Educational and methodological support. World and domestic children's literature


Lesson 1



1. General idea of ​​myth, pedagogical and aesthetic potential of world mythology.

2. Ancient mythology and ways of its use in children's reading.

3. Biblical legends and tales in processing for preschool children.

4. Expanding the circle of children's reading through familiarization with the myths of other peoples of the world.

5. Mythological images in the interpretation of artists, composers, film directors*.


1. Get acquainted with the content of the books "Heroes of Hellas" (retelling by V. Smirnova; M., 1997); "The Tower of Babel and other ancient biblical legends" (ed. K. Chukovsky; M., 1990), make entries in the reading diaries.

2. Compile a terminological dictionary for preschool children according to one of the ancient mythologies / at least 10 - 15 concepts /;

3. Decipher 10 ancient Greek, 10 biblical aphorisms;

4. Develop a summary of a lesson to familiarize children of senior preschool age with ancient Greek mythology.

1. Write a review of one of the following editions of world mythology: Heroes and Gods: Egypt / reread. for children A.N. Kulikov. - Tver, 1994; Golden book. Legends and myths / retelling. for children A. Blaze. - M., 2008; Naumenko G.M. A large reader of mythological and fairy-tale characters for children. - M., 2008; The light of the name in the night of times: European legends of the Middle Ages / retelling. for children of V. Markova. - Kaliningrad, 1993; Tales of the Parrot: Indian legends and tales / retelling. for children S. Sakharnova. - M., 1992; Scandinavian legends (rewritten by Yu. Svetlanov). - M., 1970; Dictionary of Slavic mythology / Comp. E. Glushko, Yu. Medvedev. - Nizhny Novgorod, 1996.

2. Conduct a comparative analysis of the mythological plot in the "children's" and "adult" editions.

Topics of abstracts:

The influence of ancient Greek mythology on the development of world literature.

Biblical stories and their reflection in the visual arts.

The greatest monuments of Indian writing.

Slavic mythology and folklore.

For self control

Test tasks:

1. Define mythology using the following key words: mythology, a set of stories, collective fantasy, artistic and figurative form, natural phenomena, patterns of social development.

2. Choose the correct answer options:

a) is myth a genre of literature: yes, no, perhaps;

b) the emergence of mythology occurs - during the period of feudalism, in the primitive era; in modern times;

c) translated from Greek, the word "myth" means: fairy tale, novel, story.

3. Suggest a classification of the myth.

4. Indicate the names of the ancient Greek gods, describe their functions (for example, Zeus is the supreme god of Olympus, is in charge of the heavenly element).

5. Continue the sentence: the heroes of ancient Greek mythology are ...

6. Name the editions of ancient Greek mythology for children.

7. Underline the names related to biblical mythology: Zeus, Joseph, Perun, Isis, Moses, Nemesis, Goliath, Leda, David, Rama, Solomon.

8. Give examples of ancient Greek and biblical aphorisms, give them a modern interpretation (three examples each).

9. Name the works of art (literature, painting) in which mythological subjects are reflected.

10. Determine the conditions for successfully introducing children to mythology.



1. Arzamastseva, I.N. Children's literature / I.N. Arzamastseva, S.A. Nikolaev. - 6th ed., corrected. - M.: Academy, 2009. - 574 p.

2. Foreign children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. and higher ped. textbook institutions / N.V. Budur [and others] - M.: Academy, 1998. - 304 p.

3. World children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. ped. study establishments / T.E. Autukhovich [et al.] - Minsk: Literature and skill, 2010. - 326 p.

4. World children's literature: a reader: a textbook for Wednesdays. textbook establishments / T.E. Autukhovich [et al.] - Minsk: Literature and skill, 2010. - 591 p.

For in-depth study

1. Lisovy, A.I. The ancient world in terms, names and titles / A.I. Lisovy, K.A. Reviako. - Minsk: Belarus, 2001. - 111 p.

2. Mandrik, S.V. The Bible as a cultural monument: a guide for students / S.V. Mandrik, A.O. Goransky. - Minsk: Zorny Verasen. 2009. - 206 p.

3. Milokhin, S.V. Acquaintance of preschool children with the myths of Ancient Greece / S.V. Milokhin. – M.: TsGL, 2004. – 128 p.

4. On the origin of the gods: Ancient Greek epic / Comp. I.V. Stahl. – M.: Sov. Russia, 1990. - 316 p.

5. Slavic mythology / V.V. Adamchik. – M.: AST; Minsk: Harvest, 2008. - 319 p.

Lesson 2



1. General concept of children's folklore.

2. Song as a genre of folklore: content, images, poetics.

3. Pedagogical and aesthetic potential of proverbs, sayings, riddles.

4. Children's play folklore.

5. Small folklore of the peoples of the world in translations into Russian and Belarusian languages ​​(characteristics of classical children's collections).


1. Write out in the reading diary and memorize 3-5 proverbs, sayings, riddles, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, lullabies.

2. Prepare a review of the curricula of preschool education from the angle of using small folklore genres in different age groups, talk about the methodology for introducing children to folklore works.

3. Prepare an analysis of one of the editions of world folklore for children: Sat. "Kotausi and Mausi", "The House That Jack Built" (English folklore), "Suzon and the Moth", "The Bagpipe Song" (French folklore), "The Raccoon and the Possum" (American folklore), "The Boy's Magic Horn ”(German folklore), etc. In the analysis, reflect the specifics of the presented genres (content and poetics), the quality of the design of the book (information about the illustrator, the features of his creative style).

For in-depth study :

1. Conduct an analysis of the materials of the scientific and methodological journal "Praleska" ("Preschool education") for the current year, reflecting the issues of familiarizing preschool children with small folklore genres.

2. Prepare an abstract on one of the following topics:

Small folklore in the illustrations of Russian and foreign artists.

English folklore poetry in translations for children by S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, I. Tokmakova.

Polish folk poetry in B. Zakhoder's translations.

Traditions of oral poetry in classical and modern Russian literature.



1. Anikin, V.P. Russian oral folk art: Proc. / V.P. Anikin. - M .: Higher. school, 2001. - 726 p.

For an in-depth study of the topic

1. Bakhtin, V.S. From the epic to the counting rhyme: stories about folklore / V.S. Bakhtin. - L .: Children's literature, 1982. - 191 p.

2. Dmitrieva, V.G. Clever riddles / V.G. Dmitriev. – M.: Astrel; St. Petersburg: Slovo, 2011.– 95 p.

3. Melnikov, M.N. Russian children's folklore / M.N. Melnikov. - M.: Enlightenment, 1987.– 239 p.

4. Problems of children's literature and folklore: Sat. scientific tr. / Petrozavodsk: PGU, 2001. - 224 p.

Lesson 3



1. Fairy tale as a genre of folklore (definition, features, classification, brief information on the history of collecting and studying).

2. Genre-style originality of folklore fairy tales about animals, magical, social and everyday.

3. Folk tale in publications for children of preschool and primary school age.

4. Artistic illustration and fairy tale genre.

5. Organization of work with a fairy tale in an institution of preschool education.


1. Prepare a retelling close to the text of one tale of each subspecies; identify the genre specifics of the selected works.

2. Compose your own fairy tale (a stylization of a folk tale of a certain genre variety).

3. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "A fairy tale in the life of a preschool child."

1. Prepare an abstract on one of the following topics:

A fairy tale in the moral education of preschool children.

Fairy tale as a means of developing children's verbal creativity.

Technique of reading a folk tale.

Artists - illustrators of folk tales.

Traditions of a folklore fairy tale in the work of Russian writers of the 19th-20th centuries.

2. Develop a leisure scenario to familiarize preschool children with a folk tale.

For self control


1. Choose the correct answer options:

The hallmarks of a folklore tale include:

A) written confirmation;

B) fictional content;

D) plot conflict

D) the significance of the hero in the plot action.

^ 2.Set matches:

1) anthropomorphism A) fiction

2) verbal formula B) a fairy tale about animals

3) proverb B) proverb

4) internal rhyme D) fairy tale

5) reverse coordination method E) social fairy tale

^ 3. Set matches:

1) burst into burning tears A) initiation

2) once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman B) ending

3) silk grass B) verbal formula

4) live, live D) constant epithet

5) and I was there, drinking honey-beer ... E) tautology.

^ 4. The genre features of a fairy tale are:

A) social character;

B) expressed fantasy;

C) anthropomorphism;

D) the use of colloquial speech;

E) three-part (four-part) composition.

5. Illustrators of folk tales are:

A) Pakhomov;

B) Charushin;

B) Bilibin;

D) Vasnetsov.

6. The largest folklore theorist and publisher of folk tales is ...

8. The textbook "Russian oral folk art" is written ...

9. Set matches:

1) nursery rhyme a) theatrical

2) proverb b) clarification of the meaning

3) riddle c) word drawing

4) fairy tale d) observation

5) fairy tale about animals e) reading and showing

^ 10. Distribute the tales below into genre subgroups (tales about animals, fairy tales, social and everyday life): “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Wintering of Animals”, “Gingerbread Man”, “The Frog Princess”, “How a Man Divided Geese”, “Cat, Fox and Rooster”, “Porridge from an Ax”, “Geese Swans”.



2. Anikin, V.P. Russian oral folk art: Proc. / V.P. Anikin. - M .: Higher. school, 2001. - 726 p.

3. Kudryavtseva, L.S. Children's Book Artists: A Handbook for Wednesdays. and higher ped. textbook institutions / L.S. Kudryavtsev. – M.: Academy, 1998. – 204 p.

4. Reader on children's literature: textbook. allowance /Comp. I. N. Arzamastseva [i dr.]. - M.: Academy, 1997. - 538 p.

For in-depth study

1. Propp, V.Ya. Russian fairy tale / V.Ya. Propp. – M.: Labyrinth, 2005. – 379 p.

2. Fairy tale as a source of children's creativity: A guide for preschool teachers. institutions / L.V. Filippova [i dr.]. – M.: Vlados, 2001. – 287 p.

