Gifted child competition. Regulations on the IV All-Russian competition for children and youth

"Gifted Generation"

The competition is held by: Institute for the Development of Modern Education "Socrates" (is a project of the Center for Civic Education "Ascension"; Certificate of registration of the media in Roskomnadzor No. FS77-56431).

Competition website:

Org. contribution absent. Participation in the competition free.

Diploma fee: 90 rub.

Acceptance of works: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (excluding weekends).

Summing up, receiving a diploma: daily during 24 hours(except weekends).

Competitors: children, adolescents and youth aged 2 to 24 (inclusive).

Competitive works of participants of different ages will be evaluated separately:

1) "Younger preschoolers" (children aged 2 to 4 years);

2) “Senior preschoolers (children aged 5 to 7 years);

3) "Primary school" (pupils of 1 - 4 classes);

4) "Middle link of the school" (pupils of 5-8 grades);

5) "Older teenagers" (pupils of 9-11 grades, as well as students of schools, technical schools, colleges, lyceums, universities corresponding to their age: teenagers from 15 to 17 years old);

6) "Youth" (boys and girls aged 18 to 24 inclusive).

Competition goals: providing participants with the opportunity to show their intellect, talent and imagination, show their capabilities and results of work, training, satisfy their needs for knowledge, creative self-expression and aesthetic development; support for talented children.

Diplomas competition, meet all the requirements of the attestation commissions: 1) have a unique registration number; 2) contain information about registration with Roskomnadzor; 3) certified by the official seal.


Fine art, drawing

· Arts and crafts

Sculpture and small plastic

photography and video

Literary creativity

· Journalism
· Design and modeling

· Computer graphics

Vocal and musical creativity


· Acting skills

Research and scientific work

Research work in kindergarten
Moral and patriotic education
· The world

· Social project

· Crossword

Wall newspaper

· My portfolio

· Presentation

My favorite fairy tale

· Journey

· My hobbies

· Collage
Website, blog

· Holidays
· Seasons
· Family
· My collection
· My style
My needlework
Costume, headwear
· School
· Kindergarten
Who to be, what to be
Volunteer movement
Local history
· Safety
· Health. Sport.
Reading, books, fairy tales
Films, cartoons, movies
· Animal world
· Vegetable world
Folk traditions and crafts
Games, toys
Circus, theater, museum
· Modern Art

The order and rules of the competition. Participation in the competition is free. In order to participate in the competition, you must send an e-mail [email protected] application and job. The scope of work is not limited. The name of the file with the work should consist of the last name, first name and age of the child. Collective works are not allowed to the competition (that is, the work must have only one author). Each participant of the competition in the application must indicate only one leader (teacher). The number of works from one author is not limited.

Application filled in according to the form, which can be downloaded from the link "Application Form" on the website on the page "Competitions" in the block located on the left side of the page (in the green frame). Information about the participant included in the application in the table must be entered in the table. When filling out the application, be careful, as information about the participant is taken from the application for the diploma. In case of an error made by the participant in the application, corrections to the diploma will be made for an additional fee. If the works of several children are sent, then the application is issued one for all participants.

Results daily (except Saturday and Sunday). The results of the papers sent on one of the days from Monday to Friday before 18:00 Moscow time are published on the same day until 24:00 (if the work is sent after 18:00, then the result is published the next day). The results of the papers sent on Friday after 18:00, as well as on Saturday and Sunday, are published on Monday until 24:00.

The results of the competition are published on the website on the "Results" page, where the list of winners is posted. The winners of the competition are recognized as participants who, by decision of the jury, took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places. Number of winners not limited. Submitted works will not be published.

Winners have the opportunity to receive a Winner's Diploma. To do this, after the publication of the results, you need to pay 90 rub. and send by e-mail a copy of the paid receipt and again the same application that the participant sent along with the work, BUT in the "Place" column, one digit must indicate the place awarded to the participant by the decision of the jury. It is possible to pay directly on our website (in this case, you do not need to send a receipt; just send us an e-mail in which you indicate the date of payment, the full name of the payer, and attach an application in which you indicate the awarded place). Payment methods are listed on the site on the "Payment" page.

