The golden copy of his David is now over. David is the most recognizable silhouette

How Michelangelo got the order

On August 6, 1501, the 26-year-old Michelangelo received an order from the headman of the Florentine wool merchants to make a sculpture of the biblical King David. The guild was instructed to oversee the decoration of the cathedral church of Santa Maria del Fiore. However, the history of the creation of the statue began long before that. Back in the 14th century, the great Italian painter Giotto, who built the aforementioned cathedral, depicted it with marble statues on the roof. They tried to create a statue of David more than once. But the sculptures were small. The order for the large "David" was received by Agostino di Duccio, who did not create a single statue. He had only to hew a block, and Donatello would take up the matter. But Donatello is dead. The block lay in the courtyard of the church of Santa Maria del Fiore for many years. From rain and wind, it began to deteriorate, and the authorities decided to urgently do something about it. Here the young sculptor Michelangelo turned up, whom Leonardo da Vinci advised the city fathers.

Another version

Half a century after David was ready, the writer and artist Giorgio Vasari described his version of the history of the creation of the sculpture. She looks different. It turns out that the block was considered damaged, and Michelangelo begged for it as unnecessary, and then surprised everyone with the finished statue. There was even an anecdote about how the head of the Florentine Republic allegedly asked the sculptor to shorten David's nose. Michelangelo pretended to fulfill the order, to which the ruler then said: "Now it's good." But these are all just legends.

Process of creation

Michelangelo prepared more than a hundred sketches of the future statue, made a small clay model, which he poured into containers with milk, with the help of which he determined the sequence of work on the marble block.

With the onset of winter, Michelangelo began to have difficulties. He had to forge tools that quickly became dull from intensive work. But Michelangelo could not afford to rest, often even sleeping at night at the workplace. However, not everything depended on the master. He was forced to interrupt work due to unrest in Florence, so the statue was completed only in 1504. It was said that after finishing the statue, Michelangelo decorated it with a crown of sheet copper.

How was the statue erected?

With the end of work on the masterpiece, the difficulties associated with it did not end. It turned out that it would not be possible to raise it to the roof of the cathedral, and the trustees of the cathedral handed over the statue to the city. A special commission, which included Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci, decided to install it on the square in front of the Palazzo Vecchio, the palace of the Florentine government. A special mechanism was built to transport the statue, and on September 8, 1504, David was erected in front of the entrance to the palace. There he stood under open sky almost 4th century. David, standing in the center of the city, was perceived as an image of the defender of the city. Recall that the political situation in the city played a significant role. By 1501, when Michelangelo began work on the statue, the citizens of Florence approved a new republican constitution, overthrowing the tyranny of the Medici clan. Much later, in 1873, the sculpture was transferred to the building of the Florentine Academy of Arts, and a copy was installed on the square.

statue legends

Over the centuries of existence, the statue of David has created an incredible number of copies of it. One of them stands now in the Italian courtyard Pushkin Museum in Moscow . Another curious fact is that the plaster copy of David, installed in the London Victoria and Albert Museum, was for some time provided with a removable fig leaf in case of visits by the queen.

At the end of the 20th century, on the occasion of the 3000th anniversary of Jerusalem, the authorities of Florence decided to give the city a copy of Michelangelo's David in life size. However, the Israeli rabbis refused, citing the fact that David was naked and… uncircumcised. The rabbis were then supported by the spiritual authorities of the Palestinian Arabs, so the Israeli authorities were forced to submit to the religious wave. The gift was not accepted.

David is the most recognizable silhouette

Everyone knows that Florence is the pearl of Italy, and millions of tourists come here to enjoy the unforgettable mood created by the outstanding Florentines. And contribution David to the state treasury - 8 million euros per year. Not surprisingly, the Florentines want to get their percentage of this amount, since the government has significantly reduced budget transfers for local authorities.

And how was this handsome David created, which caused a disagreement between Rome and Florence and one of the most copied sculptures in the world?