3. Strelkova, L.P. Fairy tale lessons /L.P. Strelkov. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990. - 124 p.

4. Fesyukova, L.B. Education with a fairy tale /L.B. Fesyukov. - Kharkov: Folio, 1996. - 595 p.

Lesson 4



  1. Russian Literary Tale of the 20th Century: Main Development Trends.

  2. The moral and aesthetic potential of P.P. Bazhov.

  3. Mastery of N.N. Nosov - a storyteller.

  4. A fairy tale-parable in the work of V.P. Kataev.

  5. Problems and poetics of fairy tales by E.N. Uspensky.


1. Prepare abstracts for the answer to the first question of the lesson.

2. Present a video presentation of the author's work of choice (the task is performed in subgroups).

3. Compile a personal bibliography (list of monographs, analytical or review journal articles) of the writer's work.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. To develop a fragment of the lecture "Russian literary fairy tale of the late XX - early XXI centuries." (use the textbook by I.N. Arzamastseva "Children's Literature". - M., 2009. - P. 469-500).

2. Write an essay on the work of one of the storytellers of the 20th century:

T.A. Alexandrova, A.M. Volkov, V.V. Medvedev, G.B. Oster, E.A. Permyak,

A.P. Platonov, S.L. Prokofiev, V.G. Suteev, E.L. Schwartz and others. The abstract should have an analytical part (a holistic analysis of the tale of the author in question).



1. Arzamastseva, I.N. Children's literature / I.N. Arzamastseva, S.A. Nikolaev. - 6th ed., corrected. – M.: Academy, 2009. – 574 p.

2. Children's literature: textbook / E.E. Zubareva [and others] - M.: Higher school, 2004. - 550 p.

4. Russian children's writers of the XX century: Biobliographic dictionary / ed. G.A. Chernoy [i dr.]. – M.: Flinta: Science. - 2001. - 512 p.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Begak, B. True fairy tales: Conversations about fairy tales of Russian Soviet writers /

B. Begak. – M.: Det. lit., 1989. - 126 p.

2. Lipovetsky, M.N. Poetics of a literary fairy tale (based on the Russian literary fairy tale of the 1920-80s) / M.N. Lipovetsky. - Sverdlovsk: Ural Publishing House. university – 183 p.

3. Petrovsky, M.S. Books of our childhood / M. Petrovsky. - St. Petersburg: I. Limbach, 2006. - 421 p.

4. Ovchinnikova L.V. Russian literary fairy tale of the XX century: History, classification, poetics: textbook. allowance / L.V. Ovchinnikov. – M.: Nauka, 2003. – 311 p.

Lesson 5



1. Sh. Perrot - the founder of the European literary fairy tale.

2. Creativity of the Brothers Grimm.

3. Fairy tale legacy of H.K. Andersen.

2. Carry out a comparative analysis of the "adult" and "children's" editions of one of Ch. Perrault's fairy tales (optional).

3. Determine the genre affiliation of the read fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, using the principles of analysis of the folk epos.

4. Prepare the fairy tales of H.K. Andersen according to the following scheme: problems, images that make up the plot (exposition, plot, ups and downs, climax, denouement, epilogue), narrative features (author, narrator, hero), genre of the work, features of language and style .

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Familiarize yourself with the content of one of the following monographs: Braude L.Yu. On the magical paths of Andersen (St. Petersburg, 2008); Gaidukova A.Yu. Tales of Charles Perrault: Traditions and Innovation (St. Petersburg, 1997); Skurla G. Brothers Grimm: Essay on life and work (M., 1989). Provide a detailed summary of the book (a concise description of the ideological orientation, content, purpose of the book).

2. To develop the topics of ethical conversations for preschool children based on the works of foreign storytellers.

3. Write a research paper on the topic "H.K. Andersen's traditions in world children's literature."



1. Foreign children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. and higher ped. textbook institutions / N.V. Budur [i dr.]. – M.: Academy, 1998. – 304 p.

4. World children's literature: a reader: a textbook for Wednesdays. textbook establishments / T.E. Autukhovich [i dr.]. - Minsk: Literature and skill, 2010. - 591 p.

5. Sharov, A. Wizards come to people: A book about a fairy tale and storytellers /

A. Sharov. - M .: Det. lit., 1985. - 320 p.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Boyko, S.P. Charles Perrault / S.P. Boyko. - M .: Young Guard, 2005. - 289 p.

2. Braude, L.Yu. On the magical paths of Andersen / L.Yu. Braude. - St. Petersburg: Aleteyya, 2008. - 262 p.

3. Skurla, G. Brothers Grimm: Essay on life and work / G. Skurla. – M.: Raduga, 1989. – 302 p.

4. Gaidukova A.Yu. Tales of Charles Perrault: Tradition and Innovation /

A.Yu. Gaidukov. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg. un-ta, 1997. - 273 p.

5. Gestner, G. Brothers Grimm / G. Gestner. - M .: Young Guard, 1980. - 268 p.

Lesson 6



  1. The life and work of the writer.

  2. Genre diversity of A. Lindren's fairy tales, folklore and literary sources of her work.

  3. The trilogy "Kid and Carlson": problems, system of images, originality of the composition, language and style of the fairy tale.

  4. The role of the works of A. Lindgren in the reading of young children, the organization of work with fairy tales in the institution of preschool education.


1. Prepare a video presentation of the work of A. Lindren.

2. Develop a script for literary leisure for preschool children using the works of A. Lindgren.

3. Write a miniature essay “Childhood is ...”, based on the image of the world of childhood by A. Lindgren.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Write a review of one of the following books: Braude L.Yu. “I don’t want to write for adults”: A documentary essay on the life and work of Astrid Lindgren (M., 1987); Westin B. Children's literature in Sweden (M., 1999); Metcalf E.-M. Astrid Lindgren (Stockholm, 2007).

2. Prepare a research paper on one of the following topics: "The image of Niels in the works of S. Lagerlöf and A. Lindgren", "Comparative analysis of fairy tales by A. Lindgren and T. Jansson", "Traditions of A. Lindgren in the modern Scandinavian literary fairy tale".



1. Foreign children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. and higher ped. textbook institutions / N.V. Budur [i dr.]. - M., 1998. - 304 p.

2. Foreign children's writers: one hundred names: bio-bibliographic reference book / G.N. Tubelskaya. – M.: School Library, 2005. – 271 p.

3. Ziman, L.Ya. Foreign literature for children and youth: textbook / L.Ya. Ziman. - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2007. - 287 p.

5. World children's literature: a reader: a textbook for Wednesdays. textbook establishments / T.E. Autukhovich [et al.].– Minsk: Literature and skill, 2010.– 591 p.

For an in-depth study of the topic

1. Brandis, E.P. From Aesop to Gianni Rodari / E.P. Brandis. – M.: Det. lit., 1980. -

2. Braude, L.Yu. “I don’t want to write for adults!”: A documentary essay on the life and work of Astrid Lindgren / L.Yu. Braude. - L .: Det. lit., 1987. - 111 p.

3. Westin, B. Children's literature in Sweden / B. Westin. - M .: Journal "Det. lit.", 1999. - 71 p.

4. Braude, L.Yu. Scandinavian literary tale / L.Yu. Braude. - M.: Nauka, 1979. -208 p.

5. Metcalf, E.–M. Astrid Lindgren / E.–M. Metcalf. - Stockholm: Swedish Institute, 2007. - 47 p.

Lesson 7

^ THEME: THE WORK OF Gianni Rodari


1. Brief information about the life and work of J. Rodari, the sources of his work.

2. The poetry of J. Rodari in its relationship with the fabulous works of the writer.

3. Genre-thematic variety of fairy tales by J. Rodari.

4. The cycle "Tales with three ends" in the development of the child's fantasy and imagination.

5. The method of stimulating the verbal creativity of children in the "Grammar of Fantasy" by J. Rodari.

2. Compose a fairy tale on your own (according to the laws of the genre presented in the above cycle).

3. To develop a summary of a lesson on the development of creative storytelling of older preschoolers based on the works of an Italian storyteller.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Submit an annotated bibliography of the writer's work.

2. Prepare a detailed annotation for the book "Grammar of Fantasy" by J. Rodari.

3. To develop a consultation for parents "Techniques and methods for developing the child's imagination and fantasies" based on the works of J. Rodari.



1. Brandis, E.P. From Aesop to Gianni Rodari / E.P. Brandis. – M.: Det. lit., 1980. - 446 p.

2. Foreign children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. and higher ped. textbook institutions / N.V. Budur [i dr.]. – M.: Academy, 1998. – 304 p.

3. Foreign children's writers: one hundred names: biobibliogr. reference book / Comp. G.N. Tubelskaya. – M.: School Library, 2005. – 271 p.

4. Ziman, L.Ya. Foreign literature for children and youth / L.Ya. Ziman. - M .: Russian School Library Association, 2007. - 287 p.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Gianni Rodari: Bibliography. decree. / Comp. V.G. Danchenko. - M.: BGBIL, 1991. - 254 p.

2. Foreign children's writers in Russia / Borovskaya E.R. and etc.]. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2005. – 517 p.

Lesson 8



  1. Brief biographical information about the writer.

  2. "The Little Prince" in the context of the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

  3. The problems of the fairy tale, its genre specificity.

  4. The system of images in the work.

  5. The originality of language and style (the place of romantic conventions, allegory, satire).

  6. The relevance of the sound of the book. The specifics of familiarizing young children with a fairy tale.


  1. Read the fairy tale "The Little Prince" translated by N. Gal, write out aphoristic expressions in the reading diary.

  2. Prepare a creative retelling of a fairy tale for preschool children.
3. Write an essay on the topic "We are responsible for those we have tamed."

For an in-depth study of the topic:

  1. Compile a catalog of articles about the writer's work.

  2. Prepare a photo album "Antoine de Saint-Exupery - military pilot and writer."

  3. Develop a script for a play for preschool children based on the fairy tale "The Little Prince".



1. Foreign children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. and higher ped. textbook institutions / N.V. Budur [and others]. - M.: Academy, 1998. - 304 p.

