Kharitina - name - useful information - genealogy - personal. The meaning of the name Kharitin and the impact on the fate of the girl

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Harita (Kharitina), its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Zodiac Harita - Libra
  • Planet - Venus
  • Color Harita (Haritina) Harita - light pink
  • Auspicious tree - hornbeam
  • The cherished plant of Charita is heather
  • The patron of the name Harita is a spider
  • Talisman stone Harita (Kharitina) Harita - dendrite

What does the name Harita mean?: graceful (the name Harita is of Greek origin).

The short meaning of the name Harita: Kharitinka, Tina.

Angel Charita Day: The name Harita celebrates a name day once a year: October 18 (5) - St. Martyr Kharitina was an orphan; good people raised her. She pleased God with fasting, prayer and the reading of holy books. Converted many pagans to Christ; after suffering, she was thrown into the sea.

Signs of the name Harita: Kharitin's day - the first canvases; Harita is the eternal weaver. From that day on, canvases begin to be woven.

Characteristics of the name Harita

The nature of the name Harita: Harita is prone to narcissism, but tries to hide it from others, even finding pleasure in it - as a new reason for her former narcissism. The name Harita is rather secretive, proud; people who do not know her well take a girl named Harita for a cheerful and calm person. Her weapon against the hardships of life is indifference, complemented by a smile and a joke. The meaning of the name has a subtle, elegant, critical mind, very insightful.

The fate of Harita in history

What does the name Harita mean for female fate?

  1. Charity - greek goddesses beauty and feminine charms (Roman graces), who were considered the daughters of Zeus and Eurynome, the daughter of the Ocean. As a rule, three harites were called: Aglaya (Shine), Euphrosyne (Joy) and Thalia (Color). The Charites accompanied Aphrodite, Dionysus, Apollo and other gods; they could often be found in the society of muses and ores. In Greece, the Charites enjoyed cult veneration. The image of the harite was often encountered, starting from the ancient period, in painting and sculpture.
  2. Harita Ignatievna Ogudalova is the name of one of the heroines of A.N. Ostrovsky: this is the name of Larisa's mother in the play "Dowry".

Forms of the name Kharitin

Other variations of the name: Harisha, Harina, Hari.

Kharitin's name in different languages

Consider the spelling and sounding of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Ukrainian: Kharitina. Yiddish: האַריטינאַ(haritina). English: Haritina(Haritina).

Origin and meaning of the name Haritina

The origin of the name Kharitin is The meaning of the name is Grace is full.

The nature of the name

You are a devoted and faithful partner in love and marriage, but with so many ambitious plans, you may not have enough time for a visible display of tender feelings, even if you are deeply in love. It is unacceptable! Love is designed to soften your character, make your life more harmonious, so never neglect the object of your admiration for the sake of your ambitions.

You are the embodiment of ebullient activity, you are always busy with something. Your wild energy can cause you to take part in several activities at once, surprisingly less productive colleagues and to the detriment of your own health. Such activity is capable of “nullifying” even the very goal for which you are working. Therefore, you need to learn how to rest and relax in time, as well as get rid of the tension and feeling of competition that always accompanies excessive efforts.

Your character is characterized by inconsistency: seeing a worthy goal in front of you and realizing the enormous possibilities of the planned business in case of success, being able to properly manage and choose performers, you can suddenly begin to hesitate, or even completely step aside and give others the right to win an award.

You a strong character, you are accustomed not to speak, but to do; people around you often depend on you. But in order to achieve harmony in life, you need to find and establish a balance between rest and work.


At the heart of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position, your existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your life positions. If you have to work hard for this - well, you are ready for this.

The "ideal" arrangement of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is kept in exemplary order. All "military actions" are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external encroachments.

But what is "an unshakable stronghold" for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life to your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice by offering to use your own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell due to the fact that someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gate. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whom it is, in essence, made.


You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the things you buy. Preference should be given to clothes of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like for a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. The number of appearance is “Four”. The practicality of the "two" is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the things you buy. Preference should be given to clothes of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like for a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Numerology Of The Name Kharitin

For the owners of the name number 8, a propensity for business is characteristic. The G-8s are for the most part very strong personalities that prioritize practicality and material gain. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest and breaks. They don’t get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is among the "eights" that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" by nature are not inclined to make a large number of friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is overtaken by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Beasts: Electric Ray, Electric Eel.

Kharitin's name as a phrase

X Kher (Cross, Cross, Strike through, Black out, Cross out)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

T Firmly
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
N Our (Our, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Kharitin

X - setting to succeed in life on your own, to gain authority, an independent position in life. A person is sensitive to what people say about him. This letter in the name reminds that its owner must behave in such a way as not to violate any moral law.

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

T - intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
H is a sign of protest, inner strength do not take everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Reveal the secret of the name KHARITINA(in Latin transliteration HARITINA) looking at the results of the calculation in the numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. Perhaps you do not understand them, but you feel that you do not know something about yourself and your loved ones.

