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Section: local history

“Why do the rivers of the Nizhnevartovsk region have such unusual names?”

Makarova Ekaterina Evgenievna – 1 b


Akulova Valentina Egorovna

primary school teacher

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution

"Secondary School No. 13"


Study plan

I became interested in the following questions.


In order to study the origin of the names of rivers in the Nizhnevartovsk region, a study was conducted. The study was carried out in stagesfor three months (October - December 2012).

Stage 1 (October): choosing a research topic, formulating goals and objectives, determining research methods, working with scientific literature and periodicals on the problem.

Stage 2 (November): analysis and selection of selected literature, articles, periodicals; working with Internet materials; conducting a survey.

Stage 3 (December): analysis of the results obtained.

The research method was a questionnaire. 39 (27 students and 12 parents) respondents took part in it. Using the survey questions, we learned that many students and their parents found it difficult to answer the survey questions (Appendix 1).

The issues of studying the origin of the rivers of the Nizhnevartovsk region were dealt with by such scientists as: Lezin V.A. Rivers of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (1999). The topic under consideration is found in the integrated local history course “We are children of nature” for grades 1-4, 2003, also in the textbook “Geography of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug”, grades 8-9, 1996.

Introduction 2

1. Theoretical part

1.1. Ancient inhabitants of Siberia and their names 3

1.2. History of the origin of the names of rivers in the Nizhnevartovsk region 4

2. Practical part 7

Conclusions 8

List of used literature 9

APPENDIX 1. Developed questionnaire I



Relevance. Returning from another vacation by car, we had to cross rivers with unusual, one might even say mysterious, names: Agan, Bolshoi and Maly Yugan, Tromyogan, Vakh and others.

I asked my parents to explain why the rivers are called that. Then my mother suggested that I take a closer look at the origin of the names of the rivers of my small homeland.

I was wondering:

Why do the rivers of my region have such unusual names?

What do these names mean?

The issues of studying the origin of the rivers of the Nizhnevartovsk region were dealt with by such scientists as: Lezin V.A. Rivers of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (1999). The topic under consideration is found in the integrated local history course “We are children of nature” for grades 1-4, 2003, also in the textbook “Geography of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug”, grades 8-9, 1996.

Purpose of the study:studying the history of the origin of the names of rivers in the Nizhnevartovsk region.


  • explore what the words “yogan, ob, as, ega, yank” and others mean in the names of rivers;
  • find out how the names of rivers came about;
  • prepare an information booklet “History of Ugra in the names of rivers in the Nizhnevartovsk region.”

Object of study:rivers of the Nizhnevartovsk region.

Subject of study:historical origin of the names of rivers in the Nizhnevartovsk region.

Research methods: questioning, searching for information on the Internet, in print media, analysis and processing of the data obtained.

Hypothesis: We assume that the names of the rivers of the Nizhnevartovsk region reflect the national roots of the peoples inhabiting our region.

Novelty. During this study, historical material on this issue was collected, which can be applied in practice.

Practical significance.The collected material can be used in local history and environmental lessons in primary school. We think that the guys who study this subject also want to know why rivers have such names.

1. Theoretical part.

  1. Ancient inhabitants of Siberia and their names.

As you know, the Russians came to Siberia in the 16th-17th centuries and found it populated. In the Far North, in the tundra and forest-tundra, they encountered the Nenets. In the forest belt we met the Khanty, Mansi and Selkups. In the southern part of the forest zone, as well as in the forest-steppe, they met with various Turkic peoples. .

Wandering across a vast territory or living sedentary lives, they perfectly navigated the terrain. These peoples knew the names of rivers especially well, since rivers were the only way to travel in this taiga region. That is why the names of rivers were passed down from people to people. The Russian population also recognized the Siberian names of rivers, accepted them and began to use them in their speech. Naturally, in this case, the previous names were changed according to the laws of the Russian language, and often simply distorted. That is why many of them are not only incomprehensible to Russian people, but also pose a mystery to specialists who know the languages ​​of the Siberian peoples. .

And yet, a certain part of the names of rivers can be explained quite reliably on the basis of the languages ​​of the aborigines of Siberia. To do this, you need to know how a geographical name is constructed in them.

The names of the rivers show the dialect coloring of the Khanty and Mansi peoples: Agan is a river of medium size; as - big river; ega - yaga - ekh - small river; egan – yogan – big river; yank – water; about -water, river; Among the Mansi, the river is designated by the word ya, among the Khanty - by the words igan, egan, yugan, igai.

