Smart and powerful protagonist.

Please advise Love story about a domineering and tough (moderately cruel) hero.

The heroine is a match for him, in short, so that the sparks between them and the plot are excited

Ideally from the fantasy genre, but not necessarily.

Many thanks in advance to everyone!

From the last:
Elena Star. As always with Zvezdnaya - with humor, sex and sex again. Alpha - what else to expect from him)) I also liked the heroine. Snapped. When could...
Surzhevskaya Marina. The hero is obsessed with her literally words. The plot is both simple and intricate at the same time. Pretty cruel.
"From the very beginning it was masochistic torture. Unhealthy, sick and devoid of any logic relationship. Crazy attraction - forbidden, irresistible. He is a magician who has lived for a millennium, and I am his adopted daughter. There was no love. He just wanted, and I gave "
Jennifer Roberts
Anna Shulgina A chic novel about a domineering hero who takes not by muscle strength and opportunity in criminal circles, but by the power of mind, erudition, respect for the heroine, who is not inferior to him in anything, except for the notorious cubes on the press))) Fascinating, interesting, inimitable image. the hero will not leave indifferent!
Northern Isolde
Gorovaya Olga
LFR. even though everyone presented the hero as a reckless asocial masochist, whom everyone and everything is afraid of ... he was remembered as a cute black-eyed man with an eternal smile))) domineering? well that kind of thing. owner. bought a heroine-doll and plays with it. IMHO - a lot of things were missing in the plot, details, little things ...
Aleksina Alena This book was the origin of this topic. Demon and the bastard. He is a powerful, tough owner, but not completely lost to society. She is a lady with character and cockroaches - I love you, no matter what.
Men of the City series ... Everyone is equal as a match, with them Drake is like Chernomor. Sexy, strong, smart, each with its own chip. There is no cruelty. Let go of the power.
Veronica Melan. My favourite
Bagirova Marina, Velvet Nina He is a vampire. Domineering (they don’t make them different) cruel? .. in moderation. She is his property. She is scared to death of him, which does not prevent her from falling in love somewhere in the middle of the book.
Zinina Tatiana
Bad Girls Don't Cry ValeryAngelus well... Tough. Powerful. Strong. Sexy. Chief and subordinate.Yes, the hero is very domineering and tough, but with storyline it didn’t work out there, that is, it exists, but SEX in the first, second, third ... chapter made me forget about the plot ... Bed scenes: chic, shine, beauty))
Vampires. Nicholas ... for me, it is HE who takes the lead in this topic. Smart, reckless, anti-social cynic, prone to sadism, masochism, loves to kill)) cutie!! Series - lick your fingers!!
CPR She is family, work, tedious worries… He is younger than her, young, ambitious son crime boss. Came - saw - mine!
CPR The plot will not let you get bored. She takes revenge on him. With a sense of plainly with the arrangement. Both are cruel and inadequate. HE is present.
the author is Sobolev, her novels do not leave anyone indifferent, there are emotions, there is intensity, but there is no domineering hero.
Beyond Dreams Vladimirova Ekaterina Hard. Sexually. Gginya was dragged into another world and made a slave, more often a sexual one. GGoy - King. With all the ensuing…
Zelieva Rina Strong series. CPR. He is pricey, cruel, domineering. She is young, green, but with character. What actually survives. He wants her. And don't care...
Labyrinths of Hell Zelieva Rina IN THE PROCESS...
Lik Anastasia Popadanka. The demon and his warrior-slave. A lot of detailed description battle scenes, training, etc. The heroine, with her character and language, earns herself fractures and hematomas.
Zea Ray Daniel Distant future. There is no cruelty. Power at least. The plot is interesting. Chief and subordinate.
Zea Ray Daniel One sexual contact - and are connected for life. Both have character. Magic school. Many descriptions of the origin of the worlds. E then a book for fans of fantasy, tired of elves, vampires and dwarves. Two parts are finished, but to be continued….
Zhdanova Svetlana Humorous fantasy. Laugh, be touched, admire the devilishly charming werewolf dragon and sharp-tongued heroine.
Zhdanova Svetlana Four Demons came and took away to marry one of them. And sit guessing, girl, on whom. And in parallel, turn the whole world upside down and get stuck in the most I can't. Funny. Not stressful. And it's not even cruel.