Diplomas, according to which payment information was sent on one of the days from Monday to Friday before 18:00 Moscow time, are posted on the same day until 24:00 on the website on the "Results" page (if payment information was sent after 18:00, then the diploma can be downloaded the next day). Diplomas, according to which information about payments was sent on Friday after 18:00, as well as on Saturday and Sunday, are posted on Monday until 24:00. Participants download their diplomas on their own on the website on the “Results” page using the “Award Documents” link. The participant can pay for the diploma after any time after the publication of the results. But you must keep in mind: if the payment was made after the deadline for the competition, the diploma will indicate the number, name and timing of another competition (the one that was held at the time of receipt of payment). But the occupied prize-winning place, in any case, remains with the participant.

In all diplomas, in addition to the surname and name of the child, the full name of his head, as well as the educational institution, nomination, topic (title) of the competitive work, occupied place are indicated. A sample diploma is posted on the website on the "Diplomas" page.

Thus, the main advantages of the competition are:

1) the absence of a mandatory org. fee (participation is free, if you wish, you pay for the diploma, if you are satisfied with the result);

2) low amount of payment for registration of a diploma;

3) quick summing up and obtaining a diploma (1 day).

Sending the work with the application by the participant and paying for his participation in the competition means the participant's consent to all the conditions of this Regulation, the Public offer agreement for the provision of services posted on the website of the IRSO "Sokrat", as well as consent to the processing personal data of the participant contained in the application, with the publication of these personal data on the website for public access.

The All-Russian competition of research, design and creative works of students "THE GENERATION RETURNED - SCIENCE, CREATIVITY, SPIRITUALITY" is an event for high school students and students aged 14 to 25 who are engaged in scientific or research activities. The National System "Integration" invites participants to create a project with their ideas, developments or research and submit it for evaluation before an expert jury.

The competition consists of two rounds - the All-Russian correspondence competition and the All-Russian internal competition (conference of students). : competitive materials are sent for examination to the expert councils by e-mail [email protected] . All-Russian intramural competition: performances of applicants with the results of their work and their defense before the jury - expert advice.

Purpose of the competition

The main purpose of the competition is to attract young people to spiritual and moral education and enlightenment, to form among young people a respectful attitude towards history, spiritual and cultural heritage, to study and comprehend historical facts and events in the life of the country and its individual citizens.

All-Russian correspondence competition

Competitive materials are sent for examination to expert councils in the areas of the competition. Based on the protocols of the expert councils, the Organizing Committee decides to approve the results of the correspondence round of the Competition and award its winners the title of "Laureate of the All-Russian correspondence competition of research, design and creative works of students" THE GENERATION RETURNED - SCIENCE, CREATIVITY, SPIRITUALITY ".

Works prepared by one author under the guidance of one supervisor are allowed to participate in the Competition.

Abstracts of the winners of the correspondence competition are published in the collection of abstracts of competitive works. The collection is published before the start of the face-to-face event, is given to all participants of the conference, and is also posted on the website. For the correct preparation of abstracts, read the article "Recommendations for preparing abstracts"

All-Russian intramural competition

Provides performances of applicants with the results of their work and their defense before the jury - expert advice. For a detailed description of the rules for speaking at a face-to-face event, see the article “Reminder for a participant in a face-to-face event”

Applicants have the right to submit only one work for defense and only in one of the areas of the Competition.

The winners of the full-time Competition and their supervisors, who took part in the All-Russian Conference, are awarded diplomas “For the victory in the All-Russian competition of research, design and creative works of students “GAINED GENERATION - SCIENCE, CREATIVITY, SPIRITUALITY” and the Golden Named Medal “The New Generation” . Photos of past events can be found here.

