How to make a good introduction to the text: a few secret tricks. How to write an introduction to a literary essay? How to start an essay on literature

Materials for preparing for final essay(December) to help the language teacher

Introduction to essay

1. In the book of E.N. Ilyin "How to pass the exam in literature" (M., 1995) offers five options for beginnings.


Advantages and disadvantages

named option


“The writer was born in such and such a year, graduated (or did not graduate) from the university, the work that will be discussed became the pinnacle of creativity. A novel (story, poem, short story) was written in such and such a year…”

Requires awareness, accuracy, some business dryness

“I did not choose this topic by chance. The problem that it touches interests me not only as a reader, but also as a person who lives by the interests of

of his time and his generation…”

Assumes a clear and motivated statement of one's position

3. "Cinema"

“... A rainy night. Outside the window, the downpour is noisy, and in the wet glass

knocking dark branches. Quietly and comfortably the table lamp burns. I have an open volume of Chekhov's stories on my knees ... "

At the risk of disappointing by the end with a discrepancy between form and content, one must master the art of composition

4. Diary

“Bolkonsky… What is he? Why, every time I meet him on the pages of a novel, I experience either inexplicable joy or burning annoyance, I often catch myself thinking that it’s me, it’s about me. Although, of course…”

For those who can open their soul to strangers

5. Quote

“What have you, what have you done to yourself!” Sonya says to Raskolnikov. Let's think about her words. They apply to all the heroes of Dostoevsky. Marmeladov, Rogozhin, Karamazov ... - they all did something to themselves, in addition to what life did to them ... "

Makes it possible not to look for the first words (usually the most difficult) makes it clear to the verifier that you know the work

2. N.P. Morozova in the manual "Learning to write an essay" (M., 1987) adheres to the following names of introductions:

1. historical (about the time when the work was written, or about the time depicted in the story, story ...);

2. analytical (an explanation is given of a concept included in the formulation of the topic, reflections on a particular word);

3. biographical (reports facts from the biography of the writer related to the work or to the problem raised in it);

4. comparative (carrying out literary parallels);

5. social science (attracting Marxist-Leninist teaching.

Mentions N.P. Morozov and such an introduction, when the student immediately answers the question posed by the topic, he "takes the bull by the horns."

And, of course, "there are beginnings built on purely personal material."

3. In 2004, the work of V.N. Meshcheryakova "Learning to start and end the text", which attempts to generalize and classify the options for beginnings, to consider their functions. Here is the scheme of variants of beginnings that the author proposes to use.

Names V.N. Meshcheryakov and ways to start a text. The most interesting of them


montage of information by contrast: due and existing, expected and accomplished, possible and real,

installation of factual information,

appeal to the information stock of the communicant,

an overview of the aspect of the hero's activity,

overview of the subject of discussion,

a call to remembrance

invitation to dialogue

call for submission,

call for empathy



introduction to the topic


conjugation of facts by contrast,

characterization through the impressions of contemporaries,

historical (introduction of a fact with a delayed explanation; information about the background of the event; statement of the unexpected, strange; lyrical episode ...).

It is important for students to show the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed options, to demonstrate examples of beginnings. It is necessary that for the exam, students determine those options for the beginnings that they succeed in, do not require a lot of effort and time.

Conclusion Options

Conclusion options in most methodical works two are offered:



The conclusion is not the repetition of arguments, as is often the case in children's work. It is necessary new information, which has a general character. The final thought should not be confused with the idea. Here is the version of the conclusion-conclusion offered by N.P. Morozov, for example, to the topic: “In my cruel age, I glorified freedom”:

“So, we were convinced that Pushkin’s lyrics expressed the freedom-loving ideas of the Decembrists, she opposed the serf system, against the despotism of an unlimited monarchy ... The poems we examined cover almost the entire creative way Pushkin, from 1817 (“Liberty”) until 1836, when the poet wrote “Monument”, the lines from which served as the title of the entire theme of the essay. A year before his death, the poet considered the main merit of his work to be that in that “cruel age” he awakened “good feelings” in people and glorified freedom ... Love of freedom is not a temporary hobby of a young poet, but an organic feature of all his work.