The first letter X of the name KHARITIN tells about the character

Don't forget to save your love! You are a materialist by nature and show your love with generous gifts, hiding emotions "at the bottom of the chest." your pursuit of wealth can stifle love because it needs your human attention, not just money. Know how to be not only strong, but also ... weak, communicate more with the object of your love, giving him attention.

Characteristic features of the name HARITINA

  • power
  • comfort
  • impressionability
  • peacefulness
  • subtle spirituality
  • interest in health
  • sharp mind
  • creative ambitions
  • dogmatism
  • constant pressure
  • self-confidence
  • search for an ideal
  • sensitive creative personality
  • law-abiding
  • inconstancy of feelings
  • sexual problems

HARITINA: the number of interaction with the world "8"

People under the influence of the number eight are restless and purposeful in nature. They are rarely satisfied with what they have, and strive to maximize the boundaries of their capabilities. The potential of the “eights” is very great, but the requests cannot be called small, so they rarely experience a sense of satisfaction from the work done or the joy of victory. Eight people know how to make plans and translate them into reality, but they are forced to put up with the fact that everything turns out a little (or even completely) not as it was intended.

"Eights" are not afraid of much. Responsibility for others and leadership of large teams are natural for them, as are abrupt changes in life. As a rule, they get along well with others, but try to avoid too much intimacy and prefer to play the role of leader in relationships. Highly appreciating intelligence, moral qualities and a sense of humor, they do not tolerate flattery and lies, and are also very sensitive to impoliteness and tactlessness.

The marital relationship of the "eights" develops peacefully, although not always there is passion or even deep affection in them. However, people of the Eight almost always strive for stable relationships and marriage - without a permanent life partner, they feel uncomfortable. Innate tact helps them avoid quarrels in the family, and the ability to both act independently and distribute responsibilities helps them cope with everyday problems.

"Eights" love to receive guests and do not miss the opportunity to show off their home, as a rule - large and comfortable. Own housing is the "fad" of many people of the eight; in rented apartments or parental home they usually don't feel too comfortable. At the same time, they cannot be called money-grubbers who are interested only in material goods; many "eights" generously share everything they earn, take an active part in activities charities and help close and distant relatives with money. But the main thing that people of the eight give to others is their love and sincere interest.

"Eights" care about others so much that sometimes they do not have enough strength and energy to equip own life. Another common problem is the pursuit of unattainable goals and the inability to remain calm and common sense if obstacles appear on the way.

HARITINA: the number of spiritual aspirations "4"

Those born under the influence of the four are in harmony with themselves and the world around them. They know how to set goals and achieve them, strictly follow the rules and maintain a positive attitude in any situation. They can safely be called perfectionists: they strive to make a dizzying career, build an ideal family nest, build a huge house and raise children so that they can be proud of. These people are accustomed to bringing any matter to the end, and if the circumstances are different, they cannot come to terms with it for a long time.

Fours are stubborn not only in work, but also in their personal lives. They can win the love of a person they like for years, remember unrequited feelings for a long time. These people like to stick to traditions in romantic relationship and expect the same from their chosen ones. Usually they start a family early, but this does not prevent them from listening to parental advice all their lives.

In raising children, people of the four use the carrot and stick method. These are wonderful parents, but if the desires of their child go beyond the norms established by society, then they can hardly be expected to understand. Fours have a heightened sense of justice, they see the mote not only in someone else's eye, but also in their own, so they rarely conflict with loved ones for a long time.

These people are trying to get everything in order. They like work that requires attention to detail, but can be carefully considered decisions. If the quad is a representative creative profession, then he still adheres to discipline and the established schedule - even the muse visits him at strictly agreed hours. This person feels uncomfortable in leadership positions, but does an excellent job with the role of a performer.

He spends a lot of effort at work, but he does it not for the sake of encouragement, but simply because he cannot do otherwise. At the same time, he is definitely not ready to work for free, so he is looking for an employer who could appreciate his zeal and talents.

If a person of the four decides to open his own business, then he mainly chooses areas related to technology or information technology. He is unlikely to be interested in enterprises that promise huge profits, but are associated with increased risk.

This person is honest with others and expects reciprocity from them. He rarely participates in discussions, does not like to conduct high-society conversations. The four helps with deeds, but is not able to find kind words for moral support.

HARITINA: the number of true features "4"

People born under the influence of the four are smart, reasonable, practical, do not like to indulge in empty dreams and stand firmly on their feet. Their life is not idleness and not a battle, but daily work, sometimes hard, but always very exciting. To achieve any goal, they have to put in a lot of effort.

These people are more likely than others to turn off the chosen path and be content with little, but they quickly learn from their own mistakes and do not dwell on failures. They rarely accept the help of others, preferring to achieve everything alone, which often serves as a serious obstacle to well-being.

A strong love attachment can be a serious problem for a person of four, especially if the chosen one turns out to be unworthy or just too windy. Having experienced an unhappy love, the foursome forever loses its former cheerfulness and self-confidence.

Endowed with an outstanding intellect, this person does not shy away from physical work, achieving success in mastering crafts and sports. Stability is extremely important for him: he always draws up a daily routine, plans a vacation in advance, trying to take into account all the nuances and taking into account the interests of loved ones. This person readily helps friends, however, sometimes he cannot resist lectures.

People under the influence of the four blindly trust their loved ones, which is why they sometimes become victims of their intrigues. Many cunning businessmen frankly use the abilities of the fours, being well aware of their diligence and diligence.

However, unfortunately, people of the four receive the most harm from themselves, for example, when they are chasing big money, not allowing themselves to rest until they completely fall from fatigue. It is important for them to learn how to properly distribute their own forces and notice more joyful moments in life.

Origin of the name Kharitina

The meaning of the name Haritina
Gratitude is full.

Numerology Of The Name Kharitin
Soul Number: 8.
For the owners of the name number 8, a propensity for business is characteristic. The G8s are for the most part very strong personalities, putting practicality and material gain at the forefront. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest and breaks. They don’t get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is among the "eights" that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" by nature are not inclined to make a large number of friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is overtaken by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 4

Body number: 4

Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: Capricorn, Aquarius.
Color: Electric, Glitter, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Beasts: Electric Ray, Electric Eel.

Kharitin's name as a phrase
X Kher (Cross, Cross, Strike through, Black out, Cross out)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

T Firmly
AND AND (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
N Our (Our, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Kharitin
X - setting to succeed in life on your own, to gain authority, an independent position in life. A person is sensitive to what people say about him. This letter in the name reminds that its owner must behave in such a way as not to violate any moral law.
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
H - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

The name kharitin, what does it mean? Does the name of Kharitin affect the fate of the carrier, or does it all depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in his life has met a person whose name does not suit him: "Well, she's a haritina of pure water!"

Have you ever called people you barely know by the "wrong" name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant signs of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, we tried to collect the most full information about names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, platnets-patrons of the name and zodiac signs inherent in them.

About the name Kharitin: Meaning, origin

  • The meaning of the name Haritina is graceful.
  • Origin of the name Haritina: greek ancient greek

Numerology Of The Name Kharitin

  • Name number: 8
  • Heart number: 4
  • Number of personality: 4
  • Happiness number: 8
  • Lucky numbers named Kharitin: 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71, 80, 89, 98, 107, 116
  • Lucky days of the month: 8, 17, 26

The meaning of the letters of the name Kharitin

The letters of the name play an important role in shaping the character of a person. For example, the first letter of the name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles' heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • x - responsiveness, but inconsistent and shallow feelings, sexual problems, law-abiding
  • a - strength and power
  • p - constant tension, emotionality, self-confidence, dogmatism
  • t - endless search, pursuit of the ideal, sensitive creative personality
  • and - impressionability, realism, subtle spirituality, peacefulness
  • n - energy and creative ambitions, interest in health, sharp mind
  • a - strength and power

Talismans named after Kharitin

  • Lucky season: Summer
  • Lucky days of the week: Sunday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Saturday
  • Lucky Color: Pink
  • Mascot Plant: Raspberry
  • Talisman stones named after Kharitin: Garnet, Ruby, Hyacinth, Gold, Chrysolite, Rock crystal, Carnelian, Topaz, Smoky quartz, Diamond, Amber
  • Spirit Animal: Salmon
  • Tree: Holly

Astrology named after Kharitin

According to astrology, a correspondence was revealed between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name Kharitin, the ruling planet is the Sun, which endows the name with a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits from the Sun: Courageous, generous, generous, kind-hearted

The disadvantages that the Sun gives the name: Pride, vanity, autocracy, jealousy, using people for their own purposes

  • Name astrological color: Blue
  • Cardinal direction: South
  • Astrological stone: Obsidian, Sardonyx, Tiger's Eye
  • Representing Animal: Wolf, Swan, Deer

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to a particular planet, which in turn have a direct impact on the fate of a person. Therefore, if the name has repeated letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter is greatly enhanced. Such planets are called dominant and one should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, in which sign of the Zodiac it is located).

Dominant planet for Kharitin: Sun

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls the last letter of the name - the final one. The final planet in some cases affects the duration of life and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Sun

Planetary number and meaning of the name Kharitin

For the name Kharitin planetary number - 7 and governs this name Saturn.

When the final number of the name is seven, the mystery of overcoming obstacles and passing trials is turned on, for which you will later be rewarded a hundredfold. This number is associated with self-improvement and gaining wisdom.

Zodiacal and sacred number of the name Kharitin

For the name Kharitin Zodiacal number - 5 a lion.

Lions create a field of celebration, theater and play. They put a person in the center of attention of others and require brightness, visibility, disclosure of talents and creative implementation.

Sacred number for the name Kharitin - 2 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Taurus

Taurus involves a person in solving material problems. IN best case they create a field of harmony and order, and at worst - a field of accumulation, greed, inertia and laziness.