Aion Larissa series about four demons. Each with their own cockroaches. Sexually addicted. With my only one. Do not look for harshness and cruelty.
Star Elena School of Magic. He is the star of the stream. She is a beginner amateur. Eternal conflict, but physiology cannot be deceived
Zablotskaya Victoria
Volkova Daria He is a self-confident impudent pilot, she is his new hated but professional navigator. At first he hates her, then she - him ... tries .. Neither harshness nor authority.
James Erica kind of popular stuff right now. It began promisingly... ended with a stretch. I threw the second part at the very beginning, as the hero rolled down the baseboard ... Sex is hard, but did not cause emotions.
Crane Victoria - Horror and mysticism, Erotica
Vitic Raido A rich, jaded man is bored. He finds himself young Lady slaves, signs a contract with them and *** as he pleases)))
Amberit A school where you are either the master or the slave. Heroes, respectively, the master-slave. The plot is interesting. There is a second part explaining some points. Cruelty within narcissistic teenagers, lost from permissiveness.
Krasnova Galina GGoy could have become... but he didn't. Lady - popadanka hatches a plan of revenge (not to the hero) collecting along the way all the "unique" that can be. If you are an experienced reader, the book will not surprise you, guess everything in advance
Strelnikova Kira The demon is present. But very human. Only the heroine, probably, sees him as evil and terrible. And so, the man is cute and fluffy)) But I pay tribute. The sex on the second page hooked ... and that's it.
Strelnikova Kira there is a passion bed scenes what you need, but there is no plot, and the hero is rather not powerful, but the owner (I want to have, I want not), and you sit and wait, a rubber doll.
Ward J.R.
Likhacheva Julia BDSM. Hell. He's kind of a manager there. Handsome with horns and tail. It is a distribution error. As they say - relax, girl, and have fun. Lots of hard and violent sex scenes.
Raevskaya Polina a girl from the village and a macho footballer who thinks that money is everything. I also didn’t see a domineering hero, but the fact that I took a girl from the village with MONEY and STATUS is yes.
Gorovaya Olga a very strong romance, but the hero is rather STRONG and experienced than overbearing. The love story of a 17 year old girl and a 35 year old man.
Gorovaya Olga a novel that keeps the reader in suspense "before, during, and after" reading in suspense. Crime. Compulsion. Mockery. AND strong hero helping to get out of the power of the owners. The hero is imperious, the novel fully meets the request of the theme.
Olchinka (criminal love story with erotic elements) The hero is powerful, but the novel itself is contradictory. You can read.
Pavlova Alexandra. He is a successful, tough, sexy, serious womanizer. He is up to his ears in a not entirely legal business, he likes to hit a "pear" and "hmm". He is always jealous of everything. She is an underage girl from an orphanage. Constantly blushing, quieter than water below the grass, but, as always - "I went into myself and I'm a star on the pylon."
Vyatkina Tatiana
Neakrie MZHM. Two wealthy twin students seduce a girl on a bet. She knows about the controversy. Who will win? Cool. But I did not notice the intensity of passions. CPR
Solovyova Alla something new. Not all werewolves are wolves. The girl here is a black cougar. All her life she was told that THEY are bad. And she managed to fall in love with HIM. I liked the plot. Second part available. Topic does not match
Roberts Jennifer tough, cruel, experienced main character but NOT overbearing.
Banks Maya
Roy Helen Very good story, VERY domineering hero, but that's not enough passion.
Second Chance Gillian Alex
Seventh Circle Gillian Alex
Doner Lauren
The Night Huntress series. series World of the Nighthunter
Grosso Kim
Moning Karen such a plot... it either captivates from the first pages or turns away from the same first pages. The plot is unusual, such is not found in every second book. Is there an overbearing hero? Oh yeah! And not alone, I want to notice! Main character - enigmatic personality, race which everyone will determine for themselves by reading the series ... There will be a continuation ... And so Fae, girls with supernatural abilities (sidhe-seers), highlanders who fight against Fae.

