Biography. Biography Who is Sasha Cherno Dom 2

Alexandra Cherno was born on June 25, 1993 in Sergiev Posad. The real name of the girl is Chernyavskaya. As a child, the girl was of normal build, did not suffer from overweight. Sasha had a difficult relationship with her mother: the girl was born when she was 15 years old, and the young mother did not want to participate in raising the child. When Alexandra was 5 years old, the girl moved to her grandmother - she replaced her mother.

In addition to Sasha, my mother had three more children. She constantly deceived men, changing them like gloves. The family lived in poverty, Sasha worked from the age of 15 - her mother managed to steal money from her own children, repeatedly served time for fraud. Therefore, Sasha preferred to communicate with her father's family, whom she met by chance in school years. Dad helped his daughter financially and in school - Sasha's grades from school brought bad ones.

Cherno did not enter the institute, but immediately after receiving the certificate she went to work. For three years, the girl was employed by an insurance company, then she fell for the bait and contacted scammers who promised mountains of gold. What the company did, Sasha does not tell.

Cherno admits that because of this experience, she got into debt: she received calls, threatened, there was even a case of an attack. Alexandra persuaded three friends to take out loans for herself, as banks provided loans to her due to the lack of a permanent job.

"House 2"

The girl admits that she has long been a fan of the television set. I submitted the questionnaire to the casting service without much hope, not counting on luck, and I was extremely surprised at the invitation. Sasha Cherno first appeared on the project on March 22, 2017. At that time, with a height of 183 cm, she weighed 130 kg. The girl came to fight for Roman Baranchuk: although the man admitted that he prefers curvaceous girls, he recommended Sasha to lose weight.

Photos of the girl in the first days on the project really differ from modern ones: before, Sasha was cut like a boy and wore shapeless men's shirts. Fans of the project wrote that Cherno looked terrible, to which Sasha wrote posts on social networks and said that she was comfortable in her image.

Best of the day

Now the girl looks completely different: she lost weight, often wears dresses, made a creative elongated bob. On the project, she is loved, considered the soul of the company. Cherno is active, loves to take part in skits and competitions. Sasha is trying to build love with the Muscovite Joseph.

Personal life

Before the project, Alexandra's relationship with the opposite sex was unsuccessful. With their first love, Vladislav, they even scheduled a wedding for December 2015. But Cherno first postponed the ceremony, and then completely changed her mind about going down the aisle.

A year later, the girl fell in love with a man named Eugene, who lived in Volgograd. Sasha herself went to her lover from the capital, spending large sums goodbye. Once the girl realized that she was pregnant, but did not tell Eugene - the man broke off relations a few days before the news. Cherno had an abortion and is still worried about what happened. Alexandra admits that she will not make such mistakes again.

Sasha came to the project to Roman Baranchuk. Young people were settled in one room so that they could get to know each other better. The pressure and irresistible desire did not help Alexandra to impress the intelligent young man - Roman refused to build a relationship with Cherno.

The girl was not alone for a long time - the choreographer Iosif Oganesyan came to Cherno. Sasha attracted him with her non-standard appearance and energy. Relationships in a couple are not easy: young people quarrel, but quickly move away from conflicts. Hovhannisyan's mother is not happy with her son's choice, believing that another girl should be next to the sophisticated young man.

Fans also note that the couple looks comical - Sasha is much fuller than her lover. But Joseph answers all attacks wisely and does not allow interference in his personal life. IN in social networks of both there are many photos where the couple hugs, kisses and looks happy.

Alexandra has repeatedly demonstrated jealousy, often groundless. To check the relationship between Joseph and Sasha, the presenters sent them to the Island. There they confessed their love to each other, and Alexandra promised to lose weight for the sake of this relationship.

Alexandra Cherno now

IN currently due to communication with scammers, Alexandra had a debt of 2 million rubles. Every month, the girl gives 50 thousand rubles to her friends who have taken out loans for her.

