Izhevsk woman from the program “Wife Exchange” told the truth about the scandalous show. Izhevsk woman from the program “Wife Exchange” told the truth about the scandalous show I change my wife the most interesting episodes

IN Lately Izhevsk residents often become the heroes of certain programs. Recently, for example, on TV channel Yu there was a program “Wife Exchange” with the participation of the Efremov family from Izhevsk.

Whatever they showed! And that the young spouses (Elena and Serezha Efremov are 19 years old. - Ed.) cheat on each other, that Elena does not know how to cook so much that she cooks dumplings in soda ... Especially for IZHLIFE, the Izhevsk resident told how everything really happened.

Vareniki with cola ate operators

Elena applied for the “Wife Exchange” herself. This is not the first time the Izhevsk woman has participated in various shows, she has completed three Comedy Battle tours in Kazan and filmed on local television. Elena hoped that this show would help her family deal with the problems. And there are so many problems that they impressed the battered editor of the show. The family passed the casting, and filming began.

"Partners" in the filming was a family from Moscow. Elena left for the capital for 6 days, during which time she became Damir's wife. Relations on the first day did not work out.

It was an absolute reality show! No scripts, no warnings. On that first day, Damir came, threw dumplings on the table and ordered to cook him something to eat. I “automatically” threw salt into a pot of water. And the dumplings were with jam! Elena continues. - I decided that I would fight with a rude husband with rudeness and ... added soda to the water with dumplings! Damir did not touch the dumplings, but the operators ate them with pleasure.

Elena and Sergey received 50 thousand rubles for shooting in the program

Went online when gas exploded in a house on Udmurtskaya

Elena had no more quarrels with her "husband" Damir, the guys even became friends. But the film crew added “sharpness”: the Izhevsk woman was forbidden to communicate with Damir without cameras, the conversation about betrayals was twisted as if Elena considers them normal. By the way, the girl's phone was taken away, she was forbidden to go online.

- Once I went online. It was November 9, when gas exploded in the house on Udmurtskaya. I was very worried about my relatives, because they live very close! But I was lucky: the editor, who was supposed to live with me, went home, but forgot to turn off the Internet. I contacted my relatives from the editor's profile and found out how they are. It was impossible to enter from my place - they carefully followed me, - Elena continues.

In reality, the young family has even more problems: Seryozha did not disdain to raise his hand to his young wife - the girl filed a complaint against him with the police, and he also had problems with drugs

The next incident was not long in coming. The audience was struck by the episode in which Elena brings strangers from the street to the apartment of the Moscow "husband". But, according to the Izhevsk woman, this was a setup.

- They gave me a script, what to say, where to go, who to bring to the apartment. But when Damir saw these guys, he got furious, threw a folder at me and hit me in the face. I was very scared, - says Elena. – It turns out that Damir was in the know! He was simply told to play the "evil uncle", and the guys who came to his apartment are regularly filmed in all sorts of projects. Damir then apologized for a long time that a folder flew to me.

In the same episode, they emphasized that Damir has a birthday, editor Elena confirmed this. And the girl was really embarrassed. Only after the apology of the Izhevsk woman Damir laughed: his birthday had long passed, it was only necessary for filming.

Forced to draw a "change counter"

Meanwhile, in Izhevsk, in place of Elena, there was a Muscovite Marina. She found mutual language with Sergei, with the daughter of Izhevsk citizens Sonechka. True, she did not remain alone with the baby.

“I wasn’t afraid to leave Sonya to Marina, she was with her only in the frame,” says Elena. - And the husband did not go anywhere for a walk for the whole day: they only filmed how he leaves and how he returns. All this time he was at home with the child. But when I'm at home, he could leave not only for a day, but for a month! I started cheating long before my pregnancy, but when I was expecting Sonya, it turned into an affair on the side. She gave me money and took me to work. And he ran around the girls and bought them flowers with this money. And the most disgusting thing: almost all of these girls were my girlfriends.

Elena studied at Tchaikovsky in music school in the acting department. Her mother sent her there after Sonya was born. But Elena could not live apart from her daughter, and the teacher was unlucky Photo: archive of the heroine of the material

By the way, the editors of the program asked to draw the same “counter of betrayals” (a sheet with the number of betrayals of Elena and Sergey) themselves. The people of Izhevsk themselves, of course, do not have it. By the way, there will be no "Tea" that Sergey allegedly decided to open following the results of the program.

