Russian universities. Moscow State University of Printing Printing Universities

Sometimes it provides a person with contradictory information, and therefore a coherent, unified picture about a particular institute or university cannot be formed in his head. In this article we will dwell in detail on the consideration of Moscow State University named after. I. Fedorov and we will answer the question of whether it is worth enrolling here or not.

What fields do specialists graduate from here?

Moscow State University of Printing Arts. Ivan Fedorova is a metropolitan university that produces professionals in the field of publishing and printing. In fact, it is the only university in the country that provides comprehensive training for employees with higher professional education for further work in the media industry, since a specialist with a diploma from this educational institution in the future will be able to work as a distributor of printed materials, a designer, and packer, and designer, and in a whole range of other areas.


Currently at Moscow State Unitary Enterprise. I. Fedorov, there are several institutes that were reorganized from faculties in 2013. These include:

  • Institute of Media Business and Communications;
  • Institute of Book and Graphic Art;
  • Institute of Information Technologies and Print Media;
  • Institute of Journalism and Editorial Affairs;
  • Institute of Management and Economics.

Before the beginning of the 2000s, the Fedorov Moscow State University trained specialists at 5 faculties and 11 specialties. According to data for 2000, the number of students within the walls of the institution was about 4 thousand people. Today in the structural organization of Moscow State Unitary Enterprise named after. I. Fedorov there are 30 departments employing 400 teachers. There are 72 doctors of sciences and professors, 233 candidates of sciences and associate professors.

From the history of the university

MSUP im. I. Fedorov was not always the same as he is known to students today. Founded in 1930 as the Moscow Printing Institute on the basis of the printing departments of the Leningrad and Moscow Higher Art and Technical Institutes (abbreviated VKHUTEIN), MPI was initially subordinate to the Printing Association VSNKh (Supreme Council of the National Economy). Afterwards it came under the control of the People's Commissariat of Local Industry (Narkommestprom), and then, already in the 2nd half of the 30s, to the Association of State Book and Magazine Publishing Houses (abbreviated as OGIZ).

Since 1949, according to the order of the Soviet Ministry of Higher Education, a student scholarship named after I. Fedorov was established at the institute. At the same time, in connection with the cessation of the activities of OGIZ, the Moscow Printing Institute passed into the hands of the Glavpoligraphizdat of the USSR. The year 1993 was marked by the fact that the institute was renamed MGAP - Moscow State Academy of Press. It received university status in 1997, and since 2010, Moscow State Unitary Enterprise named after. I. Fedorov acquired its modern name, that is, it began to bear the name of the famous Russian pioneer printer. In 2011, the university switched to the universal Bologna education system, which is practiced today in all Moscow institutes and universities and provides for the division of education into bachelor's and master's levels.

In 2013, Fedorov MSUP Printing won the title of the best specialized university according to the founders of the “100 Best Universities in Russia” competition. In March 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation decided to merge the Moscow State Technical University "MAMI" with the Ivan Fedorov Moscow State Unitary Enterprise in order to create on their basis a single Moscow Polytechnic Institute (Polytech). It began operating in September of the same 2016.

Conditions of admission and training

Today at Moscow State University named after. I. Fedorov, whose faculties and institutes are in demand among applicants, you can enroll in both budget and paid forms of education. The minimum threshold for admission to a commercial basis was identified for the specialty “Materials Science and Technology of Materials” - it is only 164 points. For more popular and popular faculties, for example “Publishing” or “Periodicals and Multimedia Journalism”, this figure will be significantly higher - 240 and 368 points, respectively. The average duration of a full course of study for a bachelor's degree is the traditional 4 years, however, in some areas, for example, “Design of printed materials,” the figure reaches up to 5 years for a standard full-time course of study. The cost of tuition on a paid basis for bachelors is at least from 120 to 166 thousand rubles per year, for masters - from 70 to 140 thousand rubles annually. At the same time, the duration of study for the latter is two years, and for admission they must successfully pass the entrance test within the university. School graduates applying for a bachelor's degree will have to provide the results of the Unified State Exam, namely such subjects as:

  • mathematics (major exam), Russian language, social studies;
  • Russian language, literature, entrance test;
  • Russian language, history, social studies;
  • Russian language, literature.

The list of required exams may vary depending on the chosen direction, so in each specific case it should be clarified separately.

Positive feedback from students

Among the main advantages of this university, the Internet user audience highlighted the presence of professional teachers, the abundance of the most varied information that the student is given in classes, and the existence of a real possibility of enrolling on a budgetary basis. In addition, the university encourages constant self-development: here no one will study for the student, and therefore, over time, one way or another, he will get used to obtaining and analyzing information on his own, and thinking with his own head. Another important point, according to students, is the concern of the leadership. If a person has any problems, difficulties in the learning process, or conflict situations with teaching staff make themselves felt, you can always turn to the “boss,” who will listen and help you sort it out.

