Katya Gordon biography. Katya Gordon: biography of the scandalous media diva

Katya Gordon - Russian journalist and TV presenter, songwriter, public figure. Katya Gordon realized herself in many areas. She became the author of the song “Take Paradise”, which received the Golden Gramophone Award in 2013, released a number of books and was remembered by the audience as a TV presenter of a dozen programs on various channels.

Ekaterina was born in Moscow in 1980. Parents took their daughter to a humanitarian school, where Katya, having barely learned grammar, tried to justify the name of the educational institution. She wrote stories and poems that are still remembered at school today. As a teenager, the young "writer" tried herself in a new capacity - the director of puppet shows.

In high school, Ekaterina Prokofieva studied at an economic school arranged specifically for high school students at the International University.

Katya was noted as the best student and was even offered a grant for further education at the Faculty of Economics. But she had other plans. The girl became interested in psychology and entered the corresponding faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical University.

In 2002, Katya Gordon received a red diploma from this university. True, she was in no hurry to work in her specialty. After all, at that time she had a new hobby - cinema. Catherine entered the Higher Directing Courses, where she studied with herself. In his workshop, she was one of the brightest students.


Katya Gordon's graduation film - the short film "The Sea Worries Once" - was rejected by the artistic council. But not because the presented work was weak in terms of skill, but because it supposedly had a "mocking overtones." But Katya's short film nevertheless received recognition: in 2005, at international film festival"New cinema. 21st century ”the director of the tape was awarded the Grand Prix.

All rich biography Kati Gordon demonstrates that she is a multifaceted and versatile person. The girl managed to work as a TV presenter and actress in the Gloomy Morning program, which aired on the M1 channel. She also appeared on TVC as the host of the Vremechko program. Gordon gained experience working on radio when she was the host of the Diagnosis column on Silver Rain. Here Katya came in handy with her knowledge of psychology, because she offered her famous guests to answer psychological tests and promptly diagnosed them. It turned out to be very entertaining.

The popularity of Katya Gordon as a radio host grew. This can be judged by the number of programs that she hosted on the radio "Mayak" and "Moscow Speaks". Here the girl showed off her creativity, coming up with slogans for her programs.

On Channel One, viewers saw Katya Gordon in the City Slickers project. The girl was one of the participants in the TV show. Later, Catherine was entrusted with the project "The Other Side of the Legend" on the Zvezda TV channel.

The talented and versatile Catherine made her own contribution to literature. Gordon is the author of two works called "States" and "Finished". The last "work" is quite often downloaded by lovers of reading something "sharp". Gordon is the author of the play "Is the President's Wife Happy?" and three stories. Ekaterina also wrote a vivid utopian novel “Kill the Internet!!!”.

In children's and youth Katya Gordon attended music school where she learned to play the piano. special success she didn't have it here, but musical education came in handy in 2009. Gordon created the Blond Rock group, whose members sing in the style of pop rock. IN next year the team presented to fans own creativity debut album, calling it "Love and Freedom". The words and music of the compositions belong to Gordon.

In 2016, Katya Gordon became a participant in the 5th season popular show"Voice", hitting the team.

Katya is also known as a blogger and even created the first trade union of bloggers in the country. The bright appearance of the media star was also noticed: Katya Gordon, according to Time Out, was included in the list of 50 most beautiful Muscovites.

To fully show how versatile our heroine is, you need to remember that she has a trip to Antarctica, a diploma of an English translator and the ability to dance. And in 2013, Gordon opened the Saferoom law firm, which specializes in solving not only legal, but also psychological problems.

Subsequently, on the basis of this agency, the firm "Agency for Optimal Legal Solutions" appeared, which, after the birth of her second son, Gordon renamed the firm "Gordon and Sons". You can contact Ekaterina Gordon for help on the official website of the company.

Personal life

Her current surname, under which she became successful and famous person, Katya acquired after a 6-year marriage with a TV presenter, who at one time was Catherine's teacher. The couple's divorce was without scandals and litigation.

The second and third husband of Catherine was a famous lawyer. Katya Gordon's personal life with him was like a roller coaster, where a rapid rise alternated with an equally rapid descent. The couple got married in the summer of 2011. And less than a month later, Ekaterina was hospitalized with numerous bruises and a concussion. She accused her husband of beating her.