Scientists have found that in most languages, geographical names consist of two words, with the final meaning “river” or “water”. By this final word one can recognize Khanty, Selkup, Turkic and other names. For example, among the Nenets, “river” was designated by the word yakha: Tabyakha, Muduyakha, Erkutayakha, Khadytayakha, Myaroyakha; The Khanty render Nenets yakha as yag, so the names of rivers in yag in the places where the Khanty now live are also of Nenets origin: Yagylyag, Krugyak, Egolyak. Among the Mansi, the river is designated by the word “I”: Atymya, Volya, Tolya, Kalya; among the Khanty - in the words igan, egan, yugan, igai: Laryegan, Vatyegan, Kulyegan; among the Selkups - with the words ky, gy, which among the Russians turned into ka, ga: Katalga, Korliga, Lozunga, Suiga; among the southern Samoyeds - the words bu, chu, chaga, by, which in Russians sound like ba, ma, va, chaga: Aba, Amba, Kuba, Kumlova, Andarma, Kondoma, Kasma, Pacha, Paralzha; among the Turks - “river” is denoted by the words ilga, yul, su: Ilgay, Mrassu, Chichkayul, etc.

Thus, place names are not random words. Their appearance in one period or another is historically determined.

1.2. History of the origin of the names of rivers in the Nizhnevartovsk region.

Using this information, we will try to find out the meaning and at least glance at the history of individual names of the rivers of my small homeland.

The peoples of the North have a special relationship with rivers. In the understanding of people, they are not only “alive”, but also have a division: man and woman. Thus, Tromyegan, Pim, Vakh and Vasyugan are considered “men”. There is only one “woman” - Agan. Moreover, Tromjegan and Agan are a married couple. Pym's wife is called his tributary - Im-Yaun.

From Internet sources and scientific literature I learned thatMore than 2 thousand rivers and streams flow through the territory of the Nizhnevartovsk region.Among the rivers, the giant Ob stands out.The largest tributaries of the Ob River are the rivers Vakh - 964 km, Agan - 776 km and Kul-Egan - 342 km,Kolek-Egan - 553 km, Sabun - 553 km, Kulun-Igol - 520 km. Small rivers: Mulka, Mega, Bolshaya Ryazanka channels.

If you look at the map of the Nizhnevartovsk region, you can conclude: high-water rivers and small rivers cover the entire territory of the Nizhnevartovsk region with such a dense network that it is impossible to name a single village more than 100 km away from the watercourse.

Consequently, the people inhabiting our region settled along the banks of rivers, since the only means of transportation was by water.

There are many assumptions about the origin of the name of the Ob River: from the Russian word “both” or “embrace”, from the Iranian “ab, ob” - “water”, from the Komi-Zyryan words: “obva” - “aunt, grandmother” and “obva” " - "snow water".

Literary sources say that it is impossible to explain the origin of the name of this mighty river from Russian words, since there are no rivers in Siberia named after Russian. It is known from history that the Russians first mentioned the Ob in the Novgorod Chronicle in 1364, calling it Obdora. At this time, they still knew nothing about the source of the Ob River (of two rivers - Biya and Katun). How did the Russians know that this was the Ob River? Judging by the chronicle, Novgorodians who went to Ugra first became acquainted with this river. This means that they met the Ob in its lower reaches. The guides of the Novgorodians were Komi (the Russians called them Zyryans). Therefore, it can be assumed that the Novgorodians heard the name Ob from the Komi. We are especially convinced of this by the early connection of the word Ob with the word “dor”, which in the Komi language means “terrain”. .

What does the word “about” mean in the Komi language? One can hardly think that such a large Komi river was called by the word obva - “aunt, grandmother.” In our opinion, those who connect the name Ob with obva meaning “snow water” are right (German scientist W. Steinitz, Tomsk professor A.P. Dulzon). .

This assumption also agrees well with the geographical features of the Ob River.

An ancient Khanty legend says about the features of the area where the Ob River flows: “Our land was flat, grassy and swampy. But then you come across a mane, and there is a pine forest on it. Climb the highest cedar and you will see the hero. He lies there, all overgrown with grass and silt. He died a long time ago. Since then, there have been high places on the Ugra land that are called heroic hills.

