Sample message title page. Designing the title page of a term paper according to GOST in the ms word editor

When writing a creative or scientific project, there are strict rules for the design of the title page: you must indicate your scientific consultant, the name of the educational institution, the year the work was submitted and the full name. You will learn in this article exactly how to place this data on a sheet and what fonts to use.

Start writing the title page: go to Microsoft Office Word or a program more convenient for you, and set the font to Times New Roman, size 16. Mark the center alignment of the text.

Write the full name of your educational institution; you can inquire about it on the Internet or in advance from your academic advisor.

You should make a page layout that complies with the design rules. Go to the “Page Layout” tab in the program header and select the “Margins” box. At the very bottom of the list you will see the line “Custom Fields”.

In the menu that appears, set the following values:
  • Align top and bottom by 15 mm.
  • Right 10 mm.
  • Left 20 mm.

This way your project will look neatest, and in the future you will have the opportunity to stitch it along the left side.

Move your cursor to the middle of the page and keep the alignment centered. Change the font size from 16 to 24. Write the type of work: research project, creative project, report, independent work, etc.

On the next line, enter the title of the work without a period or quotation marks. The font size will be 28.

Scroll to the very bottom of the page. Leave about six lines to the end of the sheet and begin entering information about the author and consultant.

Change the font to 16 and set the alignment to right. Write your name after the words “Author:”, and the name of the scientific consultant after “Consultant:”. Be sure to include a colon and bold these words.
Names are indicated with initials.

On the very last line of the page, put the current year. To do this, do not change the font settings, but set the alignment to center. There is no need to put a period.

Look at examples of completed work; this design will be considered correct.

Check with your consultant in advance to determine exactly how to record their role in your work. If the teacher gave you advice and guidance throughout the work on the project, then, most often, he fits in as a consultant. In serious and voluminous works for scientific conferences, the teacher can be recorded as “Research Fellow” if he was directly involved in writing the work.

You can see slightly different design options in the short video below:

If you want your document to look professional, you can include a cover page. In Word, you can do this in two ways: use a standard cover page from the collection, or create a blank page and design it as desired. This article provides instructions for each.

In this section...

Inserting a Standard Cover Page

Word has a handy collection of standard cover pages. You can select a page and replace the sample text with your own version.

Inserting a cover page from a template

If you want to use a template with a beautiful cover page, you should apply it to your document.

  1. Developer in Group Templates click the button Document template.

    Advice: If tab Developer not displayed in the menu File select item Options and then in the section Customize your feed check the box Developer.

  2. Click the button Join and select your template.

    If you want to apply all template styles to the document, select the Automatically update styles.

    Click the button OK. You can now insert a cover page. To do this, on the tab Insert in Group Pages click the button Front page. Please note that the procedure for inserting a cover page may vary between templates.

Insert a blank cover page

If you want to create your own cover page for your document, insert a blank page and style it as desired.

So, the title page of the report is the first page of your research work, its “face”. It is necessary for both an abstract and a course or dissertation. The requirements for its design for an essay, coursework, or report are almost identical.

The first page contains basic information about the work: name of the university, discipline, author’s information, topic of the report, year. The easiest way to start designing the title page of a report is to focus on the finished work. With us you can.

How to format the title page of a report correctly?

The title page is built according to the following structure (from top to bottom):

  1. "Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation";
  2. Full name of your university;
  3. Name of the department (for example, “Department of Applied Mathematics”);
  4. In the center of the page: “Report” (as well as the name of the event for which the speech is being prepared);
  5. Name;
  6. “Speaker:” and the title of the position (in our case we write: “student of the group ..."), surname and initials;
  7. “Head:” and the title of the position (“teacher of the department”), surname and initials;
  8. At the bottom of the page, in the center: city, year.

We leave space between the name of the department and the word “Report”, as well as between information about the head and the year/place of development.

Additional requirements

If you are in print, it would be strange to do the title page by hand. If you wrote the report itself by hand, it is quite acceptable to print the first page. Ideally, everything should be printed.

- 3 cm on the left;
- 1 cm on the right;
- 2.5 cm above and below.

Font – Times New Roman, 14. Single line spacing is allowed. The header, the word “Report” and the title, as well as the bottom line are aligned in the center, information about the author and director is aligned to the left.

Actually, that's all. Seems too complicated? You can simply enter the required data.

It indicates the title, department, country of residence, personal data of both the student and his teacher. In most cases, the title page must be prepared in accordance with GOST. Sometimes, for convenience, teachers can afford to deviate somewhat from the general state requirements and replace GOST with a carefully thought-out manual. This article will focus on how to design the title page of an abstract in full compliance with all current GOST standards.

Rules for filling out and designing the title page of an essay for a student

Despite the fact that in some educational institutions the teaching staff of universities is trying to replace GOST with their own manuals, students still need to remember that there are certain rules that should be followed when drawing up the title page of any academic work. Before you start designing the correct title page, you should indicate the size of the fields:

right margin – no less than 1.5 cm,
left margin – 3 cm,
the top and bottom margins are at least 2 cm.

It is known that in most cases, the title must include the following information:

  • name of the ministry or department of education;
  • full or abbreviated name of the department (this aspect should be clarified in advance with the teacher);
  • name of the academic discipline;
  • the main topic (title) of the scientific work;
  • personal data of the student. The following information should be entered here:
    FULL NAME. student, course and (or) group number;
  • type of training (full-time, evening, correspondence or distance learning);
  • personal data of the reviewer: position held by him, as well as full name;
  • the city in which the student is studying;
  • year of writing.

