Is a private museum profitable or not. How to open a museum from scratch: a business plan with calculations

Without knowledge of the past, it is sometimes difficult to build prospects for the future. Therefore, if the company appreciates and honors its history of development, then the entire team of the company deserves great respect. The idea of ​​creating a museum and its further implementation into reality will help to preserve the history of the enterprise, as well as reflect its real activities. As a rule, it is advisable to organize a museum of an enterprise on the territory of the institution or not far from the central office of the company. The corporate museum can serve great place for excursion programs employees, interns, students, and any third parties who are interested in the history and type of activity of the enterprise. In addition, such a museum can become an excellent place for meetings with guests and partners of the company, for negotiations, for presenting awards to distinguished employees, a meeting place for former employees, etc. The enterprise museum is a place that influences the culture and development of the team, taking into account its traditions and historical values.

It is very important that the museum of the enterprise gradually reflects the main historical milestones in the development of the company and gives a clear idea of ​​its activities. The theme of the corporate museum should be presented in such a way that it is understandable and interesting to visitors of all ages and professions. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to correctly and competently define the main concept of the museum and attract the maximum number of experts on the history of the enterprise, its main achievements, etc.

Today it is very popular interactive museums. They allow visitors to not only receive useful information from the guide, but also to interact with the presented exhibits. An interactive corporate museum can become a kind of calling card not only enterprises, but also cities, if it is made open and accessible to its residents and guests.

It should be borne in mind that the organization of a new museum is a long and painstaking work many specialists. Former employees of the company, specialists in specific subject areas, fellow architects and designers, as well as sponsors of the company can help in creating the museum of the enterprise.

As a rule, one has to work continuously on the creation of a museum. long years because history does not stand still. It is important not only to create a museum, the main thing is to maintain and develop it, reflecting all important facts from the life of the company at the present stage of development. Otherwise, the relevance of the corporate museum will quickly decline and lose the interest of visitors.

Keywords: About museums of enterprises, to preserve the history of the enterprise, the museum of the enterprise, the concept of the museum, interactive museums, the organization of a new museum, important facts from the life of the company, the relevance of the corporate museum

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Opening your own private museum seems to a small number of people a promising undertaking, yet a trip to such an institution is perceived by a few as interesting view leisure. However, there is still demand, and if you choose the right theme for your museum and properly organize it, you can count on a good profit. Moreover, there are a huge number of development options here, an entrepreneur can work in different formats, offer his visitors something unique, and the variety of topics allows you to occupy a niche that no one else is engaged in. good museum can be popular and generate income absolutely everywhere - both in small towns and in large cities, it is especially convenient to engage in such a business in historically important places. Given some of the features of running this kind of business, you can start a business that will bring a stable and fairly high income. At the same time, for many entrepreneurs, such a business becomes an interesting undertaking, because it allows you to do exactly what he devoted his life to.

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To begin with, in general, you need to study the market in order to determine what exactly is interesting to the population. When working in resort or simply popular cities with tourists, it is worth focusing not even on the local population, but on visitors, there are a lot of opportunities here. Determining the theme of the museum is the most difficult stage, here the entrepreneur has to do a full-fledged research, because in case of an unsuccessful choice, it will be impossible to even talk about covering expenses, not to mention making a profit. As for competitors, they are unlikely to significantly affect the conduct of their business, because no one will create two museums of the same subject, and when choosing a museum, people always go exactly where they themselves are interested, here a marketing campaign is unlikely to will affect their choice. However, there are museums that are just trying to attract their visitors through something new and unusual, these are, of course, most often museums in tourist cities, because it is difficult to attract the local population to an exhibition of some kind of too much unusual collection constantly. But tourists will be happy to visit not only historical sights, but also very unusual museum. In general, after finding out what people are interested in and making sure that there will be enough people as visitors, you can start opening your museum.

An important point is the registration process. At its core, an entrepreneur has only one way out - to register a legal entity in order to make a profit on the provision of services, and his museum will simply be an entertainment, cultural and leisure institution. Registration process legal entity standard, no special conditions are provided here. But if he does not aim to make a profit, then he can register non-profit organization, which will become autonomous institution. It is quite difficult to obtain the status of a museum, which allows you to apply to the Ministry of Culture for any subsidies and support, usually private commercial organizations do not become them. But in any case, the application is submitted just to the Ministry of Culture, and there the value of the collection and its significance as a cultural asset are already assessed, as well as the state of the museum itself. In general, there is a difference here, commercial museums most often amass a collection that is unlikely to matter to the Ministry of Culture, and more "traditional" museums are almost always NPOs.

