Love or madness garnet bracelet. A

Always caused a lot of controversy and rumors among people and critics. What was it? Madness or true love, which does not come to everyone and is found only in some lucky people. Many believe that this feeling that Vera Nikolaevna evoked in a young man looks like madness, that he is a maniac and should be feared. Many consider his behavior, his letters, his gift, the fact that he did not change his love for so many years, and even died to make his ideal better, abnormal. Very often this is called insanity, and if this happened now, then, most likely, everyone would twist their fingers and temples and say that the guy “didn’t have everything at home.”

But throughout the entire work, the author gradually leads us to the idea that it was a real deep respectful feeling of love that happens once in a thousand years, not with everyone and not always. The author makes us understand that it was not crazy at all, it was an all-consuming love. This is understood by the heroes themselves, who come face to face with Yolk after so many years when he was only an invisible image, when he existed only in their thoughts and imagination. But here Vasily Lvovich comes to his apartment after a gift and sees a man who is deeply unhappy, but not at all crazy. He sees a man who loves and respects his wife, and who understands that he cannot love her, because she already belongs to another.

Everyone who sees him understands that before him is the tragedy of love, the tragedy of true love, a completely adequate person who has fallen to love unrequitedly. Despite this, his example is exactly what General Anosov was talking about. He talked about the fact that men have already become smaller and are not capable of feelings. But sometimes love happens, which immediately becomes noticeable. Which many people have been waiting for years, and cannot find, and which is often simply not noticed.

Was it love or madness?

Zheltkov's relationship to Vera Nikolaevna has always caused a lot of controversy and discussion among people and critics. What was it? Madness or true love, which does not come to everyone and is found only in some lucky people. Many believe that this feeling that Vera Nikolaevna evoked in a young man looks like madness, that he is a maniac and should be feared. Many consider his behavior, his letters, his gift, the fact that he did not change his love for so many years, and even died to

the ideal has improved. Very often this is called insanity, and if this happened now, then, most likely, everyone would twist their fingers and temples and say that the guy “was not all at home”.

But the attitude to this was not different even at that time, because those around also did not understand this passion of an almost unknown person for a girl, and then a married woman who had never even seen the one who sent her letters. It was impossible to believe that such emotions still exist, and that they are able to survive in the modern world.

But throughout the whole work, the author gradually leads us to the idea that it was a real

a deep respectful feeling of love that happens once in a thousand years, not with everyone and not always. The author makes us understand that it was not crazy at all, it was an all-consuming love. This is understood by the heroes themselves, who come face to face with Yolk after so many years when he was only an invisible image, when he existed only in their thoughts and imagination. But here Vasily Lvovich comes to his apartment after a gift and sees a man who is deeply unhappy, but not at all crazy. He sees a man who loves and respects his wife, and who understands that he cannot love her, because she already belongs to another.

He sees a person who is happy only because Vera Nikolaevna is happy, and he is grateful to God for the feeling that he sent him, although it only brought him suffering. He was visited by real, disinterested love, which does not seek its own benefits, which rejoices if the object of its love is in order and at peace. Zheltkov understands that this cannot continue, because he cannot stop his love, but it does not bring happiness to anyone. He cannot promise that he will stop loving Vera Nikolaevna, so he does an act that should have made it easier for everyone, he leaves.

But it does not get easier, because no one expected this. When the heroes wanted to figure it out, they had no idea how deeply and truthfully Yolkkov was in love and how much he was, in fact, not crazy.

Everyone who sees him understands that before him is the tragedy of love, the tragedy of true love, a completely adequate person who has fallen to love unrequitedly. Despite this, his example is exactly what General Anosov was talking about. He talked about the fact that men have already become smaller and are not capable of feelings. But sometimes love happens, which immediately becomes noticeable. Which many people have been waiting for years, and cannot find, and which is often simply not noticed.

Zheltkov became a victim of love, which came to him unexpectedly. And he paid the full price for it. In addition, given all the stories that we heard from Anosov, not once in his life did true love bring happiness to a lover. His regimental comrade, who unselfishly loved his wife, a boy ensign, in love with an adult woman, and then Zheltkov. This raises a reasonable question, or maybe true love cannot be mutual when people get married or get married. True love is disinterested and selfless, it sacrifices, maybe in order to understand that this is a real feeling, they definitely need to sacrifice, to show that for a lover the main thing is not his happiness, but the happiness of a loved one.

