Quotes from poets about musicians or composers. Quotes about music by composers, musicians, writers, poets, mathematicians, scientists, philosophers

Know the rhythm that is hidden in human life.

Music inspires the whole world, furnishes the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination; music gives life and fun to everything that exists ... It can be called the embodiment of everything beautiful and everything sublime.

When we perceive rhythm and melody with our ears, our spiritual mood changes.

Music is capable of exerting a certain influence on the ethical side of the soul; and since music has such properties, then, obviously, it should be included in the number of subjects for the education of young people.

Opera - fullest form music as art.
Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

Music is the universal language of mankind.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Music encourages us to think eloquently.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Music shows a person the possibilities of greatness that are in his soul.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

The song is a social drum that opens the march and to the beat of which they keep pace.
Pierre Jean Beranger

Music doubles, triples the army. Music is the most poetic, the most powerful, the most alive of all the arts.
Hector Louis Berlioz

Of all the noises that are known to mankind, music is the most expensive noise.
Theophile Gauthier

Music is the pair of art. It is to the art of poetry what dreams are to thought, what to the ocean of waves is the ocean of clouds above it.
Victor Marie Hugo

In music, as it must be in all other arts, as soon as style, character, in a word, something serious, appears, everything else disappears.
Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix

The field of music is spiritual unrest. The purpose of music is to arouse these excitements, and she herself is also inspired by them.
George Sand

Nothing evokes the past with such force as music; she achieves more: when she invokes it, it seems as if it itself passes before us, shrouded, like the shadows of those who are dear to us, with a mysterious and sad veil.
Anna Louise Germaine

Notes are just the art of writing down ideas, the main thing is to have them.

No picture, no word can so express the most essential, most intimate content of the heart as music; her cordiality is incomparable, irreplaceable.
Kuno Fisher

I do not know of greater happiness for a composer than to write a simple song, which in five or ten years will become popular, and meanwhile the name of its creator will be forgotten.
Richard Strauss

Is there a person in the world, unless he is deaf in thought, who would not love songs?
Mukhtar Omarkhanovich Auezov

When I write my songs, the main thing for me is not to compose music, but to satisfy the innermost intentions of the poet.
Edvard Grieg

Words sometimes need music, but music needs nothing.
Edvard Grieg

Music is not only an ennobling and educational factor. Music is the healer of health.
Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev

Only greatest art Music can touch the depths of the soul.
Maksim Gorky

Word and action become highly significant when music takes them on its wings.

I don't know if there is a single great musician who can be said to be outdated. The simplest song coming from the depths of millennia is alive.
Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky

Music outside nationality does not exist, and in essence, any music that is considered to be universal is still national.
Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov

For me, the phrase "man and song" sounds like "man and air." If there is not enough air, the person suffocates.
Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov

Melody is the soul of everything... Without thought there is no poet, without melody there is no music.
Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov

Music, like any other human language, must be inseparable from the people, from the soil of this people, from its historical development.
Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov

nowhere folk song has not played and does not play such a role as in our people, nowhere has it been preserved in such richness, strength and diversity as it is with us.
Vladimir Vasilievich Stasov

Modern troubadours do not use mandolins, but car horns.
Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky

Music is the highest art in the world.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Music makes me forget myself, my true position, it takes me to some other position, not my own; under the influence of music it seems to me that I feel what I don’t really feel, that I understand what I don’t understand, that I can do what I can’t ... She, music, immediately immediately transfers me directly to that state of mind in which was the one who wrote the music. I merge with him in soul and together with him I am transferred from one state to another.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

Music is shorthand for feelings.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy

The exile of the melody is the rejection of the truthful expression of great feelings, the rejection of content, of realism.
Tikhon Nikolaevich Khrennikov

Great composers have always and above all paid attention to the melody as leading start in music. Melody is music, the main foundation of all music, since the perfect melody implies and brings to life its harmonic arrangement.
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Love and study the great art of music. It will open to you a whole world of high feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer. Thanks to music, you will find new powers unknown to you before. You will see life in new tones and colors.

