What is the best name to give a girl in September. Names for girls born in September

September is the first step towards the onset of a cold and rainy climate. The unpredictability and sharp changeability in the weather is similar to the character of girls born during this period.

Girls born in September are very quick-tempered and emotional, but quickly outgoing. They love order and stability in everything. If you entrust such a girl with some task or ask for something, then everything will be done on highest level, well, in return, do not be stingy with compliments or even encouragement, otherwise ingratitude will be perceived as an insult. The most ideal job for them, which is sure to be done responsibly and diligently, is work that requires perseverance, consistency and attentiveness. Sometimes excessive pickiness to trifles can be very annoying. They are able to perceive any criticism normally, listen to the comments and try to improve. The girls of this month are adherents of everything extraordinary, which sometimes amaze others. Well, this eccentricity is their highlight. It consists as in their appearance, and in habits, habits and everything else. For example, they are able to please you in an unusual way giving a gift that you will remember for for a long time and giving gifts is one of their favorite habits. The sociability of these girls knows no bounds, they find it both with their peers and with adults. The reason for this is the trust that they can earn in the first minutes of communication with a person.

In the future, women very devoted to their family grow out of such girls. They always build strong and reliable relationships, adore children and have a special love for pets.

When giving a name to such a girl, it is worth remembering her love for order in everything, so the name should be in perfect harmony with the patronymic.

Names for girls born in September by numbers

  • Thekla - from ancient Greek. "theos" - "God" and "cleos" - "glory", that is, as "God's glory."
  • Adeline - on behalf of Adela (Adela), and it, in turn, from the word adal - "noble."
  • Eulalia - from the Greek. "Eloquent".
  • Theodora - from the Greek words "theos" - "God" and "doro" - "gift", that is, "gift of God."
  • Rose - literally means "rose", less often "red flower", "queen of flowers".
  • Barbara - (from Latin.) - "cruel", "rough"; (from Greek) - "foreigner".
  • Kira - from Greek name Kyria being the female form male name Kiros, which are translated as "lord", "lady", "lord".
  • Sandra is a form of the female name Alexander, meaning "protector of the people."
  • Regina - from Latin, the name means "queen", "queen".
  • Svetlana - Slavic origin- from the word "light".
  • Anfisa - from the Greek. "Anfos" - "flower".
  • Seraphim - from the Hebrew "fiery".
  • Angelina - from the male name Angelus, derived from the Greek "angelos" - "messenger, angel."
  • Eugene - from ancient Greek means "noble", "noble", "descendant of a noble family."
  • Elizabeth - from the Hebrew "I swear by God."
  • Milena - Slavic name means "sweetheart".
  • Praskovya - from the Greek "Friday".
  • Victoria - from Latin. "victory".
  • Natalia - from the Latin "natalis", which means "native".
  • Tatyana - means "organizer", "sovereign", "set", "appointed".
  • Margarita - from the Greek "pearl", "pearl".
  • Domna - from Latin. “dominus”, which means “owner”, therefore the name Domna is “owner”, “mistress”.
  • Xenia - from the Greek "hospitable".
  • Rufina - from the Latin "rufus" - "golden yellow, red."
  • Karina - "ship manager".
  • Vasilisa - goes back to other Greek. "wife of basileus, ruler", "queen".
  • Cornelia - from the Latin "cornus" - "dogwood", also "spear made of dogwood".
  • Elena - of Greek origin "chosen", "bright".
  • Elizabeth - from the Hebrew "God is my oath, by God I swear."
  • Louise means "famous battle" in French.
  • Irma - from ancient German. "peace", "justice".
  • Susanna, Susanna - from Hebrew. "white lily" or simply - "lily".
  • Ekaterina - female Russian personal name from other Greek. "eternally pure"
  • Agafya, Agatha - from the Greek "kind", "good".
  • Caecilia - from the Latin word "caecus" - "blind, unseeing."
  • Anna - from the Hebrew "favor" of people and God. Alternative - "graceful, pretty."
  • Lada - on behalf of the Slavic goddess of beauty and love Lada.
  • Tatyana - means "organizer", "sovereign", "set", "appointed".
  • Raisa - from the ancient Greek "main", "light", "careless".
  • Iraida - from the ancient Greek "heroine" or "daughter of the hero", the translation "from the genus of Hera" is possible.
  • Ilona - on behalf of Elena "bright".
  • Elina - from French. "hazelnut".
  • Emilia, Emily - from Latin "diligent", "strong", "strong".
  • Iya - from the Greek. "violet".
  • Ustinya - from the Latin "fair".
  • Ludmila is a Slavic name.
  • Mary - Hebrew origin "bitter", "desired", "serene".
  • Madeleine is the French pronunciation of the name Magdalena "of Magdala".
  • Ludmila is a Slavic name.
  • Alina - from the Latin "other", "alien".
  • Alexandra - from the Greek "protector of people", "courageous", "courageous protection".
  • Faith - literally translated from Greek means "faith", "service to God".
  • Love is from Old Church Slavonic, where it appeared as a tracing paper with Greek word meaning love.
  • Nadezhda is a female Russian personal name of Old Slavonic origin.
  • Sophia, Sophia - of ancient Greek origin "wisdom", "wisdom", "wise".
  • Irina - from the ancient Greek language means "peace, peace."