Other works on this topic:

  1. What is more important - to love or to be loved? Once upon a time, the great Russian classic I. A. Bunin said: “All love is a great happiness, even if it is not shared”...
  2. The main character of the story - Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, the wife of the marshal of the nobility - had a pleasant time in the company of her sister Anna at her seaside dacha, expecting a soon...
  3. The theme of love excites and excites many representatives of art and literary figures. Writers of all times have sung about this feeling, its beauty, grandeur and tragedy. A. I. Kuprin...
  4. In the work of A. Kuprin, the theme of love is repeatedly touched upon, but in the story “Garnet Bracelet” this feeling is shown especially vividly, colorfully and tragically. With bright colors, the writer shows ...

What is love? Many philosophers and literary figures gave their explanation of this concept. For example, Berdyaev Nikolai Alexandrovich said that "Love is not only grace, but also the activity of the person himself." But the Chinese philosopher Omar Khayyam associates love with wine: in his opinion, the human body is like a vessel, and love, like wine, fills the vessel with a spiritual component. Fichte Johann gave such a description of this all-consuming feeling - "Only in love - life, without it - death and destruction." So A.I. Kuprin did not disregard this eternal question and revealed it in his story “Garnet Bracelet”.

Is Zheltkov's love for Vera "united, all-forgiving, ready for anything, modest and selfless" or is it crazy and maniacal? This is the main problem of the story "Garnet Bracelet" by A. I. Kuprin.

On the one hand, Zheltkov's love is the love that, perhaps, every woman dreams of, including Vera, true and selfless love. This can be judged from Zheltkov's letters: “It's not my fault, Vera Nikolaevna, that God was pleased to send me love for you as a huge happiness. For me, my whole life is in you. But if you look from the other side, love is really crazy. Zheltkov fell in love with Vera once he saw her in the circus, that is, he fell in love not so much with her as with her appearance, which means simple physical attraction. But real sincere feelings are always based on the spiritual components of a person.

Despite the fact that Kuprin, most likely, considers this state of affairs to be love, and not madness (“I will say that he loved you, but he was not crazy at all. And for him there was no life without you.” “I tested myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love”), I am convinced that the feeling that Zheltkov experienced for Vera is not love, but real madness, this is a mental disorder that ultimately led the protagonist of the work to suicide.

Together with the article “Composition“ What was it - love or madness? (Garnet Bracelet)" read:

The purpose of the lesson:

define the concepts of love, madness.


  • show Kuprin's skill in depicting the world of human feelings; the role of the detail in the story;

  • to expand students' ideas about Kuprin - the master of the artistic word;

  • to form aesthetic perception using various types of art: literature, music, fine arts;

  • evoke a feeling of admiration for beautiful and selfless love.
During the classes:

Org. moment

I loved you: love still, perhaps
In my soul it has not completely died out;
But don't let it bother you anymore;
I don't want to sadden you with anything.
I loved you silently, hopelessly,
Either timidity or jealousy languish;
I loved you so sincerely, so tenderly,
How God forbid you be loved to be different ... (student reads)

“I met you ...” (romance in Spanish by Sulteeva Lily of the Valley and Yunusova Dinara)

teacher's word

Good afternoon guys. What do you think we are going to talk about today? (Student answers)

Right. About love. In all ages and times, love has been considered a feeling that has not found an interpreter. The answer to the question "What is love?" philosophers, writers, poets, artists, composers have searched and continue to search ... Today we will also try to understand this feeling. What is this love?

11. Repetition of what has been learned.

What stories about love do you know? (Students' answers) You read and analyzed Kuprin's story "Olesya". Let's remember the plot of the story. In the wilderness of the forest, in Polissya, grandmother Manuilikha lived with her granddaughter Olesya. The villagers considered Manuilikha a witch, and Olesya was also called a witch. Olesya's mother was burned, thinking that she was a witch. Grandmother miraculously saved Olesya and disappeared with her far into the forest. One day, Ivan Timofeevich, a young gentleman, comes to the Polesye forests to hunt. There was an unexpected meeting between him and Olesya. Ivan Timofeevich sincerely fell in love with Olesya. The girl also reciprocated. But this love has no continuation. Why?