Cutting through these heroic hills, the great, mighty Ob River flows along Western Siberia from south to north.”

The Ob is also called As-nai, which can be translated literally as the sun river, since it is the progenitor of all living things. Flowing water understands people perfectly; it can be angry with them or happy for them. The ancient Khanty did not know how to swim, but they relied on the river for everything: if you did not commit bad deeds, the river would not let you die. When As was angry, they brought her a coin, a handful of flour, and shared a meal with her.

An ancient Altai legend says this about the birth of Ob: “The wayward, proud beauty Katun could not fall in love with the powerful prince named Biy who wooed her. She threw herself off a cliff, but did not die, but turned into a fast, beautiful river. Katun raced away from the old man pursuing her, furiously making her way through rocks and mountains, confusing her tracks, hiding in gorges, swerving to the side, and only when leaving the mountains, in the foothill steppe, where it was no longer possible to hide, did the powerful old man catch up with her. And Ob was born..."

But here is another legend told by Yu.K. Aivaseda, a resident of the village of Variegan, explains the appearance of tributaries near the Ob.

“Old Ob married his daughter Agan to his son Torum-Ika, whose name was Torum-Yagun. But since their characters were like a raging river, they did not live together for long. We separated. Torum-Yagun - to the northwest, and Agan - to the east, but the attraction to each other remained. And therefore, when the mistress Agana remembers something good from her life together, she turns towards her husband and begins to nibble on the northern sandy shore of the reindeer moss forest. As soon as he remembers the quarrel, he will get angry, turn his back to him, and begin to gnaw at the clayey shore of Black Urman. When she misses her very much, she sends a message towards her husband... The Haplymuty River, as the Nenets say, is one of the messages that the mistress Agana sends to her husband.” .

The Ob River is not only the largest river in Siberia. It is extremely picturesque and beautiful both on summer evenings at sunset, and during the flood period, when it majestically spreads for many kilometers and delights a person with its indomitable power and strength, and under the ice, when it is shackled in snow armor.

According to the beliefs of the indigenous peoples of the Ugra region, in every riveryour spirit lives. The spirit of Obi was most revered. In order not to drown (the Khanty did not know how to swim), so that fishing would be successful, sacrifices were made to the water spirits and they were revered.

Vakh River among the Ostyaks it has the same name by which the Russians call it, and in their language it means both metal and iron, but they cannot explain the reason for this, because iron ore is unknown on Vakh, much less mined and used by the Ostyaks. It is possible that it was used by the Ostyaks living in the upper reaches of the Vakh Tym. If the Ostyaks attach the word “logon” to the names of other rivers, this is not the case with the Vakh River. The reason for this difference is its superiority in size over all other rivers flowing into the Ob, since its width in the lower reaches in some places reaches a mile. It flows, without making significant turns, from the northeast. The bottom is sandy. .

Most of the rivers of Western Siberia are iconic, and the river occupies a special place among them Tromegan.

Tromjegan - River of God translated from the Khanty language. It originates in the watershed of the Siberian Uvals and flows from north to south for more than eight hundred kilometers, breaking into three large branches before flowing into the Ob. The river has significant tributaries in the upper reaches: Nyatlongayagun, Entl - Imiyagun, in the middle reaches Inguyagun, Ortyagun and in the lower reaches of Kattym - Egan and the Agan River, flowing into Tromyegan from the left. .

Agan - the river got its name from the Khanty word “egan”, which is simply translated - river. In our area, the Agan River is considered the most cranberry river - Amputa. This name comes from the Nenets – Vampukhta.

And in Khanty it’s called – Kavakhyn – kaveng Akhyn, that is, Agan, but swampy, cranberry. And the Nenets name translates as “river of discord”.

Legends describe the area and characterize the landscape features of the Agan River basin: the legends about the Agan goddess reveal the character and nature of the river’s flow, justify the appearance of a two-channel mouth, a seven-stream source, and the direction of flow of numerous tributaries..

In the Nizhnevartovsk region you can find rivers with Russian names. What do Russian river names say? Some of them are understandable to every person, some also require special study. When naming a river, Russian people first of all paid attention to its signs. These signs could be associated both with her natural qualities and with a person’s attitude towards her.

2. Practical part

As a result of the study, we obtained the following results.

Table 1.

Question no.

Survey questions




Name the rivers that flow

in the Nizhnevartovsk region.

