How to fix a scratched bumper. Easily remove scratches on the bumper without painting the car: polishing the body.

The bumper most often becomes the object of minor emergencies. A slightly higher curb, a mistake when parking - and the shiny surface is covered with scuffs and scratches. Both beginners and confident motorists face similar troubles. You can eliminate superficial and deep defects on the bumper yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists.

Before proceeding directly with the removal of scratches, it is necessary to diagnose the damage. Thoroughly clean the bumper from dirt with car shampoo. Use a solvent if necessary. On a clean surface, from which traces of rubber have also been removed, the depth of scratches will be clearly visible. The scale of the damage will determine the way to eliminate them. Minor scuffs are easy to remove with a wax pencil. Such a corrector will successfully cope with small scratches, completely masking them. Due to the balanced chemical composition, the corrector will not only fill the chips, but also prevent metal corrosion. In the future, the coating that the pencil creates withstands the action of natural factors (moisture, sun, hail), as well as chemical treatment when washing a car. You can buy pencils at almost any automotive supply store. They are quite inexpensive, especially if one corrector is enough for you. long years. Remember that wax can only fill in thin and shallow scratches.

Wide scratches, as well as damage that reaches the ground, will require painting. Painting the entire bumper is not required. You will need to properly prepare the damaged area and apply paint directly to the scratch.

After thorough cleaning of the surface, all existing scratches must be smoothed out with sandpaper. Use sandpaper 1200-1300 caliber. Thus, you will remove a layer of damaged varnish, and the surface will become even, and therefore suitable for further processing.

A deep scratch is filled with a layer of putty. When the putty dries, reapply fine-caliber sandpaper to level the surface. The next step is to prime the surface.

To paint the bumper you will need paint to match the surface. Apply it with a special toothpick, a match with a softened end or a manicure brush. At the stage of staining, you will need concentration, attentiveness and accuracy. Try to achieve a result in which the paint layer is level with the entire surface of the bumper. Leave the car to dry for about a day.

The final stage is the application of varnish. The easiest way is to use a can of varnish that you spray on the painted surface.

When painting a bumper, follow the same rules that apply when painting the entire car. Make sure the surface is free of grease and dust. With due attention to detail, you can easily repair damage from a car bumper yourself.

Even with careful operation of the car, sooner or later the question arises - how to remove scratches on bumper. This part is most susceptible to various kinds of damage and abrasions: stones from under the wheels, curbs, hard snowdrifts.

Meeting the bumper with any of these obstacles will definitely not cheer you up. But there is no reason to be too upset, there are quite a lot of economical means and effective technologies for repairing bumpers, with the help of which it is possible to independently eliminate both superficial and more serious and deep defects.

As a rule, all bumpers modern cars made of plastic, and this hides some of the nuances of the repair, which we will try to understand in this article.

How to remove scratches on the bumper without painting, and when you can not do without it? Before proceeding directly to the repair, it is necessary to diagnose the defect. To do this, thoroughly wash the bumper with shampoo, and then degrease, that is, treat it with a solvent or. On the cleaned surface, the severity and depth of the damage are perfectly visible, based on this, and the method for their elimination is determined.

Minor damage

Small scratches and scuffs can be easily masked with a special wax pencil. These pencils are sold in almost any auto parts store, at very affordable prices.

Wax corrector not only fills in chips and paint damage, it also creates a protective film that withstands chemical treatments () and the effects of weather.

However, do not forget that for all its positive properties wax pencil will be effective only on shallow and thin scratches.

If there are a lot of small scratches on the bumper (for example, they got used to the curb), it is more advisable to use the grinding method, followed by bumper polishing. For this, special grinders and various polishes are used, sanding paper P1500-P2000 will also be required. Usually the bumper is ground and polished without dismantling it.

After soaking the paper in warm water with neat, energetic movements, the bumper is cleaned at an angle of 45 degrees, first in one direction, then in the other. The main thing here is to be careful, the layer of paintwork on the bumper plastic is usually thinner than on the rest of the body.

Next, the cleaned place is again washed with warm water and dried, now you can proceed directly to grinding. The abrasive polishing composition is applied and gently, in a circular motion. The cleaned area is polished until the abrasions disappear completely.

In conclusion, the bumper is covered with a special protective Teflon-wax composition, it protects against moisture and adds shine.