Slavachevsky Julia, Rybitskaya Marina. humorous fiction, L-F novels
Slavachevsky Julia, Rybitskaya Marina. Humor. A lot of. Sometimes I even got tired of it. A lady who is forced to marry. The requests of the theme correspond only to the hero's stern look that occasionally breaks through.
Slavachevsky Julia the story, although short, but there are so many experiences and emotions in it that all 11 pages, you read and are amazed main character. How did she not go crazy? A worthy story, the crime of the dashing 90s. The hero is so powerful that this authoritativeness sometimes prevented him from making the RIGHT decision. Plus a discount, for the reality of the story ...
Vasina Ekaterina Fantasy

Nikolskaya Eva
Author: AlmaZa. - Red Mask and Chinchilla
Polyakova Tatyana Other detectives
Polyakova Tatyana Crime detectives
Sapkowski Andrzej Fantasy
Tarmashev Sergey. Fighting fiction
Fomichev Alexey Fighting fantasy
Pushkareva Love Fighting fantasy
... to be continued

Cyril and I were best friends, since childhood hand in hand. Every morning, for ten years now, Kiryukha, as I began to call him, came to me on a bicycle, from the city where he lived, and together we rode along an empty suburban highway, played and just fooled around, and then each rode to his own school. He was my most faithful and only friend, he replaced my older brother, which I did not have, best friend and all the children's toys that the neighborhood girls were so fond of showing off.

Everything changed two months ago when my parents got divorced. From friends, Kiryuha and I turned into real enemies. Now I can’t call him Kiryukha, as before, and even more so a friend, now he’s just Cyril, Romanov Kirill Vladimirovich - my pain, my fear, my hatred.

David looked out the window at the rapidly receding city. Somewhere not far from the main mosque, something suddenly flared up, and then scattered into many multi-colored lights and just as quickly went out. My heart sank painfully. That was his smile. Bright, blinding and unforgettable, like a flash in the night.

Ten years ago, they were united by chance, her misfortune and someone else's greed. And disconnected whole life. Two people from different worlds: Vyacheslav Borutsky is a gangster who runs the crime of the city, and Agniya Sotenko is an orphan who is about to become opera singer. They found in each other something that neither of them was looking for and could not imagine. And a few years later, they lost so much that not everyone can bear it. Is it possible to forget about pain and own guilt? Is it possible to correct someone else's evil that broke life in two? And is it possible to overcome an addiction in yourself that you never thought of starting?

Someone would give up and give up, but these two are too stubborn not to even try.

He is a handsome, self-confident guy, basking in luxury and money, and not at all accustomed to denying himself his desires. She is a quiet, modest, and not at all attractive girl who grew up without parental affection and care in orphanage. They are too different and should never have met. If only it wasn't for one evening... Absolutely chance meeting, marked the beginning of a heavy confusing, but still romantic relationship. *Perhaps the only thing that distinguishes my story from the fairy tale about Cinderella is that I will not end it with the words "...and they lived happily ever after"* She will suffer her happiness. She will go through pain, resentment, betrayal, humiliation, poverty - everything that she will be given by a once beloved person to madness. But do we always receive a reward for our suffering?

Tess and Hardin's relationship is far from idyllic. Furious passion, irresistible attraction attract them to each other and at the same time prevent them from calmly solving the problems that inevitably arise for all people without exception: difficulties in relationships with parents and friends, the need to build a career, and finally, different views on marriage.

Tess and Hardin are young, they just have to understand that it is much easier to survive many upheavals together, especially since Hardin is waiting for a very unpleasant discovery that may turn his life upside down ...

Heat. The city is heated to the limit, and all she dreams of is a cool shower. Unfortunately, due to a serious accident, the hostel where Christina lives was left without water. The girl decides to take a shower in her brother's apartment, unaware that she will meet her first love there.