Directions of the competition

- philosophy and religion;
- history, ethnography, archeology, toponymy;
- theory and history of law and state;
- linguistics and literary criticism;
- cultural studies;
- art history;
- pedagogy;
- psychology;
- sociology;
- political science;
- economics and Management;
- geology, paleontology, mineralogy;
- biology;
- local history;
- geography;
- agricultural sciences;
- chemistry;
- technology and technical creativity;
- medicine and healthy lifestyle;
- ecology of living systems;
- mathematics and information technology;
- physics

Academic Supervisors

Within the framework of the conference of students for teachers, organizers of scientific, creative and project work with children and youth and accompanying teachers, pedagogical forums, scientific and methodological seminars are traditionally held with the issuance of relevant certificates.

We draw the attention of scientific supervisors of competitive works of applicants to the fact that in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 7, 2014 No. 276 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 23, 2014 under No. 32408) “On approval of the Procedure for attestation of teaching staff organizations engaged in educational activities "... the highest qualification category for pedagogical workers is established on the basis of ... the identification and development of students' abilities for scientific (intellectual), creative, physical culture and sports activities, as well as their participation in olympiads, competitions, festivals, competitions.

The amount of targeted funding can be found on the page "Targeted funding and documents"

Sending a package of documents to the competition by the participant means the participant’s consent to all the conditions of the Regulations on the competition, as well as consent to the processing of the participant’s personal data in accordance with Federal Law-152 “On Personal Data”, publication of the results of the competition on the website, newsletter.

Russian culture is very rich. But in order to correctly perceive the events taking place in the modern world, and not repeat the mistakes of previous generations, it is necessary to know the history of both your native country and other states well.

The portal "Gifted Children" has already hosted several intellectual competitions dedicated to the study of the characteristics of different countries of the world. Completing the competition tasks, the participants analyzed, structured, studied a large amount of information and learned a lot of interesting facts about countries such as Rwanda and the Czech Republic. Thus, schoolchildren were able to immerse themselves in the culture of these states, get acquainted with their traditions and customs.

In honor of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and India, the team of the Gifted Children portal decided to launch a new competition dedicated to the culture and history of this country. By taking part in it, the guys will be able to learn something new about our world.

A strong friendship has long been born between Russia and India. India can safely be called one of the most reliable partners of our country. For 70 years of active cooperation, there was not even a hint of confrontation on either side. The powers actively support each other in the international arena, develop joint projects and work for the benefit of the future.

Competitive task: write an essay about interesting facts about India.

By completing the task, you can learn a lot of fascinating information related to this country and acquire valuable knowledge.

Criteria for evaluation of the competitive task:

    depth of disclosure of the topic;

    compliance of the content of the work with the goal;

    literacy of speech;

    persuasiveness of the presented material;


    originality of the text.

Attention! The winners will be awarded at the Indian Embassy in Moscow.

The winners of the competition are awarded with diplomas of I, II, III degrees, and will also receive GIFTS.

Competition results:

A country of contrasts, bewitching, alluring and so unlike any other. Your essays introduced us to amazing India through the prism of your worldview.

Each of the participants chose their own method of narration. Someone listed a wide variety of facts, someone - only a few key ones, supplementing them with their own thoughts and explanations, someone grouped various facts into areas of knowledge, someone studied one direction in detail, some guys wrote real artworks, others - Literally scientific and journalistic research! Bravo! Interestingly, in honor of the round date since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and India, many participants devoted their projects to a comparative description of the two countries.

We perfectly understand how difficult it is to share interesting facts about a country that most of you have not even been to. But this makes it possible to plunge into a new world, to explore it before a real journey, which, we are sure, will definitely happen in your life!

It is curious that some of you were originally inspired to study India by various life events, and not at all by our competition. Someone found a cassette with Indian cinema in the attic, someone talked to an Indian spice seller at a city fair, someone read the book “Eat, Pray, Love” and became interested in this amazing country ... That is, you started collecting facts long before of our competition, and it was only the reason for formalizing your thoughts and knowledge into a single essay.