- Olesya is a child of nature, inextricably linked with it. Kindness, delicacy, understanding, wisdom - these are the qualities of her character. She charmed, bewitched I. T. (Song "Enchanted, Bewitched" Did she truly love? (Yes, sincerely)

- But why did she break up with IT.? (because she wants her lover to be happy)

-What is the maindetail symbolizes the unburning love of Olesya? (Coral beads. Each bead is like a spark of this love)

111. Transition to the main part of the lesson.

- Today we will go through the pages of the next work of Kuprin - the story "Garnet Bracelet". Write down the topic of the lesson. The plot of the work: a petty official, a lonely and timid dreamer, falls in love with a secular lady. Eight years lasts unrequited love. Letters from a lover are the subject of ridicule by members of the family clan of the princes Shein and Bulat-Tuganovskiy. Princess Vera Nikolaevna, the addressee of these love letters, does not take them seriously either.

- Getting ready for the exam. Remember the paronym of the word ADDRESSER (ADDRESSER)

- The love of the "little man" ends tragically, he dies, unable to withstand the collision with the world of cruelty and indifference, with the embitterment of hardened people. This story shows selfless and selfless love. Let's try to give our own characterization of love. (Compiling a syncwine.)

- Love is a mysterious feeling.

1U. Checking homework. Symbolism of love.

U. The main part.

a) Prototypes of the story. (The work is based on a real fact - the love story of a modest official for a secular lady, the mother of the writer L. Lyubimov. Nothing is known about the further fate of Zheltov)

b) Talk about the story.

- How did the author artistically transform the real story? (He embodied in his creation the ideal of a beautiful, omnipotent, but not mutual love, showed how a “little man” is capable of a great feeling. He ended with the death of a hero that made Vera Nikolaevna think about love, about a feeling, made her worry, sympathize that she not done before)

- What social barriers push the hero's love into the sphere of inaccessible love? (different social status - princess - petty official; Vera N. is married, therefore she cannot reciprocate; Vera N. grew up in a different world - a secular society, which sometimes deprives a person of sincerity, the beauty of feelings and thoughts)


U1. Group work.


1 group. Lexical field of Vera Nikolaevna.

2 group. Lexical field Zheltkov.

3rd group. Characterization of society through the image of Bulat-Tuganovsky.

- Questions:

Is it necessary to fight for love?

Is suicide the way out? (Life is one, we must appreciate it, perceive it as it is, overcome difficulties)

U11. Name day of Vera Nikolaevna.

- How does the story begin? (description of nature)

What mood does nature create? (sadness, melancholy, sadness, expectation of something tragic)

- How does Kuprin draw the main character? (impregnability, external inaccessibility, has the title of princess, royally calm and indifferent, dearly loves her sister, devoted friend of her husband)

- How many guests were there? (13, Vera N. was superstitious, expectation of tragedy)

- What episode made an unpleasant impression on you? (how Prince Shein demonstrated a handwritten album, which reproduces the love story of Princess Vera and the telegraph operator Zheltkov)

- What is the high society? (high society is immoral, lofty love feelings are alien to it)

- What gifts did Vera N. receive? (from her husband - earrings, from her sister - a notebook in an amazing binding, from Zheltkov - a bracelet)

- Zheltkov's bracelet looks like a "tasteless trinket" against the background of other gifts.

- Color? (red) Remember Olesya's coral beads. Red is the color of love. Grenades burn like the flaming heart of Zheltkov. This is the most valuable thing he has. He wanted to bring her joy (Song "To please" - How was Vera and her family perceived Zheltkov's gift? (Vera - alarmed, worried; For her husband - the subject of ridicule; Vera's brother shows contempt for a man of the lower circle)

- It is Anosov who thinks about true love. Who is Anosov? (a friend of the late father of Vera, she calls him grandfather) Anosov - wise, noble, simple.

- How does Anosov feel about love? (“Love among people has taken such vulgar forms and has descended to some kind of everyday convenience, to a little entertainment. Men are to blame, satiated at twenty years old, with chicken bodies and hare souls, incapable of strong desires, heroic deeds, tenderness and adoration before love"

- Love, like Zheltkov, happens once in a thousand years. Strong, passionate, eternal. Lyubov Zheltkova - love at a distance. What do you think, if Zheltkov became the husband of Vera N., would love turn into everyday life? Does true love exist? What it is? There are examples? (students can talk about parents, acquaintances)

Episode from the movie. Zheltkov's letter.

- The denouement came quickly. Tragic ending. Zheltkov did not know that love would play a cruel joke on him, that it would be cruel, but you can’t command feelings. (Song I didn't know love could be cruel

- When Vera Nikolaevna found out about Zheltkov's death, she goes to say goodbye to the deceased, she feels guilty. Was it necessary to die?