She learned too early that money can't buy happiness, but that didn't make her any happier. Now she is single and looking for a job, life is unpredictable. But can a girl who has never used a coffee maker, never printed on a computer, and she doesn’t even know from which side to approach the printer, work as a personal secretary? Curiosities cannot be avoided. Mistakes new life, love ... A little humor, a little sadness, everything is as it happens in life.

Please advise Love story about a domineering and tough (moderately cruel) hero.

The heroine is a match for him, in short, so that the sparks between them and the plot are excited

Ideally from the fantasy genre, but not necessarily.

Many thanks in advance to everyone!

From the last:
Elena Star. As always with Zvezdnaya - with humor, sex and sex again. Alpha - what else to expect from him)) I also liked the heroine. Snapped. When could...
Surzhevskaya Marina. The hero is obsessed with her in the truest sense of the word. The plot is both simple and intricate at the same time. Pretty cruel.
"From the very beginning it was masochistic torture. Unhealthy, sick and devoid of any logic relationship. Crazy attraction - forbidden, irresistible. He is a magician who has lived for a millennium, and I am his adopted daughter. There was no love. He just wanted, and I gave "
Jennifer Roberts
Anna Shulgina A chic novel about a domineering hero who takes not by muscle strength and opportunity in criminal circles, but by the power of mind, erudition, respect for the heroine, who is not inferior to him in anything, except for the notorious cubes on the press))) Fascinating, interesting, inimitable image. the hero will not leave indifferent!
Northern Isolde
Gorovaya Olga
LFR. even though everyone presented the hero as a reckless asocial masochist, whom everyone and everything is afraid of ... he was remembered as a cute black-eyed man with an eternal smile))) domineering? well that kind of thing. owner. bought a heroine-doll and plays with it. IMHO - a lot of things were missing in the plot, details, little things ...
Aleksina Alena This book was the origin of this topic. Demon and the bastard. He is a powerful, tough owner, but not completely lost to society. She is a lady with character and cockroaches - I love you, no matter what.
Men of the City series ... Everyone is equal as a match, with them Drake is like Chernomor. Sexy, strong, smart, each with its own chip. There is no cruelty. Let go of the power.
Veronica Melan. My favourite
Bagirova Marina, Velvet Nina He is a vampire. Domineering (they don’t make them different) cruel? .. in moderation. She is his property. She is scared to death of him, which does not prevent her from falling in love somewhere in the middle of the book.
Zinina Tatiana
Bad Girls Don't Cry ValeryAngelus well... Tough. Powerful. Strong. Sexy. Chief and subordinate.Yes, the hero is very domineering and tough, but the storyline didn’t work out there, that is, it exists, but SEX in the first, second, third ... chapter made me forget about the plot ... Bed scenes: chic, shine, beauty) )
Vampires. Nicholas ... for me, it is HE who takes the lead in this topic. Smart, reckless, anti-social cynic, prone to sadism, masochism, loves to kill)) cutie!! Series - lick your fingers!!
CPR She is family, work, tedious worries… He is younger than her, the young, ambitious son of a crime boss. Came - saw - mine!
CPR The plot will not let you get bored. She takes revenge on him. With a sense of plainly with the arrangement. Both are cruel and inadequate. HE is present.
the author is Sobolev, her novels do not leave anyone indifferent, there are emotions, there is intensity, but there is no domineering hero.
Beyond Dreams Vladimirova Ekaterina Hard. Sexually. Gginya was dragged into another world and made a slave, more often a sexual one. GGoy - King. With all the ensuing…
Zelieva Rina Strong series. CPR. He is pricey, cruel, domineering. She is young, green, but with character. What actually survives. He wants her. And don't care...
Labyrinths of Hell Zelieva Rina IN THE PROCESS...
Lik Anastasia Popadanka. The demon and his warrior-slave. There are many detailed descriptions of battle scenes, training, etc. The heroine, with her character and language, earns herself fractures and hematomas.
Zea Ray Daniel Distant future. There is no cruelty. Power at least. The plot is interesting. Chief and subordinate.
Zea Ray Daniel One sexual contact - and are connected for life. Both have character. Magic school. Many descriptions of the origin of the worlds. E then a book for fans of fantasy, tired of elves, vampires and dwarves. Two parts are finished, but to be continued….