Conclusion-consequence is characterized by the desire to say something that goes beyond what has already been said (the influence of the work on the reader, literary process, relevance of the topic, problems ...).

A.A. Muratov (Muratov A.A. How does the heart express itself? M., 1994) suggests using the pointe ending, “conquering with its suddenness, novelty of the question posed or the thought that suddenly came ... “Katerina saw in death liberation from life, from the thought of sin, from " dark kingdom... ". Of course, everything could turn out that way - she didn’t see any other way out ... Or maybe she just wanted to feel like a bird in the only - last - moment of her life ?! Such an ending always sounds emotional, indicating the inexhaustibility of the topic.

Successful endings are those that echo the beginnings (with a ring composition). The words are almost the same, but the thought must necessarily sound new.

Finishing the conversation about the introduction and conclusion, let's remind the students that the volume of these parts should be about a fourth of the entire essay.

Right now I'm sitting and thinking - how to make a good introduction to this particular article?

I often experience problems with this very intro. Sometimes you have to rewrite several times. It's one thing if it's an informational article or a small sketch on a blog. If the text is selling, each word from the first sentences should simply kill on the spot.

Today I will share with you the tips that I have collected just for those who do not always succeed in starting the text well.

What should be the introduction?

A logical continuation of the title. The title briefly tells what the article will be about. The introduction should expand on the topic a little more, explain why it is important, and for whom.

Fascinating. It’s as if we are holding out a “straw” to the reader in the form of a headline. He has to grab on to her. Now it's time to pull it further, to carry it deeper into the text.

Without water. From any blah blah blah and obvious things, the user will start to yawn without even starting to read the text.

Arguing. Tell him why he should read your text.

informing. Hint or say directly what the article will be about, thus expanding the title a little.

shocking. Only within reasonable limits. Say something at the very beginning that no one expected. For example, some interesting unusual fact related to the topic.

Normal in length. In general, if you are interested, it does not matter if the introduction is long or short. The main thing is to be engaging. But the standard length of the introduction is 4-5 sentences.

I don't think I've told you anything really new right now. All this you already know. But how to make the introduction the way it should be, in practice?

Secret tricks

Some of these techniques I use myself, others shared by friends and acquaintances. Take it to the piggy bank so that it is at hand.

Describe what will be in the article. It's that simple. Like: "In this article, I've put together ten reasons why you should get a hamster." Further, the topic can be developed into another sentence: why a hamster, and not a rabbit.

Describe the phenomenon to be discussed.. This technique has its roots in SEO copywriting, when the first sentence had to be started with a key. “Clinker brick is….” and further in the text. If it suits your text - the simplest and most concrete start.

Start with a fact. “According to the Organization that collects statistics on pets, hamsters are loved more than rabbits, by 54%. This article explains why." Interesting fact draw attention and look convincing. Subconsciously, the reader begins to think that the article will be all the same - convincing.

To swing start with the phrase "Listen here", "So"… Imagine that you are sitting on a bench with friends and they asked you to talk about what you are going to write about now.

There is also an obscene version: you write “So, b#;?%%;”, and then you state your thoughts in the text. Just don't forget to remove the first sentence before submitting the text :)

By the way, overcome the fear clean slate and just start writing helps freewriting. Just start, write, express your thoughts. And then delete the first sentence. Usually it is in it that water and all sorts of evidence.

Try write the introduction after writing the whole text. Start writing the very essence, reveal the topic. Leave the introduction for a snack. It will be easier for you to describe what the article is about and why it is important.

Describe your condition. “When I wrote this article, I was sitting at Starbucks and inhaling the aroma of fresh coffee, thinking about how difficult it is to write introductions.”

I'm exaggerating. But main idea you got it. By the way, our Western colleagues in the workshop they often write that way.

Voice the customer's problem or ask a question about the problem. If you know your target audience and its pains, it works flawlessly.

