Angel days in April for men. What is the name of a boy born in April? What does the church calendar tell us?

Even the Slavs, before naming the baby, consulted with the priest, who chose the name of the child in accordance with the day of the guardian angel. It was believed that if you call a newborn that way, then the baby will be protected throughout his life, as if he was rewarded with strength with his help. What are the appropriate names for a girl born in April? We will find out in the article.

Names for gentle April ladies

There is a belief that girls who appear in the fourth month of the year are more defenseless in our world. Therefore, moms and dads are advised to choose a name that can protect the baby from the sharp turns of life, which has a strong energy. What is the best name for a girl born in April?

1-20. First half of April

The beginning of the fourth month is under the sign of Aries. These are energetic and active girls who love attention. Here are the names for girls born in early April:

  • April 1: Maria, Daria, Ilaria, Matryona, Sofia.
  • April 2: Alexandra, Theodosia, Claudia, Julia, Svetlana, Olesya, Ulyana.
  • April 4: Polina, Aglaida, Taisia.
  • April 5: Maria, Lydia, Varvara, Anastasia.
  • April 8: Anna, Alla, Larisa.
  • April 9-10: Maria, Marina.
  • April 13: Miroslava.
  • April 14: Maria.
  • April 16: Feodosia.
  • April 17: Maria.
  • April 18: Theodora.
  • April 20: Evdokia.

From this list, it seems as if the author mixed up something, but no. You ask: “Where did April 3, 5-7, 11-12, 15, 19 go?” The fact is that Orthodox calendars do not allow any female names on these dates. This does not mean that mommy has to endure until a certain day when you can choose a name. Just use any other April name.

end of the month

The second half was thoroughly occupied by Taurus - in April, May. Names of girls born at this time:

  • April 25: Athanasius.
  • April 26: Alina, Martha.
  • April 28: Vasilisa, Anna.
  • April 29: Martha, Maria, Aglaida or Aglaya, Susanna, Anastasia, Victoria, Irina, Galina, Tamara, Arina, Nika, Karina.

6 days out of 10 according to the church calendar remained without a name. But on April 29 there are so many of them that two names are enough for each day of these six.

Meaning of names

  • Most often in the list you can meet Mary - 6 times. Let's move on to meaning and origin. The name is in demand, found in many European countries and on many pages of history, but the interpretation is not always happy, because of this, some families think for a very long time before giving it. Mary was mentioned in the Old Testament. Meanings: "sad", "rejected", "bitter" and "lady".
  • Daria. If you look in the top 10 popular female names, you will definitely stumble upon Daria. Spring, sounding, how even better to name a child? Before the adoption of Christianity, this name was not even heard of in Rus', but in Orthodoxy it was very revered. Interpretation: “endowed with good”, “winner”.
  • Ilaria. Extraordinary, beautiful and unique - these are the words that characterize it. By affiliation - Latin, by nature of the name - ancient Greek. Translation: "cheerful", "joyful".
  • Matryona. Or as they call it, Matrona. It comes from the Latin word, which translates as "lady."
  • Sofia. Popular Greek name. In England and France, a derivative interpretation of Sophia and Sophia - Sophie - is among the ten most popular names. Meaning: "reasonableness", "wisdom".
  • Alexandra. An unpopular and unfamiliar Greek name before the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Interpretation: "protecting humanity."
  • Claudia. Enough rare name With incredible story: comes from part of the full name of Rome - Claudius, which means "lame" in translation. However, Claudia is not “lame” at all, but “revered”. After all, this name comes from the name of the most revered god Vulcan.
  • Julia. so springy and tender name Julia. It is interpreted as "fluffy", "wavy".
  • Svetlana. Name Slavic origin. Means "light", "pure".
  • Olesya. One of the options about the origin of the name is the ancient and long-forgotten Lesyan. Means "forest girl".
  • Theodosius. The history of the name goes deep into Ancient Greece. Means "given by God".
  • Pauline. Based on the first version, the name Polina can be interpreted as "baby", "small" in Latin. If we adhere to the second judgment, Polina is a derivative form from Appolinaria ("sunny").
  • Aglaida. An unpopular name these days. It translates as "magnificent", "shiny".
  • Taisiya. A Greek name that has been used since Antiquity. Interpretation: “belonging to the goddess Isis”, “fertile”.
  • Lydia. popular name in the last century. Meaning: "Inhabitant of Lydia".
  • Barbara. If you translate it into a European way, then you get Barbara, and in abbreviation - Barbie. Translation: "foreigner".
  • Anastasia. Nastenka - by no means Slavic name, it came with the baptism of Rus' from Greece. Interpretation: "resurrected to life."
  • Anna. It was used by the ancient Jews. Meaning: "favor".
  • Allah. No matter how funny it may sound, no one knows where it came from, but there are as many as 7 versions of the origin! Interpretation: "master of all trades."
  • Larisa. The Greek name of one of the granddaughters of the king of the seas and oceans, Poseidon. Translation: "seagull".
  • Marina. Comes from Greece, can be found as the name of the goddess Venus. Meaning: "marine".
  • Miroslav. That infrequent case when the name of the Slavs is still used. Interpretation: "glorified by peacefulness."
  • Theodora. Top 10 in Serbia, but not in Russia. Meaning: "God's gift"
  • Athanasius. Over the past few years, this Greek name has not been recorded. Translation: "immortal".
  • Vasilisa. The name allows the spelling of a double consonant S. Means: "ruler's wife", "queen".

Choosing a name, you choose the fate of your child, choose what character and attitude he will have towards the world. Review all the names of girls born in April, their meaning and origin. Then just make a choice.

Names of girls born in April according to the church calendar

Saints are an indispensable assistant in this difficult choice. Every day, according to the church calendar, they pay tribute to the memory and honor of the holy righteous and the righteous, so you can always turn to him. What church names girls born in April? Anatolia, Domna, Melania, Praskovya and all those listed above.

April zodiac signs

Choice by zodiac sign is not the best the best option but if you don't trust Orthodox calendar, here is a list of names for April signs. April is under Aries and Taurus, the names Lara, Sasha, Dasha, Galya, Maya, Elya, Rimma, Lida, Inna will suit them.

Often the parents of the baby try to give him them, which has a certain meaning. First of all, they are guided by the church calendar. And they name the child depending on the name day of which saint his birthday is close to.

Like - don't like

It is this principle that works in the first place when moms and dads decide what to name a boy born in April (or any other month). Compatibility with a patronymic, euphony, originality - everything is taken into account, taken into account, weighed. If they are believers, churchgoers, true Christians, then they act differently. The date of birth of the baby coincides with the memorial day of which spiritual person, and they name him in honor of her. For example, what is the name of a boy born in April? Consider several options: Innokenty, Ivan, Sergey, Victor, Nikita, whose name day falls on the first days of the month. Especially the Orthodox Church holds solemn services in honor of John of the Ladder, the first saint in Christianity. He is also deeply revered in Catholicism. This wise philosopher and theologian was hegumen in the Zion monastery. In his writings, he substantiated 30 steps in the development of the spirit, pointed out the need to lead an ascetic lifestyle. He was endowed with the gift of healing, healed many hopelessly sick people.

Seraphim and Vasily

How to name a boy born in April, namely from the 3rd to the 6th? In the Saints these days, the Monk Seraphim of Vyritsky is commemorated, who was sacredly devoted to the ideals of Christianity, was known as a man of deep faith, God-fearing, and was also a renowned healer. As the legends say, he delivered from deafness and blindness. Nikon, Isaac (Isaac), Zakhara are also noted. Parents who have not yet decided what to name a boy born in April have plenty to choose from. Although, of course, many names are now outdated, little used and unfashionable. But, perhaps, such as Artyom, Peter, Yakov, Stepan will also come up.

From Tikhon to Panteleimon

Continuing to list the possible names of the boys who were born in April, it is worth paying attention to such dates. On the 7th, on the Annunciation, the church commemorates Saints Tikhon and Savva. April 8 is celebrated important holiday in honor of one of the main helpers of the Lord in His struggle with Satan. In addition, the name day of St. Basil the New, who heals diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract, falls on the same date. Even his relics are miraculous. On April 9, Ivanov's name day falls, on April 10 - at Illarionov and Stefanov (Stepanov). And on the 11th they remember Saints Mark and Cyril, on the 12th - Panteleimon. The first is the author of one of the Gospels, and the second has become a symbol of healing, bearing the high title of Healer.

