Presentation on the sculptural masterpieces of Lorenzo Bernini. Church sculpture and decor

Bernini, Giovanni
- Italian architect and
sculptor. was prominent
architect and leader
sculptor of his time
considered the originator of the style
baroque sculpture.
dramaturgy, that Bernini became for sculpture:
the first pan-European sculptor whose name
instantly identified with a certain manner and
vision, and whose influence was unreasonably strong ... ".

Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini was born on December 7th
1598 in Naples.
His father, the famous sculptor Pietro
Bernini, moved at the invitation of Pope Paul V
from Naples to Rome to work on the marble
group in one of the Vatican chapels. This
happened in 1605.
The boy, once in the Vatican, locked himself in the halls,
drawing from morning to evening. Lorenzo was 8 years old when
he sketched the head of Saint Peter.
The drawing was so perfect that the audience
called the boy "the second Michelangelo".
There were rumors about his talent, he caught the eye of Paul V himself,
received an order from the pope's nephew, Cardinal Scipione Borghese, and
amazed everyone by creating unusual sculptural works"Aeneas and
Anchises", "The Abduction of Proserpina", "David", "Apollo and Daphne"

Art by Bernini
Bernini had the ability not only to portray the dramatic
storytelling with characters experiencing strong
experiences, but also organize large-scale sculptural projects,
conveying unfeigned grandeur. His craftsmanship in handling
marble eclipsed other sculptors of his generation, including his
rivals, François Duquesnoy and Alessandro Algardi, and made him
a worthy successor to Michelangelo. His talent extended far
outside of sculpture, he was attentive to the environment in which
his work, his ability to combine sculpture, painting and
architecture into a single conceptual and visual whole historian
Irving Levin
fine arts.
Bernini applied
light like
and metaphorical
instrument in their religious buildings, often using
hidden light sources that could enhance the effect
divine services or increase the drama of the sculptural

"Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence"

on his rolled up
eyes, tense face, where the muscles
as if cramped, half-open
mouth, his arched body - says everything,
even screams of unbearable pain.
Another interesting bust "Cursed
soul" conveys incredible cruelty,
the cry of the soul, torn out at the very moment
high point of boiling emotions and
passions. Everything is moving and churning.

Bust of Scipione Borghese
the sculptor was able to convey the character
cardinal in a very realistic manner
through careless details of clothing,
facial expression, the play of light and shadow.
"Holy ecstasy
In the person of Saint Teresa, he was able to convey his
vision of passion, divine ecstasy through
this half-open mouth, half-closed eyes,
sweet expression on the face, and also
tense body.

Bernini is like no other
knew almost everything about passion,
expressing it through physics
bodies, violent reflection
emotions on the face. In his
famous sculpture
Apollo and Daphne. He
found the climactic
moment of sensual
persecution. in poses
figures, facial expressions,
body tension we
we can almost physically
feel the raging

If there were any doubts about Bernini's artistic talent, the success of the Fountain of the Four Rivers finally dispelled them. Bernini

doubts about
artistic talent
Bernini then success
Fountain of the Four Rivers
finally dispelled
their. Bernini continued
receive orders from
representatives of the Roman
aristocracy and
clergy, as well as
from outside of Rome
for example, from the duke
Modena Francesco
Under these conditions, talent
Bernini reached the real

Death of Bernini:

Bernini died in Rome in 1680 and
buried with his parents in the family
tomb in the church of Santa Maria Maggiore.

End, thanks for watching!
Gaiduchonok Leo - Visual
Sayriddin Ibronov - Search
sources and material.

Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini was born on December 7th
1598, Naples - Italian architect and
sculptor. He was a prominent architect and
considered the leading sculptor of his time
creator of the baroque style in sculpture. How
noted, "What Shakespeare is for
dramaturgy, that Bernini became for sculpture:
the first sculptor whose name is instantly
identified with a certain manner and
vision, and whose influence was beyond measure
strongly…". In addition, he was an artist and
theater man: he wrote, staged plays and played
in them and even designed scenery and
theater machines. He also spent time
creating decorative items such as
lamps, tables, mirrors, and even carriages. How
architect and urban planner he designed
churches, chapels and secular buildings, as well as
developed large objects, combining in
own architecture and sculpture, such as
public fountains and tombstones.
He is also known for a whole series of temporary
structures erected for funerals and

Apollo and Daphne (1622-1625).
Bernini had the ability not only
portray dramatic storytelling
characters experiencing strong
experiences, but also organize large-scale
sculptural projects conveying
genuine greatness. His skill in
processing of marble eclipsed other sculptors
his generation and made him worthy
Michelangelo's successor. His talent
extended far beyond sculpture, it
showed attention to the environment in which
his work, his ability to unite
sculpture, painting and architecture into one
conceptual and visual whole named
"unity of fine arts". Except
moreover, being a deeply religious person and
working in Rome during the Counter-Reformation,
Bernini used light as theatrical and
metaphorical tool in their religious
structures, often using hidden sources
lights that could enhance the effect
worship services or increase drama
sculptural story.

Personal life

In the late 1630s, Bernini had an affair with a married
a lady named Constanta, the wife of one of his
assistants. At the height of the novel, Bernini even sculpted
marble bust of his chosen one. Later she has
had an affair with his younger brother, who was
Bernini's closest assistant in the workshop. Having learned
about this, Bernini went into a rage, pursued his brother
through the streets of Rome, intending to kill him, and also
sent a servant to cut Constanze's face with a razor. Servant
was imprisoned, Constanta was also subjected to
imprisonment for adultery. Married Bernini
only in May 1639, when at the age of 41
entered into an arranged marriage with a twenty-two-year-old
Roman Caterina Tezio. She gave birth to him
eleven children, including Domenico Bernini,
who became the first biographer of his father.

Triton Fountain (1624-1643)

This fountain is located on
Piazza Barberini. ordered
his pope Urban VIII. Fountain
pretty small. His
the pedestal is formed by four
dolphins that are kept on
the tips of the tails are gigantic
open shell,
whose open doors
worth Triton, the son of god
Poseidon. The triton trumpets
horn, and a stream of water fills
fountain bowl. Between
dolphins can be seen
coats of arms of the Berberini family papal tiaras.

Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (1647-1652)

Ecstasy of Saint Teresa (1647-1652)
This statue is known not only to lovers
architecture, but also all those who have seen the film
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. By
plot, the statue is one of the mysteries, having solved
which, you can find a secret order
Illuminati. Of course, this is unlikely, but
the sculpture is really good. So
the feelings of the saint are masterfully depicted, that
unprepared viewer feels what he sees
as the strongest sensory experience. Face
St. Teresa reflects the torment, she seems to moan,
her face is pale with human pallor.
Illustrates the composition of the mystical vision
Teresa, which she described as follows: "I
saw an angel in bodily form on the left hand
from me. He was small and very handsome. I
I saw in his hands a long golden arrow, on
the tip of which seemed to be burning fire. And then
it seemed to me that with this arrow he was somewhat
once pierced my heart and penetrated to my very
viscera, and when he drew the arrow,
it seemed to me that he took my heart with her, and
he left me inflamed great
love for God." And all these feelings are incomparably
portrayed by Bernini.

Fountain of the Four Rivers (1648-1651)

Another work by Bernini, friend
on Angels and Demons. In 1644
from Egyptian Alexandria
brought a pagan obelisk. By
the decision of the Pope - Innocent
X it was decided to install it on
Piazza Navona, as a sign of victory
Catholicism over paganism. But for
obelisk painting additions needed
there was a fountain that would complement
composition. Because of the gossip
spiteful critics, Bernini could not
receive this order. Then he
made a layout and suggested
put it in the Pope's living room.
Assessing the perfection of the forms of the future
fountain Innokenty X immediately
agreed to its construction.
Barromini, by the way, at the opening of this
fountain, said that the water from it is not
will go, because of the wrong
calculations. Bernini being human
illiterate in the exact sciences,
I was very worried, but when the water
launched, everything worked perfectly.