Named 1-2 rivers

Difficult to answer

Named 3 rivers

Named 4 - 5 rivers

16 students

11 students.

7 parents

5 parents

Can you explain

why do they have

such names?

We were able to explain

Difficult to answer

We were able to explain

Difficult to answer

0 students

27 students

0 parents

12 parents

Is it important to preserve the historical heritage of a people?

All students gave a positive answer - yes, it is important, but found it difficult to explain why.

All parents gave a positive answer and explained the role of history in people's lives.

Answers to survey questions

Based on the research, the following conclusions can be drawn: the results obtained were not entirely reassuring: my classmates do not know the rivers of the Nizhnevartovsk region, and they could not say anything about the origin of the names of the rivers. The parents’ results turned out to be a little better, but they found it difficult to say anything about the origin of the names of the rivers.


From literary sources I learned about the historical origin of the names of the rivers of the Nizhnevrotosky region. Having researched the meaning of the words “yogan, ob, as, ega, yank” and others in the names of rivers, I learned that the names of the rivers of the Nizhnevartovsk region reflect the national roots of the peoples inhabiting our region in the distant past, which has survived to this day. Thus, we can conclude that our hypothesis was correct.

The collected material made it possible to learn about the cultural heritage, that the names of the rivers of the Nizhnevartovsk region were given by people living along the banks of the rivers, and allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of our region.

The results of the study were familiarized to 1st grade students of our educational institution during lessons on ecology and the environment.

In the future we plan to continue our research on this topic and study the history of the rivers of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

In conclusion, we want people to take care of the historical heritage of their small homeland, observe environmental etiquette in relation to the surrounding nature, so that hundreds of years later they can say admiringly: “Hello, my dear land! I am back!" And for this we must, together with adults, protect nature. If we are always together in any matter, then our planet will be beautiful! Human wisdom says: “Only the country in which people remember their past is worthy of the future.”

Research project on the topic:

"Natural Electricity"

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school "Patriot" with cadet classes

Project manager: Olga Vladimirovna Chaplygina,

primary school teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School "Patriot" with

cadet classes"

Information sheet

(Introduction, relevance, tasks and goals of the project, etc.)

Stage 1 - organizational

Collection of information

Questioning of students of 4 “A”, 4 “B”, 4 “C” classes. Questionnaire analysis

Stage I conclusions

Stage 2 - theoretical

What is electricity?

History of the discovery of electricity.

Electricity in nature.

Stage II conclusions

Safety rules for children related to the use of electricity

Stage 3 - practical

Stage III conclusions




Project topic:"Natural Electricity".

Problem (idea) of the project.

Not all of my classmates know about the existence of natural electricity. The idea of ​​the project was to find out what natural electricity is, to reveal the possibilities of natural electricity.

Objective of the project:

find out what natural electricity is, discover the possibilities of natural electricity.


study literature on this topic

find the history of the discovery of electricity from scientific sources

find out what natural electricity is

Learn safety rules related to the use of electricity

conduct an experiment on generating electricity from vegetables and fruits at home.

prove the existence of natural electricity.

publish a brochure.

Project type:

by completeness: interdisciplinary

by number of participants: individual

by duration: short-term.


Since there is a lot of juice in vegetables and fruits, and it is an acid (the same as in ordinary batteries and accumulators), by inserting metal plates into them you can generate electricity.

Implementation deadlines. The research project is being implemented from January 25, 2018 to February 3, 2018.

Expected result within the research project.

I'm learning more about natural electricity.

I will introduce my classmates to the history of the origin of electricity, reveal the possibilities of natural electricity,

I will draw conclusions on this topic.

I will try to perform all the experiments myself, observing safety precautions.


Studying scientific literature

Studying this topic will allow you to learn more about the world around us.

Stages of performing research work.

Stage 1 - organizational

Object of study: electricity

Subject of study:

natural electricity

alternating current

Research methods:

Study of literary sources




Physical experiments generalization

Student survey 4 “A”, 4 “B”, 4 “C” classes, teachers, parents.

Survey results showed:

students 4 “A”, 4 “B”. “B” classes - 70%

teachers of the Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School "Patriot" with cadet classes" - 100%

parents of students in grade 4 “B” - 100%


After analyzing the survey, I came to the conclusion that some of the students in our class have some idea of ​​natural electricity.