Maestro Michelangelo captured the image King David focused on the upcoming battle with Goliath. The young king ruled Judea for 7 years, and then for another 33 years the united kingdom of Israel and Judea. He is considered an ideal ruler, which is why the sculptor created the ideal body of David. Although, anatomists still saw the missing muscle under the right shoulder blade on the back of David.

The public was stunned by the perfection of the image of the king, from whose family, according to the New Testament, the Messiah came. Giorgio Vasari wrote that the gigantic statue of David, executed by a twenty-six-year-old “has taken glory from all statues, modern and ancient, Greek and Roman. This David, this majestic and beautiful young man, full of boundless courage and strength, calm, but at the same time ready to deploy this courage to defeat the threat, confident in his victory and in his rightness.

Michelangelo's copy of David, Piazza Signorii, Florence

By biblical legend, still quite young David(then he was a simple shepherd, and then he proved himself a wise ruler) killed Philistine warrior Goliath, defeating him in a duel with a sling, and then cuts off the giant's head. And so, according to the Florentine bibleographer Vasari, Michelangelo created a statue of the victor for his native Florence, for David "just defender and ruler of his people". So great sculptor with his creation he wanted to define the ideal in which he saw the salvation of the offended fatherland.

Such a sample Michelangelo didn't even try to look around. While Raphael and painted portraits, and according to the notes of the same Giorgio Vasari, sculptor and painter Michelangelo “I was horrified at the thought of copying a person if he did not have ideal beauty”.

To make your own cherished dream, the master took a piece of marble, which many sculptors had already abandoned, and they doubted whether Michelangelo would succeed in anything sensible.

One day, the Florentines decided to donate a copy of David to full height, 5 meters 17 centimeters, on September 25, 1995, on the anniversary of the city of Jerusalem, he turned 3000 years old. The Florentines thought it was very symbolic: Jewish King David For Israel. But the city authorities Jerusalem, after examining David, refused, citing the fact that the sculpture is naked, and therefore it is clearly visible that the Jewish king was not circumcised. Jerusalem officials apparently suggested what exactly the Israelites could do with the statue of the uncircumcised king...

Svetlana Conobella, from Italy with love!

About konobella

Svetlana Conobella, writer, publicist and sommelier of the Italian Association (Associazione Italiana Sommelier). Cultivist and implementer of various ideas. What inspires: 1. Everything that goes beyond the conventional wisdom, but respect for tradition is not alien to me. 2. The moment of unity with the object of attention, for example, with the roar of a waterfall, sunrise in the mountains, a glass of unique wine on the shore of a mountain lake, a fire burning in the forest, a starry sky. Who inspires: Those who create their world full of bright colors, emotions and impressions. I live in Italy and love its rules, style, traditions, as well as "know-how", but the Motherland and compatriots will forever be in my heart. www..portal editor

The largest sculpture by Michelangelo was "David". Its height is more than 5 m. Since then, this five-meter statue has been perceived as a symbol not only of the art of the Renaissance, but also of human genius in general.

Michelangelo de Francesco de Neri de Miniato del Sera and Lodovico di Leonardo di Buonarroti Simoni, better known as simply Michelangelo, was born on March 6, 1475 in the Tuscan city of Caprese to the family of an impoverished Florentine nobleman Lodovico Buonarroti. Michelangelo's mother, Francesca di Neri di Miniato del Sera, married early and died of exhaustion from frequent pregnancies in the year of her son's sixth birthday. Lodovico Buonarotti was not rich, and the income from his small estate in the countryside was barely enough to support many children. In this regard, he was forced to give the young Michelangelo to the nurse, the wife of "scarpelino" from the same village, called Settignano. There, educated married couple Topolino, the boy learned to knead clay and use a chisel before he could read and write. In 1488, Michelangelo's father resigned himself to his son's inclinations and placed him as an apprentice in the studio of the artist Domenico Ghirlandaio. He worked there for one year. A year later, Michelangelo moved to the school of the sculptor Bertoldo di Giovanni, which existed under the patronage of Lorenzo de' Medici, the actual owner of Florence. The Medici are the first to recognize Michelangelo's talent and patronize him. Approximately from 1490 to 1492 Michelangelo is at the court of the Medici. This is how it started creative way great Italian artist.