Then the couple found the strength to reconcile. Later, something went wrong, and Zhorin and Gordon divorced.

In 2012, the son Daniel was born. Katya was credited with an affair with popular singer, but there is no confirmation of this. In 2014, Gordon married Sergei Zhorin for the second time. It happened in April. But already in early June, the marriage was again terminated.

In April 2017, it became known that new man Katya, businessman Igor Matsanyuk, proposed to Catherine. The lovers filed an application with the registry office. In the same year, the second son Seraphim was born to the journalist.

Katya Gordon now

In 2017, Katya Gordon showed that she could work both as a lawyer and as a politician. The famous TV presenter said that as a candidate from the "Party of Good Deeds" in the upcoming 2018 elections. This news eclipsed even the news of the journalist's new novel.

The main idea of ​​the political program of the new presidential candidate was the rejection of the presidential republic in favor of a parliamentary one (which includes the abolition of the post of head of state and the reform of parliament), as well as increased attention to the problems of women and children.

A scandal soon erupted around this idea. Another popular TV presenter also put forward her own candidacy for the election. While Sobchak did not have a definite political program, and she positioned her own candidacy as an absent “against all” column, women did not conflict.

But, when Ksenia began to voice political slogans, Ekaterina Gordon saw in this a plagiarism of her own ideas and in " Instagram » detailed analysis Sobchak programs. In addition, Katya Gordon accused her colleague of diluting the opposition movement, and also that Ksenia receives money for playing the nominal role of a candidate. Gordon also suggested that Sobchak rehabilitate herself and help Ekaterina's law firm deal with the problems of the women who applied there.

Katya Gordon herself is also her decision to run for President of the Russian Federation. Detractors saw in this act a PR move by the TV presenter. Also, Gordon's radical political program caused a mixed reaction even among the woman's fans.

The TV presenter tried to attract future voters to her side different ways. Katya Gordon recorded Music clip“You know, Volodya” in the genre, as the singer herself said, “romantic trolling”, in which she suggested herself. Katya also promised the maiden name taken from her ex-husband - Prokofiev - as a sign of respect for those Russians who brought Catherine to power.

A little later, the girl put forward her candidacy in the 2018 elections.


  • 2009 - pop rock band Blondrock
  • 2013 - Agency "Saferoom"
  • 2014 - book "#poetrygordon"
  • 2015 – “Optimal Legal Solutions Agency”
  • 2016 - "Voice"
  • 2016 - "Selfie"

In today's article, you will get acquainted with Ekaterina Gordon. This woman is known for her various areas activities in which she excelled. More precisely, Katya realized herself in law, writing, directing, on television, as well as in journalism. In addition to all of the above, the journalist made a statement about the fact that she was going to act as a candidate for the presidency.

It is worth mentioning the fact that Catherine was nominated for the Golden Gramophone Award and won thanks to her song called Take Paradise.

Height, weight, age. How old is Katya Gordon

Since Catherine is pretty famous person, she has her own audience of fans who are interested in height, weight, age. How old is Katya Gordon is also a rather popular question, especially among the female part of the audience.

So, the growth of our today's heroine is 165 centimeters, with a weight of 57 kilograms. It is precisely these physical data that Katya Gordon possesses at the age of 37. Photos in her youth and now can be easily found in the public domain, and her photos from her childhood period are also available on the network. For particularly inquisitive fans who want to know as much as possible about their idol, you can reveal the sign of the singer's zodiac calendar. Her sign is Libra.

Biography of Katya Gordon

This famous person is a native of the capital Russian Federation- Moscow. On the 19th day of the autumn month of October, in 1980, a girl was born, who was christened Catherine, from this date Katya Gordon's biography started. The girl grew up in an intelligent family, her mother was a teacher of mathematical sciences at Moscow State University.

The father, in turn, has a professorship and was also engaged in teaching. When Ekaterina was at school age, her parents filed for divorce, and her mother remarried, after which the girl had to take the name of her mother's new husband, which made Katya very hard in the future.

In one of her interviews, the writer said that because of this surname, she was bullied and she was under a lot of stress. In their school years, Katya began to write poetry and prose, almost at the moment she mastered grammar. In the same place, at school, she managed to try herself as a director, when puppet shows were staged.