Lovers and connoisseurs of music are not born, but become… To fall in love with music, one must first of all listen to it.
Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich

Melody is a thought, it is a movement, it is the soul of a piece of music.
Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich

Real music is always revolutionary, it unites people, disturbs them, calls them forward.
Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich

Real music is capable of expressing only humane feelings, only progressive humane ideas.
Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich

Music, without mentioning anything, can say everything.
Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg

It is not necessary to understand the music, but it is necessary that it be enjoyable.
Leopold Stokowski

Music is a powerful source of thought. Without musical education full mental development is impossible.

Music unites the moral, emotional and aesthetic spheres of a person. Music is the language of feelings.
Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Great music, I am convinced of this, always comes from the heart. Music created only by the application of technology is not worth the paper on which it is written.
Maurice Joseph Ravel

In music you are always punished when you lie and write out of vanity. Music can only be modest and sincere.
Romain Rolland

Music for me is the same poetry, and of all kinds of poetry, it is the most captivating.
Romain Rolland

Music is dear to us because it is the deepest expression of the soul, the harmonic echo of its joys and sorrows.
Romain Rolland

Music, like rain, drop by drop, seeps into the heart and enlivens it.
Romain Rolland

There were no eras completely unfamiliar with music.
Romain Rolland

One note does not make a melody, differences are needed. Even disagreements are needed... The beauty of a melody is born from a combination of dissimilarity.
Jean Henri Fabre

Melody is a kind of tautology, it is closed in itself, it is content with itself.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Melody is not a mixture of sounds, as all those who are not musically gifted believe.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

The unshakable position of the modern piano is based on its universal application for the home assimilation of almost all the treasures of musical literature.
Max Weber

Nothing can so excite in us, the bearers of late culture, a sense of sacred play as a musical experience.
Johan Huizinga

There is no horde in any desert that does not have songs.
Gustav Gustavovich Shpet

Just as gymnastics contributes to a certain extent to the development of physical qualities, so music is able to influence the ethical nature.

Of all the sciences and arts, music is the oldest.

Music is a source of joy wise people, it is capable of calling among the people good thoughts, it penetrates deeply into his mind and easily changes mores and customs.
Xun Tzu

Music is a science that talks about the numbers found in sounds.
Alcuin Flakk Albin

Music is the best solace for a sad person.
Martin Luther

One of the most beautiful and best gifts of God is music, which serves to drive away temptation and evil thoughts.
Martin Luther

He who does not enjoy music is created without harmony.
Josephfo Carlino

Music drowns out sadness.
William Shakespeare

Music is terrible when there is no tact or measure in it.
William Shakespeare

Music is the unconscious exercise of the soul in arithmetic.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

The purpose of music is to touch hearts.
Johann Sebastian Bach

Melody alone is the source of that invincible power possessed by inspired art.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

The music must play towards poetic work the same role that the brightness of colors plays in relation to the exact drawing.
Christoph Willibald Gluck

Music, even in the most terrible dramatic situations, must always captivate the ear, always remain music.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

The beauty of music is in the melody.
Joseph Haydn

Music with its melody brings us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity to comprehend its greatness within a few minutes.
Thomas Carlyle

Music washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul.
Berthold Auerbach

Music is the only world language, it does not need to be translated, soul speaks to soul in it.
Berthold Auerbach

Music should strike fire from people's hearts.
Ludwig van Beethoven

Music is a people's need.
Ludwig van Beethoven

Music is the mediator between the life of the mind and the life of the senses.
Ludwig van Beethoven

Music is a higher revelation than wisdom and philosophy.
Ludwig van Beethoven

Melody is the only form of music; without melody, music is unthinkable, and music and melody are inseparable.
Richard Wagner

