Registration in the hostel. What does “fit in” mean in youth slang and what do they do on it? We explain...

Trying to understand youth slang and the worldview of today's teenagers, it is interesting to find out what is the entry. The fashion of big cities is rapidly addictive, so progressive youth in every possible way strives for emancipation, is in search of their inner self, enjoys communicating with their own kind, so to speak. This is where it is useful to understand the meaning of the word entry in order to be at least a little closer to the younger generation. The question immediately arises of who is included and where.

What does the word entry mean

The adult generation is little familiar with youth slang, it's time to expand your own horizons and learn a lot of new things. A vpiska is a place where you can always spend the night for free, meet like-minded people. At a certain address, for example, in an apartment, young people of interest gather in large numbers, discuss topical issues and share their impressions and personal experiences. Holding parties of such a plan cheers up, helps to make new friends, relax after a long journey without alcohol.

The tradition of joining

Such a progressive movement appeared back in the Soviet Union, when hippies who did not have permanent place residence and wandering around the country. They were looking for places and suitable premises where they could stay overnight and meet new people. For them, it was one of the safest types of recreation in the circle of like-minded people. Such an opportunity to spend the night and arrange a meeting of "friends in mind" is provided to young people in everyday life, the tradition of registration has been preserved.

What is registration for youth

Groups of people who gather to visit like-minded people and walk until the morning, participate in the registration, they are, as it were, “inscribed” in new company. This is an opportunity to see new world to be in an unfamiliar environment. As an entry, you can choose a dacha, an apartment, an abandoned house, a dorm room or other types of housing. Don't invite a girl here romantic date, but with friends it is quite possible to have an unforgettable time with jokes, music and songs. Simply put, entry is when you can go to friends of friends, where to find temporary shelter.

Types of entries

Like-minded people can be found on the Internet, for example, VKontakte or other social networks and sites. It is quite possible to stick to unfamiliar companies or become a member chance meeting. IN modern society exist different types lists, however, this youth term has a standard meaning for the younger generation. One way or another, the newcomer will have to be in someone else's apartment.


This is the most simplified version of the entry, when we are talking about about a small party in a circle of like-minded people. At such events, it is always noisy and fun, and small companies there is always something to talk about, something to discuss, how to have fun. "Flat" in English means "apartment", and young people gather mainly to listen to music. Communicate even if they don't know each other. Party for the most ordinary people, however, according to informals, this is a tough party without rules. So the explanations are very contradictory.


This is the safest type of vacation, because you can meet in the same company with good friends and old friends. A prerequisite for such a social event is an equal number of guys and girls who listen to music, communicate, share emotions and experiences, play games. The Legion gets bored very quickly, and young people choose already unsafe types of meetings to find new friends.


For such a long event, each host prepares in advance, stocking up on a large amount of food and alcoholic beverages. Finding out what a youth slang is, it is worth immediately clarifying that young people on a “submarine” gather in remote places, disappear for several days from civilization, turn off mobile phones in order to mentally relax and unwind. There are several overnight stays ahead, newcomers are faced with an unusual environment. The most interesting thing is dancing, drinking, socializing at night.


This is a noisy party with a huge number of strangers in an apartment where there is nowhere to “fall an apple”. The apartment is unsuitable for living, but you can have a snack, spend the night, have fun for free. This is an unsafe place for parties, because under certain life situation and under the circumstances, a police squad may knock on the door at night, having received a complaint from disgruntled neighbors.

road party

Young people in this case gather together, traveling to unfamiliar city. The meeting place can be a train car, a ship's cabin, and other types of public transport. The purpose of the registration is to search for like-minded fellow travelers, new acquaintances, and to determine the place of temporary residence. Such travelers belong to a separate community, they will find temporary shelter in any country in the world.

