Project topics in English. English project on the topic

Municipal secondary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 11"
Department of Education Administration
g.o Elektrostal


in English language

on the topic of:

Elizaveta Moiseeva (7th grade)

Khresina Ekaterina (9b grade)

Project leaders:

English teachers

Levchenkova Anna Sergeevna,

Rakova Natalya Yurievna

2015 .


In connection with the orientation towards the humanistic goal of education, the cultural value of the school increases. A foreign language provides favorable conditions for strengthening the cultural component of education. Education through the means of a foreign language presupposes knowledge about the culture, history, realities and traditions of the country of the language being studied.

To solve the problem of the relationship between area studies and a foreign language, it is important to first clarify the concept of “area studies”. Regional studies is a geographical discipline that deals with the comprehensive study of countries, as well as their large parts (regions) and regional groupings; systematizes and summarizes heterogeneous data about their nature, population, economy, culture and social organization. You cannot identify culture with language. You can speak a language well, but remain at the primitive level of not only another, but also your own people. The content of teaching a foreign language includes knowledge of national culture, but only within the boundaries of what is reflected in the selected language material, that is, in national realities and the lexical background of a number of words.

What is important for students is the practical result of learning a foreign language, the ability to communicate directly with native speakers in everyday communication situations. It is impossible and pointless to study a foreign language without knowing about the characteristics of the country of the language being studied, the culture of the people, and the peculiarities of life.

Therefore, the relevance of this topic at the present stage is obvious, taking into account new trends in the education system, which give teachers room for innovation and implementation of their own ideas, which allow them to realize the creative potential of both teachers and students.

This project contains information on regional studies for middle and high school students. The materials presented in the project can be used in English lessons and in extracurricular activities when familiarizing and consolidating material on regional studies of Great Britain and Russia. The use of this information in class and in extracurricular activities helps to increase the motivation of learning activities and familiarize students with the culture, traditions and realities of their native country and the country of the foreign language being studied.

As a result of the project, students will acquire the following skills:

- personal : motivation, criticality, reflexivity, self-actualization;

- meta-subject : ability to use a PC and the Internet as a source of information, skills in analyzing and differentiating educational material, independent creative thinking when preparing an educational product;

- subject : development of foreign language communicative competence in the totality of its components - speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive.

Project work

in English language

"Symbols of England and Russia"



To maintain students' interest in a foreign language throughout the entire period of study, the introduction of elements of regional studies and regional linguistics into lessons plays an important role. This contributes to the education of students in the context of a dialogue of cultures, introduces them to common values, serves as a support for maintaining cognitive motivation, and develops the ability to communicate in a foreign language.

In the absence of a real language environment, a compressed lesson framework and a lack of regional studies material, the teacher is faced with objective difficulties in solving the complex task of developing the diverse sociocultural competence of students, therefore the presence in one form or another of components of the attributes of the language environment of the country of the language being studied is necessary in the lessons.


We study English at school in lessons. On them we learn a lot of new and interesting things about the countries of the language we are studying in close connection with the culture of our native language. We read texts about Great Britain and Russia, compare the cultures of these countries, get acquainted with the daily life of their citizens, study national character traits, features of life and traditions. In textbooks we most often come across information on regional studies of England, so we already have a certain idea about this country. The image of Russia is also hundreds of symbols that form a bright mosaic. We became interested in what students in grades 7 and 9 of our school associate England with and how foreigners imagine Russia.

Purpose of the project work:

    broadening the horizons of students and creating an electronic presentation on the regional study material “National Symbols of England and Russia.”


1. Conduct a survey among students in grades 7 and 9 regarding their knowledge of the regional studies material “National Symbols of England.”

2. Study online research materials about the image of Russia among foreigners.

3. Analyze the data obtained.

4. Study materials from Internet sites on the national symbols of Russia and England.

5. Compose a short text on the topic for subsequent use in the electronic version.

6. Select appropriate illustrations and musical accompaniment for the text to ensure a visual perception of the image.

7. Prepare an electronic version of the material.

8. Test the use of the resulting electronic version in classes in grades 7 and 9 and conduct a survey among students to determine the degree of effectiveness of using the new electronic application for students to assimilate information about this reality.

The solution to the assigned tasks is achieved through the use of practicalworking methods:

    generalization and systematization of information;

    highlighting the main thing;

    compilation of information text;

    selection of illustrations and musical accompaniment;

    computer processing of material.

Practical significance of the project is to acquire by schoolchildren the necessary and sufficient knowledge on the topic necessary to complete tasks of a regional nature, based on visual perception, which will ensure conscious and long-term memorization of new material. This electronic application will also be of interest to English teachers, since its use will provide high-quality preparation for training sessions on regional studies.

To sum it upeffectiveness of project activities An empirical method (questionnaire) was used. The result of the project activity is an electronic presentation “IconsofEnglandandRussia", which was successfully tested in grades 7 and 9. A survey on the effectiveness of using this electronic application reflects its necessity in the educational process from the point of view of awareness and strength in mastering new material and saving time when preparing tasks of a regional study nature.

This project is informational in its dominant activity, short-term in duration, and individual in its type of activity.

Review of information sources. In the process of work, the content of individual Internet resources was studied, with the help of which the necessary texts, illustrations and music were selected for the future electronic application.

    Survey of students in grades 7 and 9.

At the first stage of our project work, in order to identify the level of proficiency in the regional studies material “National Symbols of England,” we conducted a survey among students in grades 7 and 9 of our school. We asked the following question: “What do you associate with England?”

As a method for collecting the information we were interested in, we chose a personal interview, which was conducted during breaks during one day.

93 respondents took part in the survey, which was a sufficient number for an objective assessment of the accuracy of the results.

    Analysis of the obtained data.

The next stage was the analysis of the data obtained, the results of which we presented visually. This chart shows the most popular answers from respondents. The survey showed that students gave answers based on the most known facts about England that we have studied in English lessons since primary school.

    Studying materials from Internet research on the image of Russia among foreigners.

At the next stage of our project work, we turned to Internet sources in order to determine how foreigners imagine Russia. It turned out that such studies are carried out quite oftenin order to improve the image of Russia as a country attractive for tourism.

For example, in March-April 2012, respondents were interviewed in hotels in Moscow and St. Petersburg303 people from 36 countries (except for CIS countries). It turned out that, just like 30 years ago, the image of Russia “is most associated among foreigners with historical sights and Orthodox culture, as well as with traditional vodka, caviar and matryoshka.”

Foreigners know little from regions other than Moscow and St. Petersburg. But the natural geographic regions turned out to be quite “promoted” in the minds of foreign guests:Volga (148), Ural (146), Siberia (146) andBaikal (145).

Among the most popular answers were the following:






    beautiful girls

    Analysis of research results.