Hook emotions with a controversial expression. "Freelancing is not always the freedom of choice of the client." If what you wrote about coincides with the opinion of the reader, he will go to read to once again make sure that he is right. If not, he will go to read, because this is a kind of challenge.

Voice your personal experience. “When I was little, I loved to read a lot, and I started writing my first stories. Then a copywriter grew up with me. People love to read personal stories - do not deprive them of this pleasure.

If there are no thoughts at all, google it and read how other authors started their articles on your topic. Perhaps someone's solution will inspire you, or tell you how to start the text yourself.

How do you start your introductions to the text? Share your secrets in the comments!

I am honing my public speaking skill with might and main, because I feel that this is mine, and this is what I lacked. And I started with the fact that I went to the course in the "New speech" to Dmitry Makeev and began to speak in Oratory Club(aka: OK). Due to the fact that you need to speak in OK on the topic of rhetoric, I decided to start from the beginning and talk about how to start your speech. I quote below the text of my first speech (as is), whoever is interested, take it into service.

Good evening everyone, my name is Oksana Gafaiti, in my life I am a blogger and a private investor, and today I am a host in a public speaking club, which I am incredibly happy about. And in the next 30 minutes, I will share with you how to start my speech. And where should it start? That's right: preparation.

Moreover, it is important to prepare not only the text of the speech, but also yourself. What does it mean to prepare yourself? This means: bring yourself into balance, relieve tension and stress, warm up your voice and work on diction. Let's write it like this:

  1. Relieve stress.
  2. Warm up your voice.
  3. Work on diction.

And let's go through each point.

1. How to relieve stress

Emotional tension always manifests itself in the body and it is easiest to eliminate it by working with the body. By removing the bodily clamp, you will be freed from the emotions that bind you inside. How to do it? Alternating tension and relaxation in the body. For example, you can stand in such a stance, inhale and strain your whole body as much as possible, and then, slowly exhaling, gradually relax it. You will feel the tension release as you exhale. Let's try to do it right now.

If you have an inner fear, then you need to shake like this with all your might from fear, then relax by repeating this several times. Well, my favorite remedy is shoulder massage. Stand now one after another, put your hands on the shoulders of a neighbor and begin to knead them. Now switch places and give pleasure to the one who massaged you. Feeling a surge of calm and relaxation? Great, then let's move on.

2. How to warm up your voice

Before you start warming up your voice, you need to stretch your vocal cords. To do this, gently press the larynx with your thumb, and then deeply breathe with the diaphragm. How do you know if you are breathing from your diaphragm? Place your hand between your chest and belly, then take a short inhale and exhale slowly. It is similar to when we, having experienced relief, exhale in a relaxed “poof”.

  • By the way, this breath - effective reception to eliminate anxiety. As soon as you feel fear or tension, take a short breath, then a smooth exhale and you will feel much better.

Now you can move on to warming up your voice. Where can you start here? For example, with Om exercises. In order to do it, put your hand on your head and begin to pronounce the sound Om continuously. Try to expand the volume of the larynx as much as possible until you feel vibration in your hand.

Good too pull the vowels “and”, “e”, “a”, “o”, “u”(in that order and for as long as possible). Their alternate pronunciation activates blood circulation in the neck and chest. You can enhance the effect of stretching vowels if you add here exercise "Tarzan" and start punching yourself in the chest. This will not only clear your bronchial tubes, but also energize you before the performance.

Thus, by breathing diaphragmatic, you fill the voice with volume and power, and by stretching the vowels, you improve its sound. However, how you sound depends largely on how you deal with diction. Therefore, we turn to work on the clarity of speech.

3. How to improve diction

The simplest and effective method improve diction and give clarity of speech is well known to us since childhood. These are all kinds of phrases. However, it is important for us, as speakers, to be able to pronounce them in one breath. For example, I like these:

Margarita collected daisies on the grass. Margarita lost her daisies, but not all of them.

Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing corals.

The bull is stupid, stupid bull, the bull's white lip was stupid.

Tell me about shopping. About what about purchases? About shopping, about shopping, about your purchases.