- What does Vera Nikolaevna feel when she peers into the face of someone who passed away because of her? (She realized that Zheltkov was a great person.)

What is the mood of the finale of the story? (in a mood of light sadness, Zheltkov dies, but Vera Nikolaevna awakens to life, something previously inaccessible was revealed to her. Music is of great importance in awakening the soul of Vera Nikolaevna.(Beethoven Sonata)

- After Zheltkov's death, pianist Zhenya Reiter plays for Vera Nikolaevna the immortal Beethoven sonata, the very one about which he wrote to her in his last letter. Apparently, this music revealed to Vera the beauty of his love and helped her understand everything and feel forgiven.

- Conclusions: Zheltkov is by no means pathetic, but the depth of his feelings, the ability to sacrifice himself deserves not only sympathy, but also admiration. What do you think love is? (Love elevates a person, transforms his soul, love blossoms in Zheltkov’s heart and gives him great happiness. Only he limited his life only to this feeling, this is bad. (“Love not only elevates ...”)

U111. Reflection.

-What did this lesson give you? What conclusions will we draw for ourselves? Still, what was it: love or madness?

1X. Homework. "My thoughts" What is love?

Literature lesson Grade 11

"... What was it: love or madness?"

According to A.I. Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet”

Kolomiytseva Olga Mikhailovna teacher of Russian language and literature

Lesson Objectives:

    To show the rarest gift of high love, the greatness experienced by a simple person.

    Show how the writer depicts the process of awakening a person.

    To develop the philological thinking of students.

    To form an aesthetic perception using various types of art: literature, music, art.

During the classes.

    Teacher's word.

(Z is learning Beethoven's Sonata No. 2. To the sounds of music, the literature teacher reads lines about love.)

In the soul the day would fade, and the darkness would come again,

Whenever on earth we banished love.

Only he knew bliss

Who passionately heart unlived,

And who did not know love, he does not care,

What didn't live...

These words about love belong to J.B. Molière. What is this love? According to Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, love is a feeling "which has not yet found an interpreter." Looking for an answer to this question And philosophers, writers, poets, artists, composers continue to search, and you and I are also trying to understand this feeling

Love, love is a mysterious word

Who could fully understand him?

Always in everything you are old or new,

Are you a languishing spirit or grace?

Irrecoverable waste or enrichment without end?

A hot day, which does not have a sunset Or a night that devastated the hearts?

Or maybe you're just a reminder

About what inevitably awaits all of us?

Merging with nature, with unconsciousness And the eternal world cycle?

This is how Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky thinks about love. And a few more thoughts about love. Read them and write them down in your notebook.

(Students expressively read and write statements about love placed on the board in a notebook)

"The first sign of love - awe. We idolize the one we are in love with, and this is absolutely right, because nothing in the world can be compared for us with the object of our passion.

(Blaise Pascal)

“Like the sun burns without burning, love. Like a bird of heaven - Love. But not yet love - nightingale moans, Do not moan, dying of love,- Love!"

(Omar Khayyam)

"Love fire do not shine: everything is dark, And it shines so it is not surprising to burn" (Eastern wisdom)

"Love - like a tree; it grows by itself, takes deep roots in our whole being, and often continues to grow green and even bloom on the ruins of our heart.

(Victor Hugo)

"Love wounds, if they don't kill, never heal."

(George N.G. Byron)

“Love has a thousand plots, and each of them has its own light, its own sadness, its own happiness and its own fragrance.”

(K. G. Paustovsky)

    One of these "plots" will be the subject of our attention today.

Let's immediately write down the question, the answer to which you will give at the end of the lesson: which of the statements about love heard at the very beginning of the lesson, would you use as an epigraph to the lesson? Justify your choice.

First, let's hold a quiz - remember the details, the details of the story, the names and surnames of the characters. Let's check how carefully you read the work.


    Where and when does the story take place? (Black Sea resort, autumn, September.)

    What is Vera's sister's last name? (Friesse.)

    Who was the ancestor of Princess Vera? (Tamerlane.)

    What did Anna give her sister? (Notebook.)

    What did her husband give Vera? (Earrings made of pear-shaped pearls.)

    Whose portrait is this: “... took after her mother, a beautiful Englishwoman, with her tall, flexible figure, gentle, but cold and proud face, beautiful, although rather large hands, and that charming sloping of the shoulders that can be seen in old miniatures”? (Faith.)