IN biblical history David and Goliath, David first put on chain mail, then a brass helmet, and then girded himself with a sword: he was preparing for the usual sword fight with Goliath. But then he stopped. "I can't walk around in this gear because I'm not used to it," he said, and took those five smooth stones.

On August 16, 1501, the 26-year-old Michelangelo received an order from the headman of the Florentine wool merchant workshop (the workshop was instructed to oversee the decoration of the cathedral church of Santa Maria del Fiore) to make a sculpture of the biblical King David. This was preceded by the following story.

Back in the 14th century, the great Italian painter Giotto, who was one of the builders of the Florentine Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, depicted him with marble statues on the roof. 100 years before Michelangelo's "David", it was decided to fulfill an old dream of statues. Young Donatello carved a two-meter "David" from marble. The sculpture seemed small, and the trustees of the cathedral sold it to the Florentine government as unnecessary. In order to rise to the top big statues Donatello and Brunelleschi thought of making them of light wood, upholstered in metal for strength, and painted to look like marble; other materials were also offered. Doubts and hesitations continued for decades. Finally, the Florentines relied on the power new technology, and in the middle of the 15th century a huge block of marble was prepared for the first figure. Agostino di Duccio received the order for the large David. Throughout his life, he did not create a single statue, only reliefs, but often helped Donatello in similar works. He had only to hew a block, and Donatello would take up the matter. But Donatello died, and the block remained lying in the courtyard of the temple of Santa Maria del Fiore for many years, gradually losing its presentation under the influence of rain and wind. There is an urgent need to rescue people's good. Here the young sculptor Michelangelo turned up, whom Leonardo da Vinci advised the fathers of the city.

Half a century after the statue of David, the writer and artist Giorgio Vasari described the whole history of the creation of the sculpture differently. Vasari, in his Biographies, says that the block was considered damaged, and Michelangelo begged for it as unnecessary, and then surprised him with a finished statue. There is even an anecdote about how the head of the Florentine Republic asked the sculptor to shorten the nose of the David. Michelangelo pretended to shorten, and the ruler immediately said: "Now it's good." But these are all just legends.

As soon as Michelangelo finished his "David", it turned out that it would not be possible to raise him to the roof, the trustees of the cathedral handed over the statue to the city. A special commission, which included Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci, found her a good place on the square in front of the Palazzo Vecchio, the palace of the Florentine government. They built a special mechanism for transporting the statue, and on September 8, 1504, "David" was erected in front of the entrance to the palace. There he stood in the open air for almost 4 centuries. In 1873, it was transferred to the building of the Florentine Academy of Arts, and a copy was installed on the square. Placed in the center of Florence, "David" began to be perceived as a patriotic symbol - the image of the defender of the city. The fact is that by 1501, when Michelangelo began to work on the statue, the citizens of Florence approved the new republican Constitution, overthrowing the tyranny of the Medici clan.

The principle of "rags to riches", often found in American biographies, over time received two different interpretations. The 19th century version emphasized shortcomings that would be compensated for in the future. If you want to get to the top, it's much better to start from the bottom: this way you will get the necessary skills and motivation in order to succeed. These days we don't learn from poverty, we avoid it.

"David" became the largest sculpture by Michelangelo. Its height is more than 5 m. Since then, this five-meter statue has been perceived as a symbol not only of the art of the Renaissance, but also of human genius in general. The statue depicts a naked David, focused on the upcoming fight with Goliath. The young man prepares for battle with an enemy superior in strength to him. He is calm and focused, but his muscles are tense. Eyebrows menacingly shifted, something frightening is read in them. Over his left shoulder, he threw a sling, the lower tip of which is picked up by his right hand. The free pose of the hero - a classic example of contrapposto - is already preparing a deadly movement.

There is hardly a statue in the world that can compare with "David" in terms of the number of copies and casts. One of the copies is now in the Italian courtyard of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. Interestingly, the plaster copy of David, which was installed in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, was at one time equipped with a removable fig leaf in case of visits by the queen.