2. Foreign children's writers: one hundred names: bio-bibliographic reference book / G.N. Tubelskaya. – M.: School Library, 2005. – 271 p.

3. Ziman, L.Ya. Foreign literature for children and youth: textbook / L.Ya. Ziman. - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2007. - 287 p.

4. World children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. ped. textbook establishments / T.E. Autukhovich [i dr.]. - Minsk: Literature and skill, 2010. - 326 p.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

2. Mizho, M. Saint-Exupery / M. Mizho. – M.: Sov. writer, 1963.

3. Sharov, A. Wizards come to people / A. Sharov. – M.: Det. lit., 1985. -

Lesson 9




1. The genre of autobiographical story in Russian literature.

2. Images of children in the work of L.N. Tolstoy. Tolstoy's traditions in stories

V.A. Oseeva.

3. The skill of A.P. Chekhov - a psychologist in stories about children.

4. Russian social story and story of the late XIX - early XX centuries.

5. Soviet humorous story (N.N. Nosov, V.Yu. Dragunsky, V.V. Golyavkin and others).

6. New trends in the development of modern children's prose.

2. Conduct a written comparative analysis of the stories of L.N. Tolstoy and A.P. Chekhov (comparison parameters: age orientation of tests, genre specifics, problems, the concept of childhood, the nature of the image of the child, the specifics of use in the work of the educator).

3. To develop the topics of ethical conversations for children based on the works of L.N. Tolstoy, V.A. Oseeva.

4. Compose topics for individual conversations, consultations, parent meetings using the works of A.P. Chekhov.

5. Compare the stories of N.N. Nosov and V.Yu. Dragunsky from the angle of using various forms of the comic (external and internal humor, satire, irony, grotesque, pun, neologism, word play, paradox, nonsense, etc.).

6. Prepare a mini-report on the work of a modern children's storyteller

(V.V. Golyavkin, V.K. Zheleznikov, Yu.I. Koval, G.B. Oster, R.P. Pogodin, Tim Sobakin, E.N. Uspensky and others).

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Submit a detailed plan for the holiday in the preschool education institution "We love the books of Leo Tolstoy."

2. To develop a consultation for educators "Ethical conversation on a literary work: a methodology for conducting."

3. Write a review of B. Begak's book "Children laugh: Essays on humor in children's literature" (M., 1979).

4. Prepare an abstract on one of the following topics:

L.N. Tolstoy is a public teacher.

Illustrations by A.F. Pakhomov to the stories of L.N. Tolstoy.

Pedagogical views of A.P. Chekhov.

The theme of childhood in the work of A.I. Kuprin.

Stories by A.M. Gorky about children.

Images of children in the works of I.A. Bunin.

Stories about child workers D.N. Mamin-Siberian.

The problem of a positive hero in the work of A.P. Gaidar.

The image of a child in the works of B.S. Zhitkov.

Mastery of V.V. Golyavkin the narrator.

Innovation Yu.I. Koval - children's writer.



1. Arzamastseva, I.N. Children's literature / I.N. Arzamastseva, S.A. Nikolaev. - 6th ed., corrected. – M.: Academy, 2009. – 574 p.

2. Children's literature: textbook / E.E. Zubareva [and others] - M.: Higher school, 2004. - 550 p.

3. Nikolina N.A. Poetics of Russian autobiographical prose: Textbook / N.A. Nikolina. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2002. – 422 p.

4. Russian literature for children: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. ped. textbook establishments / Etc. Polozov. - M.: Academy, 1998. - 506 p.

5. Russian children's writers of the XX century: Biobliographic dictionary / ed. G.A. Chernoy [and others] - M.: Flinta: Science. - 2001. - 512 p.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Begak, B. Children laugh: Essays on humor in children's literature / B. Begak. – M.: Det. lit., 1979. - 223 p.

2. Dragunskaya, A. About Viktor Dragunsky: Life, creativity, memories of friends / A. Dragunskaya. - M.: Chemistry and life, 1999. - 175 p.

3. Life and work of Nikolai Nosov: Collection / Comp. S. Mirimsky. – M.: Det. lit., 1985. - 256 p.

4. Kashtanova, I.A. Tolstoy about children and for children / I.A. Chestnut. – Tula: Approx. book. publishing house, 1971. - 129 p.

5. Kovaly's book: Remembering Yury Koval. - M.: Time, 2008. - 496 p.

6. Articles about Chekhov / ed. L.P. Gromov. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House Rost. / n / D. state ped. in-ta, 1972. - 109 p.

Lesson 10


(Type of lesson - educational conference)


(the general direction of the speeches is indicated, each of the conference participants can present their specific vision of the problem):

1. The theme of destitute childhood in French literature (G. Malo "Without a family", A. Daudet "The Kid", V. Hugo "Gavroche", "Cosette").

2. The skill of M. Twain, a psychologist and satirist in stories about children (“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”).

3. Genre-thematic originality of A. Lindgren's realistic stories ("Rasmus the Tramp", "Emil from Lenneberg").

4. Works about children in German literature of the XX century. (E. Kestner "Emil and the Detectives", "Tricks of the Twins", D. Krus "My great-grandfather, heroes and me").

5. The theme of childhood in the work of A. Marshall.


A) individual presentation (report, abstract, message);

B) group presentation of the work of one of the foreign writers (works studied in the course of children's literature are considered);

C) participation in the discussion of the problem (in the debate).


(the general direction of searches, the search for literature on specific authors is carried out by the speakers themselves):

1. Antipova, I.A. Essays on children's writers / I.A. Antipov. – M.: Ballas, 1999. – 240 p.

2. Begak, B. Paths of mystery: Adventure literature and children / B. Begak. – M.: Det. lit., 1985. - 95 p.

3. Winterich J. Adventures of famous books / J. Winterich. - M.: Book, 1985. - 254 p.

4. Foreign children's writers in Russia / Borovskaya E.R. and etc.]. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2005. – 517 p.

6. Foreign writers: Bibliographic dictionary. At 2 pm / Ed. N.P. Michalskaya. - M .: Education: JSC "Education Lit.", 1997. Part 1. A-L. - 476 p.; Part 2. M-Z. – 448 p.

Electronic resources:

Lessons 11, 12



1. The role of K.D. Ushinsky in the development of domestic scientific and educational literature for children.

2. Soviet scientific and natural history book (comparative analysis of the works of V.V. Bianchi, M.M. Prishvin, E.I. Charushin).

3. Genre-thematic diversity of modern scientific and educational literature.

4. Foreign writers-naturalists.

5. The specifics of familiarizing preschool children with scientific and educational genres.

2. Conduct a comparative analysis of works about nature by V.V. bianchi,

MM. Prishvina, E.I. Charushin: general and individual in the disclosure of the theme of nature, genre originality of works, originality of language and style. When determining the genre specifics of works, use information about the features of genre formation in a natural history book: an encyclopedia, an atlas, a story, an article, a fairy tale, an adventure, a journey, a fantastic story (story, novel).

4. Prepare a review of modern encyclopedias for preschoolers (3-5 editions).

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Write a review of the book by E.L. Levina, M.B. Shelomentseva "Modern scientific and educational literature for children and youth" (M., 1991).

2. Develop a summary of a lesson-excursion for preschoolers using the works of M.M. Prishvin about the forest (collection "Golden Meadow").

3. Prepare an abstract on one of the following topics:

K.D. Ushinsky and modernity.

Stories about animals B.S. Zhitkov.

Books about technology M. Ilyin.

The world of nature in the work of K. G. Paustovsky.

Traditions and innovation in the works of G.Ya. Snegirev.

Naturalist writer G.A. Skrebitsky.

Historical stories by S.M. Golitsyna, A.V. Mityaeva, S.P. Alekseeva: comparative analysis.



1. Arzamastseva, I.N. Children's literature / I.N. Arzamastseva, S.A. Nikolaev. - 6th ed., Rev. - M.: Academy, 2009. - 574 p.

2. Children's literature: textbook / E.E. Zubareva [i dr.]. - M.: Higher School, 2004. - 550 p.

3. Foreign children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. and higher ped. textbook institutions / N.V. Budur [i dr.]. - M., 1998. - 304 p.

4. Russian literature for children: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. ped. textbook establishments / Etc. Polozov. - M.: Academy, 1998. - 506 p.

5. Foreign children's writers: one hundred names: bio-bibliographic reference book / G.N. Tubelskaya. – M.: School Library, 2005. – 271 p.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Foreign children's writers in Russia / Borovskaya E.R. and etc.]. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2005. – 517 p.

2. Foreign writers: Bibliographic dictionary. At 2 pm / Ed. N.P. Michalskaya. - M .: Education: JSC "Education Lit.", 1997. Part 1. A-L. - 476 p.; Part 2. M-Z. – 448 p.

3. Ivic, A. Nature. Children / A. Ivic. – M.: Det. lit., 1980. - 223 p.

4. Levina, E.R. Modern Soviet scientific and educational literature for children and youth / E.L. Levina, M.B. Shelomentsev. - M.: MGIK, 1991. - 88 p.

5. Razumnevich, V.L. With a book on life: On the work of Soviet children's writers / V.L. Razumnevich. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986. - 238 p.

Lesson 13



1. Russian poetry of the 19th century in the circle of children's reading*.

2. The main trends in the development of Soviet poetry for children.

3. Genre-thematic diversity of modern children's poetry.

4. The specifics of familiarizing preschool children with a poetic text.

2. Prepare an analysis of a poem by a modern author (motivation for choosing a work, originality of content and form, recommendations for familiarizing children with a poetic text).

3. Present a presentation of the work of one of the contemporary children's poets: Ya.L. Akim, B.V. Zakhoder, V.D. Berestov, V.A. Levin, Yu.P. Moritz, E.E. Moshkovskaya, G.B. Oster, V.A. Prikhodko, G.V. Sapgir, R.S. Sef, I.P. Tokmakova, A.A. Usachev, E.N. Uspensky, M.D. Yasnov and others (the task is performed in subgroups).