At this time, Ekaterina began to study at a music school, where she studied playing the piano, however, it is impossible to call her training successful, here the girl did not distinguish herself much.

Glorious days as a high school student were in a special economic school. There, young Catherine was recognized as the best in educational institution and nominated for a grant to continue her studies at the university in one of the economic specialties. Unfortunately or not, the young girl was not at all interested in this, and changed her direction towards psychology by entering the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

After graduating with honors from the university and having received a diploma of graduation, Gordon caught fire with a new passion, which became cinema. Subsequently, she passed the "Higher Director's Courses", where she also shone brighter than anyone else.

After completing the courses, Ekaterina began her career as a TV presenter. By the way, the graduation project, namely the short film “The Sea Worries Once,” was not approved, allegedly because of the bad subtext that the artistic council saw in this picture. Subsequently, this project nevertheless received recognition at the festival dedicated to cinema, and the director was awarded the Grand Prix.

After working on television, Ekaterina Gordon came to the radio, and then her knowledge in the field of psychology came in handy. The heading that the woman led turned out to be quite entertaining, and with this her popularity grew.

Katya also managed to work on the First All-Russian Channel, as a participant television show called "City Slickers". And after that, Gordon led the project on television channel named "Star".

In addition to her contribution to television, Catherine managed to bring something of her own to literature, writing books called "Finished" and "States". These works appealed to readers who were looking for something extraordinary, so to speak reading for the thrill. After that, she wrote a whole novel called "Kill the Internet."

Ekaterina's next occupation was music, she created a pop-rock group called Blond Rock. By the way, Gordon herself wrote the music and words.

Another thing that this multifaceted and bright personality became blogging. Immediately, she was noted as the founder of the first trade union of bloggers in the Russian Federation.

Katya Gordon's Personal Life

Katya Gordon's personal life began with an acquaintance with her first husband, Alexander Gordon. Due to the fact that studying with Catherine was the main occupation, she did not have time for matters of the heart, which her parents were very worried about. They decided to arrange a date for their daughter.

In the restaurant, she saw Alexander, who at that time was broadcasting a TV show that Katya was watching. She approached him, handing over a collection of her poems so that Alexander would give it to his father, after which she returned to her gentleman. After reading the collection, Alexander expressed his opinion on this matter, noting that he finds the main character similar to himself.

Then Gordon invited Katya to shoot a cinematic picture called "The Shepherd of His Cows", and after filming he made a marriage proposal to the woman. Catherine, in turn, agreed and took her husband's surname.

Katya Gordon's family

In the family in which Ekaterina was born, at first everything was fine, but as mentioned earlier, to school age her parents filed for divorce. After that, the mother ties herself in marriage for the second time.

It was decided not to share a lot of information with the public, since few people want someone to dig into their personal lives. As for what Katya Gordon's family is like, this moment, she has two children, and she herself went through three marriages. It's about about Alexander Gordon, then there was Sergey Zhorin, and for the third time there was Sergey again, but the marriage did not last even a few months.

Katya Gordon's children

Catherine tells little about her children, the eldest son was named Daniel, and the youngest Leon, but due to the request of the biological father, Katya's youngest son, he was given a different name - Seraphim.

About her children, the writer does not spread much, therefore, there is no more information on the World Wide Web. Although in her profile of a service for sharing photos and videos called Instagram, there are photos with captions reflecting Catherine's thoughts on this matter. However, the children of Katya Gordon, as for any mother, are a matter of pride.

By the way, Katya had a “caesarean section” during childbirth.

Son of Katya Gordon - Seraphim

A year ago, the youngest son of a famous woman saw the light, and this event happened at the end of winter, when Catherine began to have contractions, at that moment she was just walking along the streets of the city.

Sitting in the car, the woman went to the nearest maternity ward. There were births, but they went quite easily. When Katya Gordon gave birth to her second child, a boy weighing just over three and a half kilograms was born. At first, the boy was named Leon, but later the youngest son of Katya Gordon, Seraphim, was named. It happened because the boy's biological father asked to do it.

Former Husband of Katya Gordon - Alexander Gordon

The first person with whom the writer linked her life was Katya Gordon's ex-husband, Alexander Gordon. At that time, he worked on television and broadcast intellectual content. As mentioned earlier, they met in a rather funny way, chance meeting became fateful.

