Refinements will transfer the image to the surface. The easiest way to transfer any image to fabric or wood

Very often we face the question - how to transfer a drawing to paper? The question is very important, because all further work depends on the quality of the translated image. You have found a wonderful drawing in a book or magazine, or maybe you have a beautiful embroidery in front of you that you want to repeat - the topic of transferring a drawing to paper is for you!

We are faced with a task - from a sample drawing it is necessary to transfer a clear, neat drawing onto paper, which will then be transferred to another surface: fabric, leather, cardboard, paper, wood or plywood. In some cases, this drawing will itself be the basis for the work, for example, as a coloring book for children.

Let's take a look at several options for transferring a drawing to paper.


Let's start with the most interesting and rather old method, which has been used by several generations of craftsmen in their work. He enjoyed special respect among students, during whose time the technique for printing drawings and texts was not yet so accessible. Many accurate term papers and theses have passed through GLAZING and have been successfully defended.

In order for you to be able to transfer any drawing to paper using glazing, you need a table lamp, two chairs and glass of any size. That's all - you have a reliable manual copying "equipment" under your leadership! Let's look at what to do now and how to transfer a drawing to paper using glazing.

We put on the glass (approximately above the lamp) a sample from which we will reshoot the drawing.

We put a blank sheet of paper on this sample.

Sufficiently bright light of a table lamp allows you to clearly see the pattern through all layers of paper. We take a pencil and circle all the lines of the bottom drawing on the top blank sheet of paper.

In the event that you do not want pencil pressure damage on the bottom sheet, then trace the lines with light pressure. Then, turning off the lamp, take a pencil and trace the lines more clearly.

The work is finished, the patterns are transferred to a new sheet of paper. In this way, you can take pictures not only from a simple sheet, but also from any book and magazine.

Interestingly, the bright light of the lamp also breaks through the fabric, so you can re-shoot the pattern from embroidered products. This is done in the same way as when working with paper.

The napkin lies on the glass above the lamp. A blank sheet of paper is superimposed on top and the entire pattern is circled in pencil. Keep in mind that the embroidery is slightly convex and the top clean sheet of paper will not lie tightly on the napkin.

The drawings translated by the glazing method are distinguished by accuracy. You can start work periodically, giving yourself time to rest, because the drawing lies in place without moving. This method is good for any drawings of any complexity.


If the drawing is small in size, then it can be transferred to paper on ordinary WINDOW GLASS. In addition, there are times when there is no opportunity and space to make a structure with glass, chairs and a lamp.

To prevent the bottom sample from moving, secure it to a blank sheet of paper with paper clips. A significant drawback when working - hands get tired very quickly.


The use of COPY PAPER to translate a drawing is well known. For work you need: a sample drawing, carbon paper, blank paper, a pencil or pen.

All this is stacked in this way - first a blank sheet, then a carbon paper with the ink side down, a sample of the drawing is laid on top. Staples are needed so that nothing moves during work.

With a pencil with pressure, all the lines of the drawing are circled, which remain on the bottom sheet of paper.

After finishing work, we remove the carbon paper - the drawing is completely printed on a sheet of paper.

There are several disadvantages of transferring a drawing through a carbon paper - the sample quickly wears out due to the frequent outline with a pencil, the work is sloppy, this method is suitable for relatively small drawings.


In some cases, you can transfer the drawing directly to thin tissue paper or thicker tracing paper.

This translucent paper is superimposed on a reference drawing, the outlines of which are outlined with a pencil or pen.

That's all. A lot has been written, but each of these options for transferring a drawing to paper needs to be known. The work of needlewomen is quite diverse - you don’t know when what knowledge will come in handy.

Let's summarize our "manual" ways to translate a picture. So this is:

  • glazing over a table lamp,
  • window glazing,
  • using copy paper
  • using tracing paper or tissue paper.

But! .. Modernity makes its own adjustments to the work of craftsmen. The desired drawing, if desired, can already be found on the Internet. And the pattern you like can be scanned and printed electronically on a printer. As a result, you will have a ready-to-work drawing on paper in your hands. Due to the fact that there is no manual drawing, time is significantly saved and after printing, you can proceed directly to work.

If you have a photocopier nearby, then a sample drawing can be shot on it, if necessary, increasing or decreasing it in size. The person servicing this device knows its additional functions. You just say how many percent you would like to change the image.

So, the modern way of translating a picture is as follows:

  • scan images from books and magazines and print,
  • find the finished picture in electronic form and print,
  • use a photocopier to copy, print and resize a picture.

Copying, printing a picture of any format and color is made on modern technology in a matter of minutes. The print quality is wonderful.

But think about it, if many masters still transfer drawings onto paper with a simple pencil, then this manual method is not so bad ... Time-tested!

Thank you and see you on the blog pages!

How to transfer a design from paper to paper and other surfaces

If you do not know how to draw, but would like to learn, you should start with a simple one - copying drawings. To begin with, this can be done with the help of tracing paper. This method is the easiest to perform. Now let's learn more precisely how to transfer a drawing from paper to paper.


To transfer an image, follow the steps below:

  1. We select the image and, putting the tracing paper on it, draw all the lines with tight pressure, using a black acrylic pen.
  2. Now we turn the tracing paper over and put it face down on the sheet of paper on which you want to transfer the image.
  3. Press firmly and pass over it with a hot iron.
  4. Now we remove the tracing paper and additionally draw insufficiently clear lines.
  5. The image is ready.