At the end of the 20th century, Israel celebrated 3,000 years of Jerusalem. The anniversary of the hearth of the three world religions was an event far from being of local significance. The municipality of Florence has decided to donate a life-size copy of Michelangelo's David to Jerusalem. International etiquette prescribes that "you don't look a gift horse in the mouth." But it was not there! The Israeli rabbis looked and ... were stunned: “But David is naked! And also uncircumcised!” In Israel, as you know, religion is not separated from the state. There are many religious political parties in the country and the voice of religious leaders is far from last value. The rabbis were then supported by the spiritual authorities of the Palestinian Arabs. The Israeli authorities were forced to submit to the religious wave. The gift was not accepted.

Nevertheless, on October 7, 2008, a monument to King David was unveiled on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. But it was already another "David" - the modern Russian sculptor Alexander Demin. The statue of the legendary king of the Jews, cast in bronze, in clothes, in a sitting position and with a lyre in his hands, was received by the Israeli authorities as a gift from the Russian charitable foundation of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The installation of a monument to King David in Jerusalem was blessed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'

Alexy II. This time, in order to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings, David Susanna, adviser to the mayor of the city of Jerusalem on art and design, was personally present at all stages of the creation of the monument to King David.

The statue was installed near the tomb of King David, under the walls of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin and the windows of the room in which the Last Supper. The place for the installation of the monument was chosen extremely well, one might say, similar to the one on which the monument to Georgy Zhukov stands in Moscow.

The monument stood for three days. On October 10, unknown vandals abused him. Vandals beat off the nose of the monument, soiled it with dirt and scraps of cotton wool, someone stuck a Coca-Cola can into a bronze harp. Eggs beat on the pedestal of the monument, garbage was thrown over the fence. locals they say that the act of vandalism was committed by ultra-Orthodox Jews. According to the well-known Jerusalem guide Michael Korol, on the morning of October 11, after the act of vandalism was committed, there was not a single policeman near the desecrated monument.

One can only wonder what would have become of Michelangelo's copy of the statue of the uncircumcised Jewish King David if the City Hall of Jerusalem had accepted the gift from the municipality of Florence.

It must be assumed that in the light of the brewing topic of the day and regarding the symbolism that the sculpture of David by Michelangelo carries, it suits the capital of Russia more than Jerusalem. How about putting Michelangelo's "David" on the streets of Moscow!? Religious intolerance towards art among the citizens of Russia, unlike the citizens of Israel, does not seem to be observed. Moscow, though younger than Jerusalem, is also a world capital. After all, the third Rome. Moscow does not have to wait for a gift from the municipality of Florence. She has her own "David" - a hundred years collecting dust in the Pushkin Museum.

"David" by Michelangelo would easily fit, for example, in architectural ensemble Okhotny Ryad, near the fountain Bolshoi Theater, opposite the monument to Karl Marx by sculptor Lev Kerbel. At the fountain near the Bolshoi Theater, there was once a square where Moscow homosexuals hung out. Michelangelo is listed among them as an idol, along with many other geniuses of mankind. However, the main functional purpose of "David" would lie in a different plane. David, armed with a sling, would forever remind the founder of scientific communism to never let the ghost go free again. And then you can get it on the forehead.

All candidates for the Italian Film Academy Award "David di Donatello" (Italian: Premia "David di Donatello") have become known. The next award ceremony will take place on May 7, 2010 in Rome, the capital of Italy. The award was established in 1956 and is annual. The winners are awarded figurines - small copies of the sculpture of David, which was sculpted from bronze by one of Italian sculptures Renaissance Donatello (Italian: Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi). Herself bronze sculpture located in Florence national museum Bargello (Italian: Il Museo Nazionale del Bargello).

