What is the next year according to the Slavic calendar. Some Calendars from previous years

Every year that comes on January 1 is dedicated to a totem animal endowed with a number of qualities that influenced nature, environment and per person.

Many centuries have passed, but the old calendars have not lost their relevance. If you know what year is coming, you can plan it, in accordance with the advice of the ancestors. The totem of the year is endowed with a power that affects the surrounding space and patronizes in business, knowing this, you can get the maximum benefit.

The horoscope is compiled taking into account the date of birth of a person, calculations are carried out in a hexadecimal number system. The calendar among the Slavs was called the Svarog Circle, the year was divided into 16 chambers, that is, months. The hall consisted of 9 halls, and the hall of 9 tables and 72 benches for women and men, with a total capacity of 760 seats. Incredible, like our ancestors, without proper knowledge in astronomy, physics, astrology. Geometry and computer science, managed to make such accurate calculations.

Each place is patronized by different heavenly bodies, illuminating and illuminating with a special light. Each day has its own patron, that is, a totem animal. Each patron has his own character, which becomes stronger or weaker depending on the month in which the person was born and in which decade the heavenly bodies.

What year is 2019 Slavic calendar?

According to the Slavic calendar, 2019 is the year of the Soaring Eagle, a large bird that reigns over all other birds. He is very strong, brave and possesses huge force will, is a symbol of courage, freedom and insight! The eagle can fly straight to the sun without burning its wings; the Slavs attributed to it the qualities of the brightest star. Fair, but is an excellent hunter who does not know pity for his prey. To become a victim of a soaring eagle is an unenviable fate, tenacious claws, a sharp beak leave no chance. Everyone who stands in the way of an eagle is at great risk, especially if he puts up obstacles.

Those born in 1955, 2003, 1987 were lucky - this year they will be able to catch Lady Fortune by the tail, they will be lucky in all their affairs and undertakings! A particularly successful period will begin in the spring.

Russia will raise its wings and from 2019 dynamic changes will begin on the world stage, where we will be heard and the way will be opened.

Eagles, what are they?

The qualities of an eagle affect people, especially if he was born under his auspices. With the advent of the new year, hold on to such people, they are loyal, courageous and do not betray. Best friends for whom friendship is not an empty phrase, but for the sake of their family and love they are ready for anything. Shy, a little changeable, proud, harsh and ruthless when it comes to the violation of justice and meanness. Such people cannot be manipulated, it is impossible to dictate their terms to them, for them freedom is life. Excellent intuition, clairvoyance and imaginary ability to avoid trouble. Collected, purposeful, proud and honest, they easily achieve success and conquer new heights.

Hardworking, persistent and honest, ready to do anything to achieve their goal, completely sweeping away all obstacles in their path. It is impossible to intrigue such people, they do not know pity for vile and deceitful flatterers.

Most often, those born in the year of the Soaring Eagle work in the military sphere, become outstanding scientists and doctors. They are sweet, good-natured, sympathetic, but this does not prevent them from being leaders and leading others, they are always responsible for their words.

Characteristics of the year and what to expect from 2019?

A wise and strong bird will come to the aid of everyone who needs help, the eagle will give strength to everyone, but will severely punish for lies and meanness.

If you were born under a different totem, expect a change.

Those born in the year of the Dark Plow inherited courage and a strong character, it is for them that the year will be especially successful, since the elk and the eagle get along well. They will be able to open their own business and meet the love of their life, overcome themselves, dispel doubts and follow the destined path.

Those born in the year of the Stinging Hornet have a sharp and flexible mind, they are active and inquisitive. With enthusiasm, they take on any business and go to the intended goal. The coming year promises them promotion at work and good luck in finances.

Money will go into the hands and literally stick to the hornets, the main thing is to properly dispose of them. Biting, sharp tongue and cunning - all these qualities given at birth to such people will help in achieving goals.

Those born under the auspices of a wolf (totem Lurking Lut) are fearless and smart, but their character is soft and their temper is meek. They know how to create the illusion of a strong and strong-willed person, hiding their true nature. In this case, they become sharp, rude and do not tolerate lies, in difficult situation they concentrate and can stand up for their honor or the weak. The coming year brings them success in work and personal life.

But foxes should give up the habit of cheating. Then the coming 2019 will be successful and bring many achievements.

Fire pin. People of this sign easily find a way out of any situation, but their mood is changeable, like the weather in the northern capital. It happens that proteins become depressed. The eagle will help them climb up career ladder, but it will be easier to relate to failures and behave more calmly.