In marriage, Alexander and Catherine lived for six years, after which the couple terminated the marriage bond. At the same time, the divorce process went quite calmly and without fuss and litigation. By the way, after reading the collection of Catherine, the man said that her works are not professional, but very subtle.

Former Husband of Katya Gordon - Sergey Zhorin

After the writer divorced her first husband, a new man appeared on the horizon. Ex-husband Kati Gordon - Sergey Zhorin is a very famous lawyer who is approached by a large number of celebrities. From the moment they met, less than a month had passed, when Catherine again went down the aisle. However, happiness did not last long, after a few months, the newly-made husband raised his hand to the writer. The consequences were extremely severe, given the fact that Katya was pregnant.

Sergei officially apologized to his wife publicly, but Catherine was unable to improve relations and broke up with him, although she forgave him.

Quite interesting is the fact that Catherine has candid photos. But there’s no way to find candid photos of Katya Gordon in Maxim magazine, due to the fact that the woman was filming for a completely different magazine. The name of this magazine is Playboy.

This photo shoot has a rather interesting idea and it is directly related to her writing activities, despite the fact that the woman there is completely naked. Also, in the vastness of the network you can meet Catherine in a swimsuit, to be more precise, such photos appear, mainly on Instagram.

Instagram and Wikipedia Katya Gordon

Ekaterina has established herself in front of the public as a multifaceted, extraordinary and bright personality, whose news is definitely worth following. A woman very carefully monitors her media coverage, and also never ceases to amaze us with her photos and videos. Speaking of whether there is at all and what it is, Instagram and Wikipedia Katya Gordon.

Since Catherine is a rather extraordinary person, she already has a personal web page in the Wikipedia free encyclopedia, which contains all the detailed information.

The woman also has her own personal Instagram account, which she maintains personally. In her profile, you can find quite different content, which displays the family, children, work process, and in addition to everything, leisure, but in general, a picture that is pleasing to the eye is formed. The article was found by alabanza.ru

Katya Gordon - famous TV presenter, a talented journalist, an aspiring singer, born on 10/19/1980, a native Muscovite.


The girl was born into a very intelligent professorial family. Both of her parents were university teachers: her mother is a mathematician, her father is a philologist. But they divorced when Katya was still a preschooler. Soon the mother remarried, and the stepfather decided to adopt Katya. So she got the surname Podlipchuk, which became the reason for children's teasing at school.

In childhood

But that was Katya's only problem with her classmates. She grew up as a very lively and sociable girl, who early showed bright artistic abilities. Katya loved everything connected with the stage - singing, dancing, miniatures and performances. Moreover, still in primary school she began to compose short stories and poetry.

IN high school Katya got carried away puppet theater. She wrote scripts and independently staged entire performances with other students. In parallel, the girl managed to study at a music school, where she mastered the piano. In high school, at the insistence of her mother, she attended an economic course at Moscow State University.

The teachers quickly appreciated the girl's talents and after graduation they were ready to accept her to the university without exams. But by that time, Katya realized that boring economic specialties were not for her. Now psychology has become her new hobby, and she entered to study for this specialty.


Psychology Katino education was not limited. By the time she graduated from university, she had already tried writing scripts for films, and now she really wanted to try directing them. She understood that without knowing the basics of directing, it is impossible to make a high-quality movie and went after them to scriptwriting courses.

She got into the workshop of the master Russian cinema Peter Todorovsky, and he considered her one of the most talented students. Under his leadership, Katya shot her debut short film"The sea is worried" main character which was a young journalist who filmed a report on military events based on the stories of veterans.

Naturally, Katya reflected in the film the negative aspects of the war and how much it breaks human psyche. This was the reason that the picture was banned for mass display, and Katya's directorial work was not credited.

Even the support of Todorovsky did not allow her to receive a diploma. But many years later, the picture got the main prize at international festival"New Cinema".

Katya managed to realize herself as a writer. As a teenager, she published an author's collection of poems. She received funds for the publication as a prize as a winner literary competition young authors. This book will play an important role in her life.

Katya continued to write, but switched to prose. Stormy responses were caused by her novel about the "golden" youth of Moscow, thoughtlessly burning through their lives "The Finished". But Katya writes to different genres, raising vital topics that journalists prefer to remain silent about. So one of her recent works was the novel "Kill the Internet!", Dedicated to Internet addicted people.

