What is the maximum enchantment level in minecraft. How to enchant things in Minecraft

Enchantment - the imposition of special properties on weapons, tools or armor using an enchantment table. As of version 1.8, lapis lazuli is required to enchant. Enchanting costs experience and lapis lazuli, with more powerful enchantments requiring more experience and more lapis lazuli.

To enchant an item, place it in a slot in the enchantment table interface (RMB on the table to open it). After placing an item on the right, three random enchantment options will appear, with the cost in experience levels indicated by the number on the right. The player can choose any of them if he has enough experience for this, 3 lapis lazuli is required to enchant to the maximum level, when enchanting to the maximum level from 30 lvl, only 3 lvl is taken for enchantment.

You can enchant any elements of armor, swords, bows, picks, axes, shovels, hoes, scissors, shields, elytra, lighters, fishing rods. Some items can only be enchanted with an anvil.

The level affects what enchantments can be obtained. Many spells have multiple levels. It is also possible to enchant an item for multiple enchantments. As the cost increases, the likelihood of obtaining a more valuable enchantment increases. Typically, the most expensive item on the menu will give the best combination of enchantments.

Enchanted books and identical items can be combined on the anvil to get the highest level of enchantment and combine several enchantments into one item.

And now about the new charms, in latest versions brand new enchantments appeared, how to get them and where to apply them now I’ll tell you.

Ice drift- turns water into frozen ice, which allows you to walk on the surface of the reservoir (feel like a god: Angelic. Ice melts over time, so do not stand in one place for a long time if you do not want to plunge into the water.
Enchantment level: Ice drift I, Ice drift II.
Can be fished or bought from a resident librarian.

Curse of Loss- an item with this enchantment will self-destruct when the player dies, it cannot be thrown away, this happens only in the event of the player's death.

Curse of Immovability- this enchantment on the item will not allow you to throw it away or remove it from the slot, drops out of the player only in case of his death.

You can catch or buy from a resident librarian, just enchant on the table.

These are all new enchantments added by versions 1.9 - 1.11, no new enchantments were added in 1.12.

Well, I wouldn't be Needle if I didn't show you interesting ways decorating the enchantment table, maybe this will help someone.

If you have already reached the crafting of a diamond sword, you should know that this is not the final unit in model range melee weapons. By building an enchanting table, you can improve the performance of almost any sword. The only exceptions are swords dropped from zombie pigmen - they can be enchanted with a 20% chance. Enchanting a weapon allows you to increase its power and add various positive effects. And the enchanted sword shines and shimmers beautifully.

The enchantment table is crafted on a workbench. To create it, you need 4 blocks of obsidian, 2 diamonds and a book. Three obsidian blocks are located in the bottom row of the crafting grid, the fourth one is in the middle of the second row. Two diamonds are set on the sides of the fourth block. A book is placed above the fourth block of obsidian.
An enchanting table is best placed near a bookcase - this will allow you to enchant armor and tools more strongly.

For that,to enchant a sword in minecraft, you must place it in the cell of the enchanting table. After that, three different options enchantments generated randomly. Next to each enchantment option, the cost of the action in experience levels will be indicated. When enchanting, experience is not obtained, but spent, being used in the form of game currency - the higher your experience level, the cooler you can!!! Enchant a sword in Minecraft. You can choose any suitable enchantment option, if you have enough experience for it, and thereby give the sword a given set of properties. The level affects what enchantments can be obtained. Enchantments are multi-level, and with an increase in the cost of an enchantment, the likelihood of obtaining a more valuable sword increases. As a rule, the most expensive item of the enchantment options will allow you to give the sword the best combination of enchantments.

The maximum experience level that a sword can be enchanted to in Minecraft is increased by placing an enchanting table one block away from a bookcase. There is a formula that the enchantment level increases with more bookcases around the table, but this works only up to the 15th cabinet. There must not be any blocks or objects between the table and the cabinet - not even snow or torches, otherwise the corresponding block will not give a bonus to spells.

Enchant Bonuses and Effects

How to enchant a sword in Minecraft for the desired effect? Unfortunately, this can only be achieved by repeatedly placing the sword in the cell of the enchanting table, since enchantments are generated randomly.

There are six types of enchantment for the sword.- three combat and three special. Combat spells increase damage against mobs - the "sharpness" spell spreads its effect on all monsters, "celestial punishment" falls on all varieties of zombies and skeletons, and "arthropod scourge" deals additional damage to spiders, cave spiders and silverfish. The additional damage is determined randomly on each hit. These three spells are mutually incompatible. All three types of combat enchantments swing up to level 5. A level 5 "sharpness" enchantment can only be cast on a golden sword using a table, however, two identical swords of any material with a level 4 "sharpness" can be forged, thus obtaining a sword with a "sharpness" level 5.

Special enchantments give additional effects when using an enchanted sword in combat. "Knockback", of course, knocks back mobs when they are hit. The Aspect of Fire sets the victim on fire. This, by the way, is very convenient during the mass slaughter of animals on the farm - instead of raw meat, fried meat immediately drops, there is no need to spend resources on cooking. Thanks to the looting enchantment, you can significantly increase the drop from mobs, and there is also a high probability of a rare drop. "Aspect of Fire" and "Knockback" swing to the second level, "looting" has three levels of pumping.