Having analyzed the results obtained, we came to the conclusion that people’s ideas about a country are formed on the basis of the most well-known facts, which are most often found in literature and the media. We decided to deepen our knowledge on this topic and study the national symbols of England and Russia in more detail. We have studied a large number of Internet resources to obtain the most complete and informative picture on this topic. We have collected information about the least known symbols of England and Russia.

    Writing short texts.

The next stage of our project work was to isolate the main thing from the collected information and compile short texts for each symbol for the subsequent use of these texts in an electronic presentation. We grouped these texts by comparing two countries for more conscious and long-term memorization of new material.

    Selection of visual material.

To ensure a visual perception of the image, we selected colorful illustrations and musical accompaniment to create an electronic presentation.

    Making an electronic presentation.

Using the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in computer science lessons, we created an electronic presentation in the formatPowerPoint, which is the most optimal in terms of accessibility for schoolchildren to use it and solve technical problems.This presentation can be used in the future both in English lessons and in extracurricular activities in middle and high schools for awareness and strength in mastering new material and saving time when preparing assignments of a regional studies nature.

    Approbation of this electronic presentation.

The electronic application was tested in grades 7 and 9 of the school in order to determine its effectiveness in mastering new information. We presented our project at an extracurricular event on regional studies as part of the English language week and at the school scientific and practical conference “Lomonosov Readings”. The results of the survey conducted after the presentation of the project confirm the success of the implementation of project activities (Appendix 1). Thus, all stages of the project were implemented in full and within the specified time frame. The result of the activity is an electronic application "IconsofEnglandandRussia».


The results of a survey of students in grades 7 and 9 of the school on the topic “IconsofEnglandandRussia»:

1. Is such an electronic presentation necessary in English lessons?

Yes - 94% No - 6%

2. Will the presentation help you prepare for English lessons?

Yes - 94% No - 6%

3. Does this presentation save you time when preparing for lessons?

Yes - 71% No -29%

4. Did you like this presentation?

Yes - 94% No -6%

5. What did you like most?

Content - 56%;

Musical accompaniment – ​​21%;

Photos - 21%

6. Would you like to add or change anything)?

Yes - 20% No - 80%

English language project

Subject:"Differences between American and British English"

I.Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ........................... 3-4

II. Main part

1. The history of the emergence of the American version of English………… 5

1.1 Opinions on American independence

English………………………………………………………………………………… 5-6

1.2. History of the emergence of American English……………… 6-7

2. Noah Webster’s transformations in American English…….. 8

3. Comparative analysis of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics of two options

in English …………………………………………………………………. 9

3.1. Vocabulary of English and American languages……………………………. 9

3.2. Phonetics of English and American languages ​​…………………………. 10-11

3.3. Grammar of English and American languages………………………. eleven

III.Conclusion............................................... ........................................................ ..................... 12

IV. Bibliography……………………………………………………………………. 13

V. Applications……………………………………………………………………………………….. 14-17


English is nowadays a generally recognized language of international communication. This is the language of modern business, science, office work, information technology and, of course, communication. English is the official language of many countries, including the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The following figures indicate the exceptionally wide distribution of the English language: approximately 1.6 billion people, i.e. Almost one third of the world's population speaks English, although English is the first language of only 380 million people. It is in this language that most books, magazines and newspapers are published. It is difficult to judge the positive or negative aspects of the globalization of the English language, but one cannot but agree that in the history of mankind no language has ever been so widespread and popular.

In the modern world, there are several varieties of English (British, American, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand).

American English is a better rival to British English, and there are several reasons for this. One of them is that American English was linguistically especially pure and correct, since the settlers, people from different parts of Britain, finding themselves together in new and risky conditions, were forced to discard dialectal differences and keep in their speech only what was common to all of them. It was America that contributed most to the spread of English in the 20th century.

However, despite this, teaching English in many countries, including Russia, for many years was focused on the British version of the language. But at the present stage of development of teaching English, one cannot ignore the fact that students come into contact with its American version almost every day.

Indeed, at school we study English, learn rules and words, agonize over pronunciation, and on the TV screen and in video games we hear English words, phrases, sentences that differ from what we are taught at school.
Probably, many of you have encountered a situation where seemingly correctly written English words are identified as incorrect in text editors with spell checking. For example, in the widely used text editor MS Word, some correctly spelled English words are underlined with a red wavy line.
The thing is that Microsoft is an American company, and by default the spelling rules are set to American English.
If there is an American language, then wouldn't it be better to study it in schools? It is used to communicate on the Internet, a significant portion of goods are produced in America, a huge number of films, cartoons, and computer innovations are created in the USA.

If the American language is an independent language, then why does it have so much in common with English and why do Americans and English easily understand each other? And if the American language is a dialect, a variant of the English language, then how was it formed, when, and where? Therefore, we must be knowledgeable about the differences between American and British languages.

All of the above explains the relevance of this work. Namely: whether American English is an independent language or whether it was formed from British English and is its dialect, and which language is better to learn: British English or American English.

Goal of the work– systematize the main differences between British and American English.

Research objectives:

1. Explore different points of view of the problem: English and American English are one or two languages.

2. Explore the history of American English

3. Conduct a comparative analysis of lexical units, phonetics and grammar of British English and American English.

Object of study: the spread of American English in society.

Subject of study: American English. In this work we will look at the history of the formation of the American version of the English language and the reasons for the appearance of differences between the American and British versions, as well as the main lexical, grammatical and phonetic differences between them.

Hypothesis: Is it true that American English is a dialect of the English language?

    The history of the emergence of American English.

1.1.Opinions about the independence of the American language.

While studying the literature on the topic of research, I noticed that the differences between English in America and English in Great Britain have been widely discussed for a long time not only in specialized linguistic literature, but also in popular literature. In our opinion, the essence of the problem was expressed especially clearly by G.B. Shaw: “We (the British and Americans) are two countries separated by a common language.” (“We, the British and the Americans, are two countries divided by a common language”). The fact that prominent figures of literature and culture of the past were not indifferent to the problem of American and British English suggests that the best minds of that time had been asking this question for a long time. Many of the outstanding American writers of the past (Washington Irving, Fenimore Cooper, Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, O. Henry and Jack London) were ardent supporters of a deep study of folk speech and staunch opponents of purists who equated any Americanism with barbarism.
Modern English is very far from what existed 3 centuries ago. Now linguists distinguish 3 types: 1) conservative English(language of parliament and royal family, 2) accepted standard(media language), 3) advanced(language of youth).

Currently, debates continue over which version of the English language should be considered “model” and whether American English should be considered an independent language, completely separated from British English.

I conducted a survey about the independence of the American language among English teachers in our school and city. Their answer was clear: American English is a dialect of the English language.

