Garik Martirosyan: biography and career. Garik Martirosyan: interesting facts from the life of the "resident" of the Comedy Club Garik Martirosyan real name and surname

Garik Yuryevich Martirosyan - known not only in his hometown Yerevan, and far beyond its borders. Thanks to his excellent sense of humor and dedication to his favorite business, he is known to a multi-million audience.

Garik Yuryevich never ceases to please people with his jokes, he is the producer of numerous humorous shows and television programs. Along the way, he acts as a presenter, manages to act in films.

Martirosyan has every second scheduled, despite this, he is an exemplary family man, loving son and father.

Height, weight, age. How old is Garik Martirosyan

Height, weight, age, how old is Garik Martirosyan? All lovers of the sharp humor of the Comedy Club resident know the answers to these questions. The height of the leader is 1 meter 86 centimeters, and the weight is 85 kilograms.

The artist himself does not play football, but among his friends he is known as an ardent fan of the Moscow Lokomotiv. Of all sports, he prefers running. Due to the tight work schedule, he does not always manage to work out, but Garik still tries to run at least twice a week.

Garik Martirosyan photos in his youth and now make it clear to everyone - the star has incredible charisma and penetrating eyes. Over the years, he only becomes more confident and courageous.

Biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan

The biography and personal life of Garik Martirosyan are closely connected with humor and practical jokes. The future KVNschik was born in 1974 on February 13th. Everyone knows the superstition about this date, so the parents wrote down their son's birthday the next day - February 14th. On this occasion, the artist himself often jokes, saying that this situation gives him the right to quite officially celebrate two days in a row.

Garik and his younger brother Levon grew up in an intelligent family: his father, Yuri Mikhailovich Martirosyan, worked all his life as a mechanical engineer, and his mother, Jasmine Surenovna Martirosyan, became a doctor of science, worked as a gynecologist.

Apart from secondary school, the brothers attended the musical in parallel. However, Garik was soon expelled from the latter. The reason was not the lack of talent in the child, but his bad behavior in the classroom. Subsequently, the young man himself mastered many musical instruments: guitar, piano and others.

Already at school, Garik began to take part in various productions. However, when it came time to decide future profession, he decided to enter the Yerevan State Medical University. After graduating from high school, Garik Martirosyan successfully worked as a neuropathologist-psychotherapist for three years.

While still a student, he began to perform in the KVN team "New Armenians". Participation in this team can rightfully be considered Starting point in the career of a future comedian.

Garik played with this team for nine years. During this time, the "New Armenians" managed to win many awards and become laureates of various competitions held by the Cheerful and Resourceful Club.

Garik's participation in KVN opens the door to show business for him. In 2005, the Comedy Club program began to air on the TNT channel. This project fell in love with all viewers.

The talented Armenian is a co-producer of such projects as: "Our Russia", "Laughter Without Rules", "Show News". The ProjectorParisHilton project won four times in the Best Infotainment Program nomination.

Garik Martirosyan not only skillfully jokes and comes up with new humorous programs, but also copes well with the role of presenter.

In 2015, the comedian became the host musical project main stage»

Since 2016, he has been the host of the Dancing with the Stars show.

This year Martirosyan Once again pleased the fans: on the day of laughter - April 1, a new author's project by Garik "Martirosyan Official" began on the TNT channel

It remains to wish the talented Armenian more for a long time"stay on the raft" so that the humor and jokes never end.

Family and children of Garik Martirosyan

The family and children of Garik Martirosyan occupy the most important place in the life of a famous humorist. With his wife Zhanna Garik has not parted for twenty years. During all this time, they have never been written about in the yellow press: no public statements about the alleged divorce or any affairs on the side.

The Martirosyan couple are raising two children - a boy and a girl. All your own free time husband and wife devote themselves and their children.

The showman cares not only about the spiritual "microclimate" of his family nest, but also about the financial side. It is known that in 2010 his name was included in the list of one of the richest people in the world.

The son of Garik Martirosyan - Daniel

The son of Garik Martirosyan - Daniel was born in 2009. The TV presenter was extremely happy with the birth of a second child, and even a boy. The father of the family is proud of his children and tries to give them all the best, but at the same time he does not spoil them, he brings them up in severity.

Garik's parents often come to visit their beloved grandchildren. He has long been calling them to move to Moscow for permanent place residence. However, they prefer to stay in their hometown.