Enchanting Difficulties

How to enchant a sword in Minecraft correctly? The game has a certain algorithm for working with the enchantment table. Without going into technical details, it is worth noting that the base enchantment points are equal to the number of experience points spent on the process. To this are added bonuses from bookcases.

The imposition of certain enchantments depends on the availability of the required number of enchantment points. If you have a certain amount of them, enough to cast two or more types of enchantment, then the enchantment will be more likely to be enchanted by that spell, which has a greater so-called "weight". The most “heavy”, and therefore the most likely when trying to enchant a sword in Minecraft, is “sharpness”, which has a “weight” of 10. “Heavenly punishment”, “arthropod scourge” and “rejection” weigh 5 units each, and the “fire aspect” and "looting" - 2 units each.

A sword in Minecraft can be enchanted repeatedly using re-enchantment. If there is a sufficient amount of experience, the sword is enchanted, following the above algorithm, to the maximum possible level. This does not mean that the sword will immediately be enchanted, for example, with level 5 "sharpness" - there is a possibility of this, but most likely, two or more different enchantments will be applied to the sword.

In the English-language segment of the Internet, there are a large number of detailed enchantment tables, a calculator for the likelihood of enchanting, and other useful things.

After the implementation of the trading mechanism in the game, it became possible to enchant a sword in Minecraft for a certain price from the villagers.

Image source: minecraftwiki.net

Place the item on the enchanting table. Some items are more likely to receive high-level enchantments than others. There is also an element of randomness involved, so there are no guarantees, but remember the following:

  • Gold items have the highest chances of high-level enchanting, but due to their low durability, enchanting them is not so profitable, of course, if you do not mind the extra experience. The same goes for wooden tools and leather armor, but their enchantment level will be much worse than gold items.
  • Enchanting iron swords and tools is slightly better than diamond ones. However, diamond armor is still superior to iron armor.

Place lapis lazuli in the second cell. In version 1.8, all enchantments require lapis lazuli. If you want to enchant an item to the maximum (lower enchantment slot), then each enchantment will require 3 lapis lazuli from you.

Hover your mouse over an item. In version 1.8, the ability to view enchantments before choosing them was added. To do this, just hover the mouse over the spell. You are guaranteed to get these enchantments, and with luck - three or more.

  • Enchant an item to reset the enchant options. You will not be able to change the available enchantment options without selecting one of them. However, these three upgrades will be different for each item, and if you enchant one of the items, you will reset these upgrades for all items at once. For example, if you don't like sword enchantments, check out the available enchantments for bows, tools, armor, or fishing rods. If you enchant one of these items, you will see that when enchanting the sword, new enchantments appeared.

    • If you think all upgrade options are useless, then choose the cheapest (top) enchantment to spend only 1 level and 1 lapis lazuli. Use the book to add a charm to an item on the anvil, as described next.
  • Upgrade an enchanted item with an anvil. To craft an anvil, you will need three blocks of iron (top row) and four iron ingots (bottom row and center slot). Among other things, on the anvil you can combine enchanted items and transfer enchantments from books to them, paying for it with your experience. Here's how it works:

    • Books have a poor chance of getting a good enchantment, but on the anvil they can be combined with any other item.
    • Two identical items (by material and type) can be combined on the anvil to restore durability and combine the spell.
    • Before combining enchanted items, make sure their enchantments are compatible. (see Warnings section). If the enchantment is not compatible, then the enchantment from the second item will be lost.
  • Enchantment in Minecraft- is the process of imposing special properties on items in order to improve their playability. For this, an enchantment table is used, which is created by combining 4 blocks of obsidian, 2 diamonds and a book.

    How to cast an enchantment in Minecraft

    To cast an enchantment, you need to put the item on which the spell will be cast on the enchantment table, after which a list of spells that can be cast on the item will appear in the right window. Hieroglyphs instead of names at first will be bewildering, but these symbols do not carry a semantic load. To understand what kind of spell we will cast, you need to point the arrow at the corresponding inscription. Consumables for enchanting will be the player's experience and ultramarine, depending on the level of the enchantment.

    Almost all spells have a multi-level structure. Spell levels are numbered from 1 to 5 (For example: Indestructible 1, Effectiveness 5). The level of maximum item enchantment depends on only one criterion: the number of bookshelves that are no more than one block away from the table.

    The possibilities and options for applying enchantment in Minecraft are very diverse, and if the player’s experience points are not enough, then it will be possible to temporarily disable the effect of some cabinets with the help of torches, lowering the level of item enchantment.

    Alternative ways to enchant items are to use the appropriate enchantment book, an anvil, or enchant the item from the librarian in the village.

    The mechanism for enchanting using an anvil is similar in appearance to repair, but instead of a resource used for restoration, an enchantment book is added to the slot. The anvil, in addition, allows you to combine the different properties of 2 identical objects into one.

