Julia Topolnitskaya chest. "Pregnant" Topolnitskaya starred in the new video of the group "Leningrad"

In the new video by Sergei Shnurov, the heroes of the sensational clips "Drink in St. Petersburg" and "Exhibit" will meet.

The creation of a new masterpiece of the Leningrad group took place in the strictest secrecy. The location for filming was the pavilions of Lenfilm and one of the St. Petersburg restaurants.All actors and members of the film crew were strictly forbidden to record what was happening on the cameras. mobile phones. However, Life managed to find out exclusive details of what was happening on the set.
The video for the song "Your Big Tits" connected the heroes of the clips "Drink in St. Petersburg" and "Exhibit" on the site. The star of the latter, Yulia Topolnitskaya, will appear in the frame with a noticeably rounded belly. She will be accompanied by a manager, a store saleswoman, a representative of the traffic police, a guide and a driver who made Rubinshtein 24 famous all over the country.
Selection of the fair sex for minor roles was tough enough. Only "owners of breasts from the 4th size, strictly up to 30 years" could sit with Topolnitskaya at the bar. According to the application, they were accompanied by "guys with a very charming smile and charisma, capable of making a girl fall in love with them with one sweet look. Type: Brad Pitt, Tom Hardy."
In the new video, you can also meet actress Marina Domozhirova. For those who watch TV shows, she is familiar from "Such Work", the theater audience saw Marina in the play "Black Diamond" with Olga Buzova in leading role, but on the Web, Marina has become especially popular because of her amazing resemblance With Hollywood actress Reese Witherspoon.
According to the established tradition, the director’s chair was calling card group "Leningrad" Anna Parmas. It was she who created the millionaire clips "Exhibit" and "Drink in St. Petersburg." The secrecy mode is evidenced by the fact that part of the video, which was attended by a large number of extras, was filmed without musical accompaniment so that the words of the song do not go to the masses before the official premiere.
“I didn’t hear the song at all, for the entire time of filming it was never turned on,” one of the actresses Ekaterina shared with Life.
The premiere of the new video is expected on September 5 - this is the date Shnurov named in his Instagram.

On June 28, 2017, a frame from her summer vacation in Cyprus appeared on the personal page of the famous domestic actress Yulia Topolnitskaya. The woman appeared before the subscribers in only one bra, greatly surprising them with her huge breasts.

Julia Topolnitskaya is resting in Cyprus

Now it's going full steam ahead summer period, which means that stars from all over the world quit their business and go on vacation to hot countries, where they spend a lot of money in prestigious hotels and restaurants. The well-known domestic actress Yulia Topolnitskaya, whom the public learned about only last year thanks to the video clip of the Leningrad group for the song Exhibit, where the girl played the main role, but which in social network Instagram already has more followers than many domestic "superstars" with several decades of experience.

However, the new star of the Russian film industry was lucky enough to go abroad almost free of charge. The ticket and the journey paid for her faithful friends who decided to make Yulia Topolnitskaya a pleasant surprise. The girl flew to the sunny island of Cyprus for two days. As the aspiring star herself admitted, this vacation was the most unexpected in her life.

Julia Topolnitskaya pleasantly surprised fans with her breasts

Julia Topolnitskaya is not a fan of the trend to be naked on camera and put these pictures on public display. Her Instagram page is full of photos, but almost all of them are aimed at awakening aesthetic pleasure among her subscribers, and not sexual desire.

Therefore, fans of a novice star are very surprised when their idol shares with the public candid photos. And they were even more surprised when Yulia Topolnitskaya posted on Instagram a frame in which her breasts in a red bikini were captured in close-up.

However, this surprise was rather “pleasant”, as netizens suspected that the celebrity hiding the proportions of her body was the owner of a very small chest. The frame shared by the star of the Exhibit video demonstrates that Yulia Topolnitskaya has rather voluminous forms, and, as professional plastic surgeons have already noted, of “natural origin”.

In the caption to the published frame, the girl explained her unexpected spicy photo by the fact that in Cyprus she felt more liberated. At the time of writing, the photo has already collected more than twenty-three thousand "likes", and this figure is actively growing. Most fans obviously loved the bikini shot of their favorite actress. Some of them also emphasized that the photograph is very similar to a spontaneous shot, since Yulia Topolnitskaya does not look into the lens, and her styling, although it does not look terrible, is “far from ideal”.

For many, Yulia Topolnitskaya is a girl “from that clip about Louboutins” of the Leningrad group. But after resounding success, which brought the aspiring actress a comedic image, she began to appear more often on TNT, in commercials, shows and serials.

For Topolnitskaya, the image of a frivolous and amorous young lady was fixed, but in life Julia is a witty and purposeful girl with an excellent sense of humor. Frequent discussions of her photos on the network gave rise to rumors about breast plastic surgery.

There is no exact confirmation, Julia herself is silent on this topic, but in the meantime, rumors are growing and spreading. Envious people often say that it was breast plastic surgery that helped her gain fame.

When she passed the casting for participation in the clip "Exhibit", she was offered to star in the lead role almost immediately. Some consider this suspicious and claim that curvaceous helped her open the door to Big world show business.

Perhaps the reason for Yulia's success is connected with the popularity of the song of the Leningrad group, as well as her natural charm and talent for being funny. However, some photographs raise doubts: Topolnitskaya's forms look so perfect that a plastic surgeon must have had a hand in this.

How did it all start?

Julia was not famous until her triumphant appearance in the video. When the song entered the top, many immediately became interested in the personality of the actress.

Questions poured in: “Who is she?”, “Where did she come from?”, “Where else was she filmed?”, “Does she sing herself?”, “What is her relationship with the members of the group?”, “Did Topolnitskaya do breast augmentation?” .

It turned out that Yulia Topolnitskaya is just very attractive, young and bright girl, behind which there are no acting successes yet. However, this did not prevent her from passing the casting and becoming the favorite of the Leningrad group.

She starred in several more videos in in a similar way, later appeared in commercials and in the show " Evening Urgant". Many noted that Julia looks great, others began to prophesy her success as a comedic actress.

After some time, rumors began to appear that main secret her attraction is a successful breast augmentation.

In old photographs, Yulia Topolnitskaya is not as curvaceous as it is now. Perhaps the reason is related to changes in weight or optical illusions, but rumors about Topolnitskaya's possible breast surgery have long been scattered on the Internet.

When was the breast augmentation done?

If the rumors are true, if Yulia Topolnitskaya really turned to plastic surgeon, then the operation, apparently, was done before filming in the clips.

In the "Exhibit" the actress appears already with new magnificent forms and quite emotionally "demonstrates" her charms in the clip.

What was the result?

If there was a breast plastic surgery, no one will criticize the result of this operation. Implants are chosen correctly, as the shape and size look very harmonious.

It seems that Julia loves her figure and is happy to tell during her interviews how she takes care of her skin, what nutrition systems she usually follows ... But about plastic surgery(if she really was) says nothing yet.

What does Yulia Topolnitskaya look like today?

It is known that Yulia Topolnitskaya successfully married and now hardly finds free time due to frequent filming. While the debate about her breast plastic is just starting to flare up in social networks, she manages to participate in new projects, star in commercials, TV shows and continue to build a career as a comedian.