In this competition, we would like to especially note the guys who did not stint on originality and presented really interesting projects to the jury. Of course, the topic obliges to share facts, but we also tried to single out those who not only listed various information about India, but conveyed the atmosphere of this country, to create which it is absolutely not necessary to have travel experience or relatives who worked there. Believe me, it's enough just to be inspired.

The winners of the competition will be awarded at the Indian Embassy in Moscow. The date and time of the award ceremony will be communicated to the winners in the mailing list.

So, the results:

1st place shared by Batmanova Lyubov, Bochko Nikita, Lobov Ilya and Pavlyuchenko Anastasia;

2nd place goes to Alexander Zhikhov and Matvey Novakov;

3rd place Kachalova Arina, Kononenko Alexander, Kravets Evgeny and Markelova Ekaterina were awarded.

Laureates of the competition were: Ageeva Victoria, Batalina Valentina, Bondarenko Anastasia, Volozhanin Georgy, Dyakonova Valeria, Zhudeeva Valentina, Koroleva Anastasia, Likho Maxim, Nefedova Tatiana, Nechaeva Ulyana, Nikonov Zakhar, Prokhorov Ivan, Ruban Anastasia, Semienova Ekaterina, Serebryakov Daniil, Spirina Yana , Timofeev Andrey, Tishkus Svetlana, Tyutyunnik Polina, Filatova Olga, Khaustov Maxim, Khisamova Milana, Tsareva Vasilisa, Chanturia Ketevan.

All-Russian vocal and instrumental competition

Publishing House "Arguments of the Week"


"New Generation"

Cultural center "Onega" Moscow, Flotskaya st., 25

Supported by:

  • Department of Culture of Moscow
  • Moscow State Academy of Choreography
  • Gnessin Russian Academy of Music
  • Center for military-patriotic and civil education
  • Department of Education of Moscow

Information support in Russia and the CIS - the newspaper "Musical Klondike"

As part of the competition, talented children and youth are being recruited for admission to the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins

Special nomination of the ART-Project - Patriotic composition


Syroezhkin Igor Viktorovich

Professor of the department of button accordion, accordion of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, head of the department of folk instruments of the Russian State Specialized Academy of Arts.

Kuzmenko Olga Dmitrievna

Teacher of the highest qualification category of the GMK named after Gnesins

Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation

Artistic Director of the Folk Group of the Vecherka Folk Music Ensemble (since 1987

Svetlana Belyaeva-Head of the Department of General Piano at the Musical College. Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. Gnessin, was awarded the Honorary Badge of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation "For Achievements in Culture".

Marina Mayorova

​Vocal teacher, graduate of the Musikpedagogiska Institut (Stockholm University of Music), head of the Art-Vocal Creative Studio, music producer, vocal mentor of many domestic stars - worked with Sergey Lazarev, Dima Bikbaev, Vlad Sokolovsky, participants in the musical Chicago, contestants of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest

Konstantin Popov

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Laureate of international competitions, conductor, cellist, double bass player, gambo player, teacher at the Higher Institute of Music and Drama (Damascus, Syria), teacher at the Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart School

Svetlana Razina

Russian pop legend, talented pop singer, first soloist of the Mirage and Feya group, author of music and poetry for many domestic hits, music producer, radio host and writer.

General provisions:

These Regulations on the holding of the All-Russian competition of children's and youth creativity "New Generation" (hereinafter - the Competition) determine the procedure for organizing and holding the competition, selection criteria, composition of participants, technical conditions, the procedure for awarding winners and laureates.

The organizers of the competition are the New Generation Creative Laboratory and the Argumenty Nedeli Publishing House.

Responsibility for the preparation and holding of the Competition is assumed by the Organizing Committee of the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee).

Goals and objectives of the competition

The main objectives of the competition:

  • development of the cultural potential of children and youth, preservation and enhancement of the aesthetic and creative traditions of Russian performing arts;
  • assistance in promoting social programs in the field of culture aimed at developing various forms of leisure activities for children and youth communities;
  • expanding the geography of participants in creative competitions, festivals, educational programs for children and youth.