Distinctive character traits of girls born in September

Girls born in September can be quick-tempered, but this is rare. As a rule, they are very restrained and quickly get tired of conflict. In general, they do not tolerate conflicts and tend to get away from them. Such girls are very calm, organized and pedantic, they do not like mess. Everything around them strives to streamline. Cleanliness and neatness - these qualities reflect well inner world these girls.

Girls born in the first month of autumn love to cook, come up with new dishes. They are very well versed in food and can intuitively determine what components to add to a particular dish. Great importance for them it has both the beauty and the usefulness of the dish they have prepared.

September girls are very diligent, they approach work with all their pedantry and do it flawlessly. They are very well suited for such activities where you need to work with little things, various small items, or arrange something. They are very attentive to details, among them there are many perfectionists. However, this also has negative quality. Sometimes such pedantry can turn into tediousness that can annoy the people around them.

When choosing a name for a girl born in September, it is worth remembering what girls like order in everything. Therefore, the name should be "ordered" with the patronymic and sound harmonious. If the patronymic is long, such as Veniaminovna, Anatolyevna, Stanislavovna and others, then it is better to choose a short name so that it goes well with the patronymic. If the middle name is short, such as Lvovna, Petrovna, Glebovna, Markovna, then it is better to choose a name of medium length. Too much long names It's better not to call such girls.

What are the names of girls born in September, according to the days of the month. Meaning of names