The favorite of the public could change the field of activity, becoming a politician, like his brother Levon. Garik refused such a cardinal step - because then he would have to move to his native Yerevan. He did not want to leave his family and continues to delight fans of his work with new projects and jokes.

Daughter of Garik Martirosyan - Jasmine

The daughter of Garik Martirosyan, Jasmine, is the first child in the family of a producer of humorous shows. The girl was born in the summer of 2004. Being small, her father's character began to appear - the same restless and restless child. In addition to behavior, Jasmine inherited a sense of humor. Already now she likes to play pranks on her classmates.

Parents attach great importance to the study of languages: they believe that children must know Russian, English is more likely than not, and Armenian is generally out of competition.

Garik Martirosyan's wife - Zhanna Levina

Garik Martirosyan's wife, Zhanna Levina, is a fairly well-known lawyer in the capital of Russia. She graduated from the Stavropol Law University. During her student years, the girl fell in love with KVN and often went to various festivals to support her classmates. On one of these trips, her fateful acquaintance with Garik Martirosyan took place, who, together with his team, also came to the performance.

Garik and Zhanna started dating only a year later. Pretty soon, they realized that this was not just love, a fleeting hobby - but real feelings and decided to legitimize their relationship.

To date, the spouses are still happily married and raising children. Garik Martirosyan with his wife and children - photo happy family can be found on the internet in abundance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Garik Martirosyan

Until recently, the TV presenter was not registered in any of the social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia Garik Martirosyan appeared not so long ago. An Instagram account is an official site where Garik asks subscribers a question, at the end of the day he chooses the funniest answer, the author of which is then awarded a prize. This project was called "Insta Battle".

Garik Martirosyan is known not only as a man with a great sense of humor, but also as a man of his word. So he promised everyone that if his favorite football team wins, he will shave his head. After the victory of Manchester United, Garik posted a photo on the Internet with a new hairstyle, surprising his fans a lot with his trick. The article was found on

Garik Martirosyan was born 13 February 1974. But, the parents of the newborn considered the number "13" not lucky for the boy and asked him to indicate a different date in the birth certificate - 14 February. Since then, Garik Martirosyan has been celebrating his birthday for two days in a row ...

Garik was brought up in intelligent family. His mother (Jasmine Surenovna) is a doctor of medical sciences and a practicing gynecologist, and his father (Yuri Mikhailovich) worked as an engineer.

By the way, Garik's grandfather served as Deputy Minister of Trade of the USSR! Is it possible now that the closest relatives of the Deputy Minister are an engineer and a doctor ..?

Despite educated relatives, young Garik Martirosyan was a "difficult child." He was expelled very quickly music school behind bad behavior. It was a real shock for his parents!

Perhaps Garik Martirosyan could not sit quietly at a school desk, but he showed great love for music. Being expelled from the "musical" Garik continued self-study and learned to play the guitar and piano. He often performed his own compositions for close friends and relatives.

However, passion for music and strong Creative skills did not convince his parents! After school, the boy was sent to a medical university (the authority of his mother probably affected). So Garik Martirosyan became a doctor by profession neuropathologist-psychotherapist

Garik Martirosyan and the New Armenians

However, in medicine, Garik worked no more three years. IN 1992 year he met the guys from the KVN team "Relatives from Yerevan" And this meeting turned his whole life upside down!

KVN opened up excellent opportunities for the implementation creativity! Garik without hesitation joined the team and began to regularly attend rehearsals.

IN 1993 The first Armenian League of KVN is created in Yerevan. And the team "Relatives from Yerevan" performs well in it. Here Garik took the first " baptism of fire» comedian and artist!

On next year (1994 ) the team changes its name and turns into a team "New Armenians". It is under this name that the guys go to their first qualifying festival "KiViN" in Sochi!

According to the results of the festival "New Armenians" are invited to the First League of KVN. And in 1995 year they reach the final and get a ticket to the season Major League Club!

Season 1996 The year turned out to be successful - "New Armenians" reached the semi-finals of the Higher League of KVN. On next year it was decided to change the captain of the team and Garik Martirosyan was elected.

IN 1997 year the team was waiting for a real success! They became ! True, the guys shared the first place with another KVN team - "Zaporozhye - Krivoy Rog - transit."