This method is used for simple pictures that do not contain a lot of complex details. Now you know how to transfer a drawing from paper to paper in an easy way. After trying it, you can proceed to others.

More complicated way

You can use the copy grid to transfer complex patterns. With its help, it is also possible to zoom in or out on the image itself.

  • original drawing;
  • transparencies;
  • capillary pen;
  • paper;
  • duct tape;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.


To master this method, follow these steps:

  1. We apply a transparent film on the original image, which shows squares of the same size.
  2. We put the same cell on a blank sheet of paper if the picture is reproduced in the original. How to transfer a drawing from paper to paper when the image needs to be resized? When increasing, the sizes of the squares are made larger, when we decrease, respectively, smaller.
  3. Now all you have to do is move the image over the cells.
  4. When the picture is completely transferred with a pencil, you can begin to decorate.

Now you know how to transfer an image from paper to paper. Consider other surfaces.

The body as the foundation

A tattoo is a highlight of appearance, but not everyone decides to put a drawing on the skin, realizing that this decision is made for life. For people who are afraid of such an act, but want to decorate their body with a beautiful image, temporary tattoos are an excellent solution. To learn how to transfer a design from paper to leather, you need to study the following information. The main stage is a clear drawing of the contours of the future image.

The picture can be applied to the body using:

  • carbon paper;
  • tracing paper.

First way

For it you need to do the following:

  1. Choosing a pattern, determining the place of its application, disinfecting the skin.
  2. Translation of the image on a carbon copy. To do this, put the paper on the original and carefully outline all its contours.
  3. Wet the carbon paper with alcohol and apply it to the body.
  4. To make the outlines print well, circle them again through the carbon paper, trying to leave it intact.

Second way

It is based on the use of tracing paper. You need to take the following steps:

  1. We draw the drawing itself with a helium pen.
  2. We disinfect the skin and smear with soap.
  3. We apply tracing paper and outline the contours with a sharp object.
  4. Now we paint over the drawing.

If you still decide to put a permanent drawing on your body, approach this very carefully. The main thing is to choose a good salon, take an allergy test and make sure that all the tools are disinfected.

How to transfer a drawing from paper to glass

For work, we take an image with good contours and a roll of cling film. To transfer, you need to purchase a felt-tip pen - a marker for glass, it fits well and is easily washed off the surface.


  1. We take film. Its size should be slightly larger than the drawing itself. The film is attached to the surface, which prevents the picture from going astray.
  2. The image is placed on the film and outlined thinly and very carefully.
  3. Now the film is gently transferred with the front side to the previously prepared surface. Preparation consists in degreasing its front side. Make sure that the film is completely stuck to the glass, get rid of wrinkles and bubbles.
  4. For a clearer transfer, we circle the image again along the contour with any sharp object.
  5. It's time to get rid of polyethylene. We do this very carefully so as not to smear the drawing. If there are inaccuracies somewhere, now is the time to correct them.
  6. Now we draw a contour. This can be done with acrylic paints and a brush.
  7. After everything has dried, carefully with cotton swabs dipped in liquid, we get rid of traces of the marker.
  8. Inside the image is filled in any way. If the technique is stained glass, then everything is poured along the contour.
  9. After drying, for a longer service life of the product, the image can be baked or varnished. It all depends on where this item will be used.

How to transfer a drawing from paper to wood

In order to see your favorite image on a wooden base, you just need to follow the steps below.

For work you will need:

  • drawing printed on a laser printer;
  • wooden plank;
  • acrylic gel medium;
  • flat tool for leveling the pattern;
  • paint and rag;
  • soft paraffin or matte glue;
  • 2 brushes.


  1. Image selection. It should be a drawing that will look nice on a wooden base. To give some resemblance to the vintage style, it can be processed in special programs.
  2. The image is printed only on a laser printer, this is the main condition.
  3. A smooth wooden base is selected.
  4. Now apply an even layer of the gel medium. It is he who will help the image to be transferred to the prepared surface.
  5. We place the pattern with the front side to the base. At the moment of connection, bubbles appear, which, if possible, should be smoothed out.
  6. The work is finished for today, leave everything for the night, continue tomorrow.
  7. It's time to remove the paper. To do this, wet it and rub it with your fingers. Right now you are witnessing a miracle - when you remove the paper, you can see how the image remains on the tree.
  8. Now you can use wood paint. Keep an eye on its amount so that the image does not darken.
  9. Now apply liquid paraffin. If necessary, the last two steps can be repeated after the first coat has dried.

Other basics for transferring an image

Metal is the basis, also suitable for such "tricks". For accurate and fairly accurate work, two center lines are drawn on it or the corners of the image are marked. Now let's take a closer look at how to transfer a drawing from paper to metal.

The most common is to use carbon paper for this. Since metal is a very hard material, it is coated with white or light paint. The transfer process begins after the varnish has completely dried, which is applied just before the start of the main work.


