was in my heart. "For five years, Ricky remained the lead singer of the group, and" Menudo "acquired international fame during Martin's stay in the team.

Endless tours, studio work could hardly be combined with schooling. At the end of 1989, Martin realized that he had grown out of the short pants of the boy group, and age was making itself felt. He returned home to complete his education. Having passed his final exams, Ricky went to conquer New York, however, this time, unsuccessfully.

After spending several months in the US, he realized that successful career rarely born on its own. Martin moved to Mexico City and took up acting in earnest. During the year he performed on the stage of theaters, starred in the TV series "Alcanzar una Estrella II", for which he was awarded the "Heraldo" award, the Mexican analogue of the "Oscar", and in free time wrote songs. He was assisted in this exciting work by a former Menudo bandmate Roby Rosa (also known as Ian Blake), who has since become his constant collaborator. Martin's debut Spanish-language album "Ricky Martin" was released in 1991 and became a hit in the Latin charts. It was re-released on Sony Music a few months later and proved to be one of the label's most successful Latin debuts. Two years later, Juan Carlos Calderón produced the incendiary "Me Amaras", which brought the singer the status of a superstar in Latin America. The album topped the Latin pop charts, and Billboard named Martin "Best New Latin Artist".

Ricky turned his gaze back to the north. He returned to the US and in January 1994 landed a role in the most popular series"Central Hospital". His hero, the bartender Miguel Mores, who sings on weekends in a nightclub, brought Martin wide fame and devoted love of viewers. Ricky Martin has been on the show for over a year.

Despite all his acting successes, the singer did not forget about music. The next album "Medio Vivir" was released in 1995. It was a heavier record, rather of a rocky nature, although it retained a pronounced influence of Latin styles. The dance hit "Maria" settled in the playlists of radio stations, the video clip for the composition did not leave the television screens. The album aroused public interest and positive reviews critics, it sold well and was certified gold in October 1997.

The role in "General Hospital" attracted the attention of the artist not only to housewives who did not tear themselves away from television screens during the demonstration of the film. Martin received an invitation to perform on Broadway. The role of Marius in the production of "Les Misérables" by classic Victor Hugo, in which Ricky not only played, but also sang, was another triumph for him. The theater stage was much more attractive than working on a soap opera, and Martin left General Hospital.

In early 1998, Martin released Vuelve. By this time, he was already a recognized Latin star far beyond the borders of his native lands, his songs were well known to listeners all over the planet. Written by Roby Rosa, "La Sora De La Vida" became the official anthem of the World Cup held in France. The song reached the top of the charts in more than 30 countries around the world, "Vuelve" was awarded a Grammy in the category "Best Latin Pop Album".

However, the main success was waiting for him ahead. The first disc English language again bore the name of the singer - "Ricky Martin". Released in the spring of 1999, it blew music world. In the first week, more than 660 thousand copies were sold, the album took 1st place on the Billboard charts. The singles "Livin" la Vida Loca" and "She's All I Ever Had" became blockbusters, and the singer himself won the title of international superstar.

In support of the album, Martin undertook his first major US tour. Tickets for the Miami concert that opened the tour sold out in 20 minutes, despite prices approaching a hundred dollars apiece. Fans bought tickets for several concerts and followed their idol around the country. Caravan bands like the Grateful Dead aside, perhaps only Michael Jackson could boast of such attention during his 1996 tour. Ricky Martin managed on his first tour to break the record and become the highest paid Latin American solo concert performer in the history of American show business.

No less triumph brought him the next work, "Sound Loaded" (2000). The incendiary mega-hit "She Bangs" added to the musician's already considerable list of awards, including Grammy and Latin Grammy nominations, International Dance Music Awards for "Best Latin American Single" and Billboard Awards for "Best Latin Video of the Year".

A few months later, a collection of golden hits "La Historia" (2001) followed, which included "Fuego Contra Fuego" and "Al Amor De Mi Vida", which brought the singer first fame, as well as "Vuelve", "Livin" la Vida Loca", "Shake Your Bon-Bon", "Maria" and the Spanish version of "She Bangs".

By his thirtieth birthday, Ricky Martin had reached the pinnacle of success. At the World Music Award ceremony held in May 2001, given to musicians from around the world whose albums are most actively bought by the public, the Puerto Rican singer was the first in three categories at once, both as a pop artist, and as a Latin artist, and as a dance music artist. .