The main objectives of the Competition:

  • to attract the attention of the younger generation to the performing arts, the preservation of cultural values;
  • support the best Russian traditions of aesthetic and patriotic education of children and youth;
  • provide an opportunity for teams and performers to gain experience in participating in creative competitions, give an incentive for further creative growth;
  • select the most gifted participants, create opportunities for maintaining and developing their creative abilities;
  • to note the most successful experience in managing children's groups, to provide teachers with a creative field for communication, free exchange of experience, analysis of current problems and tasks of organizing leisure activities for children and youth.

Terms of participation in the competition

To participate in the Contest, you must submit an application.

Amateur groups and soloists, professional groups and soloists over the age of 5 can take part in the Competition. A contestant (performer, collective) has the right to take part in several nominations by submitting a separate application form for each nomination.

In addition to the participants of the Competition, the group may include accompanying persons.

Each participant independently chooses a convenient time of arrival and departure.


The Organizing Committee of the Competition forms the Jury from among the teachers of specialized universities of the Russian Federation, popular musicians, recognized stage masters, famous vocalists and show business stars.

Competition nominations

  • Vocal art (soloists, ensembles, choirs, show groups):
  • academic singing
  • Folk singing, including folklore and ethnography
  • pop vocal
  • jazz vocals

INSTRUMENTAL PERFORMANCE (soloists, ensembles)

  • piano
  • String and plucked instruments
  • wind instruments
  • Percussion instruments
  • folk instruments
  • Symphony, brass, folk orchestras
  • Variety instrumental performance

Patriotic composition (teams and soloists):

  • A patriotic number in any genre that gives the younger generation the opportunity to feel like a part of a vast country, honor its past and believe in its present and future.
  • A - up to 7 years,
  • B - 8-10 years old,
  • C - 11-14 years old,
  • D - 15-19 years old,
  • E - 20-25 years old,
  • F - 26 and older,
  • H - mixed group

Program Requirements


  • A participant (duet, ensemble) presents one/two competitive performances up to 4/8 minutes in each of the declared nominations.
  • The use of backing vocals in phonograms is prohibited.
  • The repertoire must correspond to the age of the performer. The jury awards additional points to the contestants in categories A, B and C for the performance of the children's song.
  • For the nomination "academic vocal" it is obligatory to perform two different compositions (for choirs and ensembles one piece is performed "a cappella").
  • Participants present a concert program of two diverse performances with a total duration of no more than 8 minutes.

Patriotic composition:

  • Participants (solo, duet, ensemble) present a composition up to 8 minutes long, reflecting the authors' ideas about love for their country, its history and culture.

Criteria for evaluating nominations


Expressiveness of performance, purity of intonation and sound quality, compliance of the repertoire with the age category and the capabilities of the performer. For duets and ensembles - coherence, melodiousness.

Instrumental performance:

Mastery and technique of performance, sound quality of the instrument, musicality, selection and matching of the repertoire to the age characteristics of the performers, artistry.

Patriotic composition:

Artistry, idea, presentation, quality of execution and craftsmanship, accuracy of conveying the main idea of ​​the material.

Jury Rules

The Organizing Committee of the Competition forms the Jury from among the teachers of specialized universities of the Russian Federation, popular musicians, leading dancers, professional choreographers and famous artists.

The performances of the participants are evaluated on a 10-point scale in the closed voting mode. Winners are selected by the Jury in each nomination and in each age group. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to award more than one grant or prize within one Competition.

The jury has the right to award not all awards.

The decision of the Jury is final and not subject to revision.

The jury reserves the right to interrupt the performance of the participants without explanation.

Based on the results of the Competition, the Jury members, together with teachers and contestants, hold a round table to discuss the results and creative exchange of knowledge.

Technical requirements

The carrier of phonograms is a USB flash drive with high sound quality, which, after registration, is handed over to the sound engineer. Audio media must contain only the competition tracks. If your performance involves more than one musical composition, you must combine them into a single track, the duration of which does not exceed the timing specified in the application.