Music cannot think, but it can embody thought.
Richard Wagner

Music is the true universal human speech.
Carl Julius Weber

What is music? It occupies a place between thought and appearance; as a pre-dawn mediator she stands between spirit and matter; related to both, it is different from them: it is a spirit in need of measured time; it is matter, but matter which dispenses with space.
Heinrich Heine

There is something magical about rhythm; he makes us believe that the sublime is ours.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The greatness of art is most clearly manifested in music.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

I always work better after listening to music.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

The secret of music is that it finds an inexhaustible source where speech falls silent.
Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann

Of all the arts, music is the most human and widespread.
Jean Paul

Music is the poetry of the air.
Jean Paul

O music! Echo of a distant harmonious world! Sigh of an angel in our soul! When the word and the embrace and the tear-filled eye fade away, when our dumb hearts are alone
languish behind the bars of our chest - oh, then only thanks to you can they send each other a response from their prisons, unite their distant moans in one desert.
Jean Paul

Dominant principle ancient music- rhythm and melody, new - harmony.
August Wilhelm Schlegel

When I listen to music, it often seems to me that the life of all people and my own essence are the dreams of some eternal spirit, and that death is an awakening.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Always play as if the artist is listening to you.
Robert Schumann

Whoever does not play with the piano does not play on it either.
Robert Schumann

Music is like drama. The queen (melody) has more power, but the decision is always with the king.
Robert Schumann

The fingers should create on the piano what the head wants - and not vice versa.
Robert Schumann

Music has more to do with the moral actions of man than is commonly thought.
Vladimir Fyodorovich Odoevsky

Don't believe that a person can understand music right away. This is impossible. You have to get used to it first.
Vladimir Fyodorovich Odoevsky

Another singer sometimes wheezes.
Kozma Prutkov

Music is the language of the soul; it is the realm of feelings and moods; it is the life of the soul expressed in sounds.
Alexander Nikolaevich Serov

Music is intelligence embodied in beautiful sounds.
Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

In an artist, there is unconditional truth not in a banal, protocol sense, but in a higher sense that opens up some unknown horizons for us, some inaccessible spheres where only music can penetrate.
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

There is dissonance greatest power music.
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Beauty in music does not lie in a heap of effects and harmonic curiosities, but in simplicity and naturalness.
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Music is a treasury into which every nationality contributes its own, for the common good.
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

The musical material, i.e. melody, harmony and rhythm, is certainly inexhaustible. Millions of years will pass, and if music in our sense still exists, then the same seven fundamental tones of our scale, in their melodic and harmonic combinations, animated by rhythm, will still serve as a source of new musical thoughts.
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

    Music is the art of rhythmic manipulation with sounds that differ in pitch, duration, timbre and intervals between them, the connections of which are subject to a certain logic of thinking, guided by emotions.

    “Musical education is not the education of a musician, but, above all, the education of a person”

Very beautiful quotes about music. Aphorisms of great people about music

Music is capable of exerting a certain influence on the ethical side of the soul; and since music has such properties, then, obviously, it should be included in the number of subjects for the education of young people.


Music is a mediator between spiritual and sensual life.

B. Arnim

When music cries, all mankind cries with it, all nature cries.

A. Bergson

Music is a higher revelation than wisdom and philosophy.

L. Beethoven

Music should strike fire from the human soul.

L. Beethoven

Music cannot think, but it can embody thought.

R. Bugner

Melody is the only form of music; without melody, music is unthinkable, and music and melody are inseparable.


The most The best music will have an unenviable fate if he trusts mediocre poetry.

R. Wagner

Music is truly a universal language.

K. Beber

Any music is coming from the heart and must again reach the heart.

G. Hauptman

I would be very sorry if my music only entertained my listeners: I aspired to make them better.

Mr Handel

Music - in best sense this word - less in need of novelty; on the contrary, the older it is, the more correct it is, the stronger its influence.