Most of the respondents know about natural electricity and almost everyone would like to know the results of my experiments and confirmation of my hypothesis.

The parents and teachers of our school know about natural electricity.

Stage 2 - theoretical

What is electricity?

It is almost impossible to imagine our modern life without electricity. Electricity has deeply penetrated our daily lives; we cannot even think about how to live without electricity.

Electric current is the directed movement of charged particles, somewhat similar to a river. Water flows in a river, small particles of an atom - electrons - flow through wires. Electric current moves through a conductor in a closed circuit from the current source to the consumer. A conductor is a substance that can easily conduct electric current. If we are dealing with metal, then the charged particles are electrons. Almost all metals are conductors of electric current. Those substances that do not conduct current are called insulators. Insulators include plastic and rubber. Copper conducts current very well. In wires, electrons move under the influence of a magnetic field.

Conclusion: electricity is an effect caused by the movement and interaction of charged particles.

History of the discovery of electricity.

People observed the first electrical phenomena back in the fifth century BC. The founder of Greek science, Thales of Miletus, noticed that a piece of amber rubbed with fur or wool attracts light bodies such as dust particles.

In 1662, the English physicist William Gilbert continued to study these phenomena. It was he who called them “electric”.

In 1729, Stephen Gray discovered that some metals could conduct current.

I decided to find out if adults and my peers know about natural electricity.

In 1733, Du Fei discovered positive and negative electric charges.

In 1800, Volta invented the first direct current source.

Our compatriot Vasily Perov also worked in the field of electricity. He discovered the voltaic arc at the beginning of the 19th century.

Electricity in nature.

For some time it was believed that electricity did not exist in nature. However, after B. Franklin established that lightning has an electrical origin, this opinion ceased to exist.

The importance of electricity in nature, as well as in human life, is enormous.

For example: a natural phenomenon.

A flash of lightning is a huge spark and an instant discharge of electricity accumulated in thunderclouds. Drops of water in a thundercloud collide and are electrolyzed into positive charges, which accumulate at the top of the cloud, and negative charges at the bottom. An electric field is created between the cloud and the positively charged ground. Its voltage increases and is discharged by lightning.

For example: fish.

Electric rays use electricity, or rather electrical discharges, to protect themselves from enemies, search for food under water and obtain it. The fish has a special electrical organ. It accumulates a fairly large electrical charge, and then discharges it onto the victim by touching such a fish. The current strength of the electric organ of fish changes with age: the older the fish, the greater the current strength.

For example: insects.

Bees accumulate a positive charge of electricity during flight, while flowers have a negative charge. Therefore, pollen from flowers itself flies to the body of bees.

I wondered if natural electricity could arise in plants. I began to collect information on this topic: I talked with my parents, visited the school library, and read scientific articles on this topic.

Here's what I found out:

The more juice there is in a vegetable or fruit, the more electricity can be obtained from it.

To generate electricity, it is best to use copper and zinc.

In order to begin my experiments, I must remember the safety rules with electrical appliances. The teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School “Patriot” with cadet classes” helped me with this: Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Syomina (see appendix p. _____).

Stage 3 - practical

First you need to get zinc and copper. Zinc can be obtained by disassembling an old dead battery or by taking a galvanized nail or bolt. Copper can be found in copper wire, stripped of its insulating material.

Next, using sandpaper, you need to slightly clean the copper wire or zinc from the battery. This procedure will help remove the smallest layer of oxidized material, which will have a beneficial effect on the chemical reaction.

After this, copper must be inserted into one side of the lemon and zinc into the other so that the two electrodes in the lemon do not touch each other. The copper and zinc electrode on the free side should be connected to the wires and to provide higher voltage and current, the same operation should be done with another lemon.

Then connect the wire coming from the copper in the first lemon to the wire coming from the zinc in the second lemon, thus forming an electrical circuit. The other ends of the wires coming out of the lemons can be connected to devices or to an LED, and the wire coming from the copper will carry a positive current charge, and the wire from the zinc will carry a negative direct current charge.

Experiment No. 1.

2 lemons, wires, 2 copper electrodes, 2 zinc electrodes, LED.

Description of the experiment.

First I laid out everything we'll need:

zinc and copper electrodes, wires, lemons, potatoes, tools, light bulb.