The king is an eagle (you need to repeat quickly several times).

On the rocks we lazily caught burbot,
You exchanged burbot for tench for me.
Didn't you sweetly pray for love,
And in the mists of the estuary beckoned me?

Next, crush speech apparatus. To do this, you can move the lower jaw, like a shelf, pushing it back and forth, and also, stretching out your lips, rotate them clockwise and counterclockwise. You can improve the mobility of the tongue by sticking it out and moving it up and down, then to the sides and in a circle, as well as “cleaning” the teeth inside and out with it.

Sothe waybeforestartspeeches,necessary:

  1. Remove anxiety by working on the body and breathing with the diaphragm.
  2. Warm up the voice by stretching the vocal cords and pulling the vowels.
  3. Work on diction with the help of tongue twisters and warming up the speech apparatus.

How to start your speech

Now let's move on to where to start our speech. And the techniques of the best TED speakers will help us in this. TED is a popular annual conference that brings together people who want to share their ideas. And that's what they usually start their speech with.

Leading in popularity storytelling from personal experience. If you can sincerely tell your story, then this is a proven way to engage your audience and lead them along.

The Next Most Popular TED Talk - Start with What to Do shocking statement. Usually such statements are based on statistics or recent research results and may express your attitude towards them. For example, it might look like this: “Every 6 seconds in the world, 1 person dies due to smoking. During my speech, their number will exceed 200 people. For me, these are terrible numbers, and I am here to reduce them.” The purpose of this technique is to evoke an emotional response from the audience and address their needs, in particular, in safety, health, love, communication, etc.

And the third most common way to start is Ask a Question. If you decide to lean towards it, then ask a question that begins with "How" or "Why." For example: "How to make sure that food does not kill you?" At the same time, you should not confuse these two questions and ask questions that are not related in meaning to each other. For example: "Why is the sky blue?" and "Why are elephants afraid of mice?". In order to increase the effectiveness of the question, make it more targeted by using the title "you".

We now have TED speaker fighting techniques in our arsenal. Let's write them down. So, starting their speech, they most often:

  1. They tell a story from personal experience.
  2. They make shocking statements.
  3. They ask disturbing questions.

And now I suggest that you feel like a speaker at a TED conference and, having chosen one of these techniques, practice starting your speech. The duration of your speech should be no more than a minute, you also have one minute to prepare. Time has gone. Who is ready, please come out.

As a bonus

As a bonus, here's another trick from TED speakers and something you shouldn't start your speech with.


The essence of this technique is that you can refer to a previous speaker or an idea expressed in one of the speeches. You can also turn to the audience and ask them to introduce something. This will add liveliness to the performance and will be a connecting bridge between you and your listeners.

Notcostsstart offmyspeech:

  • A quote is a cliche, even if it is directly related to the topic of the speech. For the same reason, one should not start with an anecdote.
  • Thanks: If you want to thank the audience, do so at the end.
  • With the words "Before I begin": you have already begun.
Oksana Gafaiti,
author site and

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Introduction - the easiest and most hard part essays at the same time. Easy, because it does not require special knowledge and consists of only 2-3 sentences. Difficult because you can't go wrong. As in, accuracy, conciseness and consistency are important.

Ways to write an introduction

Topic message

An indication of the subject of the original text. If possible, highlight the aspect that is touched upon in the text. You can point to relevance.

Example: the text offered to me for analysis is devoted to the theme of love. It talks about the importance of mutual love and its impact on human destiny.


Citation literary work or famous person adds to the appeal. But you need to remember that the quote must be accurate and directly related to the topic of the essay. No matter how beautiful the quote is, it will not be useful if it is brought out of place - a violation of the logic of the composition will follow.

Example: "Unanimity creates friendship," - so said Democritus. This quote came to my mind while reading the text. It prompts a discussion about the factors that contribute to friendship.

A rhetorical question

Introduction to writing the exam it turns out very well if you start it with a rhetorical question - a question, the answer to which is obvious. This gives the essay some expressiveness and arouses interest in the reader.