But, in 1998 year, the "New Armenians" prove their humorous superiority in. They defeat the team "Zaporozhye - Krivoy Rog - transit" and become the "absolute champions" of KVN!

Beginning with 1999 years "New Armenians" organize solo tours. For several years, the guys visit more than 50 cities!

Garik Martirosyan after KVN

Since 1997, Garik has been writing jokes and scripts for KVN teams and various TV shows. But, his life is drastically changed in 2005 year, when Garik Martirosyan and his friends come up with the concept of a new and large-scale project called « comedy club» .

WITH 2006 Garik Martirosyan tries himself as a producer for the first time and writes scripts for another major humorous program "Our Russia".

IN 2007 Garik Martirosyan will make his debut as a TV presenter of the program "Moment of glory". The smiling Armenian was very fond of the audience and 2008 of the year Garik Martirosyan (together with his friend) becomes a permanent host of the show "SpotlightParisHilton".

Garik's popularity is growing and he is increasingly invited to various shows and projects!

Garik Martirosyan: personal life

It's amazing how much beauty KVN can give a person!

The club changed not only the professional but also the personal life of Garik Martirosyan. In 1997, at the next qualifying festival "KiViN", he met his future wife - Jeanne.

In 1998, a stormy romance began between them, and in 2004 a daughter named Jasmine. In 2009, the Martirosyan family was replenished with a second child - a son named Daniel.

Garik loves to spend time with his family and children, he is fond of football and is a fan of Lokomotiv and Manchester United.

Garik Martirosyan is a key figure in modern humor. He is known by TNT fans, and the audience of Channel One, and the audience of Russia-1. But how could this charming Armenian make his way to the top without losing his cheerful disposition? Why do all projects involving Garik become successful? Let's get it right from the start.

Garik Martirosyan was born in Armenia, in the city of Yerevan. Due to the superstition of the parents, the newborn's date of birth was changed - instead of February 13, they recorded it a day later. Thanks to this set of circumstances, the famous humorist now arranges a holiday for two days in a row.

Now a popular Armenian often plays the piano or the piano, although he does not have a finished music education. Garik was expelled from the music school for inappropriate behavior, and he mastered the instruments on his own.

After graduating from secondary school, young Martirosyan went into medicine - he entered the State Medical University, located in his hometown of Yerevan. Here the showman received the profession of a neuropathologist-psychotherapist, but the diploma was useful to him for only three years.

Meeting with KVN

The career of a Martirosyan doctor ended after meeting KVN. The club of the cheerful and resourceful immediately fascinated the Armenian, although he admitted that he liked the profession he had received and brought him pleasure.

Garik began playing KVN as part of the New Armenians team in 1994, and three years later he already became a captain. Previously, the team was called "Relatives from Yerevan", but then took a more sonorous name. For the first time, Armenians were noticed in the city of Sochi at the festival, they went to the First League of KVN. In 1995, Martirosyan's team managed to reach the final of the First League and receive an invitation to the Higher League. But the guys did not manage to win at the high level either, they were beaten by the "Makhachkala vagabonds" from Dagestan.

Later, the "New Armenians" team nevertheless took prize-winning place(in 1997 and 1998), and also twice won the International music festival KiViN.

In the 2000s, the team, which received wide popularity and love from the public, began touring the world. In addition to Russian cities, they visited America, Germany and the CIS countries.

The team from sunny Yerevan, having finished playing KVN, decided to create a new product. The idea was born back in 2001, but was only realized in 2004 and not on the first try. The Comedy Club show appeared on the MTV broadcasting network, however, only as part of the New Year's meeting, and after the assistance of Alexander Tsekalo, a pilot episode was filmed for the STS channel. But even here the Armenians failed - the general director Rodnyansky abandoned the non-format product.

Luck smiled on the KVN staff 9 months later, when CEO TNT offered profitable cooperation and the launch of the show on the screen. For the first time, viewers saw the Comedy Club in April 2005.

Two years later, a large multidisciplinary production company, Comedy Club Production, was already created, which is now responsible for the release of this comedy show and some side projects.


ProjectorParisHilton is another important project in the life of Garik Yuryevich. At the time, this TV Broadcast was one of the most popular on Channel One, it was broadcast almost weekly, and the presenters became much more popular. An entertainment and information show appeared in 2008 and almost from the first releases it became a rating show.