I. Goethe

The greatness of art, perhaps, is most clearly manifested in music, for it has no content to be reckoned with. She is all forms and fillings. It makes sublime and noble everything that it undertakes to express.


For many centuries, music lives in the hearts of people, makes us create, gives inspiration and helps us discover new talents. There are no less brilliant paintings and amazing poems written under the influence of music than the stars in the sky.

For each of us, music is a piece of the soul, something that cannot be described in words. But there are those who have found suitable letters and created statements that capture the essence of music with amazing clarity. Perhaps some of the thoughts of great minds will coincide with your feelings and emotions?

Sayings about the music of great composers

"Music is a people's need."
"Music is the mediator between the life of the mind and the life of the senses."
"Music is a higher revelation than wisdom and philosophy."
"Music should strike fire from people's hearts"(Ludwig van Beethoven).

"Music, even in the most terrible dramatic situations, must always captivate the ear, always remain music" (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart).

"Real music is always revolutionary, it unites people, disturbs them, calls them forward.
Real music is capable of expressing only humane feelings, only progressive humane ideas.
Music accompanies a person throughout life. It is difficult to imagine human life without music. Without the sounds of music, it would be incomplete, deaf, poor ... People need all kinds of music - from the simple tune of a flute to the sound of a huge symphony orchestra, from a simple popular song to Beethoven's sonatas.
Love and study the great art of music. It will open to you a whole world of high feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer. Thanks to music, you will find new powers unknown to you before. You will see life in new colors and colors" (Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich).

"The purpose of music is to touch hearts" (Johann Sebastian Bach).

"Musical material, that is, melody, harmony and rhythm, is certainly inexhaustible.
Music is a treasury into which every nationality contributes its own, for the common good. (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky).

"Music has no fatherland; its fatherland is the whole universe" (Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin).

"Music cannot think, but it can embody thought" (Richard Wilhelm Wagner).

“Music is the noblest, most cordial, most sincere, most charming, most subtle of all that the human spirit has invented.
Music needs words as little as sculpture." (Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein).

"Music is like a drama. The queen (melody) has more power, but the decision is always with the king" (Robert Schumann).

Sayings about the music of great philosophers

"Music inspires the whole world, provides the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination"(Plato).

"Music ennobles morals.
Music is capable of exerting a certain influence on the ethical side of the soul. (Aristotle).

"Life would be a mistake without music" (Friedrich Nietzsche).

"Music is the unconscious exercise of the soul in arithmetic" (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz) .

“Music encourages us to think eloquently.
Music shows a person the possibilities of greatness that are in his soul. (Ralph Waldo Emerson).

Sayings about the music of great Russian writers

Of the pleasures of life, music yields to one love, But love is also a melody.(Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin).

"Music is the highest art in the world."
"Music is shorthand for feelings."
"Music makes me forget myself, my true position, it takes me to some other, not my position" (Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy).

"Music is intelligence embodied in beautiful sounds" (Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev).

"Don't believe that a person can understand music right away. It's impossible. You have to get used to it first.
Music has more to do with the moral actions of a person than is usually thought.(Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky).

"Sayings about the music of great foreign writers
Where there is music, it can't be bad!" (Miguel de Cervantes).

"Music is the poetry of the air.
O music! Echo of a distant harmonious world! The sigh of an angel in our soul!" (Jean Paul Richter).

"Music is thinking noise" (Victor Marie Hugo).

"Music drowns out sadness" (William Shakespeare).

“Music for me is the same poetry, and of all kinds of poetry, it is the most captivating.
Music is dear to us because it is the deepest expression of the soul, the harmonic echo of its joys and sorrows.
Music, like rain, drop by drop seeps into the heart and enlivens it" (Romain Rolland).

"Music is the only world language, it does not need to be translated, the soul speaks to the soul in it"(Berthold Auerbach).

"Music is the universal language of mankind" (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow).

"Perfect music brings the heart to exactly the same state as one experiences when enjoying the presence of a beloved being, that is, music gives, undoubtedly, the brightest happiness that is possible on earth" (Stendhal).