4. Prepare an oral review of a new poetry book for children.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Compile a bibliographic index of articles and studies on the development of modern poetry.

2. Prepare an electronic reader of texts by poets of the 20th century for use in the work of an educator.

3. Write an essay on one of the following topics:

Lyrical diary of V. Berestov: genre and thematic diversity.

Lyrics of nature in the work of E. Moshkovskaya and I. Tokmakova.

The World of Childhood in the Poetry of R. Sefa.

Poems for children B. Zakhoder: innovations in the field of content and form.

Traditions of OBERIU in Poetry Yu. Moritz.

Experimental poetry of G. Oster.

The use of elements of "abstruse" poetry in the work of G. Sapgir.

The nature of humor in R. Mucha's poetry.



2. Russian literature for children: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. ped. textbook establishments / Etc. Polozov. - M.: Academy, 1998. - 506 p.

3. Russian children's writers of the XX century: Bio-bibliographic dictionary / ed. G.A. Chernoy [i dr.]. – M.: Flinta: Science. - 2001. - 512 p.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Geyser, M.M. Marshak / M.M. Geyser. - M .: Young Guard, 2006. - 325 p.

2. Life and work of Agnia Barto: Collection / Comp. I.P. Motyashov. – M.: Det. lit., 1989. - 336 p.

3. Kobrinsky, A.A. Daniil Kharms / A.A. Kobrinsky. - M .: Young Guard, 2008. - 499 p.

4. Russian poetry for children: T. 1–2 / Comp. and intro. Art. E.O. Putilova. - St. Petersburg: Humanitarian Agency "Academic Project", 1997. Vol.1. – 766 p. T.2. – 750 s.

5. Pavlova, N.I. Lyrics of childhood. Some problems of poetry / N.I. Pavlova. – M.: Det. lit., 1987. - 140 p.

Lesson 14


Type of lesson - lesson-concert

(expressive reading of poems with elements of display, game actions, dramatization)


  • Jan Brzehwa

  • Robert Desnos

  • Dr. Seuss

  • Maurice Karem

  • James Crews

  • Edward Lear

  • Alan Milne

  • Ogden Nash

  • Jacques Prevert

  • Gianni Rodari

  • James Reeves

  • Julian Tuwim

  • Walter de la Mer

  • Eleanor Fargen

  • John Ciardi

Reading and understanding the statements of famous people about the importance of expressive reading of a work of art:

“Reading aloud gives us a power of analysis that one who reads to himself will never have. The best way to understand an essay as a whole is to read aloud. The voice is such an expositor and mentor that has a wondrous, albeit unknown power” (Ernst Legouwe, French playwright).

“Skillful readers should be created among us. I even think that public readings will eventually replace performances in our country” (N.V. Gogol).

“Unfortunately, the vast majority of language teachers and librarians do not know how to read fiction with a certain degree of artistry. When reading alone, a person is enriched only by the author of the book. And when reading collectively and discussing what has been read, his mind is fed by two sources - books and thoughts of the participants in the experience. The team is a great teacher ”(A.M. Toporov, teacher).

Reading analysis:

1. Writing the score of the text (highlighting words in it, on which, according to the laws of the logic of Russian speech, logical stress falls, placing pauses).

2. Analysis of the emotional side of the work (singling out the emotional compositional parts with the definition of a reading supertask for each of them).

3. Definition of the most important task for reading the work as a whole.

4. Determining the role of intonation, gesture, facial expressions, posture, game actions.

Information about the basic rules of the logic of Russian speech

1. The group of subject and predicate is separated by a pause.

Exceptions: a) if the subject is expressed by a pronoun, it does not carry stress and is read in one measure with the predicate: He came out . You come back ; b) if the predicate does not make much sense: Dul wind . Shel rain .

^ 2. The definition is stressed if it is expressed:

a) a noun in the genitive case: Forehead Socrates .

b) a noun with a preposition: Singer from the opera .

c) definition-application: Forester- old-timer .

d) common definition: Shaggy sheepdog, tied to an apple tree .

^ 3. The definition does not bear stress if:

a) expressed by a pronoun (my book ) or adjective: blue sky , northern story .

^ 4. In the phrase "verb and object" the emphasis falls on the object:

Are eating sweets throwing oranges crusts .

5. Opposition: the emphasis falls on both opposing concepts:

Son killed - mother stood in his place.

^ 6. Comparison: the emphasis falls on what the object is compared with:

Silly as true (comma before How unreadable, no pause).

7. An appeal at the beginning of a sentence is separated by a pause:

Comrades, // I am very happy.

If the appeal is in the middle or at the end of the sentence, then there is almost no pause: Sing, little light, don't be ashamed.

^ 8. In complex names, the emphasis falls on the last word:

Bolshoi Academic Theater Russian Federation .

9. When listing, the stress is placed on each word:

crackle calls , bells , alarm clocks.

If definitions are listed, then the last of them, standing before the noun, does not carry stress: One of those hard / dry , / embittered persons .

If the definitions are heterogeneous, then there are no pauses or stresses: The last street lanterns .



1. Big book of poems for reading in kindergarten / Comp. I.P. Tokmakova, E.I. Ivanova. - M .: Planeta detstva, 2000. - 512 p.

2. Literature and fantasy: A book for educators for children. garden and parents / Comp. L.E. Streltsov. - M .: Education, 1992. - 255 p.

3. Russian poetry for children: T. 1–2 / Comp. and intro. Art. E.O. Putilova. - St. Petersburg: Humanitarian Agency "Academic Project", 1997. Vol.1. – 766 p. T.2. – 750 s.

4. Reader on children's literature: textbook. allowance / Comp. I. N. Arzamastseva [et al.].– M.: Academy, 1997. – 538 p.

Teaching aids

1. Gritsenko, Z.A. Workshop on children's literature and methods of introducing children to reading: textbook / Z.A. Gritsenko. – M.: Academy, 2008. – 222 p.

2. Children's literature. Expressive reading: Practicum: textbook in the specialty "Preschool education" / O.V. Astafieva [i dr.]. – M.: Academy, 2007. – 270 p.

3. Book's name day / Ed.-comp. L.I. Bug. - Minsk: Krasiko-Print, 2003. - 126 p.

4. Kuksova, N.A. Artistic reading in kindergarten: a guide for teachers of preschool institutions / N.A. Kuksova. - Minsk: Universitetskoe, 2001. - 157 p.

5. Oparina, N.P. Literary games in the children's library / N.P. Oparina. - M.: Liberia, 2007. - 95 p.

6. Sinitsyna, E.I. Clever poems / E.I. Sinitsyn. - M .: "List", 1999. - 168 p.

Lesson 15



1. "Northern Lights" by M. Gorky in the development of the Soviet periodical press.

2. Characteristics of journal periodicals of the 1920-1980s.

3. Evolution of children's systematic publications in the post-Soviet era.

4. Review of foreign children's periodicals.


1. Provide video information about one of the magazines of the Soviet (post-Soviet period).

2. Prepare a critical review of the materials published in the journal from the standpoint of meeting the requirements of today.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Write an essay on the topic "Ideal children's magazine."

2. Compose a fairy tale (story, poem) for a children's magazine.



1. Arzamastseva, I.N. Children's literature / I.N. Arzamastseva, S.A. Nikolaev. - 6th ed., Rev. – M.: Academy, 2009. – 574 p.

2. Children's literature: textbook / E.E. Zubareva [and others] - M.: Higher school, 2004. - 550 p.

3. World children's literature. Workshop / comp. THOSE. Autukhovich [and others]. - Minsk: Literature i Mastatsva, 2011. - 312 p.

3. Russian literature for children: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. ped. textbook establishments / Etc. Polozov. - M.: Academy, 1998. - 506 p.

4. Reader on children's literature: textbook. allowance / Comp. I. N. Arzamastseva [i dr.]. - M.: Academy, 1997. - 538 p.

For an in-depth study of the topic:

1. Alekseeva, M. Soviet children's magazines of the 20s / M. Alekseev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988.- 344 p.

2. Arzamastseva, I.N. "The Age of the Child" and Russian Literature of the 1900s-1930s /

I.N. Arzamastseva.- M.: Nauka, 2003.- 235 p.

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1. Biography of Astrid Lindgren

1.1 Early years

1.2 Beginning of creative activity

2. Fairy tales by Astrid Lindgren



A literary fairy tale is a whole trend in fiction. Over the long years of its formation and development, this genre has become a universal genre, covering all the phenomena of the surrounding life and nature, the achievements of science and technology.

Just as a folk tale, constantly changing, absorbed the features of a new reality, a literary tale has always been and is inextricably linked with socio-historical events and literary and aesthetic trends. The literary fairy tale did not grow from scratch. It was based on a folk tale, which became famous thanks to the records of folklorists. The literary tales of the romantics are characterized by a combination of magical, fantastic, ghostly and mystical with modern reality. The basis of a literary fairy tale can be a fantastic image born of the imagination of a child.

Humor in a literary fairy tale has a different character and has become its hallmark. Sometimes literary fairy tales written for adults become children's favorite reading, and vice versa, talented literary fairy tales intended for a children's audience become the property of both children and adults, and not only because an adult learns from them how a child perceives life, but also because adult life, reflected in the categories of children's vision and perception, acquires unexpected humorous, and sometimes satirical contours. Fairy tale literature with elements of nonsense is very popular among children: paradox, surprise, illogicality, apparent nonsense, poetic "nonsense".