This method requires the following rules:

  1. The pattern is very tightly fixed on the product. You can use soapy water for this.
  2. Many craftsmen use chasing-kanfarnik for this work. With it, the image is very accurate - almost a jeweler's work, which, however, takes a very long time and requires some preliminary training.
  3. The tool is taken with three fingers, resting on the ring finger, which serves as a kind of spring. The coinage is located 2-3 mm from the drawing, its light strokes form a dotted line - the main outline of the image is drawn. The smaller the detail of the picture, the denser it breaks through.
  4. When all the lines are transferred, you can wash off the paint.
  5. The image can be varnished.

Now you know how to transfer a design from paper to paper, to leather, to glass, to wood, and to metal. Forward - for the tools, and good luck in your endeavors!

How to transfer a drawing from a photo to paper. Simple and without a computer

How to transfer a drawing from a photo to paper, and even without a computer? This question will definitely appear if you are a real craftswoman or master.

After all, how often we come across a very beautiful image of flowers, ornaments or just an interesting pattern. And sometimes it can be located not only on a photo or fabric, but also on any other surface, for example, on food packaging or an old plastic bag.

Our handmade look will never pass by such "masterpieces". After all, a handmade piggy bank needs to be replenished from time to time with creative ideas. Therefore, a new beautiful pattern or an unusual pattern will never be superfluous in it, no matter what kind of needlework we work in.

This master class is suitable for working not only with photography, but also with images on any surface.

Knowing that a photo or a fabric with a pattern will slowly lose its novelty, and the shopping bag will definitely end up in the trash can, we urgently need to pick up the tools of the needlewoman, and - to work!

So, the PURPOSE of the master class is to take a pattern from any surface (from a photograph, fabric, cardboard, thick paper) onto clean paper for further use in creativity. And we will do all this without a computer.

For work, the following MATERIALS and TOOLS are needed:

  • THAT, on which the drawing is depicted (photo, fabric, etc.),
  • dense polyethylene film - you can buy it at the market or household goods (film for greenhouses),
  • thick cardboard - of any quality, just so that it does not bend - we will draw on it,
  • a sheet of white paper - its size depends on the size of the picture,
  • paper clips,
  • pen - find exactly the one whose core draws well on the film,
  • pencil - simple, sharp.

Choose an option depending on the surface from which you will transfer the drawing.


ATTENTION! This method is suitable for thin "to the light" surfaces:

  • thin paper,
  • lightweight fabrics.

In order to transfer the drawing from them to paper, use the glazing method, which you can get acquainted with here. Do you see the rose napkin? The fabric was illuminated from below, a blank sheet of paper was placed on top and all the lines were transferred to it.

Just one STEP - the drawing is ready!


ATTENTION! This method is suitable for:

  • pictures on photographs, thick paper or cardboard,
  • dense fabrics with patterns,
  • finished products with embroidery or printing,
  • wooden surfaces.

Here you need to "walk" a little longer.

For an illustrative example, a very rumpled old plastic bag with a photograph of very beautiful large roses was taken - a difficult case! We need to reshoot the pattern from the package onto paper, that is, make it beautiful. clean drawing with roses.

And we will do it step by step - we transfer the pattern from the package to the film, and from the film to a blank sheet of paper.

Let's get to work. Using paper clips, fasten 2 layers in succession to the cardboard - a bag and a clean film.

The bag and the film must be pulled tightly onto the cardboard - bend them over the edges of the cardboard and secure with paper clips.

With a ballpoint pen, draw on the film - circle all the lines. In the course of this work, the drawing can be safely changed - complex elements can be simplified or added something of their own.

With the help of a white sheet, you can check if all the lines are drawn. Insert it between the film and the bag. We moved the sheet down - checked the drawing, removed the sheet and added the missing elements.

We remove the clamps, remove the film. Here's what happened - a drawing on the film. The lines from a ballpoint pen are easily erased, so do not touch them with your fingers or rest your elbows on the film while you work.

At the time of attachment, note that the future pattern can be significantly changed. Change the angle of the film or turn it upside down and you will get a new pattern.

It's time for glazing, so we pick up a simple pencil. If some lines on the film are not clearly visible, you can lift the edge of the sheet while glazing and look at them. Well, if there is a sample nearby from which you are reshooting the drawing - our old package.

It takes a lot of time to glazing, but this is the last finishing step, and it's worth it.

Job is done. The entire flower arrangement is inscribed on A4 sheet. This format is suitable for scanning on a home scanner and printing on a printer.

If you wish, you can make changes to the drawing, because this is creativity. You see, buds and leaves have been added to this rose.

So let's sum it up. Where did they start?

And what have they achieved?

You can take note of such options for transferring a drawing to paper not only for needlewomen, but also for teachers, leaders of circles who are creative and responsible in their work. You can draw entire thematic sets of drawings and ornaments yourself to work with pupils.

Some of you may object: “Why so much effort? Download from the net and work. Of course, there is a lot of ready-made information on the Internet. But only after downloading and printing you will understand that most of them are of very poor quality - dirty, fuzzy lines of drawings will not teach accuracy. It is simply strictly forbidden for children to work like this, even for elementary coloring!

Drawings translated by my own hands:

  • will be original - personally selected and thought out by you,
  • very accurate - high quality,
  • copies made on a copier or printer will be of the same quality as
  • will form a serious approach to creativity in children.

So, to work, to new creative projects!

I hope that after this master class, you will be able to easily make a stencil drawing from beautiful photographs and drawings located on almost any surface. Good luck! Write!

