A new soloist appeared in the factory group. Maria alalykina, biography, news, photos

Star Factory project logo Genre music program Production TV company ViD (until 2007), Red Square ... Wikipedia

Factory Toneva, Casanova, Saveliev Years 2002 Country ... Wikipedia

Factory: The factory is a large industrial enterprise. Culture "Factory" Russian pop group. "Factory" poem by Alexander Blok. "Star Factory" musical TV project. "The Factory" (The Factory) artistic ... ... Wikipedia

The educational film group is a directing and scripting group that united in different time artists, activists and researchers from Moscow, St. Petersburg and New York. Contents 1 Principles 2 Creation and operation ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Star Factory (meanings). Star Factory Logo of the Star Factory project Genre musical program Author(s) Ilya Bachurin ... Wikipedia

Logo of the project "Star Factory" "Star Factory" television musical project to support young performers. It has been broadcast on Channel One since October 13, 2002. The fifth release of the project was known as "Alla Pugacheva's Star Factory", since ... ... Wikipedia

Logo of the project "Star Factory" "Star Factory" is a television musical project to support young performers. It has been broadcast on Channel One since October 13, 2002. The fifth release of the project was known as "Alla Pugacheva's Star Factory", since ... ... Wikipedia

Logo of the project "Star Factory" "Star Factory" is a television musical project to support young performers. It has been broadcast on Channel One since October 13, 2002. The fifth release of the project was known as "Alla Pugacheva's Star Factory", since ... ... Wikipedia

Logo of the project "Star Factory" "Star Factory" is a television musical project to support young performers. It has been broadcast on Channel One since October 13, 2002. The fifth release of the project was known as "Alla Pugacheva's Star Factory", since ... ... Wikipedia


  • Garden, Yokoyama Yuichi. A group of friends enter through a breach in the wall into a strange, paradoxical garden filled with geometric shapes and inorganic objects of all kinds. Heroes wander through the tangled ...
  • one. Volume 8, Lee Win. Unexpectedly for everyone, a new pop group, created by Woojay Ha, broke into the music show business! Will Yumpa be able to maintain his position in the starry sky? Especially since his former teacher...

Alexandra Savelyeva introduced the new soloist of the Fabrika group - the girl's name is Alexandra Popova. Savelyeva posted in social network a photograph of the band's renewed line-up in military uniform, taken backstage at a concert in the Kremlin by 23 February.

Alexandra Popova, a dentist by profession, recently became a finalist music show"I want to VIA Gru", but in the end Igor Matvienko became interested in her, and the girl got into another popular group. Alexandra said that she herself initiated communication with the producer of the Fabrika group Igor Matvienko:

After the finale of the show, I decided that I would not give up, that I wanted to continue to sing and perform. I wrote a letter to Igor Matvienko, told about myself, sent links to my speeches. To be honest, I didn’t really hope for a feedback and it was a big surprise for me that they answered me: “Alexandra, when you are in Moscow, come to the studio.”

Alexandra Savelyeva commented on the appearance of a new soloist in the group:

Sasha is a very nice girl, and what is important, she sings well and our voices sound great together.

Recall that the ex-soloist of the group Katya Li, who replaced Sati Casanova in 2010, announced her departure from the Factory last week due to health problems. The girl posted an official video message on Facebook, in which she said that the doctors forbade her to actively tour and continue her career in the group, otherwise she might not even become a mother in the future. All these events are connected with the trauma that Katya received on the set of the video "Don't Be Born Beautiful."

I had to ride a horse without a saddle, which I did enchantingly. I received serious injury spine, with which I gave a concert for another month and with pain flew to be operated on.