Literary tale has many faces these days. It is called "fantastic book", "fantastic story", "fantastic story", "modern literary fairy tale", in the West the term "fantasy" is increasingly used - scientists do not have complete unanimity. Among the definitions, the most complete is the formulation of L.Yu. Braude: “A literary fairy tale is an author's artistic prose or poetic work, based either on folklore sources, or invented by the writer himself, but in any case subject to his will; a work, predominantly fantasy, depicting the wonderful adventures of fictional or traditional fairy-tale characters and in some cases aimed at children; a work in which magic, a miracle plays the role of a plot-forming factor, helps to characterize the characters.

lindgren fairy tale pippi carlson

1. BiographyAstrid Lindgren

1.1 Earlyyears

Astrid Ericsson was born on November 14, 1907 in southern Sweden, in the small town of Vimmerby in the province of Småland (Kalmar county), into a farming family. Her parents, father Samuel August Eriksson and mother Hanna Jonsson, met when they were 13 and 9 years old. Seventeen years later, in 1905, they married and settled on a rented farm in Ness, a parsonage on the very outskirts of Vimmerby, where Samuel began farming. Astrid became their second child. She had an older brother Gunnar (July 27, 1906 - May 27, 1974) and two younger sisters - Stina (1911-2002) and Ingegerd (1916-1997).

As Lindgren herself pointed out in the collection of autobiographical essays My Fictions (1971), she grew up in the age of "horse and cabriolet". The family's main means of transportation was a horse-drawn carriage, the pace of life was slower, entertainment was simpler, and the relationship with the natural environment was much closer than today.

Such an environment contributed to the development of the writer's love for nature - all Lindgren's work is imbued with this feeling, from eccentric stories about the daughter of Captain Pippi Longstocking to the story of Ronnie, the daughter of a robber.

The writer herself always called her childhood happy (it had a lot of games and adventures, interspersed with work on the farm and in its environs) and pointed out that it was it that served as a source of inspiration for her work.

Astrid's parents not only had a deep affection for each other and for the children, but also did not hesitate to show it, which was rare at that time. The writer spoke about special relationships in the family with great sympathy and tenderness in her only book not addressed to children, Samuel August from Sevedstorp and Hanna from Hult (1973).

1.2 Startcreativeactivities

As a child, Astrid Lindgren was surrounded by folklore, and many jokes, fairy tales, stories that she heard from her father or from friends later formed the basis of her own works. Love for books and reading, as she later admitted, arose in the kitchen of Christine, with whom she was friends. It was Christine who introduced Astrid to the amazing, exciting world that one could get into by reading fairy tales. The impressionable Astrid was shocked by this discovery, and later mastered the magic of the word herself.

Her abilities became apparent already in elementary school, where Astrid was called "Wimmerbün Selma Lagerlöf", which, in her own opinion, she did not deserve.

After school, at the age of 16, Astrid Lindgren started working as a journalist for the local newspaper Wimmerby Tidningen. But two years later, she became pregnant, unmarried, and, leaving her position as a junior reporter, went to Stockholm. There she completed secretarial courses and in 1931 found a job in this specialty. In December 1926, her son Lars was born. Since there was not enough money, Astrid had to give her beloved son to Denmark, to the family of foster parents. In 1928, she got a job as a secretary at the Royal Automobile Club, where she met Sture Lindgren (1898-1952). They married in April 1931, and after that, Astrid was able to take Lars home.

2. fabulousstoryAstridLindgren

After her marriage, Astrid Lindgren decided to become a housewife in order to devote herself entirely to caring for Lars, and then for her daughter Karin, who was born in 1934. In 1941, the Lindgrens moved into an apartment overlooking Stockholm's Vasa Park, where the writer lived until her death. Occasionally taking on secretarial work, she wrote travel descriptions and rather banal tales for family magazines and advent calendars, which gradually honed her literary skills.

According to Astrid Lindgren, "Pippi Longstocking" (1945) was born primarily thanks to her daughter Karin. In 1941, Karin fell ill with pneumonia, and every night Astrid told her all sorts of stories before going to bed. Once a girl ordered a story about Pippi Longstocking - she invented this name right there, on the go. So Astrid Lindgren began to compose a story about a girl who does not obey any conditions. Since Astrid then defended the idea of ​​​​education taking into account child psychology, which was new for that time and caused heated debate, the challenge to conventions seemed to her an interesting thought experiment. If we consider the image of Pippi in a generalized way, then it is based on innovative ideas that appeared in the 1930s and 40s in the field of child education and child psychology. Lindgren followed and participated in the controversy unfolding in society, advocating education that would take into account the thoughts and feelings of children and thus show respect for them. The new approach to children also affected her creative style, as a result of which she became an author who consistently speaks from the point of view of a child.

After the first story about Pippi, which Karin fell in love with, Astrid Lindgren over the next years told more and more evening tales about this red-haired girl. On Karin's tenth birthday, Astrid Lindgren wrote down several stories in shorthand, from which she compiled a book of her own making (with illustrations by the author) for her daughter. This original manuscript of "Pippi" was less carefully finished stylistically and more radical in its ideas. The writer sent one copy of the manuscript to Bonnier, the largest Stockholm publishing house. After some deliberation, the manuscript was rejected. Astrid Lindgren was not discouraged by the refusal, she already realized that composing for children was her calling. In 1944, she took part in a competition for the best book for girls, announced by the relatively new and little-known publishing house Raben and Sjögren. Lindgren received the second prize for Britt-Marie Pours Out Her Soul (1944) and a publishing contract for it.

In 1945, Astrid Lindgren was offered the position of editor of children's literature at the publishing house Raben and Sjögren. She accepted this offer and worked in one place until 1970, when she officially retired. All of her books were published by the same publishing house. Despite being very busy and combining editorial work with household chores and writing, Astrid turned out to be a prolific writer: if you count picture books, a total of about eighty works came out of her pen. Work was especially productive in the 1940s and 1950s. In the years 1944-1950 alone, Astrid Lindgren wrote a trilogy about Pippi Longstocking, two stories about children from Bullerby, three books for girls, a detective story, two collections of fairy tales, a collection of songs, four plays and two picture books. As you can see from this list, Astrid Lindgren was an unusually versatile author, willing to experiment in a wide variety of genres.

In 1946, she published the first story about the detective Kalle Blomkvist (“Kalle Blomkvist plays”), thanks to which she won first prize in a literary competition (Astrid Lindgren did not participate in competitions anymore). In 1951, a sequel followed, “Kalle Blomkvist risks” (both stories were published in Russian in 1959 under the title “The Adventures of Kalle Blomkvist”), and in 1953 - the final part of the trilogy, “Kalle Blomkvist and Rasmus” (was translated into Russian in 1986). With Calle Blumqvist, the writer wanted to replace cheap thrillers that glorified violence.

In 1954, Astrid Lindgren wrote the first of her three fairy tales - "Mio, my Mio!" (trans. 1965). This emotional, dramatic book combines the techniques of heroic tale and fairy tale, and tells the story of Boo Vilhelm Olsson, the unloved and neglected son of foster parents. Astrid Lindgren more than once resorted to fairy tales and fairy tales, touching on the fate of lonely and abandoned children (this was the case before “Mio, my Mio!”). To bring comfort to children, to help them overcome difficult situations - this task was not the last thing that moved the work of the writer.

In the next trilogy - “The Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof” (1955; transl. 1957), “Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew in again” (1962; trans. 1965) and “Carlson, who lives on the roof, plays pranks again ”(1968; transl. 1973) - the fantasy hero of a non-evil sense is again acting. This “moderately well-fed”, infantile, greedy, boastful, puffed up, self-pitying, self-centered, though not without charm little man lives on the roof of the apartment building where the Kid lives. As Baby's imaginary friend, he is a much less wonderful image of childhood than the unpredictable and carefree Pippi.

The kid is the youngest of three children in the most ordinary family of the Stockholm bourgeoisie, and Carlson enters his life in a very specific way - through the window, and he does this every time the kid feels superfluous, bypassed or humiliated, in other words, when the boy feels sorry for himself .

In such cases, his compensatory alter ego appears - in all respects, "the best in the world" Carlson, who makes the Kid forget about troubles.


The writer died on January 28, 2002 in Stockholm. Astrid Lindgren is one of the most famous children's writers in the world. Her works are imbued with fantasy and love for children. Many of them have been translated into over 70 languages ​​and published in more than 100 countries. In Sweden, she became a living legend, as she entertained, inspired and comforted generations of readers, participated in political life, changed laws and, not least, significantly influenced the development of children's literature.

The form of communication with a fairy tale among modern children has changed. Communication with the media has become a daily routine for them, and the narrator of fairy tales - a mother or grandmother has been replaced by technology. And it is not known what or whom children prefer more: an electronic device or a live storyteller. It all depends on habit. However, in recent years, nostalgia for the past has become more and more felt. For example, in the United States, colleges that train future librarians organize courses in storytelling. In the last decade, the American "Society of Storytellers" began to function quite widely. Its participants, mostly women in their 20s and 60s, are trying to revive the tradition of oral storytelling. They hold festivals of storytellers, where mostly fairy tales are heard. And in the libraries, matinees, evenings of fairy tales with storytelling competitions and puppet theater performances are regularly arranged.

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Head of the Department of Philology

T.M. Puchinskaya

"" _____________20____,

Protocol No._____

Guidelines for preparation

to the entrance computer testing

on world and domestic children's literature

for the specialty:

1-01 01 02 Preschool education. Additional specialty

1-01 01 02-06 Preschool education. Practical psychology

4 course 7 semester

faculty of correspondence education

Topic: "Foreign literary fairy tale"

1. Sh. Perro - the founder of the European literary fairy tale.

2. French literary tale of the XIX century. Collection "Grandma's Tales" J. Sand.

3. Genre and style diversity of the French literary fairy tale of the 20th century.

4. E. Lear - the founder of English children's literature, the creator of the book of nonsense.

5. L. Carroll's innovation in the fairy tales "Alice in Wonderland", "Alice Through the Looking-Glass".

6. O. Wilde is a storyteller.

7. Tales of R. Kipling. The idea of ​​man's conquest of nature as central to The Jungle Book.

8. Reproduction of child psychology and logic in A. Milne's fairy tale "Winnie the Pooh and all the rest."

9. Modern English fairy tale (D. Bisset, C. Lewis, D. Aiken, D. Trease, etc.).

10. Canonization of fairy tales in the work of the Brothers Grimm.

11. Fairy tale as a way of reflecting the real contradictions of reality in the work of E. Hoffmann.

12. Almanacs of fairy tales by V. Gauf ("Caravan", "Tavern in the Spessart", etc.). German fairy tale of the 20th century. G. Fallada is a storyteller.