Zhdanova Svetlana Humorous fantasy. Laugh, be touched, admire the devilishly charming werewolf dragon and sharp-tongued heroine.
Zhdanova Svetlana Four Demons came and took away to marry one of them. And sit guessing, girl, on whom. And in parallel, turn the whole world upside down and get stuck in the most I can't. Funny. Not stressful. And it's not even cruel.
Aion Larissa series about four demons. Each with their own cockroaches. Sexually addicted. With my only one. Do not look for harshness and cruelty.
Star Elena School of Magic. He is the star of the stream. She is a beginner amateur. Eternal conflict, but physiology cannot be deceived
Zablotskaya Victoria
Volkova Daria He is a self-confident impudent pilot, she is his new hated but professional navigator. At first he hates her, then she - him ... tries .. Neither harshness nor authority.
James Erica kind of popular stuff right now. It began promisingly... ended with a stretch. I threw the second part at the very beginning, as the hero rolled down the baseboard ... Sex is hard, but did not cause emotions.
Crane Victoria - Horror and mysticism, Erotica
Vitic Raido A rich, jaded man is bored. He finds himself young Lady slaves, signs a contract with them and *** as he pleases)))
Amberit A school where you are either the master or the slave. Heroes, respectively, the master-slave. The plot is interesting. There is a second part explaining some points. Cruelty within narcissistic teenagers, lost from permissiveness.
Krasnova Galina GGoy could have become... but he didn't. Lady - popadanka hatches a plan of revenge (not to the hero) collecting along the way all the "unique" that can be. If you are an experienced reader, the book will not surprise you, guess everything in advance
Strelnikova Kira The demon is present. But very human. Only the heroine, probably, sees him as evil and terrible. And so, the man is cute and fluffy)) But I pay tribute. The sex on the second page hooked ... and that's it.
Strelnikova Kira there is passion, bed scenes are what you need, but there is no plot, and the hero is rather not powerful, but the owner (I want to have it, I want to not), and you sit and wait, a rubber doll.
Ward J.R.
Likhacheva Julia BDSM. Hell. He's kind of a manager there. Handsome with horns and tail. It is a distribution error. As they say - relax, girl, and have fun. Lots of hard and violent sex scenes.
Raevskaya Polina a girl from the village and a macho footballer who thinks that money is everything. I also didn’t see a domineering hero, but the fact that I took a girl from the village with MONEY and STATUS is yes.
Gorovaya Olga a very strong romance, but the hero is rather STRONG and experienced than overbearing. The love story of a 17 year old girl and a 35 year old man.
Gorovaya Olga a novel that keeps the reader in suspense "before, during, and after" reading in suspense. Crime. Compulsion. Mockery. And a strong hero, helping to get out of the power of the owners. The hero is imperious, the novel fully meets the request of the theme.
Olchinka (criminal love story with erotic elements) The hero is powerful, but the novel itself is contradictory. You can read.
Pavlova Alexandra. He is a successful, tough, sexy, serious womanizer. He is up to his ears in a not entirely legal business, he likes to hit a "pear" and "hmm". He is always jealous of everything. She is an underage girl from an orphanage. Constantly blushing, quieter than water below the grass, but, as always - "I went into myself and I'm a star on the pylon."
Vyatkina Tatiana
Neakrie MZHM. Two wealthy twin students seduce a girl on a bet. She knows about the controversy. Who will win? Cool. But I did not notice the intensity of passions. CPR
Solovyova Alla something new. Not all werewolves are wolves. The girl here is a black cougar. All her life she was told that THEY are bad. And she managed to fall in love with HIM. I liked the plot. Second part available. Topic does not match
Roberts Jennifer tough, violent, experienced protagonist, but NOT overbearing.
Banks Maya
Roy Helen Very good story, VERY domineering hero, but not enough passion.
Second Chance Gillian Alex
Seventh Circle Gillian Alex
Doner Lauren
The Night Huntress series. series World of the Nighthunter
Grosso Kim
Moning Karen such a plot... it either captivates from the first pages or turns away from the same first pages. The plot is unusual, such is not found in every second book. Is there an overbearing hero? Oh yeah! And not alone, I want to notice! The protagonist is a mysterious person, whose racial identity everyone will determine for himself by reading the series ... There will be a continuation ... And so Fae, girls with supernatural abilities (sidhe-seers), highlanders who fight against Fae.