"The field of music is emotional unrest. The purpose of music is to excite these unrest, and she herself is also inspired by them" (George Sand).

"Music is the language of the soul and the melody of gentle breezes that vibrate the strings of feelings; it is thin fingers resurrecting on the pages of fantasy memories of hours of genuine sorrow and despair, or of brief moments of true joy and fun" (Khalil Gibran).

"Nothing evokes the past with such force as music; it achieves more: when it evokes it, it seems as if it itself passes before us, shrouded, like the shadows of those who are dear to us, with a mysterious and sad cover" (Germaine de Stael).

"Music with its melody brings us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity for a few minutes to comprehend its greatness" (Thomas Carlyle).

"Sayings about the music of other famous personalities
Music is the true universal human speech" (Carl Julius Weber).

"Music is a powerful source of thought. Without musical education, full-fledged mental development is impossible.
Music unites the moral, emotional and aesthetic spheres of a person. Music is the language of feelings (Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky).

"All art strives to become music" (Walter Horace Pater).

"Music is an acoustic composition that arouses in us an appetite for life, as well-known pharmaceutical compositions arouse an appetite for food" (Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky).

"Music, like any other human language, must be inseparable from the people, from the soil of this people, with its historical development" (Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov).

"Music is not only an ennobling, educational factor. Music is a healer of health"(Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev).

Of course, much more beautiful things have been said about music. May be. Have we missed your favorite quote or do you have something to say yourself? Team music school"Virtuosi" is looking forward to your own statements with trepidation, and will also be grateful for valuable additions on the topic "Great minds - about music"!
Although ... "Talking about music is like dancing about architecture," said American musician David Byrne.

Music is the mind embodied in beautiful sounds. (Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev)

Music mediator between the life of the mind and the life of the senses. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Music- source of joy for wise people. (Xun Tzu)

Music is a revelation higher than wisdom and philosophy. (Ludwig Beethoven)

Music- the only world language, it does not need to be translated, the soul speaks to the soul in it. (Berthold Averbakh)

Music- the need of the people. (Ludwig Beethoven)

The greatness of art is most clearly seen in Music. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

When we perceive with the ear rhythm And melody, we change mental mood. (Aristotle)

Music is a kind of art that embodies the ideological and emotional content in sound artistic images.

Music is an art whose subject is sound that changes over time.

Music needs words as little as sculpture. (Anton Rubinstein)

In order to better understand what kind music impact on people, I suggest you read the statements about the music of great people.

Aphorisms, quotes and sayings about music

« Love and study the great art of music. It will open to you a whole world of high feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer. Thanks to music, you will find new powers unknown to you before. You will see life in new colors and colors." Shostakovich D.

« Music is a powerful source of thought. Without musical education, it is impossible to have a full-fledged mental development ." Sukhomlinsky V.

« Music cannot think, but it can embody thought.." Wagner R.

« Music is not only an ennobling and educational factor. Music is a health healer." Bekhterev V.

« Music is a source of joy for wise people, it is able to evoke good thoughts in the people, it penetrates deeply into their consciousness and easily changes mores and customs.." xunzi

« Music, with its melody, brings us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity to comprehend its greatness within a few minutes.." Carlyle T.

« Fresh music - refreshes the mood

« Music is brain ointment." Agatsarsky G.

« Music is the mediator between the life of the mind and the life of the senses. Music is a higher revelation than wisdom and philosophy.» Beethoven L.

« Music drowns out sadness." Shakespeare W.

« The field of music is spiritual unrest. The purpose of music is to excite these emotions, and she herself is also inspired by them.." George Sand

« Music is the mind embodied in beautiful sounds." Turgenev I.

« Music is an acoustic composition that arouses in us an appetite for life, just as well-known pharmaceutical compositions arouse an appetite for food.» Klyuchevsky V.