After that, I stuck copper and zinc electrodes into the lemons, and the light bulb lit up. From our experience, we see that a lemon works like a battery: the copper electrode is positive (+), and the zinc electrode is negative (-). Unfortunately this is a very weak source of energy. (see appendix page ______).

Hypothesis: If you increase the number of lemons, your energy source will increase.


Citric acid contains particles of electricity; to obtain natural electricity, only citric acid and copper zinc electrodes are required.

Lemons produce the same voltage or electrical force as a pair of batteries in a flashlight.

Experiment No. 2

To conduct the experiment you will need: 2 potatoes, wires, 2 copper electrodes, 2 zinc electrodes, LED.

I connected the zinc and copper electrodes with wires. I inserted copper and zinc electrodes into the potatoes and the light bulb came on.

Conclusion: Potatoes contain acid, which creates natural electricity. By connecting the zinc electrodes, the light bulb lights up with the acid released by the potato.


Natural electricity exists and it can be very useful. I confirmed my hypothesis: if you discover the secrets of electricity, then electric current will become a good friend and helper, and not a danger in life. Using a fruit or vegetable battery, he proved that natural electricity exists.


Practical significance of natural electricity.

Based on the information I received and the experiments I performed, I can say that natural electricity is a very useful thing. If you take copper and zinc plates, wires and a light bulb on a hike, you can make a lamp and a phone charger, since vegetables and fruits can always be found in nature.

List of sources used.

T.Yu. Pokidaeva. New children's encyclopedia. LLC "Publishing Group "Azbuka"

E.P. Levitan, T.A. Nikiforova Entertaining physics. Children's encyclopedia

K. Rogers, F. Clark. We study physics. Light. Sound. Electricity. LLC Publishing House "Rosmen - Press", Moscow, 2002.

http:// /elektrichestvo

Appendix No. 1

Safety rules for children related to the use of electricity.

The most important thing you need to know about electricity is electrical safety techniques, which not only adults, but also children should know in order to protect their lives. The current is invisible, and therefore especially insidious.

What should adults and children not do?

Do not touch with your hands or come close to wires and electrical


Do not stop to rest near power lines or substations, do not light fires, or launch flying toys.

A wire lying on the ground can be deadly.

Electrical sockets, if there is a small child in the house, are an object of special control.

Do not play with sockets and switches.

Do not insert metal wire into sockets.

Rules for using electrical appliances:

Do not leave switched on electrical appliances unattended.

It is very dangerous to assemble or disassemble anything in electrical appliances while the device is operating.

When leaving home, turn off all electrical appliances. Electrical appliances may only be used with adult permission.

Water is a good conductor, just like the human body, so you should not touch sockets and electrical appliances with wet hands, because it can cause electric shock.

Electricity in batteries is not dangerous. But you should not disassemble batteries and you should not swallow them, as they contain chemicals that are harmful to health. Batteries should not be thrown into fire because they may explode.

Appendix No. 2

Appendix No. 3

Work on a research project takes place in several stages:

1. Selecting a topic.

2. Definition of the goal, objectives, hypothesis, object and subject of research.

3. Selection and study of materials on the topic: literature, other sources.

4. Selection of research methods.

5. Development of a project plan and its implementation.

6. Writing a research project.

7. Design of the research project.

8. Defense of the research project (presentation, report).

The first stage is choosing a topic

The choice of topic for a research project must meet the following requirements:

1. The topic should correspond to the inclinations of the author.

2. The main texts must be accessible (that is, physically accessible to the author).

3. The main texts must be comprehensible (that is, intellectually feasible for the author).

The second stage is determining the goal, objectives, hypothesis, object and subject of research

At defining the goal research questions need to be answered:

1. What result is expected to be obtained?

2. How do you see this result even before you get it?

Under tasks research understands what needs to be done for the goal to be achieved.

Hypothesis - a scientific assumption put forward to explain any phenomena.

The object and subject of the project are also determined.

Object of study is the process or phenomenon that generates the problem situation and is selected for study. The main question when defining an object is What is being considered?

Subject of study determined by answering the following questions:

1. How to view an object?

2. What relationships does it have?

3. What aspects and functions does the researcher highlight to study the object?

The third stage is the selection and study of materials on the topic

When studying materials on a chosen topic, it is customary to divide all sources into primary sources and secondary sources.