Best Film nominees

"BAARÌA" (directed by Giuseppe Tornatore) / "MINE VAGANTI" (film by Ferzan Ozpetek) / "LA PRIMA COSA BELLA" (Paolo Virzì) / "L" UOMO CHE VERRA" (Giorgio Diritti) - Giorgio Diritti) / "VINCERE (Marco Bellocchio - Marco Bellocchio)

"Best Director"

Marco BELLOCCHIO (for the film "Vincere") / Giorgio DIRITTI (film "L" uomo che verrà") / Ferzan OZPETEK ("Mine vaganti") / Giuseppe TORNATORE (for the film "Baarìa") / Paolo VIRZÌ (director of the film "La prima cosa bella")

"Best Leading Actress"

Margherita BUY (who played in "Lo spazio bianco") / Giovanna MEZZOGIORNO (film "Vincere") / Micaela RAMAZZOTTI ("La prima cosa bella") / Stefania SANDRELLI ("La prima cosa bella") / Greta ZUCCHERI MONTANARI ("L "uomo che verra")

"Best Leading Actor"

Antonio ALBANESE (who played in the film "Questione di cuore") / Libero DE RIENZO (film "Fortapàsc") / Valerio MASTANDREA ("La prima cosa bella") / Kim ROSSI STUART ("Questione di cuore") / Filippo TIMI (for the role in the film "Vincere")

Material from GS

The twenty-third game of the Second Team Tournament.


Pyotr Kazyonnov

Sergei Dubelevich

Ivan Starikov

  • Pyotr Kazyonnov, doctor from St. Petersburg
  • Sergey Dubelevich, teacher of Russian language and literature from Minsk (Belarus)
  • Ivan Starikov, teacher of history and geography from Pushchino, Moscow region

Game progress

First round


  • Law is law
  • skins
  • Brushes and paints
  • How much
  • OK.

What's the price (400)

The Imperial Hotel in Vienna was opened 140 years ago by this emperor; event celebrated chocolate cake"Imperial". A portion for two can be bought today - for 15 euros.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Franz Joseph I

What's the price (300)

Having inherited Voltaire's property, his niece Madame Denis sold exactly this to Catherine II for 50,000 ecu, or 30,000 gold rubles.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: library

What's the price (200)

At the end of the film "Lock, Stock, Two Smoking Barrels", Fat Tom tries to throw exactly that into the Thames - at the cost of hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Ivan answers.
Player response: win.
Correct answer: Two guns

What's the price (500)

Last year, this canvas by Norwegian Edvard Munch was sold at Sotheby's for nearly $120 million.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: scream

Ural (300)

The epic of this people tells about the mighty Ural Batyr and his evil brother Shulgen.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Bashkirs

Ural (200)

The expedition of the Russian Geographical Society to the Urals in 2010 specified precisely this border.

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: Between Europe and Asia

OK (400)

She became the prototype of the heroine of the film "The Miracle with Pigtails" and herself performed gymnastic exercises in the film.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Olga Korbut

OK (300)

This Russian van Dyck considered himself a master of historical grandiose canvases, and painted the portraits that glorified him for a living.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Kiprensky

O.C. (200)

Question-auction. On the emblem of the artist Artemiev in 1980, they were all red.

Played by Peter. The rate is 1,000.
Correct answer: Olympic rings

Brushes and paints (200)

Brushes and paints (200)

While working on a portrait of Charles V, he dropped his brush. The emperor respectfully raised it and gave it to the painter.

Peter answers.
Player response: Velazquez.
Correct answer: Titian

Brushes and paints (300)

“But both those that are good and those that are bad disappear after the first rain,” Novella Matveeva wrote about the paintings painted on this little-known artists Europe.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Asphalt

The law is the law (300)

If in Thailand you even accidentally step on it, you can go to jail for lèse majesté.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: On a banknote or coin with the image of a king

Skins (300)

Question-auction. Looking through the screen tests of Oleg Efremov for the role of Yuri Detochkin, the artist of the film, Boris Memechek, described the actor in this way. He had to play the investigator.

Ivan plays. Rate - 1 600.
Player response: Selfish look.
Correct answer: Wolf in sheep's clothing

The law is the law (400)

In the French film "Rebellion/Resurrection" the hero whistles the "Internationale". After the release of the film, the director was fined precisely for this.

Sergei answers.
Player response: For the "Internationale" instead of "Marseillaise".
Correct answer: For copyright infringement

Brushes and paints (400)

Symbols (100)

Cat in a bag. Subject: Symbols. Moscow gave Washington a bronze Pushkin by Alexander Burganov, Washington gave Moscow a Walt Whitman by the same sculptor. Above the head of each of the poets is this symbol of poetry.

Sergei plays. Rate - 100.
Player response: Lyra.
Correct answer: Pegasus

Skins (400)

That is how many lion skins Tartarin brought to Tarascon from Africa.

Sergei answers.
Player response: 0 .
Correct answer: 5

Skins (500)

Skins (500)

On erecting this at the Indians North America it took a dozen and a half bison skins.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Tipi

The law is the law (200)

Pennsylvania law prohibits singing there. Even in own house no freedom!

Peter answers.
Correct answer: In the shower

Brushes and paints (500)

Brushes and paints (500)

The bas-relief, painted by the artist in this one-color technique, is difficult to distinguish from the real one.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Grisal

The law is the law (500)

Applying Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, this Russian created the first transformer in 1876.

Correct answer: Yablochkov

Ural (100)

In the village of Paris, in Chelyabinsk region, one of the cell towers is made in the form of this.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Eiffel Tower

Skins (100)

This item with the loud name "Dragon Skin" did not pass field tests, and the Pentagon refused the "Skin".

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: Bulletproof vest

What's the price (100)

In 1914, it was this “Penny” that the Russians could buy for a penny.

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: newspaper

O.C. (100)

The Soviet ruble of 1961 also has this inscription in Ukrainian.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: One ruble

The law is the law (100)

Picture books (500)

Cat in a bag. Subject: picture books. In 1935 great illustrator Arthur Rackham created creepy drawings for this story, published almost a century earlier.

Sergei plays. The bet is 500.
Correct answer: "Murder in the Rue Morgue"

Round result

  • Peter - 2 200
  • Sergey - 0
  • Ivan - 1 000

Second round


  • Names
  • People and animals
  • Thousand
  • Questions from…
  • Actors and roles
  • First

Questions from… (600)

Questions from Dominic Joker

Questions are asked by singer Dominic Joker. About my hometown the group "Chizh and Co", Mark Bernes and, of course, Leonid Utyosov sang.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Odessa

Questions from… (1,000)

In 2012, I released a song called Goodbye. It is curious that 14 years before that, I released an album as part of the Twice Two group with a similar name.

Ivan answers.
Player response: "Hello".
Correct answer: "Don't Say Goodbye"

Questions from… (800)

A rare case, but the text for the song "Farewell" was written not by a songwriter, but by the founder of the Union Soviet writers, world famous prose writer. Who is he?

Correct answer: Maksim Gorky

Questions from… (400)

The university where I studied was called “canned” by my countrymen. In which educational institution did I study?

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: Conservatory

Questions from… (200)

Since 2009, I have been one of the leading popular children's competition « New wave". At first it was held in Moscow, and then moved. Where is it being held now?

Ivan answers.
Player response: Jurmala.
Peter answers.
Player response: Sochi.
Correct answer: Artek

People and animals (1,000)

People and animals (1,000

Given the merits of Prince Charles in this area, he was named after rare view frogs from the tree frog family.

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: Nature Conservancy

People and animals (800)

On the eve of the year, snakes in the Yakut village of Volba blinded a huge cobra in the rack. 400 kilograms of this material were supplied by cows.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Manure

People and animals (400)

A resident of Thai Lampang created a unique hospital for them. For 20 years, almost 3,000 patients have been treated.

Peter answers.
Player response: snakes.
Ivan answers.
Correct answer: elephants

People and animals (200)

In the Soviet-Indian film about this mongoose, Andrei Mironov voiced the title character.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Rikki-tikki-tavi

First (200)

On March 17, 1861, the 8th King of Piedmont and Sardinia, Victor Emmanuel, became the first king of this united state.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Italy

First (400)

Despite industrial effluents, Chelyabinsk residents fish out perch, crucian carp and even peled from this city lake.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: First

First (600)

Auction. The first parade of the workers' and peasants' Red Army took place in 1918 on the Khodynka field on the occasion of this holiday.

First (800)

This part old testament consists of 31 chapters and is devoted to the history of Israel until the death of King Saul.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: "First Book of Kings"

First (1,000)

Medals (200)

Cat in a bag. Subject: Medals. Before you is a medal of honor awarded to Charles Limberg for exceptional heroism during a flight across the Atlantic. Whose image fastened the medal to the block?

Sergei plays. Rate - 200.
Correct answer: Eagle

Names (600)

The hero of the novel "Generation P" Vavilen Tatarsky received his unusual name in honor of these two idols of the sixties father.

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: Vasily Ivanovich Aksenov and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

Names (1 000)

"Tell you a name? Ah, the name is just lovely! ”... In the opera The Barber of Seville, Figaro called Razzini this name of the subject of his master’s sighs.

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: Razzina

Thousand (1,000)

Thousand (1,000)

The first thousand-ruble note in the history of Russia, issued under the Provisional Government, received the nickname "Dumka" for the image of this St. Petersburg building.

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: Tauride Palace

Thousand (800)

The Buddha gave the goddess Guanyin a thousand of them. To help all those in need.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Hand

Names (400)

Translated from Greek, this name of the hero of Dostoevsky means "Purple".

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Porfiry

First (600)

In the movie A Thousand Acres, farmer Larry divides the estate between his daughters Ginny, Rose and Caroline. A peculiar interpretation of this tragedy by Shakespeare ...

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: "King Lear"

Actors and roles (400)

Seeing him in a restaurant, Basov decided: the type for the role of Heinrich Schwarzkopf is excellent, but probably not an actor - his face is too smart.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky

Names (200)

This heroine of "Resurrection" in brothel was called by the name of Love: its own was rustic.

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: Katyusha Maslova

Actors and roles (600)

Actors and roles (600)

While starring in the spy film "Salt", she specially learned Russian.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Angelina Jolie

Thousand (400)

Thousand (400)

Traveler Theodore Solomns named the lake in the Sierra Nevada mountains that way. If you don't believe it, consider it yourself!

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Thousand Islands

Thousand (200)

Auction. For Dahl, this word meant "rich man", for us, rather, it means a successful blogger.

Played by Peter. The rate is 4,000.
Correct answer: Thousander

Actors and roles (200)

On film set film "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive ”he went out already in makeup to keep a secret even from fellow actors.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Sergey Vitalievich Bezrukov

Actors and roles (800)

Alexei Batalov, who played Tibul in The Three Fat Men, studied this art for a year and two months. And he did not resort to the services of a stuntman.

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: Walking on a tightrope

Actors and roles (1,000)

According to Ryazanov, Andrei Myagkov did not appreciate the director's poems "Nature has no bad weather", so he got a role in this film almost without words.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: "Garage"

Round result

  • Peter - 12 400
  • Sergey - 4 800
  • Ivan - 2 400

Third round


  • Advertising
  • Gate in the photo
  • What from what
  • Awards and prizes
  • Dinner is served
  • About music

Gate in the photo (900)

Gate in the photo (900)

These predators are depicted on the entrance gate of the Acropolis of Mycenae, and the gate itself is named after them.

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: lions

What of what (900)

The atmosphere of Mars is 95% of this gas.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: carbon dioxide

Meal served (900)

In 1919, the British airline Hadley Page Transport was the first to feed passengers. True, only sandwiches, and even on this condition.

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: For a fee

What of what (600)

What of what (600)

American Molly Bright creates her paintings from them. And where it takes so much, and even different ones, it is not clear!

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: From bottle caps

What of what (1 200)

From this were both the face and the finger of Gogol's Viy. Correct answer: Iron

Gate in the photo (1 200)

Gate in the photo (1 200)

In Marrakech, the 17th-century gate eventually lost two towers and began to be called “bab agvinau” - the “Baran without this” gate ... Without what?

Peter answers.
Correct answer: without horns

Meal served (1 500)

In the novel The Glitter and Poverty of the Courtesans, this ice cream was served in a glass and garnished with small fruits.