Slavachevsky Julia, Rybitskaya Marina. Humorous fiction, L-F novels
Slavachevsky Julia, Rybitskaya Marina. Humor. A lot of. Sometimes I even got tired of it. A lady who is forced to marry. The requests of the theme correspond only to the hero's stern look that occasionally breaks through.
Slavachevsky Julia the story, though short, but there are so many experiences and emotions in it that all 11 pages, you read and marvel at the main character. How did she not go crazy? A worthy story, the crime of the dashing 90s. The hero is so powerful that this authoritativeness sometimes prevented him from making the RIGHT decision. Plus a discount, for the reality of the story ...
Vasina Ekaterina Fantasy

Nikolskaya Eva
Author: AlmaZa. - Red Mask and Chinchilla
Polyakova Tatyana Other detectives
Polyakova Tatyana Crime detectives
Sapkowski Andrzej Fantasy
Tarmashev Sergey. Fighting fiction
Fomichev Alexey Fighting fantasy
Pushkareva Love Fighting fantasy
... to be continued

Please advise Love story about a domineering and tough (moderately cruel) hero.

The heroine is a match for him, in short, so that the sparks between them and the plot are excited

Ideally from the fantasy genre, but not necessarily.

Many thanks in advance to everyone!

From the last:
Castle werewolf Elena Zvezdnaya. As always with Zvezdnaya - with humor, sex and sex again. Alpha - what else to expect from him)) I also liked the heroine. Snapped. When could...
Why do loris bloom Surzhevskaya Marina. The hero is obsessed with her in the truest sense of the word. The plot is both simple and intricate at the same time. Pretty cruel.
I hate you hear. And I love. "From the very beginning it was masochistic torture. Unhealthy, sick and devoid of any logic relationship. Crazy attraction - forbidden, irresistible. He is a magician who has lived for a millennium, and I am his adopted daughter. There was no love. He just wanted, and I gave "
Captured in the Dark by Jennifer Roberts
Revenge of Atlantis Extazyflame
Submitting to you Novela
Presumption of guilt Anna Shulgina A chic novel about a domineering hero who takes not by muscle strength and opportunity in criminal circles, but by the power of mind, erudition, respect for the heroine, who is not inferior to him in anything, except for the notorious cubes on the press))) Fascinating, interesting, inimitable image. the hero will not leave indifferent!
Death and his Ophidian toy
Ups & Downs (SI) Northern Isolde
Burning Spiral Gorovaya Olga
Death is his LFR toy. even though everyone presented the hero as a reckless asocial masochist, whom everyone and everything is afraid of ... he was remembered as a cute black-eyed man with an eternal smile))) domineering? well that kind of thing. owner. bought a heroine-doll and plays with it. IMHO - a lot of things were missing in the plot, details, little things ...
Playing with the beast Aleksina Alena This book was the origin of this topic. Demon and the bastard. He is a powerful, tough owner, but not completely lost to society. She is a lady with character and cockroaches - I love you, no matter what.
Veronica Melan. the whole series Men of the City series ... Everyone is equal as a match, with them Drake is like Chernomor. Sexy, strong, smart, each with its own chip. There is no cruelty. Let go of the power.
Chaser Veronica Melan. My favourite
Assigned Bagirova Marina, Velvet Nina He is a vampire. Domineering (they don’t make them different) cruel? .. in moderation. She is his property. She is scared to death of him, which does not prevent her from falling in love somewhere in the middle of the book.
Puppet Diaries Zinina Tatiana
Island of the golden ball of Ternia
Bad Girls Don't Cry ValeryAngelus well... Tough. Powerful. Strong. Sexy. Chief and subordinate.Yes, the hero is very domineering and tough, but the storyline didn’t work out there, that is, it exists, but SEX in the first, second, third ... chapter made me forget about the plot ... Bed scenes: chic, shine, beauty) )
Ulyana Soboleva - Love Beyond Vampires. Nicholas ... for me, it is HE who takes the lead in this topic. Smart, reckless, anti-social cynic, prone to sadism, masochism, loves to kill)) cutie!! Series - lick your fingers!!
Let me be judged CPR She is family, work, tedious worries… He is younger than her, the young, ambitious son of a crime boss. Came - saw - mine!
Love is poison CPR The plot will not let you get bored. She takes revenge on him. With a sense of plainly with the arrangement. Both are cruel and inadequate. HE is present.
You do not wake the volcano cooled down the author is Sobolev, her novels do not leave anyone indifferent, there are emotions, there is intensity, but there is no domineering hero.
Beyond Dreams Vladimirova Ekaterina Hard. Sexually. Gginya was dragged into another world and made a slave, more often a sexual one. GGoy - King. With all the ensuing…
Loving you hurts. Zelieva Rina Strong series. CPR. He is pricey, cruel, domineering. She is young, green, but with character. What actually survives. He wants her. And don't care...
Labyrinths of Hell Zelieva Rina IN THE PROCESS...
Eli Lik Anastasia Popadanka. The demon and his warrior-slave. There are many detailed descriptions of battle scenes, training, etc. The heroine, with her character and language, earns herself fractures and hematomas.
Awakening Zea Ray Daniel Distant future. There is no cruelty. Power at least. The plot is interesting. Chief and subordinate.