  1. Thekla (1. from ancient Greek )
  1. Adeline (from Old German "noble")
  1. Martha (1. from Syriac "mistress, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  2. "Tatius" 2.from Greek )
  1. Ariadne (from Greek "venerable")
  2. Eulalia (from ancient Greek "eloquent")
  3. Theodora (from the ancient Greek "Gift of God")
  4. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  5. Rose (Byzantine, literally "rose flower")
  1. Barbara (1. from the ancient Slavic battle cry "in ar, in ar" which our ancestors shouted, rushing to the attack. Ar means earth. Because of this cry, the Romans called the Slavs "barbarians". So the word barbarian happened, which was used to call foreign tribes and the name Barbara appeared. 2.from latin "outlander")
  2. Eupraxia (1. from Greek "prosperous" 2.from Greek "virtue")
  3. Martha (1. from Syriac "mistress, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  4. Matryona (1. Russian, literally: "noble woman" 2. from Latin: "venerable lady", "mother of the family")
  5. Cyrus (1. from Greek "mistress, mistress" 2.from Persian "sun, ray of light")
  6. Sandra (a diminutive of Alexander, meaning "protector of the people", which became an independent name)
  1. Regina (from Latin "queen")
  2. Svetlana (1. from the words light and lan, which means earth, literally "Light of the Earth" 2. from the words light and cheeks, which means cheeks, literally "fair-faced" 3. Slavic meaning "light")
  1. Natalia (1. from Latin "native" 2.from latin "Christmas")
  1. Anfisa (from Greek "flower")
  2. "fiery")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew )
  2. "lily")
  1. Angelina (1. from Greek "messenger, messenger" 2.from latin "like an angel")
  2. Eugene (from the ancient Greek "noble")
  3. Euphrosyne (from the ancient Greek "joyful, cheerful")
  4. "worshiping God")
  5. Milena (from Slavic "Darling")
  6. Praskovia (1. from Greek "Friday" 2.from Greek "holiday eve, cooking")
  7. Victoria (from Latin "winner")
  1. Martha (1. from Syriac "mistress, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  2. Natalia (1. from Latin "native" 2.from latin "Christmas")
  3. Tatyana (1. Latin, derived from the name of the king "Tatius" 2.from Greek "organizer, founder")
  4. Margarita (translated from Latin and ancient Greek "pearl")
  1. Domna (1. from Latin "mistress, mistress" 2. from Latin "mistress of the house")
  2. Xenia, Xenya, Aksinya, Oksana (from the Greek "hospitable", "guest", "wanderer", "foreigner")
  3. Rufina (from Latin "red-haired")
  4. Seraphim (derived from the male Seraphim, from the biblical "fiery")
  5. Karina (this name has many variants of origin 1. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of sorrow Karna 2. from Latin "looking ahead" 3. from Italian "beautiful, sweet" 4.from Arabic "generous")
  1. Vasilisa (from the Greek "royal")
  2. Cornelia (from Latin "dogwood tree")
  1. Elena (1. from Greek "fire, torch", "sunny, shining" 2.from ancient Greek "Greek" 3. derivative of Helios, the ancient Greek god of the Sun)
  1. Elizabeth (from the Hebrew "worshiping God")
  2. "hero's daughter" 2. from Arabic "leader")
  3. Iraida (from ancient Greek "heroine, hero's daughter")
  4. Louise (1. in the Celtic dialect "light" 2. from French Louise, derived from Louis 3. from Hebrew "God help")
  5. Irma (1.from German "universal" 2. from Old Germanic "fair")
  1. Thekla (1. from ancient Greek "God's glory", "divine")
  2. Susanna, Susanna (from the Hebrew "lily")
  1. Catherine (from Greek "pure, unblemished")
  2. Agafya, Agatha (1. from the male Agathon, derived from the name of the stone "agate" 2.from Greek "kind, good")
  3. Caecilia (from Latin "nearsighted, blind")
  1. "wise")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, beneficent")
  2. Lada (from Slavic "dear", "beloved", "wife")
  1. Tatyana (1. Latin, derived from the name of the king "Tatius" 2.from Greek "organizer, founder")
  2. Raisa (1. derivative of Iraid, from Greek "hero's daughter" 2. from Arabic "leader")
    Iraida (from ancient Greek "heroine, hero's daughter")
  3. Ilona (1. from Hungarian "light" 2.from Greek "solar", "torch" 3. derivative on behalf of Elena)
  4. Hellenic (1. from Greek "Greek" 2. derivative of Elena, meaning "radiant, bright")
  5. Emilia, Emily (1. from Latin "passionate, strong" 2.from latin "rival" 3.from Greek "affectionate")
  1. "favor")
  2. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek )
  3. Theodora (from the ancient Greek "Gift of God")
  4. Iya (from the Greek "violet")
  1. Ustinya (1. from Latin "fair" 2. from the Slavic "mouth", literally "speaking, speaking")
  1. Ludmila (Slavic "people dear")
  2. Mary (1. variously translated from Hebrew: "unfortunate", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mary)
  3. Evdokia (from the ancient Greek "favor", "enjoying glory")
  4. Avdotya (a form of the name Evdokia, in ancient Greek meaning "favor")
  5. Madeleine (derived from Magdalena)
  1. Efimia (from the male Efim, in Greek meaning "holy, pious")
  2. Ludmila (Slavic "people dear")
  3. Alina (1. from Latin "foreign" 2. from Old Germanic "noble")
  1. Alexandra (derived from the male name Alexander, translated from the Greek meaning "protecting the people")
  2. Vera (Russian, literally "faith")
  3. Love (Russian, literally "Love")
  4. Hope (from Russian literally "hope")
  5. Sophia, Sophia (from ancient Greek "wise")
  6. Irina (from Greek "possessive, peaceful")

Very often, when choosing a name for a child, Russians use Orthodox saints - church calendar, in which for each day there is one or more days of memory of the saints. Girls and boys can be called the names of the Orthodox righteous, whose memorial day is celebrated both on the day the child is born, and later, on the eighth, fortieth day. You can also choose the names from those that are indicated in the first days after birth, or, for example, name the baby in honor of the saint who is most revered in the family.