But nevertheless, journalism brought Katya fame. She is the author and host of many interesting radio and television programs, where she also raises sensitive topics and boldly expresses her own opinion. Katya invites political and public figures, public figures, artists to her programs and reveals to the audience the most unexpected sides.

In 2009, Katya decided to try herself as a singer and created her own rock band. The BlondROCK team quite successfully began performing at Moscow venues and even made it to the Eurovision semi-finals, but the guys did not make it to the contest itself. In 2010, they presented their debut album to the public, the songwriter for which was Katya herself.

The songs were liked not only by the audience. Katya started collaborating as an author with others famous performers. She wrote such hits as "Take Paradise", "Empty Heart", "Leave in English", etc. But singing career Katya is not developing as well as she would like. Even from the Voice program, which she got into without much difficulty, she flew out in one of the first rounds.

Katya is actively engaged social activities. She advocates for the protection of animal rights, as well as freedom of assembly and expression. In the early 2000s, Katya became interested in jurisprudence. The reason for this was the scandal between her and the producer of the series "Ranetki", which ended only in court.

Now Katya is actively fighting for the protection of children and women, and has made this the basis of her election program. She decided to run for president in defiance of her eternal opponent.

Personal life

In 2000, a 20-year-old student became a wife famous TV presenter Alexander Gordon, whom I met in one of the restaurants. There she came on a date with a young man, organized by her mother. She was very worried that her daughter, devoting all her time to studying, still had not built with anyone serious relationship. If only she knew how this meeting would turn out.

Katya herself was the first to pay attention to Gordon - she watched his programs more than once and respected this journalist very much. As an occasion for acquaintance, she gave him her collection of poems, which was always in her purse.

With Alexander Gordon

While Katya was chatting with the gentleman, Gordon managed to read poetry and suggested that the girl exchange phone numbers. And a month later he made her an offer, which Katya enthusiastically accepted.

The marriage lasted less than six years. Still, the seventeen-year age difference did its job. Katya wanted to develop, Gordon believed that, first of all, she should be a wife. And although at first he began to actively help her, when Katya's career went up sharply, he did not like such competition.

The relationship ended in a divorce, after which Katya actually remained on the street.

The second time, she was no longer in a hurry to get married. Only in 2011 Katya was ripe to become an official wife again. This time, the famous Moscow lawyer Sergei Zhorin. But this marriage lasted less than a year.

The temperament of the spouse turned out to be so hot that very soon he began to assault. The freedom-loving Katya was not going to endure this and immediately left, being pregnant.

With Sergey Zhorin

The birth of a joint son served as an occasion for reconciliation. In 2014, they even signed again, but this time family life lasted only a month. Both finally realized that they were not made for each other. Although Sergei continues to maintain relations with his son.

In the winter of 2017, Katya's fans suddenly saw on Instagram an entry that her second child was born. She did not advertise this pregnancy and for a long time hid the name of the father of the child.

Member Name: Ekaterina Gordon

Age (birthday): 19.10.1980

Moscow city

Education: Moscow Pedagogical State University

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Reading this article:

Everyone knows the story of how one of the ex-wives of Alexander Gordon categorically refused to change the surname received with him in marriage and thanks to this she began her journey to the Olympus of fame and fame.

This girl was just Katya - now a radio and TV presenter, journalist and public figure, model and singer.

Katya was born in Moscow and bore the surname Prokofiev as a girl.. Parents tried to give her the best possible education and, noticing their daughter's craving for humanities sent her to school with such a bias.

There, Katya began to write poetry and short stories, which were quite good for her age.

In high school, the girl moved to an economic school, which was related to MGIMO. Katya was making progress and many had no doubt that she would connect her life with the economy. But then the girl was able to surprise everyone - by the end of school she became interested in psychology and decided to continue moving in this direction.

To do this, she entered the Moscow State Pedagogical University. She graduated in 2002 with a red diploma.

The girl had a great future in psychology, but ... more in 2000 she married Alexander Gordon and sick cinema.

To match her husband, she enrolled in the Higher Directing Courses and began to comprehend the art of making films. It should be noted that here, too, Katya was considered one of the brightest and most promising students.