A separate conversation if the entrepreneur has objects of important cultural and historical significance if they are really in private collection, then the Ministry of Culture will be interested in having these exhibits on display, but it will be very difficult to rent items of this kind. This is in case the entrepreneur assumes the possibility of renting some valuable things in other museums or other institutions. In general, from a legal point of view, there are no restrictions on the conduct of their activities, the main thing (in the case of a commercial organization) is to pay taxes, but to one degree or another historical Museum in any case, on many issues I have to contact the Ministry of Culture in my district. Therefore, before starting work, it makes sense to contact there in order to find out about the requirements and some provisions in the region, because, for example, there may be a restriction on the use of any items obtained during even a private archaeological expedition, this may be for example, if the excavations took place on the territory of hostilities in the past.

The next step is to find a place to work. There are many options here, but they depend, just on the chosen format of work. Some private museums are even located in the houses or apartments of their founders, but these are rather small museums that are of interest only to a small group of like-minded people. For a normal museum you need at least one showroom about 100 m 2 in size. True, there are smaller halls, and much larger ones, museums in general are very, very different. An important point maybe it is the location in the city, the best, of course, is located in the center, but there the cost of rent will be very high. 100 m 2 will cost 70 thousand rubles a month on average, but this is a very rough indicator, in major cities this money will not be enough, in a small locality on the contrary, it will be possible to save. When working in a smaller room, of course, the savings will be more significant. In general, the museum in this regard is a rather complicated undertaking, because in some cases there is seasonality (for example, in tourist cities), and not every month the flow of visitors is equal, but the rent is constant, and it must be paid without delay.

In general, it is better to have a reserve fund Money to be able to pay rent for at least six months ahead without the risk of being left without a room. With 70 thousand rubles for rent, such a fund will amount to 420 thousand rubles. For six months, at least work will be done to attract visitors, after which the risks will decrease. And the museum, which is subject to seasonality, should plan its budget for the year ahead. Some entrepreneurs, by the way, find temporary places to place their expositions, thanks to which they can not engage in this activity at all for several months, but also not pay rent. For example, you can negotiate with an already operating museum to open its exhibition only for the summer months. Here you already need to explore the possibilities in order to find the best way out of your situation.

In general, if a decision was made to open a museum, then the organizers probably already have some exhibits, that is, the exhibition is ready to one degree or another. In extreme cases, a decision has already been made about what and where to buy. It must be said here that the cost of the exhibits can be very different. These may be the finds of archeological students who sold them for a symbolic sum, it may also be things made by the entrepreneur on their own (some people who are fond of some kind of creativity subsequently think about opening a museum of their crafts, and some it succeeds), and it can also be real works of art, antiques, things of great historical value - such expositions can be estimated at millions of dollars. That is, even the approximate cost of purchasing exhibits cannot be named, the range is very, very wide, in fact, from “free” to “astronomical amounts”. It all depends on what exactly you are doing. And, of course, you need to consider what size the exposition will be, and in general, how many of them there will be in one museum.

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You also need to take care to properly equip your rooms. To do this, you will need to purchase the appropriate equipment. In general, placing exhibits in museums may require the purchase of somewhat unusual equipment (for example, racks for armor), but we will consider ordinary shelving and display cases. They are usually made from simple materials, but sometimes you need an increased degree of protection if you have to deal with valuable items, that is, when there is a possibility of theft. Of course simple local history museum hardly needs a complex and expensive security system, but in some cases it is critically necessary. The cost of a rack 4-5 meters long is 30-40 thousand rubles, small showcases are 1.5-2 times cheaper, that is, one average museum hall can be equipped with furniture for 200-300 thousand rubles. Of course, there are many options here too, a lot depends on the exhibits themselves, sometimes you don’t even have to buy something more expensive than a simple table. Additionally, a security complex is installed, for this you can contact a specialized private security organization, which will be able to connect a security system for an amount of about 50 thousand rubles, but in the future you will have to pay for security. Here, too, much depends on the complexity of the system, on the level of security, you need to count on the amount of 5 thousand rubles. For the protection of large museums, the amount will be several times larger. A separate item of expenditure will be the creation of a design project, if this, of course, is appropriate when creating a museum. Some of these institutions are really equipped in accordance with any theme, so it makes sense to contact a specialized office that performs such work. The cost of a design project (its development) is approximately one thousand rubles per square meter of a room (taking into account that the size is 100 m 2, that is, if it is a large room, otherwise it is 1.5-2 times larger). Thus, about 100 thousand more rubles are needed for a design project.