Irina Timoshek was with you.

ADVICE for the patient! For drawing on film, you can use a permanent marker with a fine tip. In this case, your drawing will not be erased even from wet hands and it can be stored for many years :)

Transferring small images to large ones

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Conjure Dear artists, don't share the tricks on how to transfer a small pencil sketch (A4) to a large canvas (for example, 90x150cm). I have 2 proven methods, but I just thought, what if there is something else - simple and tasteful - that I don't know about yet. The 1st method is a projector. I scan, connect the computer to the projector, "throw" the sketch onto the plane and trace it carefully. (Only with the departure from work, access to the projector also disappeared.) The 2nd method is a large printout that works like cardboard. Those. I scan, print on several sheets, glue into one large image, shade the reverse side with the flat side of a huge stylus, apply it to the canvas with the shaded side, circle the front one again - I get an imprint. (It's from the "mopping floors with a toothbrush" series.) What else is there? (Do not immediately suggest drawing on canvas - time is catastrophically short and you need to transfer the drawing from the sketch as accurately and without distortion of proportions.) I am looking for solutions, yeah :-)

We need to start, and then all sorts of technical overlays - either the projector was taken away, then the papers were not given :-)

Photographer Tatiana Lux


Draw pictures: a step-by-step instruction for beginners. How to draw a drawing with a pencil?

In order to learn how to draw well, it is not necessary to be a real artist. And you don't even need to have special talents. It is important to simply be able to hold pencils / brushes / pens in your hands and master several basic techniques for transferring an image to a plane of paper or any other surface. In essence, you just need to learn how to copy the drawings of others, respecting the proportions and lines of the original.


You can draw pictures in different ways. For example, elementary through carbon paper. Of course, in this case, the image format will have to match completely, you will not be able to reduce or enlarge it. Variants are only possible, for example, in colors, coloring. But this allows you to draw pictures in such a way that even the smallest, hard-to-bearable elements are preserved. The technology is pretty simple. Take a blank sheet of paper, put a carbon paper on it with the sticky side down, on top, with the front side, the very image that needs to be copied. Carefully circle the pictures along all lines with a simple pencil with a finely honed lead. Just do everything slowly. Be especially careful with small areas of the drawing.

Cons and pros

As you understand, drawing pictures is not difficult. The disadvantage of this method is that your drawing will be smudged with ink from carbon paper. When discussing the color of carbon paper, it is better to take black or gray. And, of course, when you start coloring the image, you won’t be able to remove the contours with anything - unless you work with oil and gouache paints, and this is more difficult than just sketching drawings with a pencil, for beginners. And the watercolor will already have to be applied in thick, thick layers so that the base does not shine through. Its transparency, lightness in this case will not be transmitted. What is the plus of such a way to draw a drawing with a pencil? You can apply it not only on whatman, landscape, cardboard or notebook sheet, but also on smooth, for example, white chintz fabric, well-finished plywood.

Fast grid cage

You can also transfer a picture from the original to your drawing using the “cellular” method. What does it mean? First, apply the grid to the sample. Use rulers, setting aside centimeters and millimeters. Then, in the same way, draw the surface on which your drawing will be. And transfer the image, as they say, from cell to cell. What can be drawn in this way? Quite complex paintings with many objects of different shapes located at different levels: landscapes, still lifes, even portraits. The convenience of this method compared to carbon paper is that your drawing is clean, the pencil lines are then removed with an eraser, only paints, colored pencils, and so on remain. And in your drawing you can convey the necessary lightness, subtlety and richness of shades and all those color nuances that are inherent in the original.

Mesh professional

In approximately the same way, you can draw a picture in stages, only by using slightly different methods. They are more laborious, but the result is more accurate. Take materials at hand, such as a piece of transparent film or a sheet of tracing paper. Next, you will need a ruler and a finely sharpened pencil, as well as the actual drawing paper and a sample from which a copy will be made. I would like to note that often professional artists do the same if they are ordered copies of famous paintings.

Work order

Where to start, using all these tools? Draw a film or tracing paper to make a grid. It is better to use not a centimeter, but a millimeter scale, especially if the original has many complex and small elements. If the drawing is quite simple, then cells measuring 2 cm by 2 cm will do. When the film is prepared, it must be applied to the sample, and the drawing should be translated. For greater convenience, so that the grid does not move, secure it with buttons. Apply the image on the film with a thin marker - it is rather problematic to do this with a pencil. And the alcohol marker dries faster without smearing around. Now draw a blank sheet using the same pattern. If the new drawing needs to be larger, enlarge it proportionately. And number the cells, as in crossword puzzles, diagonally and horizontally. And only then copy the lines from the cells into your drawing.

Working with a grid (tracing paper), start redrawing the main contour lines, at first longer ones. Go from the edges to the center. Then take small strokes and start working on finer details. When copying is finished, specially grind those lines that turned out to be too straight, angular. Give them the necessary roundness, smoothness, volume. If your work should be in black and white, then now start shading. Start with light, pale shades, gradually deepening and complementing the shadows. Emphasize the shapes and curves, so your drawing will become realistic.