Representatives of sexual minorities "got" Ricky Martin. Every self-respecting world-famous blue star considered it her duty to publicly suspect the handsome Ricky of non-standard orientation and to speak on this occasion with hints of playful content. Recently, in an interview with the New York Daily News, Martin said: "If you think I'm terribly upset by the talk about my orientation, which is so actively conducted in Lately, you are deeply mistaken. I don't care at all. And I'm not going to advertise the details of my personal life. Am I gay or not gay - who cares? The main thing: I'm an artist, and everything else is unimportant. I'm already used to the fact that homosexuals take me for theirs, and straight people for theirs. Well, let them keep it. You can buy a poster with my image - and imagine whatever you want. "

In passing, we will inform you that on the first of December, a hot Latin American through MTV actively fought against AIDS and promoted safe sex. On World Day Against a Terrible Disease, the TV channel demonstrated documentary"Survivors-2", which told about the fate of six HIV-infected teenagers. Leading program of the same name Ricky Martin performed.

On November 16, at the MTV Music Awards in Stockholm, Martin said: "The AIDS epidemic is rampant and we must do everything in our power to educate the world's population, especially teenagers, about the threat of a new plague. I hope the program will AIDS with my participation will not go unnoticed and will draw due attention to the problem of AIDS."

Now Ricky Martin is full of energy and optimism. He is not going to stop there and rest on his laurels: "And after 30 years I will do the same thing that I do now - music, - the singer promises. - We need to conquer the remaining peaks."

In January of this year, Ricky Martin officially married his partner, a Swedish artist of Syrian origin Jwan Yosef. In an interview with Attitude magazine, on the cover of which gay people often appear, the musician spoke about meeting his future spouse and friend.

I contacted him online, we talked like that for half a year, just sending each other messages about life and various existential problems. Nothing about sex, nothing sexual. But when I first saw him, I stopped breathing. Emotions built up over the course of six months, it was such a romantic time. During the first meeting, I said: "I'm going to marry this guy." And apparently he thought the same thing, only told me this later,

Told Ricky about his partner.

Ricky Martin with Jwan Yosef

Ricky also spoke about why he avoided talking about his orientation for many years:

I was completely subordinate to my career. I had no time to open doors for new relationships, and I'm not just talking about romantic ones. I was afraid to just communicate with people - including producers and directors, I was afraid that if I spent more than two hours with them, they would find out everything about me, about my nature. I spent so much energy hiding my sexuality.

Now Ricky is 46 years old, he is raising two twin sons, born in 2008 by a surrogate mother. Ricky hid his orientation for a long time: for 14 years, the musician met and diverged from the Mexican TV presenter Rebecca de Alba, and only in 2010 did he make an official recognition on his website.

I am happy to inform you that I am a homosexual. I am very happy to be who I am. Years of silence and criticism made me stronger and reminded me that recognition comes from within, that this kind of truth gives me the strength to fight emotions that I did not even know I had. In April 2016, Martin began dating Swedish-Syrian artist Jwan Yosef. In November of the same year, they announced their engagement on the Ellen DeGeneres show, and in January they were legally married.

In 2010, the famous Puerto Rican musician and actor Ricky Martin came out, which amazed all his fans, because he for a long time met with TV presenter Rebecca de Alba.

Already in 2018, the 46-year-old singer said goodbye to the status of a bachelor and married a 33-year-old Swedish artist of Kurdish origin Jwan Yosef. The other day, Ricky Martin spoke frankly about meeting his husband.

In an interview with Attitude magazine, he shared the most intimate: “We started talking online. And we continued our conversations online for six months. We talked about everything except intimacy. But when I first saw him, I stopped breathing.”

Their relationship developed rapidly: “My feelings grew like a snowball for six months. It was an incredibly romantic time. When we first met, I said, "I'm going to marry this guy." Apparently, he thought the same thing, only told me about it later.”

The musician also admitted why he hid his unconventional orientation for a long time: “I was completely dedicated to my career. I had no time to enter into a new relationship, and I'm not just talking about romantic ones.

He was haunted by the thought that the secret would soon be revealed: “I was afraid to just talk to people. Even with producers and business partners. It seemed to me that if I spent at least a few hours with them, they would learn everything about me and my nature. I have spent so much time and energy on hiding my nature.”

Martin said that he fully felt all the negative sides of homophobia: “For a long time I was closeted gay, forcing my partners to hide. I had relationships with men who hid their orientation, and with those who did not hide, but because of me was forced to lead a reclusive life.

According to the singer, it became much easier for him when he finally stopped being silent about who he really was and allowed himself to enjoy life.

- Matteo and Valentino, who were born to them by a surrogate mother in 2008.

Fans are concerned about the question: the orientation of parents will affect the future of children? What do you think?