In an ironic manner, the four presenters (Tsekalo, Urgant, Svetlakov and Martirosyan) discuss the news. Under the scalpel of their humor fell and politicians, and show business stars, and foreign actors, and musicians. Thanks to the charisma and unusual presentation of information, such a concept fell in love, in the future they even tried to apply it to other projects, but to no avail.

Starting from the 15th issue, they began to invite guests to the studio of the Projector. They were different - and the ballerina Volochkova, and the politician Zhirinovsky, and the Basque singer, and the actor Khabensky, and the musician Makarevich. At the end of the series, the presenters performed musical number- played instruments, sang themselves or invited groups.

In 2012, the program was closed (in connection with the new contracts of Sergei and Garik on the TNT channel), but in 2017 it was released again. The composition of the leaders remained unchanged.

Garik Martirosyan worked not only on TNT and as a co-host on Channel One. In 2006 he won the music show"Two Stars", in 2007 he tried out as the host of the entertainment project "Minute of Glory" (2 seasons included with his participation, then Tsekalo became the host, and after Oleshko).

In 2013, the humorist supported his colleagues - Kharlamov and Batrutdinov, starring in an episodic role in their HB project.

In 2015, the showman led another music program"Main Stage", but already in the broadcasting grid Russia-1. In 2016, he became the host of a sports program on this channel - "Dancing with the Stars".

The newest project of Garik Martirosyan is a humorous own show, released on the TNT channel. "Martirosyan Official" was published in April 2018.


The comedian did not bypass the film industry either. His first debut took place in the musical "Our Yard 3", after which the TV presenter appeared in TNT projects: "Our Russia" and "Univer".

In 2017, Garik took part in the filming of the controversial film Zomboyaschik, which collected a lot of negative reviews and negative ratings. The film involved many popular personalities from the TV channel, who received two or three roles each. Martirosyan became a magician and an executioner.

Garik Yurievich has been happily married for a long time. He met his future wife Zhanna back in 1997 thanks to the KVN game in Sochi.

The couple has two children - daughter Jeanne (born in 2004) and son Daniel (born in 2009).

The showman does not like to show children to the public, but he willingly shares photos of his wife on his personal page on Instagram. Zhanna also maintains an account where she tells funny and funny cases from the life of the family, posts photos, writes notes on exciting topics.

Meeting with the President

In 2011, Garik Martirosyan and his other comedian colleagues managed to attend an informal meeting with the first person of the State. Dmitry Anatolyevich gathered popular comedians on the day of laughter (April 1) at his residence in Gorki.

The discussions were both serious and humorous. The invited guests joked, the president did not remain in debt. Photos from the meeting were widely scattered on the net, and the occasion itself was a burning topic for a long time.

  1. Martirosyan Garik is a connoisseur of football. More than once he expressed his sympathy for the Moscow Lokomotiv and the English Manchester United.
  2. The showman has a younger brother Levon. He did not follow in the footsteps of his older brother and made a good political career. At one time he was the leader of the United Liberal National Party, on this moment Levon works in the government of Armenia (Assistant to the President).
  3. Garik Yuryevich does not like airplanes - he flies extremely rarely and out of urgent need. A similar dislike for the TV presenter appeared in the late 90s, when their team was actively flying all over the country and beyond. A busy touring life and frequent flights are so tired of Garik that now he is trying to avoid airports. The famous Armenian prefers to travel exclusively by land transport, for example, he likes to travel to Armenia by train. And the plane, according to the Armenian himself, he used last time in 2012 to fly to Yerevan and back.
  4. Garik is a polyglot - he knows 3 languages ​​​​perfectly (English, Armenian, Russian) and 3 more in good level(Czech, German, Italian). He also has the ability to phonetically repeat almost any language - in the ProjectorReperishilton program, the TV presenter imitated Portuguese, Polish, Serbian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Hungarian, French, Hebrew.
  5. The man is a music lover; at the ProjectorReperishilton, together with his friends, he sang rock songs, jazz compositions, and pop tracks. And in the program Evening Urgant, together with Ivan Garik, read a rap.
  6. Daughter Jasmine shares her father's hobbies - on official page the former KVNshchik posted a video where the girl reads Nicki Minaj's track well. According to users, Jasmine is doing well.
  7. Yury Dud, popular on the YouTube platform, released an interview with Martirosyan at the end of 2017. The video has received over 6 million views.
  8. In 2007, a famous Armenian humorist participated in the recording music album Pavel Volya.