Making sketches

If you are faced with the task of "how to draw from a photograph", you should go the other way. For example, you need to portray your favorite pet. Choose a photo where the pet is in a simple, easy-to-draw pose. Draw a coordinate axis on the sheet. The intersection point of x and y is the center of the muzzle. Make the same axis in the photo, only lightly, without spoiling it. Next, first draw the silhouette of the animal, focusing on the axis. Then the details. On the muzzle - eyes, nose. Ears. Paws, the way your four-legged friend holds them. Do all the strokes without particularly pressing the stylus on the paper, because a lot will have to be corrected. Be sure to keep the proportions. See that the body or head is not too small or elongated. The coordinate axis will also help you with this.

From blank to painting

Now deal with shadow and light. Gently start shading the shadows. This is wool, for example, spots, stripes. Or dark places. Gradually delve into the subtleties and details. Those elements of the picture that are key, the most important, should look brighter, and make minor ones a little dimmer. Details that the viewer should pay attention to are emphasized. In particular, the muzzle of the animal, and on it - eyes, nose. It is worth adding that the same rules are used if not the appearance of an animal is drawn, but a portrait of a person is written off from a photograph. Contrast should be concentrated on the eyes and nose.

Finishing touch

What is left for a beginner artist to do now? Clean up the dirt. Soften some places of the picture, shade something, shade somewhere. Combine with shadows, write out the necessary details, hint at the presence of a plane so that it does not give the impression that the animal is floating in weightlessness. You can draw a shadow from the figure. And that's it, your art is ready!

If you do not know how to draw, but would like to learn, you should start with a simple one - copying drawings. To begin with, this can be done with the help of tracing paper. This method is the easiest to perform. Now let's learn more exactly how to transfer a drawing from


To transfer an image, follow the steps below:

  1. We select the image and, putting the tracing paper on it, draw all the lines with tight pressure, using a black acrylic pen.
  2. Now we turn the tracing paper over and put it face down on the sheet of paper on which you want to transfer the image.
  3. Press firmly and pass over it with a hot iron.
  4. Now we remove the tracing paper and additionally draw insufficiently clear lines.
  5. The image is ready.

This method is used for simple pictures that do not contain a lot of complex details. Now you know how to transfer a drawing from paper to paper in an easy way. After trying it, you can proceed to others.

More complicated way

You can use the copy grid to transfer complex patterns. With its help, it is also possible to zoom in or out on the image itself.

  • original drawing;
  • transparencies;
  • paper;
  • duct tape;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.


To master this method, follow these steps:

  1. We apply a transparent film on the original image, which shows squares of the same size.
  2. We put the same cell on a blank sheet of paper if the picture is reproduced in the original. How to transfer a drawing from paper to paper when the image needs to be resized? When increasing, the sizes of the squares are made larger, when we decrease, respectively, smaller.
  3. Now all you have to do is move the image over the cells.
  4. When the picture is completely transferred with a pencil, you can begin to decorate.

Now you know how to transfer an image from paper to paper. Consider other surfaces.

The body as the foundation

A tattoo is a highlight of appearance, but not everyone decides to put a drawing on the skin, realizing that this decision is made for life. For people who are afraid of such an act, but want to decorate their body with a beautiful image, an excellent solution is to learn how to transfer a design from paper to skin, you need to study the following information. The main stage is a clear drawing of the contours of the future image.

The picture can be applied to the body using:

  • tracing paper.

First way

For it you need to do the following:

  1. Choosing a pattern, determining the place of its application, disinfecting the skin.
  2. Translation of the image on a carbon copy. To do this, put the paper on the original and carefully outline all its contours.
  3. Wet the carbon paper with alcohol and apply it to the body.
  4. To make the outlines print well, circle them again through the carbon paper, trying to leave it intact.

Second way

It is based on the use of tracing paper. You need to take the following steps:

  1. We draw the drawing itself with a helium pen.
  2. We disinfect the skin and smear with soap.
  3. We apply tracing paper and outline the contours with a sharp object.
  4. Now we paint over the drawing.

If you still decide to put a permanent drawing on your body, approach this very carefully. The main thing is to choose a good salon, take an allergy test and make sure that all the tools are disinfected.

How to transfer a drawing from paper to glass

To work, we take an image with good contours and a roll. To transfer, you need to purchase a felt-tip pen - a glass marker, it fits well and is easily washed off the surface.


  1. We take film. Its size should be slightly larger than the drawing itself. The film is attached to the surface, which prevents the picture from going astray.
  2. The image is placed on the film and outlined thinly and very carefully.
  3. Now the film is gently transferred with the front side to the previously prepared surface. Preparation consists in degreasing its front side. Make sure that the film is completely stuck to the glass, get rid of wrinkles and bubbles.
  4. For a clearer transfer, we circle the image again along the contour with any sharp object.
  5. It's time to get rid of polyethylene. We do this very carefully so as not to smear the drawing. If there are inaccuracies somewhere, now is the time to correct them.
  6. Now we draw a contour. This can be done with acrylic paints and a brush.
  7. After everything has dried, carefully with cotton swabs dipped in liquid, we get rid of traces of the marker.
  8. Inside the image is filled in any way. If the technique is stained glass, then everything is poured along the contour.
  9. After drying, for a longer service life of the product, the image can be baked or varnished. It all depends on where this item will be used.

How to transfer a drawing from paper to wood

In order to see your favorite image on a wooden base, you just need to follow the steps below.