Disagreements about the independence of the American language arose due to the fact that the English spoken by Americans is somewhat different from classical English: there are changes in phonetics and vocabulary, and even in its most stable part - grammar. Unlike the British version, American English is considered easier to understand. Therefore, in my work I look at the similarities and differences in these two types of English. I will try to explore this problem by comparing the vocabulary, phonetics and grammar of British and American English and prove the hypothesis that American English is a “derivative” of the English language, its dialect.

Turning to the explanatory dictionary, I found out the meaning of the words “language” and “dialect”. Language is a historically established system of sound, vocabulary and grammatical means that objectifies the work of thinking and is a tool of communication, exchange of thoughts and mutual understanding of people in society; a system of signs (sounds, signals) conveying information;

Dialect is a local or social variety of a language, a local dialect, otherwise a territorial dialect serving the masses; has its own grammatical

structure and basic vocabulary; in the process of nation formation can form the basis of a national language.

1.2. The history of the emergence of American English.

Today, English is the most common language, but not the only one, spoken in the United States. Let's assume that American English is an independent language. Then it must have its own historically established system of sound, vocabulary and grammatical means, which objectifies the work of thinking and is a tool for communication, exchange of thoughts and mutual understanding of people in society (in accordance with the definition). Consequently, it is necessary to find out its origin more precisely, how it appeared in America, as well as how the system of sound, vocabulary and grammatical means historically developed.

Having turned to historical and geographical reference books for information, I found out the following information. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, colonists from England began to bring their language to America. In 1607, John Smith founded the first colony in Virginia. And already at the beginning of the 17th century, Europeans began to move to North America. At the beginning there were only a small number of settlers, but after three centuries there were millions of them. People left in the hope of a new, rich, free life full of interesting events and adventures. He created a completely new society with its own laws, life principles, its own economic structure, and its own statehood. People left for America for various reasons: some hoped to get rich quickly, some were hiding from persecution by the punishing hand of the law, some wanted to gain political freedom, and some wanted to get rid of religious persecution and gain freedom of religion. There were many reasons. People came to America from different European countries. But most of the colonists came from England. Therefore, it was English that became the main language of communication in the then still emerging huge country. At the initial stage, American English was not much different from British. English colonists came from different regions of Great Britain, and the language of groups of people from different regions differed both in the pronunciation of individual words and in the use of lexical phrases. There was no uniformity or norms in the written language. Years passed, centuries passed, and emigrants who arrived later made their own changes to the vocabulary, phonetics and grammar of the language - throughout the 18th-20th centuries, their native language changed. Other linguistic groups of people who came to live and work in America from European countries also made their contribution to the formation of the language. These were Spaniards and Italians, Scandinavians and Germans, French and Russians.

All these new inhabitants of North America (we must not forget the indigenous Indians) contributed to the formation of the dialect of the colonies. However, the English language of the North American colonies was significantly enriched through borrowings. The settlers borrowed words from Indian languages ​​to denote unknown plants (for example, hickory - a genus of hazel, or persimmon - persimmon) and animals (raccoon - raccoon, woodchuck - woodchuck). The words prairie are borrowed from French; from Dutch – sleigh – sled . Many new words appeared by combining already known ones, for example, backwoods - wilderness, outback, bullfrog - bullfrog (type of frog). Many English words have received new meanings; corn meaning “corn” (in England this word previously meant any grain, usually wheat). Obviously, new words appeared insofar as many new realities now appeared in the lives of former Europeans, for which there were no words in English and other languages.

In addition to the vocabulary, there was a difference in pronunciation, in grammatical structures, and a particularly strong difference in intonation.

During the development of American English, the basic principle was laid down - simplification of the language. Ordinary, simple people, leaving their entire past behind, went to America in the hope of finding happiness. And they needed a simple and accessible way of communication that would unite all nationalities.

Today, the English spoken by Americans is not as diverse as it was during the founding of the United States of America. American English is clearly regulated and is the main language of communication and has the status of the state language

    Noah Webster's transformations in American English.

In 1806, Noah Webster first introduced into the dictionary such terms as "Americanize", "census", "checkers", "electrician" (a person skilled in electricity), "presidential" (relating to the president), "publicity", " slang", "whiskey" (alcohol obtained from grain by distillation") and so on.

He introduced many colloquialisms into the dictionary, explaining that if all the people use this word, then it has the right to enter the language. Webster was criticized by many for vulgarizing his language.

Webster was a linguistic democrat and populist. He changed the spelling of many words towards simplification - as it is heard, so it is written. For example, in the word “music” the English wrote “ck” at the end, but Webster wrote only “s”. In many words - “colour”, “honour”, “favor” - he removed the combination of letters “ou” at the end of the word, replacing them with a simple “o”, which is heard there: “color”, “honor”, ​​“favor” .

A special group should include a number of nouns that ended in –ce. Subsequently, Webster replaced –ce with a simple –s: defense - defense; offense - offense; license - license; practice - practice; pretence - pretense.

English spelling is characterized by doubling the final –l before derivational and inflectional suffixes –ed, -ing, -er, -ery, -or, -ist and others. Noah Webster left only one –l in these words: apparelled – appareled; councilor – councilor; levelled – leveled; woollen – woolen; travelling – traveling.

In cases where there was hesitation in the spelling of the verbal suffix –ize (-ise), Noah Webster preferred -ize: apologize, capitalize, criticize, civilize, dramatize, naturalize, tantalize, visualize and others.

Particularly noteworthy is the group of words in which Noah replaced the ending part –re with –er:centre – center; fiber – fiber; luster – luster; meter – meter; saber - saber.

Also in American English there are no endings -me and –ue: catalogue – catalog; check – check; gramme - gram; program - program.

Noah Webster Americanized the spelling of many words and generally contributed to the creation of a situation now characterized by the popular expression “Americans and English are one people, divided by a common language.”

3. Comparative analysis of vocabulary, grammar, phonetics of two options

in English

3.1. Vocabulary of English and American languages

Unlike the British version, American English is more flexible, open to change and easy to understand. In particular, that is why it has become more widespread in the world. This is the language of a new generation without a specific nationality or place of residence, brought up on popular culture.

We need to know the features of both British and American English in order to better navigate when communicating with people from different parts of the world. Now let's look at some differences between the American and British versions:

1. British English When we talk about an action that took place in the past and has a result in the present, we use the Present Perfect: I’ve lost my key. Have you seen it? I lost my key. Haven't you seen him?

American English Along with the Present Perfect, we can use the Past Simple: I lost my key. Did you see it? I lost my key. Haven't you seen him?

2. British English I have a bath every day. I take a bath every day. American English I take a bath every day. I take a bath every day.

3. British English We needn’t hurry. We don't need to rush. The British version also allows: We don’t need to hurry. We don't need to rush. American English In the American version we only say don’t need to: We don’t need to hurry. We don't need to rush.