When working with books, primary sources are considered to be the first edition or academic edition of the text

The fourth stage is the choice of research methods

It is mandatory in a research project to indicate research methods that serve as a tool for obtaining factual material, being a necessary condition for achieving the goal. The following research methods are available (you need to choose the ones that are suitable for your work):

Observation. (It is an active cognitive process, based primarily on the work of the human senses: vision, hearing, touch, smell).

Comparison. (Allows us to establish the similarities and differences between objects and phenomena of reality. As a result of comparison, we establish what is common to two or more objects.)

Measurement. (The procedure for determining the numerical value of a certain quantity using a unit of measurement. Provides accurate, quantitative information about the surrounding reality.)

Experiment or experience. (Involves interference in the natural conditions of existence of objects and phenomena or the reproduction of certain aspects of objects and phenomena in specially created conditions).

Modeling. (Construction and study of models of real-life objects and phenomena and constructed objects. By the nature of the models, subject and symbolic modeling are distinguished. Subject modeling is called modeling, during which research is carried out on a model that reproduces the geometric, physical, dynamic, or functional characteristics of the original object. When In symbolic modeling, models are diagrams, drawings, formulas, etc.).

Conversation, questionnaire, or survey. (Organized with the aim of identifying the individual characteristics of a person, his desires, positions).

Fifth stage - development of a project plan and its implementation

When working on a research project, it is necessary to outline a work plan.

A work plan will help clarify what needs to be done. Next comes its implementation: observations, experiments, experiments, conversations, surveys, questionnaires, etc. are carried out. according to the chosen methods.

Stage six - writing a research project

When writing a research project, it should be taken into account that its language and style are scientific.

The scientific style has its own characteristics:

Emphasized, strict logic, manifested in the fact that all sentences are arranged in a sequence corresponding to the cause-and-effect relationships of phenomena, and conclusions follow from the facts presented in the text;

Precision, which is achieved by careful selection of words, their use in their literal meaning, and the wide use of terms;

Objectivity in the presentation of facts, inadmissibility of subjectivity and emotionality. In linguistic terms, these properties are manifested in the fact that in scientific texts it is not customary to use emotional-evaluative vocabulary, and instead of the pronoun “I” and verbs in the 1st person singular, indefinitely personal sentences are more often used (they believe that ......), impersonal (it is known that......), definitely personal (let's consider the problem...);

Clarity - the ability to write clearly and intelligibly;

Brevity is the ability to avoid unnecessary repetition, excessive detail and verbal garbage.

A school project is one way to ensure student development. These works are required for students. Often, high school students take exams that allow them to better assess their knowledge and ability to assimilate information.

Why are such tasks needed?

Interesting topics for projects are an opportunity for a student to develop their abilities and believe in their strength as a student. After all, children often choose topics for research work that captivate them. Thus, in the design process, the student’s independence increases, and he develops strong motivation for further learning. He also learns how to conduct a discussion correctly and argue his point of view. Working on a project allows a student to combine classroom and extracurricular activities.

Topics for middle and primary school

Interesting topics for projects are a guarantee that the work will be exciting for the student. If the project is a research project, it must include elements of scientific work - a hypothesis, its testing, laboratory research, analysis of the results obtained. For example, the chosen topic is about growing beans at home. The student can prepare in advance - read the necessary material on natural history; conduct an experiment - germinate beans; take photographs of the plant at each stage. The following interesting project topics are suitable for middle and junior high school students:

  • Cars of old times and modern ones.
  • About how dinosaurs lived. Estimated options for their death.
  • My favourite dog.
  • The professions that every schoolchild dreams of.
  • Color in human life.
  • Cartoons and their role in the lives of children.
  • The aquarium and its amazing inhabitants.
  • How to grow a crystal yourself?
  • Features of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Sports in my family.
  • Ancient fun in Rus'.
  • Human exploration of outer space.
  • History of music and musical instruments.
  • Robots of the future.
  • Features of the life of bees.
  • The most beautiful legends about flowers.
  • History of money - from antiquity to modern times.
  • Tea and coffee. History, legends, traditions.
  • Growing beans at home.