Mid - end of April

The second half of April is also rich in significant dates and the 13th will not be fatal for the baby if the parents give him the name of Innokenty or Benjamin. The child will find in the person of these saints strong patrons, helpers in various undertakings and serious matters. On April 14, Makar and Efim celebrate the name day, on the 15th - Titus and Polycarp. On April 16, all Orthodoxy holds prayers associated with the icon of the Mother of God " Fadeless color”, the patroness of the family hearth, harmonious marital relations. Then Theodosius and Nikita are honored. As you noticed, some male names of April are repeated from date to date. This is due to the veneration of various saints. The sons who were born on the 17th are called Egor, Yuri, George, Joseph. Born on the 18th - Platons, Fedors, Samsons. April 20 is especially significant, when they commemorate the Monk Daniel, called Pereyaslavsky. He was a true defender of the homeless, gave the last to the poor, healed the weak, giving himself entirely to the service of God and people. The relics of the saint, icons with his image have enormous healing power. Also on this day, the name day of Georgiev is celebrated. On 21 fall the honoring of the Monk Rodion, on 22 - the Blessed Vadim. And parents will not be mistaken in calling their son one of these names. Rich in birthdays on the 23rd - there are as many as 5 of them. These are Terenty and Grigory, Maxim and Fedor, as well as Alexander. On April 24-25, there are also several revered saints in the Saints: Peter, Antip, Jacob, Prokhor, Ivan. And at the very end of the month, newborns are invited to call Andrian, Semyon, Leonid, Andrey, Viktor.

Specialists of various kinds, whether they are psychologists or astrologers, believe that the name largely determines a person. Therefore, this matter must be taken seriously. How would parents like to see their baby, who was born in April, in the future - stubborn, selfish, or, conversely, accommodating and gentle? All these features can determine the name of a boy born in April.

Selection rules

The characters of the April boys, according to astrologers, largely depend on what day of the month the child was born. There are two signs of the zodiac in April: most of the month "belongs", the end of April - Taurus.

Temperamental, with pronounced leadership qualities, babies are born in the first decade of the month. Is it desirable to develop these qualities in a child? Then it is worth stopping at sonorous names with strong energy.

The middle of the month suggests the birth of creative and emotional natures. And they should pick up outstanding names, maybe even somewhat unusual ones: Alan, Aristarchus, Ephraim, Mark, Nestor.

Aprils at the end of the month can eventually show their love of freedom and even some aggressiveness. They must be "softened" with the appropriate name.

What is the best name for "April"?

The “strong”, masculine, names that can add self-confidence to those who wear them include such as Artem, Gleb, Grigory, Dmitry, Yegor, Ilya, Kirill, Lev, Peter.

The meanings of these names speak for themselves. So, one of the translations of the name Artem from Greek sounds like “unharmed, having impeccable health”, and Kirill is “little gentleman”, “barchuk”. One of the meanings of the name Gleb sounds like "the favorite of the gods", "under the protection of the gods."

Anyway, before choosing, it would be wise to ask what it means.

It is not recommended to call boys born in April with names from which it is easy to form a female form: Julian - Juliana, Valentin - Valentina. And everything is explained simply: while they are small, those around them will call them Yulechki-Valechki, Yulia and Valka, and try to figure out who they are turning to - a girl or a boy.

Oddly enough, this moment can be negatively imprinted on the emerging character of the boy- it will inevitably show girlish features.

The same applies to names that even sound soft, such as Vitaly, Savely, Tikhon.

The names of some of the famous and successful people, with an interesting fate can be noted in April? Boris - an associate of Tsar Peter Count Sheremetev; Nikolai is both the classic writer Gogol and the great traveler Przhevalsky; - Russian designer of small arms Mosin; Stepan - Russian Admiral Voevodsky. You can aim to search suitable name in this direction.

church calendar

Many modern parents turn to the old tradition of naming their babies after saints glorified in Orthodox Church , whose names are sealed in the holy calendar.

Most often they dwell on the name of the saint on whose day of veneration a child was born. This is the most common way. It happens that female saints are venerated on this day. Parents may also not like the "translation" of the name of this or that righteous man. Then you can consider the names that fall on the eighth or fortieth day from the birth of the boy.

It often happens that the same names fall on different days of the month.. To make it easier to navigate among the names proposed in April, we present a kind of Christmas time:

If you set out to reveal the secret of the name, it's easy to do. And based on the information received, it is easier to call the baby the most suitable for him, from a parental point of view, or the most “winning”.