Example: How can you not respect your homeland? This question causes bewilderment in everyone who loves his land, his country.

Indication of relevance and significance

You can write several sentences indicating the relevance of the topic of the source text at the present stage of human development. This will add interest. Especially if the topic is really relevant and controversial.

Example: the ecological crisis has turned from something distant into a close and real problem. I will not be mistaken if I say that from the state environment depends on the future of mankind.

Statement of the definition

Find keyword in the subject of the text is quite simple. We can try to define it. You don't need to write in scientific language. Suffice it to say about the sense in which this word should be understood within the framework of the source text.

Example: what is conscience? Conscience is the moral guide of a person. That which guides his actions. That allows you to judge it as accurately as possible.

What not to do

Don't write too much do not write more than 4 sentences. The ideal volume is 2-3 sentences. Better less, but on topic.

Don't be too emotional: Write in a neutral way. You will be able to express your opinion. The introduction is the beginning of the work, which should look organic, and not encourage discussion and reasoning.

Don't Retell Content: retelling in the examination essay is inappropriate. It will not add points and will not decorate the work. Write your thoughts, even if you can't articulate them nicely. Strive for simplicity.

Don't waste too much time: the introduction is written quickly. The main part of the work should take the main time. The time for writing an introduction is about 10 minutes.

A scary cursor on a blank screen page is familiar to everyone writing people, amateurs and professionals. Its blinking without movement simultaneously brings joy from the beginning of work on a new text and inspires fear in the same way: how to write the first words of a text whose canvas has already matured in thoughts. Probably, nothing torments the authors of articles more than the birth of an introduction.

Imagine that you are going to write an article or a post for a corporate blog, you already have a topic that you want to cover in the text. Can't you just sit down and start writing? Why does all the creativity disappear somewhere as soon as it comes to the introduction?

The author understands that, first of all, the introduction should not be long or difficult to read. But it should be. It introduces the reader to what he is about to read and provides context for the rest of the text.

To begin with, we will analyze all the components of the introduction of this post.

Component 1: Grab the Reader's Attention

There are many ways to achieve this. You can be insightful or tell a story so that the reader immediately feels emotionally connected to the topic ("Oh! That's what I need!"). You can make a witty joke ("Ha! That's funny! Well, what's next?"). You can shock the reader right from the start amazing facts or statistics ("Wow! Some kind of madness! I should know more!"). In the introduction for this post, the first option was chosen - evoking familiar emotions.

The scary cursor on a blank screen page is familiar to all writing people, amateurs and professionals, beginners and experienced. Its blinking without movement is familiar. It simultaneously brings joy from the beginning of work on a new text and inspires fear in the same way: how to write the first words of a text whose canvas has already matured in thoughts.

Component 2: show the reason for writing the post

Your text must have a purpose. What is the purpose of this post? It is designed to solve a specific problem, because writing introductions is not an easy task, but it must be solved anyway. So, there is a problem that needs to be solved, namely, the simplification of writing introductions.

Imagine that you already have a topic that you want to cover in the text. Can't you just sit down and start writing? (Formulation of the problem) Why does all the creativity disappear somewhere as soon as it comes to the introduction? (The importance of the problem and the need to solve it)

Remember: if you yourself know the purpose of your post, it does not mean that the reader will also know it. He won't be able to do it without your help. It is your job to justify the importance of your post, otherwise the reader will see no reason to continue reading.

Component 3: Explain how your text will help the reader solve the problem

Cool, the reader thinks, there is a problem that is familiar to me and worries me, and I really want to find a solution to it. Is it time to plunge into reading the article? Not yet. It is necessary to briefly tell the reader what exactly reading the post will give him. Thus, you determine the reader's expectations from your work. Tell the reader what the post is and why it is valuable to them.

So, let's see how to write an introduction correctly - short and effective. These tips will help you if you ever have trouble creating a text introduction.


Of course, there are other acceptable ways to write introductions to marketing materials. You don't have to follow this formula for every single post. But these tips should provide a solid foundation that you can follow, especially if you're just starting to write or if it's one of those days where you just don't write.