Although the showman from Yerevan now appears on the Comedy Club stage not as often as at the dawn of a humorous project, leave this program he's not going to. Martirosyan helps with numbers, often writes jokes and stage numbers, and participates in touring life.

In March 2018, the artist played in the popular intellectual game"What? Where? When ”as part of an unusual team - former KVNshchikov. After the game, Martirosyan noted that they were far from professional connoisseurs, but they behaved with dignity (6:4 in their favor).

In the fall of 2018, the next return of the entertainment and information program "ProjectorParisHilton" is expected, if the contract is extended, the viewers of Channel One will again see an intelligent humorist at a large table with other presenters.

Also, the popular Armenian does not forget about in social networks– his Instagram page is actively updated. From recent photos: selfie with my wife, footage from the 2018 FIFA World Cup, videos from filming, beautiful shots of cities. The humorist has more than 1.5 million subscribers, which allows him to create advertising posts, launch rubrics with cash prizes, and actively share his life.


Many people know Martirosyan as a popular TV presenter, a cheerful and resourceful humorist. But he is also a wonderful family man, an intelligent and educated showman. Garik puts his soul into any business, so his personal pages on social networks are popular, and all projects turn out to be original and ironic.

Garik Yurievich Martirosyan(Գարիկ Յուրիի Մարտիրոսյան) was born in Armenian Yerevan on February 13, 1974, but was recorded in the documents as born on February 14, because his parents considered the number "13" unlucky. As a child, the future TV star had a violent temper and was known as a fidget. For pranks, he was expelled from the music school, but, despite this, he independently learned to play the piano, guitar and drums.

Garik's younger brother - Levon Martirosyan, born in 1976, headed the Armenian United Liberal National Party. Then he became an assistant to the President of Armenia.

Gariks played his first role in a school play - it was the role of Archimedes. After school, he entered the Yerevan State Medical University, where he studied at the Faculty of Medicine as a neuropathologist-psychotherapist.

Martirosyan: I liked this courageous profession. I think that any person should have at least elementary knowledge in the field of medicine.

After university, he worked for three years in his specialty. This experience, according to Garik, was extremely useful for his future artistic career.

Garik Martirosyan. creative way

Perhaps the fate of the actor would have been different if he had not met in 1992 with members of the famous team KVN « New Armenians". In 1993 Garik Martirosyan joined the national team and later became its captain.

Command structure " New Armenians»: Garik Martirosyan, Karen Mantashan, Mnatskan Melkonyan, Artashes Sargsyan, Vartan Zadoyan, Alik Mnatsakanyan, Sergey Melik-Barkhudaryan, Artak Gasparyan, Armen Petrosyan, Amaras Gasparyan.

Television debut talented actor and Showman took place in 1997. Then Garik acted as a screenwriter of the program " Good evening with Igor Ugolnikov on the STS TV channel. Then he began to appear in various TV shows and even won in 2006 in the musical and entertainment project "Two Stars" along with popular singer Larisa Dolina.

In 2007, Garik also made his debut as a TV presenter of the First Channel program " Minute of Glory", which he hosted for two seasons in a row.

Garik Martirosyan. Comedy Club and other projects

Since November 2006, Martirosyan has been a co-producer and co-author of the script for the humorous show Our Russia, created on the TNT channel as part of the Comedy Club project and being a free adaptation of the English sketch series Little Britain, published by the BBC from 2003 to 2006.

According to Garik, for the creators of the social sketchcom, which celebrated its tenth anniversary in November 2016, the project at one time required serious preparation: As a result, we managed to make a show that has become truly popular and does not lose its relevance. This is because it is about recognizable, real people, although they are collective satirical images ... We are all lucky to live and work in a country that can inspire the creation of quality projects that are of interest to millions of people. I think we managed to express gratitude to the country in our sketch project - without fanfare and protocol solemnity, but bright, sharp and funny...

May 2008 Garik Martirosyan became co-host comedy program"ProjectorParisHilton", which aired on Channel One until 2012. Together with Garik, the program was hosted by no less witty and magnificent showmen: Ivan Urgant, Sergey Svetlakov and Alexander Tsekalo.