4. British English After the words demand, insist, etc. we can use should: I demand that he should apologise. I insist that he apologize. American English In American English we do not use should after words such as demand, insist, etc. I demand that he apologize. I insist that he apologize.

5. British English The British say to/in hospital: Three people were injured and taken to hospital. Three people were injured and taken to the hospital. American English Americans say to/in the hospital: Three people were injured and taken to the hospital. Three people were injured and were taken to hospital.

6. British English Verbs used with nouns such as government, team, family can have both a plural and a singular form: The team is/are playing well. The team is playing well (now).American English In American English, verbs with similar nouns usually take only the singular form: The team is playing well. The team is playing well (now).

7. British English Will you be here at the weekend? Will you be here on the weekend?American English Will you be here on the weekend? Will you be here this weekend?

Examples of differences in the vocabulary of these variants of the English language are given in the table (Appendices).

3.2. Phonetics of English and American languages

Of course, the differences between American and British English are not limited to vocabulary. The general tendency of American English towards simplification continues and in pronunciation.

First, the differences in consonant sounds: the [r] sound:

In British English it is clearly heard only after vowels,

In American it is pronounced wherever possible (for example, in the words car, ford). They do not “swallow” the sound [r] like the English, so speech seems rougher, and in American English this sound has a retroflex character

Secondly, some differences are observed in the pronunciation of the sounds [d] and [t].:

The English pronounce them very clearly,

Americans can generally swallow them, as in the words understand (pronounced in American as ) and intercontinental, that is, when these sounds do not appear between vowels. The sound [t] is pronounced like a weakly articulated [d], and the American letter combination tt located in the middle of the word is very similar to [d]

Thirdly, the pronunciation of vowels differs. First of all, these are sounds in the words calf, bath, aunt, dance, chance, class, etc. :

In American it is pronounced, for example: dance pronounced like ask read [əsk]

In British. dance pronounced like ask read,

This occurs mainly in those words in which the vowel is followed by a voiceless fricative consonant or nasal [n].

Examples of differences in pronunciation are given in the table (Appendix).

Fourthly, emphasis in words. The British and Americans pronounce some words with emphasis on different syllables, for example address (British) and address (American), cafe (British) and cafe (American).

However, such features of American English as a strong second stress in the words dictionary, territory, expiratory, oratory, peremptory were characteristic of the English language of Shakespeare's time, which can be considered proof that American English has English roots.

Intonation difference. American English can be called "casual"

tongue. British English is more thorough. It has a huge variety of intonation patterns, unlike American English, where there is practically one: a flat scale and a falling tone. This intonation pattern determines the entire sound structure of American English.

British English has many scales: descending and ascending, stepped and sliding.

British speech has a large range of intonations

American speech is monotonous.

3.3. Grammar of English and American languages

The American version carries a large number of differences at all language levels. These differences are associated with unique historical events, with a large number of different borrowings from different languages, as well as with the tendency to simplify language structures and units.

However, there are relatively few grammatical differences between British and American English. These are mostly regional trends concerning morphology and syntax, with only a few being general syntactic differences. Let's look at examples of typical grammatical differences between American English (AE) and British English (BrE).


If the pronoun one is the subject, then the sentence uses he, him, his, himself

One should try to get to know one's neighbors.

One should try to get to know his neighbors.

In phrases noun + noun the possessive case is often omitted

a baby's bottle

In the correlative conjunction as..,as in colloquial speech the first as is omitted

She is as hard as nails.

She is hard as nails.

After a number of verbs, such as demand, insist, suggest, a construction not containing should is used in the subordinate clause

l demanded that he should apologise.

What do you suggest I should do?

l demanded that he apologize.

What do you suggest I do?

A number of irregular verbs have regular forms

In interrogative-negative sentences for the 1st person singular the abbreviation ain’t I is used

I"m late, aren"t I?

I"m late, ain"t I?

To express a past action, the result of which is available in the present tense, the Past Simple can be used.

I've lost my key. Have you seen it?

I lost my key. Did you see it?

Past Simple can be used with adverbs just, already, yet

I"m not hungry. I"ve just had lunch.

Have you finished your work yet?

I just had lunch.

Did you finish your work yet?

Past Simple can be used with adverbs of indefinite time ever and never

Have you ever hidden a horse?

Did you evegride a horse?

Have you got a brother?

Do you have a brother?

to get, got, got

to get, got, gotten

He is in hospital.

He is in the hospital.

on/over the weekend

She lives in Main Street.

She lives on Main Street.

Based on the analysis, it can be said that grammatical differences between American and British English are found mainly in the verb system and tense usage patterns. But they are not so significant as to interfere with communication between speakers of different language variants. The main reasons for the emergence of such discrepancies is the tendency to simplify the language in the American version.


In my work, I came to the conclusion that the hypothesis we put forward that American English is a dialect of the English language was confirmed.

My conclusions are based on a comparative analysis of the sound, vocabulary and grammatical systems of American and British English. They suggest that lexical differences often arise due to the fact that the same words are often used with different meanings in two varieties of language, which means that an American and an Englishman will be able to understand each other, since there are almost no words that are only American or only British.

I believe that for a person studying British English it is not difficult to understand the speech of an American, and it is unlikely that the differences between American and British English can be considered anything more than differences between two dialects of the same language.

What kind of English should you learn - American or British? The answer to this question depends on why you need the language at all. It must be said that Russian schools have adopted the British Standard English language, that is, most textbooks and dictionaries are compiled precisely according to these rules. Correct basic English, by the way, is also needed in order to understand other variants of the language, dialects and features. And to be able to master them.

However, there are quite a few such incidents when at school or university a teacher explains that a word should sound and be written in one way, but in practice: on radio, television, in newspapers and the Internet, words are used in a completely different way. Such things should be treated as different accents of the same language and these differences should be applied to a specific situation. That is, if in a Russian school you are required to follow the rules of British English, then you need to use the British version; if you went to America under the Work and Travel program, then you need to pay attention to the differences and try to put them into practice. Both versions of English will be correct in a particular situation.

There will be no language barrier between you and the Americans, although, of course, they will not consider you “one of their own.”

I propose to practically use the results of my research in English lessons at school, for free communication on the Internet with people from different countries, when traveling abroad, as well as for a better understanding of the texts of films, animated films, computer games in English (British or American versions ).

List of used literature

1) Afanasyeva O.V., Mikheeva I.V. “English language” (for 10th grade schools with in-depth study of the English language, lyceums and gymnasiums). – M., Education, 2007;
2) Arakin V.D. History of the English language: Textbook. - M., 1985
3) Arbekova T.I. Lexicology of the English language: Textbook. - M., 1977
4) Large English-Russian Dictionary: 2nd edition, corrected and expanded. - Minsk: Modern writer, 2008, - 1167 p.
5) Zabotkina V.I. New vocabulary of modern English: Study guide. - M.: Higher School, 2000, - 124 p.
6) Collins. Russian-English Dictionary. - M., 2006 - 573 p.
7) Nesterchuk G.V. USA and Americans. - M.: Higher School, 1997, - 238 p.
8) Commager, Henry Steele. The Nineteenth-Century American. –from The American History: How the Past Helps Explain the Present and Future, 70-79;
9) Schweitzer A.D. Literary English in the USA and England. - M.: Higher School, 1991, - 200 p.