« Great composers have always and above all paid attention to melody as the leading principle in music. Melody is music, the main foundation of all music, since perfect melody implies and brings to life its harmonious arrangement.." Chekhov A.

« Music, like rain, seeps into the heart drop by drop and revives it.." Rollan R.

« Music is capable of exerting a certain influence on the ethical side of the soul; and since music has such properties, then, obviously, it should be included in the number of subjects for the education of young people." Aristotle

« Music is the unconscious exercise of the soul in arithmetic." Leibniz G.

« Music inspires the whole world, furnishes the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination; music gives life and fun to everything that exists, makes a person happy ... It can be called the embodiment of everything beautiful and everything sublime." Plato

« Music encourages us to think eloquently. Music shows a person the possibilities of greatness that are in his soul.." Emerson W.

« Music is the best solace for a sad person.» Luther M.

« Bach almost makes me believe in God." Fry R.

« God gave us music so that we, first of all, would be drawn upward by it....» Nietzsche F.


« Talking about music is like dancing about architecture." Martin S.

« Music is something worth having ears for

« Music is not Bach, and not Beethoven, but a can opener for opening the soul.» Miller G.

« Music unites. Unless it's an anthem." Karpov I.

« Living without music is like breathing without air

« About music you need to write notes." Pashkovsky B.

Of course, there are many more quotes about music than you see in this article. Maybe I missed your favorite saying about music Or do you have something to say yourself?

Read also " Sayings of the great successful people about imagination».

The secret of music is that it finds an inexhaustible source where speech falls silent.

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann

Music, like rain, drop by drop, seeps into the heart and enlivens it.

Romain Rolland

Music is a powerful source of thought. Without musical education, full-fledged mental development is impossible.

Music unites the moral, emotional and aesthetic spheres of a person. Music is the language of feelings.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Music is intelligence embodied in beautiful sounds.

I.S. Turgenev

Music has more to do with the moral actions of man than is commonly thought.

V.F. Odoevsky

Music washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul.

Music is the only world language, it does not need to be translated, soul speaks to soul in it.


F. Chopin

Music cannot think, but it can embody thought.

R. Wagner

Real music is capable of expressing only humane feelings, only progressive humane ideas.

Love and study the great art of music. It will open to you a whole world of high feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer. Thanks to music, you will find new powers unknown to you before. You will see life in new tones and colors.

“Love and study the great art of music. It will open to you a whole world of high feelings, passions, thoughts. It will make you spiritually richer. Thanks to music, you will find new powers unknown to you before. You will see life in new tones and colors.

D. Shostakovich

O music! Echo of a distant harmonious world! Sigh of an angel in our soul!

J.P. Richter

“Music is the mediator between the life of the mind and the life of the senses. Music is a higher revelation than wisdom and philosophy."

Music should strike fire from people's hearts.

L. Beethoven

“Music inspires the whole world, supplies the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination; music gives life and fun to everything that exists, makes a person happy ... It can be called the embodiment of everything beautiful and everything sublime.”

Music inspires the whole world, provides the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination...


Music not only gives us pleasure. She teaches a lot. She, like a book, makes us better, smarter, kinder.

D.B. Kabalevsky

Music is the noblest, most cordial, most sincere, most charming, most subtle of all that the human spirit has invented.

A.G. Rubinstein

Music is the universal language of mankind.

G. Longfellow

Music alone is the language of the world and does not need translation, for it speaks to the soul.


Music has no fatherland; her homeland is the whole universe.

F. Chopin

What is music? It occupies a place between thought and appearance; like a pre-dawn mediator, she stands between spirit and matter; related to both, it is different from them; this is a spirit in need of measured time; it is matter, but matter which dispenses with space.

G. Heine

Music is shorthandfeelings.

L.N. Tolstoy

Music shows a person the possibilities of greatness that are in his soul.

W. Emerson

Of all the arts, music is the most human and widespread.

Jean Paul