13. Genre and content complexity of D. Crews' phantasmagoria "Tim Thaler, or Sold Laughter".

14. Ideological and artistic features of O. Preusler's fairy tales for little ones ("Little Baba Yaga", "Little Brownie", "Herbe the Big Hat", etc.).

15. Fairy tale propaganda in the work of E. Kestner. Reworking of famous works of world classics into children's reading. Creation of an original fairy tale ("The Boy from a Matchbox").

16. Creativity H. K. Andersen as a phenomenon of the national culture of Denmark and world culture.

17. The humanistic orientation of Andersen's fairy tales, the presence of social and philosophical overtones.

18. The value of Andersen's works in children's reading.

19. The skill of C. Topelius the storyteller.

20. The world of childhood in the image of Topelius (fairy tales "sampoloparenok", "Star-eye").

21. "Nilson Holgerson's wonderful journey with wild geese through Sweden"

22. S. Lagerlef is a significant phenomenon in the development of Swedish children's literature.

23. A. Lindgren - an outstanding writer of the XX century,

24. Genre-thematic diversity of Lindgren's creativity.

25. Fairyland T. Jansson.

26. American literary fairy tale: the main development trends,

themes and problems, features of the art form (Dr. Seuss, L. Baum, E. Sinclair, J. Ciardi, etc.).

27. Artistic features of D. Rodari's fairy tales for children.

28. Mastery of D. Rodari in creating psychological portraits.

Topic: Tales and stories about children in world literature

1. Images of children in the works of K. D. Ushinsky ("Children in the Grove", "Four Wishes").

2. L. Tolstoy is a master of a realistic story about children.

3. Traditions of psychological depiction in the stories of A.P. Chekhov about children.

4. Dispossessed childhood in the stories of D. Mamin-Sibiryak, M. Gorky, A. Chekhov.

5. Theme "two worlds - two childhoods" in "The White Poodle" by A. Kuprin, "Children of the Underground" by V. Korolenko.

6. Advantages and disadvantages of works about children by A. Gaidar, A. Neverov, A. Blyakhin, S. Mogilevskaya.

7. Breadth of topics V. Oseeva

8. The image of a preschooler in the work of L. Voronkova "Sunny Day". Creativity N. Nekrasov. Images of inquisitive boys in stories.

9. The image of a child in V. Draguinsky's cycle "Deniska's stories".

10. Reflection of "painful" zones of childhood in the works of A. Likhanov and others.

11. A. Aleksina. The affirmation of the moral and social poetry of the hero in the stories "Late Child"

13. The theme of destitute childhood in the works of French writers of the 19th century (A. Daudet, G. Malo, V. Hugo).

14. Classical traditions in the modern French story.

15. The role of M. Twain in the development of American realistic literature.

16. Traditions of M. Twain in American literature of the XX century.

17. Traditions of the "novel of education" in German children's literature of the 20th century.

18. Deep knowledge of child psychology in the work of E. Kestner. The humanistic impact of Kestner's work on children, ways of familiarizing preschoolers with his books.

19. Works about the children of D. Kryus.

20. The theme of childhood in the work of Australian writers (A. Marshall, A. Southall, P. Wrightson).

21. The theme of childhood in the works of Scandinavian writers (A. Lindgren, J. Sigsgard, D. Dalsgar and others).

Theme: Scientific and educational book for children

1. The origin of a scientific and educational children's book, its distinctive features.

2. The role of K.D. Ushinsky in the development of scientific and educational books.

3. Scientific and educational material in "Russian books of reading" L.N. Tolstoy.

4. Scientific and cognitive aspects in stories about animals A.P. Chekhov, D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, A.I. Kuprin.

5. Natural history tale in the work of V. Bianchi.

6. The skill of E. Charushin - storyteller and artist.

7. Collection of stories "Golden Meadow" by M. Prishvin in reading to children.

8. Formation of scientific and technical books for children.

9. Genre-thematic range of modern scientific and educational books for preschoolers.

10. Traditions of Bianki, Charushin, Prishvin in creativity
G. Skrebitsky, N. Sladkov, G. Snegirev, E. Shima, S. Sakharnov and others.

11. Further enrichment of the genre of scientific and educational story, story, fairy tale

12. Scientific and technical book in the work of A. Markushi, A. Dorokhov, F. Lev. Stories, tales, essays about the work of E. Permyak.

13. Scientific and educational potential of S. Alekseev's stories.

14. Enrichment of the encyclopedia genre in modern literature. Structure. Contents, design of the encyclopedia for preschoolers

15. Scientific and educational material in modern children's magazines

16. Enrichment of the encyclopedia genre in modern literature. Structure. Contents, design of the encyclopedia for preschoolers

17. Animalistic story by E. Seton-Thomison.

18. Works about animals by D. Darrell.

19. Stories from the cycle "Short Menagerie" by M. Genevois

Theme: Poetry for children.

1. Works by V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu., Lermontov and others in reading preschoolers

2. Innovation N.A. Nekrasov - children's poet.

3. The child and nature in the lyrics of the poets of the second half of the 19th century (F. Tyutchev, A. Fet, A. Maikov, I. Surikov, A. Pleshcheev, A. Tolstoy, A. Koltsov, S. Drozhzhin).

4. Collection for children by A. Blok "All the Year Round": themes, structure, poetics of works.

5. S. Yesenin - for children.

6. Genre-thematic diversity of Sasha Cherny's poetry

7. The relevance of the poet's work, the promotion of his poems by the program "Rainbow".

8. Familiarization of preschoolers with the poetry of I. Bunin, K. Balmont, M. Gorodetsky, V. Ivanov, V. Bryusov.

9. The originality of creativity V. Mayakovsky for children.

10. Poetry of the "Oberiuts". The role of poems by D. Kharms, A. Vvedensky, Yu. Vladimirov in the development of word creation and thinking of preschool children

11. Genre-thematic diversity of S. Marshak's poems for children.

12. The image of a preschooler in the poetry of A. Barto.

13. Genre-thematic wealth of modern poetry.

14. Disclosure of the unity of the world of nature and the world of the child in the poetry of I. Tokmakova.

15. Folklore origins of E. Blaginina's poetry.

16. English poetry for little ones. Genre of poetic absurdity in the work of E. Lear.

17. Traditions of Lear in modern English poetry (E. Fargen, A. Milne, D. Reeves).

18. A. Milne - children's poet.

20. German poetry of the XX century in the reading of preschoolers. Problems, genres of P. Hux's poetry..

21. Traditions of the literature of the absurd in the verses of D. Ciardi, Dr. Seuss, O. Nash.

22. Genre-thematic wealth of Y. Tuwim's poetry, its high moral potential.

23. Creative range of J. Brzehva's poetry.

Topic: Returned Names" in children's literature.

1. Creativity of Lydia Charskaya. Genre specificity of the writer's works

2. A.O. Ishimova - the creator of historical prose for children,

3. A. Platonov - for children. Brief information about the author, his "adult" creation.

Theme: Genre of illustration in a children's book.

1. I. Bilibin - illustrator of Russian folk tales, works of Russian classics.

2. Yu. Vasnetsov - employee of the creative laboratory of V. Lebedev.

3. V. Konashevich - illustrator of folklore collections of the peoples of the world

4. T. Mavrina - illustrator of Russian folk tales, works of A. S. Pushkin.

1. Basic literature

1.1. Arzamastseva I.N., Nikolaeva S.A. Children's Literature: Textbook for students. higher and avg. ped. textbook textbook establishments. - M.: Ed. center "Academy", 2002. - 472 p.

1.2. Russian literature for children / T.D. Polozova, G.P. Tuyukina, T.A. Polozova, M.P. Velvet; ed. T.D. Polozova. - M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2000. - 512 p.

1.3. Foreign literature for children and youth: in 2 hours / Ed. N.K. Meshcheryakova, I.S. Chernyavskaya. - M .: Enlightenment, 1989

2. additional literature

2.1. Zavyalova V.P. etc. Children's literature. Bible index.– M.: Det. lit., 1988.

2.2. Children's Literature / Ed. E. Zubareva. - M .: Education, 1989.

2.3. Foreign Literature: From Aeschylus to Flaubert. - Voronezh: Rus. speech, 1994.

2.4. Setin F.I. History of Russian children's literature. - M .: Education, 1990.

2.5. Chernyavskaya Ya.A., Rozanov N.I. Russian Soviet children's literature. - Minsk: Higher school, 1984.

2.6. Akimova A.N., Akimov V.M. Seventies, eighties: problems and searches for modern children's prose. - M .: Det. lit., 1989.

2.7. Aleksandrov V.P. Through the prism of childhood: about Soviet literature of the 1970s - 1980s for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. - M .: Det. lit., 1988.

2.8. Aurila V. Children's Literature of Lithuania. - M .: Det. lit., 1981.

2.9. Begak B.A. Children laugh: essays on humor in children's literature. - M .: Det. lit., 1979.

2.10. Begak B.A. Source of humanity: People and animals. - M .: Det. lit., 1986.

2.11. Belinsky V.G., Chernyshevsky N.G., Dobrolyubov N.A. About children's literature. - M .: Det. lit., 1983.

2.12. Brandis E. From Aesop to Gianni Rodari. - M .: Det. lit., 1980.

2.13. Braude L. Storytellers of Scandinavia.– L.: M.: Det. lit., 1978.

2.14. Gankina E.Z. An artist in a modern children's book. - M .: Book, 1977.

2.15. Gorky M. On children's literature, children's and youth reading. - M .: Det. lit., 1989.

2.16. Gurevich E. Children's Literature of Belarus. - Minsk: Higher School, 1982.

2.17. Children's literature (annual).

2.18. Children's books yesterday and today: Based on materials from foreign press / Comp.
E.Z. Gankina. - M .: Book, 1988.