In 2012, the program received the TEFI award as the best infotainment program, but a little later it was closed by the Directorate of Channel One. As official reasons the impossibility of participation in the project of Sergei Svetlakov and Garik Martirosyan was indicated. The problem was that two showmen signed contracts with the TNT channel, which resulted in a conflict of interest, as well as the complexity of timing between the projects of the presenters. Martirosyan himself categorically refused to comment on the closing of the show.

Meanwhile, to replace Searchlight"The Evening Urgant program came on Channel One. Garik said that this project is not a competitor to the Comedy Club with his participation:

It's still a completely different genre. This is a daily show, unlike us, and it is designed to discuss current news of the moment. They talk to guests in a completely different way. If the Comedy Club is more of a banter over reality, then Evening Urgant is a commentary on reality.

At the beginning of 2010, the comedy Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny premiered. The project was produced and written by Garik Martirosyan. The picture was successful at the box office - with a budget of $ 2 million, fees amounted to more than 22 million. And in 2012, the psychological thriller "Stone", in which the main roles were played by Martirosyan's colleague - showman Sergey Svetlakov, as well as Olesya Sudzilovskaya and Nikolai Kozak. Then Garik spoke very harshly about the new role of his partner:

“It is always commendable when a person tries himself in something else. But I absolutely do not support Sergei in the fact that he decided to act in such a serious movie. It seems to me that for Serezha this is too gloomy a film. He is still like a comedian for me a thousand times cooler than a tragic. This is one of the greatest comedians on our television. And it would be more correct for him (but this is my purely friendly view) to continue to develop in humor, and not in tragedy.

In 2014, the premiere of the cartoon " Parrot Club"In the dubbing of which Garik took part together with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, Mikhail Galustyan, Dmitry Khrustalev, Maria Kozhevnikova, Timur Batrutdinov, Alexander Revva, Vadim Galygin, Viktor Loginov, Olesya Zheleznyak and others.

2007: "Humor of the Year" award from the radio "Humor FM" (nomination "Showman"); the title of "Person of the Year" according to GQ magazine (nomination "Face from TV"). 2008: The ProjectorParisHilton show received the prestigious TEFI TV award as the best infotainment program of the year.

In 2015, Garik acted as the host of the first season of the musical project Rossi-1 "Main Stage", in which producers Igor Matvienko, Viktor Drobysh, Maxim Fadeev and Konstantin Meladze recruited vocalists for their teams. In the spring of 2016, Martirosyan in the same role, replacing Maxim Galkin, appeared in the tenth season of Dancing with the Stars on the same channel.

At the same time, the comedy series "Bearded Man" with Mikhail Galustyan in leading role, telling about the new misadventures of a charming but unfortunate character who appeared in Our Russia several years ago and became a hit image. The project was produced by Garik Martirosyan and Semyon Slepakov, as well as Galustyan's colleagues in the Comedy Club.

In February 2017, visiting "Evening Urgant" Garik Martirosyan discussed in a joking manner with the presenter the return to the air of Channel One of the once popular program - “ SpotlightParisHilton". And a few days later, the premiere date of the show was announced (March 4), uniting at the same table a quartet of wits - Martirosyan, Ivan Urgant, Alexander Tsekalo and Sergey Svetlakov, lovers to discuss burning topics with cinema and show business stars, both domestic and world .

Garik Martirosyan. Personal life

WITH future wife Garik Martirosyan met thanks to KVN. In 1997 he came to perform in Sochi, and future wife Zhanna Levina came to cheer for the team of the Stavropol State Law University, where she herself studied. Young people met and talked. They felt sympathy for each other immediately. However, Zhanna left to take the session, so they did not see each other again. And a year later they met again - and soon decided to get married.

Zhanna about the beginning of a relationship with Garik: Both my and his parents did not expect everything to happen so quickly, but they were partly ready for this. After all, Garik kept talking about me to his parents all year, and I about him to mine. After the engagement, we went on tour together with the New Armenians. We spent the next few years on the road, so there was no time for an official wedding. Signed only after arriving in Moscow. And the celebration itself was staged two years later in Cyprus. We lived there Good friends They helped organize everything. Our old friend provided a villa with a swimming pool and a large park on the seashore. The wedding turned out to be very beautiful and unconventional. I was not taken from parental home but from the hotel. Accompanied by tourists from different countries. In a small Armenian church, Garik and I were married.

In 2004, the artist's wife gave birth to his daughter Jasmine, and in 2009 Garik Martirosyan became a father for the second time: he had a son Daniel. When asked if he wants more children, Garik always replies like this: “Of course! Probably six or seven more. But I wouldn't want to limit myself!"