    Whose portrait is this: “She was half a head shorter, somewhat broad in the shoulders, lively and frivolous, a mocker. Her face is of a strongly Mongolian type with rather noticeable cheekbones, with narrow eyes ... however, it captivated with some elusive and incomprehensible charm ... "? (Anna.)

    The name of the famous pianist, Vera's friend from the Smolny Institute? (Jenny Reiter.)

    Vera's husband's name? (Prince Vasily Lvovich.)

    Whose portrait is this: “A fat, tall, silver old man, heavily climbed off the footboard ... He had a large, rough, red face with a fleshy nose and with that good-naturedly majestic, slightly contemptuous expression in his narrowed eyes ... what characteristic of courageous and simple people ... "? (General Anosov.)

    Surname Vera before marriage? (Mirza-Bulat-Tuganovskaya.)

    Who “... laughed loudly and enthusiastically, and a thin, smoothly covered face with shiny skin, with sleek, thin, blond hair, with sunken eye sockets, looked like a skull, exposing bad teeth in laughter”? (Anna's husband is Gustav Ivanovich.)

    Zheltkov's name? (George.)

15. Whose portrait is this: “... very pale, with a gentle girlish face, blue eyes and a stubborn childish chin with a dimple in the middle; he must have been about thirty, thirty-five years old”? (Zheltkov.)

    Who is this woman who "... hugged the trunk of an acacia tree, clung to it and cried"? (Faith.)

    Who owns the words: “Where is love, then? Love disinterested, selfless, not waiting for a reward? The one about which it is said - "strong as death"? You see, such love, for which to accomplish any feat, to give one's life, to go to torment, is not labor at all, but pure joy. Wait, wait Vera, now you want me again about your Vasya? Really, I love him. He is a good guy. Who knows, maybe the future will show his love in the light of great beauty. But you understand what kind of love I'm talking about. Love must be a tragedy. The greatest secret in the world! No comforts of life, calculations and compromises should concern her”? (To General Anosov.)


    What is Kuprin's work about? Why is it called "Garnet Bracelet"?

(The story "Garnet Bracelet" sings of the disinterested holy feeling of the "little man", the telegraph operator Zheltkov, for the aristocrat, Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheyna Let us restore in memory the main events described in the work.

We have determined the place where the action of the story takes place (the Black Sea resort). Autumn has come. The story, consisting of 13 chapters, begins with a landscape sketch. Read it. (The student reads a piece of text.)

    What role does the first chapter play in the story?

    What mood does the landscape create?

(The first chapter is an introduction. Its content prepares the reader for the perception of further events. Immediately there is a feeling of a fading world: in the autumn landscape, in the sadness of empty houses with broken windows, in empty flower beds. it was disgusting to look through this muddy muslin of rain at this miserable belongings.

But then the weather suddenly changed abruptly and unexpectedly: “The trees calmed down, silently and obediently dropping yellow leaves.” The same calm, cold, prudent existence is characteristic of the heroine of the story - Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheyna, marshal of the nobility.)

(He draws a parallel between the inner state of the Faith and the description of the autumn garden.)

    Find and read the description(second chapter).

    This description was preceded by a description of Vera's feelings for her husband. Read from the words: "Princess Vera, who has a former passionate love for her husband ..."

    What unites these descriptions: the feelings of Faith and the garden?

(Show that the soul of Vera abides in a state of slumber. “And Vera was strictly simple, cold with everyone ... kind, independent and regal, calm.”)

-- The plot of the action takes place on the name day of Princess Vera, September 17th. Kuprin writes: "Vera Nikolaevna Sheina always expected something happily-wonderful from the name day."What “happily-wonderful” happened on this day?

(Vera received gifts: from her husband, from sister Anna and from a man with the initials G.S.Zh, and Vera also had a premonition of something unpleasant. Zheltkov destroyed Vera’s “royal calmness”)

    In the fourth chapter, Kuprin introduces readers to the guests of the Sheiny's house. In the fifth chapter, during a festive dinner, anxiety crept into Vera's soul: "She was superstitious." It turned out that there were 13 guests. "This is not good!" Vera thought to herself.

    The reader is waiting for something unusual. Kuprin introduces an element of expectation, mystery, and anxiety into the narrative. What happens next?

(Vera is presented with a gift and a letter from Zheltkov.)

    Read the description of the gift. Compare it with the gifts of the prince and Anna.

(About the earrings. "Beautiful earrings, what a wonderful thing! Charm! Where did you get such a treasure?"; about the bracelet: gold, low-grade, very thick. "Like blood!" thought Vera anxiously.)