For work you will need:

  • drawing printed on a laser printer;
  • wooden plank;
  • acrylic gel medium;
  • flat tool for leveling the pattern;
  • paint and rag;
  • soft paraffin or matte glue;
  • 2 brushes.


  1. Image selection. It should be a drawing that will look nice on a wooden base. To give some resemblance to the vintage style, it can be processed in special programs.
  2. The image is printed only on a laser printer, this is the main condition.
  3. A smooth wooden base is selected.
  4. Now apply an even layer of the gel medium. It is he who will help the image to be transferred to the prepared surface.
  5. We place the pattern with the front side to the base. At the moment of connection, bubbles appear, which, if possible, should be smoothed out.
  6. The work is finished for today, leave everything for the night, continue tomorrow.
  7. It's time to remove the paper. To do this, wet it and rub it with your fingers. Right now you are witnessing a miracle - when you remove the paper, you can see how the image remains on the tree.
  8. Now you can use wood paint. Keep an eye on its amount so that the image does not darken.
  9. Now apply liquid paraffin. If necessary, the last two steps can be repeated after the first coat has dried.

Other basics for transferring an image

Metal is the basis, also suitable for such "tricks". For accurate and fairly accurate work, two center lines are drawn on it or the corners of the image are marked. Now let's take a closer look at how to transfer a drawing from paper to metal.

The most common is to use carbon paper for this. Since metal is a very hard material, it is coated with white or light paint. The transfer process begins after the varnish has completely dried, which is applied just before the start of the main work.


This method requires the following rules:

  1. The pattern is very tightly fixed on the product. You can use soapy water for this.
  2. Many craftsmen use chasing-kanfarnik for this work. With it, the image is very accurate - almost a jeweler's work, which, however, takes a very long time and requires some preliminary training.
  3. The tool is taken with three fingers, resting on the ring finger, which serves as a kind of spring. The coinage is located 2-3 mm from the drawing, its light strokes form a dotted line - the main outline of the image is drawn. The smaller the detail of the picture, the denser it breaks through.
  4. When all the lines are transferred, you can wash off the paint.
  5. The image can be varnished.

Now you know how to transfer a design from paper to paper, to leather, to glass, to wood, and to metal. Forward - for the tools, and good luck in your endeavors!

Hi all! I will show you a method of electrochemical engraving, with which you can transfer a drawing printed on a laser printer to a knife, cleaver, or any other metal surface. I will transfer the drawing from the computer to the spatula for clarity of the process.

Search for a picture

To work, we need an image that we will transfer. It is easy to find it on the World Wide Web. But there are certain requirements here - it should be monochrome, black and white, without smooth transitions, only clear edges. If you did not find such a picture on the Internet, then you can bring it to this form using a photo editor.

Printing a pattern

For printing, we need special paper. Ideally, a backing from an adhesive film, which is usually thrown away, is suitable. It has a coating, such as wax, on which the adhesive film itself does not stick. At worst, you can use the pages of glossy magazines. Anyone who has ever poisoned the boards himself should understand without problems.
In general, we cut out a format for an A4 or A5 printer from such a substrate and insert it into the printer. The printer must be laser, with powder paint.
We print the drawing at maximum quality, with the ink saving function turned off. After printing, cut off the excess edges of the paper.

Translation of the picture into metal

For translation, you need an ordinary iron. It is good because it accurately maintains the set temperature, which is very important. We turn it over and set it to 130-150 degrees Celsius.
While the iron is heating up, degrease the metal surface where the picture will be applied. This can be done with a cotton swab moistened with acetone, alcohol or gasoline.

After that, put the spatula on the iron, wait a bit until it heats up.

After a few minutes, we apply the image to the place. This must be done very carefully, without smearing the drawing.

Under heat, the ink melts and sticks to the metal.
Gently smooth the picture, through a cotton swab. You do not need to press hard - there is a danger that the paper will move out and smear everything. We iron everything for about 1-2 minutes. Be careful - don't get burned.

Then remove the spatula to the side and wait until it cools. After cooling, carefully peel off the paper. If you used a glossy magazine, soak in water for a while and then peel off gently.
You should get a clear picture on the metal. If there are melts or thickenings, then you can wipe off the ink with acetone and repeat the operation again.

Electrochemical etching of the pattern

In order not to pickle the excess, I will make a kind of barrier for the solution out of plasticine. I also glued the surface around the drawing with adhesive tape so as not to poison too much.

Prepare saline solution.
The composition of the solution:
  • - water 50 ml.
  • - salt, ordinary kitchen - half a teaspoon.
We also need a rechargeable battery or a 12 volt power supply. We connect the positive terminal to the spatula. I stuck it with tape.
Pour in saline solution.

And with a negative electrode (I use a regular self-tapping screw), we poison by immersing the electrode in the solution. Etching time is short: 20-30 seconds. According to my observations, increasing the etching time is not very good for the picture.

Then, remove the plasticine barrier and see that everything has turned black.

With a cotton pad soaked in acetone, remove the printer ink. And we see that we got an excellent engraving. Very clear, as I already have quite a lot of experience in this. You can even see the animal's whiskers!

I also made a drawing, but flipped the black and white in the editor.