Significant Damage

More serious defects, scratches that reach the ground, will require painting, however, even in this case it is not necessary to talk about painting the entire bumper. If full painting is not expected, it can not be dismantled. For repairs, putty, a primer solution, and a paint and varnish composition matched to the color of the car are used.

The principle of cleaning the damaged area is the same as in the method without painting, with the only difference that deep scratches are filled thin layer of putty. After complete drying, the repaired area is sanded again.

The next step is to apply a primer to the surface. After the primer has dried, the bumper is covered with a thin, even layer of paintwork.

Thus, almost any damage can be masked or completely repaired, and any motorist can decide for himself how to remove scratches on the bumper. All you need is a desire, a competent approach and patience.

You will need

  • - bucket with water;
  • - car shampoo;
  • - soft sponge for washing;
  • - sandpaper caliber 1200, 1300 and 1500;
  • - solvent;
  • - a special set for painting over scratches;
  • - a can of varnish;
  • - polish.


First, inspect the damaged bumper and evaluate the nature of the damage and its extent. Take a bucket of water, car shampoo and use a sponge to start washing it off dirt. If on bumper there are traces of rubber, wipe them off using a solvent.

When the surface of the bumper is completely free of dirt, take 1200 - 1300 caliber sandpaper and smooth out the scratches with it. Be sure to do this with water. When the damaged varnish is removed, and the surface has become smoother, you can proceed to painting.

If on bumper there are deep scratches, then you need to putty them with a thin layer and after the putty dries, level this place with sandpaper. Take the toothpick that comes with the special paint kit and carefully paint over this area. Let the paint dry and then go over the painted area again with sandpaper. If desired, you can replace it with an anti-scratch or polish.

After that, take a can of colorless varnish. Before applying it to the bumper, practice on some other object. Then start spraying varnish on the painted part of the bumper, making sure that there is no grease and dust around it.

As a rule, after spraying, the surface of the bumper becomes uneven. To fix this, take 1300 - 1500 gauge waterproof sandpaper and gently, holding it at a 45 degree angle, smooth out the painted part. Do not miss the moment when you need to take the polish, and at the end of the procedure stop in time, otherwise you can erase everything and avoid painting.

Scratches on the car, especially on bumper- the phenomenon is quite frequent and unpleasant for every motorist. And of course, every car owner tries to get rid of these scratches as soon as possible. The only difficulty is that the bumper is usually a part made of plastic, which means that it is more difficult to repair the damage.

You will need

  • - special means for polishing;
  • - sanding paper;
  • - putty;
  • - car paint.


Vehicle damage can be pronounced when the scratch is deep and not too noticeable when the bumper is lightly scuffed. If the scratches are almost indistinguishable, you need to do the following: first wipe off the remaining traces of paint with a solvent (if the obstacle was a small yard fence or bumper of another car), then carefully paint over the damaged area with paint identical to the factory paint in color.

Another option is to remove scratches on bumper- using paint. The bumper is completely removed and placed so that its surface is parallel to the floor. Next you need to take the paint in body color and start pouring it into the cracks. When the paint reaches the edges of the scratches, you can stop, trim all the places and let the paint dry.

You can still get rid of shallow scratches with a polish. This happens with the help of sanding paper. Soak the sander in warm water, and then with damp paper at a 45-degree angle, start smoothing the surface of the bumper with vigorous but gentle movements. After you need to let the surface dry and cover it with varnish. The scratch will become almost invisible.


  • how to remove a scratch from a car

Almost every car owner at least once in his life faced such a problem as a scratch on the bumper. Many do not want to go to a car service and pay crazy money for restoration, and they are right in their own way. Delete scratches With bumper It's not hard if you have everything you need with you.

I decided to combine two events, a chip received on the way back from the dacha and scratches on the rear bumper, which I put when reversing in my own yard.

Since the original kit for repairing my color is not yet officially available, I ordered a kit for repairing chips according to the paint code (J5N) in a specialized service.

A set of paint and varnish, 5 ml. Inside the brush, like women's nail polish.

This is a chip on the anti-gravity near the threshold tailgate. It's not noticeable until you stoop down to take a look. I got such a chip while driving through a pit, the rain washed away the road slightly and the back of the car slightly slid into the pit and sat down with the right rear threshold.

A chip on the anti-gravity.