What do they do on enrollments

If especially active teenagers organize such large-scale events, then in order to communicate and have fun. You can also live for free in a foreign city, meet new people, make useful contacts and create an accurate list of where you can always spend the night for nothing. This is often done by young people who do not get along with their parents, the guys from their yard. The desire to stand out from the crowd and express oneself makes the entry especially popular among the masses. This extraordinary tradition has been alive for many decades and continues to live.

How to get enrolled

The task of the organizers is not only to find a free apartment and a secluded place, but also to provide progressive youth with exciting leisure, unforgettable fun, and for themselves - good reputation, new acquaintances. Registration is practiced in almost every city, only appearances and passwords are hidden from the public. Such meetings of "friends" are accompanied by a secret, and you can get to this kind of event through friends. Other options for enrollment are listed below:

  • through social networks, groups, VKontakte applications;
  • with the help of youth sites, world wide web forums;
  • according to the conversations of advanced peers;
  • from well-known party-goers from a personal environment.

How to behave on appointments

If you decide to visit such a traditional party, you need to find out all the existing rules so as not to accidentally offend the owner of this event. If the global question, what is entry among young people, no longer causes difficulties in answering, then not all newcomers, good guys, are familiar with the basic rule of the hangout. Here's what you need to know before agreeing to such an extraordinary pastime in a circle of like-minded people:

  1. Even before the beginning of the evening, the owner of the entry announces the basic rules, which must be observed by all the participants without fail. For example, a dress code may be introduced, or an exciting check-in of guests at the entrance to the apartment may be prepared.
  2. Politeness and cleanliness is the main task of all invited guests, who must respect the owner's home. So, wash the dishes yourself, take out the trash in a timely manner and collect the bed.
  3. Other people's things cannot be taken out of the apartment, moreover, without prior permission, they should not even be touched. Otherwise, you can anger the owner and be left homeless at night due to violation of the basic rules.
  4. You can’t use landline phones in the owner’s apartment, and if you really need to, you need to ask his permission. There can be no talk of international and long-distance calls.
  5. More often you have to sleep on the floor, and use the bathroom and kitchen only with permission. Do not occupy such public places for a long time, do not abuse the hospitality of the owner of the registration.

If new words that you do not understand have appeared in your child's vocabulary, this is not a reason to sound the alarm. But it’s better to find out what an entry is in order to understand where your child went in general. It is not worth banning everything in a row just because of your ignorance, but you can’t let education take its course at any age.

The need for contact with society

It so happened that man is a social being. In nature, we see many examples when even the most primitive animals need couples, other partners for a comfortable existence. In absolute loneliness, few people can survive, this dramatically reduces the chances of success of any start. Man needs communication in order to:

  • Receive approval and well-deserved praise from outside.
  • Share information with others and receive new data from them.
  • Develop and improve your personality.
  • Establish contacts and learn the intricacies of social interaction.
  • Get the most out of working in a team, achieving results with the help of team efforts.

Many people are reserved by nature, they are unsociable, not inclined to have wide circle friends and acquaintances. There is nothing catastrophically bad in this, but it is always nice when your son or daughter has a fairly wide circle of friends and girlfriends who can support in difficult times. Therefore, the issue of restrictions must be approached carefully, not to go too far, and always set reasonable conditions. Problems with socialization can arise, including through the fault of the parents.

When are enrollments?

By and large, this is the same party. It usually takes place in a rented apartment and ends with an overnight stay there. But there may be exceptions, and no one will force you to stay. This is not some new kind of entertainment, this was practiced back in the Union, somewhere in the middle of the last century. Young people gathered in the apartment of one of the participants of these very gatherings, discussed topics of interest to this small community and had fun. Worth signing up for today:

With whom is it better to sign up?

At the registration, the majority may know each other, or complete strangers may gather.

Postings with friends

Hanging out with strangers

You know perfectly well what to expect from each participant. It's easier to control the situation.

Absolutely unpredictable turns and not too adequate guests are possible.

You can not count on something new and extraordinary, "everything is according to the old schemes."

New members can bring their own flavor and add variety.

Usually they gather at the apartment of one of the participants in this party.

As a rule, accommodation is rented for a day specifically for the event.

Everyone knows you very well, and an unexpected change in image will only cause bewilderment among the majority of those present.

In the company of strangers, you can practice yourself in trying to impress others.

Choice depends on specific goals. If you want to chat with old acquaintances, gather a "circle of interests" and just meet with those who have not been seen for a long time - choose the first option. But for everything connected with the establishment of new social ties, much better fit entry into an unfamiliar environment. Sometimes you need to step outside your comfort zone, because only there miracles happen.

Is entry a risk to life and health?

There is an opinion among the broad masses that the entry is a real source of debauchery and vice. A negative opinion about listings is formed due to:

  1. Numerous high-profile stories of teens using alcohol, drugs, and even episodes of sexual abuse.
  2. The very fact of the presence of alcohol at the party, and sometimes other prohibited substances.
  3. Overnight principle. Someone has a stereotype that " good girl"will not go to an apartment with an unfamiliar company until the morning.
  4. Love to search for adventures on your head. The likelihood that those in enclosed space teenagers or young adults will not do anything out of the ordinary - not so high.
  5. Prejudices that any noisy gathering is bad. That's it, by definition. If people get together, have fun, have fun and make noise - it means that something is wrong with them, they are too joyful and at the same time they also prevent the neighbors from relaxing calmly after a hard day.

And these are all just stereotypes. In fact, in every major city dozens of such events take place every weekend.

In a year, the bill can reach up to a thousand, and across the country the number of entries is measured in tens, if not hundreds of thousands of events. And for all the past years, there will be a dozen, and maybe even fewer such unpleasant stories. Now look at the percentage, not too impressive, right? This is something from the category of fear of sharks. And despite the fact that many more people die from cows every year.

Security measures at check-in

To be as safe as possible:

  • Visit listings where there are at least a few reliable acquaintances who will help, in which case.
  • Always let someone know where and with whom you are going.
  • Dose the alcohol you drink, it is better to immediately refuse other mind-expanding substances.
  • Do not show excessive perseverance if the girl has shown by all appearances that she does not want to continue having a good time.
  • Leave in time if you feel that the degree of the situation is heating up.

As you know, fit it:

  1. A party that usually ends with an overnight stay.
  2. A good reason to make new acquaintances, find friends or girlfriends.
  3. Opportunity to start new romantic relationship or just to get an interesting experience.
  4. An option to test your body for strength.
  5. It is usually held among acquaintances, invited to it either with the help of social network VK, or simply by calling.
  6. Events are rarely held where no one knows anyone at all. Such an extraordinary option.

Knowledge does not always lighten the burden, often quite the contrary. For those parents who know what registration is, the desire to let their children go to this event arises no more often than those who are in the dark.

Video about enrollment

On this video you can see what does a classic entry look like :

For students today there are many recreational activities: club parties, visits, trips to country houses, such as Porechye. From year to year, from module to module, traditions are repeated, leaving an unlimited number of emotions and memory for life. However, not everyone and not always manages to be on this "celebration of life". The tower decided to find alternative ways party with friends or even host a legendary party yourself. In dorm

The easiest way to find company for weekends/holidays or free evenings is to ask your fellow students what they have planned for these days. With a 50% probability, either the classmates themselves, or their friends, or the friends of their friends, or the neighbor's apartment something, but notes that the flag is in your hands.

If boring classmates can’t think of anything better than to sit and prepare for the upcoming seminar, open Vkontakte, and if you own the Internet a little better than your grandmother, you will most likely be able to find publics of some apartments in different dormitories of the tower, which cannot even live for weeks without mass movement. Usually the owners of these apartments are very friendly and open to new acquaintances guys. They will always make an excellent company for you and your friends. Most importantly, take care of a vacant place for the night if the party is far from your home.

If for some reason you forgot how the search works, we offer you several similar pages:

If neither of the two methods above suits you, there is always a third! Host a party yourself.

You will need:

  1. Incredible courage and bravery;
  2. Free apartment;
  3. Alcohol. A lot of alcohol;
  4. Friends, friends of friends, friends of friends of those friends, all neighbors, neighbors in the neighboring dormitory, classmates, classmates and so on;
  5. Girls;
  6. Any audio equipment with speakers and a good music selection. (Flashing, flickering light bulbs, garlands, etc. are also welcome);
  7. Photojournalist. And it doesn’t matter whether it is in adequate condition or not: its task is to convey the atmosphere, see and shoot everything, correctly save and show it to the participants of the celebration a little later;
  8. With a special desire - a hookah. (And, accordingly, the ability to close the alarms with a plastic bag).

What you will NOT need in the first place:

  1. Security guards and attendants;
  2. Act. Several acts;
  3. Broken furniture and broken windows;

In order for everything to go smoothly, as they say, without a hitch and without a hitch, try not to get hung up on the little things. Think of American college movies: order a pizza and make some snacks, think about the entertainment part other than music - it could be all kinds of activities like Twister, Truth or Dare or Crocodile, but never play Musical Chairs. and don't ask why. Tell everyone about your party: Instagram, Twitter, Vkontakte, Tumbler, or at least Email. Here, again, it's worth remembering not to post this to the dorm group. Maybe more people will gather this way, but the attendants, in this case, will also not miss this celebration.

You can consider that your night was a success if the attendants dispersed your meeting no earlier than 3 o'clock in the morning, or did not disperse it at all (which is extremely rare); if not a single act has been written, and the furniture is intact (or at least suitable for repair); if the apartment still looks like an apartment; if not everything is remembered in the morning, but everyone remembers correspondence on Vkontakte and photo reports. IN American films all parties end with a drowned car or a fire. Remember, this is not exactly a happy ending.

Freedom of action gives rise to the will of chance. In turn, the will of chance leads to unexpected situations and legendary parties. They become especially legendary if everything happens in a hostel!

The text was prepared by Lida Emelyanova

The slang expression "fit" has long been used in communication. In this post, we will analyze in detail the meaning of a word that has become very popular among young people.

What does it mean?

So, in slang - an invitation to have fun in a noisy company in someone's apartment. By the way, jargon appeared back in the days of the USSR, when young people were looking for a free apartment for entertainment and recreation.

The founders of the unusual word became members of the hippie subculture. The guys often traveled around the country and, due to lack of finances, stayed for the night in the houses or apartments of their friends, acquaintances, and even strangers. Such overnight stays were commonly called "stays".

To date enrollment in teenagers- these are visits to parties at home or in an apartment, which involve a subsequent overnight stay. Such gatherings promise to be noisy and lengthy. Alcoholic drinks are drunk at the entrances.

Very often, such events are held by one of the acquaintances, when the parents of teenagers go on vacation or on a business trip. The most important thing is the presence of an empty apartment, house or even a summer house.

In some cases, youth slang for a check-in can mean temporarily staying in someone's apartment for a few days.

The main purpose of the event

What is the purpose of gathering such parties? Everything is simple. The youth movement is organized away from adults, who often annoy teenagers with teachings, instructions and advice. The guys want to be away from the elders and have fun.

By the way, sometimes the registration is considered only as an overnight stay. For example, a person does not have money for a hotel or rent, but needs somewhere to spend the night. Or someone simply missed the last bus or tram, and the owner of the apartment, in order not to expel the guest at such a late time, leaves him for the night (such cases are called “unscheduled check-in”).

Party types

What do they do on the so-called "inscriptions"? It all depends on the type of such event. Now we will tell you more about each of them.


One of the safest and most harmless entries. This event is attended by people who know each other very well. They gather not only for drinking alcohol, but also for interesting communication. A small nuance: initially, guys gather at the legions, and then they invite them to visit unfamiliar girls. This is often done through social media.