American variant

Translation into Russian

first floor

second floor




Assembly Hall





Course of Study






Intersection, junction









package, parcel




control, test






course work


two weeks

underground crossing












How to make a project

Proper use of the project method requires significant preparatory work.

  • A clear definition of the topic and purpose of the project, their significance and relevance.
  • Clear definition of the stages of work on the project.

The main stages of work on the project are:

1. Definition of the problem.

2. Proposing a hypothesis: justification, definition of goals and objectives.

3. Selection of research methods.

4. Conducting research: working with literature, Internet sources, presenting facts, selecting arguments, analyzing facts, conducting a survey.

5. Presentation of research results: work on compiling the text of the presentation, selection and drawing of posters, selection of music and video design.

6. Presentation of research results.

Report – This is a public oral communication on any topic, including one's own opinion on this topic. The vocabulary in the report should be publicly accessible, the syntactic structures should be simple, examples are required, but accessible, demonstrative, and clarity is desirable.

7. Generalization of the work performed: summing up the overall result of the study.

As for the design of the work, certain requirements have also been developed here. These requirements correspond to the requirements of the work presented at the scientific and practical conference. Students seem to be preparing for scientific work.

The work must have an introduction, a conclusion, a list of references and online sources, and an appendix. Introduction – the purpose and objectives of the research, relevance, subject and object of research, descriptions of research methods. Conclusion – general conclusions, author’s attitude.

Instructions for writing a paper.

1. Design of the title page.

3. Introduction.

4. Basic material (divided into chapters, paragraphs).

5. Conclusion.

6. References

7. Application

Memo on project implementation.

1. Select a research topic, discuss the topic that interests you with the teacher and decide on the direction of work.

2. Distribute the scope of work for each group member, select the leader in the group (if this is group work).

2. Work with systematic catalogs of school and city libraries, Internet sources.

3. Select the most information-rich sources from the compiled list.

4. Carefully study the table of contents of the selected books for rational work on the material.

5. Read and take notes on the contents of the required chapters.

6. Based on the notes, form your opinion on the issue being studied and begin to compile the available material.

7. Consider the sequence of plan points, follow the logic of content development.

8. When compiling the main text of the project, pay attention to the accuracy of the factual information.

9. Edit the composed text.

10. Select the necessary illustrations and maps on your topic.

11. Prepare a printed version of your work.

12. Prepare a defense of your project or research.

Knowledge only then becomes knowledge
when it is acquired through the efforts of one's own
thoughts, not memory.
L. N. Tolstoy

Project activities have found wide application in many countries of the world, mainly because it allows students to organically integrate knowledge from different fields around solving one problem, and makes it possible to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, while generating new ideas.

The purpose of using the design methodology:
To identify the specifics of using the project method in foreign language lessons and clarify the conditions for its effectiveness in teaching English.

The use of modern technologies makes it possible to study life through the means of a foreign language in a real information space. One of the technologies that provides student-centered learning is the project method. It makes it possible to involve students in real communication in a foreign language.

Project activity arose at the beginning of the century, when the minds of teachers and philosophers were aimed at finding ways to develop a child’s active independent thinking in order to teach him not just to remember and reproduce the knowledge that school gives them, but to be able to apply this knowledge to practice.

Today, the project method is being used again, but in an updated form. The main task of methodological scientists and teachers is to help projects take their proper place in school practice in teaching foreign languages. It is the understanding and application of this method in a new socio-cultural situation in the light of the requirements for education at the modern stage of social development that allows us to talk about the school project as a new pedagogical technology that allows us to effectively solve the problems of a personality-oriented approach in teaching the younger generation.

So, the project method is a way to achieve a didactic goal through a detailed development of the problem, which should end in a very real, tangible practical result, formalized in one way or another (Prof. E. S. Polat); This is a set of techniques and actions of students in their specific sequence to achieve a given task - solving a problem that is personally significant for students and formalized in the form of a certain final product.

What is a project-based method of teaching English at school?

In relation to a foreign language lesson, a project is a set of actions specially organized by the teacher and independently carried out by students, culminating in the creation of a creative product.

The project is valuable because during its implementation, schoolchildren learn to independently acquire knowledge and gain experience in cognitive and educational activities.

The project methodology is characterized by high communicativeness and involves students expressing their own opinions, feelings, active involvement in real activities, and taking personal responsibility for progress in learning.

The project methodology is based on the cyclical organization of the educational process. A separate cycle is considered as a completed independent period of learning, aimed at solving a specific task in achieving the general goal of mastering the English language.

The main goals of introducing the project method into school practice:
1. Show the ability of an individual student or group of students to use the research experience acquired at school.
2. Realize your interest in the subject of research, increase knowledge about it.
3. Demonstrate the level of training in a foreign language.
4. Rise to a higher level of education, development, social maturity.

A distinctive feature of the design methodology- a special form of organization. When organizing work on a project, it is important to meet several conditions:
The topic can be related to both the country of the language being studied and the country of residence; students are focused on comparing and contrasting events, phenomena, facts from the history and lives of people in different countries.
The problem offered to students is formulated in such a way as to guide students to attract facts from related fields of knowledge and various sources of information.
It is necessary to involve all students in the class, offering each task taking into account the level of his language proficiency.

Focusing on the goals and objectives that a foreign language teacher faces, and knowing the demands on the level of education in the modern world, I apply this methodology in my work. Experience at school has shown that in developing interest in a subject one cannot rely only on the content of the material being studied. If students are not actively involved, then any content material will arouse in them a contemplative interest in the subject, which will not be a cognitive interest. In order to awaken active activity in schoolchildren, they need to be offered an interesting and significant problem. The project method allows schoolchildren to move from mastering ready-made knowledge to their conscious acquisition.

Novelty approach is that schoolchildren are given the opportunity to construct the content of communication themselves, starting from the first lesson on the project.

I work according to the teaching and learning complex “English” by V.P. Kuzovlev and UMK “Enjoy English” M.Z. Biboletova. And the project method can be used within program material on almost any topic.
Each project relates to a specific topic and is developed over several lessons. By carrying out this work, schoolchildren can, for example, talk and write about their own lives, create their own magazine, prepare layouts, etc.

The design methodology uses a very fruitful idea. Along with verbal means of expression, students widely use other means: drawings, collages, pictures, plans, maps, diagrams, questionnaire tables, graphs and diagrams. The course soundtracks use onomatopoeic means and sound effects. Thus, the development of communication skills is reliably supported by a variety of means that convey this or that information.