The result of transferring the pattern to metal

Satisfied with the result, the quality is excellent. Now it will not be difficult to make a gift knife, for example.


Etching can also be carried out without electricity, using a different chemical solution.
Also, etching can be carried out without any plasticine barriers, simply by soaking a cotton swab with saline and applying an electrode to it, directly affect the metal. But I do not like this method, since the contact is made directly, which can erase fine details of the ink.
Watch the video of the process -
If you didn't get it right the first time, don't worry. Try again, it's not hard.

Wood is an excellent material for decorative finishing and for construction, because it is durable, environmentally friendly and gives a certain charm to the external processing of walls and floors in rooms.

Sometimes a tree is also used to place various images on it, which can serve as separate paintings or be placed on walls as decorative elements. At the same time, it is quite simple to make an image on a tree or transfer it from an ordinary photograph, having at hand some tools and common substances.

Transfer Methods

But how to transfer a photo, picture or pattern onto a wooden surface so as not to spoil it, but to get a beautiful result? There are several common ways to transfer an image onto a tree with your own hands.

Most often, a certain type of paper is used, a drawing or photograph in electronic format, as well as a wooden base prepared for transfer - a board on which the picture needs to be transferred.

Drawing Transfer Methods:

  • sublimation paper;
  • paper and iron;
  • PVA glue;
  • gel;
  • film for decoupage.

Sublimation paper leaves an image on a wooden surface quickly. Therefore, the method of how to transfer an image with its help does not require a detailed description. A simple instruction on how to use it will suffice.

In all cases, before transferring a photo to a tree, it is processed in a photo editor, and only then applied to paper. Depending on the type of paper, certain substances are used to transfer the image to wood.

Preparing to transfer a drawing

It is important to properly prepare the wood surface before transferring the design to the wood.

Transfer preparation usually does not differ for each type of translation and includes the following steps:

  1. First, the work surface is cleaned. It is better that it be light, purified. The color of the tree can affect the quality of the future drawing, so you need to consider what kind of material and type of wood is selected.
  2. To get a perfect drawing, you need to sand or sand a wooden board so that its fibers do not distort the quality of the image.
  3. When translating pictures, you need to use a mirror reflection of the picture. In almost every case, you need to take into account the way the image is translated, since often the correct drawing from paper requires a mirror reflection.
  4. Photographs should be in high resolution digital form, if possible. This does not always guarantee a good result, but otherwise it can lead to distortion of the picture.
  5. Texts and numbers should always be mirrored before transferring the picture to the tree. If portraits or landscapes can still be left as is, then the readability of the text directly depends on the location of the text on the transfer paper.

hot iron transfer

This is the cheapest way to transfer an image onto a wood board. It is best suited for transferring simple images with subsequent surface treatment.

For this method, before transferring the drawing, you need to have a printout of the image from a laser printer, as well as a surface for the drawing sanded with fine-grained sandpaper or a grinding machine.

First, the pattern or pattern is stretched to the desired size, and then printed. A sheet of paper must be placed on the board in the place where the transfer will be carried out and fixed. After that, you should iron the paper with an iron.

Paper for better pigment transfer can be pre-moistened with a small amount of acetone, but you must follow safety rules so as not to inhale fumes. A gauze bandage should be used, and the room where the image is transferred to the tree should be well ventilated.

Usually this method is used to burn out patterns and simple images using a wood soldering iron. The pattern can also be drawn by hand and, using a carbon paper, apply the pattern to paper and then to wood, or directly through a piece of paper and carbon paper to the surface.

Image transfer with PVA glue and gel

When transferring the image with glue or acrylic gel-medium, the procedure is practically the same. It is recommended to degrease the surface before applying the drawing, sand it to a smooth state.

The difference is present in the procedure for applying glue or gel. In the first case, glue is applied to the photograph, after which it is placed on a wooden base. In the case of a gel, the substance is applied directly to the board, after which an image is placed on top of it. In any case, it is important to apply the substance in an even layer, not thick, but do not leave gaps or dry spots.

After that, the surface of the photo or paper with a pattern can be leveled, air bubbles can be expelled and fixed in the desired position. In this case, a roller is used, with which the sheets are smoothed, such as, for example, wallpaper on the walls after gluing.

It may take 12-24 hours for the glue to dry or transfer the image with gel to completely transfer the photo to the tree. After a day, the sheet can be removed. In the case of glue, you can slightly moisten the paper with a sponge so that it better separates from the wooden surface. Glue must be carefully rubbed off with your fingers. It will be much easier to separate the paper from the gel - just wind it up.

The gel needs to be allowed to dry a little, after which it is covered with paraffin. PVA glue also needs to dry a little, after which it is varnished.

Film transfer for decoupage

This is a good way to transfer images to wood without the help of glue or gel, which already leaves quite rich colors and bright patterns.

In this method, the surface of the board prepared with sandpaper is used, on which white acrylic paint is applied. The paint is first slightly diluted with water, after which one layer of it is applied on the surface of the board in the longitudinal direction, and later - the second layer in the transverse direction. The paint is then allowed to dry.

At the same time, a decoupage film is used, on which a photograph or the desired image is printed. First, it is moistened in water at room temperature for about half a minute. After that, it is placed on the surface of the board, and then the base is removed.

