Autumn names for girls. Girls born in February: names, name days, character

Alice Krays

Every mother wishes her daughter a good fate: happiness, good luck, good health. We see our future in our children and we want to give them all the best. Therefore, before the birth of a daughter, mothers are very careful in choosing a name for their baby. I want it to be attractive, unusual, while not too pretentious and have a happy meaning. How to choose such a name? What are the popular names for girls born in 2017? Which of them are the most beautiful?

What are female names

The time has long passed when there were 2-3 most common names for girls or boys, and there were simply a huge number of children with the same names in the district. Today, there are several groups of names in parallel, each of which has its own fashion. Let's consider them in order.

Ancient Slavic

interest in traditional Slavic names society woke up about a few decades ago. It has to do with growth national consciousness in the countries of the broken Soviet Union. People wanted to restore their connection with the roots, there were many religious and cultural movements aimed at this, for example, family estates. In some places, even ancient pagan holidays began to be celebrated.

All this was reflected in the fashion in women's names, especially since there are real pearls among them. folk art. The girls were named after the Slavic goddesses - Lada, Mara. I remembered such sonorous names as Tsvetana, Zlata, Zoryana, Iskra. The best names for girls in the Slavic style in 2017 are Bazhena, Velina, Vlad, Darina, Zlatana.

Such names of daughters will take root in families in which tribal traditions are honored and have a strong connection with their ancestors, they are proud of them. They say that traditional names act as a guardian. They attract the patronage of the ancient gods and the natural forces of a certain area. Not for nothing, for example, doctors talk a lot about the fact that fruits and vegetables that are common in the latitudes where we live are the most useful. The same can be said about Russian names: someone believes that these rare names for girls bring special luck.

Other nationalities

A huge number of peoples live in Russian-speaking countries, who also want to honor their national traditions. The fashion is growing muslim names for girls in those families where someone (most often the father) professes Islam. Moreover, among the Muslim female names there are such masterpieces as Amina, Leila, Talia, Gulnara, Nadira. Mixed families also often choose names that are close in sound to Slavic, for example: Daria, Irada, Leah. A girl with this name will feel comfortable both in a Russian-speaking country and in the Muslim homeland of one or more parents.

Since ancient times they have been famous for their special euphony Tatar names for girls: Almira, Aisha, Elvira, Yasmina. Such names allow you not to lose touch with the roots, even living in a foreign land. They protect, protect from adversity and attract the patronage of ancestors.

How to name a girl according to the church calendar and Christmas time: data by month

January: Anastasia, Anna, Natalia, Tatiana, Elena, Maria February: Ekaterina, Maria, Olga, Sophia, Svetlana, Irina March: Olga, Daria, Victoria, Irina, Alina, Elizabeth April: Svetlana, Irina, Alina, Alexandra, Karina, Arina
May: Julia, Maria, Victoria, Irina, Alina, Elizabeth June: Sophia, Alina, Elizabeth, Polina, Alena, Diana July: Polina, Marina, Alena, Alexandra, Evgenia, Christina August: Ksenia, Evgenia, Christina, Oksana, Karina, Lyudmila
September: Anna, Natalia, Tatyana, Maria, Sophia, Victoria October: Alexandra, Christina, Karina, Veronika, Arina, Hope November: Alexandra, Margarita, Nina, Ulyana, Olesya, Elina December: Polina, Alexandra, Christina, Angelina, Yana, Alice

Foreign names for girls

IN last decade the most unusual names for girls are usually of foreign origin. Some foreign names have long come into use - Carolina, Eva, Diana. They are suitable for those parents who want to give their daughter a non-standard name, but are not ready to decide on something more rare.

Other modern names for girls with foreign origins are only gaining momentum. There are not many girls named Bella, Martina, Emilia. Some parents name their daughters after popular singers, such modern names are Riana, Adele, Sia. Someone chooses a name in honor of their favorite movie actresses or heroines of books, for example Uma, Hermione. The names Penelope, Gloria, Dominica, Angelina are popular in 2017.

A girl with a similar name will always stand out from the crowd of peers, starting with kindergarten and ending with the highest educational institution. Parents need to be prepared for this, and give their daughter strong support so that she believes: her rare name is a gift and a talisman. But in the outback, the girl and her family will still have to face a lot of misunderstanding or even ridicule, and you need to prepare for this as well. The meaning of the name is very important, and foreign names they just allow you to choose the name whose meaning is most in harmony with the character of the daughter.

In a separate category, it is worth highlighting the so-called flower female names. This is the usual name Lily, and such original names as Violet, Rose, Azalea, Camellia. It is said that names associated with flowers attract the patronage of Venus, the main female goddess of love and beauty. A woman with this name will certainly be happy in love, attractive, tender and rich.

Among the most beautiful flower names are: Violetta or Viola (violet), Yolanda (in Latin "lilac flower"), Camilla ("chamomile").

Fancy modern women's

Every year in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries there are parents who shock society by giving original names to their children. For example, in 2015 in Perm, a young family named their son Lucifer, thereby causing a storm in the media. Among the unusual female names recent years can be called - Russia, the Olympics, Inflation, Victory, etc. However, as a rule, such families completely neglect the rule of compatibility of the name with the patronymic and surname. But their children are doomed to glory, at least in their city.

In 2017, the craving for female names from the time of the Roman Empire continues. For example, Leontius, Cornelia, Concordia, Clarissa, Nonna, Susanna, Juno, Justina. The special charm of such names is in their nobility and grace. Hearing such a time, you immediately imagine a stately Roman matron or a noble maiden, whose hand is sought by everyone in the district. These names go well with Russian patronymics and surnames. For example, Nonna Ivanovna, Leontiya Petrovna, etc.

By choosing a similar name for your baby, you will give her increased attention from others in the future, respect and admiration. At the same time, these names do not sound too pretentious and unusual for the Slavic ear.

They have their own charm Greek names. A girl bearing a Greek name will evoke associations with beautiful goddesses, nymphs and others. fabulous heroines epics. Examples of such names: Galatea, Calista, Neonilla, Emilia. Many Greek names are associated with famous Orthodox saints who have always been popular in Rus'. For example: Praskovya, Theodora, Pelageya, Evdokia. These names are now popular in Ukraine. The choice of such a name will attract the protection of heavenly forces to your daughter.

The most popular names for girls in 2017 (first quarter)

There are always parents who want to focus on fashion when considering what to name their daughter. Consider the statistics of popular names in January-March 2017. The top three most popular female names, according to Russian registry offices, include the following:

  1. Sofia.
  2. Maria.
  3. Daria.

The name Sophia began to gain popularity 5-7 years ago and has now reached its peak. Some psychologists say this is due to the fact that an increasing number of parents want to see their daughters not only beautiful, but also smart (after all, Sophia is translated as “wise”), to develop curiosity and independence in them. In addition, the name Sofia has a soft and pleasant sound, and also sounds very touching in its abbreviated form - Sonya, Sonechka.

Do not lose their popularity and such names as Catherine, Anna, Xenia, Barbara, Elizabeth. These female names can be called classics, which, as you know, never go out of style. In addition to their sweetness, they are associated with significant Orthodox saints, therefore they attract their patronage to their bearers. Also, these names are suitable for almost all surnames and patronymics, which is also very important.

So, in order to understand the most popular girl names of 2017, we discussed what modern female names are, what groups they can be divided into, and what families they suit. In each group, we have identified the best names for girls, the most popular and interesting ones. Remember, by giving your daughter a name, you create her destiny. Do not try to find an objectively correct option for yourself, do not focus on the list of names, the opinion of relatives and friends, listen to your heart and intuition. It will certainly tell you what choice to make, how to name your newborn daughter. Before the birth of the baby, it is better to choose several options and decide finally, having already looked into her eyes. However, some mothers feel the character of their child already during pregnancy, and the right name seems to come to them by itself.

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Most mothers, having learned the approximate date of birth of the child, immediately begin to choose a beautiful name for the baby according to the church calendar or the sign of the Zodiac. Many believe that the character of the baby and fate depend on the name. Our material will help parents find out how to name a girl and a boy in 2017, how to choose a patronymic name for them. Correctly chosen names will allow "programming" the kids for success and good luck.