This teaching system widely uses involuntary memorization of lexical means and grammatical structures in the course of solving problem problems, and stimulates the development of creative thinking and imagination. Conditions are created for freedom of expression of thought and comprehension of what is perceived.

Preparing, designing and presenting a project takes much longer than traditional tasks.

Using the project methodology in the lesson, you can achieve several goals at once - expand the vocabulary of children, consolidate the studied lexical and grammatical material, create a festive atmosphere in the lesson and decorate the foreign language classroom with colorful works of children.

The variety of means of expressing meaning brings children into free creativity. This is a successful methodological find in its simplicity - the key to constructing project tasks, where the linguistic element is presented sparingly - up to the advanced level, where it plays a leading role. At the same time, project work has unique opportunities for truly communicative teaching of a foreign language, even when relying on minimal language material.

The project is carried out according to a certain scheme:
Stage 1. Immersion in the project
— problems are formulated that will be resolved during project activities by students
— practical application of knowledge acquired during the project.

Stage 2. Organizational
— selection and organization of a group of project participants,
— determination of the direction of work, distribution of roles
- formulation of the task for each group,
— methods of information sources in each direction.
— drawing up a detailed work plan

Stage 3. Carrying out activities
— Search for the necessary information,
collection of data, study of theoretical principles necessary to solve the assigned problems.
— Studying relevant literature, conducting surveys, questionnaires on the problem being studied, etc.
— Manufacturing of the product.

Stage 4. Processing and presentation of project results.
— At this stage, methods for processing the received data are determined.
— Demonstration of creative work.

Stage 5. Discussion of the results obtained (reflection)
— The formalized results are presented to the rest of the project participants in the form of a report, discussion, role-playing game, through a scientific conference, exhibition, etc.

The result of work on the project is a product that is created by the project participants in the course of solving the problem posed using not only educational, but also real life experience. The project is effective because it is focused on achieving the goals of the students themselves and forms an incredibly large number of general educational skills: reflective, research, evaluative independence skills, the ability to work in collaboration, managerial, presentation.

Based on the nature of the final product of project activity, the following can be distinguished: types of projects in the field of learning a foreign language in the classroom:

Gamingrole-playing projects, for example, acting out fragments of a lesson at school (speaking practice programs, grammar, phonetics), dramatization of a play (speaking practice programs, children's literature of the country of the language being studied).

Defense of the project on the topic “Animals in wood”

Defense of the project on the topic “Zoo”

Defense of the project on the topic “Travelling”

Information and research projects, for example, “Study of a region of a country”, “Guide to the country of the language being studied” are included in the program for regional studies, for example, in the 8th grade on the topic “Great Britain”, and in the 11th grade on the topic “Australia”.

Scenario projects- a scenario for an extracurricular event for a school or a separate class, for example, “Christmas”.

Creative works– free literary composition, literary translation of a work into the native language (programs for the practice of oral speech, children's literature of the country of the language being studied.

Publishing projects– wall newspapers, materials for stands. For example,

  • Project “My Style” ()
  • Project “My Ideal Day Out / My Ideal Day” ()

Network projects– intermunicipal, regional and all-Russian competitions and festivals on the Internet.

I have been trying to use the project method in elementary, middle and high schools for several years. It is most fully and widely applicable for classes where the general level of development of students allows them to be given a higher level of knowledge.

Any type of project requires students to be active: they must write, cut out, paste, rummage through reference books, talk with other people, look for photographs and drawings, and even make their own recordings on an audio cassette. Finally, students with different language levels can participate in project work according to their abilities. For example, a student who does not speak English well can draw beautifully.

The main task of education is the actual study of the surrounding life. Teacher and students walk this path together, from project to project. The project that students complete should arouse their enthusiasm, captivate them, and come from the heart. Any action performed individually, in a group, with the support of a teacher or other people, children must independently plan, perform, analyze and evaluate.

By communicating to others about themselves and the world around them in English, students discover the value of English. language as a language of international communication. They may find themselves in situations where they need to describe their family or city to foreigners, and project work prepares them for this.

Basically, most projects are carried out during final lessons, when, based on the results of its implementation, I assessed the students’ mastery of certain educational material.

In conclusion, I would like to say that summing up some of the results of the work using the project method, I invited my students to take part in a survey. The purpose of the survey is to find out whether they are interested in this form of work, whether or not it is worth continuing to move in this direction.
The survey was conducted anonymously, all results were processed on a computer and presented statistically.

1. What sources of information did you usually use when preparing the project? 59% chose the “books” option.

2. Was there enough time allocated to prepare the projects? 86% chose the “yes” option.

3. Has preparing projects taken your time away from more important and interesting things? 81% answered “no”.

4. Will schoolchildren following you be interested in working on projects? All survey participants chose the “yes” option.

Analyzing the practical experience of project development presented above, we can conclude that the use of the project method in the process of educating students using the English language integrated schoolchildren into various environments: social, linguistic, etc., students were included in real research activities and aimed at obtaining real result.

In addition, independent choice of content and methods of activity contributed to the development of the emotional sphere of the individual, his abilities, inclinations, and interests.

Today we understand by the phrase “project method” a certain set of ideas, a fairly clear pedagogical technology, and the specific practice of teachers. The ideas that the project method was designed to implement are again becoming significant in wide circles of the pedagogical community.

Despite my limited work experience, I am convinced that learning should be fun not only for students, but also for the teacher himself, who should enjoy learning his subject and teaching it.

No one claims that project work will solve all learning problems, but it is an effective remedy for boredom. It contributes to the development of students, awareness of themselves as a member of a group, and expansion of language competencies. The project is also a real opportunity to use the knowledge acquired in other lessons using a foreign language.

I would like to imagine how all this could be in the near future. School for a child is an active school, which involves completing numerous tasks that are often invented on the fly, because they are not in any book. To do this, naturally, the teacher and child need access to technology at any time. I recently read an article in a magazine about how this problem is solved in schools in Holland: in a small room with equipment there is a computer, a printer, a copy machine, and there is always a person on duty from among the school’s volunteer assistants - student interns, parents, who can always help cope with technical issues. problems for both adults and children. Nothing breaks or gets damaged. There are a lot of books, various textbooks and reference books in the classrooms.

I hope that most of our schools will soon also be equipped with the latest technology and the implementation of project tasks will become even more interesting and fruitful.