After copying the phonograms, the sound carrier is returned to the participant.

Attention: CDs and mini-disks are not accepted. All participants must have a copy of the audio media with them.

The microphones used during competitive performances are set the same for all participants.


The Organizing Committee of the Competition established the following prize fund:

  • All participants of the competition are awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts (laureates of I, II, III degrees, diploma winners).
  • The winners of the competition - laureates of I, II and III degrees are awarded with diplomas, cups and valuable gifts from sponsors and the organizing committee.

The results of competitive performances are published within 3 working days after the end of the competition.

The total prize fund is 50,000 rubles.

Special grant of the Organizing Committee - "The best performer of a children's song". By decision of the jury, the winner receives a certificate for recording a professional soundtrack in the Rock Bomb recording studio.

Special prize of the Organizing Committee - "The best teacher". By decision of the Jury, the winner receives a diploma and a cash prize for the development of creative pedagogical activity. The criteria for choosing the winner are the high level of skill of the pupils, the spectacular performance, the number and variety of performances presented.

Special nomination of the Organizing Committee - "Patriotic composition". By decision of the jury, the winner of the nomination receives a diploma and a cash prize for his contribution to the patriotic education of the younger generation.

Grand Prix of the ART-Project "New Generation" - contract forPR promotion and production.

Our creative art managers, PR consultants, TV producers, moderators, technical and creative specialists work with aspiring vocalists, dancers, actors from their first steps to success on the big stage. ART-Project "New Generation" is a unique opportunity for every young artist to realize the full potential of creative, professional and career growth.

The program of the competition and master classes.

The program of the competition is compiled after the deadline for accepting applications, and sent to participants by e-mail specified in the application.

Master classes are held on the basis of the Competition.

The program of master classes is formed 1 week before the event, payment for certificates of master classes is made on the spot.

Cost of participation

Participants from Moscow and the Moscow region (without accommodation):

It is obligatory to pay the Registration fee + Registration fee.

Additional Registration fee in the amount 1000 rubles paid from each application immediately before the registration of a participant or team in the competition. Payment of this fee is made immediately before the competition at the registration desk of participants.

1 number

2 number

1500 rubles, including registration of the application 300 rubles per person

1000 rubles, including registration of the application 100 rubles per person

2000 rubles, including registration of the application 300 rubles from the application


3-5 people

1000 rubles, including registration of the application 100 rubles from the application

6-10 people

2000 rubles, including registration of the application 200 rubles from the application

11-15 people

6000 rubles, including registration of the application 600 rubles from the application

3000 rubles, including registration of the application 300 rubles from the application

16-20 people

8000 rubles, including registration of the application 800 rubles from the application

4000 rubles, including registration of the application 400 rubles from the application

21 people or more

RUB 13,000, including application registration RUB 1,300 per application

5000 rubles, including registration of the application 500 rubles from the application

Additional nomination - 50% discount on the registration fee.

A letter of thanks for the head of the team / director of the sending organization - 100 rubles.

Participants from other cities with accommodation pay the registration fee (only participants) and the accommodation package (participants and accompanying persons).

It is obligatory to pay the Registration fee + Registration fee.

AdditionalThe registration fee in the amount of 1000 rubles is paid from each application immediately before the registration of a participant or team in the competition. Payment of this fee is made immediately before the competition at the registration desk of participants.

Registration fee (vocal, instrumental performance, patriotic composition up to 8 minutes)

1 number

2 number


3-5 people

6-10 people

11-15 people

16-20 people

21 people or more

Cost for non-resident participants with accommodation:

Plastic bag


Economy package

Package "Standard"

Comfort package

Hotel accommodation

(double rooms)

Hotel accommodation

(2-bed rooms with 3-bed accommodation)

Hotel accommodation

(double rooms)

Transfer from 15 people

Transfer from 10 people

Bus excursion program + lunch

Passing master classes WITHOUT obtaining a certificate

Passage of master classes With obtaining a certificate.