From the first day of being on the project, Sasha has been trying to lose weight. Olga Orlova, etiquette teacher Maria Bush, bodybuilder Sergey Kucherov and colleagues on the show tried to help her. But none of them managed to overcome Sasha's laziness. Of course, the girl is changing, but very slowly.

Not so long ago, the hosts of Doma-2 again took up Sasha, this time seriously. First of all, a hypnotist was invited to the girl, who set Cherno to lose weight and follow the advice of all experts. Currently, nutritionists and trainers work with the project participant. They promised to talk about Sasha's results in the releases of the program.

For her part, Alexandra said that losing weight alone is boring. The brunette turned to subscribers on Instagram with a call to support her and lose weight together. How the girl plans to lose weight, has not yet specified, but stated that the winner of the marathon will receive 100,000 rubles.

Sasha Cherno was kicked out of House 2 because she started begging for money from the fans in order to close them! It was this information that appeared yesterday on the net and rather quickly scattered around the sites and groups near the house.

Many were already delighted, because it would have been a very pleasant gift for the Old New Year from the management of the television set for the audience of house 2, but the joy was premature, and the news turned out to be just a “duck”. Sasha Cherno hastened to refute these gossip and reassured everyone who was very worried and even began to mourn her departure. The girl is not going anywhere and the shlok understands her perfectly. IN this moment, and do not throw rotten tomatoes at me, these are not fiction, but real statistics. Why Sasha Cherno was set up and kicked out of house 2 for fun, it’s easy to guess. For the same reason, Ilya Yabbarov buried and resurrected himself at one time. Another question -

Growing another "brand" on house 2?

Every day, Alexandra is more and more blown away by her own importance in the life of house 2. Judging by yesterday's broadcast on, she really believes that she is an alpha female and all men want her. Cherno no longer doubts that Misha Vyrsky is crazy about her, and what she did yesterday with Alexei Kudryashov is simply beyond ... Are they growing another “brand” on their own heads?

49 years old

q Capricorn

Completely different young people appear on the Dom-2 television project. And even weight is not important in such a matter as love. So thought Alexandra Cherno, who purposefully came to, having heard about his love for ladies of a magnificent physique. No one argues that Sasha is a very interesting conversationalist and a kind-hearted person, but many had doubts that she would be able to find love on the project, because her great weight may not play the most best role looking for a soul mate.
Alexandra arrived at the talk show, then she did not have time to tell almost anything about herself, but, to be honest, there was not much to tell. Biography of Alexandra Cherno very scarce. The girl was born and lived in a small town Sergiev Posad. After graduating from high school, she did not go to university. The girl also did not go in for sports, it is easy to guess about this, seeing her “appetizing” forms. Sasha was a fan of Dom-2, and so she decided to come to the TV project.
From the very first minute of being on film set the girl showed herself to be a very self-confident lady, which surprised the team. Even Cherno's extra weight did not instill complexes in her, she admitted that there were excesses in the figure, but did not consider this critical. Perhaps that is why she came to Baranchuk. The guy had special feelings for ladies with forms, but even for him it was too much. He decided to abandon the new fan, and the presenters, taking the initiative in their own hands, settled the couple in a room, without the right to relocate, but this did not help the development of relations. Roman's sympathy never arose, and the girl was already starting to get bored. It seems that he began to get used to her, as another young man appeared on the project, who expressed sympathy for Alexandra. Now it's the girl's turn to fight off the obsessive admirer. She admitted that she was not used to attention from men and always sought them herself, and the current situation took her out of her comfort zone.
The team did not believe in the sincerity of the new guy, like Sasha. Joseph was quite handsome, with a slim build. No one imagined them together, visually young people did not fit together. Many accused Oganesyan of self-interest, allegedly he uses Sasha as a ticket. But the guy did not back down and won the trust of the lady and the team. Alexandra slowly began to take steps towards Joseph. At some point, Roman even showed jealousy, but he tried to hide it carefully.
After a brief courtship, Alexandra ended up in bed with Oganesyan and the couple decided to try a relationship. This time, Joseph was under the strict control of Cherno, the girl turned out to be very jealous. To test this couple, the presenters sent them to Love Island, where young people managed to confess their love to each other. Sasha decided to change for her boyfriend and is trying to lose weight.
At the moment, Joseph is alone on the island, since, by decision of the audience, Alexandra was sent to Moscow. The distance did not affect the couple's relationship in any way and they are still together.