It is also worth considering who exactly will work in the museum. It should be noted that the entrepreneur himself is quite able to serve a small institution, but if the museum has a huge number of exhibits, and many of them are valuable, then it is worth attracting special employees. Well, if they already have experience in similar positions, many museum workers who have worked in public institutions, will almost certainly be interested in more high level salary that they can offer private museum. To service an average museum, a staff of 4-5 people will be enough, the salary of one person here lies within 20 thousand rubles for an average city. Of course, in large settlements, people will have to pay a little more. In fact, the entrepreneur himself can also continue to take part in the work of the museum, especially if he forms a collection that is of interest to him. Here you will need a person responsible for the exhibits, their accounting and maintenance, an administrator, and in some cases a guide. Sometimes an additional cheap work force for organizing exhibitions; this is necessary, for example, when working with big pictures or heavy sculptures. Thus, the salary fund is about 100 thousand rubles a month, but this figure only applies to really large museums, which are visited by a lot of people. At the same time, it is better to outsource all business processes that are not related to making a profit, this includes the already mentioned security activities, as well as bookkeeping. Deal with issues of settlement of relations with the Ministry of Culture should either additional knowledgeable person, or the entrepreneur himself, but even a specialist from the outside does not have to be hired, but contact him only if necessary.

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Now let's take a closer look at the possible formats of work. The simplest example is an ordinary historical or similar museum, which is mostly interesting for a certain group of people, but “general cultural” institutions often host entire school classes or even student groups if their exhibits consist of objects of research in a certain field of science. Here already people go to the museum for the sake of enlightenment (and in the case of schoolchildren - often simply on a voluntary-compulsory basis). Therefore, when organizing a museum of this kind, it is worth starting cooperation with educational institutions, offering a discount on mass trips. The entrepreneur only benefits from this, because the discount on tickets does not affect the level of income, because many people come at the same time. However, the most interesting for schoolchildren, students and their teachers are registered museums, which, as already noted, are most often non-profit enterprises.

A different format of work is museums with unusual subjects, there are a huge number of such small institutions in the world that collect things that are incomprehensible to a simple layman. The most banal example is the Museum of Celebrity Items. Everything is determined by the founder's imagination, but the biggest risk in this direction is not finding an audience. On the other hand, there are examples of museums of this format that people from all over the world go to. The cost of a ticket to such institutions is usually an order of magnitude more expensive than a ticket to a simple museum, although only a well-known institution can set such a price. The next category is museums designed for tourists, these are exactly the institutions that are most dependent on the season, but in special cases they can earn many times more in a couple of months than a regular museum. Usually these museums are devoted to the history of the city, its architecture, art, some events that took place in the life of the city. It is clear that such a museum will be successful only in a city that is initially interesting to tourists. And a separate category is museums that are dedicated to some unusual direction, which the organizer himself is fond of. What distinguishes such museums is that most of the exhibits are the product of the creative thought of the museum owner himself, such institutions just start with exhibitions in own apartment or home. It can also be anything, but here you need to be sure that there will be enough like-minded people to make money on it. An additional (and sometimes the main or even the only) item of income is the sale of made things; in general, any museum can deal with the sale of exhibits.

Thus, the cost of opening a museum can be both very small and very significant, an average simple museum can be opened (without taking into account the collection, the cost of which, as was noted, cannot be estimated at all and is always calculated individually) for the amount of about one million rubles with taking into account reserve funds for maintaining work in the first months. The amount of monthly expenses is 200 thousand rubles, and it should be noted that this is a very large figure. To cover the costs, you need to maintain at least a page on the Internet about your museum, and for this you need to invest at least an additional 50 thousand. The cost of a ticket to the museum starts from 50 rubles (but not even the one described here, but much simpler), average cost- 300 rubles. Thus, to cover the costs, almost 670 people will have to be involved every month, or about 30 people per day (a working month with 22 days is taken into account).

For a museum that is located in a relatively large settlement and has established cooperation with schools and other educational institutions, this is quite realistic; for museums of a different format and a different way of attracting customers, this figure can be very large, unrealistic. In this regard, many commercial museums are located in small areas and are served by one person. But a popular place always has its visitors, you just need to understand that it will take several months of hard work before there will be many customers in an open museum. This business is very complex, and definitely suitable for those who themselves are passionate about a particular area and are ready to develop an interest in it.