2500 rubles, including registration of the application 300 rubles per person

4700 rubles, including registration of the application 470 rubles per person

5800 rubles, including registration of the application 580 rubles per person

7900 rubles, including registration of the application 790 rubles per person

The program of stay of participants with accommodation:

  • April 7 - arrival, check-in at the hotel, free time.
  • April 8 - free time, bus excursion program, master classes.
  • April 9 - departure from the hotel, competition day, master classes, round table, awards.

Single occupancy is charged extra.

Check-in time at the hotel - from 14:00; Check-out time is until 12:00. Early check-in is possible immediately upon arrival of groups, without additional payment, subject to the availability of free and cleaned rooms; Guaranteed early check-in until 14:00 on the day of arrival or late check-out until 18:00 on the day of departure is available for an additional fee and ordered in advance at the Competition Organizing Committee.

Individual excursion programs: on free days and time from performances for each group separately, you can order from the organizing committee of the competition in advance or when submitting an application. Please ask for a list of possible excursions when applying for the competition.

For organized groups of more than 20 people - the leader is free of charge.

All services are provided only through the Organizing Committee of the Competition and are agreed with the participants individually

Upon request, an official invitation to the competition to receive funding and advertising for trip sponsors is provided.

Master classes

  • 500 rub. - for children (under 18 years old) with the issuance of a certificate of completion of master classes
  • 1000 rub. - for adults with the issuance of a certificate of completion of master classes

Organizational and registration fees include payment for the work of the jury members, provision of a platform and technical specialists; attending round tables with jury members, award products for participants.

Posting information about the contestants on the websites of the Organizing Committee and the Argumenty Nedeli Publishing House, in social networks of companies, participation in promotions and filming of video materials begins from the moment the application for participation in the competition is paid.

Registration of participants

Participation in the competition is carried out only by prior application.

To participate in the competition, you must fill out an application.

After confirmation and payment of the application, the following documents must be sent by mail:

  • scan or photo of the receipt;
  • a scan of the passport (or birth certificate) of the participants;
  • creative characteristics of the soloist / team;
  • photo (in electronic form);

Details and payment procedure

  • Details are sent to the applicant after receiving the application for participation in the Competition.
  • An advance payment for participation in the Contest for participants from other cities with accommodation in the amount of 50% (fifty percent) must be paid to the Organizing Committee's account within five working days after receiving confirmation of the application for participation. The remaining amount is paid no later than 14 days before the start of the Contest.
  • Payers are kindly requested to provide details for drawing up contracts and invoicing in advance, before arriving at the Contest! Upon arrival at the Competition, participants receive original documents from the Organizing Committee: invoice, contract, act.
  • In case of refusal to participate less than 14 days before the start of the Competition, payment for accommodation is not refundable (according to the terms of the agreement with the hotel).
  • In case of refusal to participate within 14 days, 100% of the payment is returned (according to the terms of the agreement with the hotel).
  • The registration fee is paid on the competition day at the registration desk.
  • The registration fee is not refundable, but is transferred to another festival of the organizing committee.
  • The fact of participation in the competition means that all its participants agree with these rules, as well as with the fact that the names, surnames, and photographs of the winners and participants of the competition can be used by the organizing committee of the competition for advertising purposes.

Special conditions

In the event of a decision to change the competition number and/or repertoire, the participant must submit an updated application form for participation (with the obligatory note "Replacement of the repertoire") before March 29, 2017.

All participants must have a birth certificate or passport with them to register for the Competition and confirm their age group.

When registering, you must have a Receipt of payment of the participant's fee with you.

Benefits for large families and the disabled are considered on an individual basis after the provision of relevant documents.

The Organizers of the Contest are not responsible to the authors of the works and songs used by the participants.


This Regulation is the main regulatory document of the Contest.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right, if necessary, to make changes and additions to the text of the Regulations.

The fact of participation in the competition means that all its participants agree with these Regulations. In case of violation of the rules of the competition, the participant's performance may be interrupted, and the application canceled without a refund.