Topics that will be of interest to school audiences

There are many areas that could captivate you. These could be gadgets, various products, issues of love and friendship. The following interesting topics for the project will not leave school audiences indifferent:

  • Emoticons in messages. History, features of use.
  • The brightest and most unusual advertising.
  • What do young people think about family life?
  • Is Barbie the standard for female attractiveness?
  • The problem of cleanliness in public places.
  • Why do you need to turn off your phone during a flight?
  • Anglicisms in modern speech.
  • Horoscopes and astrology - truth or myth?
  • How to achieve prosperity?
  • What does a person need to achieve emotional balance?
  • The operating principle of a microwave oven.
  • How to develop logical thinking?
  • Is chewing gum good for you?
  • Lies: causes and consequences. Why do people lie to each other?
  • How to become a photographer?
  • How 3D glasses for cinema work.
  • Does the pace of the speaker's speech affect the audience's perception of the report?
  • Cheat sheet - helper or enemy?
  • Why does everyone learn English?
  • Do our little brothers understand our speech?
  • Tea traditions of China.
  • What is a person like: good or evil? Examples from history and life.
  • Stress and illness - is there a connection? What are psychosomatic illnesses?
  • How to forgive a person? Is it necessary to do this?
  • "Leopold's Cats" in modern society.

Current topics for preparing projects on Russian literature

One of the most interesting jobs for many schoolchildren will be a literary project. Its problems should be selected in accordance with the knowledge and level of training of the student. The topic of a literature project can be the biography of a poet or writer or the features of his work. Such work will help you learn a lot of interesting things about the author whose works the student liked. The project can be dedicated to the characteristics of a literary character or an entire work. In the process of work, the student will be able to refresh his memory about his favorite work and once again plunge into its events.

The following literature project topics are approximate. The student can always choose the question that arouses his greatest interest.

  • Features of I. Bunin's creativity.
  • The role of the hero’s appearance in his characterization (using the example of several
  • Features of a romantic hero (using the example of several works).
  • The theme of love in Akhmatova’s lyrics.
  • Nature in the works of V. A. Zhukovsky.
  • History in Pushkin's works.
  • The problem of the homeland in Yesenin’s work.

Labor projects

There will also be great scope for creative work in technology assignments. The project topics discussed below are intended for girls:

  • How to decorate a kitchen-dining room.
  • Dishes of Russian cuisine.
  • Indoor plants and interior design.
  • DIY knitted accessories.
  • Decor and setting of the festive table.

Here are the projects boys can prepare:

  • Making wall shelves for CDs or books.
  • How to make a board for cutting vegetables.
  • Models of airplanes, ships, cars.
  • Making a bench.
  • How to make a folding table for a balcony.

Scientific design

Often, students need to find suitable topics for research projects. The scope of options is wide, because there are so many scientific branches, so many different areas of research. From the following topics, perhaps the student will be able to choose something for himself:

  • Earth's atmosphere: composition, structure, movement of air masses.
  • Newton's laws and their application.
  • Aggregate states of matter.
  • Physical properties of carbon.

“Research activity” - the theory of reflexive thinking by N.G. Alekseev. Creating a cognitive basis for research competence. Objectives of educational research. The main types of creative work by students. Conceptual basis for modeling the organization of students' research activities. Glossary. V.I.Zagvyazinsky. Types of research activity models.

"Research Literature" - Expertise. The source must be “interrogated” or at least “caught slipping”. Advance notice. The goal is to force thinking, to work intensively rather than extensively. An unclear summary has no meaning. Acquiring property is the most important thing. Foreign languages. Principles of compiling a (computer) summary of a text.

The institute becomes famous not only in the Middle Volga region, but also in the USSR and abroad. The creative activity of V.M. Vasilyev was complex and multifaceted. Exploration work, along with rescue work, has always been a priority. In the 60s, the study of Mari musical culture was one of the urgent tasks.

“Research work” - Fundamentals of information technology. Compression and reproduction of audio information. Training program for the section “Number systems”. In-depth courses in areas of training Educational projects. Omsk schools on the Internet. Handbook of elementary physics. Clarity of conclusions and generalizations. Individual work Creative and research projects.

“Students’ research work” - Defense of the UIR – final certification exam (March). UIR is the first truly independent scientific work of lyceum students. Implementation of UIR in 11th grade. Receiving feedback from your manager. Issuance of practice diaries. Successful study at a university, early (from the 1st-2nd year) introduction to scientific work in departments.

"Research project" - 4.1. Public defense of the project. 4.2. Summing up, constructive analysis of the work performed. 4.3. Final conference. Very often, a primary school teacher hears such words from his students in class. The project method, being a method of practical, purposeful action, opens up the possibility of forming a child’s own life experience in interacting with the outside world.