In 2006, Catherine divorced Alexander, and then the first scandal happened, which attracted public attention to her.

The fact is that in the process of divorce, Alexander Gordon asked his wife to give up his last name and regain her maiden name, but she categorically refused. Alexander repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with this fact, gave comments on this matter, which drew attention to his former life partner.

Katya at this time begins a public career. She becomes the host of the program "Cult of Personality" at the Mayak radio station and interviews well-known people in the country.

True, Katya was waiting here new scandal- in the summer of 2008, on the air with her, she allowed herself intemperance, for which she was fired. By the way, the recording of the skirmish between two scandalous personalities is still circulating on the Internet and is the basis for jokes and memes.

Despite the fact that in subsequent years, Gordon was seen as the host of radio stations Megapolis, Culture, Echo of Moscow, Silver Rain, Moscow Speaks and Russian News Service and television programs on Channel One, channels " Zvezda and O2TV, more Katya is known as a public figure. Here are some highlights of her work:

Among other things, Katya Gordon's talent pool also includes very creative areas. She is the author of several books, scripts, plays, sang in the Blondrock group, and also writes songs for famous performers.

The personal life of such a versatile character as Katya is also very entertaining. At the moment she is not married, but in addition to her marriage to Alexander Gordon behind the girl two trips to the registry office with a famous lawyer Sergei Zhorin.

Don't miss the fun:

The first time their union lasted a couple of months in 2011 and broke up due to the fact that Sergei seriously beat Katya. The second marriage happened in 2014 and also lasted only a few months, although the reason for the divorce is not known. Catherine also has a son, Daniel, she gave birth to him in 2012.

In 2016, Katya became a member of the Voice project, got into the team, but left the show after the fights.

In the fall of 2016, Ekaterina Gordon became pregnant, hides a new lover. But she showed subscribers her new three-room apartment in Moscow, where she moved with the future father of the child.

In February 2017 Katya gave birth to a son.

Photo by Catherine

The girl has a popular Instagram, more than 130 thousand subscribers.

Katya Gordon was born on October 19, 1980 in Moscow. Parents sent their daughter to a humanitarian school, where Katya, as soon as she learned grammar, began to write small works. Stories and poems are still remembered by the school and appreciate the work of the "writer". As a teenager, she tried herself as a stage director in a puppet theater.

Ekaterina Gordon, previously known to everyone as Ekaterina Prokofieva, studied at the School of Economics in high school. She studied well, the future journalist was even offered a grant for further education at the Faculty of Economics, but she refused. Katerina had other interests. The girl began to get involved in psychology and entered the Moscow State Pedagogical University at the desired faculty.

In 2002, she graduated from the university with honors, receiving a red diploma. But interest in psychology disappeared, and Prokofiev did not go to work in her specialty. Cinema became her new interest. Ekaterina began to study again, enrolling in the Higher Directing Courses.


Katya Gordon's diploma film - the short film "The Sea is Worried Once", was rejected by the artistic council due to "mocking overtones", but in 2005 the picture was nevertheless recognized at the New Cinema. 21 century".

Gordon is a versatile person. Her popularity as a radio host grew due to the large number of programs in which she participated and worked. She conducted on the radio channels "Mayak" and "Moscow Speaks". The radio presenter proved to be very charismatic.

Catherine also published her stories, which were very well appreciated by readers. “Is the president’s wife happy?”, “Kill the Internet!!!”, “States” and not only these novels were written by the writer.

She was also friends with music, although earlier in her childhood she went to a music school and did not gain success. In 2009, she created the Blond Rock group, and in 2016 she became a member of the Voice show in the fifth season. Ekaterina got into the team of Dima Bilan.

Personal life

Ekaterina Gordon was married to Alexander Gordon for 6 years. The couple broke up without a fight and high-profile scandals. It was at the time when she was married that her career took off and everyone knew her as Katya Gordon.

Lawyer Sergei Zhorin was her second and third husband. Prokofieva often complained that he beat her. The first marriage was concluded in 2011 and lasted no more than a year. In 2012, the son Daniel was born.

In 2014, she remarried a lawyer, but two months later the marriage broke up again.

Later, businessman Igor Matsanyuk proposed to the journalist in April 2017, and the couple filed an application with the registry office. The second son Seraphim was born.