When processing the film with a sponge, excess moisture is removed from it so as not to grind the pattern. After it dries, you can use a marker to correct image defects. The board acquires its final form after its coating with varnish.

From all the available examples, it becomes obvious that it is not so difficult to translate an image onto a tree with your own hands. It is enough to have neat hands and, perhaps, some skills in working with photo editors, as well as at least a little good color taste.

After creating a drawing on a tree, it can be placed in any room of the house or used as a decorative element by multiplying it several times.

Some masters have turned this simple activity into a good business. But above all, the main task of such a transfer is a beautiful drawing on a tree, the creation of a beautiful object, gift or decor that will please its owner.

In this tutorial, I will show you 5 different ways to print on wood. These are great methods to allow you to create custom designs such as signs, plaques, gifts, or simply brand your creations.

Step 1: Collect materials


  • pine board
  • Liquitex gel medium

Step 2: Setting up

I tested 4 methods for transferring a drawing from paper to wood and one method using a technique. I used the same image on each board, which had my logo with a large block of text, an image, and regular sized text, so for each application you can see how well the wood responds to different applications.

All pictures were printed on my laser printer (not inkjet). I also mirrored the image so that it displays correctly on the tree.

Step 3: Method 1 - Acetone

The first method is to use acetone to transfer the toner to the wood. All you need is acetone, paper tissue, nitrile gloves to protect your hands, you can also use an old plastic card. When working with acetone, be careful and read the safety instructions.

I put the mirrored picture on the plywood and wrapped it around for a more secure fit. Then I dipped a tissue paper in acetone and applied it to the picture, pressing it firmly on top.

After several repetitions, the toner was transferred to the wood, and the paper lagged behind the wood.

Pros: very fast, decent image quality, clean process
Cons: Image quality is average, acetone is a strong chemical

Step 4: Method 2 - ironing

The next method is to use a regular iron. All you need to do is iron the paper. As in the previous step, I wrapped the paper around the piece of wood, and then ironed it, being careful not to move the sheet relative to the wood. I tried to press hard on the iron, and the iron itself was set to a high temperature, but it seems to me that the temperature was not high enough.

The picture came out so-so, and it seems to me that this was due to the fact that the iron did not heat the paper to a sufficient temperature. I have heard that using wax paper can improve the situation, and some craftsmen transfer the image using a soldering iron with a special tip for branding.

Pros: the cheapest method, done fairly quickly
Cons: poor image quality, the possibility of burning yourself, charring wood or paper

Step 5: Method 3 - Polyurethane Lacquer

The third method is based on the use of water-based polyurethane. I used Polycrylic (this is just the name of the manufacturing company, so you can buy any analogue). You need varnish, an acid brush, a hard toothbrush, and water.

I applied the polycrylic with a small brush, trying to create a thin film that was wet but not puddle. Then I pressed the paper directly onto the wet polycrilic and pressed the paper from the center outwards, removing any air trapped under the paper, and then moved the piece of wood to the side, where it dried for about an hour.

After the blank was dry, I moistened it with water, and then peeled as much paper as I could remove with my hands. Next, I took a toothbrush and brushed it gently over the surface until all the remaining paper was scraped off.

The quality turned out to be excellent! Everything except a small defect on the letter "F" looked very good. I was really surprised by this way of printing on wood.

Pros: excellent image quality, safe water-based coating
Cons: Removing paper is messy, takes an hour to dry

Step 6: Method 4 - Liquitex Gel Thinner

The fourth method was the gel solvent. I used Liquitex gloss, a foam brush, an old plastic card, a toothbrush and water.

The process is similar to the one that used varnish, the only difference is that we have a gel in our hands, not a liquid. It is better to work with the gel with foam, because the brush leaves a lot of tubercles and stripes.

I pressed the picture into the gel and removed the air that got under the paper, first with my fingers, and then with a plastic card. Then I left the blank to dry for 90 minutes, and then scraped off the paper with a toothbrush.

This option also looked great, but there were a few pieces of paper left on the tree that could not be scraped off with a brush.

Pros: excellent image quality, safe water-based gel
Cons: harder to remove than polycryl, the surface becomes rough, takes a long time to dry

Step 7: Method 5 - CNC Laser

So, now let's try the technological method. I had access to a Full Spectrum Laser Hobby 20x12 device and used it to render the same image. Setting up the device is very simple.

Image quality, as expected, was good. The only problem area was the photograph, which proved difficult for the laser to copy. But the text and logo, completely black in the photo, look great.

Pros: excellent text and logo detail, set up and the machine will do everything for you
Cons: Expensive to buy, hard to find to rent, doesn't do well with photography

Step 8: Applying the Finish Coat and Final Opinion

I decided to apply a lacquer finish to the finished pieces to see how the look of the items would change, and this procedure slightly changed my opinion about each of the methods I tested.

The acetone got very dark after varnishing and I liked the final look much more, so I place this result higher than the gel sample.

The option with an iron ... remained of poor quality.

Polycrilic darkened even more and began to look even better. This is a definite favorite in my ranking.

The gel also darkened, but the surface of the wood did not even out, and the pieces of paper that I could not remove were sticking out noticeably. To achieve a result similar to polycrylic, I had to spend a lot more time.

The version on the laser CNC almost did not darken, but became a little more like a scorched tree, the detailing was still excellent.