In the circle of viewers, the reality show "DOM-2" is considered to be a sort of dollhouse: after all, almost all the participants are there, as if for selection - young, beautiful, ambitious, as if they had just descended from the catwalks or the covers of glossy magazines. However, from time to time, really extraordinary personalities are announced for the project, which hardly fit into this whole utopian idyll - and it has become just such a “black sheep”. However, it would not be very appropriate to compare this young lady with a graceful soaring bird. Still, the girl weighs, neither more nor less, 130 kilograms, and even a relatively large height of 185 centimeters does not save her a bit. People often say that good man there should be a lot - but to say so about Cherno can only be conditional, and even then, with a huge stretch. She is stubborn to such an extent that her perseverance borders on stubbornness and obsession, and her manners leave much to be desired.

Looking at Sasha, you might think that this is an aunt who has already seen the views of some forty years old, but this is just a delusion - a girl born March 16, 1993, and only on the eve of her visit to the city of love celebrated her 24th birthday. Not many facts are known from her biography, but Cherno nevertheless told about something: immediately after school, she preferred self-education, instead of continuing her studies at the university. In addition, she for a long time was in a relationship with a young man, and was even ready to get married - but at the last moment she changed her mind, and, in the best traditions of Hollywood films, she ran away from her fiancé, believing that he was not suitable for the role of her life partner. This lady can really be compared with an actress, at least in terms of showiness and the ability to present herself in public - she does not hold these talents. But her appearance repels many prominent gentlemen from her - Alexandra herself understands this very well, and declares her intention to soon put herself in order, getting rid of tens of kilograms excess weight, growing hair and completely changing the image.

So far, these are just words - for a month of participation, Cherno has not changed a bit: this applies not only to external data, since she continued to almost forcibly keep next to her, imposing her society on him. At night, the insidious young lady was completely engaged in almost violent actions, harassing Roma, but he remained adamant, continuing to reject the person unpleasant to him again and again. Sasha was already beginning to think that she was doomed to loneliness - especially since a much prettier one came to Baranchuk - but happiness also knocked on her door in the form of a newcomer with unusual name Joseph, who declared his intention to build a relationship with her. However, she reacted to such a proposal without any enthusiasm, and even with apprehension - the girl thought that they wanted to use her as a pass ticket for a TV set.

The participant of Dom 2 Sasha Cherno was born on June 25, 1993
Came to the project March 23, 2017

Sasha Cherno's biography at Dom 2 began in March 2017. A plump woman dressed in a bathing suit performed an incendiary dance for Roman Baranchuk on a talk show. The audience thought that a lady who was already over thirty came to the project. As it turned out, Sasha is only twenty-three years old, overweight visually add to her age.

Sasha Cherno ( real name Chernyavskaya) was born in the village of Mishutino, Sergiev Posad district, Moscow region. As a child, Alexandra did not differ in overweight, and in her youth, her body parameters were quite normal. After graduating from school, Cherno did not want to continue her studies at the university, Sasha decided that without higher education will find application in life.

Cherno moved to Sergiev Posad, and she got a job in Moscow, Alexandra became an auto insurance agent. By the age of twenty, the forms of the young lady were significantly rounded, however, Sasha, who was far from thin, met her love in the person of an attractive guy and even got ready to marry him.

Alexandra and her chosen one Vladislav scheduled a wedding for December 2015. At the initiative of Cherno, the celebration was postponed, and then completely canceled. In the spring of 2016, another man appeared in Sasha's life. Alexandra had to travel to Volgograd in order to spend time with the subject of her passion. A few months later, the amorous story ended.