Girls born in September, according to the church calendar, are invited to give the following names: Alexandra, Alena, Anna, Anfisa, Ariadna, Arina, Vasilisa, Vassa, Vera, Domna, Evdokia, Elena, Elizabeth, Iraida, Irina, Iya, Xenia, Lilia , Love, Lyudmila, Lucia, Maria, Hope, Natalia, Martha, Martha, Oksana, Pulcheria, Raisa, Regina, Rufina, Ruth, Seraphim, Sofia, Susanna, Tatyana, Fedora, Thekla, Elsa.

How to choose a name for a Virgo girl by the position of the stars

In principle, the whole tradition of choosing a name for children is based on “telling” the child the qualities and fate that his parents wish for him. Certainly, we are talking about those mothers and fathers who at this moment take care of the child, and not about their own originality.

Therefore, choosing a name, parents think about how they want to see their baby, what qualities to instill and educate. Astrologers, in turn, try to predict what qualities will be laid down in a newborn, depending on the location of the stars at the time of his birth.

Girls born under the sign of Virgo are controversial and original, as they combine all the qualities of summer and autumn signs. As a rule, children born in September are smart and disciplined, they study well, but they lack self-confidence. Girls are bright in summer, and their magical attractiveness only intensifies with age. However, these children need to take great care of their health, to monitor their condition. nervous system, temper, prevent overwork and too high social activity. However, Virgos rarely need big and noisy companies, especially in childhood. If the Virgo is treated with care, she will grow up confident and balanced and can achieve great success.

To help the girl cope with obstacles, grow up successful and find happiness, it is better for her to choose a name that is not too hackneyed, but also without excessive pretentiousness. They will suit such names as Evgenia, Alexandra, Alevtina, Dina, Dana, Zoya, Iya, Xenia, Kaleria, Lilia, Nadezhda, Nika, Margarita, Tamara, Taisiya, Dina, Dana, Erica, Emilia, Sofia.

Faith- a balanced and calm girl, prone to logical conclusions more than to emotional outbursts. He does not like noisy entertainment, but he willingly tinkers with the younger ones in the family, or with pets. Possesses good musical abilities.

Dominica in childhood - a bright sun. She rarely gets sick, and little can upset her. The girl is brave, stubborn and independent, which makes her a leader in companies. A good memory and ingenuity help to cope with studies without much effort.

Evdokia- a stubborn bastard. He ignores his mother and grandmother, but infinitely respects his father. Curious and inventive, ideas are constantly gushing out of her. It is easy to learn, but restless character does not allow to achieve maximum success.

Elena loves fairy tales and lives in a fantasy world. The girl is trusting, but if she discovers a deceit, she will not fail to punish the deceiver. Lena is kind, but only if it does not require much effort from her.

Elizabeth- fidget. Peers appreciate her cheerful disposition, and loyalty in friendship. Lisa gets carried away easily, and will be in time for all the circles that are within reach.

Evgenia little understood by an outsider. She lives in her own world, and is addicted to completely unexpected things, sometimes too serious for her age. Growing up as an inquisitive girl sharp feeling fairness and willingness to help. Friendship with boys is also a serious topic for her, she selects fans very meticulously.

Irina- an independent and determined young lady, and this is manifested from the very kindergarten. He is more friendly with his father than with his mother. Studying is easy for her, she looks at things realistically, without romanticizing or denigrating them. At the same time, she is not at all sentimental, and even a little prone to cruelty.

Ksenia- a kind, sensitive and gentle girl. Very honestly builds relationships with others, even when it is not at all in her favor. Willingly helps others. But her weakness- sensitivity to insults, lack of internal endurance and stability.

Ludmila already in childhood shows herself as a hostess. She can be entrusted with any housework, she loves to create comfort, cook, decorate the house and needlework. In the company of her girlfriends, she is a peacemaker and a diplomat. With age, she learns to take care not only of others, but also of herself, but a soft heart and sociability always remain with her.