And this is what it looks like after a little touch up. The process is simple, degreased, carefully applied several layers of paint, allowing each to dry, then also a couple of layers of varnish.

Dirty, it was in the country.

Now the worst part is rear bumper. The parebrik turned out to be too high, I thought it would pass under the mudguard, but no; (.

Here is the result.

I was a little upset, of course, but I quickly got ready to go to the store, bought cheap chemicals (anti-scratches), a couple of rags, a skin and started.

My bumper resuscitation kit

For the convenience of work, a jumper pad from my velor carpets came in handy under my knees, I didn’t put it in the salon, but put it in the trunk. How I knew it would come in handy.

Here it is, the jumper mat.

Well, here is the result of my manipulations with all this chemistry. I did this, first I washed off the dirt with a rag moistened with water, then I took sandpaper with a grain of 2000 and sanded the right places. Washed and degreased again. And I started jewelry work on painting scratches, it’s very convenient to do it, since the brush is like on a woman’s nail polish. Again, he painted in several layers, allowing each to dry, and the same thing with varnish. The final stage is anti-scratch. I took the purchased mitten-rag and applied the product according to the instructions. Took it all apart and this is the end result.

Thanks for the advice and help in finding a place to order paint

Scratches are a common occurrence faced by many motorists. To determine the degree of damage to the part, there is no need to have professional skills, you can carry out appropriate repairs to prevent difficulties with your own hands.

Scratches on bumpers can be of any kind and type:

  • Barely noticeable damage, represented by small abrasions - manifestations of such a plan require staining.
  • Large scratches occur during incorrect parking or minor collisions. To repair them, spot-type staining or a complete repair, including staining, can be applied.
  • Dents - These problems often occur as a result of heating. Specialized suction cup repair is used here, especially on a large scale.
  • Significant breaks and breaks are serious types of deformation damage, resulting in a significant violation of the integrity of the bumper. Sometimes welding and dismantling is required, often painting techniques need to be applied.

To remove such a defect as scratches on bumpers, you will have to apply various methods that require a detailed and painstaking approach.


The modern practice of working with a car has many methods with which you can instantly correct existing defects. The main techniques are aimed at masking the damage formed in the area of ​​the upper layer, in the absence of touching the paintwork. For example, repairs are carried out using special polishing pastes, different sizes abrasives and wax compounds that can fill cracks and mask their manifestations.

Application of wax pencil

If you are considering options that will help you remove damage from the plastic of a car with your own hands, then a wax pencil is one of the proven methods of work. Before use, preparation is carried out, during which the bumper is cleaned and then degreased with a special solution. The most appropriate conditions for the use of a wax marker are moderate air temperatures. Wax is applied in several layers with interruptions to ensure their drying.

You can carefully paint over deep damage if you first carry out transverse movements, and then move in the longitudinal direction.

It is desirable that the tool remains within the damage and does not go beyond them. If this does happen, you can remove the wax using a napkin.

After the last layer is applied, the treated area is polished. Scratch on back or front bumper with this method is removed quickly.


This repair is a thorough and complex process compared to previous operations, because it will require skills and certain types of tools. You need a special machine with which the bumper is processed around the entire perimeter, and sandpaper is used in hard-to-reach places.

After the composition has hardened, the bumper is cleaned, you can proceed directly to the staining process. To obtain a high-quality color, parts can undergo preliminary heat treatment. The application of the coloring composition is carried out using a spray gun, and pistols are also offered for sale. About 3 layers are used, after which the surface is to be varnished. If the most complex damage occurs, puttying operations are carried out along with the primer.

Filler for deep damage

If there is a need to remove deep scratches, special work will be required. It is done after thorough cleaning and grinding of the bumper using sandpaper or a machine:

  1. The putty is applied in a small layer, the main requirement is to fill all the damage to the machine.
  2. After leveling the first layer, the procedure is repeated, while smoothing the surface is carried out at slower speeds.
  3. Don't forget the importance of using a fine grit sandpaper for plastic, as it's important for tricky areas.
  4. It is necessary to apply a primer on top, and then do the above work.

Drying will take a day, it is best to let the parts dry naturally so that deformation does not occur.


Thus, repair aimed at removing damage from plastic is a simple process that can be done by hand. The main rule is to have your own skills and ensure that you follow the instructions for working with the machine. Scratches on bumpers with compliance will be repaired instantly.