Make all decisions carefully and do not rush into the pool with your head, falling in love can turn out to be a fleeting attraction, nothing more.

Gold-horned tours are more likely than anyone else to meet the love of their life.

For Pike and Bearded Toads, the eagle prepared colossal changes in his personal life. You can meet the love of your life and find true happiness. Those who are already in a relationship are given the chance to fall in love with their spouse again.

All signs and totems in the coming year need to be more attentive to their health. The eagle is an energetic bird, but not every organism can physically work at a frantic pace, take care of yourself.

It is not superfluous for wild boars to undergo a comprehensive examination. Such people are very smart, wise and fearless. The desire to build a career can play bad joke with the body, overwork and chronic fatigue are the least that threatens you if you do not take care of your health.

People who are patronized by the Screaming Rooster will be able to achieve success if they listen to advice. But only good, and only close people.

Snakes need to prioritize properly. There will be many in 2019 different offers and you have to make a choice.

Visiting doctors is also worthwhile for those whose totem is the White Owl or Curled Hedgehog. They are more active at night than during the day, it is difficult for them to adapt to someone else's schedule or plans. They achieve success in any field, subject to a free work schedule. But it takes a toll on health.

Do not forget that you will not earn all the money, you do not need to drive and work to the detriment of health.

Horses should spend more time with family and friends. Perhaps they hold some grudges against you, and it's time to dispel them.

All in all, this year will be dynamic. It is good for career and achievement of goals. Only in this pursuit of goals, do not forget about loved ones. They will miss you while you are in business and work all day long.

Spiders can also achieve a lot in the new year. You just need to accept someone else's help in time.

In general, 2019 will be a good year for those who are moving towards their goals, climbing the career ladder or just moving forward. A soaring eagle will help you achieve your dreams, just put in a little effort.

The ancient Slavs worshiped pagan gods, giving each of them special qualities. Their life was very strongly connected with nature and all its manifestations. It is no coincidence that the Slavic calendar was based on long-term observations of changes in nature and the entire animal world. Each year passed under the sign of a certain totem animal with special qualities. According to beliefs, they influenced not only the environment, but also the person.

All calculations of the old calendar continue to be relevant in modern times. Knowing which animal is according to the Slavic calendar 2019, it will be possible to more carefully plan affairs and relationships for the coming period.

The characteristics of the patron sign correspond to the natural manifestations of one of the deities, their strength and influence on everything around. ancient horoscope was compiled according to the dates of birth of a person and years in the hexadecimal number system.

Svarog circle or summer (year) was divided into 16 chambers (months), each in turn was divided into 9 halls. In one hall there were 9 tables, 72 benches for women and men, where 760 seats fit. A certain place in the Svarog Circle was under the influence of heavenly bodies, which had a special influence, illuminating them with radiant light.

Thus, every day and every year they had their patron - an animal totem, the character of which is strengthened or weakened depending on the place of the Star, Sun, Earth or Moon, ruling during this period. As a result of the movement of heavenly bodies, the symbols of the patrons in certain years can affect the fate of people in different ways.

According to the calculations of the Slavic calendar, 2019 will be held under the auspices of the strong and wise Soaring Eagle. It will be especially successful for people born in its year: 1939, 1955, 1971, 1987, 2003 and 2019. It will become the main totem for the whole coming summer - from the day of the spring equinox on March 21-22 to March 15-16 next year. Next comes the period of InterTime, which is not affected by the influence of any totem.

Characteristics of the patron totem

The Soaring Eagle is the king of birds, possessing a firm, bold character and great willpower. He personifies courage, insight and freedom. It is believed that only an eagle can soar high to the sun itself, therefore, all the qualities of this heavenly body are often attributed to it. However, it should be noted that the eagle is not only majestic and noble, but also an excellent hunter, mercilessly attacking his prey. Anyone who gets in his way is in mortal danger.

All the qualities that this strong, courageous bird possesses have a huge impact on people born under its auspices. They are good and faithful friends ready to do anything for love. The character is slightly changeable, proud, in some cases it can be sharp. Such people cannot be manipulated, they do not succumb to persuasion and especially do not like dictatorship from outside. Their foresight allows them to sometimes predict the future and avoid impending troubles.

In business, they are usually collected and purposeful, often achieving career heights. They are distinguished by diligence and perseverance, ready to make considerable efforts to achieve what they want. There are no obstacles that can prevent them from achieving their goal. Among them are many pioneers and military, surgeons and scientists. Good-natured and friendly, which does not prevent them from showing their leading qualities.