Alexandra Savelyeva, Katya Li, Irina Toneva

"Factory" - Russian female pop group, the project "Star Factory-1" and took 2nd place in the project.
Factory girls make any audience freeze with admiration, because beauty, as you know, is always a terrible force.From the beginning of the formation of the group, the participants were: Sati Kazanova, Irina Toneva, Alexandra Savelyeva and Maria Alalykina.In 2003, Maria Alalykina left the group, after leaving the group she continued her studies and a year later gave birth to a girl, who was named Ekaterina. Maria never returned to show business.Then, as part of the Factory group for a long time were: Sati, Irina and Alexandra, three of them performed.In May 2010, Sati Casanova left the team, who decided to take up solo work. In her place was invited former soloist Russian pop group "Hi-Fi" - Ekaterina Lee.In 2011, the group takes part in the project "Star Factory. Return", where graduates of the "Star Factory" compete different years, each of which once began his career in the "Star House". "Factory" is part of the team of producer Igor Matvienko.The current composition of the FABRIKA group is undergoing changes, of course, until 2019. the group consisted of Irina Toneva, Alexandra Savelieva and Ekaterina Lee. This is the third line-up of the group in history. Famous tracks of the Factory group: About love, Stopud hit, Lyolik, I'm not guilty, Factory girls, The sea is calling, Rybka, I'm not guilty, We are so different, Ali Baba, I'll kiss you, Oh mom - I fell in love, Romance.
On the official website vipartist.rf you can get acquainted with the work of the factory group, see interesting photos and new video clips, and by the specified contact numbers invite the factory with a concert to your event. You can also order a performance of the factory group for a celebration or invite the factory to a corporate party, order a wedding. When organizing a show program of an event, you can supplement the program with artists original genre, DJs DJ, order a host for the event, professional photo and video filming, magicians, animators, show ballet or dance group. The ConcertSound.ru company will provide a technical rider of the factory group at your event (rental of sound equipment, rental of lights, rental of podiums and stage structures (stages), rental of video projectors and screens, etc.).
In order to find out the conditions for inviting a group to your event: fee, technical and household rider of the group factory - fill out the form and click on the "send" button. The manager will contact you to clarify the details of the order, or call us. Specify and book free dates for the performance of the factory group in advance.

When the first season of the Star Factory show was launched on television in 2002, it became a real event in the history of domestic show business. Before the eyes of the audience, new musical groups were born and new stars were lit. The graduates of the project became members of the Factory and Roots groups, which toured for quite a long time. But at the moment, these groups in the former compositions no longer exist. Someone from former manufacturers is engaged in successful solo activities, but someone has long been forgotten ...

The first part of the Factory group included Sati Kazanova, Irina Toneva, Alexandra Savelyeva and Maria Alalykina. But soon only 3 girls remained in the group - in 2003 Maria left her, who preferred to realize her musical career in family life. She married a businessman, converted to Islam, which her husband professed, and changed her name to Maryam. The couple had a daughter, but their union soon fell apart - her husband left her for her close friend. After the divorce, Maryam disappeared from the field of view of fans for a long time. They say that today the 35-year-old graduate of the Star Factory is engaged in translations for Muslim sites.

One of the most mysterious participants in the project was Yulia Buzhilova, an aspiring singer, whose success even Igor Matvienko did not doubt, who planned to cooperate with her in the future. The girl was called the new Linda and compared with Renata Litvinova. They said that Channel One after the project gave the aspiring singer a million rubles, but she herself denied this: “ No one gave me a million. I was given a huge piece of paper on which was written "million". I still have it at home somewhere. At one time I joked that I would go to the store with her and provide the seller like a coupon for groceries in Soviet times» . After the end of the show, Yulia Buzhilova disappeared from the screens. Later it became known that she married a sound engineer and had a child. She failed to build a career as a pop star, but she did not leave music lessons - in 2017, the singer took part in a concert dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the composer Mikael Tariverdiev. In addition, she became a vocal teacher at the Igor Matvienko Music Academy.

One of the most beautiful participants"Factories" called Zhanna Cherukhina. Today, even the biggest fans of this project are unlikely to remember her name - the fact is that the girl left the show less than a month after the start. She was one of the few who initially did not dream of a musical career and was not eager to get to the final at all costs - Zhanna came to the project, rather, out of curiosity and did not seriously plan to connect her life with show business. Therefore, in the future musical career did not work out. Jeanne is married and has a son.

But Anna Kulikova, although she did not become a star of the pop scene, did not leave her career as a singer - she continues to perform at national concerts, in clubs and at city holidays. In 2015, the girl got married and gave birth to a daughter. She is also trained as a linguist and teaches Spanish and English.