Peter answers.
Player response: Sherbet.
Correct answer: Cream

What from what (1 500)

Rubbed with ointment, Jason became invulnerable; Medea made an ointment from the juice of a flower that grew in the Caucasus from his blood.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Prometheus

Gate in the photo (1 500)

Gate in the photo (1 500)

Nam de mun, or the great southern gate, was built in 1398, when this city became the capital.

Ivan answers.
Player response: Beijing.
Correct answer: Seoul

Gate in the photo (600)

Gate in the photo (600)

The Polish name of the gate "Ostra Brama", or "Sharp Gate" in this Baltic capital was changed into "Ashtriabroma" - "Three Dawns".

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Vilnius

Meal served (600)

According to William Pokhlebkin, this meat dish can also be baked. Dictionary Ozhegova insists: only fried, in accordance with the name.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Roast

About music (600)

"Amazing, inhuman music, ready to listen to it every day, ”the leader of the world proletariat admired this creation.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: "Appassionata" by Beethoven

Advertising (900)

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Advertising (900)

The Harley-Davidson company promised discounts to bikers who made it to themselves in the form of the company logo.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Tattoo

Advertising (1 200)

Question-auction. In a pre-revolutionary advertisement for this product, a crayfish in a suit sits at the table, and a crayfish waiter serves a huge dish.

Played by Peter. Rate - 5 100.
Player response: Beer.
Correct answer: Candies "Rakovye necks"

Advertising (1 500)

Correct answer: public toilets

About music (900)

Jean-Philippe Rameau created 3 collections of plays for this instrument, such as "Roll Call of the Birds".

Sergei answers.
Player response: Harp

Awards and prizes (1,500)

For more than half a century, the golden copy of his "David" has been presented annually by the Italian Academy of Cinematography.

Sergei answers.
Player response: Michelangelo.
Correct answer: Donatello

Awards and prizes (1,200)

This astronaut and honorary member Russian Academy arts received an award Lenin Komsomol for the book-album "Man and the Universe".

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Alexey Leonov

Awards and prizes (900)

This service of Russia awards awards for the creation of highly artistic images of its employees in literature and art.

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: FSB

About music (1 500)

Question-auction. According to D. D. Shostakovich, in order to fall in love with music, one must first of all do this.

Sergei plays. Rate - 2 100.
Correct answer: listen to her

Awards and prizes (600)

Among the winners of the Imperial Prize of this country are the composer Sofia Gubaidulina, the ballerina Maya Plisetskaya, and the musician Mstislav Rostropovich.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Japan

Advertising (900)

In the 19th century Russian entrepreneur Ludwig Metzel first called an advertisement its driving force.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Trade

About music (300)

In musical notation, this clef is the second most common after the treble clef.

Sergei answers.
Correct answer: Bass

Meal served (300)

The inhabitants of Calabria are sure: a girl is only ready for marriage when she learns to do 15 various kinds this.

Ivan answers.
Player response: Pizza.
Sergei answers.
Correct answer: Paste

Awards and prizes (300)

According to legend, the inventor of this game requested an unprecedented reward by starting the countdown with a grain of wheat.

Ivan answers.
Correct answer: Chess

What of what (300)

Substitutes for this are made from acorns, barley, chicory, and even dandelions.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Coffee

Gate in the photo (300)

Gate in the photo (300)

Mini-football players or this one try to score a goal into such a gate.

Peter answers.
Correct answer: Handball

Round result

  • Peter - 12 100
  • Sergey - 4 800
  • Ivan - 6 300

Final round

Subject: Countries and peoples

The historian Tacitus dedicated this short book to the tribes living outside the Roman Empire. The manuscript was discovered only in 1455, and the Germans felt flattered. Mentions of drunkenness and laziness of the ancestors of the Germans did not bother. What was the name of the book?

Peter's answer: "History of the Germanic Tribes"
Rate - 543.

Sergey's answer: "Annals"
The rate is 4,200.

Ivan's answer: "Teutons"
The rate is 6,000.

Correct answer: "Germany"

Outcome of the game

  • Peter - 11 557
  • Sergey - 600
  • Ivan - 300

Pyotr Kazyonnov is declared the winner of the game.