Difaith Zea Ray Daniel One sexual contact - and are connected for life. Both have character. Magic school. Many descriptions of the origin of the worlds. E then a book for fans of fantasy, tired of elves, vampires and dwarves. Two parts are finished, but to be continued….
Alauen. The history of one clan Zhdanova Svetlana Humorous fantasy. Laugh, be touched, admire the devilishly charming werewolf dragon and sharp-tongued heroine.
Bride of the Demon (dilogue) Zhdanova Svetlana Four Demons came and took away to marry one of them. And sit guessing, girl, on whom. And in parallel, turn the whole world upside down and get stuck in the most I can't. Funny. Not stressful. And it's not even cruel.
Demonic Aion Larissa series about four demons. Each with their own cockroaches. Sexually addicted. With my only one. Do not look for harshness and cruelty.
Just one kiss Star Elena School of Magic. He is the star of the stream. She is a beginner amateur. Eternal conflict, but physiology cannot be deceived
In the arms of the beast Zablotskaya Victoria
The game is worth the candle Volkova Daria He is a self-confident impudent pilot, she is his new hated but professional navigator. At first he hates her, then she - him ... tries .. Neither harshness nor authority.
Fifty Shades of Gray James Erica kind of popular stuff right now. It began promisingly... ended with a stretch. I threw the second part at the very beginning, as the hero rolled down the baseboard ... Sex is hard, but did not cause emotions.
Executioner Crane Victoria - Horror and mysticism, Erotica
Games of the oligarchs Vitich Raido A rich, jaded man is bored. He finds himself young Lady slaves, signs a contract with them and *** as he pleases)))
Master Devil Amberit A school where you are either the master or the slave. Heroes, respectively, the master-slave. The plot is interesting. There is a second part explaining some points. Cruelty within narcissistic teenagers, lost from permissiveness.
Favorite toy Krasnova Galina GGoy could have become... but he didn't. Lady - popadanka hatches a plan of revenge (not to the hero) collecting along the way all the "unique" that can be. If you are an experienced reader, the book will not surprise you, guess everything in advance
Mistress of the demon Strelnikov Kira The demon is present. But very human. Only the heroine, probably, sees him as evil and terrible. And so, the man is cute and fluffy)) But I pay tribute. The sex on the second page hooked ... and that's it.
Survival of the strongest Strelnikov Kira there is passion, bed scenes are what you need, but there is no plot, and the hero is rather not powerful, but the owner (I want to have it, I want to not), and you sit and wait, a rubber doll.
Black Dagger Brotherhood Ward J.R.
No place Likhacheva Julia BDSM. Hell. He's kind of a manager there. Handsome with horns and tail. It is a distribution error. As they say - relax, girl, and have fun. Lots of hard and violent sex scenes.
For love Raevskaya Polina a girl from the village and a macho footballer who thinks that money is everything. I also didn’t see a domineering hero, but the fact that I took a girl from the village with MONEY and STATUS is yes.
Love as a mortgage of life Gorovaya Olga a very strong romance, but the hero is rather STRONG and experienced than overbearing. The love story of a 17 year old girl and a 35 year old man.
Quotation of passion or love in the format of market relations Gorovaya Olga a novel that keeps the reader in suspense "before, during, and after" reading in suspense. Crime. Compulsion. Mockery. And a strong hero, helping to get out of the power of the owners. The hero is imperious, the novel fully meets the request of the theme.
Save me Olchinka (crime-love novel with erotic elements) The hero is powerful, but the novel itself is contradictory. You can read.
Doll (SI) Pavlova Alexandra. He is a successful, tough, sexy, serious womanizer. He is up to his ears in a not entirely legal business, he likes to hit a "pear" and "hmm". He is always jealous of everything. She is an underage girl from an orphanage. Constantly blushing, quieter than water below the grass, but, as always - "I went into myself and I'm a star on the pylon."
Feed the beast Vyatkina Tatiana
By my Neakrie rules MZHM. Two wealthy twin students seduce a girl on a bet. She knows about the controversy. Who will win? Cool. But I did not notice the intensity of passions. CPR
Solovieva Alla darkened with silver something new. Not all werewolves are wolves. The girl here is a black cougar. All her life she was told that THEY are bad. And she managed to fall in love with HIM. I liked the plot. Second part available. Topic does not match
Captive in the Dark Jennifer Roberts tough, violent, experienced protagonist, but NOT overbearing.
Passion Banks Maya
Transit For Happiness Roy Helen Very good story, VERY domineering hero, but not enough passion.
Second Chance Gillian Alex
Seventh Circle Gillian Alex
Mating season Doner Loren
Frost Janine Night Huntress series. series World of the Nighthunter
The Dark Embrace of Cade Grosso Kim
Moning Karen Fever series such a plot... it either captivates from the first pages or turns away from the same first pages. The plot is unusual, such is not found in every second book. Is there an overbearing hero? Oh yeah! And not alone, I want to notice! The protagonist is a mysterious person, whose racial identity everyone will determine for himself by reading the series ... There will be a continuation ... And so Fae, girls with supernatural abilities (sidhe-seers), highlanders who fight against Fae.