Love often grows in the center of attention of the whole family, she is loved and adored, but this does not spoil her character. On the contrary, such relationships in the family help her to adapt more easily to the outside world, and not take such troubles as bad grades or conflicts in the class to heart.

Maria- kind, gentle, calm girl. He loves to babysit the kids and is acutely worried about any remark. But she is quite capable of standing up for herself, and not let herself be offended.

Hope. Nadia movable and cheerful child, with her there is a lot of noise, fuss, but also a lot of joyful emotions. Nadia strives for leadership, and her peers often give in to her. With age, this desire acquires some despotic features: it becomes more rigid, stubborn and goes to the goal in any way.

Natalia- a cheerful child, a playful and an inventor. Even famous games and fun in its performance acquire a new flavor and new rules. He often studies excellently, manages to study in circles and help his mother around the house. But criticism cannot be tolerated, and can be offended for a long time if someone dares to reprimand her.

Raisa As a child, Raisa always finds herself in the thick of all children's fun and games, she kind of unites the guys around herself, makes them unite, forget all grievances and do a common thing. If Raisa finds herself aloof from such a society, then it can turn into an ordinary group of children. She is characterized by a sense of self-confidence, independence in decision-making, the ability to stand up for herself with the most decisive actions. He treats people kindly, looks at life soberly. Does not forgive deceit - immediately and forever terminates all relationships. In personal relationships with a person, she counts on a return on his part, equivalent to the emotions and forces spent by her.

How to name a child who was born in the autumn sometimes, in the month of September? The question is very important for parents who want their baby's life to be harmonious, rich in happy moments and joyful meetings.

The name for a girl born in September, or for a boy, can be determined:

  • according to the calendar, that is, to name the name of the saint, whose birthday coincided with the birthday of the child. It is believed that in this way a patron will appear in a little crumb and will patronize all his life;
  • according to the signs of the zodiac;
  • according to numerology;
  • and, of course, at your own discretion.

Names according to the calendar for boys

How to name a boy born in September, or a church calendar of names.

Day of the month (September) Names
1 Andrew, Timofey
2 Maxim, Timothy, Athanasius, Agathon
3 Alexander, Ephraim, Thaddeus, Theognius
4 Athanasius, Zeno, Neophyte, Felix
5 Florentius, Eutyches
6 Arseny, George, Peter, Tation
7 Bartholomew, Evlogii, Epifan, Ivan, Renat, Protogen, Titus
8 Atticus, Adrian, Sisiniy
9 Livery, Savva, Pimen, Theoclitus, Fanurius
10 Agathon, Anatoly, Athanasius, Arseny, Grigory, Denis, Demid (Diomid), Efim, Zenon, Zakhar, Hilarion, Ignatius, Joseph, Karl, Lawrence, Leonty, Lukyan, Makar, Mercury, Moses, Paul, Savva (Savvaty), Sofron, Titus, Fedor, Theodosius
11 Ivan, Anastasy
12 Athanasius, Gabriel, Daniel, Denis, Gregory, Ephraim, Eustathius, Ignatius, Ivan, Leonid, Makar, Pavel, Sarmat, Spiridon, Fedor, Christopher, Jacob
13 Gennady, Basilisk, Cyprian
14 Ammonius, Hermogenes, Meletius, Semyon
15 Anton, Demid, Evtikhy, Leonid, Ivan, Fedot, Fedor, Philip, Julian
16 Anikiy, Anfim, Archontion, Vitalian, Gorgonius, Efim, Ivan, Zenon, Konstantin, Peter, Polydor, Theoktist, Khariton
17 Athanasius, Donatus, Eppolonius, Moses, Urban (Urvan), Fedor
18 Avdey, Athanasius, David, Gleb, Zakhar, Maxim, Peter, Urval, Yuventin
19 Andrey, David, Denis, Makar, Zenon, Mikhail, Cyril, Romil
20 Evod, Ivan, Luke, Savva
21 -
22 Athanasius, Marin, Joseph, Nikita, Severyan, Strator, Feofan, Khariton
23 Andrew, Kallinikos, Clement, Peter, Paul
24 Demid, German, Diodor, Dmitry, Sergey, Leo, Roman
25 Athanasius, Albert, Daniel, Macedon, Semyon, Fedor, Tation, Theodulus
26 Izot, Gordian, Ilya, Leonty, Lukyan, Peter, Stratonic
27 Ivan
28 Gerasim, Ivan, Leonid, Maxim, Nikita, Stepan, Fedot
29 Victor, Efrim, Renat, Procopius
Ilya, Miron, Peleus