How to name a girl in 2017 - beautiful names for girls by patronymic

In order for the combination of a name with a patronymic to be melodic, one must take into account the special rules for combining words with repetitive or similar sounds. The rules below will help you understand how to name a girl by her patronymic in 2017, and what combinations should be avoided.

Selection of a beautiful name by patronymic for a girl born in 2017

The name and patronymic should not only be beautifully combined and be a melodic duet, but also easy to pronounce. Therefore, when choosing a name by patronymic, it is imperative to check the resulting combination by ear: does it sound original, is it convenient to pronounce it. Also, when choosing a name by fatherland, the following rules should be used:

  1. Avoid duplication of consecutive letters (for example, Anna Andreevna). Thus, the letters "overlap" and the combination sounds ugly.
  2. Eliminate the repetition of the letter "r" in both the name and patronymic (for example, Ekaterina Dmitrievna). In such cases, the combination sounds rude.
  3. Choose short names for long patronymics (such combinations are very good: Alla Mikhailovna, Irina Antoninovna).

Using simple rules, it will not be difficult to choose a beautiful feminine name for the baby, which will sound perfect with a patronymic. By last name, the first name can be selected using similar rules.

How beautiful to name a girl in 2017 according to the church calendar and the Zodiac - the best options

When choosing a name for your daughter, you can use a convenient church calendar or choose names according to the signs of the zodiac. But in addition, you need to look at the meanings of names: this will help you choose both a beautiful and fateful name for your child. Therefore, the best solution would be to select names by calendar and then "test" them by value.

The best church calendar names for girls born in 2017

In the church calendar, you can pick up very beautiful and unusual names for girls. The most original of them include: Kira, Arina, Alice, Milan, Sofia, Elizabeth. Such names will be very popular in 2017 and at the same time they all sound melodious, gentle, feminine.

How to choose a name for a girl according to the zodiac sign in 2017?

Signs of the Zodiac strongly influence the character of the child, his behavior. Therefore, you need to choose a name for a girl after carefully studying the features of her zodiac sign. For example, the girl Anastasia (meaning "resurrection", "resurrection") will grow up indestructible and courageous. Such a name is perfect for gentle and modest signs (virgo, fish, cancer), which will not interfere with additional willpower, perseverance. Also, when choosing a name, you should pay attention to the time of year in which the girl will be born. Such periods have no less strong influence on the character of the child.

  1. Winter.

Children born in cold weather grow up more strict and restrained. A gentle name will help the baby in the future "dilute" her strength with kindness, affection.

  1. Spring.

Spring babies quite often have difficulty making choices and making decisions. Such girls will not interfere with "strong" names.

  1. Summer.

Babies born in the summer are quite active, courageous and always strive forward. They fit better simple names, which will slightly temper their ardor.

  1. Autumn.

In autumn girls, calmness and indecision prevail in character. They are encouraged to give strong names.

Strong names usually sound firm and even a little rude (Rimma, Inna, Inga, Ada). Delicate and bright names are drawn out and melodic (Yaroslava, Svetlana, Alina). True, such pronunciation rules can be considered just a guideline: only its meaning will allow you to accurately determine the characteristics of a name.

How to name a girl in 2017 - beautiful names for newborn girls

When choosing a beautiful name for your daughter, you can use not only the church calendar or descriptions of the meanings. When choosing a name for a child, many mothers consider popular or simply beautiful names (for example, the names of celebrities, heroines of their favorite TV shows). But before you call a girl born in 2017 an unusual or rare name, you should find out everything about its origin, influence on fate.

Options for very beautiful names for a girl born in 2017

Beautiful and "simple" names are gradually going out of fashion. So, a meeting with little Maria, Olga or Tatyana can be considered a real miracle. But an excellent option for babies born in 2017 can be considered such names: Marianna, Nika, Susanna, Uliana, Valeria. Pick up beautiful options The following video will also help:

How to name a boy in 2017 - beautiful names for boys

It's just as hard for boys to pick up names as it is for girls. After all, parents want their son to grow up strong, wise and able to make quick and correct decisions. Therefore, moms and dads want to know what name is better to name the baby in 2017. Below are the most beautiful names that will help the child reach unprecedented heights, become a real leader.