2.19. Doronova T. To preschoolers about the artists of the children's book. - .: Enlightenment, 1991.

2.20. Dulatova A.N. Methods of bibliography of a children's fiction book. - Krasnodar, 1992.

2.21. Zhivova Z.S., Medvedeva N.B. Issues of children's literature and children's reading. Bibliographic index. - M., 1977.

2.22. Life and work of A. Barto. - M .: Det. lit., 1989.

2.23. Life and work of S.Ya. Marshak.– M.: Det. lit., 1975.

2.24. Life and work of N. Nosov. - M .: Det. lit., 1985.

2.25. Life and work of K. Chukovsky. - M .: Det. lit., 1979.

2.26. Ivic A. Nature. Children.– M.: Det. lit., 1980.

2.27. Inozemtsev I.V. Science in images. - M .: Det. lit., 1972.

2.28. Marshak S.Ya. Education with a word. - M .: Det. lit., 1976.

2.29. Melnikov L.N. Russian children's folklore. - M .: Education, 1987.

2.30. Mikhalkov S.V. Educational power of literature. - M .: Education, 1983.

2.31. Motyashov I.P. Favorites. - M .: Det. lit., 1988.

2.32. Lyubinsky I.L. Essays on Soviet drama for children. - M .: Det. lit., 1987.

2.33. On children's literature (annual).

2.34. Parandovsky Ya. Mythology. - M .: Det. lit., 1971.

2.35. Prikhodko V. The poet talks with children. - M .: Det. lit., 1979.

2.36. Problems of Children's Literature: Interuniversity Collection / Ed. I. Lupanova. - Petrozavodsk, Ed. PSU, 1989.

2.37. Razumnevich V.L. With a book on life: On the work of Soviet children's writers. - M .: Education, 1986.

2.38. Rybina E. Bibliography of literature for children and youth. - M .: MGU, 1994.

2.39. Sivokon S.I. Merry our friends. - M .: Det. lit., 1980.

2.40. Artists of a children's book about themselves and their art: Articles, stories, notes, speeches. - M .: Book, 1987.

2.41. Sharov A.I. Wizards come to people. - M .: Det. lit., 1979.


  1. The life and work of the writer.

  2. Genre diversity of A. Lindren's fairy tales, folklore and literary sources of her work.

  3. The trilogy "Kid and Carlson": problems, system of images, originality of the composition, language and style of the fairy tale.

  4. The role of the works of A. Lindgren in the reading of young children, the organization of work with fairy tales in the institution of preschool education.

1. Prepare a video presentation of the work of A. Lindren.

2. Develop a script for literary leisure for preschool children using the works of A. Lindgren.

3. Write a miniature essay “Childhood is ...”, based on the image of the world of childhood by A. Lindgren.

1. Write a review of one of the following books: Braude L.Yu. “I don’t want to write for adults”: A documentary essay on the life and work of Astrid Lindgren (M., 1987); Westin B. Children's literature in Sweden (M., 1999); Metcalf E.-M. Astrid Lindgren (Stockholm, 2007).

2. Prepare a research paper on one of the following topics: "The image of Niels in the works of S. Lagerlöf and A. Lindgren", "Comparative analysis of fairy tales by A. Lindgren and T. Jansson", "Traditions of A. Lindgren in the modern Scandinavian literary fairy tale".
1. Foreign children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. and higher ped. textbook institutions / N.V. Budur [i dr.]. - M., 1998. - 304 p.

5. World children's literature: a reader: a textbook for Wednesdays. textbook establishments / T.E. Autukhovich [et al.].– Minsk: Literature and skill, 2010.– 591 p.
For an in-depth study of the topic
1. Brandis, E.P. From Aesop to Gianni Rodari / E.P. Brandis. – M.: Det. lit., 1980. -

2. Braude, L.Yu. “I don’t want to write for adults!”: A documentary essay on the life and work of Astrid Lindgren / L.Yu. Braude. - L .: Det. lit., 1987. - 111 p.

3. Westin, B. Children's literature in Sweden / B. Westin. - M .: Journal "Det. lit.", 1999. - 71 p.

4. Braude, L.Yu. Scandinavian literary tale / L.Yu. Braude. - M.: Nauka, 1979. -208 p.

5. Metcalf, E.–M. Astrid Lindgren / E.–M. Metcalf. - Stockholm: Swedish Institute, 2007. - 47 p.

Lesson 7
^ THEME: THE WORK OF Gianni Rodari
1. Brief information about the life and work of J. Rodari, the sources of his work.

2. The poetry of J. Rodari in its relationship with the fabulous works of the writer.

3. Genre-thematic variety of fairy tales by J. Rodari.

4. The cycle "Tales with three ends" in the development of the child's fantasy and imagination.

5. The method of stimulating the verbal creativity of children in the "Grammar of Fantasy" by J. Rodari.
1. Read 3-5 fairy tales from the cycle of J. Rodari "Tales with three ends", prepare abstracts for answering the question about traditions and innovation in the writer's work.

2. Compose a fairy tale on your own (according to the laws of the genre presented in the above cycle).

3. To develop a summary of a lesson on the development of creative storytelling of older preschoolers based on the works of an Italian storyteller.
For an in-depth study of the topic:
1. Submit an annotated bibliography of the writer's work.

2. Prepare a detailed annotation for the book "Grammar of Fantasy" by J. Rodari.

3. To develop a consultation for parents "Techniques and methods for developing the child's imagination and fantasies" based on the works of J. Rodari.
1. Brandis, E.P. From Aesop to Gianni Rodari / E.P. Brandis. – M.: Det. lit., 1980. - 446 p.

2. Foreign children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. and higher ped. textbook institutions / N.V. Budur [i dr.]. – M.: Academy, 1998. – 304 p.

3. Foreign children's writers: one hundred names: biobibliogr. reference book / Comp. G.N. Tubelskaya. – M.: School Library, 2005. – 271 p.

4. Ziman, L.Ya. Foreign literature for children and youth / L.Ya. Ziman. - M .: Russian School Library Association, 2007. - 287 p.
For an in-depth study of the topic:
1. Gianni Rodari: Bibliography. decree. / Comp. V.G. Danchenko. - M.: BGBIL, 1991. - 254 p.

2. Foreign children's writers in Russia / Borovskaya E.R. and etc.]. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2005. – 517 p.

Lesson 8

  1. Brief biographical information about the writer.

  2. "The Little Prince" in the context of the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

  3. The problems of the fairy tale, its genre specificity.

  4. The system of images in the work.

  5. The originality of language and style (the place of romantic conventions, allegory, satire).

  6. The relevance of the sound of the book. The specifics of familiarizing young children with a fairy tale.


  1. Read the fairy tale "The Little Prince" translated by N. Gal, write out aphoristic expressions in the reading diary.

  2. Prepare a creative retelling of a fairy tale for preschool children.
3. Write an essay on the topic "We are responsible for those we have tamed."
For an in-depth study of the topic:

  1. Compile a catalog of articles about the writer's work.

  2. Prepare a photo album "Antoine de Saint-Exupery - military pilot and writer."

  3. Develop a script for a play for preschool children based on the fairy tale "The Little Prince".

1. Foreign children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. and higher ped. textbook institutions / N.V. Budur [and others]. - M.: Academy, 1998. - 304 p.

2. Foreign children's writers: one hundred names: bio-bibliographic reference book / G.N. Tubelskaya. – M.: School Library, 2005. – 271 p.

3. Ziman, L.Ya. Foreign literature for children and youth: textbook / L.Ya. Ziman. - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2007. - 287 p.

4. World children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. ped. textbook establishments / T.E. Autukhovich [i dr.]. - Minsk: Literature and skill, 2010. - 326 p.
For an in-depth study of the topic:

2. Mizho, M. Saint-Exupery / M. Mizho. – M.: Sov. writer, 1963.

3. Sharov, A. Wizards come to people / A. Sharov. – M.: Det. lit., 1985. -

Lesson 9


1. The genre of autobiographical story in Russian literature.

2. Images of children in the work of L.N. Tolstoy. Tolstoy's traditions in stories

V.A. Oseeva.

3. The skill of A.P. Chekhov - a psychologist in stories about children.

4. Russian social story and story of the late XIX - early XX centuries.

5. Soviet humorous story (N.N. Nosov, V.Yu. Dragunsky, V.V. Golyavkin and others).

6. New trends in the development of modern children's prose.
1. Read three to five stories by L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, V.A. Oseeva, N.N. Nosova, V.Yu. Dragunsky, V.V. Golyavkin, make entries in the reading diaries.

2. Conduct a written comparative analysis of the stories of L.N. Tolstoy and A.P. Chekhov (comparison parameters: age orientation of tests, genre specifics, problems, the concept of childhood, the nature of the image of the child, the specifics of use in the work of the educator).

3. To develop the topics of ethical conversations for children based on the works of L.N. Tolstoy, V.A. Oseeva.

4. Compose topics for individual conversations, consultations, parent meetings using the works of A.P. Chekhov.

5. Compare the stories of N.N. Nosov and V.Yu. Dragunsky from the angle of using various forms of the comic (external and internal humor, satire, irony, grotesque, pun, neologism, word play, paradox, nonsense, etc.).

6. Prepare a mini-report on the work of a modern children's storyteller

(V.V. Golyavkin, V.K. Zheleznikov, Yu.I. Koval, G.B. Oster, R.P. Pogodin, Tim Sobakin, E.N. Uspensky and others).

For an in-depth study of the topic:
1. Submit a detailed plan for the holiday in the preschool education institution "We love the books of Leo Tolstoy."

2. To develop a consultation for educators "Ethical conversation on a literary work: a methodology for conducting."

3. Write a review of B. Begak's book "Children laugh: Essays on humor in children's literature" (M., 1979).

4. Prepare an abstract on one of the following topics:

L.N. Tolstoy is a public teacher.