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Matthias Laudanum

As in any other museum, the basis of a private museum is the presentation of collections. various items that might be of interest to the public. Collecting is based on collecting, and collecting is based on a passion for some objects. Many people in childhood or already in adulthood are fond of collecting a wide variety of items, from coins and music records to paintings and antiques. And few people realize that their hobby can be combined with enough profitable business. If you have an interest in collecting, and already have some collections of some items that may be of interest to other people, then you can tell people about your hobby, find like-minded people with similar interests, and also make money on your hobby. And even if you have never been interested in collecting different items, it is never too late to start, and it is not at all scary if there are not so many items in your collection to begin with. It is important that what you would like to present in your private museum is really interesting to you, since this almost guarantees the success of the case, if you are sincerely interested in items from your collection, then it will increase quickly, you will be all time to fill it up with interesting novelties. The main thing is to start collecting something that is really interesting to you, and then you will even have some passion for collecting, and you will find more and more collectibles, and so with several collections you can already open your own private museum.

Here, for example, is a very interesting story about the famous private museum of the city of Yaroslavl, which is called "Music and Time". So, the director of this museum from childhood began to get involved in collecting various bells, in childhood no one paid much attention to this, but time passed, and with age, the love for collecting such objects only intensified, and the people around did not understand this, considered it strange and did not take this hobby seriously. Over the years, the collection has grown significantly and, in addition, a new hobby for collecting a collection of watches has appeared. The watch was quite unusual, many were used before famous people and had an honorable age, the collector was engaged in the restoration of some for years, in his spare time. But then, after being fired and retired, this man began to think about what he should do next and remembered his collections. And then he got the idea to create a private museum independent of the state, since the collections were already decent and he, like most collectors, wanted them to be presented to the public. First of all, of course, it was necessary to resolve the issue of premises, and he bought an old building, on which he spent a lot of time and effort on restoration. Now the museum brings such income to its owner that it allowed to significantly expand the museum and purchase an expensive organ in Germany, which he decided to place in a specially purchased room next to the museum so that people could walk in the museum park and listen to music.

It may sound a bit complicated that you need to first collect several collections in order to have something to show, but in fact, if you start to get involved in collecting any items that fascinate you, then the collection grows quite quickly, depending on the cost and rarity items. And also, if you are interested in opening a private museum to a greater extent as a fairly profitable business, and you do not want to spend long time for collecting, you can simply buy a few collections of various interesting items and open your own museum, but without forgetting that for the success of the museum must be constantly evolving.

In any case, for the success of such a business, it will not be enough just to have material that would be placed in a potential museum, it is also necessary to study the basic rules and principles for the functioning of such a business. To open a private museum, you must follow a series of procedures very similar to those required when opening a private company. As in any other business, success in such a business also depends on factors such as the availability of a competitive and relevant idea, sources of stable funding, good placement of the museum premises, and, of course, professional staff.

If you have exhibits, then you need to determine the motivation and ideology of your museum. The next step, of course, will be the issue of a room, which, if possible, is better to buy than to rent, since various unforeseen situations may arise if the premises do not belong to you, and constant instability in the cost of rent will also not contribute to stable development. affairs. If it is not possible to buy a room, you can try to find a sponsor, a larger institution that would agree to place a museum in its premises, or you can get more acceptable conditions renting a room in some cultural institution of the municipal authorities. After resolving the issue with the premises, it is necessary to select a staff for the museum, at least this is an accountant, a specialist who will monitor the state of the exhibit and their restoration, a computer technician, to work with the museum’s equipment and website, to promote on the Internet, a guide is also desirable with knowledge foreign language and a cleaning lady.

The staff has been selected, now we need to develop a budget, salaries for employees, payment for rent if the premises are not our own, utility bills, advertising, and the cost of purchasing exhibits.
And once again it should be repeated that in order for a private museum to be successful, it must constantly develop and be replenished periodically with new exhibits.

For many people, the concept of a museum is associated with empty halls, caretaker grandmothers, paintings hung on the walls, and budget financing. These ideas, to some extent, are associated with the old approaches to museums, when their maintenance was completely taken over by the state. However, these days, a small private museum can be a great low-budget business for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Of course, the creation of a museum as a business will be profitable only in those cities in which there are large flows of tourists and city guests. Creating a museum in such tourist centers is not too difficult, which can bring its creators not only good money, but also a lot of pleasure from participating in an interesting business.

For example, in many small towns located along the Golden Ring of Russia, there are a huge number of private museums that are actively visited not only by Russian tourists, but also by foreign travelers. The very names of such museums serve as excellent advertising and attract visitors: the iron museum, the museum of cunning and ingenuity, the mouse museum, the chocolate museum, and so on.

What does it take to create a museum?