Negative reviews

However, at the same time, the youth also described the disadvantages that are present within the walls of the institution. These include, for example, the schedule of Moscow State Unitary Enterprise named after. Fedorov, which is compiled by the dean’s office for a very long time and is often incorrect. Thus, there were cases when students found out about classes right on the day they were supposed to take place, and upon arrival they discovered that there would be not two, not three, but as many as five classes! At the same time, students warn applicants that they need to be prepared to face incompetence, since it can be really difficult to adapt to some teachers. Sometimes professors find themselves simply out of touch with modernity and, for example, PR, marketing and advertising can be taught in the old way, using methods that are no longer used today. Also, English in the programs of a number of specialties is not studied as long and completely as students would like. We are again returning to the topic of self-education, but here it is rather with a minus sign, because you will need to turn to additional resources, search for tutors, etc.

Graduates with a capital letter

Be that as it may, many outstanding people, especially cultural figures, emerged from the walls of MSUP. For example:

  • V. A. Ponikarov, Honored Ukrainian and Soviet artist, member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine;
  • P. N. Mamonov - rock musician, poet, actor;
  • V. P. Bury - Honored Artist of Russia, restoration artist (highest category), professor at the Academy. S.G. Stroganov.

If these people were able to realize themselves and find their own niche in life, it means that the alma mater has done its job - it has educated and graduated, first of all, worthy people and, of course, no less important, good specialists. This means that everyone can get everything they need here if they are interested.

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  • Internet. Notes of a researcher, A.A. Klyosov, Anatoly Alekseevich Klyosov - from 1979 to 1982, professor at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, then, until the end of the 1980s, professor and head of the laboratory at the Institute of Biochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and at ... Category: General questions. Internet resources Series: Publisher: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (MSU),
  • Selected scientific works. Volume 2: Quantum mechanics and theory of light. Works of 1934-1951, Louis de Broglie, The fundamental scientific works of the outstanding French scientist, one of the creators of quantum mechanics, Louis de Broglie, are published. Two articles devoted to theoretical ideas about... Category:
print version

The history of the university begins in 1930, when, by a resolution of the Central Executive Committee of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the Moscow Printing Institute was organized on the basis of the printing faculties of the Higher Art and Technical Institute, which received classrooms, classrooms, laboratories, printing equipment, a library and dormitories. Teachers and students of the Higher Art and Technical Institute moved to the new institute, whose valuable scientific and educational traditions were not only preserved, but also further developed. The Moscow Printing Institute became the first educational institution that trained highly qualified personnel for printing enterprises and publishing houses, a kind of center for transforming domestic printing into an advanced branch of production. The magazine "Printing Production" noted in 1930 that "the current year should be considered decisive in the matter of training personnel for the entire subsequent development of printing production." Moreover, the list of specialties was constantly expanding due to the creation of new printing machines, methods of transmitting information, solving new scientific and technological problems, and implementing new printing methods. MSUP developed together with the Russian media industry.

Currently, Moscow State University named after Ivan Fedorov is a large educational and scientific center, one of the main technical universities in Russia in the field of the media industry. MSUP named after Ivan Fedorov has educational and scientific laboratories, lecture halls with modern equipment and technical teaching aids.

The educational process at the university is carried out by 40 departments, the staff of which includes highly qualified teachers: 66% have academic degrees and titles, 17% have doctors of science and professors. Today the university has about 6,000 students. Budget admission exceeds 500 people per year. The university has 320 foreign students from near and far abroad: Bulgaria, Vietnam, Germany, Iran, China, Korea, Mongolia, Syria, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and other countries.

Recently, professional retraining programs using distance learning technologies implemented by . Also, the Ivan Fedorov MSUP implements a large number of professional retraining and advanced training programs: more than 2,000 industry specialists improve their skills at the Center for Continuing Education.


Faculty of Printmedia Technologies

Bachelor's degree

    261700.62 - Technology of printing and packaging production
    221400.62 - Quality management
    151000.62 - Technological machines and equipment
    150100.62 - Materials science and technology of materials
    051000.62 - Vocational training

Master's degree

    261700.68 - Technology of printing and packaging production
    221400.68 - Quality management
    151000.68 - Technological machines and equipment
    150100.68 - Materials science and technology of materials

Faculty of Information Technologies and Media Systems

Bachelor's degree

    220700.62 - Automation of technological processes and production
    230100.62 - Informatics and computer technology
    230400.62 - Information systems and technologies

Master's degree

    220700.68 - Automation of technological processes and production
    230100.68 - Informatics and computer technology
    230400.68 - Information systems and technologies

Faculty of Economics and Management

Bachelor's degree

    080100.62 - Economics
    080200.62 - Management
    080500.62 - Business informatics

Master's degree

    080100.68 - Economics
    080200.68 - Management

Faculty of Publishing and Journalism

Bachelor's degree

    035000.62 - Publishing
    031300.62 - Journalism

Master's degree

    035000.68 - Publishing
    031300.68 - Journalism

Faculty of Graphic Arts/Print Design

Specialist training program

    071002.65 - Graphics


For students, the academic year consists of two semesters, starting on September 1 and February 7. The duration of the semester is 5 months, including the examination session. Winter holidays last from January 25 to February 6. Summer holidays from July 1 to August 31. Postgraduate and doctoral educational programs, as well as internship programs, can begin at any time.