    Minecraft Enchantment Books can also be obtained by trading with villagers, found in chests or fished out of the river while fishing.

    Unfortunately, not all properties can be combined in one item. Enchantments in Minecraft will conflict with each other if they both belong to the same category that deals additional damage, protection, or are the same among themselves. In addition, Silk Touch cannot be combined with Luck, and upon obtaining such an item, it will not give the desired effect. The exception is Lightness, which, being defensive, pairs well with other spells in its group.

    In order to endow any object with new unique properties, Minecraft players resort to enchantment. This is a very important and interesting addition added by the developers to the main game. The Minecraft Enchantment mod allows you to cast spells on useful items such as weapons, armor or tools, increasing their strength and durability. We will talk about how to master the skills of magic in today's article.

    Enchanting in Minecraft

    This process can seem complicated, especially if the player is encountering it for the first time and trying to figure it out on their own. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our tips in order to spend a minimum amount of time and effort on learning the art of enchantment.

    Spells are cast in a completely random way, however, by gaining a little experience and pumping skill, you can easily open several powerful methods. The enchantment table is the main item with which you can create magic. How to build it can be found in the next chapter.

    Preparing for Enchanting: Building a Table

    To build this important item, you need to get one book, two diamonds and four obsidian ingots.

    • The book is made from one piece of leather and three sheets of paper. Another way is to destroy the bookshelves in the NPC libraries.
    • For diamonds, it is best to go to the deposits of diamond ore, armed with an iron pickaxe (preferably two). It is worth remembering that this is one of the rarest ores in Minecraft, so you can only find it deep underground. Sometimes diamonds can fall out of random chests, so you need to look both ways.
    • To mine obsidian, you will have to craft a diamond pickaxe. To find the ore, it is not necessary to go to the lower levels, just dig to the lava and fill it with water.

    Having received everything necessary items, you can craft an enchantment table. In order to get the best effect from future witchcraft, it is recommended to furnish the table with bookshelves. This is done in order to increase the level of items that will be enchanted. The process of casting spells is accompanied by beautiful animation: Nearby bookshelves release magical runes that carry a special energy. It is noteworthy that the enchantment book (in Minecraft, this is the name of the book that is placed on the magic table) always turns towards the player.

    A little tip: to access absolutely any spells, we recommend building three tables at once and placing them in certain order- place one between the bookshelves, place the second next to them, and place the last one somewhere to the side.

    Bookshelf Secrets

    We have already mentioned that in order to get the most powerful spells, you need to furnish the table with books. In total, fifteen shelves are required. They should be located two blocks away from the table, the level may be the same or slightly higher than the base. Only the correct placement will activate the runic animation we talked about above.

    Details to pay attention to:

    • The action of the bookshelves can be blocked by snow or torches. It is worth considering this feature when it comes to low-level.
    • To create a shelf, you will need three books and six blocks of wood. All material is placed in the cells of the workbench.

    Level 30

    The strongest enchantment in Minecraft only works at level 30. You can gain experience by killing hostile mobs, mining, smelting metal and cooking. If there is no time to wait until the next monster attacks you, and you really want to pump, then you should try the following:

    • You can summon a hostile mod yourself - a spawner is used for this.
    • You can score points for pumping by breeding and killing pets. The best option chickens will become - they eat simple seeds and do not have a large supply of health.
    • Having received a special potion that gives the character fire resistance, you can go to the Lower World. This location also gives a lot of room for fast pumping.

    An interesting detail of enchantment in Minecraft: a powerful spell takes three levels from the character. The easiest way is to get to the thirtieth level right away, so that later you can spend only 168 experience points. If you conjure at the thirty-third level, then the number of lost points will increase to 216, which is not very profitable.

    Enchanting Instructions

    First you need to put one or another object in the center of the table. Due to the element of randomness, some items have a much higher chance of getting high level enchantments. This includes gold, leather armor, and wooden tools.

    The next step is to add lapis lazuli. After the release of Minecraft 1.8, the use of this mineral became necessary for every spell. Lapis lazuli can be found underground and is more common than diamonds.

    Hover your mouse over an item.

    Perform the enchantment by choosing one of the options on the screen. Each item has three different upgrades.

    To improve the received enchanted item, you can use the anvil. In order to build it, you will need iron in the form of three blocks and four ingots. With the help of the anvil, you can not only improve items, but also combine them with each other. Before that, you should make sure that their charms are compatible.

    Enchanted items will be very useful when exploring the Nether.

    If you do not want to lose experience points with each spell, you should contact the village priest. For enchanted items you will have to pay with emeralds.

    Enchanting commands in Minecraft cannot be the same. If you combine "Defense 1" with "Defense 2", then only "Defense 2" will remain as a result, since its level is much higher. When you combine "Protection 2" and "Protection 3" you get "Protection 3", and so on.

    Only one damage spell can be cast on a sword. Armor cannot have multiple enchantments at the same time with the name "Protection". For tools, there is also a restriction: it is forbidden to use the "Silk Touch" and "Luck" at the same time.