Project activities in English lessons

Municipal autonomous educational institution

secondary school No. 1

Kamyshlovsky urban district

Research Project in English

“British and Russian breakfasts. Tradition and modernity"
Head: Chernykh Anna Alekseevna

7th grade student: Anastasia Ivanova

Kamyshlov 2014


Chapter 1

    1. The concept of “breakfast” and its significance for the body and brain function of a schoolchild………………………………………………………….4

    2. How do the British eat breakfast? Traditional British breakfast………………………………………………………..8

    3. Comparison of British and Russian breakfasts……………….11
Chapter 2

2.1 Results of student survey………………………13

2.2 Analysis of British and Russian breakfasts from the point of view of usefulness for the student’s body…………………………..19




The work is devoted to studying the importance of breakfast for the body and brain function of a schoolchild, through a comparison of breakfast in different cultures - British and Russian. A full breakfast helps provide the body of an adult and a child with all the necessary important components.


Very often at school, at home, on television we hear that we need to lead a healthy lifestyle. One of the elements of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. Every morning, parents make their children have breakfast. But they often refuse to eat, citing a reluctance to have breakfast or lack of time. Parents begin to explain that breakfast is essential for children to grow strong and healthy.

The topic of our project:“British and Russian breakfasts. Tradition and modernity"

Purpose Our job is to create the booklet “Breakfast is important!” through a comparison of British and Russian breakfasts in terms of benefits for the body and brain function of a schoolchild.

Based on the purpose of the work, the following were set: tasks:

Find out what breakfast is and what it should be;

Identify the importance of breakfast for schoolchildren;

Compare Russian and British breakfasts;

Analyze two breakfasts from the point of view of their usefulness for brain function;

Conduct a survey among students at our school;

Create an information booklet for students and parents “Breakfast is important!”

Research hypothesis: If a student eats breakfast regularly, then he will be more attentive and active during the educational process.

Research methods:

  • theoretical research;

  • comparison and generalization;

  • student survey;

Breakfast and its importance for the body and brain function of a schoolchild.

Breakfast is the first meal of the day, morning meal; food prepared for morning meal. Breakfast is an important part of our diet and the requirements for it in our modern world are simple. Breakfast of the 21st century should be prepared and eaten quickly and simply, have a long-lasting and beneficial effect.

The most important meal of the day is breakfast. Nutritionists say that a balanced diet begins with breakfast! At night, the body uses up the nutrients received during the day and needs a quick refueling in the morning. That is, breakfast helps replenish the supply of nutrients consumed overnight, which means it gives energy in the morning. The body immediately adjusts to active work and burns calories. And, without having breakfast, the body sleeps, remains in a passive state, in which a minimal amount of calories is burned.

As a result of research, it was found that morning is the most favorable time for eating food and charging the body with energy.
Those who skip breakfast are much more likely to suffer from stress-related illnesses than regular breakfast eaters. Good breakfasts promote improved brain function.

Many studies show that eating a healthy breakfast (as opposed to eating donuts and pies in the morning) can help you achieve a nutritious diet without depriving your body of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Everything that a person eats at 7 o’clock in the morning (even a piece of chocolate cake) is processed by the body into energy, and not into fat deposits. If a person is watching his figure, he should try to consume 1/3 of his daily calorie intake before 10 a.m. Over the course of a year, a person who regularly refuses breakfast gains 3-7 kilograms of excess weight. Also, a proper breakfast improves attentiveness (both in school and at work), and gives strength and endurance for sports.

Children should receive approximately 25% of the daily ration for breakfast, 30-35% for lunch, 15-20% for afternoon snack, and 25% for dinner.

The effect of breakfast on mental activity, especially in children. It has become the subject of much research work. It turned out that children who did not eat breakfast were less intelligent in selecting critical information for decision making compared to those who ate breakfast. Eating breakfast helps your child perform better in school, both in math and creative tasks.

This is explained by the fact that breakfast is especially rich in carbohydrates. Supplies the body with glucose - the best source of brain energy. Teachers are well aware of the benefits of breakfast, confirming that children do not learn the material well on an empty stomach. It's also good for adults to eat breakfast. According to the results of a series of tests on memory and reproduction, it was revealed that eating breakfast significantly increased the quality of performing tasks on retaining information and in memory. Playback speed was also faster.

It's best to start your breakfast with fruit or a glass of vegetable juice. This helps increase appetite, which is often absent in the morning. After this, you need to eat a piece of cheese or cottage cheese, drink a glass of yogurt. For breakfast, it is best to eat brown bread instead of white bread or buns. You should prefer marmalade or honey to sugar.

Experts believe that a child's breakfast should consist of three main elements: fruits, grains and dairy products.

Fruits. It is a source of vitamins that support immunity. During the period of approaching spring vitamin deficiency, citrus fruits (provided that the child is not allergic to them), pomegranates, as well as cherries, strawberries and our Siberian berries will be relevant.

Cereal products. They contain carbohydrates that provide energy after a night's break.

Dairy products - milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese - are an irreplaceable source of calcium, which is so necessary for the child’s body.

Breakfast should consist of a snack, a hot dish, and a hot drink.

Menu diversity is achieved by using a sufficient range of products and various cooking methods.

Parents often ask doctors what and how to feed their child in order to achieve good appetite and proper growth and development. The child's food should be mixed with a sufficient amount of vitamins. All food must be fresh.

A student’s diet is directly related to his daily routine. Teenagers spend most of their time at school. In this regard, alternation of mental stress and periods of rest should be taken into account. During periods of significant mental stress, meals should be small and easily digestible.

Thus, a full breakfast increases performance, improves well-being, energizes, and provides the body with useful and necessary substances that help maintain health and beauty.
How do the British eat breakfast? Traditional British breakfast. Comparison of British and Russian breakfasts.

Very often, the English, when asked what they like most about their culture and country, answer with the not entirely expected word “breakfast”. Yes, not the Queen, Stonehenge or the legendary Beatles, but an ordinary English breakfast. However, this is not the standard oatmeal that is described in most novels and movies. On the contrary, it is a complex meal consisting of a wide selection of dishes that few Europeans eat at the beginning of the day.

The classic British morning breakfast consists of the following courses:

  • eggs prepared in various ways, namely: fried, scrambled, scrambled or poached;

  • a couple of very fatty sausages fried in a frying pan;

  • fresh and aromatic bacon, fried until golden brown and crunchy in the mouth;

  • fresh or canned tomatoes, slightly simmered in a frying pan;

  • some fried mushrooms, mostly champignons;

  • portions of white beans, canned in tomato sauce according to an ancient English recipe.
In some regions of the country, this hearty English breakfast is also complemented with blood pudding or herring cooked in the oven. Traditionally, all this is washed down with tea, orange juice or coffee. The latter is gradually replacing the custom of drinking strong tea in the morning, which is a consequence of fashion trends.

According to statistics dating back to the second half of the last century, almost 50% of families in England began their day with such a hearty meal. Today their number has decreased to 1%. And the point is not that people want to lead a healthy lifestyle, consume fewer calories or have no choice of foods. They just simply don’t have enough time to prepare and eat all these dishes, especially when adults need to go to work and children need to go to school. However, this tradition remains alive for the simple reason that the British very much respect their history and try to organize a morning feast on at least one of the weekends.