Illustrations by A.F. Pakhomov to the stories of L.N. Tolstoy.

Pedagogical views of A.P. Chekhov.

The theme of childhood in the work of A.I. Kuprin.

Stories by A.M. Gorky about children.

Images of children in the works of I.A. Bunin.

Stories about child workers D.N. Mamin-Siberian.

The problem of a positive hero in the work of A.P. Gaidar.

The image of a child in the works of B.S. Zhitkov.

Mastery of V.V. Golyavkin the narrator.

Innovation Yu.I. Koval - children's writer.
1. Arzamastseva, I.N. Children's literature / I.N. Arzamastseva, S.A. Nikolaev. - 6th ed., corrected. – M.: Academy, 2009. – 574 p.

2. Children's literature: textbook / E.E. Zubareva [and others] - M.: Higher school, 2004. - 550 p.

3. Nikolina N.A. Poetics of Russian autobiographical prose: Textbook / N.A. Nikolina. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2002. – 422 p.

5. Russian children's writers of the XX century: Biobliographic dictionary / ed. G.A. Chernoy [and others] - M.: Flinta: Science. - 2001. - 512 p.
For an in-depth study of the topic:
1. Begak, B. Children laugh: Essays on humor in children's literature / B. Begak. – M.: Det. lit., 1979. - 223 p.

2. Dragunskaya, A. About Viktor Dragunsky: Life, creativity, memories of friends / A. Dragunskaya. - M.: Chemistry and life, 1999. - 175 p.

3. Life and work of Nikolai Nosov: Collection / Comp. S. Mirimsky. – M.: Det. lit., 1985. - 256 p.

4. Kashtanova, I.A. Tolstoy about children and for children / I.A. Chestnut. – Tula: Approx. book. publishing house, 1971. - 129 p.

5. Kovaly's book: Remembering Yury Koval. - M.: Time, 2008. - 496 p.

6. Articles about Chekhov / ed. L.P. Gromov. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House Rost. / n / D. state ped. in-ta, 1972. - 109 p.
Lesson 10

(Type of lesson - educational conference)

(the general direction of the speeches is indicated, each of the conference participants can present their specific vision of the problem):
1. The theme of destitute childhood in French literature (G. Malo "Without a family", A. Daudet "The Kid", V. Hugo "Gavroche", "Cosette").

2. The skill of M. Twain, a psychologist and satirist in stories about children (“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”).

3. Genre-thematic originality of A. Lindgren's realistic stories ("Rasmus the Tramp", "Emil from Lenneberg").

4. Works about children in German literature of the XX century. (E. Kestner "Emil and the Detectives", "Tricks of the Twins", D. Krus "My great-grandfather, heroes and me").

5. The theme of childhood in the work of A. Marshall.
A) individual presentation (report, abstract, message);

B) group presentation of the work of one of the foreign writers (works studied in the course of children's literature are considered);

C) participation in the discussion of the problem (in the debate).

(the general direction of searches, the search for literature on specific authors is carried out by the speakers themselves):
1. Antipova, I.A. Essays on children's writers / I.A. Antipov. – M.: Ballas, 1999. – 240 p.

2. Begak, B. Paths of mystery: Adventure literature and children / B. Begak. – M.: Det. lit., 1985. - 95 p.

3. Winterich J. Adventures of famous books / J. Winterich. - M.: Book, 1985. - 254 p.

4. Foreign children's writers in Russia / Borovskaya E.R. and etc.]. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2005. – 517 p.

6. Foreign writers: Bibliographic dictionary. At 2 pm / Ed. N.P. Michalskaya. - M .: Education: JSC "Education Lit.", 1997. Part 1. A-L. - 476 p.; Part 2. M-Z. – 448 p.

Electronic resources:

Lessons 11, 12
1. The role of K.D. Ushinsky in the development of domestic scientific and educational literature for children.

2. Soviet scientific and natural history book (comparative analysis of the works of V.V. Bianchi, M.M. Prishvin, E.I. Charushin).

3. Genre-thematic diversity of modern scientific and educational literature.

4. Foreign writers-naturalists.

5. The specifics of familiarizing preschool children with scientific and educational genres.
1. Read 3-5 stories each (according to the recommended reading list) K.D. Ushinsky, V.V. Bianchi, M.M. Prishvina, E.I. Charushina, N.I. Sladkov.

2. Conduct a comparative analysis of works about nature by V.V. bianchi,

MM. Prishvina, E.I. Charushin: general and individual in the disclosure of the theme of nature, genre originality of works, originality of language and style. When determining the genre specifics of works, use information about the features of genre formation in a natural history book: an encyclopedia, an atlas, a story, an article, a fairy tale, an adventure, a journey, a fantastic story (story, novel).

4. Prepare a review of modern encyclopedias for preschoolers (3-5 editions).
For an in-depth study of the topic:
1. Write a review of the book by E.L. Levina, M.B. Shelomentseva "Modern scientific and educational literature for children and youth" (M., 1991).

2. Develop a summary of a lesson-excursion for preschoolers using the works of M.M. Prishvin about the forest (collection "Golden Meadow").

3. Prepare an abstract on one of the following topics:

K.D. Ushinsky and modernity.

Stories about animals B.S. Zhitkov.

Books about technology M. Ilyin.

The world of nature in the work of K. G. Paustovsky.

Traditions and innovation in the works of G.Ya. Snegirev.

Naturalist writer G.A. Skrebitsky.

Historical stories by S.M. Golitsyna, A.V. Mityaeva, S.P. Alekseeva: comparative analysis.
1. Arzamastseva, I.N. Children's literature / I.N. Arzamastseva, S.A. Nikolaev. - 6th ed., Rev. - M.: Academy, 2009. - 574 p.

2. Children's literature: textbook / E.E. Zubareva [i dr.]. - M.: Higher School, 2004. - 550 p.

3. Foreign children's literature: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. and higher ped. textbook institutions / N.V. Budur [i dr.]. - M., 1998. - 304 p.

4. Russian literature for children: textbook. allowance for Wednesdays. ped. textbook establishments / Etc. Polozov. - M.: Academy, 1998. - 506 p.

5. Foreign children's writers: one hundred names: bio-bibliographic reference book / G.N. Tubelskaya. – M.: School Library, 2005. – 271 p.
For an in-depth study of the topic:
1. Foreign children's writers in Russia / Borovskaya E.R. and etc.]. – M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2005. – 517 p.

2. Foreign writers: Bibliographic dictionary. At 2 pm / Ed. N.P. Michalskaya. - M .: Education: JSC "Education Lit.", 1997. Part 1. A-L. - 476 p.; Part 2. M-Z. – 448 p.

3. Ivic, A. Nature. Children / A. Ivic. – M.: Det. lit., 1980. - 223 p.

4. Levina, E.R. Modern Soviet scientific and educational literature for children and youth / E.L. Levina, M.B. Shelomentsev. - M.: MGIK, 1991. - 88 p.

5. Razumnevich, V.L. With a book on life: On the work of Soviet children's writers / V.L. Razumnevich. - M.: Enlightenment, 1986. - 238 p.
Lesson 13

Realism in literature is a direction, the main feature of which is a truthful depiction of reality and its typical features without any distortion or exaggeration. This originated in the 19th century, and its adherents sharply opposed the sophisticated forms of poetry and the use of various mystical concepts in the works.

signs directions

Realism in the literature of the 19th century can be distinguished by clear signs. The main one is the artistic depiction of reality in images familiar to the layman, which he regularly encounters in real life. Reality in the works is considered as a means of human cognition of the surrounding world and oneself, and the image of each literary character is worked out in such a way that the reader can recognize himself, a relative, a colleague or an acquaintance in it.

In the novels and short stories of realists, art remains life-affirming, even if the plot is characterized by a tragic conflict. Another sign of this genre is the desire of writers to consider the surrounding reality in its development, and each writer tries to detect the emergence of new psychological, social and social relations.

Features of this literary trend

Realism in literature, which replaced romanticism, has the characteristics of art that seeks and finds truth, seeking to transform reality.

In the works of realist writers, discoveries were made after much thought and dreams, after an analysis of subjective attitudes. This feature, which can be identified by the author's perception of time, determined the distinguishing features of the realistic literature of the early twentieth century from the traditional Russian classics.

Realism inXIX century

Such representatives of realism in literature as Balzac and Stendhal, Thackeray and Dickens, Jord Sand and Victor Hugo, in their works most clearly reveal the themes of good and evil, and avoid abstract concepts and show the real life of their contemporaries. These writers make it clear to readers that evil lies in the way of life of bourgeois society, capitalist reality, people's dependence on various material values. For example, in Dickens' novel Dombey and Son, the owner of the company was callous and callous, not by nature. It’s just that such character traits appeared in him due to the presence of big money and the ambition of the owner, for whom profit becomes the main life achievement.

Realism in literature is devoid of humor and sarcasm, and the images of the characters are no longer the ideal of the writer himself and do not embody his cherished dreams. From the works of the 19th century, the hero practically disappears, in the image of which the author's ideas are visible. This situation is especially clearly seen in the works of Gogol and Chekhov.

However, this literary trend is most clearly manifested in the works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, who describe the world as they see it. This was also expressed in the image of characters with their own strengths and weaknesses, a description of mental anguish, a reminder to readers of the harsh reality that cannot be changed by one person.

As a rule, realism in literature also affected the fate of representatives of the Russian nobility, as can be seen from the works of I. A. Goncharov. So, the characters of the characters in his works remain contradictory. Oblomov is a sincere and gentle person, but because of his passivity, he is not capable of better. Another character in Russian literature possesses similar qualities - the weak-willed but gifted Boris Raysky. Goncharov managed to create the image of an "antihero" typical of the 19th century, which was noticed by critics. As a result, the concept of "Oblomovism" appeared, referring to all passive characters, the main features of which were laziness and lack of will.