Names of girls according to the Orthodox calendar

How to name a girl born in September Orthodox calendar female names

Day of the month (September) Names
1 Callista, Natalia, Martha, Tatiana
2 Rufina, Xenia, Seraphim
3 Vasilisa, Domna, Thebe
4 Hermione, Christodula
5 Elizabeth, Thebes, Raisa
6 -
7 -
8 Natalia
9 Anna
10 Anna, Minodora, Nymphodora, Mitrodora, Pulcheria, Tatiana
11 Evanthia, Oia, Theodora
12 Angelina, Evgenia, Elizabeth
13 Ketevan
14 Natalia, Tatyana
15 Xenia, Oksana
16 Vasilisa
17 Agathoklia, Alexandra, Love, Hope, Vera, Irina, Sofia, Theodotia
18 Elizabeth, Raisa
19 -
20 Catherine
21 -
22 Anna
23 Tatiana
24 Evanthia, Oia, Theodora
25 -
26 Ketevan
27 -
28 Ludmila
29 Ludmila
30 Faith, Love, Hope, Sofia

Correspondence of the name with the sign of the zodiac

The names of boys born in September, like girls, are also determined by the sign of the zodiac. There is an opinion that specific names correspond to each sign of the zodiac.

Children born in September can be either Virgo or Libra according to the zodiac sign. Libra girls often have a quick temper, they are extremely purposeful and diligent natures, conscientious in work and often get the nickname "pedant". The little ones will grow up to be selfless, honest and non-confrontational young ladies. The character of girls is not simple, and therefore you should not complicate his name. It is advised to choose euphonious and simple names: Vera, Anna, Elizabeth, Sofia, Milena. From childhood, Libra babies attract attention with their beauty and unobtrusive capriciousness. The following names are also suitable for them: Nadezhda, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Carolina, Evgenia.

Libra boys and virgins are realists, have a real male character sometimes complex and contradictory. They know how to achieve their goals, persevere along this path and not give up if they encounter obstacles and resistance. The choice of names according to the zodiac sign for boys is wider. Pay attention to these names: Andrei, Mikhail, Timofey, Fadey, Arseny, Grigory, Nikandr, Ivan, Savva, Alexander, Maxim, Benjamin, George, Arkhip Makar, Pavel, Christopher, Yakov, Gennady, Semyon, Anton, Fedor, Julian , David, Athanasius, Zakhar, Cyril, Foma, Akim, Khariton, Peter, Clement, Dmitry, German, Efim, Valery, Ilya, Leonty, Nikolai, Stepan, Viktor, Kondrat, Andrian, Pimen, Sergey, Fedot, Porfiry, Lukyan , Nikita, Gleb, Daniel, Arkady.

Secrets of the date of birth, or numerology to help

The answer to the question of how to name a girl born in the first autumn month - in September, may sound like this: pick a name using the achievements of numerology. The name for the boy can also be determined this way.

Each date of birth of the child corresponds to a specific name. So the date needs to be broken down into simple numbers, for example, 18 is 1 + 8. As a result of addition, the number 9 is formed. If the date is 29, then 29 is 2 + 9. And this is 11, which means that one more action of 11 is 1 + 1.

Numbers in numerology are given the following meaning:

  1. purposefulness, perseverance, aggression;
  2. equilibrium;
  3. craving for antiquity, for custom, the connection between the future and the past;
  4. stability, reasonableness, prudence;
  5. uncertainty, indecision, but the ability to enjoy life;
  6. stability, sustainability;
  7. mystical nature, mysterious, atypical;
  8. success, purposefulness, material wealth;
  9. celebrity, notoriety, the potential to do something great.

Having determined the number and found out what it means, it's time to choose a name that answers it. So, if the number is 1, then Alexander for the boy and Kira, Ksenia for the girl are excellent options.

Now you know how best to name a boy born in September or a girl. May the name bring love, understanding and good luck to your child.