Life is a complicated thing, and sometimes so much so that it becomes sad. It's good that sometimes people are born who can make anyone laugh in any situation. After all, scientifically proven - laughter heals and prolongs life. Means, good comedians quite comparable to good doctors. Actually, Garik Martirosyan was originally going to become a good doctor. And he became a good comedian.

Garik was born into a very intelligent family, where his mother was a gynecologist, and his father was a mechanical engineer. He grew up with his younger brother Leva. And he began to amuse his relatives from childhood.

“Our physics teacher was a big joker,” recalls school years Garik, - Once we stood with him in the corridor and talked. And in our class there was a guy who constantly sneaked up on everyone from behind and scared. Our director was walking along the corridor, I told the teacher that my classmate was now sneaking towards him. When the director approached the physics teacher, he turned with a terrible mug and shouted: “Beeee!” For the next fifteen minutes, until I was called after the physicist to the director, I was a hero, and the whole class applauded me.

The children loved the playful boy, but the adults, apparently, found it difficult. So, Garik failed to finish music school - he was expelled from there for bad behavior. So I had to learn musical instruments myself later. However, apparently, by the end of the school, the behavior improved, because after graduation Martirosyan decided to continue the family dynasty through the medical line and easily entered the Yerevan State Medical University as a neuropathologist-psychotherapist.

At the same time, in his student years, Garik begins to play in KVN. He not only becomes popular as part of the New Armenians team, but rather quickly and for a long time (from 1997 to 2002) leads it. Despite the fact that the "New Armenians" are quickly growing into one of the most popular and beloved by the people of KVN teams, after university, Garik first chooses the profession of a doctor: for three years he has been working in his specialty - a neuropathologist. However, the vocation - humor - takes its toll, and since 2005 Martirosyan has already firmly “settled on TV”. This year, the bright and immediately popular TV show Comedy Club, one of the founders of which was Martirosyan, is just coming out on TV. After the Comedy Club, TV shows follow one after another, in which Martirosyan acts either as a host or as a participant. The audience has already appreciated it for a long time. wonderful feeling humor and witty improvisations. Finally, since 2008, the ProjectorParisHilton program begins to appear on Channel One, one of the four presenters of which is Garik (the others are Ivan Urgant, Alexander Tsekalo, Sergey Svetlakov). "ProjectorParisHilton" - a kind of phenomenon Russian television, a very funny program with an extraordinary "intellectual kitchen" atmosphere, in which four friends, gathered for tea, discuss newspaper articles, political events and receive guests. The program beat all possible records of popularity. During the four years of its airing, such world stars as Mickey Rourke, Hugh Jackman, Emir Kusturica, Will Smith and many others "drank tea" in it. Unfortunately, a wonderful program that gathered a huge number of residents at TV screens on Saturdays former USSR, in 2012, it was closed by the leadership of Channel One, which "did not share" the presenters with another TV channel - TNT.

However, for Garik Martirosyan, ProjectorParisHilton was definitely not in vain. That evening, when Steven Seagal visited the program, Garik announced that his son was born. Seagal wished to come up with a name for the child, and so it turned out that the youngest son of Garik Martirosyan is now called Daniel. In addition to Daniel, the Martirosyan family is the daughter Jasmine and the wife Jeanne, with whom the presenter began dating back in the days of KVN.


2007 - show "Minute of Glory"

2008 - 2012 - ProjectorParisHilton program


  • In fact, Garik Martirosyan was born on February 13, but the parents considered the 13th an unlucky number and asked to record the child as the 14th. Garik celebrates his birthday for two days.
  • As a child, Garik was expelled from a music school, but after that he himself mastered playing the piano, guitar and drums, so well that he writes music.
  • Garik Martirosyan draws very well.
  • The youngest son Garik Martirosyan named Danielle on the advice of Steven Seagal on the program "ProjectorParisHilton"

2007 - Award "Humor of the Year" from the radio "Humor FM" (nomination "Showman").

2007 - "Person of the Year" according to GQ magazine (nomination "Face from TV").

2008-2012 - the ProjectorParisHilton program received the TEFI award as the best infotainment program of the year.

2005 - "Our Yard 3"

2008 - "Our Russia"

2009 - "Univer"

2010 - Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny"