St. Peter's Square (1656-1667)

ST PETER'S SQUARE (1656-1667)
St. Peter's Square
made in the form of two
symmetrical semicircles and
broken in front of the basilica
Saint Peter in Rome. Here
announce who is
new dad. Square
frame the designed
Bernini half round
colonnades that form
combined with the cathedral
symbolic form of "key
St. Peter."
In the middle is an Egyptian obelisk brought to Rome by Caligula. It's the only one
obelisk in the city, which did not change until the Renaissance. Medieval
the Romans believed that the ashes of Julius were stored in a metal ball on top of the obelisk


Bernini's grave in Santa Maria Maggiore
Bernini died in Rome
in 1680 and
buried with
parents in
tomb in
Church of Santa Maria Maggiore.

Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini - the genius of the Baroque (December 7, 1598, Naples - November 28, 1680, Rome) Teacher of fine arts, Moscow Art Theater. MOU Ilyinskaya secondary school Lebed S.G Self-portrait “I defeated marble and made it flexible like wax, and thereby I was able to a certain extent to combine sculpture with painting” Lorenzo Bernini Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini is a great Italian architect and sculptor, the largest representative of the Roman and all Italian baroque , a student of his father Pietro Bernini. His work can serve as a standard of baroque aesthetics: it is characterized by "increased emotionality, theatricality, active confrontation between space and mass, a combination of religious affectation with emphasized sensuality" Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini Bernini was an outstanding master and possessed truly versatile talents. He was a sculptor, architect, painter, theater decorator, playwright and stage director, famous wit and cartoonist. For his contemporaries he was a genius, "the Michelangelo of the new age." The master was favored by the monarchs and princes of the church and led the life of a sovereign prince of art - a life filled at the same time with tireless work. His biographer and contemporary F. Baldinucci wrote that Bernini spent a lot of time working on marble, working without interruption. And when they tried to tear him away from the sculptures, he said: "Leave me, I'm in love." In the heat of his work, he could fall off the scaffolding, so he had to keep a special person next to him. The work of Bernini, which amazed his contemporaries with the grandeur of his ideas and the courage of their implementation, had a great influence on everything. European art 17th-18th centuries Most famous work Bernini - Piazza San Pietro in Rome The largest architectural work Bernini - the end of the long-term construction of St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome and the design of the square in front of it (1656-1667). Two mighty wings of the monumental colonnade, built according to the project of Bernini, closed the vast expanse of the square. Diverging from the main, western facade of the cathedral, the colonnades first form a trapezoid shape, and then turn into a huge oval, emphasizing the special mobility of the composition, designed to organize the movement of mass processions. 284 columns and 80 columns 19 m high make up this four-row covered colonnade, 96 big statues crowned with an attic. As you move around the square and change your point of view, it seems that the columns move closer, then move apart, and architectural ensemble as if unfolding before the viewer. Decorative elements are masterfully included in the design of the square: unsteady jets of water from two fountains and a slender Egyptian obelisk between them, which accentuate the middle of the square. In the words of Bernini himself, the square, “like open arms”, captures the viewer, directing his movement to the facade of the cathedral (architect Carlo Maderna), decorated with grandiose attached Corinthian columns that rise and dominate all this solemn baroque ensemble. The most famous work of Bernini - Piazza San Pietro in Rome Piazza San Pietro or Piazza San Pietro - a grandiose square in the form of two symmetrical semicircles, broken in front of the Basilica of St. Peter's in Rome, designed by Bernini in 1656-67. The square is framed by semicircular colonnades of the Tuscan order designed by Bernini. In the middle is an Egyptian obelisk brought to Rome by Emperor Caligula. This is the only obelisk in the city that stood unchanged until the Renaissance. Medieval Romans believed that the ashes of Julius Caesar were kept in a metal ball at the top of the obelisk. Rays of travertine diverge from the obelisk along the paving stones, arranged so that the obelisk plays the role of a gnomon. Saint Paul's Cathedral. Catholic Cathedral, which is the largest building in the Vatican and until recently considered the largest Christian church in the world. The total height of the cathedral is 136m. Colonnade in front of St. Peter's Cathedral. View of the square in front of St. Peter's in 1909 Ciborius, called the "Canopy of St. Peter", 1624-1633 Throne of St. Peter, 1657-1666 Staircase Scala Reggi, 1632 Fountains This fountain is located in Piazza Barberini, near the Palazzo Barberini. Fountain of Triton Fountains Fountain of Barcaccia Fountain of Bees Fountain of the Four Rivers The Fountain of the Four Rivers is one of the most famous fountains in Rome. Located in Piazza Navona. Built in 1648-1651. designed by Bernini. The Fountain of the Four Rivers Sculpture Lorenzo Bernini's sculptures are characterized by a fluid swiftness of movement, a combination of religious affectation with exalted sensuality The ecstasy of St. on the cloud, the figures of a saint and an angel shine with unbearable whiteness among the columns of colored marble, against the background of a bronze pediment, gray tufa and gilded rays that emit mystical light, reflecting the rays of the sun from a window invisible to the viewer). Bacchanalia 1617, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Neptune and Triton, 1620 Victoria and Albert Museum, London Truth 1650, Borghese Gallery, Rome Virtue. 1634 Abduction of Proserpina, 1621-1622. Lorenzo Bernini - the genius of the Baroque Bernini's colossal heritage, in addition to architectural and sculptural masterpieces, left paintings and graphic works. He was the director of theatrical extravaganzas, the author of comedies, the decorator and designer, for the first time, in particular, he invented the wonderful sunrise machine. The rumor about it reached the French king Louis XIII, who asked the author for a model, and he sent it with the note: "It will work when I send you my hands and head."