One of the most colorful participants of the "Factory" was Mikhail Grebenshchikov. Many were sure that it was he who would win the show, but in the end he took 3rd place, after the Roots and Factory groups. What he has not done since then - performed on stage, worked as a radio host and DJ, participated in other television projects (" Last Hero"," Ten years younger"). Now Grebenshchikov holds the position of creative producer of the children's school of professional creative development Alla Pugacheva. He is also an employee of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

became the most prosperous creative destiny members of the groups "Roots" and "Factory". The name of the winner of the first season, Pavel Artemiev, is still on everyone’s lips, although he himself does not like to recall his participation in the show and in the Roots group, from which he left in 2010: “ I understand that I can’t get away from this, that she will follow me on a chain, like a burden for which I have to justify myself for the rest of my life. but this topic is already quite worn out. Those people who once watched the Factory have already grown up, and I don’t understand how it can be interesting today ... It was a great experience, but I never saw myself in this group as 40 years old". Today, Pavel continues to make music, he has his own group "Artemiev". In addition, he acts in TV series and performs on theater stage- plays in the performances of the Moscow theater "Practice".

Alexander Astashenok left the Roots group following Pavel Artemyev. After that, he graduated from the acting department of GITIS, began performing on the theater stage and acting in films and TV shows. He did not leave music lessons and writes songs for films. The 36-year-old actor gained recognition after his roles in the projects The Gift and The Closed School. Back in 2002, he met Elena Vengrzhinovskaya, who was the concert director of the Roots group, and 2 years later he married her. The couple is raising a daughter.

But Alexander Berdnikov and Alexei Kabanov are still on tour, making up a trio with Dmitry Pakulichev. Alexander, following the traditions of his people, married a gypsy and is raising 4 children. In 2013, Alexey Kabanov also got married, the couple had a daughter.

As part of the "Star Factory" a lot of exciting musical groups, and many participants became famous, not least thanks to the project. Sharp-eyed producers immediately snatched up outstanding artists and created teams almost from scratch.

In 2002 women's group organized by a renowned producer Igor Matvienko. Already in the first year of its existence, the Fabrika group took second place in the almost eponymous project Star Factory. The group continues to work to this day, but for 16 years the composition of the participants has changed several times.

Maria Alalykina

A lot of time has passed since the days when Maria, without any hesitation, appeared in public in revealing clothes and with bright makeup. She was a member of the group from the very beginning, but just a year later she left the group, got married and converted to Islam in 2003.

Sati Casanova

If we talk about the participants who brought the greatest contribution to the group, first of all, I remember Sati Casanova. Bright, beautiful and undoubtedly talented, Sati made the Fabrika group unique. Take only the 2008 hit "I'm Not Guilty".

In 2010, Sati leaves the group and sings alone. It is worth recognizing that Casanova's solo career is quite successful - her voice has long been loved by many, so it is not difficult for her to collect stadiums.

Sati is married to an Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo, and their wedding is rightfully considered one of the loudest in the XXI century. The newlyweds walked several times: both in Italy and at home.

Catherine Lee

Katya Li, who replaced Casanova, was in the team from 2010 to 2013. She would not have left the "Factory" if she had not had health problems. During the filming of the music video for "Don't Be Born Beautiful," Lee injured her spine due to multiple takes of horseback riding.

The actress simply could not tour, because she had to be constantly in front of the attending physicians. Ekaterina announced her retirement, now she is rehabilitating, playing sports and simply enjoying life.

Alexandra Popova

Igor Matvienko quickly found a replacement for Ekaterina in the person of Alexandra Popova, because the latter was suitable in all respects - young age, model appearance, short stature and a slender figure.

Now Alexandra, together with the group, is recording Studio albums and perform songs. The band's compositions are still in demand - they are often heard on music channels, and on Youtube their clips collect millions of views!

Irina Toneva

Toneva- one of the two participants who were in the "Factory" from the very beginning and remain faithful to the team to this day. In 2016, she announced the start solo career, while still remaining a member of the "Factory", thanks to which it gained popularity.

Irina first got married at the age of 39. Her chosen one was a dancer Alexey Brizha, with whom Toneva secretly got married in 2017.

Alexandra Savelyeva

In addition to the Fabrika group, in which Savelyeva has been participating for 16 years, Alexandra is engaged in a solo career. Like it or not, a lot of time has passed since 2002, and not all fans know that the group exists before today and retained part of the original composition.