The traditional set of dishes for a classic “English” breakfast can vary significantly depending on the region of the country. For example, the Scots complete it with blood pudding, potato pancakes and oatmeal cakes. The Irish prepare a truly unique white pudding consisting of cereal and pork. Wales will delight guests with a breakfast of bread, the main components of which will be boiled seaweed, eggs, bacon and shellfish. However, almost everywhere these gastronomic delights are washed down with black tea with milk.

Comparison of English and Russian breakfast.

How does a traditional Russian breakfast differ from a traditional English one?

This can be judged by looking at the ingredients of the Russian morning meal. It includes:

  • flakes;

  • sandwiches with sausage or cheese;

  • juice or fruit;

  • yogurt, cheese or milk;

  • boiled egg;

  • hot drink (tea, coffee)

  • rich pastries.
Having studied the cuisine of two countries, Russia and England, we have identified the main products that people most often eat for breakfast.

In our work, we tried to compare two breakfasts in terms of their usefulness for the body, namely for the functioning of the schoolchild’s brain. And this is what we got: the list of products in the two countries is very diverse, but it is precisely those products that are useful for brain function and mental activity (fruits, dairy products and grain products) that are present in greater quantities in the breakfast of the Russian people.

Chapter 2

2.1 Results of the survey of schoolchildren.

Quite often in the morning we neglect breakfast because we are late for school or work, and some people simply cannot bring themselves to eat in the morning or grab a sandwich with coffee.

Even if you have no appetite at all, and you can’t swallow a single piece, force yourself to eat at least a small portion of porridge. If we regularly force our body not to skip breakfast for at least one week, then it will become habitual, and we ourselves will not notice that we will begin to wake up with a feeling of hunger and eat our breakfast with appetite.

Breakfast is as important a habit as brushing your teeth in the morning and other hygiene, so you must definitely accustom your body to it.

We decided to find out about the benefits of breakfast on the body and brain function from schoolchildren at our school. For the study, we took schoolchildren of different ages: grades 5-6 and grades 7-8. We took a test – a survey – as the basis for our research. 100 people took part in the survey

According to the questionnaires, students noted that if they offer something for breakfast that they like, they will eat such a breakfast with pleasure.

The results of a survey-questionnaire among students of school No. 1 showed that out of 100 respondents to the question: “Do you have breakfast in the morning?”, they answered: - I always have breakfast - 62 people (62%), I don’t have time to have breakfast - 20 people (20% ), refuse breakfast - 18 people (18%).

Some guys don’t always have breakfast for various reasons (they’re in a hurry to catch the bus, they don’t want to have breakfast - they don’t have an appetite). (diagram 1)

Diagram 1
Percentage of students who eat breakfast in the morning
To the question: What is included in your breakfast? The guys answered as follows - 62 people (62%) of the students surveyed have a home-made breakfast, it consists of tea with cookies or a sandwich, 20 people (20%) eat porridge in the morning and 18 people (18%) refuse breakfast altogether. As we see, many guys eat dry food, or only drink tea instead of a normal breakfast. It should also be noted that the older the student gets, the poorer his breakfast, or it is absent altogether. (diagram 2)
Diagram 2

Breakfast components

To the question: What do you think: breakfast is necessary, breakfast is not necessary, I find it difficult to answer? Of the students surveyed - 80 people (80%) believe that breakfast is necessary, breakfast is not necessary - 14 people (14%), find it difficult to answer - 6 people (6%). We can conclude that these guys think about their health and understand the benefits of breakfast. (diagram 3)

Diagram 3
Students' opinions on the need for breakfast

But to the question: “What do you think, when do you need to have a big meal: breakfast, lunch or dinner?” - students’ opinions were divided: 8 people answered to have breakfast (16%), 19 people to have lunch (36%), 10 people to have dinner (20%), I don’t know - 13 people (26%). (diagram 4)

Diagram 4

Students' diet

To the question: “Do you want to know how to eat properly?” The guys answered: they want to know - 78 people (78%), don’t want to - 18 people (18%), haven’t decided yet - 4 people (4%). (diagram 5)

Diagram 5

Students' knowledge about the benefits of breakfast.

Thus, according to the results of our research, it is clear that the majority of students at our school consider it necessary to have breakfast in the morning and consider breakfast a very important element in their lives. But not all students eat breakfast correctly. Therefore, our goal was to create an information booklet with recommendations on the correct and healthy breakfast for schoolchildren.

2.2 Analysis of British and Russian breakfasts from the point of view of usefulness for the schoolchild’s body.

It was believed that the English breakfast was healthy at all times, we decided to check this by studying the necessary literature, statistical data and a comparison of English and Russian breakfasts. Based on the results of our research, we found that it is for mental work and brain function that the breakfast of the Russian people is more useful, since it contains more useful components for the mental activity of a schoolchild (glucose, vitamin B1, bioproducts) compared to the British breakfast, which is very dense and containing foods that are less active for the child’s mental activity.

Returning to the hypothesis put forward, based on the conducted research, we can conclude that the hypothesis about the importance of breakfast has been revealed not only from the point of view of scientists, but also from the practical side.


In our work, we examined the breakfasts of two nations: the British and the Russians from the point of view of their usefulness for the body and brain function of a schoolchild and came to the following conclusions:

  1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

  2. From diagram No. 1 it can be seen that out of 100 students surveyed, they eat breakfast in the morning (62%);

  3. From diagram No. 2 it can be seen that most students eat breakfast, but their breakfast consists of a sandwich with tea, which is not a correct and healthy breakfast. For this purpose, we have compiled an information booklet for parents and schoolchildren about proper breakfast “Breakfast is important!”

  4. Most students understand the importance of breakfast, and therefore consider it necessary, since our health depends on it. Many of the respondents would like to expand their knowledge about the benefits of breakfast; in connection with this need, we decided to study this topic and conduct a study.

  5. Students who eat breakfast feel mentally and physically alert in the morning and look slimmer and more beautiful.


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  2. Kislyakovskaya V.G., Nutrition of children of early and preschool age. [Text]/ [Text]/ V.G. Kislyakovskaya, L.P. Vasilyeva, D.B. Gurvich// M: Education, 1983. – p.59, p.207.

  3. Malakhov G.P. Golden rules of nutrition. [Text]/ G.P. Malakhov. St. Petersburg: Krylov, 2006. – p.173, p.318

  4. Martynov S.M. The child's health is in your hands. [Text]/ S.M. Martynov.M: Education, 1991.-p.72-75, p.223

  5. Studenikin M.Ya. Book about children's health. [Text]/ M.Ya. Studenikin. Moscow: Medicine, 1982. – p.142-144, p.240