The rich also jump, or Where the conscience sleeps Slavachevskaya Julia, Rybitskaya Marina. Humorous fiction, L-F novels
Marry the Black Lord, or... men are the same everywhere. Slavachevsky Julia, Rybitskaya Marina. Humor. A lot of. Sometimes I even got tired of it. A lady who is forced to marry. The requests of the theme correspond only to the hero's stern look that occasionally breaks through.
The story of the Ugly Duckling, or My affectionate and gentle beast Yuliya Slavachevskaya the story, though short, but there are so many experiences and emotions in it that all 11 pages, you read and marvel at the main character. How did she not go crazy? A worthy story, the crime of the dashing 90s. The hero is so powerful that this authoritativeness sometimes prevented him from making the RIGHT decision. Plus a discount, for the reality of the story ...
Life Citrine Vasina Ekaterina Fantasy
Alexandra Ermakova
Beauty and her beast Nikolskaya Eva
Author: AlmaZa. - Red Mask and Chinchilla
Brudershaft with the terminator Polyakova Tatyana Other detectives
Burning bridges behind them Polyakova Tatyana Crime detectives
The Witcher Sapkowski Andrzej Fantasy
series Ancient Tarmashev Sergey. Fighting fiction
series Werewolf Fomichev Alexey Fighting fantasy
Shinto. Heroes no Pushkareva Lyubov Fighting fantasy
... to be continued