What a beautiful name can be called a boy born in 2017?

The most popular and beautiful male names for 2017 include: Victor, Leonid, Alexei, Lavrenty, Herman. Male representatives with such names in the future await brilliant career, stable growth. But to more unusual, but no less popular names in 2017 include: Julian, Savely, Benjamin, Timothy, Elisha. To know useful information other male names can be found in the following video:

How to name a boy born in 2017 according to the church calendar - good options

Using the church calendar makes it much faster to pick up good name for a child. You just need to look through the options for each month and choose a beautiful name for the boy born in 2017 according to the indicated names of the saints.

Good name options for boys born in 2017 according to the church calendar

Many mothers, focusing on the date of birth of the baby, look through the most attractive names that will help the child be both kind and obedient, and be able to make serious decisions on their own. But we must remember that the chosen name can promise not only happiness, but also difficult fate, too soft character. Therefore, the following names can be considered the best for future men: Maxim, Eugene, Mark, Nikolai, Nikifor, Arseny.

Among the useful videos you can learn a lot of interesting things about beautiful names for boys and girls born in 2017. For example, parents can choose how to name a girl in 2017 using the church calendar, or by patronymic. When choosing a name for a newborn, it will be very useful to view information on the meanings of popular names, the features of their choice for children born in different times of the year. Using useful information special rules you can easily find out how to name a boy in 2017, what name to give to your daughter in order to give them a good fortune.

On this moment questions about what names for girls in 2019 and for boys will be relevant, fashionable have become very relevant. Today you can hear quite rare and unexpected versions even from the most ancient times. This is not strange, because fashion is returning again, so today the name that was fashionable many years ago may become the most popular.

All parents want their children to have the very best. This applies not only to clothes, toys, home games, but also to the name. From birth or even before it begins, parents are already beginning to think through all the options for passport data for their child. Unfortunately, it is so established that it is really not easy to choose a nickname, because it is for life, and sometimes the fate of a child may depend on it. In this article, we will talk directly about the names for girls in 2019, or rather, about their meaning, which one is better to choose for a successful future.

Today, almost every couple wants to give their baby the best and most beautiful name, so that in the future it will bring her success, joy, but in no case bring sorrow. So, people who know a lot about this matter argue that you really need to choose what will be beneficial, to carry only good news in life. Also find out and.


Liza reading varyusha
Sofia Anna Taisiya
sunny rare family
Ekaterina Nastya Maria

Also important is the fact that there is a combination with the name of the father, and the patronymic does not cut the ear. There are several specific requirements that are recommended to be followed when choosing a name.

  1. The female name must necessarily be consonant with the father's patronymic and surname. So, for example, Georgette Evgenievna Kuzmina is not very beautiful and in tune. Naturally, Georgette in itself sounds beautiful, but, on the other hand, it is completely inconsistent with the patronymic and surname.
  2. You should not choose too extravagant names, so that in the future the girl does not feel like a black sheep, because many kids, because of their too prominent nickname, are simply shy, and they develop complexes. Accordingly, it will be difficult for a girl to meet new people in the future.
  3. The modern name should not cause difficulties in pronunciation. Therefore, experts do not recommend naming girls Katorina, Argentea, Yolanda, because it is difficult not only to pronounce them, but also to read them the first time.
  4. Experts also recommend that nicknames match the month of birth. This enables the girl to be happy, so that no unexpected hardships spoil her fate. Few people believe in such signs, but, on the other hand, it really works, sometimes it is useful to look into the horoscope of luck according to the lunar calendar.

Meanings of female names

The name of the girl should not only be consonant, but also fit according to fate, bring good luck. Therefore, many recommend paying attention to the meaning, if possible, reading the history of its origin.

It is also worth noting that the nickname can affect the character of a person, thus significantly changing his attitude to life and actions. Calling the girl soft and gentle name, you automatically assign it a more loyal, gentle character. If, from birth, a more confident, courageous nickname is given to the child, accordingly, her character will be more confident and persistent.

Popular girl names in 2019 will be chosen by month of birth. Another important fact is that the Dog will be the symbol of the coming year, respectively, this symbol will also convey some of its character traits to all children, and nicknames in this case is no exception.

Experts say that a girl born in the year Fire Rooster, will not grow up frivolous, windy. This symbol, despite the nickname, gives a person excellent self-organization.

Names for girls in 2019 are as diverse as last year's. There is simply a staggering number of different nicknames, sometimes parents just get lost in choosing for their child. But, on the other hand, for a girl, according to the church calendar of 2019, you can choose without focusing on any other principles or signs.

So in the coming year, the following will be relevant.

  1. Catherine and Elizabeth are two royal nicknames for girls.
  2. Alice - help the girl grow up real woman, mysterious and enigmatic.
  3. Zlata is a beautiful nickname for a future lady, which will help her grow up worthy of attention, calm and balanced, which is very attractive to real men.
  4. Veronica is an independent girl who will successfully succeed in all endeavors, will be able to find herself in a creative profession.
  5. Olesya is stubborn, purposeful, but at the same time not rude, so she knows how to calmly, beautifully communicate with people. Olesya, as a rule, has a mathematical mindset, so she always copes with the task, responsibly approaches any business.

There are also some rare modern names for girls that can bring good luck in life, become a real guide in the future. So, in the coming year, you can give your daughter such a nickname as:

  • Ruslana, which fully corresponds to the symbol of the Fire Rooster, as it very well conveys all the traits of character - confidence, strong will and an unsurpassed ability to bring everything to the end from the very beginning;
  • Yana and Ulyana - the forms of Yulia, become pride, they can always boast of many positive traits characters;
  • Taisia ​​- from the word mysterious, as a rule, has a beautiful appearance, responsiveness, affectionate character, but to all this she can easily succeed in many endeavors.

The best and most popular names

Catherine Immaculate, innocent, pure Greek origin, means purity and purity.
Anna Strong, blessed, brave Some sources translate as God's grace in honor of St. Anna, who gave birth to a daughter through long years torment.
Anastasia Reborn, immortal, resurrected All values ​​are translated exclusively from Greek and most often suggest the meaning of the name as rebirth or rebirth.
Maria Rebellious, proud, great Derived from the Hebrew root, which is translated - to reject. In some sources it is translated as Mrs.
Sofia Smart, wise From Greek it means wisdom, intelligence, and some sources interpret this name as science.

Tatar names for 2019

Modern Tatar names for girls in 2019 will also differ slightly from all other past years, which is characterized by the year itself. Though Tatar people reacts insignificantly to the year of the Fire Rooster, but still looks closely at such customs.

So, in the coming year, such Tatar nicknames as Azalea, Amina, Alina, Arina, Diana, Daria, Samira, Milan, Polina, Yasmina, Ralina, Victoria, and some others will be relevant. Many of this list can be heard very often even without unnecessary hints that this nickname is not Russian.

They are so merged into our customs that many do not even feel the difference. All options are beautiful, consonant with our Russian male names, so almost every patronymic will sound good without standing out in writing and reading. Also see everything about and even.

One of the pleasant, albeit not easy, chores associated with adding to the family is choosing a name for the child. In this sense, it was easier for our ancestors: they went to the local priest, who gave the name according to the calendar (in general, this method may well be used by believers today, fortunately, we are all now literate people, and we can study the calendar ourselves and choose a name child likes). It was not such a difficult thing for the Soviet generation either - if you step over the stage when the names were constructed from the slogans and surnames of the leaders. People chose from the usual set of names fixed in the Russian tradition and did not strive to stand out. Now we are experiencing an understandable stage in the development of society, when people have ceased to be a gray mass and have felt their own individuality. This is where the scope for the imagination of parents has opened! As if proving to themselves their own exclusivity, parents vying with each other began to give their children names, one more beautiful and rarer than the other. As a result, previously rare names have become commonplace, and meeting Masha, Nastya or Sveta in kindergarten becomes exotic. How to name a girl in 2017: beautiful names for girls by patronymic and month of birth, how not to overdo it with coming up with a name for a child.

How to name a girl in 2017 and not overdo it

Our main advice to parents is that when choosing a name for a girl, do not overdo it. Rare and beautiful names are very good, but a person should wear them all his life, and the name, first of all, should be easy to pronounce and not too complicated. Do not forget about how the world is changing, and remember that the name of a person should now be easily pronounced not only by people who speak the same language with him, but also by foreigners. The name does not necessarily have to have its counterpart in Western languages ​​like Elizabeth-Elizabeth, but it’s still good if in the future foreigners can call your daughter by her real name without distorting it and giving her a new one.

Often, parents, thinking about how to name a girl in 2017, choose beautiful names for girls by middle name and last name. This is a completely reasonable consideration, since the name and patronymic, as long as they are used in conjunction with us, should sound beautiful and be pronounced easily. Usually, if the middle name is very long, it is better to give the name shorter and vice versa. Even some Anastasia Stanislavovna sounds rather cumbersome, but Maria Stanislavovna is already more pleasant. Trust your taste and linguistic intuition, try different combinations by ear, and you will definitely choose a name that will go well with a middle name.

Sometimes parents name their children either after relatives or after some famous people. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with this, but on the other hand, you need to remember some rules that you need to follow. If you name a child after a relative, then make sure that there are not too many people with the same name in your family. Otherwise, you yourself will go crazy from this one day. Naming the child after famous person and even a relative, think about whether the burden of such a name will put pressure on him. Someone is worried all his life that he is named after a relative who died early, which means, he believes, that such a fate awaits him. Someone understands that although he was named after the astronaut, he himself is far from being a hero, which can also additionally stimulate some complexes.

We have already mentioned the method with the holy calendar - it has a right to exist, but do not overdo it with it either. Still, the names there are often outdated, and even with the general fashion for rare names, your daughter may look ridiculous if you call her some kind of Theodosia or Susanna.

How to name a girl in 2017 by month of birth

Many, without resorting directly to the calendar, still believe that it is necessary to choose names that are suitable specifically for a person born in a particular month of the year. The belief that the month of birth affects the character and temperament of the child is still strong, so you want to choose a name for the girl that matches her future character.

When choosing a name for a girl born in January, it is worth considering Elena, Victoria, Tatiana, Vasilisa, Irina, Evgenia, Polina, Marina, Ulyana, Julianna, Yulia, Maria, Arina, Nina, Emilia, Xenia or Oksana.

A good name for a girl born in February can be chosen from Veronica, Marianna, Anna, Zoya, Christina, Valentina, Uliana, Rimma, Vera, Pelageya, Xenia, Alevtina, Maria, Olga, Svetlana, Irina, Sofia, Euphrosyne, Martha, Vasilisa , Alexandra.

The name for a girl born in March can be selected from Antonina, Galina, Marina, Nika, Margarita, Alina, Arina, Antonina, Kira, Anna, Ulyana, Iraida, Elena, Natalia, Sofia, Martha, Martha, Alena, Nadezhda, Christina, Catherine, Marianne.

When choosing a name for a girl born in April, pay attention to Anastasia, Eva, Akulina, Lydia, Sofia, Alexandra, Ninel, Nelly, Praskovya, Varvara, Uliana, Larisa, Arina, Irina, Nika, Svetlana, Taisiya, Polina, Daria , Alla, Matrona, Vass.

The name for a girl born in May is a choice from Pelageya, Irina, Valentina, Taisiya, Alexandra, Zoya, Anet, Shura, Tamara, Elizabeth, John, Lily, Mary, Martha, Martha, Susanna, Yana, Anna, Glafira, Anastasia , Isidore, Christina.

When choosing a name for a girl born in June, you should think about Kira, Valeria, Antonina, Irina, Kaleria, Feodosia, Vitalina, Alena, Larisa, Juno, Melania, Zinaida, Lilia, Maria, Susanna, Christina, Juliana, Feodosia, Faina, Alexandra.

A good name for a girl born in July can be chosen by choosing from Alevtina, Jeanne, Olga, Inna, Anna, Maria, Galina, Xenia, Agnia, Barbara, Elizabeth, Lucy, Elsa, Lucia, Martha, Martha, Uliana, Juliana, Julia , Agrippina, Vassa, Yana, Dinar.

The name for a girl born in August is options with Seraphim, Valentina, Milena, Praskovya, Magdalena, Sofia, Katerina, Karina, Alena, Anastasia, Antonina, Arina, Elena, Irina, Angelina, Angela, Lucy, Anna, Elizabeth, Daria .

When choosing a name for a girl born in September, pay attention to Lyudmila, Nadezhda, Natalia, Raisa, Vita, Alina, Nadezhda, Fekla, Vassa, Martha, Martha, Elizabeth, Elsa, Regina, Maria, Natalya, Anfisa.

A suitable name for a girl born in October can be chosen from Alice, Svetlana, Zlata, Praskovya, Ariadna, Marianna, Mila, Arina, Euphrosyne, Irina, Sofia, Maria, Tatyana, Vassa, Praskovya, Iraida, Raisa, Anna, Tatiana, Alexandra or Polina.

The name for a girl born in November is a choice from Claudia, Maria, Anastasia, Zinovia, Natalia, Vera, Daria, Arina, Irina, Aza, Anna, Glykeria, Elizabeth, Elsa, Agatha, Alena, Elena, Zinaida, Ulyana.

The name for a girl born in December is options with Lyudmila, Tatyana, Angelina, Olga, Zoya, Augusta, Ekaterina, Anfisa, Valeria, Barbara, Maria, Anna, Uliana, Antonina, Alexandra, Angela, Evdokia, Euphrosinia, Julia, Lilia , Sophia, Vera or Elizabeth.

Personal names arose even at the time when a person spoke for the first time. Millennia have passed since then; tens of thousands of names emerged. How to choose the right option from this number? How to name a girl in 2017? How to name a boy in 2017? All these questions are of interest to future parents more than others. Of course, the easiest way is to open a book with the interpretation of each of the names and choose the most beautiful of them. Believers can turn to the saints and name born child according to the church calendar. The fashion for astrology, which arose back in the late 1980s, makes moms and dads look at lists of names, suitable sign Zodiac of their child. Whichever of the methods you use, you must not forget - the name should be harmonious, not associated with unpleasant people, objects and events, harmoniously combined with the patronymic and easy to pronounce by others.

How to name a girl in 2017 - Beautiful girlish names by patronymic

There are parents who are sure - you can look at the interpretation of the name of a daughter born in 2017 in dictionaries and choose the most favorable of them, guided by her beauty. However, the little man will grow up, and in society he will be addressed mainly by his first name and patronymic. Therefore, mom and dad need to take this into account. It is unlikely that the colleagues of Stanislava Stanislavovna, Valentina Valentinovna or Valeria Valerievna will reprimand the first time full name employee working next to them. Think about whether it is appropriate to call the girl Melissa or Georgina if dad's name is Ivan or Peter? Will they not make fun of Jessica Emelyanovna or Malvina Efimovna?

Examples of beautiful patronymic names - We call a girl in 2017

Think about the future of the child by choosing a name for him, which must be combined with the name of his father - the future middle name. In addition, be sure to pay attention to the length of the name and patronymic. The longer the father's name, the simpler and shorter the name of his daughter should be. For example, Olga Vladislavovna, Anna Lavrentievna, Yana Mstislavovna. On the contrary, if the girl’s father is a foreigner or a person with a non-Slavic name, it would be more appropriate to name the girl in 2017 so that her name sounds beautiful and natural with a patronymic. Not bad and quite logical is such a choice as Elina Albertovna, Yadviga Karlovna, Monika Leonovna. Simple Russian names next to Slavic patronymics sound very nice: Elena Andreevna, Tatyana Ilyinichna, Natalya Olegovna.

How to name a girl according to the church calendar and the Zodiac - Names 2017 for girls

If before the 20th century in Russia it was customary to name newborn girls according to the holy days - the days of saints according to the church calendar, in the late 1980s in the USSR and the RSFSR, interest in astrology, a science that studies the influence of planets and stars on our lives, rapidly increased. In addition to the interpretation of horoscopes, astrology has always dealt with the explanation of the names that are "under the auspices" of different signs of the Zodiac. For example, to this day it is considered that names with a grazing "r" and a vowel "a" should be given to girls born under "strong" signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio. The constellations of Cancer and Pisces and the sounds "l", "and", on the contrary, give softness to the born. Today on sale there are calendars 2017 with a list of names related to all the zodiac constellations.

Examples of girlish names according to the church calendar and zodiac sign in 2017

In Orthodoxy, it has always been customary to give names according to the calendar (days dedicated to saints) or according to the church calendar, which also mentions other revered saints. Unfortunately, in the holy calendar, female names are much less common than male ones, therefore, when naming a girl in 2017, one can also refer to the names of saints that parents simply like. These are such names as Anna, Maria, Natalya, Anastasia, Daria, Elizabeth. Dads and moms, listening to the advice of astrologers, can call the girl a bright, sonorous name. 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster, therefore, the name should correspond to the character of this noisy, restless, beautiful and artistic animal. Alice, Aglaya, Arina, Carolina, Karina, Elizabeth are perfect for little ones.

How to name a girl in 2017 - Beautiful names for girls

After the revolution of 1917 and in the first years of the existence of Soviet power, the most beautiful names dedicated to outstanding communists or new events were Electrification, Stalin, Traktorina, Revmir. Later, after the victory in 1945, Victoria, Miroslava, Pobeda began to be born. In the early 1990s, when the entire female half of the country enthusiastically followed the events unfolding in Latin serials, Gabriella, Rosa and Rosalind, Britney, Isaura began to be born. Today, some parents, wanting to immediately declare the uniqueness of their daughter, call her a beautiful, sometimes unusual name - Carolina, Juliet, Alice, Vasilisa. In 2017, “happy” female names are Veronica, Marianne, Lucia, Ariadne.

Examples of beautiful names 2017 - How to name a girl

Today, having met Olimpiada Leninidovna or Moskvina Vilenovna at work, you will probably be surprised: why did the parents call the girl that? Indeed, at all times there was a certain fashion for names. Today, in 2017, the most beautiful female names Elizabeth, Alexandra, Alevtina, Iraida, Juliana are considered.

How to name a boy in 2017 - Beautiful names for boys

The greatest "imprint" on the character of the child is left by unusual, ridiculous-sounding, sometimes even funny names. On the contrary, by naming their son beautifully, parents “program” his success in advance, a calm relationship with others, and an adequate perception of the future man in society.

Examples of beautiful boy names in 2017

Many fathers and mothers acquire such literature in advance and come up with a beautiful name that promises happiness to the future person long before the birth of himself. However, everything is not so simple here. For example, Boris Khigir, the most famous modern researcher of names, in his writings gives an explanation for each name, talking about the future inclinations and talents of the child, his possible problems with health, hobbies, relationships with parents. Of course, it cannot be argued that the name determines fate. In the end, having reached the age of majority, any person can change the name to a more harmonious one. However, few do it. The rest continue to live with the name given by their parents. Most beautiful male names 2017 - Alexander, Vladimir, Svyatoslav, Ruslan, Maxim, Albert.

How to name a boy according to the church calendar - Name for those born in 2017

Centuries ago, in Russia, it was customary to name newborns according to the calendar - the days of the church calendar dedicated to saints. On the one hand, this approach greatly simplified the task of parents. The priest simply opened the book and offered the father and mother several names of the boys to choose from. Unfortunately, this choice was not always great, so over time, the tradition of using the holy calendar was gradually forgotten. However, in believing families, sons are still called the name of the saints. In 2017, Peters, Nikolais, Davids, Maxims, Dmitrys, Romans, Andreys, Prokhors are born more often than others.

Examples of names for boys born in 2017 - How to name a boy according to the church calendar

If the parents of a newborn 2017 - Orthodox people naming the child, they can seek help from the priest. Having opened the church calendar and consulted the calendar, he will offer them several options for how the boy can be called. Today, Christians often call their sons Alexander, Sergey, Stepan, Andrey, Nikita.

The main questions for new parents this year are “What to name a girl in 2017?” and “What to name a boy in 2017?”. The zodiac or church calendar can accurately answer them - you choose. The main rule when choosing a name is that it should sound beautiful when pronounced along with the patronymic.