    What did we learn about the bracelet from Zheltkov's letter?

(“According to an old legend that has been preserved in our family, he has the ability to communicate the gift of foresight to women who wear it and drives away heavy thoughts from them, while protecting men from violent death ...”)

    - Why did Zheltkov give Vera a bracelet, a family treasure, the most expensive thing that passed from generation to generation to women in the Zheltkov family?

    Let us dwell on Zheltkov's letter to Vera. We read it. What characterization can we give Zheltkov after reading this letter?

    Let's compare his letter with a letter - a declaration of love, placed in the humorous family album of the Shaynys; How does Vera's husband perceive Zheltkov's letters?(words by brother Vera, ninth chapter).

    What can we say about Prince Vasily Lvovich, Vera's husband, after reading this episode? How does he describe Zheltkov's love story for Vera?

    How do these two people feel about love? And Vera?

    Is Prince Shane capable of deep and intense love? Is there an answer to this question in the text of the story?(Anosov about Vasya.)

    How does Prince Vasily treat his wife?(Humor album episode.)

    What role does Kuprin assign to General Anosov in the story?

    How does he talk about love?

    What did General Anosov learn about Zheltkov from Vera?

    What characterization of Zheltkov do we find in Vera's story and in Anosov's conclusions?

(“Madman; maybe it’s just a crazy guy, a maniac, who knows? - maybe your life path, Verochka, has crossed exactly the kind of love that women dream of and that men are no longer capable of”)

    Further, everything that happens sharpens Vera's awareness of the exclusivity of the love that passed her by, up to the premonition of Zheltkov's imminent death. Let us turn to the episode of the meeting of Prince Shenk and Nikolai Nikolaevich with Zheltkov. Find and read Zheltkov's portrait sketch.

    Read aloud the words of Zheltkov's declaration of love in the tenth chapter and Zheltkov's last letter to Vera.

    Can Zheltkov's feelings for Vera be called madness? * "What is it: love or madness?"

(For proof, we cite the words of Prince Shane (chapter ten): “I feel that this person is not capable of deceiving and lying knowingly ...”, etc. to the words: “I feel that I am present at some enormous tragedy of the soul and I can't play around here" (Chapter Eleven). "I'll say that he loved you, but he wasn't crazy at all.")

    The turning point for Vera is the farewell to the deceased Zheltkov (chapter twelfth). Let's go back to this episode. Let's read aloud from the words: "The room smelled of incense ..." until the end of the chapter.

    Why did Vera suddenly cry? Was the “impression of death” the cause of the tears, or is there another reason?

(She realized that “a great love passed by her, which is repeated only once in a thousand years.”)

    The greatness experienced by a simple person is comprehended to the sounds of Beethoven's sonata number two, as if conveying his shocks, pain and happiness, and unexpectedly displaces everything vain, petty from the soul of Vera, instills reciprocal ennobling suffering.

    Musical arrangement.

Let's listen to music. (Beethoven's Largo Appassionato sounds.)

    Why did Zheltkov “force” Vera to listen to this particular Beethoven piece?

    Why were the words that were forming in her mind so consonant with the mood expressed in Beethoven's music?

    (The teacher reads a piece of text to the sound of music.)

    Faith experiences spiritual unity with a person who has given his soul and life to her. What do you think, did the reciprocal feeling of love take place in the soul of Vera?

(Yes. The reciprocal feeling of Faith took place, albeit for a moment, but forever awakening in her a thirst for beauty, the worship of spiritual harmony.)

    What do you think is the power of love?(In the transformation of the soul)

    Did Kuprin show this in the story? Prove your opinion.

(Vera’s perception of music: “Princess Vera hugged the trunk of an acacia,

clung to him and cried ... ").

    What do Vera's tears say?

(These are tears that purify, elevate the soul.)

    Why did Kuprin give the story the name "Garnet Bracelet"?

    Did you like this piece? Justify your answer.

Try to express your thoughts, feelings, impressions about what you read. What statement would you choose as an epigraph to our lesson? (Children's opinions are heard.)


Prepare for an essay on one of the proposed topics.

    "... what was it: love or madness?" (According to the story of A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet".)