Another quite harmless type of entry. The guys get together just to do what they love together. This could be listening to music or playing computer games.


Youth slang is replete with a similar expression. What does it mean? It turns out that a submarine is an unusual entry in which young people lock themselves in an apartment or in a country house in order to have fun. Its goal is to escape from the familiar world. While the “submarine” lasts, you cannot leave the premises, house or apartment, it is forbidden to use mobile phones and electrical appliances.

on the side

Such an entry is considered unsafe, because people who do not know each other come to it. Another problem with the event is that it can be canceled at the last moment.

road party

Party on the way somewhere. Usually young people gather in the compartment of a sleeping car.


The word translated from English means "crush". These are entries with such a huge number of people that there is simply no free space left in the apartment. By the way, not all teenagers like this state of affairs. But on the other hand, this is a great opportunity to meet someone who will invite you to the next party.


A party that none of the invited girls came to.

How to get enrolled?

Getting signed up is easy. You can simply use the search in the social network "VKontakte". It's easy to find a user there who gathers guys at home for a party for one or more nights.

But it is worth remembering that when attending such events, one should be careful, because the consequences can be the most unpredictable!

Are there any rules?

In order to "fit" into any party, you should know that there are certain rules of conduct at such events.

A prerequisite is courtesy towards those present. It is considered indecent to ask where to get an overnight stay in an apartment. The owner can point to the bed himself, but usually the guests are located directly on the floor.

It is forbidden to take things that belong to the owner of the house, and even more so without asking to take them out of the home. The use of the telephone and the bathroom is possible only with the consent of the owner.

Please bring food and alcoholic drinks with you!

Even more interesting information you can learn about subscriptions from the video:

Now you know everything about these parties!

Earlier, my uncle told me about his student years spent in a hostel. These were stories about booze, sex, drugs, which were very hard to believe. Now, I am 18 years old, I moved to study in another city and began to understand my uncle. Once there was one f#dec, now I'll tell you about it.

We have a company, every Friday we gather in one of the rooms, and in general, like most students, we are engaged in drinking alcoholic beverages listening to music loudly. The beginning of this evening was practically no different from the others - everyone gets drunk to nausea, and then someone dies at the sink, someone deals with someone, or even spends a great time with a neighbor in the toilet.

It's already more than twelve, the music is still playing loudly, the funniest stage has begun. At the same time, someone starts knocking on the door. Most of us thought it was one of our own and we just didn't react. Then came the second wave of knocks. I begin to notice that one of the most drunk gets out of bed, manages to get to the door, opens it, and there the janitor meets him and starts yelling that we turn off the music, otherwise she will call the cops. After that, she calmly turns around and leaves.

None of us attached any importance to this, as befits drunken students. All this went on, by that time I had already managed to retire with an older student in the far corner of the room. The people were already starting to disperse. I was confident in my abilities, we felt good together, there was a feeling that there was no one except us ... We just didn’t notice anyone. After some time, most of them went to smoke in the corridor - we were left alone. I realized that this is my chance! Taking this opportunity, I run up to the door and lock it, then I sit down on her bed, she smiles sweetly, I take her hand, our eyes crossed and this happened, I think you understand.

It all started so quickly that already 30 seconds after everyone else left, we were lying in bed, because we had very little time. We heard that someone started to knock on the door. After a couple of seconds, some adult voices were heard. Julia, that was the name of the girl, asked me to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, two huge kingpins burst into the room and knocked to the floor. Julia starts screaming, by which time all the remaining people run to scream. The reason for this visit was not loud music at 3 am or drunken bodies on the floor, but drugs. The watchman, calling the cops, said that we smoke and we have illegal substances. After the men realized that they had come in vain, they let me go and they left. As a result, no one had problems except the watchman. That's it, to be honest, I'm crazy