Forecast for 2019

Eagle- a wise and kind bird that is ready to help all those in need. The patron gives additional strength and determination in any actions to everyone born in his year, as well as to other signs. He will always come to the rescue or, without hesitation, will punish for an offense. Those who were born under the auspices of other totems will face many changes:

  • People born in 1912, 1928, 1944, 1960, 1976, 1992 and 2008 are under the patronage Dark Sokh (Moose). They have a strong and courageous character. They are curious and constantly moving forward. An excellent alliance with the Eagle, if their goals are the same. The Dark Soh rarely finds like-minded people, and only the Soaring Eagle can truly appreciate his bold character. In the year of the Eagle, he can achieve a lot if he makes an effort to overcome his doubts.
  • Stinging Hornet- active and inquisitive people. They have excellent memory and intuition. They are always ready to take on any new business and are ready to go to any tricks in order to succeed. All those who were born under the auspices of the Hornet (1929-1945-1961-1977-1993) in the year of the Eagle can count on promotion and good luck in all financial affairs. However, it should be noted that the causticity and sharpness inherent in them from birth can become a hindrance.
  • Lurking Lute(Earth element) is the patron of people born in 1930-1946-1962-1978-1994. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by strength and fearlessness, while they have a soft and secretive character. They skillfully pretend and may not show their real temper for a long time. If this happens, they are sharp and do not give anyone a descent. hallmark character is their ability to quickly concentrate and stand up for themselves. In the year of the Eagle, they will be successful in business, provided that they are not unnecessarily demanding of others.
  • Fiery Veksha (Squirrel)- crafty, always relying only on himself. People born in 1931-1947-1963-1979-1995 can instantly focus and find a way out of a difficult situation. A weak feature is mood swings, often leading to depression. In 2019, when the Eagle is the patron, they can achieve a promotion if they make an effort and are more relaxed about failures.
  • Pearl Pike- the patron of all people who were born in 1931-1947-1963-1979-1995. They rarely get into awkward situations. They have a calm, balanced character, they are always frank in communication and do not hide anything. One of the most conservative signs. In 2019, prosperity and stability await all Pikes. Bachelors can have a strong family.
  • bearded toad is the patron saint of naturally wise and neat people born in 1933-1949-1965-1981-1997. They are meticulous and meticulous. The most hospitable hosts who will be glad to any guest. A distinctive feature of character is the desire for stability, not the desire for change and love for one's own comfort. They always know what they want from life, and in the year of the Eagle they can easily accomplish this.
  • Wild (Boar) Boar- a totem for the fearless and smart people who were born in 1934-1950-1966-1982-1998. They are always ready to help and fight back the enemy. If interested, we are ready to achieve great success in business and career. The most suitable professions are: military science and medicine. In the year of the Eagle, they will be able to achieve stunning results if they set the right goal.
  • White Owl (air element, years: 1935-1951-1967-1983-1999). People of this sign prefer to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. They make excellent journalists and writers, as well as those who prefer a free work schedule. The eagle owl is calm and withdrawn, often possesses psychic abilities. With the help of a strong assistant and a faithful reliable friend, they will be able to achieve good results. In the year of the Eagle, many surprises await them.
  • Hissing Already knows and owns the mystery of world harmony. That is why people born in 1936-1952-1968-1984-2000 have an analytical mindset. This year they will be successful in any endeavors, if they do not relax and act according to the previously abandoned plan.
  • crouching fox- people born 1937-1953-1969-1985-2001. In the year of the Eagle, he will be able to achieve his goal if he gives up his habit of weaving intrigues. The cunning and cunning inherent in this sign can do harm.
  • Curled Hedgehog- Loyal and reliable friend. Under the auspices of the Eagle, he will be able to succeed in love. Despite the noisy and fussy nature, people born in 1938-1954-1970-1986-2002 are very reverent about any business they undertake and always bring it to the end.
  • Spinning (Evil Spider) Mizgir. Born in 1940-1956-1972-1988-2004, they do not like being alone. In the year of the Soaring Eagle, they can achieve a promotion if they do not refuse help.
  • Screaming rooster patronizes people born in 1941-1957-1973-1989-2005. A sharp, fussy and hasty nature does not prevent them from taking leadership positions and achieving career success. They love children and always consider their family to be the main value. Many pleasant surprises await them this year. If they are not guided by emotions, but accept useful advice from loved one will be able to realize their most daring plan.
  • Golden Horned Bull (Tour)- a sign of those who were lucky enough to be born in 1942-1958-1974-1990-2006. Kind and bright people in whom a romantic and a sharp, dangerous pragmatist coexist harmoniously. Tour will be rewarded in 2019 if he manages to compromise.
  • Fireman Horse patronized in 1943-1959-1975-1991-2007 Very brave, brave and active people. They love to take the best out of life. Among them are many travelers and athletes, brave rescuers and firefighters. Under the sign of the Eagle, they will finally be able to achieve the goal towards which they have been going for a long time.