It is worth noting that the text of GOSTs does not indicate either the type or size of the font in which the data contained on the title page should be printed. However, the most popular is Times New Roman, with 14 point size. You also need to remember that this educational work is carried out starting from the first page of the text of the abstract itself.

There is no page number on the title page!

The process of preparing the title page of an abstract in Word according to GOST 2017-2018: step-by-step instructions

1. First you need to register "header" of the title page of the abstract. To do this, in the center of the very top part of the sheet, in large letters, you need to write the name of the ministry or department to which your educational institution belongs.

It must be remembered that although this part of the “title” is filled with “caps”, the font remains the same.

2. On the next line write the full or short The name of the university. The line spacing should be single.

3. A little lower - name of the department(enclosed in quotation marks).

4. The next part of the “title” reaches the center of the sheet. The type of work is also written here in capital letters: "ABSTRACT", the font can be increased to 16-20.

after it it would be correct to write subject and topic of the essay.

At the end it is indicated city ​​name or the locality in which the university is located and year writing a paper. This data is written at the bottom of the sheet, in the center.

When writing any educational work, including an essay, it is extremely important to adhere to the standards established in GOST for the design of the title page. However, one should not lose sight of the fact that in a number of higher educational institutions, methodological manuals for writing diplomas and other educational works often differ to one degree or another from GOSTs. Therefore, in order to avoid serious inaccuracies or errors, it is necessary to consult with the teacher who will write a review of this work and find out how to format the title page correctly.

Sample title page of an abstract

The first page of the document has its own unique design, which every student must adhere to. After all, the title page of the abstract is the face of all the work done and it creates the first impression (negative or positive) on the examiner. If the first page is formatted incorrectly, then the reviewer, without even reading the text, will send the document for revision.

The title page of the abstract is drawn up according to two main state standards:

  1. GOST 7.32-2001 – “Report on research work”. This applies to research work, which is an abstract. In this section, all the necessary requirements are well described and students must adhere to them when preparing the main page of the work. That is, what exactly should be on the title.
  2. GOST 2.105-95 - as a rule, they say ESKD, but the entire document is called: “Unified system of design documentation.” This state standard is valid not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Here are the general requirements for any text documents. That is, the student will read what the title page format should be, how to write the name of the university, student and teacher information, etc.

Teachers at some universities are not guided by GOSTs, but create guidelines based on GOSTs, which spell out the requirements for the entire abstract, including the first page of the abstract.

Still, according to GOSTs it is easier to prepare documents, since even if students did something incorrectly according to the manual, the teacher will not be able to object, since the student adhered to state standards.

Rules for the design of the title page

Despite the fact that university teachers create manuals with their own requirements, there are certain rules that must be followed in any case. Before creating the title page of the abstract, you need to set the margin sizes: right - at least 1.5 cm, left - 3 cm, and top and bottom 2 cm, respectively.

However, it is better to learn these nuances at the department, since the teacher can change the requirements and deviate from state standards.

The title page of the main page of the document for each student should contain the following data:

  • Country name (not always);
  • full or abbreviated name of the department. The reviewer should be consulted about this;
  • name of the discipline;
  • topic of scientific work;
  • data of the student (the author who wrote the work). All data must be indicated in full, that is, full name, course or group number;
  • author's training form. A student can study full-time, part-time or evening;
  • reviewer data, that is, position (required) and full last name, first name, patronymic;
  • the city where the student studies;
  • year of document release.

You should also remember that the abstract must be numbered from the first page, but the page number is not indicated on the title page.

It is worth noting that not a single GOST regulates the font, that is, the type and size are not specified. As a rule, teachers themselves say which font to use, usually Times New Roman, font size 14. Therefore, before you start writing your work, you need to consult your reviewer, who will be accepting the work, about this.

Procedure for preparing the title page of an abstract

Don't know how to format the title page of your essay? If the teacher has not indicated his requirements, then the student can independently draw up the document according to GOST.

To begin with, you can conditionally divide the A4 sheet into 4 parts. These are the top, center, right and bottom, and in each of them adhere to certain requirements.

In the first upper part in capital letters in the center it is written: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RF. On the next line is written the name of the university and below the name of the department in quotation marks. We present an example for clarity:

The second part is located in the center of the A4 sheet. Here the word “ABSTRACT” is written only in capital letters, and after it the subject and topic of the scientific work is indicated. For example:

The third block should be aligned to the right, where the data of the students (group, full name) and the inspector (position and full name) are written. The position of the teacher must be indicated:

And the last, fourth block, although small, is no less important. It is placed at the very bottom of the page and must be centered. Here you can indicate the city in which the university is located and the year the scientific work was published. It is worth remembering: if the essay is due at the end of December, then you need to indicate the next year. The example shows that only the name of the city and the year are written. It is very important to note that the period is not placed anywhere.

Of course, title pages often differ from each other. It all depends on the specific university and its requirements. Some teachers ask that the design of the title page of the essay comply with all GOST standards, while others want to see work written exclusively according to the manual.

The title page of an essay is completed quickly and easily if the student knows all the necessary rules. Here the requirements are minimal, but it is very important to correctly indicate the details of not only the university or department, but also the teacher.

The article looked at how to correctly format the title page of an abstract in accordance with all GOST standards. When writing a paper, it is very important to consider the design of the first page. However, we should not forget that universities often deviate at least a little from GOST, so it is better to still consult with your reviewer and then start writing an essay.

How to format the title page of an essay correctly? updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru
