Questions on the novel by A. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" educational and methodological material on literature (grade 6) on the topic. Control test in literature Control test based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky Old Dubrovsky by rank and title

Test based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" Grade 6

1. On behalf of what character is the narration in the novel "Dubrovsky"?

1) Masha Troekurova
2) younger Dubrovsky
3)K. P. Troekurova
4) author

2. Find out the hero by description:

« Spoiled by everything that only surrounded him, he was used to giving full rein to all the impulses of his ardent disposition and all the undertakings of a rather limited mind.

1) Vladimir Dubrovsky
2) Shabashkin
3) Andrey Dubrovsky
4) Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov

3. What is the name of the Dubrovsky estate?

1) ) Kistenevka
2) Pokrovskoye
3) Mikhailovskoye
4) Yasnaya Polyana

4. What hero's name are we talking about?

« He [Vladimir] rode along the shore of a wide lake, from which a river flowed and meandered in the distance between the hills; on one of them, above the dense greenery of the grove, rose the green roof and the belvedere of a huge stone house; on the other, a five-domed church and an old bell tower.

1) Troekurova
2) Dubrovsky
3) Prince Vereisky
4) Deforge

5. Find out the hero by description:

"... entered the hall, forcibly moving his legs, an old man of high stature, pale and thin, in a dressing gown and cap."

1) Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky
2) Troyekurov
3) Deforge
4) Assessor Shabashkin

6. Why did Kistenevka become the property of Troekurov?

1) Dubrovsky lost it to Troekurov in cards.
2) Dubrovsky the father gave the village to Masha, his future daughter-in-law.
3) Troekurov dishonestly awarded Kistenevka from Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky.
4) Troekurov bought Kistenevka from the bankrupt Andrei Dubrovsky.

7. What did Shabashkin do when Dubrovsky's peasants dispersed?

1) thanked Vladimir for saving
2) threatened Dubrovsky and his people
3) yelled at them
4) laughed

8. Why did Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber?

1) wanted to get rich
2) it was a kind of game of Robin Hood
3) wanted to be recognized by everyone
4) wanted revenge

9. Find out the hero by description:

“...was about 50 years old, but he seemed much older. Excesses of every kind have exhausted his health and put their indelible stamp on him.

1) Prince Vereisky
2) Kirilla Petrovich Troekurov
3) Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky
4) Anton Pafnutich Spitsyn

10. What happened to Vladimir Dubrovsky at the end of the work?

1) continued to rob
2) left his peasants and went abroad
3) died
4) he was caught and put in jail

Literature test Dubrovsky (A.S. Pushkin) with answers for 6th grade students. The test consists of two options, in each option there are 5 tasks with a short answer and 1 general task with a detailed answer.

The rite was over. She felt the cold kiss of her unloving husband, she heard funny congratulations those present and still could not believe that her life was forever chained, that Dubrovsky had not flown to free her. The prince turned to her with affectionate words, she did not understand them, they left the church, peasants from Pokrovsky crowded on the porch. Her gaze quickly ran around them - and again showed its former insensibility. The young people got into a carriage together and drove to Arbatovo; Kirila Petrovich had already gone there to meet the young people there. Alone with his young wife, the prince was not in the least embarrassed by her cold appearance. He did not bother her with cloying explanations and ridiculous delights. His words were simple and did not require answers. In this way they traveled about ten versts, the horses rushed quickly over the hummocks of the country road, and the carriage hardly swayed on its English springs. Suddenly there were shouts of pursuit, the carriage stopped, a crowd of armed people surrounded it, and a man in a half mask, opening the doors from the side where the young princess was sitting, told her: “You are free, get out.” —
“What does this mean,” the prince shouted, “who are you? ..” “This is Dubrovsky,” said the princess.
The prince, without losing his presence of mind, took out a traveling pistol from his side pocket and fired at the masked robber. The princess shrieked and covered her face with both hands in horror. Dubrovsky was wounded in the shoulder, blood appeared. The prince, without losing a moment, took out another pistol, but he was not given time to fire, the doors opened, and several strong hands dragged him out of the carriage and snatched the pistol from him. Knives flashed over him.
- Don't touch him! Doubrovsky shouted, and his gloomy accomplices retreated.

“What are you saying,” Dubrovsky shouted in despair, “no, you are not his wife, you were forced, you could never agree ...
“I agreed, I swore an oath,” she objected with firmness, “the prince is my husband, order to release him and leave me with him. I didn't cheat. I was waiting for you until the last minute ... But now, I tell you, now it's too late. Let us go.
But Dubrovsky no longer heard her, the pain of the wound and the strong emotions of the soul deprived him of strength.

1 option

Short answer questions

1. Name the type of literature to which the work belongs.

2. Enter a name and maiden name heroines.

... she heard funny congratulations to those present...

...could not believe that her life was chained forever...

5. What is the name of the extended statement of the hero literary work?
“I agreed, I swore an oath,” she objected with firmness, “the prince is my husband, order to release him and leave me with him. I didn't cheat. I was waiting for you until the last minute ... But now, I tell you, now it's too late. Let us go.

Task with a detailed answer


Option 2

Short answer questions

1. At the beginning of what century do the events take place?

2. What stage of the development of the action is presented in this fragment?

3. Name the visual medium:
The prince turned to her affectionate words...

4. What is the name of the pictorial means based on hidden comparison?
...couldn't believe that... Dubrovsky didn't come to free her.

5. What is the name of the exchange of remarks of the heroes of a literary work?
"You are free," continued Dubrovsky, turning to the pale princess.
“No,” she answered. - It's too late - I'm married, I'm the wife of Prince Vereisky.

Task with a detailed answer

6. How is Prince Vereisky depicted in this scene?

Answers to the test in literature Dubrovsky (A.S. Pushkin)
1 option
1. epic
2. Maria Troekurova
3. epithet
4. metaphor
5. monologue
Option 2
1. XIX century
2. interchange
3. epithet
4. metaphor
5. dialogue

Questions to chapters 1-4 of A.S. Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"

1 option

1. How was the life of Kirila Petrovich Troekurov?

2. What caused the quarrel between Troekurov and Dubrovsky?

3. Who owned the village of Kistenevka?

4. How did Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky behave in court?

5. What decision does Vladimir Dubrovsky make when he learns about his father's illness?

Option 2

1. What was the basis of the long friendship between Troekurov and Dubrovsky?

2. Who owned Pokrovskoe?

3. How did Troekurov decide to take revenge on Dubrovsky?

4. At what point did Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky die?

5. How did Troekurov behave after the trial?

Questions to chapters 5-7 of A.S. Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"

1 option

1. How do officials behave when they come to announce the decision of the court to the peasants? How do they talk?

2. Why does Vladimir Dubrovsky not allow his peasants to rebel? What does he promise to do?

3. Who decided to lock the officials in the burning house?

4. What rumors about robbers appeared in all the surroundings?

5. What circumstances made Vladimir Dubrovsky become a robber?

Option 2

1. How do the peasants in the crowd react to the announcement of officials that their master is Troekurov?

2. How did Vladimir Dubrovsky spend his time on the night of the fire?

3. What act of mercy did the blacksmith Arkhip perform during the fire?

4. How did Troekurov explain that the robbers did not touch his estates?

5. What is the perception of the leader of the robbers in the district?

Questions to chapters 8-12 of A.S. Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"

1 option

1. Since when did Kirila Petrovich Troekurov fall in love with Deforge?

2. What did his guest Anton Pafnutich Spitsyn say at dinner at Troekurov's?

3. What signs of Dubrovsky did the police officer have?

4. How did Deforge feel about Troekurov's son, Sasha?

5. How did Deforge-Dubrovsky deal with Anton Pafnutich?

Option 2

1. What incident made a great impression on Marya Kirilovna, after which her attitude towards Deforge began to change?

2. What did his guest Anna Savishna Globova tell about at Troekurov's dinner?

3. Why didn't the guests recognize Dubrovsky in Deforge?

4. How did Troekurov, Sasha, Masha treat Deforge in Pokrovsky?

5. Why did Dubrovsky renounce his revenge on Troekurov?

Questions to chapters 13-18 of A.S. Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"

1 option

1. How did Prince Vereisky entertain Troekurov and Masha, who came to visit him?

2. How did Marya Kirilovna take her father's decision to marry her to Prince Vereisky?

3. How did Troekurov find out that Masha was in touch with Dubrovsky?

4. Did Sasha manage to help his sister?

5. How did Marya Kirilovna feel during the wedding ceremony? Describe her thoughts and state.

Option 2

1. Describe Prince Vereisky (appearance, age, condition, behavior).

2. What did Masha and Vladimir Dubrovsky agree on during a secret meeting at night?

3. How did Kirila Petrovich react to Masha's pleas not to marry her to Prince Vereisky?

4. How did the red-haired boy, Dubrovsky's servant, behave during the interrogation of Kirila Petrovich Troekurov?

5. How did Prince Vereisky behave during the attack on the carriage of Vladimir Dubrovsky?

Questions to chapter 19 of A.S. Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"

1 option

How does the work of A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" end?

Why do you think Vladimir Dubrovsky left his peasants?

Option 2

With what speech did Vladimir Dubrovsky address his peasants at the end of the work?

Do you think the peasants heeded Dubrovsky's advice after he left them?

Lesson - literature quiz for grade 6

“Roman A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"

Developed and carried out by Ananyeva A.N.

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Secondary School No. 8"


Target: form in students cognitive interest to the work of A.S. Pushkin as a novelist


  • generalize knowledge on the topic “Roman A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky", received in previous lessons;
  • control the knowledge of the topic;
  • create conditions for the formation of students' own attitude to the novel "Dubrovsky"


multimedia equipment


  • Lesson-quiz "Dubrovsky"
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    reflection cards

1. Organizational moment. Introduction by the teacher. Goal setting. (Slide 1)

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is not only a great Russian poet, but also an unsurpassed prose writer - a novelist, a true master of artistic word. The novel "Dubrovsky" is another wonderful illustration of the literary talent of A.S. Pushkin. As a master of the word, Pushkin was always interested in people, the movements of his soul. Together with the heroes of his novel, the author was looking for answers to vital questions: about honor and dishonor, about revenge and forgiveness, about the tyranny of the Russian nobility and the devotion of the peasants, about love and hatred, about moral duty and personal selfish interests. (Slide 2)

Alexander Pushkin worked on the novel "Dubrovsky" from October 21, 1832 to February 6, 1833, but did not complete it. During the life of the poet, the novel was not published, the publishers gave it a name by the name of the protagonist. It is well known that the novel was based on real life circumstances (The story of a friend of the poet Nashchokin about a wealthy nobleman who was illegally ousted from the estate by a neighbor, left with some peasants, began to rob.) "Dubrovsky" was highly appreciated literary critics. V.G. Belinsky considered this novel by A.S. Pushkin “a poetic creation, which one can rightly be proud of Russian society". (Slide 3)

2. Knowledge update.

ü When was the novel "Dubrovsky" written? (1833)

ü What are the main characters of the novel? (Kirila Petrovich Troekurov, Andrey Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, Marya Troekurova, Vladimir Dubrovsky)

ü In what estates does the action take place? (Pokrovskoye, Kistenevka, Arbatovo)

ü What is the ending of the novel? (the final is open, the novel was not finished, further fate heroes unknown)

3. Quiz progress



Question answer)



Quiz on the content of the novel "Non-Random Details"

1. What song did Troekurov whistle in "moments of excitement"? ("Thunder of victory resound")

2. What was the name of Vladimir Dubrovsky's old nanny? (Orina Egorovna Buzyreva)

3. What rank did Vladimir receive in cadet corps? (Chin cornet)

4. In what city did Vladimir live before coming to the village? (Petersburg)

5. Who was the real Deforge in his homeland? (Confectioner)

6. With whom did Deforge fight in Troekurov's house? (With a bear named Misha)

7. How many souls of peasants did Dubrovsky have? (70 souls)

8. What was the name of Marya Kirillovna's brother? (Sasha)

9. An incident in Kistenevka, the news of which the next day spread throughout the neighborhood. (Fire)

10. What was the name of the old coachman who met Vladimir at the station? (Anton)

11. What was Dubrovsky Sr.'s hobby? (Hunting)

12. Because of whom did a quarrel break out between old friends Troekurov and Dubrovsky? (Because of the kennel Paramoshka)

13. Where did Spitsyn hide his savings? (In a leather bag that I wore under my shirt)

14. Whom did the blacksmith Arkhip save in the fire? (cat)

15. Surname of Anna Savishna, guest at Trooekurov's (Globov's) dinner party

16. What object was supposed to serve as a sign for Vladimir to save Masha? (Ring)

17. Where did ataman Dubrovsky live with his robbers? (In the middle dense forest in a small earthen fortification)

18. By whom was Vladimir Dubrovsky wounded in the shoulder? (Prince Vereisky)

19. What was the name of the caretakers of the station where the Frenchman Deforge and Dubrovsky met? (Sidorych and Pakhomovna)

20. On what musical instrument played by Marya Kirilovna? (piano)

The teacher voices the question on the content of the novel contained on the presentation slide. For each correct answer, the student receives a token. The speed of response is taken into account.


"Know the Hero"

21. " Small man in a leather cap and a frieze overcoat, in the position of an assessor, bow after bow before Troekurov, reverently awaiting his orders ”(Shabashkin, assistant judge)

22. “He lost his mother from childhood and, almost not knowing his father, was brought to Petersburg in the eighth year of his age; with all that, he romantically loved family life, the less he managed to enjoy its quiet joys ”(Vladimir Andreevich Dubrovsky)

23. “She was seventeen years old and her beauty was in full bloom. She had no girlfriends and grew up in seclusion. A huge library ... was placed at her disposal" (Marya Kirilovna Troekurova)

24. “About fifty years old, but he seemed much older. Extravagances of every kind have exhausted his health and left his indelible stamp on him. Despite the fact that his appearance was pleasant, wonderful, and the habit of being always in society gave him some courtesy, especially with women ”(Prince Vereisky)

25. “He loved her (daughter) to the point of madness, but treated her with his characteristic willfulness, either trying to please her slightest whims, or frightening her with harsh, and sometimes abuse"(Kirila Petrovich Troekurov)

26. “At that moment, an old man of tall stature, pale and thin, in a dressing gown and a cap, entered the hall, forcibly moving his legs. ... He tried to talk to him (son), but thoughts interfered in his head, and the words had no connection. He fell silent and fell into lull" (Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky)

The task of the students is to guess the hero of the novel by citation characteristic which is read by the teacher. The correct answer is worth 2 tokens.


"Whose words are these?"

27. “Into the possession of Kirila Petrovich! God forbid and deliver: for an hour he has a bad time with his own, but strangers will get it, so he will not only skin them, but even tear off the meat ”(Kucher Anton)

28. “Am I not for your pleasure, i.e. in conscience and justice, he showed that the Dubrovskys own Kistenevka without any right to do so, but only by your indulgence ”(Anton Pafnutich Spitsyn)

29. “Perhaps I will be happier than others. I have an old mother, I will send half of my salary to her for food, from the rest of the money in five years I can save up a small capital sufficient for my future independence, and then goodbye, I’m going to Paris and embarking on a commercial turn” (French Deforge)

30. “I agreed, I took an oath ... I didn’t cheat, I waited until the last minute ... But now, I tell you, it’s too late now” (Princess Vereiskaya, Masha Troekurova)

The teacher gives speech characteristic main or minor hero novel. The task of the students is to guess the hero. 2 tokens

Competition for illustrations for the novel " Art Gallery»

31. D. Shmarinov "At the kennel at Troekurov" 1949

32. B. Kustodiev "Fire in the estate of Dubrovsky" 1923

33. E. Lansere "Dubrovsky" 1899

34. D. Shmarinov "Dubrovsky" 1949

35. D. Shmarinov "Deforge and the Bear" 1973

Illustrations for the work are given on the slides of the presentation. famous artists. The task of the students is to name the depicted episode and briefly retell it. Illustrations are given that students got acquainted with in previous lessons. 3 tokens

Literary Theory Competition "Literary Critics"

36. Construction artwork, location and interconnection of all its parts, images, episodes (Composition)

37. Part of the plot of a literary work, usually preceding the plot and containing information about the characters, place and time of the action, a description of the circumstances that took place before it began (Exposition)

38. The return of an action to the past, when the causes of what is happening in the past were laid currently Narratives (Flashback)

39. The attitude of the author to his characters, expressed in the sense of the title of the work, in the portraits of the characters, in their thoughts and feelings, in composition, in symbolism, in the description of nature, as well as directly in the narrator's assessments ( Author's position)

40. The main idea of ​​the work (Idea)

The task includes only those artistic techniques And figurative means, which are found in this novel. 3 tokens

Contest "Come up with a sequel"

41. How I see the further history of the heroes of the novel:

1) the development of the love story of Masha and Vladimir;

2) Vladimir returns to Kistenevka;

3) Troekurov repents of the consequences of his actions.

The task of the students is to compose a further story of the heroes of the novel. Preliminary preparation. 4 tokens

4.The behavior of the results of the quiz.Winner's reward ceremony. Lesson grades. Reflection.

5.Homework.(Slide 23) A written response to one of problematic issues student's choice:

1) Why did Dubrovsky become a robber? What kind of robber was he?

2) Why didn't Masha Troekurova accept the "liberation" from Dubrovsky's hands?

3) Why can the novel "Dubrovsky" be called a work about the protection of the human person?


1. Polukhina V.P. Reading, thinking, arguing... Didactic materials on literature. Grade 6: a manual for students of educational organizations / V.P. Polukhin. - M.: Education, 2014.

2. Zamyshlyaeva A.N. Literature. Grade 6: a system of lessons based on a textbook, edited by V.Ya. Korovina / ed.-st. A.N. Zamyshlyaeva. Volgograd: Teacher, 2015.

3. Literature. 6th grade. Proc. For general education Institutions in 2 hours. Part 1 / ed. V.Ya. Korovina. - M.: Education, 2012.