In general, 2019 promises to be calm and does not promise any drastic changes. The soaring eagle will be favorable to all who move forward. It's time to fulfill your most incredible dreams, even if it takes a lot of effort.

Video about the Slavic horoscope

Our distant ancestors, the Slavs, were pagans. They believed in gods, each of which had some power and patronized someone: travelers, artisans, farmers, and so on. And the life of the ancient Slavs was connected with nature in all its manifestations. Even calendars were compiled taking into account the experience of ancestors, legends and tales. They closely monitored changes in the behavior of animals and, based on their statistics, made predictions and horoscopes.

But it's coming very soon New Year(according to the Slavic calendar in the spring, but this is also just around the corner), and therefore the old totem will leave and a new one will come. The patron of 2018 was the Curled Hedgehog, and 2019 is the year of the Soaring Eagle according to the Slavic calendar. About him and will be discussed.

Slavic totem horoscope

Each year was dedicated to a totem animal endowed with a number of qualities that influenced nature, the environment and humans.

Many centuries have passed, but the old calendars have not lost their relevance. If you know what year is coming, you can plan it, in accordance with the advice of the ancestors. The totem of the year is endowed with a power that affects the surrounding space and patronizes in business, knowing this, you can get the maximum benefit.

The horoscope is compiled taking into account the date of birth of a person, calculations are carried out in a hexadecimal number system. The calendar among the Slavs was called the Svarog Circle, the year was divided into 16 chambers, that is, months. The hall consisted of 9 halls, and the hall of 9 tables and 72 benches for women and men, with a total capacity of 760 seats. Incredible, like our ancestors, without proper knowledge in astronomy, physics, astrology. Geometry and computer science, managed to make such accurate calculations.

Eagles what are they?

The qualities of an eagle affect people, especially if he was born under his auspices. With the advent of the new year, hold on to such people, they are loyal, courageous and do not betray. Best friends for whom friendship is not an empty phrase, but for the sake of their family and love they are ready for anything. Shy, a little changeable, proud, harsh and ruthless when it comes to the violation of justice and meanness.

Such people are not amenable to manipulation, it is impossible to dictate their terms to them, for them freedom is life. Excellent intuition, clairvoyance and imaginary ability to avoid trouble. Collected, purposeful, proud and honest, they easily achieve success and conquer new heights.

Hardworking, persistent and honest, ready to do anything to achieve their goal, completely sweeping away all obstacles in their path. It is impossible to intrigue such people, they do not know pity for vile and deceitful flatterers.

Most often, those born in the year of the Soaring Eagle work in the military sphere, become outstanding scientists and doctors. They are sweet, good-natured, sympathetic, but this does not prevent them from being leaders and leading others, they are always responsible for their words.

Characteristics of the year and what to expect from 2019

A wise and strong bird will come to the aid of everyone who needs help, the eagle will give strength to everyone, but will severely punish for lies and meanness.

If you were born under a different totem, expect a change.

Born in the year of the Dark Plow inherited courage and strong character from their totem, it is for them that the year will be especially successful, since the elk and the eagle get along well. They will be able to open their own business and meet the love of their life, overcome themselves, dispel doubts and follow the destined path.

Those born in the year of the Stinging Hornet have a sharp and flexible mind, they are active and inquisitive. With enthusiasm, they take on any business and go to the intended goal. The coming year promises them promotion at work and good luck in finances.

Money will go into the hands and literally stick to the hornets, the main thing is to properly dispose of them. Bitingness, a sharp tongue and cunning - all these qualities given at birth to such people will help in achieving goals.

Born under the auspices of the wolf(Totem Lurking Lut) are fearless and smart, but their character is soft, and their temper is meek. They know how to create the illusion of a strong and strong-willed person, hiding their true nature. In this case, they become sharp, rude and do not tolerate lies, in a difficult situation they concentrate and can stand up for their honor or the weak. The coming year brings them success in work and personal life.