It illuminates that moment in life when Zheltkov wrote to his wife Vera about his love. “... At the end, a modest signature: “By the nature of the weapon, I am a poor telegraphist, but my feelings are worthy of my lord George. I do not dare to reveal my full name - it is too indecent. I sign only in initial letters: P.P.Zh. Please answer me at the post office, post restante”…”. It can immediately be noted that the word “modestly” with the rest of what has been said enters into dissonance. In general, this is a playful depiction of a romantic figure, but it causes not only laughter, but also pity. There is no doubt that Zheltkov's initials were changed for a reason. PZH is a field wife, and such “wives” or “husbands” remained faithful only in war, and very strong ones, but in peacetime there was no point in them. The relationship between Zheltkov and Vera is also unclaimed. The end of this “funny” story requires special attention: “… Here he is in a madhouse.

But he took the veil as a monk. But every day he steadily sends passionate letters to Vera ... Finally he dies, but before his death he bequeaths to give Vera two telegraph buttons and a bottle of perfume - filled with his tears ... ”, - all this is like a twisted reflection of future events. In the first two sentences, Shein places the telegraph operator in a lunatic asylum and a monastic cell. These two places are united by the fact that a person arriving in them is completely cut off from the outside world. Such a person becomes a deviant, moving away from the norm. The symbol of Zheltkov's love is a garnet bracelet, which Vera receives along with the letter. This bracelet is low-grade and thick, having value only for the one who gives it. It's completely tasteless. Green pomegranate, a small pebble in the middle, according to Ural legends, acts as a love potion. The rest of the garnets, as described in the text, are large and beautiful, they symbolize fidelity. This may indicate that Zheltkov, behind his loyalty and devotion, hides an insane desire to take possession of his beloved. But he, as an insane person, cannot do anything, he does not take any reasonable actions. In his letter, he expresses himself ugly, his every word appeals to pity or emphasizes how “kind” and “nice” he is. But this is no longer the caricature that was at the beginning, and therefore the letter is perceived by the reader in a completely different way. The letter of our hero sets out the truth in which he believes. (the meaning of the bracelet, a wish for happiness).

What Zheltkov is talking about makes us convinced of his insanity: “I mentally bow to the Earth of the furniture on which you sit, the parquet on which you walk, the trees that you touch in passing, the servants with whom you speak.” Zheltkov is obsessed with Vera, he fills his whole life with her, as we will see later. At the end of the story, the protagonist commits suicide, and the countess receives a new letter. “It so happened that I am not interested in anything in life: neither politics, nor science, nor philosophy, nor concern for the future happiness of people - for me, all life is only in you ...”, says Zheltkov. He replaced all the true values ​​​​of life with what is connected with Vera: “... I burn all the most precious things that I had in my life: your handkerchief, which, I confess, I stole ... Your note, - oh, how I kissed her, - with her You forbade me to write to you. The program of an art exhibition that you once held in your hand and then forgot on your chair when you left…”. Isn't that really crazy? Love is the desire to give everything that you have for the benefit of a person, the desire to make him happy. Zheltkov, on the other hand, breaks into the life of the main character, causes inconvenience to her family, but most importantly, makes her pity, makes her cry and regret what she has missed. I. A. Kuprin is not a romantic writer, he is a realist, which already says a lot. The notorious eye of the reader catches a perfectly composed sentimental plot, but the subtext hides its true essence. Zheltkov's love is the desire to receive Vera, which torments him, slowly kills him. “It seemed to me that I was present at the tremendous suffering from which people die, and I even almost realized that I was in front of a dead person.”

An essay on the topic “What was it? ... Love or madness?” (based on the story “Garnet Bracelet” by I. A. Kuprin)” updated: November 12, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Vanyulina Nadezhda and Vikulin Oleg



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Topic: "What was it: love or madness?" (Based on Kuprin’s story “Garnet Bracelet”) Literature presentation Teacher: Nepomnyashchaya Tatyana Anatolyevna Presentation prepared by: Students of grade 11 A Vanyulina Nadezhda and Vikulin Oleg

"Garnet Bracelet" - The story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, written in 1910. The plot was based on a real story, which Kuprin filled with sad poetry. In 1915 and 1964, a film of the same name was made based on this work.

According to Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, love is a feeling "which has not yet found an interpreter." Philosophers, writers, poets, artists, composers have searched and continue to search for the answer to this question, and we will also try to understand this feeling. Love, love is a mysterious word, Who could fully understand it? Are you always old or new in everything, Are you languishing spirit or grace? Irrecoverable loss or enrichment without end? A hot day, which does not have a sunset Or a night that devastated the hearts? Or maybe you're just a reminder of what inevitably awaits all of us? Merging with nature, with unconsciousness And the eternal world cycle? This is how Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky thought about love. And a few more thoughts about love.