The cavalier betrayed Alexandra - he found a replacement for her. The gap was given to Cherno very hard. Judging by the revelations of the girl on Instagram, she is not eager to build serious relationship: Sasha is not that she stopped believing in love, she is just afraid of being deceived again. After a painful breakup, Cherno came to the conclusion that you need to live for yourself, and not for someone else.

Cherno is a longtime fan of the Dom 2 project, somehow she was lucky enough to be on filming a talk show, Alexandra's archive contains joint photos with Kristina Deryabina, Nikolai Dolzhansky. Not really counting on luck, Sasha submitted her profile to the casting service of the TV set. A pleasant surprise was for Cherno an invitation to a reality show.

Date of birth: 05/16/1993
Place of birth: Sergiev Posad

Sasha Cherno - bright participant teleproject Dom-2. For a long period of time, there were no curvaceous girls on the project. Sasha Cherno became a bright participant due to her parameters. She is not like the other members. TV viewers love Alexandra and support her.

Biography of Sasha Cherno

Sasha Cherno was born in the city of Sergiev Posad on March 16, 1993. As a child, Alexandra was very shy child. IN kindergarten the girl always cried before public speaking. The girl went to school at the age of 6, she was the youngest in the class. IN primary school Sasha was teased by classmates because of her weight.
Thanks to her parents, Sasha grew up as an open and kind girl. After school, she came in a bad mood, the girl was always worried because she did not look like her thin classmates. The girl's parents always supported the girl, complimented her and advised her not to listen to other people's opinions. At the age of 12, Sasha Cherno decided to take up vocals, the girl went to the school choir.
At school, Sasha was not an excellent student, the girl often had problems with academic performance. She preferred humanities. Sasha loved to attend classes in literature, history and the Moscow Art Theater. After leaving school, Sasha Cherno did not continue her studies at a university or college, she chose more interesting way for self-development.

Sasha Cherno on the television project Dom-2

In March 2017, Sasha Cherno came to the Dom-2 TV project. On the first day, Sasha let everyone know that she is a very bright and eccentric girl. Sasha has no complexes about being overweight - the figure completely suits the girl. The first chosen one of Sasha Cherno on the TV project was Roman Baranchuk. On one of the programs, Sasha danced a rather frank dance for young man. Roman did not appreciate such a bold gesture of Sasha. But the girl was seriously determined to win the guy's heart.

Sasha Cherno is a very self-confident girl. The girl did not miss the opportunity to show her sympathy for Roman, at any opportunity. Soon the guys settled in one room. Roman made it clear to Sasha and the whole team that he was not in the mood to build a relationship with Sasha Cherno. after a week life together, Sasha decided to stop pursuing Roman.
However, very soon he came to Sasha new member Joseph Oganesyan. The guy really liked Alexandra's charisma. The guys almost immediately began to build a relationship. But the couple had constant quarrels. Joseph regularly criticized the appearance of Sasha Cherno. The young man motivates the girl to change. He goes to the gym with her, helps with advice.
It seemed to everyone that everything was fine in the pair of Joseph and Sasha, but unfortunately this is not so. Every time a quarrel occurs in a couple, Joseph begins to flirt with other girls. Maria Kokhno becomes the object of Joseph's adoration, the guy tries to get Masha's attention at the right time. Despite all the disagreements in the couple, Sasha Cherno and Joseph are together.

Diet Sasha Cherno

Having come to the project, Sasha decided to seriously change her life. The girl wants to lose weight, and, in general, change outwardly. The TV project gave her such an opportunity. A nutritionist works with Sasha, who helps the girl choose a diet and physical activity.
Sasha's desire to change himself disappears immediately when it comes to sports training. Sasha has no desire to play sports. The girl comes up with many reasons for skipping classes.
Despite the neglect of physical activity, Sasha is changing and slowly losing weight. On Instagram, Sasha Cherno often shares the advice of his nutritionist.

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