And here foxes it is worth giving up the habit of cheating. Then the coming 2019 will be successful and bring many achievements.

Fire pin. People of this sign easily find a way out of any situation, but their mood is changeable, like the weather in the northern capital. It happens that proteins become depressed. The eagle will help them climb the career ladder, but it will be necessary to take failures easier and behave more calmly.

Make all decisions carefully and do not rush into the pool with your head, falling in love can turn out to be a fleeting attraction, nothing more.

Golden Horn Tours may be more likely than anyone else to meet the love of their life.

For pikes and bearded toads, the eagle prepared huge changes in his personal life. You can meet the love of your life and find true happiness.

Those who are already in a relationship are given the chance to fall in love with their spouse again.

All signs and totems in the coming year need to be more attentive to their health. The eagle is an energetic bird, but not every organism can physically work at a frantic pace, take care of yourself.

wild boar It will not be superfluous to undergo a comprehensive examination. Such people are very smart, wise and fearless. The desire to build a career can play a cruel joke on the body, overwork and chronic fatigue are the least that threatens you if you don’t take care of your health.

People who are patronized by the Screaming Rooster will be able to achieve success if they listen to advice. But only good, and only close people.

Uzham should be properly prioritized. In 2019, there will be many different offers, and you will have to make a choice.

It is also worth visiting doctors for those whose totem is Bscarlet owl or WITHreturned hedgehog. They are more active at night than during the day, it is difficult for them to adapt to someone else's schedule or plans. They achieve success in any field, subject to a free work schedule. But it takes a toll on health.

Do not forget that you will not earn all the money, you do not need to drive and work to the detriment of health.

Horses more time to spend with family and friends. Perhaps they hold some grudges against you, and it's time to dispel them.

All in all, this year will be dynamic. It is good for career and achievement of goals. Only in this pursuit of goals, do not forget about loved ones. They will miss you while you are in business and work all day long.

Spiders can also achieve a lot in the new year. You just need to accept someone else's help in time.

In general, 2019 will be a good year for those who are moving towards their goals, climbing the career ladder or just moving forward. A soaring eagle will help you achieve your dreams, just put in a little effort.

firmly entered our lives oriental symbols and horoscopes, which practically replaced the original Russian traditions and customs. It has already become the norm to associate every year with some representative of the animal world, according to the Chinese calendar. But it was not always so. Our distant ancestors lived according to the Slavic calendar. The basis for its compilation were astronomical objects and periodically repeating natural phenomena, such as a frozen river in the jelly, blooming foliage in flowering or a ripe harvest in a sickle.

The life of the Slavs was based on harmony with nature, and each year had its own totem patron in the form of an animal. The totem was endowed with special strength and abilities, which were reflected in legends, rituals and the Slavic calendar. Under the sign of what animal will 2019 come to us?

New Year 2019 is coming very soon. By Eastern calendar it will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. But according to the Slavic calendar, the New Year 2019 will be the year of the Soaring Eagle.

The soaring eagle is the embodiment of wisdom, freedom and good luck. The ancient Slavs believed that the year patronized by the Soaring Eagle is very important. life stage for every person. They tried to get the most out of this year's experience.

Experts have made a forecast for the New 2019 Year of the Soaring Eagle. Thanks to this forecast, you can already find out what this year promises you in the main areas of life.

New 2019 Year of the Soaring Eagle according to the Slavic calendar - financial sphere

It is the financial sector that promises to be the most productive in 2019. At the same time, it is extremely important to remember that, first of all, you need to rely only on your own strength. It will also be important to be able to correctly assess the situation and your capabilities. Under these conditions, you can achieve great heights and career development in the year of the Soaring Eagle.

2019 is favorable for finding a job or changing the type of activity. If you feel that something does not suit you, do not be afraid of change, look for new sources of income.

Also, the New 2019 Year of the Soaring Eagle is great for large investments and expensive acquisitions. You can safely buy or change a car or property, repair.

The Soaring Eagle loves life and movement, so do not stay in one place, act. After all, even folk wisdom says that water does not flow under a lying stone. Therefore, if you want to achieve financial success in 2019, be active and dynamic.