First of all, this is a room. It is desirable to place the museum in its own premises, since the rent, especially at first, will not pay off with the proceeds from ticket sales. Private museums do not have to be located in large spacious rooms, as is customary in large cities.

Specialized and ethnographic museums are of particular interest to visitors.

Therefore, the placement of a private museum is possible simply in a village house or in several large rooms of a former private apartment. Expositions of private museums, as a rule, are not too large. Placing the exposition in a small space allows you to make the exhibition rich, and the tours are quite short, which increases turnover and income.

Antiques, private collections of objects from different eras, photographs, posters are of great interest among tourists.

Oddly enough, even museums dedicated to the most recent, Soviet period, city history or local customs. It is enough to travel around the nearest villages, collecting old, often unnecessary things from the population, or to purchase a collection of some collector to lay the foundation for the exposition.

For example, the museum of cunning and ingenuity contains various household items that demonstrate the remarkable ingenuity of the Russian people, used in everyday life on a variety of occasions. Here and a device for catching fish, and various kitchen utensils, and devices for agricultural work.

Wrappers can be demonstrated at the Chocolate Museum various kinds chocolates and chocolates, vintage photographs, advertising samples. All this arouses interest on the part of visitors and serves as a wonderful advertisement for excursions.

The cost of creating a private museum can be minimal, especially if the owner of at least a small collection is involved in this business. It is very important to show a sense of humor when creating an exposition of a private museum in order to make the tour lively and interesting.

Also important is the correct selection of caretakers and guides in the museum.

At first, the museum owner himself can act as a guide, but, as a rule, in order to increase the duration of the work, one has to hire staff.

Income from ticket sales can be supplemented by income from the sale of various souvenirs.

Therefore, in a private museum, it is necessary to immediately provide a room where souvenirs will be sold. In small private museums, the sale of souvenirs can be organized at the entrance, where souvenirs become, as it were, part of the exposition.

An important role for the profitability of the museum is played by its location.

The most profitable are museums located near the most visited places in the city center, near tourist bus stops.

Initial Costs for the creation of a private museum may be limited by the cost of repairs and equipment of the premises. In this case, for example, when placing an exposition in a village hut, such costs can be minimized. However, the museum cannot avoid advertising expenses. It is necessary to make and place signboards, banners, direction indicators to the museum, brochures and colorful booklets about the exposition.

Price entrance ticket can range from 50 to 250 rubles. A visit to the museum even with one bus tour can bring income of at least 10 thousand rubles.

However, it must be taken into account that current expenses for the maintenance and protection of the museum, wages personnel, constant advertising can reduce the profitability of a private museum to zero.

Therefore, it is highly desirable, when creating a business on the basis of a private museum, to act pragmatically and systematically from the very beginning. How to do this will help you, which you can order on our website.

Not so long ago I went to Yaroslavl, a city that is part of the “Golden Ring” of our country.
I was there, in the museum "Music and Time". The director of this museum, D. Mostovsky, is simply magnificent circus performer, from the earliest years he collected bells. Everyone laughed at him, called him a fool, an idiot, and so on. Nobody wanted to understand a person's hobbies. Even his wife did not share his views. So she said: “Do not believe the people who laugh at you because of the bells, they just do not know that you are a fool from birth.”
As time went on, the collection of bells grew - these were arched bells with the inscriptions “Take me, give me”, and bells with which the troikas traveled, etc.

Simultaneously with the collection of bells, a collection of watches gradually began to appear ... It must be said that watches are unusual. For example, there are 30 different melodies for the grandfather clock of the German company Sauer. The restoration of each copy took from three to five years. Every watch is time, every time is a second, every second is a moment of history, and besides, the fate of the owner.

One clock was translated by A.P. Chekhov himself, the other clocks were translated by F.I. Chaliapin. The man, who remained retired after being fired from the Circus, began to think about how to live on, and the idea came to his mind about creating a private museum not subject to the state. He immediately grabbed it and began to implement.

The first thing he did was to buy an already half-running house of a local merchant, placing his collection on three floors.

Nobody believed him that he would be able to raise this house to its feet, everyone said, “Why do you need it - don’t go there.” Despite all the exclamations, he still bought it, restored it. And he makes a profit from it. But, like everywhere else, he has to trade in every little thing, souvenirs - this is his main income.

But the most interesting thing he does is play the hurdy-gurdy as parting before the group leaves, and people leave him as much as they can. His income is so great that this moment he bought an Organ in Germany and is restoring a separate building especially for it near his museum. In five years, people will be walking in the park and listening to J.S. Bach.