Scholarships for foreign citizens to study at Russian universities are provided by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science in accordance with existing intergovernmental agreements. To receive such a scholarship, foreign citizens must apply to their national Ministries of Education.

MSUP named after Ivan Fedorov can accept foreign students for study on a paid basis under individual contracts or under contracts with the organization sending them to study. The cost of education for foreign students at the Ivan Fedorov MSUP is set by the Academic Council of the Ivan Fedorov MSUP annually.


License series A No. 258675, reg. No. 8754 dated May 14, 2007
Certificate of state accreditation series AA No. 000634, reg. No. 0612 dated 05/04/2007

Moscow State University of Printing Arts named after Ivan Fedorov(MSUP), former names: Moscow Printing Institute, Moscow State Academy of Printing - the largest university in Russia training specialists in the field of printing and publishing.

Founded in 1930 as the Moscow Printing Institute on the basis of the printing faculties of the Moscow and Leningrad VKHUTEINs.

Since July 2010, MSUP has been named after Ivan Fedorov, the first printer in Russia.

Moscow State University of Printing Arts is the only university in Russia that provides comprehensive training for personnel with higher professional education for the entire range of professions in the media industry - publishing, printing, design and distribution of printed materials, packaging and other areas.

Moscow State University of Printing Arts named after Ivan Fedorov today is a university complex, which includes:

  • Faculty of Printing Engineering and Technology;
  • Faculty of Digital Systems and Technologies;
  • Faculty of Economics and Management;
  • Faculty of Advertising and Public Relations;
  • Faculty of Graphic Arts/Print Design;
  • Faculty of Publishing and Journalism;
  • Center for Career Guidance and Pre-University Training;
  • Center for Continuing Professional Education;
  • Institute of Open Education;
  • Educational and methodological management;
  • Editorial and Publishing Center;
  • Research Center;
  • Department of Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies;
  • Library and Information Center;
  • Department of International Cooperation;
  • Educational and methodological association for education in the field of printing and bookmaking;
  • Office of Student Social Support;
  • Center for educational and cultural work;
  • Museum of the History of Printing and Book Publishing.

Personnel training at the university is carried out in 20 specialties with a training period of 5 years for full-time and 6 years for full-time forms of study (full-time, part-time and part-time), as well as in 6 areas of training for bachelors and masters.

Training in specialties:

  • Printing production technology
  • Technology and design of packaging production
  • Quality control
  • Materials science and technology of new materials
  • Printing machines and automated complexes
  • Management and computer science in technical systems
  • Automated information processing and control systems
  • Information systems and technologies
  • Automation of technological processes and production (printing)
  • Vocational training (printing)
  • Economics and enterprise management (printing)
  • Accounting, analysis and audit
  • Information technology in design
  • Information technologies in the media industry
  • Book distribution
  • Publishing and editing
  • Advertising
  • Journalism
  • Graphic arts
  • Public relations
Training in bachelor's and master's degrees:
  • automation and control
  • Printing
  • Technological machines and equipment
  • Book business
  • Management
  • Economy

Postgraduate, doctoral studies.

In the field of additional professional education, over 2,000 industry specialists annually improve their qualifications in the field of modern printing technologies, digital printing and management methods, publishing, quality control of publishing and printing products, etc. Over 2,000 specialists.

Reviews: 5


I recommend enrolling in the Faculty of Business Informatics at the Higher School of Printing and Media Business. Why exactly business informatics? IT management specialists are one of the most promising areas of professional activity, which is being formed at the intersection of economics, management and information technology. The need for specialists of this profile is more than 10 thousand people per year in Russia alone in such areas as the production of high-tech goods, in the mining and metallurgical industries, in banking in the IT sphere. Everywhere we need to introduce new technologies that would meet the demands of the modern market and satisfy the demand of clients and business partners. Why exactly the Higher School of Printing and Media Business? The key factor is the price-quality ratio. If you don’t want to pay 500 thousand per semester and get a minimum of knowledge, then we are the right place for you. The teachers of GSMPiM are the top ones.

Address: 127550, Moscow, st. Pryanishnikova, 2A

. . Metro: Petrovsko-Razumovskaya (from metro ~ 1864.63 m)

Open on weekends: NO


Academic buildings
Main building (building on Pryanishnikova street)

. from the metro station "Dmitrovskaya" or "Voikovskaya" by tram 27 or minibus 227 to the stop. “University of Printing” (15-20 minutes)
. from metro station "Savelovskaya", bus. No. 72, 87 to the stop. "University of Printing"

Building on the street Mikhalkovskaya, 7
. from the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya or Voikovskaya metro station by buses 114, 179, 204 or minibuses 132, 382, ​​191 m to the stop. “Cinema “Baikal” (15-20 minutes)
. from the metro station "Dmitrovskaya" or "Voikovskaya" by tram 27 or minibus 227 to the stop. “Cinema “Baikal” (15-20 minutes)

Building on the street Sadovaya-Spasskaya, 6
Directions: metro station Sukharevskaya, walk from the metro 5 minutes

The main building houses the following institutes:
- printmedia and information technologies
- communications and media business