New 2019 Year of the Soaring Eagle according to the Slavic calendar - love and relationships

It may seem a little strange, but in the year of the Soaring Eagle, it will be much easier and easier for single people to achieve their desires. This is due to the fact that free people do not need to listen and take into account the opinion of their soulmate, no one distracts them, and they purposefully move forward. But, as already known, the Soaring Eagle is a symbol of wisdom. And if you have the wisdom to properly allocate time and listen to the opinion of your loved one, then you will succeed. After all, the year of the Soaring Eagle is unique in that it is a time when you can do everything and everyone.

Experts note that in the New Year 2019 it will be difficult for people to make contact and rapprochement. Everyone will have an irresistible desire to maintain self-sufficiency and independence, because the Eagle represents complete freedom. Therefore, if it seems to you that the people around you are trying to drive you into some kind of framework or impose stereotypes, feel free to get rid of these relationships. Don't let anyone instill self-doubt in you. But if you are lucky enough to meet a congenial person, try not to miss your luck. Relationships started in the year of the Soaring Eagle will be strong and long lasting.

New 2019 Year of the Soaring Eagle according to the Slavic calendar - health

The most important thing is positive attitude And positive thinking in the year of the Soaring Eagle. In this case, you will be able to avoid many health problems. After all, as you know, many diseases are caused by anger, envy, hatred and others. negative traits character.

The mood in the New Year of the Soaring Eagle 2019 will be quite stable. Positive emotions can be drawn through hobbies, sports, creativity and other hobbies. Also great sources positive emotions are hiking, cycling, rest outside the city.

In order for long-distance trips to be successful and help you recharge with positive, it is better to plan them starting from the middle of the New Year 2019. At the beginning of the year, you should not go far. If you want changes, you can change the situation in the apartment, look for new work, update your wardrobe, but do not leave your usual place.

The influence of the Soaring Eagle on human life

Our ancestors believed that a totem animal, becoming a companion of a person, protects, influences fate and character throughout life path- from birth to death.

Characteristics of the sign

Born under this sign talented people with an extremely strong and proud character. They are ambitious, self-confident, obsessed with ideas and achieve their goals by all means. Eagle people are innovators and reformers who are not afraid to go on the most seemingly insane experiments, although decisions are always made deliberately. As a result, they clearly know what they want to receive and never miss the opportunities that life provides them.

Such people are able to show diplomatic flexibility, although they do not tolerate dictatorships and manipulations, but they themselves are not at all averse to disposing of them. Eagles are born logicians with a cold mind and excellent memory. They make authoritative leaders and managers, especially in such areas as business, science, and politics. By their example, they demonstrate to others that with the desire and effort, brilliant results can always be achieved. Eagles are good and loyal friends, and they always “fight” openly with opponents.

Although the eagle is free-spirited, the family always comes first. Indeed, in nature, eagle pairs remain faithful for for long years and only death separates them. They will never refuse to help their loved ones. Often, eagle people have the ability to foresee.

What to expect in 2019

All year the Soaring Eagle will rule wisely and justly. Its influence will favorably affect all spheres of life, especially business and personal. Many may feel the urge to move forward in spite of the obstacles. If you distribute forces correctly, you can get the maximum benefit, and many doors will open for the most purposeful and hardworking. This period is favorable for creating a family and realizing the most cherished desires.

Of course, the eagle totem can only patronize - show the way, suggest what to beware of, give you the opportunity to prove yourself, but how 2019 will turn out depends only on us.

Forecast for 2019

Eagle- a wise and kind bird that is ready to help all those in need. The patron gives additional strength and determination in any actions to everyone born in his year, as well as to other signs. He will always come to the rescue or, without hesitation, will punish for an offense. Those who were born under the auspices of other totems will face many changes:

  • People born in 1912, 1928, 1944, 1960, 1976, 1992 and 2008 are under the patronage Dark Sokh (Moose). They have a strong and courageous character. They are curious and constantly moving forward. An excellent alliance with the Eagle, if their goals are the same. The Dark Soh rarely finds like-minded people, and only the Soaring Eagle can truly appreciate his bold character. In the year of the Eagle, he can achieve a lot if he makes an effort to overcome his doubts.
  • Stinging Hornet- active and inquisitive people. They have excellent memory and intuition. They are always ready to take on any new business and are ready to go to any tricks in order to succeed. All those who were born under the auspices of the Hornet (1929-1945-1961-1977-1993) in the year of the Eagle can count on promotion and good luck in all financial matters. However, it should be noted that the causticity and sharpness inherent in them from birth can become a hindrance.
  • Lurking Lute(Earth element) is the patron of people born in 1930-1946-1962-1978-1994. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by strength and fearlessness, while they have a soft and secretive character. They skillfully pretend and may not show their real temper for a long time. If this happens, they are sharp and do not give anyone a descent. A distinctive feature of character is their ability to quickly concentrate and stand up for themselves. In the year of the Eagle, they will be successful in business, provided that they are not unnecessarily demanding of others.
  • Fiery Veksha (Squirrel)- crafty, always relying only on himself. People born in 1931-1947-1963-1979-1995 can instantly focus and find a way out of a difficult situation. A weak feature is mood swings, often leading to depression. In 2019, when the Eagle is the patron, they can achieve a promotion if they make an effort and are more relaxed about failures.
  • Pearl Pike- the patron of all people who were born in 1931-1947-1963-1979-1995. They rarely get into awkward situations. They have a calm, balanced character, they are always frank in communication and do not hide anything. One of the most conservative signs. In 2019, prosperity and stability await all Pikes. Bachelors can have a strong family.
  • bearded toad is the patron saint of naturally wise and neat people born in 1933-1949-1965-1981-1997. They are meticulous and meticulous. The most hospitable hosts who will be glad to any guest. A distinctive feature of character is the desire for stability, not the desire for change and love for one's own comfort. They always know what they want from life, and in the year of the Eagle they can easily accomplish this.
  • Wild (Boar) Boar- a totem for fearless and smart people who were born in 1934-1950-1966-1982-1998. They are always ready to help and fight back the enemy. If interested, we are ready to achieve great success in business and career. The most suitable professions are: military science and medicine. In the year of the Eagle, they will be able to achieve stunning results if they set the right goal.
  • White Owl(air element, years: 1935-1951-1967-1983-1999). People of this sign prefer to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. They make excellent journalists and writers, as well as those who prefer a free work schedule. Owl is calm and withdrawn, often possesses psychic abilities. With the help of a strong assistant and a faithful reliable friend, they will be able to achieve good results. In the year of the Eagle, many surprises await them.
  • Hissing Already knows and owns the mystery of world harmony. That is why people born in 1936-1952-1968-1984-2000 have an analytical mindset. This year they will be successful in any endeavors, if they do not relax and act according to the previously abandoned plan.
  • crouching fox- people born 1937-1953-1969-1985-2001. In the year of the Eagle, he will be able to achieve his goal if he gives up his habit of weaving intrigues. The cunning and cunning inherent in this sign can do harm.
  • Curled Hedgehog- loyal and reliable friend. Under the auspices of the Eagle, he will be able to succeed in love. Despite the noisy and fussy nature, people born in 1938-1954-1970-1986-2002 are very reverent about any business they undertake and always bring it to the end.
  • Spinning (Evil Spider) Mizgir. Born in 1940-1956-1972-1988-2004, they do not like being alone. In the year of the Soaring Eagle, they can achieve a promotion if they do not refuse help.
  • Screaming rooster patronizes people born in 1941-1957-1973-1989-2005. A sharp, fussy and hasty nature does not prevent them from taking leadership positions and achieving career success. They love children and always consider their family to be the main value. Many pleasant surprises await them this year. If they are not guided by emotions, but take good advice from a loved one, they will be able to realize their most daring plan.
  • Golden Horned Bull (Tour)- a sign of those who were lucky enough to be born in 1942-1958-1974-1990-2006. Kind and bright people in whom a romantic and a sharp, dangerous pragmatist coexist harmoniously. Tour will be rewarded in 2019 if he manages to compromise.
  • Fireman Horse patronized in 1943-1959-1975-1991-2007 Very brave, brave and active people. They love to take the best out of life. Among them are many travelers and athletes, brave rescuers and firefighters. Under the sign of the Eagle, they will finally be able to achieve the goal towards which they have been going for a long time.

In general, 2019 promises to be calm and does not promise any drastic changes. The soaring eagle will be favorable to all who move forward. It's time to fulfill your most incredible dreams, even if it takes a lot of effort.

Very soon, almost the whole world will celebrate new year 2019.

Each nation has its own traditions, customs and customs. They are united by the fact that this holiday is always celebrated on a grand scale, noisily, cheerfully, there is a feeling of unity between people that arises during this period due to the fact that everyone has an anticipation of something new happy and joyful in their souls.

Children especially love the celebration of the New Year, because this holiday is associated with a huge number of gifts, as well as with everyone's favorite tradition of decorating the Christmas tree.