This transfer only made things worse. Seryozha was “patted on the head”, they say, “his wife and mother-in-law are eating”. And he decided that he could continue to lie on the couch, - Elena shared. No matter how much I asked him what he was interested in, what he wanted, I did not achieve anything. He will say that he “likes bloggers”, we will buy him a camera, he will take pictures of the day and lie down again. And so every time!

Now Elena is determined: the girl is soon going to move to Moscow, where her mother now lives. She had already quit her job and found herself a new one in the capital. So the program changed the life of Izhevsk residents. Elena hopes for the best.

They do not know what awaits them, but they are ready to take the risk. The heroines of the reality show will have to pack up and go to the road. But they will change not only the city, but also the family. Already at the end of February, we will be able to watch the project Wife Exchange - Russian Season in Yu, the participants of which will try to become their own for other people's husbands and children. Where will their participation in this adventurous show take them, Volgograd, Moscow, Yekaterinburg or Krasnodar? They learn about it on the road.

To dare such a bold experiment, it is necessary to have not only courage, but a thirst for new sensations. And there is no doubt they will get them! Exactly for a week they will have to change their place of residence and settle in a completely foreign family. In the best scenario, there will be a dad and his children. But there may be more severe cases when other relatives will be attached to them. How will they perceive the appearance of a temporary wife and mother? Can they get along? No one knows about this, everything will become clear only after meeting.

According to the rules of the reality show "Wife Exchange", Russian version, the heroine, leaving native home, leaves a certain code of conduct for its successor. For the first three days, she is obliged to strictly observe it, without making any changes in the life of the household. However, further, she is given complete freedom of action. The creators of the program are confident that this restriction will help participants to more painlessly survive the changes.

Each release of the project is a fascinating journey into an unusual and at first alien world that lives by its own laws. Perhaps only by exchanging wives, men will understand what is needed, to appreciate what you have. Although the opposite is not excluded.

The idea of ​​the transfer is not original. It was published with great success in more than twenty countries, including Ukraine. Now it is the turn of Russia and Russian girls to exchange experiences. And they have always been distinguished by courage and fearlessness. We will soon see what they will do on the Yu channel, the first episode will be aired very soon. Don't miss this exciting premiere!

Watch online project Wife Exchange Russian season on Yu in good HD quality

Genre: reality show
Country Russia
original name: Wife Swap

Number of issues: 18
Video available on: YouTube, Android, Tablets, Phones, iPhone and Smart TV

Recently started 14 talk show season“I change a woman” on the Ukrainian TV channel 1 + 1, which attracted the attention of a huge number of viewers. Each show focuses on two families whose women are to switch for two weeks. At first new mom lives and obeys all the rules of her "family", and after a while begins to change her tactics - now her task is to force her new husband and children to live in the house as she says, that is, to subjugate herself. It is clear that members react to unexpected changes quite sharply and unfriendly, which is what talk show "Minyayu zhinku".

To date, the number of participants includes more than a hundred families who arrived not only from different cities of Ukraine to try their hand, but even from other countries. You can watch the program on air on Wednesdays at 22:00 on 1+1 TV channel.

Participants are judged by:

  • the most famous Ukrainian duet of Potap and Nastya Kamensky;
  • popular singer and actress Vera Brezhneva;
  • Julius Zilberman (vice-rector of the Kyiv University of Arts).

Interesting facts about the show "Minyaya Zhinku":

  • more than a third of all families who were directly involved in the filming of the broadcasts of the TV show began to communicate after them and today maintain warm friendly relations with each other;
  • women who change their families are completely merged into new life, however, they do not have any sexual relations with "strange men" - she receives a separate room with a separate bed for the entire period of her stay;
  • for all the past seasons, several hundred families from different cities of Ukraine and even from neighboring countries took part in the filming;
  • together with the woman, the editor of the program moves into the apartment, who carefully monitors her behavior so that she adheres to and observes all the rules of the talk show;
  • the house with the family, which is broadcast in the program "Wife Exchange", is always under surveillance.

The new 14th season of the show "Minyayau Zhinku" started in 2018!

In the new fourteenth season, the project team set itself the task of expanding the territorial boundaries of the show. In addition to participants from Ukraine, to establish family relationships there will be couples from countries such as Germany, France, Ireland, Slovenia and others. According to the stories of the creators, one couple even had to make an intercontinental flight. Ukrainian mothers and wives will have to leave their comfort zone and meet with unknown world to find the keys to bringing order to their own families.