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Presentation for the lesson of the Russian language in the 9th grade with the Uzbek language of instruction in lexical topic"In the world of art" Musurmanov Yu.Yu. Musurmanov U.M. School №5 City Yangiyer

Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) Italian sculptor, architect The largest sculptor and architect of Italy in the 17th century. He was the purest representative of the Italian Baroque. Son famous sculptor Piero Bernini Lorenzo. He started sculpting as a child. At the age of 17, he could already accept an order for a portrait bust of Bishop Santoka, installed on his tombstone, and at 20 years old, he could complete a portrait of Pope Paul V. Following this, he spent several years creating four large marble sculptures, which he ordered for the garden at his palace art lover and collector Cardinal Scipione Borghese. In 1650–1670 Bernini divides his attention between the creation of street fountains, monumental tombstones and architectural structures.As a court architect and sculptor of the Roman popes, Bernini carried out orders and led all other architectural, sculptural and decorative works that were carried out to decorate the capital

Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680) Gian Lorenzo Bernini

David 1623 Marble Borghese Gallery, Rome Bernini Lorenzo Giovanni

Bernini Giovani Lorenzo Ecstasy of Saint Teresa 1645-1652 Marble Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome

Gian Lorenzo Bernini The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa In the Cornaro Chapel, in the Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, there is an altar group "The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa", made in 1652 by Bernini. Teresa, who in a state of ecstasy is an angel with a golden arrow, reclining on a marble cloud.

The sculptural group is placed in a deep niche, between the columns, against the background of golden rays. This scene is presented as a theatrical spectacle - on the reliefs of the side walls of the chapel, nine members of the Cornaro family are depicted, as if watching what is happening. In "The Ecstasy of St. Teresa" is amazing how Bernini processes marble: it is as if he sculpts from marble, the forms become so soft and light.

The mystical ecstasy of St. Teresa is expressed more by the cascade of her clothes than by the sweat on her face or the trembling of her hands and feet, just as the angelic fire is expressed by the tangle of the young angel's tunic. In this famous mystical-erotic group, Bernini reached the extreme limit of sculpture, where plastic becomes painting.

Apollo and Daphne 1622-1625 Carrara marble 243 cm Bernini Lorenzo Giovanni Borghese Gallery, Rome Gian Lorenzo Bernini Apollo and Daphne Galleria Borghese, Rome

Triton Fountain Fontana del Tritone Country Italy Location Rome, Piazza Barberini Author of the project Bernini Construction 1642 - 1643 Condition active fountain

Portrait of Lorenzo Giovanni Bernini 1665 Oil on canvas 72x61 cm National Gallery Arts, Rome

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