2019 Year of the Soaring Eagle

By According to the Slavic calendar, the coming year 2019 is the year of the Soaring Eagle. The eagle is a noble, courageous and very strong bird that will certainly bring change, especially for those born this year. Based on the qualities of this majestic bird, we will have a favorable impact on all areas of life, especially personal and business ones. Most will feel a burning desire to move forward, fulfill themselves and develop, even if they have to overcome obstacles.

The most hardworking and purposeful will be rewarded. The implementation of the biggest projects and plans, grandiose ideas will be possible this year. The coming year is a year of unprecedented opportunities, which should not be neglected. Any undertakings aimed at unification and coalition will be successful. It's just not profitable to be single this year.

Of course, this time is conducive to the creation of a family and the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. The eagle will patronize and show the way. This is the time of the most risky personalities, even the bravest adventurers can be at the top. Perseverance and perseverance are the most sought-after attributes of this year.

The Khlopni.ru company strongly recommends being active, as uncontrolled laziness can provoke depression and further health problems. But leisure, sports and travel will bring development and positive into your life.

How did our ancestors celebrate the New Year?

It is worth noting that the New Year was not always celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1.

It is still not known for certain what day the New Year was celebrated before the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. We only know that earlier this holiday was called "New Year". It can be assumed that the New Year was celebrated when summer came, namely: June 21-22, during the summer solstice.

According to another version, the New Year was celebrated on September 14 (September 1, according to the old style). By this time, the harvest was already over, and the time for celebrations, weddings and matchmaking began. The New Year symbolizes the beginning of a new life cycle, was celebrated on a grand scale: people went to visit each other, exchanged wishes and gifts, a rich table was set for the holiday. In addition, it was believed that one should enter the New Year forgiven, without offense and without debt. It was a good sign to move to new house for the holiday.

On the eve, our ancestors always went around their fields, where they sang, danced, uttered phrases for a good harvest in the new year. This rite was accompanied by unrestrained fun and jokes.

On the last evening of the year, it was customary to extinguish the fire in the furnace, after which a whole ceremony was held to light a new fire. In case it quickly flared up, the year should have been happy.

T our ancestors also celebrated the winter fun party, similar to the current New Year, called Kolyada. This holiday fell on the period of the winter solstice - on December 22.

The Slavs believed that on this day the old sun dies, and a new sun is born instead. This is due to the fact that this day is the shortest of the year. Ancient pagan carols glorified the new sun and wished for good and light. And on the night of December 23, the Slavs also set the table, dressed best clothes, guessed and sang.

In addition, it was customary to conduct a ceremony to burn a large log, symbolizing the old sun and all that is bad. And now we're all lighting New Year's fireworks

We should not forget about the traditions that have evolved over the years and that our ancestors honored hundreds of years ago.

The life of the ancient Slavs was closely connected with nature, hence the worship of pagan gods. Each god symbolized some natural phenomenon (the god of the sun, rain, fertility, etc.). So the Slavic calendar is based on long-term observations of natural phenomena and wildlife.

Surprisingly, according to the Slavic calendar, the cycle consists of 16, and not 12 years, as we used to calculate. Every year passes under the auspices of a totem animal endowed with certain qualities.

Totem patron animals

Based on this calendar, it was possible to point out the strengths and weaknesses of a person born in the year of a particular animal, draw up his horoscope, and also predict the future.

So totem animals are: Dark Sokh (Moose) - a swift and proud discoverer; The Stinging Hornet (Wasp) is an active and fussy leader; The lurking Lut (Wolf) is a generous and patient guardian of order; Fiery Veshka (Squirrel) - light and agile slicker; Pearl Pike is a calm and confident conservative; Bearded Toad - a wise and thrifty owner; Wild Boar is a fearless and intelligent hero; White Owl - a closed and suspicious modest; Hissing Already - a practical and efficient pragmatist; Crouching Fox - a mysterious and dexterous cunning; The Curled Hedgehog is an unpredictable and fussy pedant; The Soaring Eagle is a bold and aristocratic idealist; Spinning Mizgir (Spider) - power-hungry and sensitive guardian of traditions; The Screaming Rooster is a blunt and ambitious upstart; Golden-horned Tur (Bull) - good-natured and hardy stubborn; Fireman Horse is an active and courageous traveler.

Despite the fact that at present we are accustomed to living according to the Chinese calendar, it is necessary to know and honor the traditions and history of our own people, because even when establishing and describing each totem animal, more than one generation of Slavs participated, observing natural phenomena and animals, comparing natural events and inner world person.

What calendar will you use to celebrate the New Year 2019?

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