In the exciting story "Garnet Bracelet" love is the willingness to die in the name of the beloved woman. This is love to self-destruction. Kuprin conveyed the whole essence of the selfless feeling of selfless love of the poor telegraph operator Georgy Zheltkov for Princess Vera Sheyna. It was love, not crazy. About this are the lines of his farewell letter: “I am infinitely grateful to you for the fact that you exist. This is the love that God was pleased to reward me for something.

Love took the life of the telegrapher, but he experienced boundless happiness. Every moment, every moment was filled with thoughts about the beloved woman. The power of his love changed Vera. Zheltkov passes away, holding Vera in his heart. The princess understands that every woman dreams of such love. But she passed by.

The last proof of true love is the words of Vera's husband: “I will say that he loved you, and was not crazy at all. For him there was no life without you. It seemed to me that I was present at the tremendous suffering from which people die, and I even almost realized that before me was a dead person ... "

Subject"Yeltkov: love or madness?".
Literary works used in the argument:
- the story of A.I. Kuprin " Garnet bracelet".


Love is one of the warmest feelings a person can experience. She is able to fill the heart with joy, inspire and give vitality to a lover. But, unfortunately, this feeling does not always make a person happy. The lack of reciprocity breaks people's hearts, dooms them to suffering, and then a person can lose his mind, turning the object of adoration into a kind of deity, which he is ready to worship forever. We often hear that lovers are called crazy. But where is this fine line between conscious feeling and addiction?


The work of A. I. Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet” makes readers think about this question. The protagonist pursued his beloved for many years, and then committed suicide. What pushed him to these acts: love or madness? I think it was still a conscious feeling.

Zheltkov fell in love with Vera after seeing her only once. Being a petty official, he was aware of social inequality with his beloved, and therefore did not even try to woo her. It was enough for him to admire the princess from the outside, without intruding into her life. Zheltkov shared his feelings with Vera in letters. The hero wrote to his beloved even after her marriage, although he admitted "the indecency of his behavior."

The husband of the princess treated Georgy Stepanovich with understanding. "He loved you, but he was not crazy at all," Shein told his wife after meeting with Zheltkov. Of course, the hero showed weakness by deciding to commit suicide, but he came to this consciously, concluding that only death could cut off his love. He knew that without Vera he would not be happy and, at the same time, did not want to interfere with her.


That is why I believe that Zheltkov was not crazy. If love really eclipsed the mind of the hero, then it seems to me that he would do everything possible to achieve his goal. The hero could harm Vera's husband out of jealousy and try to woo her by force, threats, or blackmail. But he loved her "from afar" quietly and sincerely, in the first place for him was the happiness of the princess herself, and not his need for reciprocity, which once again confirms the adequacy of all the actions of the hero.

Wrote: Levenkova Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna
Sakhalin Island, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Checked and helped edit: Aschaulova Maria

What is love? Many philosophers and literary figures gave their explanation of this concept. For example, Berdyaev Nikolai Alexandrovich said that "Love is not only grace, but also the activity of the person himself." But the Chinese philosopher Omar Khayyam associates love with wine: in his opinion, the human body is like a vessel, and love, like wine, fills the vessel with a spiritual component. Fichte Johann gave such a description of this all-consuming feeling - "Only in love - life, without it - death and destruction." So A.I. Kuprin did not disregard this eternal question and revealed it in his story “Garnet Bracelet”.

Is Zheltkov's love for Vera "united, all-forgiving, ready for anything, modest and selfless" or is it crazy and maniacal? This is the main problem of the story "Garnet Bracelet" by A. I. Kuprin.

On the one hand, Zheltkov's love is the love that, perhaps, every woman dreams of, including Vera, true and selfless love. This can be judged from Zheltkov's letters: “It's not my fault, Vera Nikolaevna, that God was pleased to send me love for you as a huge happiness. For me, my whole life is in you. But if you look from the other side, love is really crazy. Zheltkov fell in love with Vera once he saw her in the circus, that is, he fell in love not so much with her as with her appearance, which means simple physical attraction. But real sincere feelings are always based on the spiritual components of a person.

Despite the fact that Kuprin, most likely, considers this state of affairs to be love, and not madness (“I will say that he loved you, but he was not crazy at all. And for him there was no life without you.” “I tested myself - this is not a disease, not a manic idea - this is love”), I am convinced that the feeling that Zheltkov experienced for Vera is not love, but real madness, this is a mental disorder that ultimately led the protagonist of the work to suicide.

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